Array ( [name] => AO3 Work - A Better Life [uri] => [icon] => [donationUri] => [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 65. Book 3: Consequences [timestamp] => 1714860000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 65: Book 3: Consequences



Chapter Text

The cold air of the interrogation room was disturbed in a huff of movement. The door opened on silent hinges and slammed shut on the same. Hermione winced as the sound reverberated against her eardrums in a painful bash. She collected herself, huffed displeasure. She was certain that was something designed to intimidate those within, push them off balance before the interrogation began.

If she was right, then it hadn’t succeeded. How could it? There was precious little that the Ministry could threaten her with, and most of it wasn’t something she was afraid of. Fear would come later when they finally answered to Voldemort for what she’d done and who she’d killed.

Even that potentiality was hard to make concrete within her mind. What did his displeasure matter? Their plans would continue apace regardless of the punishment doled out. And she was sure he’d punish her, if not Bellatrix as well. 

It wouldn’t stop them. They’d set an engine of change in motion, chugging along even without their involvement.

So fine; she was stuck in the depths of the Ministry to answer for the crime of helping.


The door swung open and shut again, Moody’s face a livid red as he sat across from them.

“That was reckless, Black. Mind telling me what was running through your head? The Aurors had it under control, damage sewing shut, and then to their wide eyes up goes a bolt of green. It wasn’t one of theirs, no, they’re all trained to kill but protocol is to capture. You know, so we have information on the who and the why. So please do tell me, girls,” he thumbed his fist against the desk, chair screeching beneath him as he leaned back, “What exactly were you thinking?”

Bellatrix scoffed from her seat beside Hermione, shifting restlessly as the little strings of their vows and her curse lit up. She guessed it was anger; Bellatrix’s ire at what she’d done unprompted, at having to be here again, and the lack of any suitable sense to it all.

“It seemed like the right thing to do,” Hermione finally answered.

Not the correct answer.

His eyebrows rose, and his rough-looking grimace turned sour and unpleasant as he stared her down.

“So you’ve gone daft then? You’re on the radar now, no matter if your actions were directed at helping anyone. The Canadian wife of a prominent witch who has had family sympathies best described as archaic, worst as actively hostile to the current climate. You’ve killed someone in the middle of the night amidst a terrorist attack. Your little activities to help the Order are in jeopardy; you’ve a target on your back. People will be asking questions.”

“What of it?” Bellatrix leaned forward and speared Hermione with a dark look before settling back. “She managed to down one of the lunatics attacking the alley. We can spin that here and when reporting to Dumbledore or Voldemort. I didn’t see any Aurors stepping up to wrangle them, just fix the damage. Now you’ve a lead, even if it’s just a body.”

“Except that your wife used an Unforgivable, which you’ll happen to know is named as such for a reason.”

“So?” Bellatrix laughed, “It’s a clear case of self-defence and in those cases-”

Hermione rigidly snapped away from whatever languid fugue had been holding her still. This miasma had been ever-present since their task from Voldemort was made known, exacerbated by their blooding and reinforced by how nothing seemed to happen. But for just a moment it fell away from her eyes and she felt fully awake in what seemed like weeks.

“Where’s Lincoln,” she interrupted them.

They both spared her a glance and shrugged. The confusion on Bellatrix’s face turned to something dour and the disregard on Moody’s solidified into disdain.

“Okay,” Hermione began. “Moody, we’ll both refrain from further comment until Lincoln is present. Owl or Patronus, whatever it is you think best to contact him.”

A stop-gap.

Just enough of an intermediary to make sure they didn’t spill anything too ridiculous. 

Moody might have orders from Dumbledore but Hermione knew his attitude. If Moody could get them on a charge, he would, if only to prove his paranoia right. This wasn’t the man she remembered from her own time; this one was brash and young, zealous in service to his cause.

Surprise coloured her face when he gruffed out an agreement. A quick exchange of contact information and he was off, wandering from the room to follow through on her request.

When they were alone again, Hermione leaned against Bellatrix and mewled happily when the witch wrapped her in a hug. There was still a raw sting from their bonds, a dash of electricity that said they hadn’t resolved this.


“I don’t know why,” Hermione answered. “I just saw them there and I needed to do something. We’ve been running in circles for weeks now. No movement to get our Masteries; we’re not done with his request, no further movement on Horcruxes. Stagnant. And I don’t know how to deal with this stress. I’m sorry, Bella. I just acted.”

“This will sound obvious in hindsight, but I think we need a Mind-Healer.”

That wasn’t at all something Hermione had expected her to say. She hadn’t even thought of it. The words, accompanied by a lessening of the burn between them, a flash of conviction, said it was true.

It was something they should have addressed ages ago.

“We should have found one for ourselves as soon as we left Hogwarts,” Bellatrix continued. “They can be sworn to secrecy with a Vow or two. And frankly, love, as much as you fill my heart I don’t think it’s healthy for us to go through this with just one another to keep sane.”

There was sense in that, and Hermione wasn’t conceited enough to ignore it outright. She’d been straddling the line between Muggle and Wizard long before falling backwards through time. It should have occurred to her at some point.

It would take some thinking and they’d have to find someone they could trust, but the calm worming across their bond said it made sense. Bellatrix was willing to see this through. They wouldn’t be able to keep a handle on changing the future to exactly where they wanted it if they let themselves fall apart. 

Or become so despondent that changing it seemed futile.

“We can ask around for someone discreet then,” Hermione finally answered. “Preferably, we find someone neutral aligned, or maybe someone who remembers the last war.”

“Good, glad that’s settled for the moment. Now, what are we supposed to do about Him?”

Hermione grunted out a stiff laugh, her head falling and short curls bunching up between shivering fingers.

“I’ve no doubt he’ll either summon us soon or make a visit himself, probably sometime this week. It won’t take long for it to get out that I did that. We’ll probably get a Crucio to within a centimetre of our lives. You remember how he was with training. It’ll be that, just worse. I wonder who I hit. I can’t imagine he’ll go easy if it was someone important.”

Just before she finished speaking, the door swung open, Moody following Lincoln's rough-looking and sleep-deprived form. 

“You’ll be happy to know it was no one of importance, at least insofar as I’m aware,” Lincoln said. He waited until the door was sealed tight and then conjured his own chair, sitting heavily and rubbing at his eyes. “Camerus Maxim, no relation to any of the Noble Houses, no relatives. Just a name, soon to fade. A foot soldier.”

There had to be something wrong with the way that relief flooded Hermione’s veins. A single malefactor had been taken out. Hopefully, that would lead to a less punishing meeting with Voldemort. No one in the inner circle was damaged, and no deep-seated plans were at stake. It was still a death, though. One she had to own completely, and hadn’t she felt so torn up about those recently?

Mind-Healer, absolutely needed.

“So what’s to happen to us?” Bellatrix asked.

Moody moved to speak first, his eyes swivelling between the three of them. His voice was cut off at the last second by Lincoln coughing to garner attention.

“The Ministry will have a chance to ask their questions. You’ve every right to refuse to answer, but you'll need to give them something due to the eyewitnesses placing you both at the crime scene. That, or they can claim contempt and have you serving at Azkaban for a month. They can offer you the choice of either Veritaserum or the submission of your memory of the event. I’d advise you both to choose the latter.”

“Alright, memories then. And after that?”

“Review,” Moody began. “One Unspeakable, two Aurors. If they can’t find anything to show illegality or tampering with the memory, it moves forward from there. You’re accused of using an Unforgivable to take a life. It’ll be up to them to determine if you were acting in defence of life, yours or others, and then either a trial or your charges will be cleared.”

That sounded simple enough to Hermione. 

The agreement surrounding their choice was hashed out, with the imposition that a third party needed to retrieve the memories. Hermione knew Moody was paranoid, but it seemed even the Auror Department didn’t trust individuals to do it themselves. 

After some time, a small pensieve was retrieved. The interrogation chamber grew crowded as three more people filled it up. Two Aurors: one a waxen-looking man of short stature and brown hair with eyes to match, the other a short woman so blonde it nearly made Hermione’s eyes burn. The last was the Unspeakable, face clouded behind a mask and voice magicked to give them nothing.

Introductions were stiff and rote, passing by in a flash of impatience from everyone gathered. Soon enough the simple tip of an ashen wand was placed at Hermione’s, and then Belaltrix’s, temple. Instructions to remember just the specific five minutes before she’d cast and five minutes afterwards. By the time Bellatrix finished, her face was a mixture of avid disgust and grudging acceptance, and the Aurors and Unspeakable disappeared into the pensieve for several minutes.

Anxiety crawled coldly up Hermione’s spine as they waited it out. The feeling wasn’t alleviated at all when the investigators returned to themselves and quickly left the room. More minutes waiting, quietly talking between Bellatrix and Lincoln. Waiting. Minutes rolled onward, on and on, waiting, Moody remaining just as gruff and annoying of a countenance as ever.

It seemed like a whole lifetime had passed before the door opened up again, a new Auror this time and a slip of brown parchment in his hand. He glanced at them for just a second before passing it off to Moody, another pulled from his pocket and handed to Lincoln.

“You’ve been released,” Moody informed them. “Free to go for now. The Ministry will be in contact within a fortnight regarding the clearing or pressing of charges. You’re not allowed to leave the UK until this is resolved, and any illegal actions reported to the Ministry during this period will be construed heavily against you at any potential trial and be grounds for imprisonment in Azkaban without trial.”

The words lifted away the thrum of nervous energy that Bellatrix was letting pour across their bond, the whole of them collapsing into monumental exhaustion. It fed Hermione’s tired mind, the rest of their time within the Ministry flashing past in a way that didn’t stick, except just before they left.

Moody stood by as Lincoln bid them farewell, his form disappearing in a glut of flame. 

“I’ll let Dumbledore know what happened,” Moody said. “Not that I think you’ll end up charged, but keep your heads on straight for now. If something comes up, the old man will do what he can.”

Hermione nodded, no words saying goodbye as Bellatrix led them to an open Floo. A chaste kiss followed, warm arms holding her close as they reappeared in their own parlour.

A grating Pop! broke the two of them from their embrace. Bellatrix gripped her wand tight, Hermione withdrawing her own in a flash.

Both fell as Malbon stood before them, his hands twisting over and over as he wrung them out. His ears were fallen, his eyes darted, and he seemed to want to be anywhere else except here.

“I tried to keep him out, Ladies,” Malbon huffed, his hands coming to clasp behind his back. “But he used strange magic, and he insisted.”

The sudden flush of terror that rose in them both was instinctual. This was home; this was supposed to be a sanctuary.  

And he’d strode in without any problems.

The Dark Mark upon their shoulders burned in tandem, flushing so hot that Hermione felt her arm would melt off.

“Ah, ladies.” The burning tone sounded from the next room over, magicked so that the distance lost none of its impatient aggression. “I believe we’ve much to discuss.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => c69ddf1ad51c9ac646d77b35466a6c35d119c8f2 ) [1] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 64. Book 3: Off-Script [timestamp] => 1664748000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 64: Book 3: Off-Script



Chapter Text

Three weeks of disengaged roaming, plans unmoored and mind clouded. Reading through correspondence from Narcissa and Andromeda was a chore. Working with Rabastan and Bellatrix to formulate and present their idea of a political future was a headache, a droning pain. Updating the Order left her feeling burnt inside, grumbling with distaste.

Hermione couldn’t expunge the sleeping couple from her memory. Her eyes would barely shut and then they’d be there, silently judging her.

In sleep they could speak. They voiced opinions, hate. Sometimes it was just that couple, other times it was her parents. Molly and Arthur. Random visages, all filled with hate.

The low Hermione fell to seemed unending. Between the transportation of the cold-stored bodies deep within the earth and running an estate, it dragged against the hours and slicked them cold.

Bellatrix tried her very best, her hardest, but more often than not it wasn’t enough. She would walk in on Hermione in her Animagus form, curled up against the fireplace with Agath hanging cold. Her loops of muscle would twist and lift, wringing heat away and sending it down below.

But time still moved, and soon enough Hermione found herself deep within the bowels of the Ministry, tucked away quiet and neat in Lincoln’s tiny office. Rabastan glared daggers at them as they sat, remained uptight and overwound as Lincoln warded the space for privacy.

“What are you two doing?” Rabastan stood, sat, stood again and began to pace the floor. “You’re both barely present these last weeks and I’m stuck putting my neck out for you. The least you could do for me is offer your full attention.”

“I’m sorry,” Hermione whispered.

Rabastan grumbled, sank down into a cushioned chair. “Not good enough.”

“He’s right, you know.” Lincoln wiped his desk clean with a wave of his wand, leaned forward on his elbows and speared them with his gaze. “What’s going on with you two? Never once have I seen you so listless before.”

Hermione rocked herself in the seat, head in her hands and sighing. Her eyes screwed up tight, palms pressed flat against them until she saw innumerable colours. Bellatrix’s hand was soft against her back, nails scratching soothingly through a thin robe. The corset she wore beneath it felt constricting, just yet another reminder that she was in another age.

Hermione wanted a jumper, a warm fire. 

She wanted home.

“Suffice it to say we had an emotionally draining meeting a few weeks ago. It’s still affecting me, try as I might to move past it. That’s not very professional of me, and I apologise.” Hermione sat up straight and blinked away the stars, hands on her knees and a false smile on her face. “I’ll make sure to do better. Now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

Rabastan’s eyes narrowed into thin slits as he glanced between the duo. His gaze was stern, face quirked into something not quite a frown, not quite a mask of indifference.

“Fine, apology accepted. Your vote, which I’ll remind you I’ve been given hold of until one or both of you arrive in the Wizengamot, has come up as the deciding factor in two pieces of legislation that our bloc wants to propose. Lincoln, could you please get out copies of the drafts?”

The meeting shifted into overdrive from there; technical discussions surrounding the merits of proposed legislation, the loosening of restrictions on societal ills. The chances of it passing were discussed, each component torn apart until all viewpoints had been hashed out. It was the sort of mental work Hermione so often sought; it lulled her into automatic movement, digestion of information and regurgitation as something new. Her mind warmed, purring with all the ferocity of a finely tuned machine as they worked.

Bellatrix matched Hermione, if not exceeding, challenging assertions as they added and subtracted amendments. Potentials became actuals, became the words that Rabastan would speak at the session.

When started as a gentle mid-afternoon meeting slowly dragged on into the evening hours. A small cuckoo clock, nearly hidden against Lincoln’s walls, chimed nine before they were even close to finishing, and eventually they gave in out of sheer tiredness.

It drained them, left them sitting back and scrubbing formulae and economic theory from their minds. 

But they had a plan. Rabastan could move forward with their best idea in mind, and he seemed mollified from his earlier brusqueness. His eyes and face were lit up and he held a nervous energy that made him seem, at least to Hermione, like an eager puppy.

A puppy involved in politics, yes, but a puppy nonetheless.

Lincoln held them back as Rabastan departed, his eyes weary and hand scratching idly through short hair.

“Shall we grab a meal? I have a few more items to discuss with you in private, and nothing so disastrous that grabbing a bite will hurt.” 

He glanced between them as Bellatrix held tight to Hermione’s hand, the decision made silent between them. They nodded, following and smiling as Lincoln led them through a Floo and onto Diagon Alley. Their path began as a meandering one, following switchbacks and turnarounds that seemed to lead to new places. Hermione leaned gently against Bellatrix as they walked, her eyes skating past faded signs and cracked windows, splitting wood and stained marble. Dingy interiors gave way to lighted shopfronts, fanciful pedigrees and golden lettering.

Diagon was always a wonder, always full, and even at night Hermione could see the shine of promises waiting to be fulfilled.

Twisting, turning, three alleys down and then finally Lincoln opened the door to what looked like a small shop. A chime went off above them and Hermione blinked in the soft light; what looked like an unadorned shop on the outside held within itself a beautiful restaurant, gold and glass shining from every surface.

A maître d' sent them off with a wave to a small table at the back, hidden and covered by charms Hermione could barely see. The lighting was low enough for the time outside but bright enough that she could see every facet. The smell was delightful; wood and heat, like mulled wine and tender meat. It was a salivating enticement, and she made a note to thank Lincoln for showing them this little prize.

The wine was predetermined and Hermione sipped gently at her glass, eyes passing swiftly over the menu - all in French, though a distinctly odd dialect that gave her pause as she disentangled confusing replacements of Wizarding origin - and ordering mechanically. Lincoln was quiet and reserved while they waited, patiently observing them before his opening salvo.

“So, out with it. Who died?”

Hermione coughed and hid her lips with a cloth napkin, eyes widening rather angrily as she worked to calm herself. 

“Who says that anyone died?” Bellatrix questioned in response.

Lincoln’s smile was secret, his eyes thin lines that pierced them both. “It’s not that hard to figure out that someone died. I can’t imagine who it would be that’d quake either of you, but you’re just as shaky as when you left school. I believe the correct term is shocked, though I believe the Muggles will have a much better descriptor. Now,” he paused to take a sip of wine, “Who was it? Someone that I know? I assume it has something to do with the unpleasantness cooked up by Lord Voldemort, but I should hope I don’t need to be drafting your defence right now.”

“You needn’t,” Hermione answered. “It happens to involve our benefactor, yes. But I’d much rather we not speak on it-”

Lincoln laughed harshly as he interrupted her, “No, no. You’ve kept me in the loop with most things. You’re still hiding secrets I’m sure, but I know him. By association, not directly, but I do know his rather extreme views. I can imagine what associating with him on a one-to-one basis might entail. Does whatever happened further your vision of the future?”

“Yes,” Bellatrix answered immediately, swirling her glass and staring intently at its contents.

“So, for the betterment of our society, perhaps? Maybe even the Muggle world as well?”

“Again,” Bellatrix finally took a sip and set her glass down roughly, “Yes. That’s the idea at least.”

“Then I’m not going to question either of you too hard on it. But if you’re agonising over a decision to continue that advancement, don’t. Or at least try not to without clawing your own minds to pieces. You can’t count every sin in the march for progress.”

“But we should,” Hermione grumbled, voice as hot as lit coals. “No sacrifice should be forgotten. Road to Hell, and all that.”

“I’m not so familiar with that expression. Muggle?” Lincoln asked.

“Yes. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” Hermione answered. “I don’t want our forward momentum to involve personal mayhem. The least amount of innocent bystanders as possible. In this case, we couldn’t avoid that.”

Silence fell as their dishes finally arrived, glasses topped off and smiles from the waiter. Hermione’s hand roamed anxiously overtop Bellatrix’s knee and thigh, scratching at the thin fabric and catching her nails. She remained mostly present and aware as she ate, the inner core of herself fighting with a logical mind; she wanted to tell him everything. Spill it here, now, and let someone else be the judge of her actions.

But she couldn’t. She ate nibbles from her steak, tore asparagus into shreds. Mushed a heap of potatoes and anxiously jiggered her knee. Answering mild questions was easy enough, and Hermione let Bellatrix take over whenever her voice faltered.

Eventually, however, they returned to the initial topic of conversation.

Lincoln slid his fork and knife atop his plate, leaned back in his creaking chair as he pulled a thin cigarillo from a narrow breast pocket.

“You both need a reset. You might not interact directly with the Wizengamot but they have eyes and ears everywhere. Your weakness,” he paused, holding up a hand to waylay Bellatrix, the witch’s eyes turned furious and hot, “Is not an error. Whoever can look past the ending of life is a rare breed; dispassionate sorts aren’t those I like as clients. Still, the Wizengamot will smell blood in the water if they catch you both moping around.

“They need just a glance to form rumours, and rumours that flourish long enough turn into hard and fast opinions. Backrooms, restaurants. Closed rooms are echo chambers and they’ll act on whatever they think of you. You’re still present enough to be seen. If you’re making decisions that impact us as a whole, keep at it. But don’t let them strip you apart. They’ll devour you both to further themselves. Don’t let them. You’re both from Slytherin; act like it. Put on a mask of indifference. No one should see a heart on your sleeve; that’s just as good as saying ‘shoot me,’ and they will.”

“So you’re proposing we act like robots in the face of what we’ve done or what we might do,” Hermione wearily responded. She shook her head, scoffed and rocked forward when Lincoln tilted his head in mild confusion. “Automatons, like when you enchant a marble statue. No emotions.”

“Yes, I am proposing you act exactly like that.”

Oh. Oh. Hermione could play that. Could do it now, even. Cool, calm, collected.

Like nothing had affected her.

Like she wasn’t shimmering with rage beneath the raw image of her smile.

Unaffected. Unaffected by the death of Cygnus, of the students who’d grow up to maim and terrorise.

Unaffected, even as it cracked her soul. She could feel the shards pressed against her heart, guilt begging to be forgiven or released. She turned to Bellatrix and felt a mirror of her own emotions, muted just a little more and dressed in the courage to continue on.

“Alright,” Hermione finally answered him, raising her glass and downing the remainder. “We will.”


Heading back home was soft and quiet. They declined Lincoln’s offer to accompany them and to find a nearby Floo. Instead they walked the alley and window-shopped what proprietors remained open. Most catered to nightwalkers and insomniacs, a few to the small vampire community. Others still seemed awake, unable to tell time and perpetually left just barely alive.

It was interesting and intimate, and Hermione enjoyed every second of it. Hand in hand, bodies leaning against one another and passing off soft kisses. Relaxing. A moment of decompression that she couldn’t get at home and sorely needed after their little meeting. They wound upwards, further and further towards a nearby exit to greater London.

When morning came Hermione couldn’t say what stopped her. It was nearly silent, not even the tenuous voices of insects to interrupt them. The wind was low, and they were only a few mere steps from the exit.

But Hermione stopped, looked back. Watched in confusion as a trio of dark shapes descended from the cloudy sky at breakneck speed. They swooped low, barrelled into the alley proper, and lit the night on fire.

Green, purple and red. The explosions of glass and wood left silence fleeing. No one shouted slogans, and no one voiced frenzied laughter. Mayhem simply erupted around them as stone and mortar began to melt. Hermione dodged backwards into Bellatrix’s waiting arms, then pushed off the next. Her wand lit up, water expelling as a gush. She poured herself into the spells, set up geysers and globules that vomited steam. Bellatrix ran around and behind her, shored up the suddenly displaced mortar and worked to repair the damage.

Splinters reknit themselves, swallowed whole into repaired walls. The alley erupted into further, now organised, movement. People spilled from doorways batting away smoke, children ran towards safer shelter. The attackers seemed disinterested in causing mayhem where they’d already been, circled forward and lobbed spells further into the alley.

Hermione coughed away stray smoke, wove a bubble of fresh air around her head. It took seconds, then minutes, but eventually their strip of the alley was safe. Gaggled shop owners and tenants stood in the street Aurors popping into existence. 

It appeared to be over. An attack, and rumours already swirling about who had perpetrated it. The worst hit locations struggled to right themselves, and with practised movement the Aurors made their way closer.

Over and done in maybe five minutes. The street brightened, then dimmed as what smoke remained went high into the sky.

Hermione spotted it high above there where the embers faded. One lone attacker, their body highlighted against the night, their skin a brightness all its own.

It took no effort to raise her wand and paint them with emerald lightning.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => d523a4be54d7fc34ae4c67821d22636298464e57 ) [2] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 63. Book 3: Joining the Ranks [timestamp] => 1659045600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 63: Book 3: Joining the Ranks


unedited, short

Chapter Text

The cold metal of the mask sat proudly against Hermione’s face. It was light enough to be held in place by magic, and she nearly forgot that it was even there.

Except that it was heavy. Pulsing and thrumming with something dark. The magic in it seeped back into her skin and seemed to relish her nervousness.

It was cold despite the energy it exuded. A fitting complement to the mark on her shoulder. They were both malevolent inventions of a hopeful despot, a portion of his very essence shaved off into a form of control.

It was still a comfort. The anonymity meant no one who mattered could come across her no matter how unlikely of an occurrence it was. It let her be weak.

Shaking. Tremors rolled through her body and all were nearly impossible to stop. It even affected her flying; a few more meters wavered up and down as they descended towards their stop.

A no-name village in the middle of nowhere. Streets laid out in curves and patterns. Beautiful homes spoke to wealth and excess.

Hermione could scarcely concentrate on it. It seemed Bellatrix was the only thing that could keep her flying steady enough to escape Voldemort’s notice. Even Dolohov, his eyes shining with warm sympathy, seemed intent on keeping her safe.

She didn’t want his help.

She didn’t need it.

A petulant huff followed Hermione as she shook herself through a turn. Dolohov directed towards the right of the village as the others fanned left. Somewhere between them Voldemort watched, sidesaddle on his broom and smirk everpresent.

This wouldn’t be difficult if she believed in it. The propaganda, the way Voldemort waxed poetic about the world. He was charismatic enough to sway legions; if Hermione were so inclined, it would include her.

She’d maim and tear lives apart in service to His glory.

But she wasn’t. She was working against him and had seen the future his actions created.

She lived as the horrid nightmare they dreaded. The very mud they claimed to trod through.

Hatred towards him hindered her now. She’d killed without thought of mercy before. Rodolphus had been crushed and she could taste his blood. Pierre had been easy. The war in her time had been filled with curses and protection that could maim or snuff out a life.

This would be different. Murder for pleasure, for revelry. 

The most minor portion of her soul, the littlest bit, had been tainted by the madness of Lestrange. Of Bellatrix, had no one intervened.

That part of her was giddy at the prospect of mayhem, and the guilt in Hermione’s veins was tripled because of it.

There was a buoy though. This world’s Bellatrix kept her tethered. The soul-bond they shared was calm and steady. Placid. The witch Hermione tied herself to was pouring out love, affection, reassurance and acceptance. 

It was all that kept Hermione from bolting.

As seconds passed a rooftop came into view, a simple stop before Hermione was on her feet again.

A step forward nearly shook loose a shingle on the pitched roof and was only halted when Hermione steadied against a chimney. The space around them was bland and repetitive; black shingles and red brick, pipes and steelwork jutting forward where there wasn’t a balcony.

The sound of glass breaking filled the air and Hermione shook herself. Their compatriots were getting started and it wouldn’t do them any good to be seen lacking. 

:What do we do,: Bellatrix hissed, her voice just silent enough for Hermione to barely hear.

Hermione didn’t know. She shook her head, tried to ground herself in the moment. They needed a plan, some sort of act. Make a play of showing their loyalty.

They were supposed to have gotten thousands of bodies for Voldemort. Baulking on this? It would ruin what little trust they already had.

A whispered spell unlocked the nearest window and Hermione slid through, arms grasping against the edges so as not to fall. Bellatrix followed right behind her, standing tall beside Hermione as they viewed their new surroundings.

Two sleeping Muggles. A large bed, sheets in something resembling burgundy. One of them snoring softly. An elderly man with a bald head and massive beard. His wife, blonde hair done up in curlers for the night. Bodies facing the ceiling and mouths gently opened.


Hermione continued whispering curses and dug into the small satchel looped around her chest. One arm went deep, hidden to the shoulder and she tossed item after item to the wayside.

:What are you looking for?: A gossamer privacy charm encircled them both, Bellatrix’s eyes stuck fast on the sleeping duo.


:Better be a good something,: Bellatrix tersely responded. :I can knock them out, but we can’t hide that. If someone else comes by to inspect our work they’ll see we’ve gone against orders.:

Hermione nodded, twitching as something passed by her fingers. :I should have potions in here somewhere, and I think that I’ve got a Draught of-:

Boots scuffed the windowsill behind them and dragged both women from their conversation. Hermione startled, sucking in a breath and twisting as she pulled herself from the satchel. 

Bellatrix’s wand was out and pointing at the intruder, dropping a second later.

“Only me, ladies.” Dolohov stepped through as gallantly as he could, passing softly into their little bubble. He stretched and straightened up, dusting himself off as his mask twisted into a metallic smirk. “So, what’s holding you up? Most of the others are onto other prey.”

The bottom fell from Hermione’s stomach as she blanched, blood draining and her heartbeat rocketing.

“Nothing,” she answered, cringing because that explained nothing. “We’re just-”

“Ah, I can see what this is. It’s different, isn’t it?” Dolohov brushed past them to stand at the foot of the bed. “Your numbers for our Lord were all detritus. The very bottom that the Muggles had forgotten all about. These? They’re closer to us. Not near us, mind you, but closer. Vulnerable in a way the others aren’t. If the poor sods you salvaged for our Lord are the grease between the wheels, well, these here are the wheels. Just another step higher on the whole rotten machine.”

That wasn’t at all what Hermione thought of them, and some frustrated spark of herself was about to let him know before another feeling stopped her.

The curse-mark pulsed. Her bond with Bellatrix burned, humming with saddened resolve.

“Of course we aren’t here for the whole machine,” Dolohov continued, “They’ll come later. The machinists and the drivers.” He turned to them, the eyes behind his mask soft but glinting steel, “This is just the first step. And I know it’s a lot, but it’s not a wasted effort. Each raid is another set of Aurors wasted out here. Another chance to break the seal. You nervous?”

“Yes,” Bellatrix answered as Hermione shook her head in agreement. “We’ve never gone after anyone like this.”

Dolohov grunted. “It’s never easy the first time, but we were all here before you. If even a louse such as your grandfather can get here, you can too.”

A hearty slap on Bellatrix’s shoulder nearly sent her sprawling out of the charmed space. Hermione’s breath exploded as a hiss, the face beneath her metal struck in thanks and horror.

A pep talk on murder hadn’t been what she was expected.

She should have.

“It’s best if you use an Avada. Quick, clean. Once you’ve gotten your first taste the rest will be easy, but don’t push yourself for the night.”

The rising terror in Hermione’s chest was matched by sudden flaring anger from Bellatrix. 

The crooked wand raised and the spell was released before Hermione knew what was happening.

Green flashed in the small room. It zipped forward with lightning speed and crashed gently into the husband’s sleeping form.

His chest - and the subtle snoring that had filled their ears - ended.

Hermoine’s spell was cast less than a second later, something within the wood exalting at being used again.

Pale light filled the room from behind them as the visage of the Dark Mark rose high into the sky.


The slow flight back was complicated not by suspicious stares or questioning glances but by the joyousness surrounding them. 

If Bellatrix had been plucked and placed here from a few odd hours before, she would have guessed that someone was celebrating their birthday. 

Or a promotion.

Something mundane.

They were laughing. Cajoling one another and sipping greatly from hidden flasks. Talk turned to old haunts and bodies long laid to rest. Adventures in homicide that were as barbaric as they were cruel. Old times, and now congratulating one another on how much fun they’d had.

And why not?

Their targets were Muggles.

Muggles who’d lived, Bellatrix reminded herself, safe of any worry that they would be cut down in their sleep. Families who’d love one another. All of them were snuffed out because a group of old bigots had wanted a night out.

And now her own hands were dirty. Hermione’s.


The boiling gulf between them stretched deep; horror and shock expanded as they reviewed what they had done. Hermione’s mind was tight between the ordered chaos of their branding sigils and the crackling guilt she felt drowned beneath. She had only responded lightly when Dolohov ushered them out of the cold house; even Bellatrix’s warmth had failed to coax anything from the witch.

She could delve into Hermione later. For the moment it appeared that her wife had sunk deep, falling into an abyss. Shelving and organising into-

Lestrange, the father and son.

The few students who would grow into monsters, lives tossed aside for the expediency of possible future safety.

Deaths doled out while being hunted, fighting for her life and those precious few around her.

And now this.

If fractured was the name by which one described a soul after useless murder, Bellatrix could confirm it. The broom she rode was unsteady beneath her and each gust of wind seemed impossible to lean into. Her magic felt off and quickened, acidic as it pulsed beneath her skin.

The happy thrum of the His mark on her left shoulder fought the steadying impact of the Patronus on the right. The stray pulses from Hermione were a mirror to Bellatrix and she tried to pour out love as much as possible.

It lasted just as long as it needed to.

They pulled to a stop above the grounds they’d left earlier that evening. Robotic motion stowed the broom away and pulled down the blank mask. Walking inside was an uneven gait, but it supported Hermione as they moved.

They collapsed into a heap atop an open armchair. Dignity was tossed aside in preference of safety. Climbing into one another, arms wrapped up and legs entangled.

It was a small comfort here, but it worked.

At least it did until Voldemort’s satisfied smirk entered her field of view. Stabbing rage bubbled up and flooded through the bond from Hermione’s end, Bellatrix fighting to just barely claw it back.

They both hated him. Loathed him. 

But this wasn’t the place for it. He couldn’t now. The early enthusiasm that Bellatrix had felt for him was gone, erased.

He wasn’t a saviour. The prospect of being a broodmare to a horrid man had sent her searching for a greater purpose.

The purpose had never been great, just gilded. She’d been blind with anger at her predetermined life, but now she could see it for the monstrous injustice that it was.

She needed to calm down. She needed to stop letting these thoughts roam free, even if they were beneath the surface of her shields. 

There was also a need to parse the fiery emotion bleeding from Hermione.

Deep breath in. Hold it. Relax her muscles. Leave her face unreadable. Let it show only exhaustion, tired acceptance. Focus inward. Shove all of those calming bits through her bond and into Hermoine.

Ignore that she felt torn and incomplete. Shattered.

A hearty slap against her shoulder threw her off kilter. Bellatrix jerked back and looked up, Lord Ibran chuckling heartily as he passed by to his own chair.

“It’s never fun on your first outing, but I promise it gets better. You did it,” he cheered. “Dolohov says that you both handled the task with composure, and I am glad to hear it. Now,” his fingers snapped smartly, ”How about we polish off a round or two, eh?”

Liquor was delivered to them in turn, thin glasses held by shivering elves. Each minute was another sip, the talk around them growing from congratulation to instructions on their masks.

How best to design the filigree, how to shape it. Cold forging to perfectly fit their faces and engravings best delivered through one spell or another.

It proved to be a welcome distraction. Each design was personal, and each design was influenced by the other. Drawn lines became sweeping crags of darkened silver, portions giving way to pale ceramic.

The designs grew and coalesced, and on Bellatrix’s, a beak was teased out as Voldemort looked on.

Someone made a comment. The look wasn’t what they would have designed. No one else had a face that wasn’t flat; why was she allowed to differ.

A flat slap against the back from Dolohov shut the interloper up. 

By the time Bellatrix was done, the eyes had been finished clear and framed to fit her face. Below it, the hooked beak cruelly emerged into the mockery of a raven tugged into horror. Hermione’s memories spoke of something like it; plague doctor.

It fit, Bellatrix decided.

A glance revealed Hermione’s work, and Bellatrix gently watched as it was finished.

The tongue of a serpent lay flat against the metal, down split against the chin. Fangs teased past the bottom lip, and the edges of the scowl teased up in what could be merriment or derision.

Twin ceramic eyes looked out, a slit down the middle the only opening Bellatrix could see. It was charmed, she believed, such that it wouldn't impede Hermione’s vision. Clever and strikingly distracting.

The last few touches were patterns and swirls. Faint impressions of an hourglass against one cheek, a lightning bolt upon the other. They all melded and nearly disappeared beneath a soft patterning on the steel that mimicked snakeskin, some darker and some lighter.

Fitting for them both, Bellatrix thought.

“Well, the imagination of the younger generations never ceases to amaze me,” Voldemort said. His eyes danced between both masks, giving each a long stare.

The faint praise sparked something like warmth between the two of them. It tried to rise upwards until it was harshly doused beneath images of the couple they’d murdered.

Bellatrix hurried to do the minimum and thank him for the kind words. They both tried to remain as lively as possible until they were given leave to head off.

The trip was short. 

Neither spoke as they divested themselves of clothing. No thoughts bared as they fell heavy into bed. Hermione pulled Bellatrix close and wrapped them both up until they were one. 

Bellatrix drifted off to soft and reassuring kisses, her fingers teasing out the short curls of Hermione’s hair.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 8eed43bb7a67b3faa4e3b3efeb4d2bcb3a8fecd5 ) [3] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 62. Book 3: Whetstone [timestamp] => 1648335600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 62: Book 3: Whetstone


short, unedited.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Meetings were horrid. Meetings with Voldemort were, in Hermione’s opinion, even worse. The room quieted as Hermione curtsied and answered his open question.

“Perhaps two more weeks, my Lord?” Hermione turned to look at Bellatrix, received a nod in kind and then drew in a breath to strengthen herself with a smile. “Yes, two weeks.”

The joy in Voldemort’s face was glowing brightly, the sight of it enough to send electric shivers through Hermione’s spine. The tangible feeling of evil congratulation was displaced as he began to clap, smiling wider and beckoning them forth into his parlour. Oh, yes, it was dread that sank Hermione’s stomach, that sent her heart racing along.

“You’ve performed your function quite well. Admirably, even. Let’s discuss our other endeavours, shall we? Voldemort guided Hermione towards a chair, the rest of the room watching them enter with masked faces and blank eyes. 

No one was left uncovered except for Voldemort and themselves, and Hermione had a relatively strong suspicion that their continued lack of anonymity was due less to their importance in his plans and more for their ability to be discarded should things go wrong. They’d not fulfilled the request or needed to remain hidden amid the wider world; they’d pledged themselves to him with body and soul but not proven it. If push came to shove, they would be sacrificed without hesitation.

That wasn’t exactly the sort of thought that Hermione wanted to dwell on except to hope that the blessed anonymity would come soon enough, but it was the sort of thought she knew she’d need to confront before too long.

Voldemort spread his arms wide as Hermione sat beside Bellatrix, the small but lavishly decorated space seeming to glow before his might. “My followers, my friends. We’re ever close to the beginning of our plans. When I first enlightened you, I gave a timeline of one year. However, our scale was mercurial, and the expectation was that if we could start early, we would. Luckily,” he pointed behind himself to where Hermione assumed Dolohov stood cloaked beneath black fabric and an intricately veined mask of gold, “We’ve had no immediate complications in housing or acquiring supplies for our rebellion. 

A wave of blue sparks spread from Voldemort’s hands, their mist coalescing into semi-solid figures and blueprints.

The bulk of our potions are stored. Reagents, initiators, duplicates, and substitutions in enough quantity to enact our plans twice without suffering. Soon we will have an army brought over from the continent, another brought up from within Britain itself. Ibran, “Where do we stand on financials?”

The meeting descended into particulars as Hermione tuned the sound out. Her eyes dimmed as she sank into Bellatrix’s side. The talk of finances, of form and function, turned into a background that she could later recall through Pensieve. Her hand trailed lazy circles into the dress atop of Bellatrix’s thigh, nails digging patterns and catching where fabric thinned. The fluttering twin serpents on her shoulders were writhing amid her emotions, their branded forms gliding through heat and chill. Hermione knew that there would be more planning after this. Maybe an hour or so of small talk, perhaps a few glasses of brandy and a plate or two of hors d’oeuvres served by abused Elves. 

It was all something that could be reported back to Dumbledore without endangering them and all things she could worry about later. The monotony of listening as old men plotted war was a funny thing. Repeating action led to repeating action; training, laying runes into skeletons stored deep beneath her home, attending meetings helmed by Dumbledore or Voldemort. It was all somewhat eerie how it all seemed to smear together. Most of it was only really broken by letters with Narcissa and Andromeda or the free hours with Bellatrix where Hermione tried to let her mind relax. Worries over the next few years were at the forefront, and it scared her sometimes how much planning she put into it.

Coldly, reptilian in its efficiency. She had a chessboard of her own, even if it was never what she’d really wanted.

Seconds ticked on into boring minutes, one breath in and one out. Hermione’s eyes flitted between whichever mask was speaking until it finally seemed to come to an end.

A voice obscured by magic rang out as the hooded figure stood, “How about we all go on an adventure?” The room stared blankly before they spoke again, “Don’t look at me like that. We aren’t all old men infirm by decades of lethargic planning.”

Hermione’s pulse quickened in time with Bellatrix’s, the heat of her brand spreading deep throughout her arm.

“Oh come now, we’ve been sitting here for a good bit now, filling ourselves with lovely food,” Their hand reached out and flourished towards the gold-masked Dolohov, “But we’ve not done much else so far. How about it, eh? A good trip out to get the blood flowing, a nice little reprieve from sitting too long.”

The heavy sense of dread flowed back into Hermione’s heart. There was a flutter from the woman beside her, their bond trying to tackle two sets of anxiety-riddled minds. They knew this game from memory; hunting, sporting. They’d take on an isolated village of muggles, a family or two shredded into pieces and the evidence of their magic left everywhere.

Raids disguised as psychopathic fun, a task in draining the resources of an overworked and underfunded division within the Ministry.


Hermione gulped down and then rose up from her seat in time with Bellatrix. “We don’t have masks as you do; we’d stick out like a sore thumb. If I catch your drift, that is.”

“You do, you do.” The masked figure clapped their hands and turned towards Voldemort to ask, “My Lord, I assume that you’ve been waiting to award them their new visage upon completion of their current task?”


Voldemort rose up and reached down beside himself, lifting a crystal glass filled with amber liquid and swirling it. He remained silent a second more before downing the drink in one swallow, a delighted grin on his face when he finished.

“The original plan was to award them upon your delivery. As it stands, you’ve assured me we’ll have Inferi soon enough. You’re both branded, and you’ve been with us for at least a year and a half. I suppose that I can give you blanks,” he reached into the ether of magic, conjured up two masks with sewn lips and their faces in slate grey metal, “You can finish them off after we complete the hunt. Wear them to the next meeting when you deliver me the Inferi. Does that suffice?”

No, Hermione thought to herself. It did not, but what choice did they really have? Voldemort’s assumptions of their loyalty were based on not telling him how they’d acquired corpses. Suddenly saying no to something he thought they were already doing seemed like a fast track to an early death.

Bellatrix calmed a second before responding, voice resonating inside Hermione’s mind.

“It’ll work just fine, my Lord.”


murder next.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 7e3be289321c329f4e08b46200a82c7210023038 ) [4] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 61. Book 3: Make a List [timestamp] => 1640473200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 61: Book 3: Make a List


Short, unedited. Mostly filler/padding/information & fluff
more "let me get back into the "where" of "where are we" now" with this story.
I've been writing it for nearly 3 years now.
It's long.

Chapter Text

The Accounting. The reset. The ‘Let’s just sit down right now and figure out where the bloody fuck we are in this, what we need next, and what we still have to go and prepare for because dragging and setting up two-thousand bodies was hard work and we’re tired, and need something more relaxing.’

Not that taking stock of the situation was relaxing.

Not with hundreds of corpses laid up down below their home and cooling amid the fetid air, magic-filled and crackling, that suffused the lower caverns. There was power there in the stones, something like crystalised magic. Crystalised strength, though Hermione wasn’t ready to tap directly into it yet. It needed more study and they’d been stuck fixing, working, trying to manoeuvre themselves and left with barely enough time to even think on it. She’d get to it one day. Soon, hopefully. 

Better to figure out what they were doing first. 

Their home was filled out fully now, every heirloom from the Grenier, Black, and nascent - ancient, if Lincoln was to be believed - Blæc lines had been set up, along with all the little tchotchkes that they’d purchased for themselves. They had a damn sea of galleons set up in multiple vaults beneath Gringotts marbled floors, more than enough to supply them until eternity faded behind them. They had access to a seat in the Wizengamot because Cygnus was dead, Alphard was away, Orion and Walburga were locked up. All the others were either too young or too unwilling to step in, and the courts had granted them provisional control of the family until Sirius came of age, or he abdicated responsibility entirely to their line.

That seat was, thankfully enough, filled daily by Rabastan. He did it out of some fear, of course, but also because he was kind, in their debt and happy to now be free of a father who’d abused him and a brother who would have followed in those dark footsteps. All of it maintained and followed by Lincoln; hiring a well-liked representative to take care of their legal matters was brilliant, and even if he cost them dearly in coin he certainly made up for it in style and ability. The man cared about helping them, even if he still saw himself as a bystander in the grand scheme of things. 

Or maybe he didn’t. Hermione didn’t know, didn’t particularly care to dig into his head and find out. 

There was Dumbledore on their side as well, or tentatively at least. Close enough. Partly? Just a little bit. She wouldn’t trust him fully since the ‘Send Hermione back’ plan he’d had, and Bellatrix was certainly more aggressively against trusting him in general. But they had Hermione’s memories of his future, the knowledge of his past exploits, and what he’d planned on achieving outside of it all. Fighters, battles, the locations of significant events and whatever else the magical world hadn’t decided to scrub off the history books out of fear. They knew intimate details about Voldemort from Hermione’s past with him, Bellatrix’s training, the locations and some dates for Horcruxes.

All of that was complicated by years. Hermione was early, and Voldemort was sane. Or as close to it as he could be, not split apart into eight pieces and failing because of that. Her presence had undoubtedly changed things around - hopefully for the better, in the end - and they’d need to keep on top of it, all the small strokes and the broad ones.

They were prepared, and their marks proved it. Bodies covered up in painfully earned and carefully hidden brands, magic that had been shaped to form and function. Enhanced, even if it didn’t make them strong enough to take on Voldemort himself. Stylised markings burned red against their skin and the blue marking on their shoulders that kept the darkness at bay, moved and twisted whenever they were needed. 

Then there was the last one, darker than the rest and feeling like oil and heat, so much power thrumming below their skin and restrained until it felt addictive. There was strength there, and so much more they could not yet reach. His Knights. His Warriors.

His war too, and the opposite. The Order, Dumbledore’s self-chosen vigilantes and their ranks suffused with those who could see the cracks forming in their world, the slow turn back towards war. Peaking knowledge about the madness soon to be unleashed. Fighters, ideals, it was all knowledge that Hermione and Bellatrix had. Knowledge of when and why, the nuts and bolts, that was harder. 

Secret organisations, both of them. They knew too little and still more than anyone else.

But there was still more to buoy them up. Their marriage was solidified, and the sense of the curse-mark on Hermione’s arm was tied up with the bond that their ritual marriage had represented. They nurtured one another, and still had more family beyond that. Bellatrix’s cousins and her aunt, her uncle, more still locked away for crimes to children and others shoved away from the family. There was a mother-in-law for Hermione somewhere, locked up and away. It was a story that Hermione didn’t fully understand, and since asking had set Bellatrix to tears she’d restrained from pushing it. She would ask for clarification at some point, maybe a follow-up as well, but it could just be for the moment.

It didn’t impact enough for her to be worried yet.

But her new sisters? They had Andromeda, headstrong to nearly a fault - not much different than Hermione could remember Nymphadora, bright and wanting to fight, to help - and intelligent, willing to do whatever needed to be done to bring them all into a world that she could believe in. Young, yes, but not even so much less than Hermione. Ted would stand at her side, a reasonable person above all else, and Hermione was sure he’d help them sort through the coming years. There was also little Narcissa, who at once had seemed so very coldly broken and matriarchal back in her own universe, but was revealed here as a little schemer, a genius when it came to subtle manipulations and gathering information, diminutive and willing to use that to her advantage.

Lucius was a fine addition to their plans, though thinking of him like that brought something weird to Hermione’s chest. She didn’t want to think of him as fodder but as a potential sibling, someone she could trust and believe in. His love for Narcissa had been genuine in her universe and she hoped that it held true here as well. His older self had certainly loved young Draco above all else, even if he’d been made unable to express it easily. Now that he was here, she was here, they could work on removing and remaking those toxic influences that had led him to be marked in the first place. 

A strong leader for Tonks, for Malfoy, for the Black clan. Was that hubris? To think that she could play with all these pieces and devise a better world at the far end? A little close to Dumbledore’s mind for her own liking, yes, but she hoped she would remain human enough to not treat them all like pieces for her own amusement. Maybe this would all lead them to a world of rebirth, one where the coming generations would live free without the madness of war.

“I think that covers everything.” Bellatrix tossed aside the sheaf of parchments that she’d been marking up, rubbing blearily at her eyes when it landed. Her head shook and dark curls fell askew, the chemise she wore - black and thin enough to be titillating, were they not planning out the next thirty-odd years of magical Britain - nearly slipped off pale skin, swept away by rapid pacing. Bellatrix fell down onto their shared bed and turned to look Hermione in the eyes. “Should we tell him now, or later?”

That was really the only question to answer, wasn’t it? Even still, Hermione didn’t quite feel like giving voice to it, not entirely. There was too much information for them to parse through, too much planning to finish out. Too many unknowns.

Who were the others in Voldemort’s circle? Could holding back the information they had on the corpses be useful? Waiting until the last second?

“Maybe, maybe not.” Hermione paused to lay beside Bellatrix, thinking for a minute or two. “We can wait until the very last second if we want, just let him know now that we’re making progress. The next meeting we can say we’ll definitely have them all ready.”

“Right,” Bellatrix breathed out, mind already on whatever could await them in the next meeting. Hopefully it would be of more use to them than the last had been. Those were all social calls, nothing special and nothing particularly dark. Voldemort hadn’t even ended up attending them, and Antonin had been left holding the evenings together. They were good chances to network with supporters, but beyond that they were useless.

But the next one - just three days away and already Bellatrix’s anxiety was beginning to peak - was promised to contain Voldemort. A demonstration, Antonin had described it. Whatever that entailed, they had no clue. 

Did they care? No, not particularly. Should they? Probably. But trying to care about whatever he wanted to demonstrate meant she needed to confront the fact that the Knights were known to go Muggle hunting, were known to torture and were also known to use all of that as rites of initiation. But every little bit of their lives hinged on the next few years, and mapping out the future wasn’t so easy. Pulling memories from Hermione’s mind and her horrid little nightmare within the shack was enough to keep her head full and mind busy. 

Voldemort wanted to burn everyone, and she just needed a break to not think about the possible end of her world.

Except thinking about not thinking just led to more thinking-

Had she even told Hermione about her memories in the Shack?


She hadn’t, in fact. Or, if she had, they’d been unable to recall it, which meant that they’d been drunk, and Bellatrix could count on one hand the number of times she’d watched Hermione drink, let alone get so wasted as to blackout. The only other explanation they could come up with was that they’d been a bit off-kilter after destroying the ring, and the weeks afterwards had been so filled up with getting to know their new place in the world that it had slipped by.

Oops. Easy enough fix, even if Hermione’s eyes went wide as saucers as Bellatrix elucidated her to the fiery wrath she’d witnessed. Explaining led to realisations, led to thinking and plotting deep beneath the covers of their bed.

“So,” Bellatrix buried herself deeper, let the pillows at her head fluff up into a wall of protection. She rolled and turned herself into Hermione’s side, slid a leg between her wife’s thighs and sighed. “You had a run-in with a soul-remnant version of me from another universe and killed it. Presumably, at least. I had a possible vision of a future, or future intentions, that felt more like actual time travel and might or might not have happened in your original world. I might have Seer blood in my veins somewhere, and that little soul-remnant might have been passed along to me, even if I can’t confirm it. Does that sum it up?”

Hermione’s voice turned tired as she answered, “Yes, I think so. Why the hell didn’t we go over all of this before?”

“Because we weren’t paying attention. And in your case, trauma. In mine, disbelief. Or maybe there was just more to worry about, and there’s more still. This is just one of those things, I suppose.” Bellatrix arched and let her lips drag against Hermione’s throat, warm breath skating across as she turned her touch into a kiss. “So, the fire-vision. It lines up with Antonin ducking away. If he’s managing supplies, going to support them, it fits. Potions ingredients going missing with no apparent rhyme or reason, weird bulk storage found by Aurors. It won’t make sense if no one knows what he’s planning. I don’t think Dumbledore will like this when he hears of it.”

Strong hands ran nails along Bellatrix’s spine when Hermione responded, exhaustion bleeding through her tone. “He won’t like it one bit.” Bellatrix’s curls were smoothed away as Hermione leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek. “We can keep this a secret from him, I think. At least until we find out more, confirm it. If things follow like they do in my world, we have a good long while before the whole ‘Burn everything’ plan comes to fruition, if it does so at all. Maybe it failed in my world. Maybe we’ll stop it. There was no mention in any texts that I can recall.”

Bellatrix sighed again, eyes closing. “But we can’t trust that it won’t.”


The silence extended between them until Bellatrix hauled herself up, flat against Hermione’s chest and their bodies heating swiftly between them. “So, what do we go after first?” Bellatrix let the question sit for just a second before she leaned in and kissed, pulling on Hermione’s bottom lip. The woman beneath her moaned lightly, and then Bellatrix pulled back and whispered, “I think we break the news that we’ve got the bodies. He’ll be there at the next meeting, and since they’re whispering about it being important, maybe we can upstage someone.”

“That’s going to be a lot of talking,” Hermione huffed, rolling until Bellatrix dragged them onto their sides, hand on Hermione’s hip and her nails digging red lines into soft skin. “I suppose we’ll have to hope that your tongue is up to it, won’t we?”

The covers shielded them from what light remained inside their bedroom, and still Bellatrix could see Hermione’s pupils blown wide and slitted, her lips just barely parted. “My tongue could get us into all sorts of trouble, you know.”

“Well,” Hermione dashed forward to swipe a kiss, voice turning low and husky as she whispered, “I suppose I’ll have to show you what to do with it.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => f4e01e6b9f298b536457472f828828381727a078 ) [5] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 60. Book 3: Catching Up [timestamp] => 1637362800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 60: Book 3: Catching Up

Chapter Text

Rabastan dug two knuckles into his temple, hoping that the pain would drive away the sound of arguing Lords. He didn’t need to be here for this session, the Wizengamot could carry on just fine without him in it, but his little vow to the Black clan had meant he was here, on a Saturday, wondering when he’d get to leave and thinking about all the things he could have been doing instead of sitting through pompous blowhards disagree about how much of a tax to put on imported textbooks for the Ministry.

Why did they even need to import textbooks? Why not make them here?

He didn’t know, didn’t care, and happily raised his hand against the motion to add a tax. By the time he was finally cleared to leave, an entire section of the seating had devolved into a ragged fistfight, factions of mages pissing themselves in frustration at having somehow lost out imaginary funds.

He hated this, and it still wasn’t any different than any other session. Cumbersome, annoying, and something he could do without.

Not that he could really do without it. He represented House Black while Bellatrix and Hermione were away, and absconding from a session would be seen as a weakness at best, betrayal at worst.

A flurry of missives exploded from the room behind him as he left, and Rabastan turned through familiar hallways on his way out. Ascending was always lovely; it meant he could leave and finally quiet the headache that these sessions gave him. But ascending today led to a too-thin hallway, a stairwell that went down when it should have gone up, and a third turn after a left that was supposed to have sent him back towards the concourse.

Rabastan sighed and stopped moving, waited on whoever it was that seemed hellbent on twisting the Ministry back and forth until he was alone. Whoever it was, and whatever they wanted, had better be worth it.

The halls didn’t shift unless someone wanted them to, after all.

One minute, two, tip-tapping a rhythm onto the ground as his impatience built. Rabastan considered conjuring up a chair and taking a seat, but the thought occurred that doing so would be just the moment that his visitor arrived. 

He settled on burying his eyes in his palm and breathing out, settling for waiting because it was more straightforward.

Three minutes, four.

Finally, after what seemed like nearly a full half-hour, he could hear the telltale sound of someone approaching. Their steps were long and old, roughly silent but belied by a curious ping of metal on marble. Rabastan looked up when the mysterious interloper began to talk, their voice aged and tired just the same as he felt at that moment.

Dumbledore tweaked a little note of surprise into his voice, as if any of this was improbable. 

“Ah, Mister Lestrange! So unusual to find you here, I’d have thought you’d be away by now.”

Oh, the wizened old bastard would, wouldn’t he? White beard, crooked eyes, pointed hat just a little bit tilted. The greeting was enough to stir Rabastan into responding, and he waited patiently as the old man reached into a pocket and fished out a little yellow candy wrapped in paper.

“It’s so good to see you, my bow.” The sweet was held out to Rabastan and he shook his head, wary already. He’d dealt with Dumbledore for Bellatrix and Hermione, but if he could get away with this with as minimal effort on his part as he could, he would. Dumbledore simply grinned and unwrapped his treat, popping it into his mouth with a flourish. “Well, I was hoping that I’d find you before you managed to hurry off, but I’m glad I found you all the same. So, how’re you? Riveting session, wouldn’t you agree?”

Oh yes. So riveting. So much so that Rabastan still wanted to plug his ears with cotton.

“Oh, of course. Just the same as any other. Now, I’m running just a bit tight on time right now, so if we could,” he trailed off, hand waving just enough for Dumbledore to get his meaning.

“Yes, yes,” Dumbledore pulled back and began to walk, slow and winding as Rabastan rolled his eyes. “I was wondering if you would be so kind as to pass along a request to Madam Black. Lady Black? I forget which title they’re going by; it seems to change every day.”

Rabastan scoffed and kept his eyes up, looking for another hallway he could disappear down, half-convinced that the building hated him and wanted him stuck to the old man’s side. “Which one?”

“Hermione, if you would.”

“Well, I can try.” Rabastan turned, caught sight of an adjacent hallway and purposefully headed off, slightly outpacing Dumbledore. It didn’t look like it would lead him anywhere in particular, but anywhere was better than here. “I can’t promise you anything, but I’ll pass it along.”

The smile on Dumbledore’s face turned slight and faintly cruel, his arm reaching out to clap Rabastan on the shoulder, undeterred in the face of uncertainty. “Oh, that’s quite alright, Mister Lestrange. Now…”


Trying to rob a morgue was rather hard work. Robbing graveyards was, arguably, more challenging still. Marginally easier, though, at least in some ways. Robbing a hospital was beyond the pale; inadvisable in all circumstances, except when so low on necessary resources that it meant they were desperate. 

All three were easy ways to get onto someone’s radar, and Hermione had a deathly fear of being found out. She had no plans on visiting Azkaban this century, the next, or any others thereafter. Their little outing wasn’t a success. It was disastrous. Thirty-odd bodies and too much time spent making sure no one could find them or remember them. Too much, too little. She wasn’t a mortician, wasn’t training to become a mortician, or even remotely interested in learning a damned thing about the field, despite her propensity for learning and a voracious appetite for knowledge.

Still, she read. Learned. Gathered facts and built a case with Bellatrix at her side, and finally succumbed to the obvious answer. Tighten it all up, make it a routine.

Over six hundred thousand dead bodies fell to the ground in a single year. Near about fifty thousand in a single month. Some of those were cremated, though, and some were too destroyed to be anything but food for worms. Most of them were alright, however, and more than those were fresh enough that Voldemort wouldn’t be able to kick up a fuss.

Or so Hermione hoped. Desperately hoped, with the fervent sort of prayer that left her making runemarks on the ground and praying to deities she didn’t really believe in.

“Alright,” she slipped on a pair of rune-marked gloves and stretched, hands and tendons and legs all tingling as she did so. “In, out. Ready?”

Bellatrix nodded, sighed and twisted her hair back into a loose bun. “As much as I’ll ever be.”

Brave words, and that was all it took.

The locks that kept most cemeteries closed were old and easily opened with the quickness of a spell. Blanket notice-me-nots were laid down, enough befuddlement that no one would reasonably approach. Hermione started down one row and set off all her myriad enchantments, thankful that the dead were mostly buried at the exact same height. One, two, three, on and on and down the row she worked, walking with her wand flickering back and forth as dirt was hauled upwards, floating in the air and higher still until Bellatrix had room to work.

The next step was the pull up the old coffins and caskets, hoping that they wouldn’t be so rotten as to have fallen apart. Cracking open the lids, wandering back and down the aisle until the meat was pulled up and away, opened to the air and writing with all manner of detritus.

The smell was absolutely horrendous, despite whatever they pumped into the bodies. Rotten, decaying, horrid beyond measure, and so much. Hermione thanked the gods for the invention of a bubble-headed charm, spelled herself a breeze that constantly moved. Crack the lid, open it, drag the corpse out and then lay it down flat. Make another full ring through the cemetery and up the aisles, switching sides before coming back again and dropping a portkey on those they could salvage. Those they couldn’t were shoved back into their ill-fitting boxes with nary a care, and those they could were all sent into the caverns beneath Blackhall.

One, two, three, again and again and again. The whole of the cemetery would be emptied of their detritus, of any signs of them having been there. 

One thousand bodies buried per two and a half hectares. Average numbers, or roundabout, or close enough that Hermione wouldn’t quibble with the values. But not every cemetery was the average size, and walking back and forth over a hectare of land was nearly an hour of her time, not accounting for having to stop and take a peek, or set along spells and portkeys.

Two hours? Maybe a little more, a little less, but Hermione reckoned it was nearly that. Thousand or so in an average cemetery and the ones they needed to focus on were just about half that size. Of those, there were maybe two-thirds of the occupants that they could salvage. Of those, maybe most were salvageable.


And they were still dodging whoever might happen to come by, obliviating any caretakers who took exception to strange lights and sounds in the middle of the night. 

Four full days of work. Four days, four nights, so many pepper-up potions that Hermione was sure she wouldn’t be able to sleep for a week.

“I never, ever, want to see a cemetery again.” Bellatrix, exhausted and covered in dirt, groused as loudly as she could. “Never. Just toss me into the sea, thank you very much.”

Hermione snorted, dusted herself off. “Well, hopefully you’ll have a very long life ahead of you, and you can reconsider that request in a century or so.”

“Right, like I’ll ever do that. No, the distaste is in my bones now.”

Bellatrix tossed down the last of the corpses and turned away, her head in her hands and those bound of curls looking riotous as they tried to escape. Snakes squirming, trying to break free.

They’d done it. Somehow.

Two thousand-ish bodies and each of them politely preserved, their clothing repaired as best the duo could manage and their slight deficiencies covered over with an inventive little spell that sewed bits and pieces back together, stitching from what couldn’t be salvaged. It was an army of little monsters, and each of them were sporting infinitesimally small engravings in their bones, the script so light that no one would find it if they fell apart and broke.

Maybe some people would die once they were put into use. Probably a few people would die.

But it was all that they had, and it had to be enough.


“Sirius, get back here this instant!”

Narcissa bounced around a corner at full speed, nearly slid into the wall and then recorrected, sprinted harder and let her lungs fill up. The little runt was going to get it as soon as she could catch him, him and those little rat bastard friends of his. The heavy weight snapping against her neck and back kept pushing her forward, swinging side to side and nipping at her skin.

By all the gods did it hurt her scalp to move like this, but Sirius had absolutely gone too far, he’d pissed her well and truly off; he’d be lucky to retain his bollocks by the time she was done with him, she’d tear his friends a new one and then burn their ashes.

The boy in question sprinted, laughing as he ran, turned around another corner and kicked up his speed a notch, somehow. All he needed to do was get up the next flight of stairs and then hook a right, then he’d be off scot-free, off into the Gryffindor common room and sealed away so that Narcissa couldn’t find him.

Besides, it wasn’t like it was his fault; he’d only offered up the idea of a prank, it was James and Peter - and Remus, really, their little stoic voice of reason having given up on anything reasonable for the evening - who’d gone through with it.

The stone beneath him shifted and Sirius prepared to gloat, ready to tell his newfound friends just how hilarious their little sortie against the Slytherins had gone. Sirius wasn’t looking for anyone else up ahead, just behind where Narcissa continued panting, continued running.

He should have been paying attention.

The body that he smashed into was strong enough to send him sprawling on his ass. He rubbed his head, blinked away stars, and stared up with a prepared little speech to castigate whoever it was that had stopped him from escaping; thanks to them he could clearly hear Narcissa gaining ground.

“Watch where you’re-”

“Where I’m what,” a voice said, so familiar that his heart leapt into his throat, “Sirius?’

He blinked and stared up, suddenly owlish and chastened by the tone. “Oh,” he gasped out, voice contrite and small and face brightly pink. Repentant for maybe all of a second, though. The look was just too much, and he had to hold his side to keep from laughing. “Love what you did with your hair, Andromeda. Looks good on you. You too, Mella.”

The two girls snorted, Andromeda shaking her head and the older girl simply rolling her eyes, looking towards the ceiling and exasperatedly sighing.

“Sure,” Andromeda swiped away one of the many serpents that Sirius and his friends had transfigured, the length of it - and many others - having taken the place of her hair. The creature watched with amusement and seemed to huff, laughing, as she stared down at her young cousin. “Now then, how about we all go see Professor McGonagall, hmm?”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 252ef72b61afc030aaf200beeaa146ff57ed1543 ) [6] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 59. Book 3: Mad as a Hatter [timestamp] => 1629496800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 59: Book 3: Mad as a Hatter



Chapter Text

The front entrance to Augusta Longbottom’s home was grand in the same manner as older, curated homes tended to look. Ostentatious, to Hermione, and just a little bit too done-up.

Her eyes were shrouded in darkness and she watched as the front door opened and an old woman - sans vulture-topped hat - poked her head out to peer and sniff at the oncoming smoke. Her dress was as regal as it was refined, clad in warm tones that fit the earth and draped with silver hair. Hermione watched with faint amusement as Frank pushed past his mother to look outside, missing the oncoming duo entirely in the blackening twilight.

“It would seem the Black clan has arrived,” Augusta opted, proven correct just a second later as Bellatrix and Hermione descended to coalesce into more material forms.

Bellatrix stepped off from Hermione’s side and curtsied low. “Madam Longbottom, thank you for the invitation.”

“No worry, dear.” Augusta waited for Hermione to give her own curtsey and then turned to offer them entrance. “Now, head on in. All the others are waiting.”

A bright smile graced Hermione’s lips as she passed the older woman by, and Bellatrix gamely intertwined their fingers before giving a little squeeze.

The inside of the entrance was a different look entirely, and now that she felt a little bit more present than the last - so bound in anxiety as she had been - time, Hermione paused to take in the decor. The inside was bright where the outside had been warm; colourful yellow mingled with pearlescent green, oranges and red striped with subtle grey. There were racks of antiquities and heirlooms on the walls, swords and bobbins in all manner of description that Hermione couldn’t begin to suspect their use. Whirligigs lay on tables beside half-filled decanters of brown liquid, bright wine and honeyed whisky. 

Plants too, and enough of them that Hermione was reminded of an indoor greenhouse. Short leaves, thick trunks, long vines and flowers in shapes beyond imagination. Beautiful, if a little bit cramped.

The air was fresh inside the home, and Bellatrix turned to smile at their host. “You’ve a lovely home, Madam Longbottom.”

“Oh please,” the old woman waved away the compliment and relocked her front door, letting a multitude of chains and metal bits snap back into place. “Call me Augusta, dear. And as for the compliments, direct them to Frank. It’s all his doing, as my poor husband was never one for interior decoration. Frank, however, seems to have inherited enough imagination to make it comfortable.”

Frank - just as affable and bland looking as Hermione remembered, each of his features melting from her mind as soon as she looked away - chuckled and blushed red. “Thanks, mother. Come on then, might as well get this over with.”

It was only a short walk to their shared meeting space and tight quarters at that, but Hermione refrained from making small talk or commentary to anyone else already present. She instead was content to ignore them and stare at the walls as they turned from wood into stone, into bars of iron and posts with simple sconces. She wasn’t a legitimate part of the Order even if she was here, and she had no use to crow about as if she intended on making friends.

She’d try to keep them alive and reduce casualties, that was certain, and perhaps manage to extinguish the war before it managed to consume them all. If it even would. The existence of multiple realities, universes, made it just that much harder for Hermione to predict the future. Not to mention the fact that she’d already changed so much that even if it had all been ready to follow what she remembered, it was undoubtedly already on another track.

Dumbledore mutedly nodded at them when they brushed by, and Moody glared from his corner of the dungeon. Everyone else just blandly nodded, all except for Molly. The redhead smiled for a change, and Hermione found herself hoping that would last throughout the war’s end. She could feel Bellatrix stretch unnaturally as she returned that smile, and with a squeeze of her hand they settled as far away from everyone else as possible before summoning up a chair for the both of them to slide into.

“Now that we’re all here,” Dumbledore rumbled, his voice spreading out to fill the room and eyes rooted on where Hermione sat, “Let’s begin. Do we have any updates from the Ministry?”

There was a rough cough as Shacklebolt stepped forward with a scrap of parchment in his hands, eyes darting around before he began to speak. “There have been large quantities of potion ingredients stolen from warehouses in France. While the Ministry hasn’t been given a list of what’s been taken, I’ve been told the stores were depleted over a period of two years. No one suspiciously upped their imports, and the missing inventory was being written off as damaged. Last month the managers to those warehouses disappeared, and it’s suspected they were either coerced, turned, or under the Imperius. If the stolen goods have been flooding into England, we’re unaware of it. Likewise, if they are being brought here, we don’t know where they might be stored.”

The update continued in a monotone voice, and Hermione tuned it out until his breath fell on deaf ears. He continued to wax and wane on the intricacies of dealing with foreign Aurors and the general lack of trust between both countries and, eventually, he gave in to the dry wording of his update. He read out the list of best guesses for what had been taken along with a list of who might have done it, and more, until he finally receded to his place against the wall.

“Well alright then, I suppose I’m up next.” Moody stepped forward and tapped his foot against the floor, eyes glaring at them before he continued. “My sources have told me that there was a visitor at Blackhall. Care to comment on that?”

The mention of her home brought Hermione back to the present, and she turned a venomous glare on the Auror.

“What source?”

Moody smirked, the crags of age lines turning his face into a rictus grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know, little missy? I can’t reveal a source to you; it could jeopardise them.”

“And you not telling us could end up killing them as well.” Hermione stood and Bellatrix followed at her side, the both of them standing tall and rigid before the wizard. “So, how do you know that?”

“Well,” the smirk depended, “You both told me.” Laughter broke out as Moody collapsed on himself, guffaws bellowing as he slapped his knee. He straightened in a split second, advanced on them with his cheeks turning red. “You both need to work on keeping a tighter ship if you’re planning to play spy. Constant vigilance. It doesn’t end just because you’re somewhere you consider safe, got it? Now, since you’ve tipped your hat, who in Merlin’s bloody awful name did you have over?”

The bottom fell out from Hermione’s stomach and she shivered, teeth grinding as she seethed. Of course she’d managed to be stupid enough to get riled up at nothing, and of course she’d been idiotic enough to let information spill. She knew how much of a stickler the old coot was in her own time; she’d no reason to suspect he wasn’t like that here. Embarrassment coloured her cheeks as she stepped back, deep breaths steadying the sudden buzzing in her limbs.

A warm hand dragged Hermione back further as Bellatrix spoke up, “Voldemort showed up with Antonin Dolohov in tow.”

The exchange had simply been between Moody and Hermione until then, and Dumbledore took a moment to ask his own questions. “Why? And who is Dolohov?”

Notes shuffled as Shacklebolt shifted through his pockets, eventually withdrawing a sheaf of them that he flipped through with evident familiarity. He sighed and read out, “Foreign-born wizard, emigrated to England when he was thirteen. Did a short stint in Azkaban when he was twenty, not sure what for, though. He’s wanted right now for crimes against muggles and wizards in three different territories, but no one’s seen him for years.” Shacklebolt stilled and turned to Bellatrix, “You say he’s in England, now?”

“Yes,” she answered, sitting back and dragging Hermione down with her. “I don’t know how long he’s been here, but he is; it seems like he shadows Voldemort quite a bit.”

“Is there any chance you could slip a tracker on him?” Moody stepped forward and Hermione bared her teeth, tension rising until Bellatrix threw a mild shield between them. “Just something simple, you see. Something small. We don’t have anything on Voldemort’s inner circle; this could be the break we’re looking for. He’s targeting muggles already. If the war hasn’t started then it's going to soon, and we need all the help that we can get.”

The talk relaxed and then splintered, spiralled back and forth. Moody and Shacklebolt kept pushing for a tracker, for something, and it took everything Bellatrix and Hermione had to keep from getting physical. Everyone else had an opinion on the subject, and when it came to a head Bellatrix stood and forced her voice to flood the room, face bright red with anger.

“We've had this conversation already; I’m not endangering my sisters,” she yelled, glaring as she pointed dangerously at the Aurors. “Anything that could directly screw us will end up hurting them, so it’s off the bloody table. I’m not going to mess around to try satisfying you when we don’t work for you. We keep you up to date on what we know; we don’t go poking doxy nests on your orders.”

“So then, what is it that you have to report? Or are you here just to watch?” Dumbledore stepped forward and forced Moody back against the wall, Shacklebolt following silently at his side. “Well, speak up. We don’t have all night.”

The back and forth had Hermione rubbing at her temple and the nascent headache left her wincing as she answered, “He wants bodies.”

“Only,” Bellatrix continued for her, “None living.”

The silent room shared a glance, and no one looked keen on asking for an explanation.

Hermione’s eye twitched. “He wants Inferi so that he has shock troopers that feel no pain and won’t cease to fight until they’ve been completely destroyed.” The headache increased tenfold, and Hermione glared into her lap, eyes shut tight. “He wants them for other things as well, but we can’t talk about that now. It’s less important than him having enough troops to drown the Ministry tenfold.”

“Well, it’s clear then,” Mundungus spoke up, his voice chipper as they all turned to stare at his diminutive form. “We’re all right proper fucked.”


The meeting lasted for too many hours, and when they finally returned, Hermione dove straight into bed.

Bellatrix shut their bedroom door and sighed, “You know, Mundungus isn’t exactly wrong.”

Hermione huffed at that and buried herself into the pillows, face covered up as she screamed. The bulky length of Agath settled atop of her shoulders and the serpent hissed, displeased along with them. The bed shifted, shifted back, nudged Hermione’s side as Bellatrix laid down beside her with a warm hand on her back and hot breath against her neck. 

A wave of Bellatrix’s hand had Hermione’s short hair brushed aside, and she leaned in to press a kiss to cool skin. “He’s not particularly right about very much, but he’s right about that, I think. Didn’t he end up fleecing you out of a Horcrux?”

“He did,” Hermione mumbled into the pillow. “Sold it to Umbridge and made us run around like a pack of fools to get it back.” Hermione shifted until Agath got the picture and slithered off to the floor, “It wasn’t a fun time, that’s for sure.”

“But you got it back. We’ll make it through this,” Bellatrix whispered, turning Hermione to side as she divested them both of garments. 

“True,” Hermione tangled her fingers into Bellatrix’s curls, drawing her body closer. “But hopefully we won’t have to pull off what Regulus did. I quite enjoy living.”

Bellatrix agreed with that, but she didn’t want words anymore or to worry over their plans or future. She told Hermione as much with strong hands and clawed nails, loving bites and a sharp tongue.


Morning broke with scattered beams of sunlight passing through the windows and hot breath skating out across the expanse of stretch marks on Hermione’s back. The evidence of Bellatrix’s handiwork was emblazoned on her lover’s skin, red scratches standing out against their starker, branded cousins. A fingertip reached out and touched, feather-soft, travelling the arching curves of muscle and bone. She followed the twisting rise against Hermione’s spine, felt each bump beneath her finger, and slowly traced out the pattern of a blue serpent. 

The Patronus buried beneath Hermione’s skin hissed up at her as it yawned, mouth wide and smiling with a flickering tongue. Except for two places on Hermione’s body, whatever Bellatrix touched was burning with an inner fire. The Patronus tattoo, and the Dark Mark, were the only contrarian cold-sinks. They matched one another, brought ice up to the surface and the delineation between unmarked and marked skin was sharp.

Not that Bellatrix didn’t like that. Her own Mark was just as cold to the touch, though her serpent was far less cordial than Hermione’s. It snapped up at her and imitated a dangerous hiss, its mouth flashing fangs as it tried to leap forward and bite. Hermione’s was equally annoyed at being peered at, but seemed to hold no ill-will at Bellatrix. The python on her other shoulder was simply lazy and seemed to enjoy being traced and inspected.

The raven on Bellatrix’s shoulder squawked voicelessly, flapping its wings as it preened and moved in a bid for attention. It was valiant and playful, talons snapping as if to grab onto Bellatrix’s finger.

Pulsing heat and pressure surged between their bond, louder and louder until Bellatrix felt herself observed, watched. She glanced all around the bedroom and followed the morning light. Nothing, no one. She had no idea what she was looking for, no idea what was upsetting her mood. Magic caressed her mind, flitted against her skin as it poked and prodded wherever it could reach.

But the sensation seemed localised. Hermione wasn’t stirring, and Bellatrix came to quickly believe it was all just in her own mind. Her voice, the one in her head, the one that was her but not; it rose, made a comment about how she was talking to herself again and then clammed up.

Background noise, the complications of an anxious and overworked mind.

A sigh escaped Bellatrix’s lips and she pushed herself aside, sat up and let the covers fall off her body. With the ungainly bundling of fabric no longer weighing her down, Bellatrix rolled off of the bed and stood, stretching, before she slowly ambled to the bathroom to begin her morning routine. 

A loose, black skirt and matching top was well enough for a lazing morning, but the lace fringes felt gaudy in the morning light. Bellatrix twisted this way, that way, turning again and again in front of the mirror until she simply decided to remove the lace and be done with it. A quick snipping motion had the fabric drifting to the floor, and an errant curling of her wand vanished it all away, disappearing it into nothingness.

With her look finally complete and satisfactory, Bellatrix strapped her wand to the holster on her thigh and stepped back to the bed. A quick glance revealed that Hermione was still asleep, so Bellatrix leaned over her wife and bit.

She’d aimed right above her wife’s shoulder, and Bellatrix’s long teeth had dug deep - without breaking - into the surface. The body rolled, gasped and sat up as Hermione came to consciousness.

“Fuck was that for,” Hermione groused, shifting to rub her hand against the offending flesh. Her eyes were still shut tight and she groaned, twisting to burrow herself further into the covers, “Thought I was being eaten.”

“Well, you were last night. Not last night anymore though, love, and we’ve got a schedule to attend to. Come on, up, up. I’ll have Malbon whip us up something before we go.” Bellatrix pressed kisses into Hermione’s brown curls and then retreated from the room, her footsteps echoing against the lonesome walls as she descended.

The old elf was waiting for Bellatrix when she arrived in the kitchen, and he shot her a long-suffering glare as she sat down. Malbon’s narrow eyes were warm enough, and when she gave him her order for breakfast, he replied with a nod and a gravelly ‘Yes, Mistress,’ before wandering off to the pantry. Bellatrix, now at a loss for what she wanted to do while she waited, headed outside after a moment of contemplation.

The morning sun was still bearing down on her with soft rays, and the cool breezes of autumn were only beginning to descend. It had been unusually warm the night before, but with morning the wind came in from the south and brought along the scent of something spicy, the taste of something brisk. The world around her echoed with birdsong the crinkled words of insects, and she smiled at it all.

Beautiful, in its own odd way. She still didn’t quite enjoy waking so early, but it certainly made it worth it whenever she was filled with too much energy and no way to deal with it. A quick turn had Bellatrix floating, dissipating into smoke that rose, lightning-quick, to the top of her home. When she coalesced again, she stood leaning back, feet gripping the shingles and bricks as tight as she could.

Two-thousand corpses in sixty days. Less, now that they’d spent the first few worrying about how they’d even manage it. Morgues, graveyards maybe. Wherever there were masses of the dead that they could nab and then do it all again. Two-thousand, one-thousand a month, and the thought of so many made Bellatrix’s skin feel tense, too restrictive for every breath she took.


All of them for Voldemort to twist, to use, and then what would they do about them? They had no mind, no desire, nothing even resembling a response to pain or fear or worry. No terror, no thoughts. The wind blossomed as Bellatrix stood there, rocked back and forth until she leaned into the wind.

She leapt forward, angled herself, dissolved to smoke before she could hit the ground and then rolled back to a stop.

A thought crossed Bellatrix’s mind and she pounced on it; they’d need to sabotage the bodies somehow, trap them with something that couldn’t be countered. A run? Perhaps, but that could be discovered. The same went for a physical trigger or anything that they needed to leave on them. That left her thinking about enchantments, and even that could be discovered if Voldemort even casually inspected the corpses before he used them. 

The question of what to do, how and when, swirled around and around Bellatrix’s mind as she went back inside and ascended the stairs. It kept on annoying even when she dragged her wife from bed, and Hermione grumbled the whole time they descended to the kitchen.

Even breakfast felt sullen, and Bellatrix felt anxiety worm itself between her ribs.

“Out with it, what’s eating you, Hermione?” Bellatrix pushed aside her empty plate and nodded in thanks as Malbon took it away. “I can see it’s something, so don’t bother denying it. You’re not nearly so ornery on a normal morning.”

“Not ornery,” Hermione replied softly, pushing away a mass of potatoes with her fork. “But everything is bothering me. Nothing. Anything. I don’t have a clear eye on what he wants. We’ve already taken care of the diadem and the ring, but we don’t know where the locket, cup, or diary are. We could blow him up right now, and he’d just manage to come back, eventually. We wouldn’t know where or when, but he’d do it. And then there’s the matter of all the corpses we’re supposed to supply, and we know he’ll use them to-”

“Right,” Bellatrix broke in, stopping Hermione from continuing her rush of words. “I think that there are a few different ways we can handle that. One, we go and trap the bodies somehow. Two, we choose ones that just plain won’t make good fighters. Concerning the first option, we just need to figure out the best way to disguise our interference. To the second, we need to hide that we’re giving him inferior Inferi.”

Hermione finally pushed away from her plate entirely and ground her palms against her eyes. “So that means the second option is out because he’ll have suspicions right away if his first creation tumbles into pieces. As for the first, runes-”

“Wait,” Bellatrix interrupted again, her hand held up and fingers ticking off as she continued, “Enchantments, physical objects, brands. That’s all that I can imagine. The magic might show up if he does anything more than a cursory glance, though I can’t imagine a different way to go about it. Can you? Like, maybe we just place a single rune above the spine. Crumbling, maybe? Give them a few days of activity before a random movement just rolls their heads off?”

Hermione raised her cup of tea and sipped, eyes narrow but face twisted in apparent thought. “If we do that, then we’ll need to change up the location, or he’ll notice once the first few heads come off. We could put a little bomb at them in random locations. A rune tuned to the cycles of the moon or something like that. If we’re picking up corpses from morgues or graveyards then we’ll have a fair few with evidence of autopsy. It’ll give us a location to enter without making it look like we were cutting up corpses.”

The table shifted as Bellatrix stood and stretched, her bare feet crossed and fingers touching the floor, hair cascading to leave her shrouded. “Right. But he still might feel it or notice. So, we’re going to have to compromise them in some fashion, that’s decided. Let’s worry about getting them all first, yeah?”

When Bellatrix stood straight again Hermione was already standing with her wand out and tapping against the angles of her chin. Bellatrix’s own wand was still strapped to her thigh, and she withdrew it to stare, quickly, at the differences.

It still amazed her every time she saw the wand in action, and this time was no different. They were the same wand, separated by years and universes. Different, and still quite annoyed whenever Bellatrix picked it up. It would shock her fingers, zap her arm, leaving her standing there numb for minutes afterwards.

Weird, but no less strange than a woman travelling back in time and then becoming her wife in the course of a year.

“Yeah,” Hermione whispered, hand out for Bellatrix to intertwine their fingers. “Let’s get on with it.”


‘Getting on with it’ just so happened to mean hopping away from their home and off to a rather nondescript little muggle town along the western coast of Britain and a building with Pratchett Funeral Home written in fading paint along a sign out front. It looked as archaic as any other building in town; all of two stories tall and sagging towards the left, leaning in a style that could best be described as poor. Disillusionment had both Hermione and Bellatrix covered up, and a quick flick of Bellatrix’s wand opened the front door, locks or not.

A large mahogany desk sat in the centre of the entranceway, and a prim and proper looking woman staffing it. She brushed away blonde locks as the two witches entered, and Hermione sent her to sleep with nary a movement of her wand.

Her head cracked down on the desk when her consciousness fled, and Hermione winced as the sound rang out. 

“Sophie?” a voice called out from another room, footsteps on the wooden floorboards echoing as they approached. 

A tall man with golden spectacles entered from the right, and Bellatrix whipped her wand to send off the same spell. As he fell, she caught him with another twist and he gently reached the floor.

“Ready?” Bellatrix turned to Hermione with purpose deep in her eyes, and Hermione nodded in response.

Featherlight charms divested the sleeping duo of any weight, and a silvery spell stole away the last few moments of their memories. Bellatrix deposited the sleeping employees in a room to the left, its makeup looking like a rather well put together viewing room. They both snored on the couch that was set along one side, and Hermione busied herself with probing for anyone else.

Nothing. Or, no one living, at least.

“This is ridiculous,” Hermione grumbled as they headed towards the back of the building and then down a flight of stairs towards the mortuary proper. “We’ve regressed. It’s the resurrectionists all over again.”

“The what?” Bellatrix followed along, poking and prodding at every little muggle oddity that they passed. Little electric lamps, fanciful pictures on the walls, display cases with tools of ages past. “Inferi aren’t actually resurrected-”

“Sorry,” Hermione stopped and turned, stealing a quick kiss from Bellatrix. For courage, she told herself, continuing, “Just a muggle thing. People used to go and steal bodies for medical professionals and students to practice on. It’s just weirdly familiar, that’s all.”

Hermione opened up the last set of doors and stopped short, her eyes glancing all around the tiny space.

There were three slabs of metal in the centre of the room, a sink just behind them and an array of tools all piled neatly onto little wheeled desks. The farthest wall held a larger gurney and piles of sheets, and the wall it was adjacent to had nine square doors. It was all steel and slate grey, and Hermione could feel how the flooring shifted, angled towards a central drain.

“Two-thousand in two months. One-thousand a month. Thirty-three a day. Hermione,” Bellatrix walked up to the wall of small doors and poked one, her hand retreating when she felt an unnatural chill emulate from inside. “I think we’re out of luck. Nine. Average it, say ten. Three trips a day. Ninety a month. One eighty for two. How many of these exist in muggle Britain? We need to go elsewhere, find them, and then disable the workers before we steal the bodies. Then, we have to hush it up so we don’t get caught out or break the statute and find ourselves cornered by Aurors when they realise what we’re doing. A rash of missing bodies will be noticed, no matter that they’re just muggle.”

Hermoine’s face paled as the blood fled, and she leaned herself back against the entrance door. Her body was stiff, her eyes closed tight. “This might be more than we can chew. We need something different.”

“Nevermind that we still need to figure out how to trap them. We need-”

Stumbling footsteps pulled Hermione forward, and she waved her wand to open the doors. Little racks slid forward, revealing that only four were occupied.

“Graveyards,” Hermione said, her voice cracking and growing just a little bit frantic. There was a second of silence as she reached into her pockets and withdrew the portable Portkey’s that they’d used on Euryale, and Bellatrix reached over to dutifully grab two. “We pull them up from the graveyards and then send them off. The age won’t matter if we focus on the ones who are closest to living. Formaldehyde should prevent the worst of the rot from having taken hold.”

“That’ll still be a lot,” Bellatrix whispered, placing her Portkey’s atop the cadavers. “We need thirty a day, not counting there being bodies that are too old or deteriorated.” 

The insanity of their little quest, and their idea of keeping their hands clean, finally cracked through Hermione’s mind. She giggled, a little bit more manic sounding than before, and then pressed the centre of the keys to send them swirling through the void. The largest caverns beneath Blackhall could hold them steady with a simple stasis charm, but eventually they’d all be stacked like cordwood.

Hermione turned to full-blown laughter as they headed off, then cackling. Then falling to her knees as the serpent on her shoulder blossomed into their reality, flicking its tongue against her cheek, her neck. Bellatrix dropped down to one knee and pulled Hermione to her chest, hugged the woman tight and began to laugh along with Hermione.

It was all just a little bit mad.

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Chapter 58: Book 3: Mountains



Chapter Text

The corridors and rooms of Blackhall were empty, or nearly so. The space had been filled with sound and energy during the summer months, much more than had ever existed with Black Manor, but now it was silent. It hadn’t been so empty since it’d first been under construction, and even then it had been filled with the voices of workers and the sound of their toiling efforts.


Now it was solitude. Even Malbon seemed to prefer remaining quiet, mixing and mingling with the grounds as if he were a muted part of it. He was hiding, avoiding the snakes and them, though Hermione knew he would make an appearance should the need arise. If he didn’t then she’d call for him, and she knew that her blood was Grenier enough that he’d come running.

Not that she wanted to do that. He was free to be alone as much as he desired. That Agath seemed to have lost a playmate to torment was secondary, and it seemed they’d only have need of him later. They needed an answer, an owl from Voldemort, or more likely a direct meeting. He hadn’t made it clear whether they were to come to him or he to them. Hermione dreaded both options; anxiety filled her over their next moves, and the longer it took to receive them, the less she could predict them. 

It would likely be something illegal. Presumably, it’d be something she’d detest, and Bellatrix would as well. But there was nothing for her to do except wait, and waiting was hard.

“Alright, we’re done with this. Come on,” Bellatrix tugged Hermione up from the settee she’d occupied, eyes rolling.

The witch pulled her along, silently, towards the nearest stairs. Hermione looked on with questions in her eyes, slowly only as they began to ascend.

Bellatrix pulled her along with a little more force, “No more moping, alright? We’ve nothing to do and nowhere at all to be. Someone, or something, will show up. When it happens, it happens, and we needn’t sit around waiting with our heads in knots until it does so.”

“I’m not losing it,” Hermione countered, tugging back her hand.

Bellatrix simply grabbed it, her movement closer to gentle this time.

“You are.”

“Am not.” Hermione kept her hand in Bellatrix’s, moving her fingers until she’d intertwined them with Bellatrix’s. “It’s just quiet here, that’s all. It’s so different.”

“Oh, yes, of course.”

Bellatrix looked back and poked out her tongue with sarcastic glee, a mirthful smile taking shape. The halls and doors fell to the wayside as they rose and then deftly took a side corridor towards the master bedroom. 

“See, you get a look on your face when you’re anxious.”

Hermione opened the door first, pausing to push her nose right against Bellatrix’s. “I do not get a look on my face.”

Bellatrix kissed her nose, laughed and then pushed past her.

“You do! It’s cute, even though I know what it means. It says you’re bored, tired, and likely anxious. And if that wasn’t enough, we have this bond, almost as if we were tied. It just says what I already know. So! I think this’ll be best. You make that face, and I’ll take a photograph. Then, if the mood strikes you, you can just whip it out whenever you want.”

“Oh sod off,” Hermione laughed, giggling despite the pout on her face.

“No, no! It’ll work, see; all you have to do is take it out and say, ‘Hello, I’m Hermione Black, and I’m bored.’ It’ll be great.”

Bellatrix released her hand and shut the door behind them, “But there are other looks you wear so well, and I’d prefer to see them now if you wouldn’t mind. So, to that point, get on the bed, Mrs Black.”

Hermione scoffed and tried to think of something to refute Bellatrix’s words. Unfortunately, she could come up with nothing at all, and Bellatrix seemed to know it. She pushed Hermione, just a little shove until she’d been sent spinning to the bed. The robes she’d been wearing were all gathered around her while she glared, trying and failing to make herself look affronted. Their bonds wouldn’t let her keep that illusion up. The marred skin on her arm was burning pleasantly, and the general hum they’d fallen into since being married was calming, a harmonious love that spread throughout her heart. She was feeling out of sorts; Bellatrix had been right about that.

Her life had been so busy since being knocked into this universe, and now she’d gotten the first taste of genuine complacency. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. She was just sitting around, waiting, like it was natural to know the scope of the future and all the things she’d need to do to fix it.

Her worries, and anxieties, weren’t enough to knock her from whatever mischief Bellatrix had in mind. She was a young witch, married to a beautiful woman, and she did have a sense of humour, a sense of desire, no matter how often her old friends had tried to refute that.

“We need to be ready, Bella. He might show up at any moment-”

Bellatrix scoffed and waved her hand, letting her magic pour out to comfort Hermione. “We will be ready, love. No worries, alright? For now I just want to relax, have some fun. We’ve both been stiff all morning, wouldn’t you say?”

Hermione nodded, agreed, watched curiously as Bellatrix released magic in small spurts. The blanketing feeling grew and then her skin was suddenly bare, all clothing banished and in its place a warm heat settling down.

“Bellatrix,” Hermione pleaded, body heating without any input. 

Bellatrix wasn’t there to answer. Instead, she’d removed her own clothing as well and given Hermione a simple second before pouncing.

They were both nearly the same size; Hermione a little thinner, a little taller; Bellatrix a little more muscular, more feline in her form. But they were close enough and strong enough that she eagerly accepted the body suddenly straddling her lap. The kisses, the bites, the loving press of a hand between her legs. It was all impromptu, hurried, filled with an eagerness that sought to blot out the unwelcome feelings associated with whatever would happen later in the day. But none of it was unwanted, and Hermione fought to please her wife as much as Bellatrix fought to please her.

Together their voices filled the manor with sound and life.


Lord Voldemort arrived at the winding path towards Blackhall with Dolohov just behind him. He stood tall, straight, and pressed down the lapels of his black suit. He enjoyed muggle design and style when it complimented his figure, and the imposing look he cut seemed just the right track for today’s efforts. He wanted them to respect him implicitly and be somewhat afraid. What better than a man who looked like some omen of death?

He smiled, clapped Dolohov on the back when the man seemed to sway on his feet, and reminded himself to give his trusty adherent a day or two off. Dolohov had been moving things along as fast as he could, and Voldemort wasn’t one to lose a member of his team from something so simple as exhaustion, no matter whether the source be magical or mundane.

He’d been waiting for this day for months now, ever since they’d both agreed to his terms, and as he held a hand up to block out the steady light of the sun, he smiled. The Ladies Black were no longer entrusted with keeping Bellatrix’s siblings safe, and he’d have them at his beck and call for the better part of a year. It seemed like a fine day to collect on his deal, before they found a way to rescind the offer.

He was not worried they would try, nor did he believe that they laboured under the impression that he would somehow let them go. They’d never win out with an argument; he was confident of that and knew they were as well. They’d had months to protest it, to ask him to change his mind. Instead, they’d gone ahead with the agreement, and he was certain that his congeniality had been a large part in that. Manners always allowed the best way forward, no matter how distasteful it could sometimes be. They were aware of his prowess in magic, and he tested their wardline with a gentle push of his palm. It bounced back, pressed in on him, and he decided it was best to wait for their elf. Surely they wouldn’t be able to hurt him should he attempt to break past it, but waiting seemed the best idea. He had no need to get them pissy before he delivered their assignment.

A mighty ‘Crack!’ breached the air, assaulted his ears, and then before them both stood a tiny, diminutive elf that he hazily remembered.

“Ah,” he smiled, hands clasped together. “Malbon, was it? I assume your Mistresses are waiting?”

The elf nodded, his eyes twin slits as he squinted up. “Aye, they are waiting indoors. They ask you to please join them, if you would.”

The elf waved its small hand, and Voldemort felt the ward falling away to nothing as it accepted them past the entrance. With another pop, the elf disappeared and Voldemort turned towards Dolohov with mirth in his eyes.

“Think they’ll enjoy this, my Lord?” Dolohov took up pace beside Voldemort, his shoulders held steady as they approached the massive home.

Voldemort pursed his lips and sighed. “No, I don’t believe they will. They might find the work distasteful or think it beneath them. Or simply find it to be busywork; I know they both have keen minds that yearn to be applied to problem-solving. I doubt they’ll find much to relish with this. But they need to do it. We need to know they stand beside us, tall and proud, without any reservations. This way, we sort them out. They do it, or they die.”


The burning heat of the Dark Mark upon their shoulders sent both women bolting from the bed. Bellatrix lept out, bounced to her feet and turned to grab Hermione’s hand. 

Hermione sighed and half-sprinted, half-burst from the bedroom with her wand waving as she did so. Thin robes and undergarments coloured in obsidian clad her body as she strode onwards, and beside her Bellatrix mimicked the look.

“So, now what?” she asked, leaning into Bellatrix’s side as they began to descend through the house.

Bellatrix merely shrugged, one arm looping through Hermione’s. “Now we get to see what he wants from us. No matter what it is, we do it, right?”

Hermione was silent for a moment, a deep breath in, nervous breathed out. A mask fell atop her face, ambivalent and blank, all of Hermione’s emotions locked up tight within the confines of her mind.



“Ah, Ladies!” Dolohov greeted them with a roguish smile and bowed low, winking as he rose. “Our Lord has arrived to pass along your orders. I take it that you’ve both the time to go over the plan, yes?”

Hermione curtsied back alongside Bellatrix, offering faint welcome and praise to her guests. Voldemort stood there, silently watching, and though Hermione was sure that he was attempting to get inside their heads, he failed. Whatever forms of intrusion he’d once tried were gone now; instead it was a faint caress of heat and scale, a direct link through their Dark Mark still not enough to break past the Occlumency barriers they’d built. She kept her mind off of it, though, aware that her part was to play the perfect host, not the paranoid follower who belligerently protested against any possible intrusion.

Bellatrix snapped her fingers and had Malbon take their orders for some refreshment and turned to lead them all towards the back of the manor. The walls thinned out here, replaced instead by large bay windows that let in the bountiful light of the sun, and allowed anyone within unfettered access to the beauty of the grounds. Nature’s mood was warm and sunny, a crescendo of summer right before autumn took hold.

“Thank you,” Voldemort said, graciously accepting a crystal glass filled with whisky once he’d found a seat in the windowed study that Bellatrix had opened up for them.

Dolohov did the same, cheerily taking his glass from Malbon and then downing it in one massive gulp. “Ah, that hits right. Only the best for you ladies, eh?”

Bellatrix grinned and nodded, filling in the space between them with small talk, Dolohov prattling on until Voldemort had drunk his fill.

When he set down his glass the talk stopped, and Hermione readied herself for whatever would come next. Eyes naturally found Voldemort’s - admittedly handsome - face, the grin plastered onto him nearly disarming, if it hadn’t held the promise of poison and venom.

“By now, I suppose that both of you know what I want to accomplish, though you lack specifics. Am I correct?” he asked, his voice sibilant and hardy, just a tinge of the accent that came with parseltongue lilting along with it. His presence was commanding, and even though he hadn’t issued one, Hermione still found herself sitting straighter in her seat.

It was unnatural, his charisma, the way he made her feel important despite all that she knew of him. She desperately tried to shut off the feeling of power, of heat, reminding herself of the way it had felt emanating from his ring, as they’d destroyed it, and the cup, as they’d burned it.

Bellatrix was pounding nervousness through their connection yet still found the courage to answer.

“Yes, my Lord. We’re unaware of anything more than what you’ve already told us. War, soon enough. That’s it.”

Voldemort’s grin turned smug and predatory.

“Well, I’d say that’s a good thing, wouldn’t you? I know that I’d hate to have any loose ends running around. Anyone who remains unaware of the full picture is someone who can’t go spoiling the fun. Not that I think either one of you would do such a thing; I’m not implying that at all. I know you’re both loyal to the bone, just as the late Cygnus was. No, I know you’re both too invested in our cause to ever turn traitor like that. But, it’s not just me that needs to be convinced of that. The remainder of the Inner Circle isn’t impressed. They’ve seen your brands and how you’ve both covered yourselves in dark, illegal magic. But they’ve also seen you both sitting around for months now, not even a little part of the bigger plan. You’ve both stepped in the right direction, true.”

Voldemort took another sip, letting his words sink in before continuing, “If someone from the Ministry were to find out about you both, you could get the charges dropped. You could do so with a competent lawyer, and after the business with your cousins, I’d say that you’ve hired the best to represent you. But, if you didn’t have such access to a lawyer, my compatriots are quite certain that what you do know could be used to buy leverage. It’s an unfortunate business, distrust. It makes everyone paranoid.

Hermione moved to speak, but he held up a porcelain hand and took another sip of his drink, Malbon dutifully appearing to refill it.

“You both wear my mark, but you’ve a need to prove yourselves. I happen to have a need for bodies. Our interests are, happily enough, overlapping. I need mundane, preferably. Magical, if you absolutely must. Young, old, it doesn’t really matter to me so long as, when you deliver them, they’re dead.”

Hermione blanched, and she could feel Bellatrix doing the same beside her. In her mind she could clearly, easily, pick out just the reason he wanted those bodies. The lake, his bolstered armies. A touch of fear entered her mind, insidious and robust, and beside her, Bellatrix fought to keep it away.

“How many of them, my Lord?” Hermione asked, setting down her glass without ever having really had a taste of it.

Voldemort smiled at them, bared his teeth - his fangs - and said, “Two-thousand.”

Hermione could feel the blood drain from her face, her vision narrowing as she tried to comprehend just what he was asking her. Hordes, he wanted a legion; two-thousand nearly indestructible warriors who would follow orders without thought or reason. And Voldemort was just grinning.

“Oh, my dear, don’t look so put out. That’s two-thousand total, not each. And, as I’ve said, you needn’t pick ones that put up a fight. I’m not keen on the destruction of our kind, so mundane is the preferred sort. As a head start, I’ll give you this. The destitute and unloved from the mundane world would be the easiest for you to accrue. No one wants them at all, and no one really sees them. No one misses when they’re gone. To a muggle, it would seem that poverty is just as good a charm as disillusionment is to us.”

He finished speaking with a flourish, and Hermione felt the bottom fall out of her stomach. He was pleased, clearly, and he wanted them both to know it. It was a task they couldn’t object to; if he had asked them to go after magical bodies it might have been easier to kick up a fuss about it, but muggle? They were pretending to be just the same sort of pure-blooded supremacists as the rest of his associates. There was no excuse for her to cling to.

She knew, then, that the Inner Circle could probably accomplish this all on their own. There were more than enough of them to pick up that many, but he’d chosen them. Pied pipers leading healthy bodies to a future as Inferi. They needed to make him think their souls were his, and he was giving them an in.

It wasn’t one she wanted, and, beside her, Bellatrix seemed about the same mind.

“When would you prefer we accomplish this task, my Lord?” Bellatrix asked, her voice measured and even, and all sorts of calm that Hermione didn’t feel.

“Oh,” he answered, fingers tap-tap-tapping against his chin while he tried, and failed, to look indecisive. “Well, how about this. Let’s say that you have two months. That should be more than enough time for you both to gather them up. After that’s accomplished, I’ll find something else for you to do. Meanwhile, your time is your own. Prepare for your Masteries, if you wish, or whatever else suits your fancy. I’ll expect weekly updates on how you’re doing, how many you’ve gathered. Keep them somewhere secure, and then let me know the details when it’s all said and done. I’ll collect them when I’m ready. I do expect, however, that you’ll finish before the two months are up. You’ve all that time, but I would appreciate expediency. Simple enough, yes?”

Voldemort gleefully leaned back into his chair and waited on them both to agree - verbally, Hermione knew he wasn’t going to take any chances, and a vow spoken, even if not backed by something quite so substantial as the Unbreakable, was hard to shake - with him. Once they had done so, he continued, his eyes flashing with eagerness and danger.

“Good, good! Now then, Dolohov will be working on his own tasks during that time, and so will most of the Inner Circle. In order to keep everyone up to date, we’ll be meeting every two weeks. The first one is at Lord Rosier’s estate. I hope that won’t prove to be an issue, will it, Bellatrix?”

Hermione watched from the side of her eye as her wife fought to stamp down the flash of anger that built in her at that. Hermione knew that the bastard was worth less than dirt, and yet it appeared he would manage to vex them both in some form or fashion for a while longer. Unless, Hermione wondered, if he were to be felled by a quite unfortunate accident.

Bellatrix spoke evenly, voice clipped. “Of course it won’t, my Lord.”

Voldemort clapped his hands, a voracious smile breaking out. “Splendid, just splendid. If he puts up a fuss I’ll set him straight, if that’s alright? I don’t think he will though, he was rather well dressed down after his shameful rhetoric. If there are any issues, though, I expect that you’ll come to me to deal with them. I don’t abhor my followers to seek out solutions independently, and I encourage some lively competition. It keeps people on their toes. But when it comes to the Circle, the Knights, I expect that you will handle any issues with professionalism.”

Hermione mutely nodded her acceptance of the condition and watched as Bellatrix stiffly did the same. Her mind, however, was elsewhere.



Hermione grunted with effort and unleashed a purple coloured hex that split apart the practice dummy that she’d set up only moments ago. She ripped its head apart, the torso grievously shredded and the legs split down the centre as the bones exploded. It was the fourth that she’d destroyed in as many minutes, and the exertion was just what her mind, and body, needed. Bellatrix had been the one to see Voldemort and Dolohov out, and once that unenviable task was accomplished, she’d come down to the duelling space beneath the manor to join Hermione.

Her mind was closed, then opened, a flood of emotion furthering Hermione into a more vigorous assault at the faux-opponents.

“We have to do what he says,” Bellatrix remarked, repairing the latest dummy to fall to Hermione’s anger. “You know what’ll happen to us if we don’t. And neither of us are strong enough to stop it.”

“We’ll be ostracised, shunned, never close enough again to fulfil our mission. Or, more likely, he’ll just kill us outright.” Hermione dropped the robes she’d been wearing, switching instead to a lighter set of pants and a cut-down shirt with its sleeves removed, all of it black and ragged.

Bellatrix hummed, changing to be clothed much the same. “Maybe we just do a part of it, then?”

“You mean not kill two-thousand innocent people?”

Bellatrix stood back and away when Hermione unleashed an orange curse, the edges of its trail tinged with sparks and smelling faintly of cranberries. The spell whizzed off and landed against the target, dragging it to be crushed against the floor.

Bellatrix answered as she moved to pick up the target, “Yes. Let’s not kill all those people. We need to figure out a different way.”

“How?” Hermione threw up her hands, exasperated, and wiped away the thin veneer of sweat that she’d built up. “We can’t duplicate bodies; we can’t transfigure them from something else. He wants to have Inferi, which means we can’t give him something that’ll fall apart when he begins the process. It means no golems, either, and I can’t see a way around what he wants.”

“I don’t know,” Bellatrix started to answer, her voice tired and strained. “We can look for prisons, maybe, just take the ones who’re never getting out.”

A second past and then a flare of pain illuminated Bellatrix’s chest. Wrong answer.

“I’m not murdering innocent people!” Hermione raged, threw a shimmering Avada towards the rebuilt target and watched, with a murderous light within her eyes, as it was bowled backwards, blasted off to smash against the wall.

Bellatrix stepped back from her wife, trying to tamp down the flow of magic through their bond, a living pain that screamed with Hermione’s mind.

“I mean-”

“Oh, fuck you!” Hermione stowed her wand and stomped off towards Bellatrix with a finger pointed threateningly. “I’m not going to kill innocents for that fucker, or his mad vision, not if I can damned well avoid it. That includes anyone in the muggle world, as well as here. That includes prisoners or people already being punished for a crime. It’s not like there are bodies just sitting around for us! And if you bring up Rodolphus, I’ll, I’ll-”

Hermione never finished. Instead of the tongue lashing that Bellatrix had been expecting, Hermione instead fell to her knees. The marks, tattoos, brands and burns that marked her body were visible now, released from the hold of illusion and revealed. Bellatrix was held up only a moment by surprise before she too was dropping down, her knees landing hard against the floor. A chill had invaded her chest; all the heat of her wife’s rage dissipated into a grating ball of ice.

“Hermione,” Bellatrix haltingly started, reaching forward to cup her wife’s cheeks and scooting until the woman was cradled against her.

“I don’t want to be a murderer. I don’t want to fall into that trap; Dumbledore is all about the greater good, it’s why he tried to send me back. I don’t want that to happen to me, to us. He wants us to get him something we can’t get without ruining ourselves. We’ll be no better than either of them.”

Bellatrix tried to console her wife, gingerly holding her close and tight, pouring out love through their bond. She reviewed what they’d said, both before and now, letting Hermione’s scar pulse comfort instead of anxiety or pain.


Slowly, and with many tears, the episode ended. That was what Hermione decided to term it; an episode, instead of a mild breakdown. She picked herself up and, hand in hand with Bellatrix, stumbled off towards the far end of the duelling space, her back cold when she sat and pressed it up against the wall. Bellatrix joined her and held her hand tightly, rubbing patterns and shapes into the back of her hand, tracing the edges of their blood-coloured brands.

“We need to figure something out, and fast.” Hermione accepted the soothing feeling of Bellatrix’s body leaning against her, letting her head lay against the witch’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for that outburst. I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that; it was misplaced. Won’t happen again.”

“Don’t go making promises that you can’t keep,” Bellatrix answered, nudging Hermione with an elbow.

That perked up a spark of indignation inside Hermione’s chest, and when she went to counter it, Bellatrix instead continued.

“No, I mean that. We can’t just promise one another that we won’t make dumb mistakes, a stupid decision in the heat of the moment. Getting angry and fighting is included in that. We can just try to recognise it and nip it in the bud whenever we can. When you can’t, we’ll fight and then talk about it. Alright?”

Hermione took a second to absorb that, and then nodded.

Bellatrix smiled, “Good. Now, Rodolphus and his minions were an edge case. You knew what they were capable of in the future, and we weighed that against the changes we were already making. We ended it before they could cause more harm, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t glad they’re gone. We can’t, however, do that for everyone. And we’re too far away from your memories now. Our issue won’t be solved by what you’ve lived through, and reckless carnage is out of the question.”

Hermione wiped at her eyes and peered up at Bellatrix through the remnants of her tears and sweat. “Our issue, yeah. I suppose we can look around. Figure out the worst of the worst and take them.”

“No,” Bellatrix shook her head. “No, I was thinking that we go with something much simpler. You said that it’s not like there are bodies just lying around, right?”

Hermione leaned back, ran a hand through the short, unruly curls atop her head. “Right. So, we need to find people who-”

“People,” Bellatrix grinned. “Just people. Bodies. He never once said we needed to kill them ourselves. We don’t need to bring him living people.”

Hermione, confused at her wife’s train of thought but trying to keep up, squinted. “I’m not going and digging up a grave.”

“Oh, for Merlin’s sake, I love you, you know that, and you’re brilliant.” Bellatrix teased her, no venom in her tone. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against Hermione’s nose, “Sometimes, though, I wonder how you ever made it to your seventh year. You don’t need to get a body after it’s been buried. We can get to them before.”

Comprehension bloomed within Hermione’s mind, and she laughed herself, giggling, into Bellatrix’s arms.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 3e62aee40feca7c8a6e1e7675e3f51bef31c6494 ) [8] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 57. Interlude, Part Two [timestamp] => 1607986800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 57: Interlude, Part Two


no edit
this isnt' supposed to make sense until the 3rd interlude is published.
Next arc to start sometime either this month or next.

Chapter Text

It was shifting mirrors and broken light, a twisting kaleidoscope that pulsed through the windows, scattered on the floor, all of it in time with a twisting headache that wouldn’t quit. It was searing along the inside of her brain, her eyes, mind open and unseeing. She couldn’t stop herself. Did she even need to? Did she want to?

No, she supposed. Not really. It wasn’t as if closing her eyes would solve this problem, or change anything at all. She was in memory, in a dream, this one too long by far and too aggressive to be anything other than a nightmare. Again. Had she been here before? She’d been having these since she’d gotten married, since that phantom voice had spoken up, somewhere in the back of her mind, and whispered of hate. It happened again, and again, day after day and night after night. There was no ending this, no reliable beginning, just an irrelevant afterlife filled with nothing.

She was awake and yet still asleep.

She was awake and yet still asleep.


The masonry that surrounded her was built of white bricks; all their expanses only interspersed with irrelevant and inconspicuous grey fuzz. Mottled browns, beige and eggshell white, a cornerstone of purity bending towards corruption. It didn’t match her earlier surroundings, and now that she could place herself as here, it stung. She wished to be anywhere else except for here, anywhere but here in this hell, this place where nothing made sense and the Castle just kept rising. Up and up it stretched, further and higher, the water tumbling all around her and the clouds ascending as she walked. There were other beings all around her, incorporeal yet visible. They were lithe and skittish things that she could see through; there were no faces for her to recognise, and yet each one felt familiar.

Her heartbeat was placid, stilled within the confines of her chest. The coursing of her mind was stymied only by the lack of action, reaction.

Until she walked, that was. Higher and higher, onwards ever after. Her heart was no longer in stasis; it was pounding. It was a burning ember and the spiralling scars along her neck, her chest and arms, the whole of her skin aflame as she moved. Up and up.

She hated this.

The Castle laughed.


She rushed off through the blackened spaces, feet pounding against obsidian and glass, wondering aloud if anyone was there. She had been chasing after someone, so sure that they were just around the corner, another turn, and yet every time she skidded to a halt, there was no one there to greet her. The repetition was setting her on edge, making her teeth ache, sliding an icepick into her brain. Her palms were wet with sweat and it dripped down her back, down her neck, and the thin dress she wore did nothing to stop the slowly building heat. Her hair was whipping back and forth as she turned, futilely, to find anything or anyone. Her path was marked by the echoes of her sprint, building as she blasted up impossible flights of stairs that reminded her of all the time she’d been in school, languishing and preparing for a fate she’d never wanted. She’d lost herself then, was lost now, was looking for someone or something. 

There were doors at every level she came to and she tried them all, hoping and pleading that this one would open. Each was locked, their knobs too strong and the wood too thick. There was only the everpresent scent of flowers on the breeze, a stirring memory beneath the surface of her mind. If she was quiet, hunkering down and holding her knees to her chest, she could hear something. It almost sounded like someone speaking, yet each time she tried to focus it faded away. There was just a slow trickle of water dripping somewhere, the ragged tear of air from her lungs, and the rush of blood pounding against her eardrums. 

The mezzanine behind her was calling, and she started up again.


Her mind was wandering. It wasn’t hard to tell or admit. One second she was pushing forward, inflamed with energy and effort, the next she was slack against a wall, breathing with no breath. Nothing. No one. The faces, the things that she was seeing weren’t real, weren’t helping. They were simple objects for her to overcome and she wasn’t entirely sure whether she wanted to run, or sprint, or curl herself into a tiny little ball of nervous feathers, mind blank as she pretended none of this existed.

“Here!” came a voice, the expression in the tone all rage, all anger, so much softer than a mere whisper. Much more a scream. It rang down the hallways and over her ears, so simple and yet so much, penetrating even as she stood there. It curdled her mind, forced itself past her ears, burrowed into the recesses of her chest and left her limbs heavy with pain. It came at her again, quieter this time yet no different, not really, and she wondered right then whether she was simply going mad.

“Here!” it came again, stretching beyond the border of acceptance, winding through the very air until she could see it. She whirled in place and then took off, no direction in mind except away, away from this roiling headache of light and darkness.


There was the sound of someone fleeing, and then nothing. Her eyes wandered around, her ears open, moving sideways even as she tried to place one foot in front of the other. A chill took up residence against her skin, something dark and old, and she stood there wondering just where it had come from. It was pushing her from behind, worse if she turned back, and she darted past a corner only to bounce against a shade of nothing.

A ghost, or something so much lesser that it escaped the notice of her eyes. It wasn’t worth the effort to understand just where she was, just what this could be. The shade - or ghost, or thing - wasn’t moving, wasn’t talking, and when she passed through it there’d been nothing to stop or ground her.

Best to avoid them.


Something had passed through her, something light and full of darkness, something that collided with her and then pushed on, away, running as fast as it could. She didn’t know how she’d seen that though or understood it. A common theme. A recurrent emotion. The lack of knowledge would have been chilling if she hadn’t been numb already. 

She pushed off and sprinted away again, great leaps and bounds that sent her running, flying from that voice. Or was she searching for it? Perhaps she wasn’t confident that it had even happened. Could it be both? It might be both. It could be nothing and something, and still she wandered forward.


A snake. She’d found a bloody snake.

She blinked, opened her mouth and tried to speak to it.

Nothing. Not even a croak, or her own too human voice. A spark ignited within her mind, and she wondered then if what she was seeing was herself. Maybe. It certainly looked like her; it held a certain similarity that she’d seen in a silver-backed mirror once. Looping patterns, whirls of diamonds surrounding grey and green, browns and muted beige. It was massive as it flitted around a corner, the tip of its tail the last glimpse she had of it.

Somewhere behind her, a serpent laughed, and then she ran.


The air passing through her mind was livid. She was flying; she was running; she had feathers and skin, crooked feet and talons that ended in pudgy human toes. She was in the air and on the floor, her head on at an angle and her mind somewhere far behind her. 

Then she was falling, again, down into a puddle of water that was a lake that was a puddle that was too much and too little and she was there, deep, dark beneath the torpid waters. It was her. Older. Older, sure, uglier, sure, broken. It had her lines and her hair, held a silver streak, a blur, eyes so deep and pained that they might have been coal or endless caverns. There was something in the look, that pain, that anger, that light, that hate, that thing. It was there, and she screamed.





She pushed herself up, away, back towards the mezzanine, the exit, her wings exploding from brittle human bones as she leapt over the railing. Her wings failed her, and she plummeted. The ground rushed up and impacted, her mind sent reeling as she passed through to the next floor. Her wings failed her, and she plummeted. The ground rushed up and impacted, her mind sent reeling as she passed through to the next floor. Her wings failed her, and she plummeted. The ground rushed up and impacted, her mind sent reeling as she passed through to the next floor. Her wings failed her-

She landed. She was alright. She was whole and living, burning and crying. She was a lump of skin and naked fears, nails scrabbling against too pale skin, long and yellow, bitten short. Her body hurt from top to bottom, but it stopped, abruptly, when she stood.

She was whole again, and young. 

Yet she could not forget the feeling of being in that skin.


She wasn’t sure where she was or how many floors she’d travelled. Her heartbeat was pounding within her chest with all the ferocity of a frightened rabbit. She’d given herself a single burst of speed and then taken it, blundered her way forward into the nothing. Her feet were as fast as they could go, and the memory of the serpent weighed heavy on her mind. She was being chased and yet nothing was there, no one around her. 

If she was so alone, then why did it feel like she was running for her life?

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 9b086376b29e58035c7b7a3db318e3fbbcf04da4 ) [9] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 56. Book 2: Heading Off [timestamp] => 1606086000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 56: Book 2: Heading Off


my muse had tanked, so apologies for late chapter.

Chapter Text

Breaking the placid stillness of sleep was welcoming, to a degree. For Hermione it meant she was aware and moving without so much as stumbling through gummed up eyes and the haze of dreams. 

Whatever dream it was that she had been having wasn’t exactly a pleasant one, even if she couldn’t remember it. There were trails of salt leaking down from her eyes, coating her cheeks and leaving the pillow beneath her feeling cold and tired. She could recall the emotion that had held her heart and for some reason it had sent her spiralling, down and down into something. Something that had been wrong with her. Something that had been wrong about where she’d been, where she was going. The colours of the dream had bled together into something sharp and white, all of it so sombre that she couldn’t hold back from feeling empty and devoid. 

She just couldn’t remember the specifics or the technicalities. Couldn’t recall what had made her feel so much like that, or why she felt a sense of vertigo, a chill of water even though she wasn’t wet or doused from rain. The minutiae were distressing but being awake and alive was such a relief that within seconds she began to forget it, wiping away the crust of salt and breathing deep enough to fill her lungs to the brim.

The skin of her curse mark was burning pleasantly with Bellatrix’s dreams, and Hermione took a moment to stretch and roll her body. There was a light breeze passing over her skin and the morning light was scattered about the room, crystalline and clear. Bellatrix still snored softly beside her, and it appeared that during the night the dark-haired witch had made it her mission to steal up as much of the blankets as she could.

Hermione smiled and poked at Bellatrix’s cheeks, the witch rustling deeper into her little nest of stolen covers and pillows piled all around her. When the witch failed to move Hermione went back to placid stillness. There were birds twittering to one another outside the windows, the laughing chirrups a welcome song. The house settled around them and though no one was moving it groaned and creaked, a voice all its own. 

Below her, Hermione could smell something beginning to cook but there was no noise or sensation to say that anyone was already partaking. 

It was intensely peaceful now, and after all the theatrics of the prior weeks, months even, Hermione enjoyed it. Luxuriated in it, really. There was no tension from delving deep into the Shack, nor was there annoyance or the nervousness that had come with descending into Longbottom Manor. There was nothing for her to prove, no one to beat, and she’d be left here so long as she desired. She enjoyed the easy stillness and took the moment as one of reflection, reconciling the girl she’d been with the woman she now was.

That little girl might not have ever been able to competently appreciate where Hermione now was. That girl had been one obsessed with rules and Light, she’d been too afraid of stepping out of line if it would bring ire down upon her, except where her friends had been involved.

And she had lit Snape on fire, that one time. She’d not needed very much prompting to preemptively send someone to an early grave just to save a friend, so perhaps her chosen life wasn’t so odd after all?

She’d also willingly gone down for a trip below the third corridor, unknown be damned. And she’d punched Draco when he had finally managed to piss her off. Of course, there had also been everything after their sixth year. If she sent a few cutting hexes instead of stupifying defensive spells, so what?

That girl had been her, but she was not that girl. Hermione mouthed that as a pledge, halting breath and hammering in her chest as she squeezed her eyes shut. It was a sudden dissonance and yet didn’t hurt, just startled. She could hope that the version of herself that had yet to be born into this world was able to live a better life. Hopefully whatever she became would be natural, and shining, someone who needn’t be pitted against the forces of darkness at the tender age of eleven.

But she had lit Snape on fire. Maybe wishing for normalcy was too much. Maybe that little girl would never get to live out something so condescendingly banal as normal.

Did she want to find out?

“Mornin’,” Bellatrix grumbled, her voice full of gravel and sleep. 

Hermione perked at Bellatrix’s now waking form and leaned in to steal a kiss. “That it is love, that it is. Come on now, let’s go. Up Bella, up!”

With a flourish Hermione rolled herself off of the bed and pulled the blankets with her as she did so, tugging and yanking until Bellatrix was left alone in a pile of limbs and black hair. A pillow dragged down to cover her eyes, a growl emanating from her throat and limbs splaying out as the witch tried to dig her way through the mattress and back to warmth.

“Too bright, too cold.”

Hermione bundled up her stolen bedding and shoved it back against the headboard on her side, “No, it’s not even noon yet. Hurry up Bella, we’ve places to be.”

Another growl came up from the stubborn woman, deep and low enough that it brought to Hermione’s mind the activities they’d been engaged in just a few hours prior. A hand rose up to feel a bruising imprint of teeth along her collarbone, muscles attentive and sore, a low fire spreading in her belly. A moment was spent in quiet reflection of those feelings, and more, before Hermione walked over to where Bellatrix still sulked.

“Bella!” she yelled, voice ratcheting up as she took hold of Bellatrix’s right ankle and pulled.

There was just a moment where Bellatrix didn’t move at all, locked into place atop the mattress and so entrenched she couldn’t be dug out. But then, agonizingly slowly, she moved.

Before being promptly deposited onto the floor as Hermione turned around and walked away from the bed.

“Ass,” Bellatrix groused, swatting upwards blindly where she thought Hermione was, long curls still obstructing her face.

“I know, and you’ve left more than enough handprints there to last a lifetime. Now, hurry on and clean yourself up. We need to deliver the kids today, and I, for one, don’t intend on them being late.”

Hermione stood there with hands on her hips as she awaited an ounce of acceptance from the pile on the floor. It took a second, maybe two, but when Bellatrix finally nodded at her, all was well. The dreams were soon forgotten completely, and a smile framed her face.


Andromeda climbed upwards from a restful sleep with as much effort as she gave everything in her life.

One minute she was fully dead to the world, so deep that nothing could hope to wake her. The next moment she was tiptoeing away from Ted’s still sleeping form with eyes bright and muscles yearning to get a move on. She was fresh and buzzing with energy, even if she needed to squash down anxieties about the coming school year when she realized what date it was. The temptation of another few months of insanity wasn’t welcome, but the freedom to be away from home was stronger, for now.

School finally, finally had an expiration date attached to it.

She had just this year left, these few months, and then she’d be off into the wider world where no one could tell her what to do.

“Andi,” Ted grumbled at her from his position on the bed. He rose slowly and turned until his feet were planted on the ground and strong hands winding his unruly hair out of the way. “Why’re we up so early? It’s not even noon.”

Andromeda smiled at him and placed a gentle kiss atop his head. His hair still smelled faintly of the conditioners and shampoos she’d forced on him once it became clear he’d been staying for the duration of their summer break, and she took a moment to simply luxuriate in all things Ted.

“Because,” she grinned, eyes dancing with mirth. “If you don’t get up I’ll hex you silly.”

Ted grinned back and stuck out his tongue, nodding before grabbing her with swift hands and surprising energy. Andromeda was pulled into the assault of tickles, them both a giggling mass now rolling joyfully across the bed.


The large door into Narcissa’s bedroom was opened up on silent hinges as a blonde head poked through the widening crack. Lucius had been well awake since the crack of dawn and dutifully packing, not yet having left his room until he’d heard the rest of the household begin to stir. He could smell breakfast being cooked, and when his stomach grumblings had gotten the best of him he’d decided to check in on Narcissa.

Who was absolutely still, absolutely asleep, her blond hair scattered all around her pillow and face eternally serene.

Lucius quietly backed away, slowly and with great pains not to make a noise of any kind. He’d already woken her up before she’d been ready once this month and had no desire to repeat the action. It had been hard enough to get the soot marks out of his robes back then, and Narcissa had promised to double her retaliation it happened once more.

No, Lucius thought, closing the door behind himself and heading downstairs for breakfast. He had no need for that.


Clouds of steam and vapour were rising up above the cooking range, fat and grease spitting all around as the meat sizzled and Malbon looked on with a bored expression. The rest of the fare was spread out on the table in the room next door, only a few slices of bacon and ham remained within the massive pan that he held hovering above an open flame. He had awoken at his usual time that morning, just about two hours prior to the first rays of sunshine gracing the horizon. 

His mornings usually were early and quiet, or early and still enough that he could catch time for himself prior to being needed for the day. Not that there was ever very much for him to do except clean up after messes, cook, and lounge.

Mistresses Bellatrix and Hermione both held to a tight ship and they’d gone out of their way to alleviate most of his duties with enchantments that the old Greniers would never have let stand. Not that he minded that. If anything he appreciated it beyond measure despite not commenting on it publicly. It was nice to let his old bones rest more often than not, and the pranks and oddities that the family were able to conjure up were never very difficult to right.

Even Mistress Hermione’s consistent attempt to pay him was amusing; he delighted in finally being freed of the old Manor and sent back every sickle to the Mistresses shared vaults. The old haunt had become cold and boring with no one to live there and brighten it up, and once he’d determined that the blood within Mistress Hermione’s veins was true he’d decided to go anywhere with her. After all, why wouldn’t he? He’d just been left sitting in an ancient and vacant manor with nothing to occupy himself except the odd bit of upkeep that time and weather managed to eke out of the magical space. The Greniers were all dead - at least the true lines all were, there were some former blood relatives that he knew of and some others who’d married so far out of the family as to be considered strangers now - and his service had left him shackled to a gravestone.

That Mistress Hermione hadn’t started out as a true Grenier wasn’t a reason to deny her. It didn’t matter how she’d become a Grenier, she was one now. That was what mattered to him, nothing else.

But he could do without all the snakes.

“Shoo,” he commanded, a knobby fist pushing against Agath’s nose as the serpent attempted - not for the first time that day - to steal a mound of raw bacon.


The sounds of the Hogwarts Express pulling back into the station sent Hermione off inside her mind to a different time and place, another world entirely. She could remember the fleeting glimpses that she’d had of Harry and Ron prior to their true introduction while searching for a toad, and she could still feel her father’s hand resting atop her shoulder. She could picture them all weaving in and out of the crowds of frantic schoolchildren and their attendant parents, and if she closed her eyes she could swear it sounded just the same.

There was an excited child yammering to their parents about all the spells that they wanted to learn first, their voice bubbly and shrill. Far off to the right of where she stood a group of teenagers had decided to congregate, each of them happy to see friends after being apart for the whole break. There were staff barking orders to one another, owls were screeching at the bright light and loud sounds, and somewhere far behind where she stood was the rustling and rumbling of the Muggle section of the station. It was a nostalgic cacophony despite being so far removed from her own experiences, and Hermione huddled in closer to Bellatrix as they moved to the gleaming hide of the Hogwarts Express.

Narcissa led with Lucius in hand, their carts enchanted to follow and trunks all packed neatly. When they stopped before the entrance to a passenger coach, Lucius turned back and approached them with his hand thrust out and chin held high.

“Ladies Black, I’d like to thank you both for playing host to me all these months. It’s been a great pleasure, and a valuable learning experience.”

Hermione was struck dumb by the slamming realization of just how proper Lucius was, and just what sort of man he’d been set to grow into. The Lucius of her own world would have rather spat at her than offer to shake her hand.

She gripped the boy and pulled him close, “And I hope this means that you and your father will remember us fondly, now and into the future. I expect we’ll be seeing quite a lot of you as we approach your engagement date.”

“Of course,” he replied, gulping and stammering as he saw something dark within Hermione’s eyes. “We- I won’t forget it.”

“Good,” Bellatrix joined in, blocking Lucius from his left side. “And make sure that nothing happens to Narcissa, would you? I’d hate to be involved if something untoward were to happen to her.”

Lucius shivered violently for a second before standing back, far more rigid than before. “Of course, Ladies Black.”

With that business attended to he dutifully headed back to Narcissa’s side, one final glance backwards and a node the only thing to pass between them.

Andromeda, on the other hand, had hung back slightly with her arm around Ted’s waist, and the looks she’d been passing everyone they neared were suspicious at best, outright paranoid at worst. It was a depressingly marked departure from their early breakfast, and Hermione had an inkling of why she’d suddenly become so closed up.

But Bellatrix beat her to it.

As they watched Lucius and Narcissa board, Bellatrix pulled Andromeda to her side and leaned in.

“Are you alright?” she asked, a questioning gleam in her eyes.

“No,” Andromeda scowled. “It’s the first day back and the last time that we were at Hogwarts another student had tried to kill me.”

Ted, who had remained dutifully by Andromeda’s side as a reassuring presence, pointedly turned his head and looked anywhere but at the trio. Hermione silently thanked his conspicuousness and closed in on her wife and sister-in-law.

“That won’t happen this year,” Hermione said, attempting to fill the words up with gentle tones.

Andromeda merely rolled her eyes at that and let a little bit of irritation enter into her voice, “You don’t know that though. We didn’t know that you would show up last year, and look where you are now. We didn’t know that he would do that to us either, and it still happened. We didn’t think Cygnus would be gone. All these things we had no inkling were coming.”

Bellatrix took a sharp breath and then spent a second or two inside her head before responding, “Yes, but we’ve survived it all so far. You’ve got multiple ways to contact us both and if anything happens that you can’t handle we’ll be there. Just alert us and you’ll have both of us there faster than a Snitch flies.”

That didn’t seem to exactly placate the younger witch, and Hermione left the conversation to her wife. She was still new to this family and while she’d spent time building a strong rapport with Andromeda and Narcissa, there were still things she wasn’t privy to. She simply wasn’t well versed enough to speak on this, and she knew it. She’d have been just as paranoid were she in Andromeda’s position, and she was perfectly fine with a healthy dose of caution.

Minutes continued to drag on as all the coaches filled and the platform emptied of carts and children. Lucius and Narcissa had long ago taken their spot and were leaning out the window to wave and smile. Eventually though the whistles were letting everyone know that they’d shove off soon, and Hermione turned back to Bellatrix and Andromeda, sighing placidly as their conversation wound down.

“Just keep your eye on ‘em. Make sure that Narcissa does as well. We’re not sure where he’ll end up but, hopefully, it’ll be Slytherin. Even if it’s not we expect you to reach out, just send us an owl, alright?” Bellatrix finished with her body languid, no trace of the nervous energy that Hermione knew was buzzing through her veins and roiling her stomach.

Andromeda pulled Ted closer and lowered her voice, “And you’ll both be doing what, exactly?”

“Working with Lord Voldemort,” Hermione replied, suddenly conscious of everyone still standing around them. “We aren’t sure what we’ll be doing yet but we’ll keep you up to date. We’ve an appointment with him tomorrow, I suspect we’ll know by the end of the day.”

“Fine,” Andromeda huffed. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Bellatrix flashed her most brilliant smile, just a little unhinged and carrying with it the faintest menace of who she would one day become. “We wouldn’t dream of it, little sister. We’re a little bit smarter than that.”

Hermione couldn’t help but bolster that with her own wicked little smile, the energy that Bellatrix was throwing off all turning to excitement and pure determination.

Andromeda glanced between them both for a moment more before apparently decided that she was satisfied with that answer. That, or she was just so done with the duo that she couldn’t be bothered to make a statement counter to that.

“Alright then, I’ll hold you to it.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 27b4a6a52a8fabeac3ba609896cad6870422cad5 ) [10] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 55. Book 2: Order, Order [timestamp] => 1602453600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 55: Book 2: Order, Order


Rough edit.

Chapter Text

Cold air gathered and moved as the cell door clanged shut with a brisk snap. The echo of metal on metal hurt her ears, the horrid tone echoing down amid the dungeon. There was space on either side of the room - more than enough for a whole cadre of torturers - and Hermione had trouble ever imagining it full. The hinges on all the doors were well oiled enough to stop them from sticking but not keep them from squeaking, a squealing cry passing from one corner to the next whenever they were jostled.

It was likely that none of the other cell doors were any better than the one she stood against. Certainly that would be an annoyance should someone want to fill the cells up but for now the only problem with the space was its evident disuse. 

Hermione couldn’t precisely fathom when it had been built - certainly she’d been shocked by its appearance when she was told where to go, never suspecting something like this to be tucked away beneath the rather homey manor sitting atop it - but she was glad it showed its age; the elves that were meant to clean the space above it seemed to avoid this one particular spot, all the dust and debris scattered about only being remnants of rust and slow-moving air, the wooden beams above them slowly cascading down little bits of sawdust as those above moved around.

The torches were lit though, and bright, and Hermione had no trouble seeing as she turned around to take in the space. The flames flickered against the walls with evident glee, dancing waves of yellow and amber that swelled with the magic that fed them. Underneath their glare her skin was shining, the dress she was wearing absorbing and refracting the light even as her hair - short as it was - darkened with the added depth.

Bellatrix looked much the same as she shuffled beside her.

A blouse of dark silk, silver buttons that had been undone near her throat, her sleeves rolled up and arms crossed atop her chest. Bellatrix looked every bit the terror she would - have - become, though a little less mad. Her forearms were flexing as she gripped and released, the muscles rolling beneath her skin as she pushed her chin out, held her shoulders back, eyes roving with some inborn pride. It was the eyes that captivated Hermione - as they always seemed to, pits she could fall into - and she took no shame in staring. Twin depths of shifting colouration; a changing shade that Hermione had begun to note the longer they were married. There was the pale silver of morning, a darker shade of grey in the afternoons, and finally a perfect darkness earned her name at night. No matter how much Hermione looked she never tired, never felt herself lessen at the thought of stars and fire behind them.

She did readily admit it was unusual, however. Perhaps even related to some tangent metamorph ability; Hermione knew that the trait was common in the Black family, so it was possible that little bits dropped off here or there to give character to those not gifted with the whole.

That was - rather unfortunately - a topic for another night. The issue right now was waiting and waiting meant looking at Bellatrix because she was Bellatrix, and Bellatrix would always be more interesting than whatever sombre room they stood in.

The rest of her wife’s outfit completed the picture of a pureblood mistress willing to kill. Black jeans that cut straight lines, clean and pressed to the point of a knife. Dragonhide boots with Goblin steel toes, the tips a sharpened point and heels that left her towering - by only a few centimetres, maybe five at the most - over Hermione. She wore no cloak and had opted for no robes, her wand safely tucked away inside its holster strapped to her right forearm. Her hair had been pulled back into a loose ponytail, strings and curls left to frame her face and give her some form of roguish charm.

Hermione was dressed much the same as Bellatrix except shifted in colours and lacking the heels on her boots. Instead of black on black, she wore black and pale grey, the various scars upon her body standing out where they could be seen - while all their runes were hidden - and her figure just as dashing as Bellatrix’s. The both of them had quickly decided on a proper change just before the meeting, transfiguring their clothing to something that made a little bit more of an impression without looking stuffy or rigid. It was better for standing out and just slightly outside of regular Wizarding garb; no one would be able to say they were light or dark just from how they dressed.

Better to stand out among whatever crowd would come, though this dungeon deep beneath Longbottom Manor seemed well prepared to take however many they were. 

Which - again - she didn’t bloody know how many of them there would be. Her memories of the first Order were hazy at best, she’d been too caught up in the second version to commit it to memory, and any chances she might have had to do that were dashed when she was sent back not long after the second war had ended. 

The only known quantity so far was Alastor Moody, and he was just as unknown as ever. In a separate corner of the room he brooded over a cup of something dark and vaguely steamy, notes of chocolate and harsh scotch wafting to Hermione’s nose. He’d merely grunted at them in recognition when they’d wandered down the spiral staircase that led up, his head inclining only slightly before he’d turned back to his drink. Hermione had favoured him with a short wave while he’d been looking - more to keep on his good side and show she had an open hand rather than to show him any real kindness - and then kept to herself.

Both she and Bellatrix could see why he would be someone useful to have around, even if neither one of them particularly cared for him as a person.

Which was a recognition that made Hermione shore up for just a second as she realised she really didn’t care, both due to his attitude and action in these times as well as her own past. She wasn’t sure if that said something bad about her and decided instead to table the thought for further review with Bellatrix. Reflecting on it now would only make her nervous, and tonight of all nights was one where she wished to project only confidence.

To his credit, she knew he’d do his duty and was one of the best Auror’s to have ever lived. He’d fight hard, fight fast, and always be ready for more. After that, he’d likely lick Albus’s boots and be a cantankerous arse due to what he knew of them.

Which would be an annoyance for sure, but one they’d easily manage.


Somehow quite likely involving liquor and cursing.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was the next to arrive, his visage far younger than Hermione had thought it might be. Apparently the wars had aged him, the man standing before her could only have been a few years beyond her and he seemed flush with vigour. He’d smiled at them both as he came into the room and then taken a post beside Moody, transfiguring a chair from a little thimble he’d been keeping in one of his many pockets. He was tall and imposing, the confidence he filled himself with making a strong indication that this wasn’t a man to be trifled with. Despite that, he seemed to have a ready smile for them both, his eyes portraying nothing but good cheer.

Bellatrix had some rather interesting opinions on him but they were just that, opinions. Ones she was quite willing to change as well, so long as he proved he deserved it. Hearing Shacklebolt’s name from her father’s lips for the last year or so before his death had left her with flat neutrality; if he’d been pissing Cygnus off he was good, but it seemed he was a stickler for the rules and unwilling to be flexible. They were assumptions she would amend if he proved her wrong, and finding out that he’d managed to piss off Cygnus was more than enough of a reason for Hermione to like him. She might not have known Cygnus, be she knew him from Bellatrix’s memories and was happy that Shacklebolt had managed to make an enemy of him.

A few seconds silence filled the space after he sat down, broken quite soon after by congratulations and well-wishes on their marriage. They had responded in kind and then the room returned to nothing, Moody grunting as Shacklebolt settled in.

The next body to saunter down the stairs brought a grimace to Hermione’s face, a sour taste to her stomach, and errant thoughts of murder that she had more than a hard time extinguishing.

Mundungus Fletcher rolled his shoulders as he moved, swaggering and peering up into everyone’s faces. The effect was obviously intended to show power despite his low status, but the whole of it nearly made Hermione laugh. The man was just as tall now as she remembered him being in the future, just as scowling and dirty. The ratty suit he wore was clearly old and falling to tatters - though Hermione noted with some lilt of pleasure that he was at least wearing a different one than the last she’d seen - and his grungy shoes appeared to have last been shined around the turn of the century, dust falling in sheets from him as he moved. He pushed himself towards the farthest corner from Moody and Shacklebolt, eyeing them both and merely inclining his head towards where Hermione stood.

In response she glared at him with the fire of memories not yet lived; his part in abandoning Harry and pawning off the Locket was at the top of her mind, a seething sort of burn that left heat pulsing away from her heart the longer that she stared. It eventually took Bellatrix nudging her with a sharp elbow, a rather heavy admonishment in her eyes. Whether that was because Hermione was holding her ill-temper on her face or because the emotion had bled across their bond she didn’t know, but it was enough of chastisement to have her loosening up.

She couldn’t harangue the man yet. He’d not done anything to her in this world and if she had her say he would never have the chance. If he did? Well, she’d simply give him more than enough rope to hang.

A few others moved down the stairs, Molly and her twin brothers in the lead while behind them people who were rather new to Hermione pushed past them. They offered no true introductions though Hermione caught a smattering of names from Moody as they passed; Arabella Figg - who Hermione knew of only tangentially - gave everyone a smile, Edgar Bones was refined and offered nods as he passed, Sturgis Podmore waved and then Hagrid - who gave them both a cheery wave, a pang of loss erupting through Hermione as she recognised how little she’d paid attention to him throughout her final year - pushed past everyone while Marlene McKinnon and the Longbottoms followed.

Or perhaps they were still not yet married; Hermione wasn’t certain when Frank and Alice had tied the knot, they’d graduated at least a year prior to her arrival and she’d had no reason to interact with them.

Rabastan slowly followed, the last of the stragglers while they waited on Dumbledore’s arrival. He flowed down the stairs in magnificent robes that marked his place among the Wizengamot, a light smile on his face and eyes lighting up when he saw where Hermione and Bellatrix were standing. He gave them both a pleasant nod and stood beside Bellatrix, glancing about at the few pairs of eyes scattered about the dungeon that were glaring daggers into his face.

When they all settled into their chosen spots no one spoke a word, no one commented on the lack of their leader and no one seemed much interested in the reason they were all assembled. In fact, it seemed much more like no one wanted to do anything at all; everyone stock still and the air pregnant with their cause, a nebulous vacuum taking over instead.

And then Albus arrived with Augusta Longbottom following, and the room exploded into shouting.

“Albus what do you mean by-”

“-supposed to start something like this with children? It’s-”

“-something going on here-”

“-vetted them or not? Well? Answer-”

“-he here? You know who his-”

“-something on me doesn’t mean that I have-”

“-better explain yourself this bloody-”

“-that wand at me again and see where I shove-”

“Silence!” a voice commanded, thunderous and barreling back against the raucous horde.

The crowd quieted down and then out, shuffling feet being the only sound left. Dumbledore turned to face each of them, the stern and placid look of a grandfatherly old man replaced with something hard. It was the same as he’d given them their last time in his office, and he seemed determined that everyone understand the seriousness of the situation.

Or not, if his next words were anything to go by.

“Now then, I’m quite certain that you’re all wondering why it is I’ve brought you here today. There are many of you who know who I am, and most of you know one another. But not all of you do, so would anyone object to us quickly going around the room and introducing ourselves?”

Hermione rolled her eyes at his words, the theatrics of this moment too hard for her to ignore. He could - and very well should, in her opinion - simply introduce them all. Just make it quick and easy, simple as could be. None of this round the table ridiculousness that would simply eat time. 

Alastor grunted and moved forward from his chosen perch, his face a mask of grim determination, “Fine then, since no one else seems keen on it I’ll start. I’m Alastor Moody, Auror. Next.”

The room seemed galvanised after Moody’s short words, one by one stepping off their spots to answer. Very little was revealed or noted except that there were some who favoured others. Little bits of body language informed Hermione where people stood; some, like Molly, spoke with pride and nodded along with a faint smile when another person stood forward. Others seemed to recoil back into themselves rather than look at whoever was up. When Rabastan introduced himself more than half the room erupted into silent glares, and when Bellatrix introduced herself more than a few were filled with evident suspicion. 

That suspicion seemed to spread until it reached Molly and her brothers, the only ones who seemed not to doubt the trio being there. Their faces were - in contrast to the confusion and uncertainty of the others - masked in lead that no emotion could escape from, and Hermione wondered for a moment if that blank mask was more a pure-blood trait than something inherent to Slytherins. They didn’t scowl or curse, and seemed intent on keeping their minds open.

Hermione thanked what gods there were when the emotion of the room settled down, refusing to escalate.

All of it dashed the next second with Dumbledore’s words.

“Good, good. Now then, since we’re all acquainted with one another, would anyone like some refreshments before we begin?”

“Oh for Merlin’s sake, piss off Albus already.” Moody’s words were coloured through with anger, his accent clearly conveying the aggravation sitting in his gut. The outburst won a smidgen of support from Hermione, a smile teasing at her lips as Moody continued, “We’re all here for one reason or another, either ‘cause we owe you or we’re on friendly terms. Now, I’ve not got all day to muck about here and I’m certain none of the others do either. What’d’ya want?”

More than a few murmurs of agreement coursed through the assembly and Dumbledore visibly wilted beneath their collective stare, his back straightening and hardening after a moment or two. 

“For quite a while now our world has been under assault by the vilest sort of treachery and deceit, all of it aimed towards the destruction of our way of life. There are those within our world who would seek to topple our government, enslave those who cannot defend themselves, and rewrite history to fit their tarnished image. Remnants borne from Grindelwald’s failed uprising, dissatisfied members of the useless aristocracy, lunatics and madmen seeking power and blood.

“I’ve called all of you here today because the Ministry is already lost to us. Has been lost for generations now. We all know that Galleons move it, and blood fuels it. Who here can say that they have not witnessed its inefficiency, its bloated movements? The Wizengamot is conceptually a group of voting blocs designed to maintain the best interests of all our country. In reality, it’s filled with Noble and Lesser Houses that all seek to maintain their power and monopolies by any means, and as the head of that organ I bear the responsibility towards those actions but I also bear a duty in telling you the truth. 

“It will not act,” he said, his voice hollow and empty. “We have allowed a snake within our midst, someone who sees the division and uncertainty and sees for himself a way to the top. He watches as we attempt to give Squibs rights, muggle-borns a well-earned seat, and restrict ourselves in new ways to account for the growing Muggle population. He sees this. He sees that the Ministry should be the counterbalance to the Wizengamot, and he sees that it does not. He sees that it is filled with nepotism and backstabbing, alliances struck of convenience and unwilling to shoulder the burden of a proper war. He sees that the Ministry will never act unless forced, and he wishes to take power before that happens. I’ve already attempted to brief top-level officials within the Ministry and I’ve been rebuffed at every turn. They do not care, and he sees this.”

Molly stepped forward as his voice fell off, flanked by her brothers and their impassive faces, “So? Why should we care? Things seem pretty alright so far as I can see, we’re not at war.”

“There is a darkness gathering at our borders who seeks to subjugate us all, to turn us into his puppets. That darkness seeks to eliminate those it finds lesser and place the rest of us in iron bondage to his will. You should care.”

The room remained silent at that, waiting for another voice to interject and speak their mind. Hermione took to letting her eyes rove out across the group while she wondered who it would be, if any of them at all had the mind to actually push back against the - admittedly insane assertion - that they were at war, or soon to be. To her surprise it was Arabella Figg who stepped up, her long hair swept back and eyes glancing nervously around the group as if they might hurt her at a moment's notice.

“I care, I know that for sure. I might not be as much a part of this world as I’d like but I’m with it enough to say I want it to continue. And really I’d just like to not be executed for not having good enough blood. But that’s just me.”

A few of those standing beside her waffled, their faces filled with something that might have been shame under the right circumstances. Hermione could see however that most of them were not swayed though, despite whatever misgivings they might have held.

“Right then. I’m with Ms Figg. Dumbledore, you invited us here. Would you mind bringing up some proof to show, or are we relying on your word still?” Hermione asked, tired of this already and wishing to move it along. If he wasn’t willing to go all-in she’d force it then, plain and simple.

He simply smiled at her words, and Hermione found within the harsh lines of his lips a distant coldness that might not have existed except for the fact that she and Bellatrix hadn’t cowed to him earlier in the year.

“Yes, yes. We might as well get on with it then. Would you and Bellatrix mind…?”

“Right then,” Hermione replied, turning towards her wife as they both released their wands. A few looks were passed around when the others noticed the similarity towards both, Hermione’s simply bearing more signs of weathering and age, Bellatrix’s still shiny and new. They hadn’t gone over how to explain that but if anyone had the gall to ask them Hermione was certain she could get away with simply saying her old one had been destroyed and she’d wanted one that reminded her of Bellatrix. A simple enough lie, and not one too far off the mark.

A simple twist of their hands had the wands running down the outer edges of their sleeves, fabric splitting in tandem to reveal clean skin. It was the work of a moment to turn opposite of one another and allow the group a vantage point to look, both releasing the enchantment that kept their Marks hidden at the same time.

The skull and serpent faded into existence from nothing, grey to sharp black. Fangs were flashed, the serpent writhing angrily beneath their skin and tightening the grip it held on the grinning skull.

Mundungus leaned in, standing on his toes to see, “Merlin’s balls, what the hell are those? What do they mean, Albus?”

Dumbledore stepped forward and Hermione fought herself to remain still and placid as he took ahold of her arm, one long finger pointing at the centre of the Mark.

“This is the sign of Lord Voldemort. It’s called a Dark Mark, and He is our ultimate enemy.”

The room became awash with whispers as the revelation spread throughout the group, some of them directing doubt and suspicion at Hermione and Bellatrix while others seemed more content with arguing with one another. Eventually though the mood peaked, and Shacklebolt stepped forward between them all.

His face turned into a grimace as he eyed them, gruffing out, “If this Lord Voldemort is our enemy then why are they here? Why are they marked by him?”

“Because, quite simply, they’re our spies.” Dumbledore released his hold on Hermione’s arm and stepped back, his hands coming to rest at his sides. “They’ve both volunteered for this. They’ll work within his organisation while still reporting to-”

“No one,” Bellatrix interjected, stepping forward and halting him with a glare. Her dark eyes glittered beneath the shifting light, and Hermione pressed herself to Bellatrix’s side to remain a united front. Even Rabastan moved forward, his arms crossed atop his chest and eyes passing over every face.

Then the room erupted.

Two people needed to hold back Shacklebolt - Molly and her brothers took care of that, not protesting or speaking as they did so, Moody shouting in the young man's ears instead - and Moody kept his arm pointed stiffly where they stood, Mundungus screaming up into Augusta Longbottom’s face while they moved closer and closer. The rest of the room was a mixture of gesticulating arms and incoherent words that drowned one another out, Dumbledore looking like an exasperated grandfather while Arabella Figg closed herself off and stood behind his back. 

The madness continued one for a minute or two more before Dumbledore finally grew tired enough to use a Sonorous charm, just barely getting his protesting voice above the din of the crowd. When he had quieted them up enough to actually listen he moved towards placating everyone as much as he could, desperately trying to explain how they had become a hidden strength, one trick that Voldemort would never see coming.

Hermione didn’t much agree with him at the moment though. The vehement protestations of the others were leaving her mouth tinged sour, none of them seemed to have a clue about why they were upset except, but all of them were attempting to explain that they were upset.

All of them merely blustering fools unsure of what they wanted and slipping into old habits, old grudges to explain away their anger.

“Shut it!” Bellatrix yelled, her emotions pouring out through Hermione’s scar. “We’re to be spies in his circle, yes. That’s our whole intention. We pledge him no loyalty, but we also pledge him none either.”

Dumbledore looked like he might start shouting at them both but clamped his mouth shut when he caught sight of the daggers within Hermione’s gaze. Bellatrix stood her ground and waited a moment before continuing.

“We plan on providing information to you and do whatever we can to end this before it’s really begun. To do that we’ll need to work together, but that’s it. We aren’t an official part of the Order right now. If something happens you’re able to disavow us, whatever you want while the war is still on.”

“What war?” Mundungus asked, his finger pointed at Hermione’s chest. “You keep saying War like we’re in one, but right now this just seems like some fancy pants club. What war are we fighting, cause so far as I can tell no one thought to inform me we was in one!”

Hermione stood there and stared at the little man, silent as she considered his words. In the end she had to label them as a valid statement; Voldemort hadn’t yet begun his bid to take over the Ministry, and technically all the rest of them still had no reason to believe any of this.

“You mean all the missing Muggles?” Arabella pushed forward, calm even as her eyes expressed fear. “Those homeless fellas that keep disappearing?”

Dumbledore nodded in reply, “Partially. I was aware he was beginning to attack Muggles, but I wasn’t sure how many. Have the Muggles noticed yet?”

Hermione felt a flare of anger at his words, the only one of them besides Bellatrix that knew he only knew that because of his predilections for entering his students’ minds. He’d broken into her mindscape and viewed memories she’d wanted hidden, and the glossing over of that action didn’t sit well with her at all.

“Some, not all.”

“What do you mean?” Molly piped up, her tone confused and face worried.

Arabella took a long, deep breath. When she seemed to have settled herself she explained as best she could about the rash of Muggle disappearances. Her positioning just outside of their world was only due to her chosen profession; Arabella had decided to breed cats in the Muggle world and maintained a residence there while still interacting just enough with the magical world to see the changes as they happened. Muggles were disappearing from certain hotspots, never for too long and always moving but noticeable to someone who wanted to look. Villages were emptied of their homeless populations, their vagabonds and those without friends or family. 

When she finished Shacklebolt stepped up, he and Moody - and to a lesser extent, Frank Longbottom, who Hermione came to understand was apprenticing beneath Shacklebolt - explaining how their recent arrests had been changing. There’d been a slight increase in the number of traffickers caught at the borders of England, potions ingredients showing up on the black market in quantities that would raise the suspicions of anyone except a paranoid fanatic like Moody. 

It was all varied, all little things, instances and occasions that could be handwaved away except that they all noticed it in increments. It was so twisted apart that only now, with everyone in the room looking for every little detail that they could think of, that they could stitch it together. Hermione had to hand it to Dumbledore; the old man was a showman through and through. Instead of guiding them, he let them find their own conclusions, prodding only when necessary and even then with just the lightest touches. When all was said and done a half hour had passed by, the room turning quiet with nervous faces and anxiously shifting bodies.

“I think we can adjourn for the day,” Dumbledore announced when the silence finally grew intolerable. “I won’t ask for you to return here. I won’t tell you that you’re needed. Everyone present must remain here for their own reasons, and I will not force you. Madam Longbottom has agreed to host us next week at the same time, and if you don’t return no one here will hold it against you.”

“And what about them?” Alice Longbottom asked, eyes pointed to where Hermione stood flanked by Rabastan and Bellatrix.

Hermione took a breath and answered, “We’ll keep you up to date on his movements, his plans. Don’t worry about us.”

It was a simple enough answer, and one that didn’t promise them anything specific. Hermione hoped that they wouldn’t push the issue, there were no real plans for them yet until they had a better idea of what they wanted to do, and how they would go about handling the Horcrux problem. Beyond that they still had no real idea what Voldemort would want for their one year of service, and every day that it hadn’t begun was a day Hermione found herself filled with anxiety.

Dumbledore stepped up again, spreading his hands, “There you have it. One week from now, same time. As I said, feel free to pretend this meeting never happened, if it suits you.”

He smiled and leaned back, everyone listening rapturously to his words.

“Now, would anyone care for a sherbert lemon?”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 48733fa409ac81ee872301f67132503408e4edb5 ) [11] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 54. Book 2: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back [timestamp] => 1600984800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 54: Book 2: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


completely unedited because i've been sitting on this chap for like, far too long

Chapter Text

“What the hell have they done with my cousins!?”

Lincoln startled at the outburst from behind his door, eyes rising sharply from the contract sitting before him. Golden filigree and silver lettering were enough to denote this particular parchment as a document of some major importance, and he knew that it was likely in his best interest to ignore whatever was going on outside.

But the voice that was shouting was familiar to him, and it had continued towards his door without any sign of stopping. Besides, the Blacks - and their rather archaic spelling discounted, so pronunciation was moot - paid him well enough, he supposed.

Best he dealt with it, even if he didn’t exactly like that they were such valued clients. He’d done things in order to continue working with him, but having all his Hippogriff eggs in one basket was disconcerting. Today he had been slated to work with other - equally wealthy - clients, but if the sister to his most unusual client had made her way into the building and was screaming for answers he supposed he best figured it out. He did somewhat like them, after all. Bellatrix was as much like her father as she was different, and Emelia - or Hermione, now that her name change had gone through - was a different beast entirely. The headstrong heir to a shipping and trading company that could have gobbled up the world if they’d wanted it to. Stubborn to a fault, stout with their beliefs.

So why was Andromeda here, and why was she so angry?

It was odd, though not so much when he thought about it further. They were still supposedly on their honeymoon and he hadn’t received any information saying that wasn’t the case. They had a few days left if his memory served him correctly. So something had needed doing, that much was - somewhat - clear. But why was she so angry?

He didn’t know, but supposed he would find out as soon as the girl made her way past his secretary. 

Damn. And he had so looked forward to enjoying an early supper.


“I’d like you to take the time to explain just why I have a House Elf from my Aunt, at my home, screaming and attacking my guests?” Andromeda let her voice fill the room, temper uncaring of anyone else. 

Ted knew that she knew that Lincoln would set up his wards to prevent eavesdroppers the moment that she stepped inside, and if he didn’t then she damn well wanted everyone to hear her. She was - in Ted’s estimation - wicked pissed.

Which meant that he would either need to keep quiet and stand by, watch his words if he stepped in, or simply leave.

Those were all options that he disliked.

He knew that Bellatrix might have been the firecracker of the trio but Andromeda would follow her temper like a map, and he’d dealt with her ire more than enough times to learn her ins and outs. If Lincoln didn’t have a good enough answer for her, Ted supposed he’d learn as well.

“I can’t tell you.” Lincoln set down his parchment and quills, leaning back into his chair as it squeaked in protest of the movement. His hands were soon folded atop his desk and the glint to his eye seemed to say that this was personal business, a slick look that Ted squirmed beneath. He looked dead on without one ounce of give on his placid face, and as the seconds continued to tick onwards he felt Andromeda began to vibrate in rage.

When Andromeda finally spoke her voice was a cold rage, “What in the name of Morgana does that mean? We were at Blackhall, alone, minding our own business. Then my Aunt’s elf shows up and attempts to murder Ted and Abraxas Malfoy’s child. So please, Lincoln, tell me just what the hell it is that you mean when you say you can’t tell me what happened?”

“I mean that I cannot tell you anything, because I do not know anything. So far as I’m aware your family had something happen to them, and that’s it. I’m not aware of anything more than you are. Nothing. Maybe a few rumours here or there but everyone I know is being tight-lipped, and they already have representation. Whoever is working with them will be tongue-tied, and if I don’t happen to see something with my own two eyes, or hear it, then I can’t say anything about it. They aren’t my clients, and I’m not the one who sent the elf to you. As to what you can do about that, well, I suppose that’ll be on you and Abraxas. If Lucius decides that he’d like to press charges than he can go to his father and it’ll be dealt with by whoever represents them.”

Lincoln finished talking and waited for Andromeda to respond, and Ted could feel a buildup of energy within the room, ozone on his tongue and static rippling over his skin.

“Alright then, I’ll be outside,” he said, heading back towards the door and giving Andromeda a side-hug. “I’ll keep the little miscreants in line. Just send me a note when you’re done, and I’ll meet back up with you.”

The words slipped out and were either unnoticed or uncommented on - he really couldn’t tell for sure, and did it really even matter? Andromeda would see this through as far as she could, him leaving was just good sense to not be in the vicinity when she found a good target for her anger - while he stole away to the outside. The door shut softly behind him with a click, the air completely different outside and a sigh of exhaustion barrelling its way out of his chest. Lucius and Narcissa were sitting against one another on a bench outside of Lincoln’s office, their voices quiet as they conspired and faces filled with glee.

“Alright, alright. What do you all say to us wandering about a bit? Andi’s most likely going to be in there for a while, and we’ve got the afternoon ahead of us.”

His voice trailed off and tired smile met his offer, the hushed whispers falling away as Lucius glanced between Narcissa and himself with all the furtive restlessness of a woodland creature scared it would be eaten. Ted had hoped they were past the point of Lucius seeing him in that light, but having heard Andromeda in her angriest states on more than one occasion had let him know that even bearing near it tended to bring fear.

“Come on then, let’s go. If we aren’t out of here shortly Andi might call us in, and I’d much rather not listen to her rip Lincoln a new one.” Ted said, waving his hand to beckon them off their seat. A turn of his head revealed that they’d gotten the hint, slowly rising to their feet and scurrying after him as he blazed a trail back towards the entrance.

When he reached the Floo he grabbed up a handful of green powder, motioning to Narcissa and Lucius to follow suit. 

“Alright then, how about we head over to Diagon, hm? I’m sure we can find something to occupy our time.”

Lucius glanced at Narcissa as if waiting for her approval, and when the young witch nodded he grabbed up a handful of his own power and stepped into the Floo.


Arriving back home from their adventure to the farthest edges of Voldemort’s defences brought with it strange changes.

Andromeda was subdued and sullen, her heart out on her sleeve for all to see and Ted hanging onto her as if she could break at any moment. Narcissa was bright, if not exactly cheerful, and while she put on an air of perfection it was broken, a melancholy lingering over her that Bellatrix couldn’t miss. Lucius was being just as perky as ever though, and whether that meant he wasn’t a part of whatever had happened to her sisters or that he simply had a better mask, she didn’t know. He had the infamous Malfoy features, chiselled and hard, unreadable unless one knew all of his moods and she clearly did not.

Bellatrix knew something was up. Hermione could sense it as well, even if she couldn’t read it as easily off of Andromeda or Narcissa.

But neither one of them could prove anything beyond the fact that none of them seemed happy. Malbon was acting like a useless lump; he’d made himself available but wouldn’t move otherwise, and she believed it was a sign - or so Bellatrix believed, now in tune to how the elves acted after having been aware of her old elve’s deviances - that he knew something more than he was telling. He said there was a disruption and that was all, anything further would have to come from her siblings.

Siblings who didn’t seem very excited to see them back, though that might have had more to do with Hermione calling off their doubles within plain sight. They had questions after that point but Bellatrix had given them the softest lie; they were abroad enjoying themselves and wanted no one to bother them while they were out. The heiress of a massive shipping conglomerate and the eldest sibling to a man ruined by violence was sure to cause a stir in their small world. It was simple, easy, and Bellatrix could tell that Andromeda saw right through it.

No matter. She didn’t need to know the full story. Nor did she need to know what ad exactly happened, she simply needed to let Bellatrix know what was wrong.

Which she couldn’t, not with words at least. Instead, Andromeda had pouted and showed how she’d been tongue-tied by a vow - something that could be broken far easier than an Unbreakable, but would still carry with it consequences if she did so - and passed off a letter marked only for them.

A letter with Lincoln’s handwriting; gold lettering and so crisp it could cut cloth.

It seemed the best place to start at and Hermione dragged Bellatrix off through the study - chosen for its proximity to the library and the absolutely gorgeous way that twilight rays of red and purple would stream in off the western window (despite the place being in the centre of Blackhall and thus blocked in on all sides, courtesy of Hermione’s well-imagined magic) - to open it. Bellatrix chose a pearl-handled letter opener to slice it apart - and minutely remembered the days that she’d been happy with just using a sharpened nail, her girlhood without care so far behind her (and yet so close) that she could hardly remember how it felt - and within short order they had the contents spilling over the desk, a frown on both their faces.

Soon they had their cloaks hung up - dried mud and forest detritus still clinging to them - against the door, the sunlight dipping beneath the horizon, and faces so red they nearly let out smoke when breathing.

“Well. I think that quite explains why they’re all sourpusses.” Bellatrix collapsed down into an armchair and slammed her eyes shut, the beginning of a migraine tickling at the periphery of her mind. “And it explains the tongue-tie charm. And Narcissa looking so grumpy. And Lucius. Ted too, though I think he’s more upset because of Andi than anything else.”

Hermione hung her head in reply, “Maybe. Maybe not. I can’t imagine they’re going to be willing to talk about Kreacher showing up, but we should be ready in case they do. I would have thought the Ministry would just take them both away, not separate them.”

Hermione set the paperwork down upon the desk and slowly meandered back to Bellatrix, wobbling as she did so. When she was finally close enough Bellatrix reached out and pulled her down into her lap, lips pressed tightly against the witch’s throat and fingers massaging into tight muscles. Agath - who had been lying on the floor and staring up at them with an impassivity that Bellatrix admired - clambered up the edge of the seat and into a winding ribbon of muscle that tightened across them both. The serpent was silent and did not disrupt them though, and Bellatrix took the motion as something close to protectiveness.

“So then,” she asked, cheek pressing against Hermione’s. “What do you think we should do?”

There was no response for a number of minutes, neither one of them disturbing the other while they drank in the feeling of - relative - safety. Eventually, the notion was brought up to once again ask Alphard or Cassiopeia to take the boys in, and then the talk ran circular. Neither one was willing to let the matter go until it was settled but as time ran on it became clear the answer wouldn’t be so simple. 

When they tired of it enough - with the stars and the moon shining in through the window, a cold night sending tendrils of chill underneath the study door despite the fire burning against the far wall - they stood and left, hand in hand and exhaustion from all their recent trials colouring every step.


The mornings that directly followed their return to Blackhall were filled with nothing but meetings; calling in on Lincoln had become an easy task, as had contacting the Ministry in an effort to try - and at all turns, unfortunately, fail - at finding out more about the whereabouts of Bellatrix’s cousins.

The letter they’d received from Lincoln on the night they’d come back was revealing, to a point. Aurors had gone and stormed Grimmauld Place. After securing their position they had taken Sirius and Regulus away, dragging away Walburga and Orion in chains. Apparently, her Aunt and Uncle had tried to look regal as it happened but multiple pounds of iron made it hard to do that. Moody had been the one to lock them into cells, and apparently when Orion had begun to fuss about rights this, and rights that, he’d struck him. That had ended up setting Walburga off, and before too long it had turned into a right and proper row.

After that, nothing.

No word, no information. Apparently the appointed lawyer for Orion’s side of the family - a man that Lincoln said he knew through a friend of a friend - had advised them both to shut it and be silent on the subject of their internment. The Ministry had hushed it up, or as much as they could, and both boys had ended up separated as a result. Sent away to recuperate and recover from whatever horrors were in that house - even though Bellatrix knew that Sirius had borne the brunt of that abuse, she couldn’t disclose how she knew that, and telling Lincoln or being anonymous was out of the question - while Bellatrix and Hermione were left to stew with nothing to do. 

Bellatrix was swiftly growing tired of the runaround.

Neither Alphard nor Cassiopeia had been informed of their distant cousin’s arrest, nor had then been contacted in the aftermath. Apparently, it had taken a very angry Phineas Black showing up within their portraits to elucidate them to what had happened. 

Bellatrix didn’t hate that part. It made some sense that her relatives hadn’t been informed. Neither one lived close by and both of them kept alone; Aunt Cass was always flitting between locations as she absorbed blackmail material, and Alphard was always out partying. Neither was she upset that her cousins had been taken away from Walburga and Orion; that had been the plan. 

She wanted them away from their insane parents. She wanted them to grow up without that evil influence in their lives, blood purity at all costs and duty to a horrid Master. 

But she’d not wanted them separated. She was willing - and so was Hermione - to house them both under her roof until they’d graduated, she was willing to supply them with a home that wouldn’t hurt them for not being shite enough. She’d hoped the Ministry would remember how she’d already taken in her younger siblings, but apparently they were lax on the uptake. Apparently they weren’t willing to take the risk that Bellatrix might not be so sane, and could potentially be just as insane as her Aunt and Uncle.

Three inspections were set up for the days following their return. One was down - quickly, and with a minimum of angry looks - and two more were to go. Each would be just as annoying as the last, and each time Bellatrix had to think about it she nearly erupted into Fiendfyre.

Bellatrix could only wonder when it was that the world had gone mad. 

She concluded rather swiftly that it had happened just when Hermione stepped into her life, and that realization did little to stifle the love she felt for the woman. She wouldn’t trade it for the world, but she would like some things to go by just a little bit easier.

Technically their honeymoon hadn’t even properly ended. Bellatrix had wanted there to be no expectations of their whereabouts, no appointments to meet and no inspections to spoil their time off. Now it seemed they were beholden to a monster of a government, and actively being waylaid by annoying oafs, sneering workers and lawyers who either were unflinchingly polite - and cold - or annoying pedantic, willing to piss them off for no other reason than they thought there would never be any repercussions.

It was annoying.

It was annoying, and that was without the looming spectre of the first Order meeting, and the beginning of their allotted year under Voldemort. She had absolutely no idea what the old snake wanted, and she knew that Dumbledore would likely make the Order meeting into a nightmare because he could, and he was a sore loser. 

It was one full week after returning from the Shack that Bellatrix started screaming up the hallway for her sister.

“Andromeda!” she yelled, hoping that the girl would hurry up.

Hermione was standing right behind her with hands on Bellatrix’s hips and lips pressed into the back of her neck, hair pulled off to the side. The position was soothing - to a degree - and she was sure that without Hermione there she would have lost herself days ago.

Bellatrix leaned back into Hermione’s body and breathed in deep to yell again, “Andromeda!”

The sound of bare feet on hardwood met her ears after what felt like an infinity. A few seconds later Andromeda came wandering down the hallway with a fluffy robe wrapped all around her and a hand still rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her hair was an absolute mess - and near enough to Bellatrix’s own that she felt some odd sort of mimicry when she looked at her - and she only grunted in acknowledgement when she arrived.

“We’re heading out to Diagon for a few hours, hold down the fort while we’re gone. If you need us just go and flip Hermione’s charm, we’ll come back as soon as we can.” Bellatrix spoke in a tone much softer than her earlier racket, hoping that Andromeda would be fine while they were out. She desperately wished that they never need the little coins that Hermione had come up with but it paid to be safe and take precautions, and after her time within the Shack she would take all the excess safety that she could get.

She wasn’t exactly averse to leaving her siblings alone, but the nightmares she’d been suffering through during the week were more than enough to leave her on edge. Hermione would usually wake her up, wrap herself around her with warmth and love.

It wasn’t always enough though. Sometimes it was far too little, nowhere near what she needed.

But it helped, and she thanked Hermione profusely for it every time she came back to herself.

For now there wasn’t very much that she could do except soldier on, and after a too-brief hug they were off and headed down the path that led off towards the Apparition point. Hermione grounded her with touch, their hands clasped and body leaning into Bellatrix’s side. Neither one of them had exactly gone over what was needed for this meeting, but they knew it would happen nonetheless. Dumbledore’s message had been short and to the point; the time to organize was now, not later, and whoever didn’t show wouldn’t be included.

Or at least they wouldn’t be a founding member of the Order, and Bellatrix sorely wished to be there if only to see Molly’s face turn purple with surprise.

The humorous image of Molly attempting to figure out what side they were on - and the thought of Dumbledore trying to get them to bow to his pointless wishes - was enough to keep her latched onto the meeting ahead of them.

Better than thinking about where Sirius or Regulus were. Better than breaking out in a cold sweat and angry fears.

With a crack they were off, twirling through the world to arrive for the first meeting of the Order of the Phoenix.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 115f118b7553afc662134771b7becfb0dc7475bf ) [12] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 53. Book 2: Coming Around [timestamp] => 1593122400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 53: Book 2: Coming Around


not edited.

Chapter Text

Morning rose outside the Manor with a quiet hum of life and activity. What animals lived on the grounds outside were simple and relaxed, twittering birds and little furry creatures that ate and stared from trees while avoiding any of the denizens safely ensconced within the brick and wood of the home. Andromeda could look outside her window and point out a multitude of creatures - and at least a few of the ravens, though they mostly remained in their roost - that would have interested her even a few weeks ago. Not now. Now they had mostly become an annoyance, just little things that lived and wandered while seeming to never change.

They were boring.

But less so than the steady sounds of Malbon down below her, pots and pans ringing out and through the halls to filter into her chosen lair. The Elf was distracting himself again.

When Andromeda first realized what was going on she had been confused and a little bit worried. Who wouldn’t be? An Elf suddenly taking preemptive strikes or ignoring them all as much he could while still seeing to all his duties was odd. Most of them needed some sort of incentive - or at least the horde who had been overseen by Cygnus had - and Malbon had gotten to his task of avoiding them with little prompting. He was practically barring himself off as the days had progressed and Andromeda learned - eventually - that it was less of some crazed duty to his Mistress - Hermione and only her, Andromeda would never presume the Elf to care for them except through Hermione and his odd commitment to the last of the ( fake ) Grenier’s - and more his little way of avoiding stress.

Stress from Ted and Lucious, though she was certain that Narcissa played her part as well. The boys were certainly the main reason and though they had started off on uneasy ground they had grown close during this time of no true adults. They took after one another in surprising ways and a brotherly friendship had quickly taken root, most likely a result of Lucius’s status as the only child of parents who were far too involved in High Society to care about raising him beyond instilling some modicum of respect and politeness, and an enduring need to live up to their lofty expectations. He was rambunctious and studious and nearly bursting with questions, a starting point that Ted worked well with. The Manor was far enough away from anyone else that there was no need for him to keep up with the facade his family had draped him in and while they were both comfortable with causing mayhem and destruction they had also become something like study partners.

They were perfectly happy being stuck inside of the library with her as Ted prepared for the first of his many NEWT’s and just as happy to be outside exploding firebugs and practising spells. No one was really annoyed with their actions except Malbon, and unfortunately his duties to Hermione meant he was bound to suffer - unintentionally - at their hand.

Of course none of that was to say the boys were impolite to the Elf or anyone else. They kept to themselves and were polite in manners, avoiding making explosions right where it could startle someone - for the most part, there were some pranks that had been concocted purely for the Hell of it - or otherwise investing their energy in things that couldn’t truly harm anyone. 

But they were also not trained in everything they could know, and mischievous to a fault when caught up with one another for too long. This was why - against what Andromeda would consider as being a better judgement were her elder sister here - she paid no mind to the truly enormous crash that rang out from far, far below her. Her mind was too preoccupied with her book to do anything other than chalk up the sound to the duo’s potion going wrong - or right - and get back to attempting to wrap her mind around the ridiculousness within the pages. It was a truly vexing passage, going hard against everything she had learned about Dragon Pox back at school. Apparently - according to a now long-dead aristocrat who had billed himself as something of an amateur Potions Master, though Andromeda could hardly understand what credentials he had that would give him that title - one shouldn’t use Cracked Red Hellebore but Cracked Blue Hellebore.

Which made no sense. She resolved then and there to test the potion herself and would have moved to do so, summoning Malbon to retrieve some of the plants would have been an easy task.

But then the screaming started and that all took a backseat to the warbling cries lifting up from down below her.

The sound was fast-paced and piercing despite the distance to where it originated, a distance she could only grasp at from the twisting but echoing rumble of it. It was tinged throughout with a genuine fear that Andromeda hadn’t heard since that night deep within the Forbidden Forest - and many nightmares since, though she resolutely refused to acknowledge that - and rising with every second. She dashed her book against the ground as she leapt up from the lounge chair - her mind a tumbling rock that raced down towards the bottom of her throat, losing herself to instinct instead of any sort of rational thought - and sped outside the room with a bang that rocked her ears. The door could wait, whatever damage she had inflicted could easily be dealt with at a time when someone wasn’t screaming for dear life within her home.

Her footsteps were a harsh beat against the floor and punctuated only by the screaming that now sounded enhanced and overexaggerated. The sound could travel somewhat openly here - odd as it was, the Manor might have been some oddly rearranged version of Black Manor and the Grenier Estate but it was wholly its own now that Hermione and Bellatrix had been able to finish up their additions and changes - and while she was still certain it was coming from far below she couldn’t be sure of its exact location.

If she missed the floor by Apparition she would never forgive herself, nor would she be able to get around by nearing it. Blindly jumping into a situation would be worse than being slow and methodical in her approach.

But slow and methodical were rapidly losing out.

Time to think was rapidly giving way to time for action. So long as the screaming continued she could find wherever it was echoing from and to that end she flung herself forward along the hall and down the stairwell, her fingernails digging grooves into the polished wood as she did so. Next below her was a mezzanine - one floor up from a regular floor for some reason, and empty in the middle with nothing to take up the space, some weird little configuration that Bellatrix had decided on for reasons unknown. Why have half of a floor when a full floor would have been much more useful? - that held extra bedrooms along its side, each of them full and large and enchanted to be larger within than without. She hadn’t yet slept in one of those rooms but Narcissa assured her they were beautiful and she had no reason to doubt that.

But they were just here now and she wanted to be there instead of here and she was hyperventilating now, legs sprinting and pushing against the carpeted flooring. She dug her heels in further, shored up her breathing into something representing a stable breath and flew down the stairs. Her ears were open, eyes searching for anything and everything, body leaping up and passing over the last five steps on the way down the stairs at the other end of the mezzanine. 

By now the voice had become voices had continued to rise and rise until it was joined - and Andromeda sprinted when she realized it - by a third. She was certain it was Narcissa, a high pitched sound that was just the same as she had heard so many times when Narcissa wanted to startle someone, to hurt with her voice but not her words. Andromeda had wondered whether that sound was something natural she produced or something magical she enhanced just to annoy her siblings and now it seemed she had her answer. Genuine, even if being used in what she could only assume as a different context.

Nothing to do except move faster, push harder, lose herself to the motion of her body and the ringing sound of screaming, preparing herself by focusing on the few spells she knew and a simple word.


Two more flights of stairs passed beneath her while breath - ever harder to inhale - exploded from her lungs and the aching of her heart grew tenfold. By now the voices were no longer screaming and Andromeda couldn’t tell whether that was more worrisome or less.

Less, probably, if their past luck was anything at all to go by.

There was no real time to ruminate on that. She was down the final stairwell and off into the long hallway that flanked the southern end of the Manor in no time flat, wooden doors and not much else to guide her except a few sconces that burned fitfully where they lay. One door was open at the end of the hall and she could see vague hints of light and movement, a shadow angling downwards and falling in such a way as to appear monstrous. Her movement faltered as she fished out her wand, breath a mess as she fought to hold her composure for however long this took. Step by step she approached, readying herself with all the practical knowledge that Bellatrix had given her branching for whatever could be inside.

She pressed the door open, a small wedge that grew and grew until she was ready, dashing through with a spell on her lips and eyes looking for whatever had-

“Andi! Stop it, wait!”

The voice was harsh and commanding, breaking through her concentration with all the force of a hammer breaking through softwood. She halted, confused and frozen where she stood. The greyish blob that was moving and squirming on the ground was an oddity her eyes couldn’t render, seconds passing as Ted approached her side and gently placed his hand atop her own, pulling the loosely held wand from her grip. She gasped once, relaxed and felt all her muscles screaming in relief that was compounded by the confusion of the situation.



Dolohov was beyond tired. Beyond the mere pain of walking, the ache of Apparition, falling to pieces under the monotonous routine that seemed - insofar as he could tell, which wasn’t much to be quite sure - to be near endless in its expanse. Ever since the first light of morning he had been working and toiling and right now was no different at all. But he couldn’t change that, and unfortunately he knew it. There was no shadow of a doubt that even if he could end up changing his current circumstance, he wouldn’t. 

Instead of letting himself fall prey to the aches and pains of a body constantly in motion he squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest. The pack slung over his shoulder was pulled just a little bit tighter, and with a gasping breath he threw himself into the whirlwind of Apparition. The push and pull upon his midsection was something that he could never quite get used to no matter how many times he flew through the void. That tug was just so inelegant when compared to the far more refined - and reliable, and safe - method that his Lord had managed to create. 

But unfortunately right now there was no chance to use that method of travel. If he dared to streak across the sky in broad daylight he would be brought down to the ground and locked up the moment he was seen. Crossing the expanse of water separating France from England would be easy in that form but all it would take was one expert eye to have a team of Auror’s on his tail and blasting him from the air. Which, truth be told, might not have been so bad of a break - if that did happen then he would at least have some time to spend alone, resting instead of moving and perhaps he could even grab a bite to eat - except that Lord Voldemort had made it exceedingly clear that he expected none of them to be caught or brought to heel by the Ministry’s goons.

Lord Voldemort likely wouldn’t bail - or break - him out of confinement either, and their cells were all just so dreary. 

Did he even have a need to complain? It wasn’t as if he was transporting people. That whole stage was slated for later in the year and while it would be an operation fraught with danger he could safely remain behind, appropriating safe-houses and shoring up supplies.


Later, so long as he made it through this. He supposed he would finish before his Lord required it and while the timeline of events wasn’t exactly clear to him - Lord Voldemort kept all of them more or less in the dark about different portions of his plans, easier to continue on if one who was caught couldn’t drag them all under - he was certain it was correct. Dolohov had more a sense of surety in his Lord’s actions, certainly much more than anyone else not directly in the inner circle. 

All the others were a bother though. Agitators who had been corralled into fighting for their cause, carved off from vast stretches of the Continent, people who had been dissatisfied by their own Ministry and seeking a means to begin a retribution. Notions of equality and peace were trodden beneath the boots of real witches, real wizards. Dolohov knew that most of the Pureblood rhetoric that his Lord espoused was more specific to Britain than anywhere else - a homegrown variant that was influenced by Grindelwald’s failings and separatist movements that took their methods and teachings from dear old Salazar himself, modified by a few hundred years of simmering rage - and those who didn’t follow that were surely following for everything else.

A semi-cohesive whole, bands and mimics and cretins that had taken nearly two years to come together.

Dolohov hated all of them except for the first two groups. Thumbed his nose at them whenever he landed on a stretch of beach occupied by their forces, or manned and patrolled by their footsoldiers. He wished them all a well-earned death on the battlefield, useful cannon fodder for the coming war. Most of them were willing to fight - perhaps even die - all for the chance of attaining riches and glory.

Mostly riches. He didn’t delude himself into thinking that rhetoric and heart could buy more than Galleons, and it made it easier for him to continue on hating them all while completing his assigned task.

The next leg of the journey was the worst and Dolohov took a long moment to steady his breathing and ground himself into the awareness of self - of where he was not and where he was - that powered these jaunts through space. He studied the burly trees that lined this path, watched as the wind shifted boughs and leaves, adjusted the pack on his shoulder again -  so stuffed through with forbidden items in forbidden quantities that he was sure the Ministry would lose their bloody minds if they ever managed to catch him, not only at what he had but how he had it, carefully strapped in and enchanted to the point where a single spell in his back was more likely to blow up an entire city block rather than incapacitate him - and opened his mind.

Dolohov vanished in the blink of an eye, disappearing with a whip-like crack that spread out through the forest and roused birds from their nests. He reappeared upon a broken stretch of beach that was only partially sand and mostly gravel, a bluff of sharp cliffs rising to his left and the ever-churning sea off to his right. He settled the pack onto the ground and stretched - every bone in his back creaking and cracking as he did so - while his head swivelled and he gathered his bearings.

Right place, right time. Last time as well if he was right.

From there it was a simple matter to walk off towards his final destination with the pack hovering along with a quick levitation charm and the soft breeze coming off the sea buffeting against his cheek. The craggy rocks at the bottom of the cliff face was where he needed to be and before he opened the passage he glanced around. Slow and careful eyes peered out for anything that could be considered as out of the ordinary - despite Dolohov knowing full well that it was highly unlikely anyone knew where he was, and of those that did they could all be trusted - or different from the last time he had completed this trip just hours ago. Nothing was staring back at him, nothing changing and nothing different. Wearily he rubbed at his eyes and beard before hauling in a steady breath and readying himself for what little remained.

The door opened at his touch.

Ever so slowly the rock pulled back, eating itself up as pieces disappeared into the nether, others pulling apart and forming the edges to a strong arch, all the while the serpent branded on his body hissing - inaudible, or so he liked to tell himself, disavowing the thing he heard inside his head and saying that it was instead only the wind making the noise - as it released the many enchantments that would have otherwise destroyed him where he stood. The air that brushed against his face was full of musty age despite him having opened it only hours earlier. The hallway - the one he had wandered down time after time - caused a shiver to run up his spine, dark and empty and just as intensely uncomfortable as it had been earlier in the day. The door closed up behind him with the rumbling grate of stone on stone, no light at all except the bluebell flames that churned on spits embedded along the walls.

The flames wavered and churned to some unknown current as he wandered past, ever-shifting and leaving him second-guessing his every step. Not that there was much that could leave a shadow except himself but the odd effect of permanent cold-fire was a shifting form of lighting that never seemed to hold still. He knew it was the ambience his Lord wanted but for the life of him Dolohov couldn’t understand why.

It was all somewhat dramatic. Why not just use actual flame? Something that one could actually see with. Why go through all the trouble of designing multiple lairs - so very many, so many more that Dolohov knew he only had ever seen the faintest portion of the lot, and all of them built in hideaways that were more fitting for vermin to find than humans - that no one would feel comfortable within?

Maybe, he thought, setting down his pack and retrieving the ritual materials, the reagents and deadly alchemical ingredients that would reign fire upon this land, he wasn’t supposed to know.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => daf60467a3f9e41986992382825e8bb0a1cb8b26 ) [13] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 52. Book 2: The Safety of Relief [timestamp] => 1592690400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 52: Book 2: The Safety of Relief


unedited, short chapter
this took a while, mainly due to life circumstances.
Next one might be sooner.

Chapter Text

The fall backwards was the worst. One minute she was flying above the sky with eyes that could see everything - not that there was very much for her to see to begin with - and the wind - full of ashes and dust and the remnants of who knew how many living things - in her feathers. 

The next she wasn’t.

The next she was herself, she was Bellatrix the Woman and not the Bird and falling.

Falling fast, falling far, falling down, down, down and spiralling towards the ground. The seconds ticked onwards with words and a scream lost within her throat as she forgot exactly how to feel fear.

She remembered it when she could reach down and touch the ground, only to have the hand extended towards it disappear into-


She was back. Back to life, back to the world, back to somewhere she understood. The ground beneath her was unsteady as she blinked and gathered her wits, slow breaths of air holding her as close to still and calm as she could. Which, unfortunately, was just barely. Her body wanted to move, wanted to run, wanted to dive away out the nearest window and head back towards what counted as normality. 

She couldn’t.

Everything that she gazed upon was topsy turvy and end over end, the slowest roll of her eyes leading up and over the patterned ceiling - caked with grime and dust and the detritus of who knew exactly what these people had been smoking for years on end - before trailing back down along the other wall. The roll was enough though and with a lurch Bellatrix forced herself up to her knees and placed her palm along the fine wood - splintered and grating and sandy underneath her touch - to brace when she pushed onto her feet.

Bad move. Everything was swaying even worse than when she was on the floor and even letting herself rest with her forehead against the wall didn’t seem to be helping whatsoever. Her equilibrium was shot through with vertigo and the persistent sense that something, somewhere, was on fire and heading towards her, speeding away with such incoherent drive to consume that she would wilt before bursting into flame.

She dropped back onto her hands and knees with a groan and thud of bone against wood.

Once more.


The third time was the charm, or fourth if she counted her first display of weakness.

She didn’t. 

A second passed her by as she settled her heart and breath, body adjusting to being fully upright and the last vestiges of unease fading beneath her skin. She would examine all that later but now was a moment for quiet contemplation and reflection on her state of being more than the state of whatever in Morgana’s name she had escaped. And where had Hermione gone during all that time-

“Hermione!” Bellatrix screamed, heart once again leaping inside of her ribcage as the events faded into the background and more important matters came to the fore. 

‘Merlin’s fucking arse!’

The crashing of boots on wood filled up the hallway Bellatrix occupied as she sprinted and swayed with as much steady effort as she could to reach her target - wherever she was exactly - and locate her wife. A hand trailed along the wall and picked up splinters as she ran, none of them registering at the moment, none of them mattering any more than finding Hermione.

It was hard going, all of her muscles straining and burning as she pushed herself further through a fatigue that was settling with all the surety and inescapability of a fog. It was unnatural and heavy, a reminder of her time spent deep within whatever that vision had truly been. It wasn’t enough to stop her though, and with clammy skin and panting breath Bellatrix rounded a corner and took in the sight of a wider room that looked just as rundown as everything else. It was broken and disused, covered in dust and smelling somewhat of stale air and something that burned the edges of her senses.

But it held Hermione as well.

Her wife was laid out flat on the floor with arms outspread around her and feet just barely past the threshold of a room she must have opened, shallow breath rocking her chest and eyes pressed tightly closed. Whatever had happened she had made it through and Bellatrix thanked all the Gods - both old and new and dark and light - that she hadn’t been beaten by whatever Voldemort had created here. Further questions rattled around her mind as she knelt and pulled the witch atop her lap, arms wrapped around her to cradle Hermione’s head and fingers running through the short curls atop her scalp.

“Come on, come on, wake up Hermione, wake up.” Bellatrix’s voice was full of soft words and gentle puffs of air that were followed up by a whispered Episkey in an effort to revive the unconscious witch. She watched the magic fall and waited a moment before trying again, trying once more, again receiving nothing in return.

Panic gripped her.

With shaking hands Bellatrix pulled out her wand and tried once again, her voice fracturing as she spoke and limbs beginning to tremble with fear when - again - it failed to yield a result.

A second passed where nothing mattered to her more than the woman cradled against her, nothing mattered besides the two of them, their journey, their lives.

Two seconds.

A whispered prayer slipped past Bellatrix’s lips, a voice sent to deities long gone and left to toil beneath the undergrowth of forgotten cultural memory, only known to those who practised the old ways.

It worked.

With a lurch Hermione sat upwards in Bellatrix’s grasp, a racking cough filling the air as she came to life. Bellatrix lost her voice as Hermione moved, too amazed and thankful for Hermione being alive at all to do anything other than stare at the squirming woman in her grasp. 

But Hermione was not content to merely squirm and lay there.

With a sudden growl, the woman pushed away from Bellatrix with all her might before sliding and rolling atop the aged wood and erupting into a keening scream filled with rage and hate. 

“Hermione!” Bellatrix screamed the word to be heard overtop the sound of Hermione’s anger, relieved at the movement and filled with adrenaline from the sudden hostility. She watched with total confusion - and a small but biting amount of pain and hurt - as Hermione slipped away to be replaced by the enormous bulk of her other form. Bellatrix’s next words were a scream of fear - what had happened? Why? - when Hermione shifted side to side and then, without any warning, burst forward on the might of her coils. Strong muscles lurked beneath the surface of her scales and the shifted woman used all her might to propel herself forward with the ruthless efficiency of a mighty predator. 

It would have killed Bellatrix. Snapped her face in two, torn open her throat, lacerated her entire top half with teeth that were razor-sharp and used only to pull in prey and consume it.

Muscle memory saved her.

The shield sprang forth from her brand was more than enough of a barrier to halt the moving snake, and the second she deployed pushed backwards until the beast - her wife - had been shoved up against a wall. She hissed the whole time as Bellatrix came up to her feet, squirming and roiling against the barrier with yellow eyes that bled hate.

:What in Merlin’s bloody name are you doing?!: Bellatrix hissed at her wife, voice overpowering in the space but tinged throughout with fear and worry. What could Hermione have experienced to have sent her into this headspace? : Hermione?! :

She repeated her question, again, the hope of reaching her wife overpowering what fear there was.

It worked. 

Little by little the serpent wedged up against the wall began to calm, it’s thrashing reduced to a shifting motion punctuated by a wide mouth and angry eyes. Bellatrix pulled back on the shield pinning Hermione against the wall, allowing her space and movement that the serpent took up immediately. She rose and swayed, pinning Bellatrix with a stare that spoke more towards the ongoing confusion evident in her actions more than any anger or outright hatred. Bellatrix froze and met the gaze, wondering what Hermione was pondering and still holding back her wand and brands if a moment came where she needed to defend herself.

:Hermione?: Bellatrix asked her again, voice unsure and carrying with it the unease that this whole situation brought her. She fidgeted and wondered if it wouldn’t be better to simply grab hold of Hermione and Apparate away, find a way out and see if a change of scenery would knock loose wherever her sense of self had gone. Restraining her would be hard for sure but it would be easier than talking down an Animagi who had lost sight of who she was. Surely she couldn’t do too much damage - and Bellatrix knew she would never blame Hermione even if she did - and if she attempted it there was always the less pleasing option of knocking her out. And if she were quicker still she could-

:Bella?: The hiss was soft and scared and far more like someone wishing for the question to be true than someone who was assured of what they were saying. But the sound passed between them in an instant, followed almost immediately by Hermione shifting and Bellatrix instinctively dropping the remainder of her shield. Her wife was finally - Merlin’s beard, blessedly - back in her human form.

But her eyes were wide. Drawn out, filled with horror and recognition. 


Hermione rushed her, Bellatrix standing there in shock with body slack and nearly found herself bowled over when Hermione made contact. The witch wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug that left little air for her to voice relief, leaving her instead to simply follow suit and hold onto the shaking witch. They stood there for a minute or two, Hermione sobbing against the crook of Bellatrix’s neck, and Bellatrix wondering just what had gone on to leave her in this state. When they pulled back enough that Bellatrix could breathe again she pressed gentle kisses against Hermione’s cheeks, tasted the salt and vowed to herself to protect her with all that she could.

The only sound was quiet breathing and Bellatrix knew the questions would come later. Now was for reassurance.


Or not.

The soft hiss was coming from their side and Bellatrix reluctantly pulled away from Hermione to see exactly what was the cause. Her wand dropped into her grip from the holster on her forearm and before her sat a snake, unmoving and unafraid of the magic in her grip. It swayed side to side, eying them both, no look of hostility on its face but something closer to amazement.

Bellatrix simply stared, somewhat broken by her recent experiences and wondering just what was happening. Her brain - tired as it was and overloaded with the events of the past who knew how fucking long - simply refused to accept the madness as anything other than madness.

Hermione was the one to reply, nodding as she did so, :Done.:

The serpent nodded back at them both with eyes that widened - or seemed to, despite its lack of eyelids - and tongue flickering against the air. Bellatrix kept her eyes on it, kept ahold of Hermione, and ran her hands in soothing motions down the witch’s sides until she could turn her gently within her hold. The serpent watched them for a moment before tilting forward, rolling its diamond-wedge head, and choking as something began to happen. Its mouth opened and closed, tongue poking out and eyes rolling. 

Something was coming up, coming out, and Bellatrix watched with amazement as a ring slowly peaked up in the back of its throat before falling to the ground with a clatter of metal on wood. The item rolled along its edge for a second before falling flat and glinting up at them from the thin light that came in a shuttered window, darkness at its centre only broken by a symbol Bellatrix knew all too well.

It was larger in reality than it had seemed in Hermione’s memories and while she knew what it was there was a brief moment where all she could feel was shock. Their mission had been to retrieve it and yet it seemed unreal that now, here, they had found it.

“We did it,” Hermione breathed out, body relaxing and voice soft where Bellatrix had imagined she might be jubilant. A shaking hand reached out before retreating back to hold onto Bellatrix’s shoulders, Hermione’s forehead leaning against her as she shook again. “Destroy it. Please. Whatever it is you do, don’t touch it. Don’t go near it. I don’t know if it’s enchanted to make you wear it. We know it’s cursed already, we shouldn’t take any chances.”

Bellatrix looked back at Hermione for confirmation, nodded in acceptance. She took a deep breath before putting forth her right hand, a burst of green fire lighting atop her skin and settling atop her opened palm, lacing and pulsing as she poured herself into the brand. Little creatures began to bubble and roil beneath the surface of the fire, malevolent life beginning to recognize what Bellatrix had targeted. They lept as one from her hand and dropped onto the floor, a lizard shifting into a stalking bird that slowly grasped and licked at the metal edges of the ring. They combined and coalesced back into a simple bubble of fire, a gleaming point that soon rose up with the shape of a raven.

The green bird grasped up the ring within its fiery beak and threw it into the air, falling back into its burning gullet. It sat there for a moment, hopping slowly from foot to foot, and the ring within its throat began to heat. The metal glowed slowly but steadily until a resounding crack rang throughout the room. Bellatrix couldn’t hear for a moment or two but she could see, could watch as the ring split down its centre and metal turned to molten slag. The bird sat there and watched them with unseeing eyes as the stone began to glow as well, snapping and breaking apart into little pieces of bright light that faded into nothingness.

A single swipe of her hand extinguished the Fiendfyre and Bellatrix watched as an ominous smoke rose from its place. 

As it dissipated she heard the little serpent on the ground let out one word, a hiss that summed all of this adventure into a concise statement.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 9e086ce1a562cb1c0ce1a174cdc14b5f1c073c77 ) [14] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 51. Book 2: Reaction [timestamp] => 1588629600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 51: Book 2: Reaction


Minimal editing.

Chapter Text

In the same instant Malfoy Manor was just as dark and impeccable as Hermione could remember, while still managing to be just as imposing and mysterious as her experience had led her to assume. Even the time of day seemed to be lined up correctly with what she could remember of the afternoon they had been captured by Scabior, a murky shadow looming outside of the windows and what little sun there was all blocked off from view.

The interior spaces were soft, muted and indistinct from one space to the next. What light there was had been built into the space by chandeliers that hung high above her and sconces that lay recessed into walls. Hermione supposed that the lighting matched her mood, both then and now, despite the fact that this conjuration was very much a reflection of a trap more than her memory.

The thin gown that had draped itself across her body had been switched out the moment she stepped forward to follow the unseen voice. Dark colours prettied her form, a dress matched with a corset that felt ancient in function and design, and something that would have been much better on Bellatrix’s body than her own. All black lace, thin layers of thread having been patterned with such care and expertise that she felt horrid for even wearing it.

This was meant for a noblewoman or someone else of such standing, not her.

But she was stuck in it and debating its presence wasn’t worth the effort.

Besides, what was far more interesting to Hermione than the sudden change in wardrobe was the inexplicable lack of Lestrange. The phantom might have initially been making noise when she arrived but her presence seemed restricted to an auditory nature. Hidden away from sight, or perhaps not even having existed, Hermione could find no one. She wandered all around the open Manor, marvelled at the rooms and stretches of hallways that she had never seen before.

She could not quite tell if the magic was feeding off of the actual layout of Malfoy Manor or was inventing it from whole cloth. Which would surprise her more? That it was uniquely malevolent and pulling information from the outside, or that it was smart enough to devise a maze she couldn’t see through? 

She couldn’t tell, and settled instead on admiring what beauty it conjured up before her.

Empty hallways that extended for leagues, darkened floors made from black marble, hardwood, even one that she was certain had been hewn from a slab of granite mightier than anything she had ever seen before. Her steps echoed against the walls, against the high ceilings and the low, her path lit only by simple chandeliers that swayed on unseen wind and sconces that dripped wax onto the floor. Mantles that held sparks of light, odd curio’s, golden candlesticks and silver timepieces. 

Crazed devices, things she could not even begin to guess the reasoning of. 

But no noise.

No sound except that which she made. 

Portraits lined the walls and Hermione moved carefully past each of them, Walburga’s screaming visage swimming to the forefront of her mind as she did so. But none of them made a sound, none of them moved and no eyes watched her creep about. They were all frozen and uncaring of her status or her stature, blankly looking towards the opposite wall and leaving Hermione to gaze about in wonder and confusion.

She might have been a Muggleborn within a madman’s rendition of a Pureblood estate but she held no fear once the walls proved barren of any danger.

But the air was still thick, still cloying, her pulse shooting the longer that she wandered and nothing appeared to give her worry justification. She did begin to settle somewhat as the nothing continued unabated but she had a sharply worrying fear that whatever was bound to happen would pick its own time and place. 

It hadn’t, after all, sent her back to that blasted infirmary. That had to mean something, right?

With nothing else to do and nothing at all apparent to lose, Hermione wandered. She drank in the odd sights and wondered just how hard she would need to push this universe to ensure that nothing at all like what she had experienced would happen again.

Perhaps that was why she managed to miss her lover’s counterpart when she arrived. Or maybe it was instead the fact that the shade moved far too stealthily for a human, her approach heralded by nothing at all. None of her protections reacted, that was for sure, though Hermione couldn’t tell exactly why that was. 

Whatever the particular reason that led to her lapse in situational awareness, Hermione managed to discover the shade just at the same moment that a whip latched itself around her throat. With a painful tug she was pulled backwards to choke and sputter as balance fled her, colliding with the floor in a clatter of sound and pain. A crack rang out as her head rapped off the floor, skull suddenly filling up with cotton as stars coalesced before her eyes. 

The agony unleashed was magnificent in its power and Hermione lost whatever control she had over herself, flailing with fear as the whip cinched down upon her windpipe. Her cheeks grew hot, veins pounding alongside her throat, her temple, vision doubling through until the ceiling shimmered and fell apart. She rolled as much as she could until her knees were underneath, skirts bunched up and body sliding on the near-frictionless interaction of lace on polished marble. 

Her hands scrabbled across the floor as Lestrange’s laughter filtered over the pounding in her head, elbows propping up against the ground and hands tugging along the leather on her neck.

She had no air. No breath, no chance to catch herself or reorient, she was suffocating-

And then suddenly, as if the whip had never been there, she was released.

Hermione coughed into the still air, a moment of respite that quickly led her to fill her burning lungs with precious air that led to wrenching gasps. Her eyes were watering, leaking profusely even as she gulped back the darkness that had threatened to swallow all her vision. A minute or more passed before she thought herself steady enough to retake her feet, a palm along the wall keeping her from falling back over and eyes skittering across the space in search of the one who had attacked her.

Except the room was filled with nothing at all except the rather boring furniture the trap had summoned up, and herself. There wasn’t even a scuff mark against the floor to indicate someone digging in, pulling back to wrench her off her feet.

Unfortunately there were more changes to account for than just the sudden appearance - disappearance - of Lestrange. 

The clothes she had been wearing were gone, replaced completely with something different. She dusted herself as best she could, fought to correct the vision with her memory and felt a black pit of despair well up from within her throat. No more black lace. No more dress, nothing that was anything more than what she would have once worn. 

Clothes she had burned. Clothes she had set fire too when all was said and done, clothes she had exorcised from her memory in a futile bid to forget. She felt dirty as she stood there. She had felt it back then too, a peculiar sense of having been used.

The longer that this trap went on the less she knew or understood except for one simple fact.

The trap wanted her to fail. 

And it appeared her own demon wanted to join in and ensure that was the outcome.

Now she was wearing the clothes of a girl she had buried, forgotten and driven out of her conscious mind. Standing here, alone, her knees wobbling and the confidence that had pushed her to open the doors now all but gone. This was not how she had expected her day to go, not at all. And that wasn’t even accounting for not having her wand! Just another bit of aggravation to add to the pile, another little thing that was messing with her mind and leading to sparks of blue and green to rise up from her various markings.

The only brand upon her body that seemed to even remotely be placated was the Dark Mark, and even then it was simply sending tendrils of absentminded pain into the muscle of her arm at odd intervals. The connection it was supposed to foster, that link between herself and Voldemort, it felt thick and useless. If it was supposed to allow Voldemort to summon them, or be brought to them, could he tell where they both were? Did he know that they were here and trapped?

Did this place recognize her?

All of her questions had no answer and so, in a fit of what might have been rage but was labelled in her mind as frustration, Hermione stormed on down the hallway and continued to wander in search of an escape. She would find a way out here, one way or another.


Bellatrix was alone and with no one to tell her where to go, what to see, or why she was here, she wandered. Her instincts led her far and wide until eventually she found her footing among this ruined world. 

Or wings, to be precise.

It came as quite a shock when she realized that the ability to transform into her avian form hadn’t been taken from her. All her other strengths were gone, no magic here to sustain them, but not this. One single thought and a twist of her body had led to a much smaller creature than she normally was flying up through ruined branches to soar along with the remnants of too-hot updrafts. The air was higher here, much warmer after having been fed by fires down below. 

The sun was still visible far out across the horizon but she knew that soon it would be dark. The twilight hues were beautiful to observe from up on high, spreads of red and orange blending into a strange purple that seemed fit to swallow the sky.

Bellatrix rolled, dipped low and held her wings close to her body before unfurling and rocketing back up towards the clouds. Her eyes were open and observing all that lay before her, looking for any sign of anything that might still be alive.

But she saw nothing. Nothing at all except clouds of ashes and an encroaching darkness made worse by the absolute depth of it. No stars followed. Her movements were steady and she made good time towards nowhere in particular but there was nothing coming from behind her. 

She had no reason to fly, but she flew.

She had nothing to observe, except for fire and the taste of devastation.

Flat plains rolled over into vast stretches of undulating moorland, steam present in the air from a fire that had all but boiled the stagnant water. There were some darker spots that gave off more heat than others, spots where red flecks and embers rose upwards to the sky. There was magic too, and something else that prickled her feathers and set her to looking for all manner of larger predators.

But, rather predictably, there were none.

Nothing made sense here, not the absolute wreck of the land or the pulsing tatters of a massive spell. She could not even come up with an idea to begin explaining just why she was being shown this, sure as she was that this was a trap and not a vision. 

Perhaps she had been caught by the wrong trap? Or, perhaps against the Shack’s wishes, her own magic had influenced it? She supposed that it could be what had happened. Her Dark Mark and the myriad runes upon her body could have changed whatever it had wanted, or maybe stopped some other part from completing. 

As it was this was simply lonely. And if it were what was supposed to have occurred, why make it this? She was in no danger, there was nothing after her. Why make all this so real?

Bellatrix cawed when no answer came, melancholic and subdued, the wind that roared around her stealing away the sound before it ever truly began.


Eventually the ineffectual wandering led her right back to the same place. She had known that was likely what would happen, had seen how mutable this space was, but still she had stormed off in search of something to distract her from whatever the hell was going on in this blasted home.

The cornerstone of the whole charade had decided it would take the appearance of the room she had been tortured in, because of bloody course it would. And all halls would lead back to it, eventually, even after she saw it around a corner and made great pains to go in every direction but that one.

It was a goddamned loop and there seemed to be nothing for her to do except follow it.

The hallways that she paced down would stretch onwards towards infinity before suddenly, and nearly always right as she stepped past a new threshold, fall away into the entrance to that room. Other times the doors would open to it, a sudden placement in the wall allowing her to enter as if it had been there all along. 

And then Lestrange would cackle from somewhere far behind her and Hermione would tear her eyes away to rub at the back of her neck while looking for an exit. But there was none. Nothing she did and nowhere she went seemed to be the right place. She would turn around, move forward, end up right back where she’d started. Whatever magic she had access too would flare once or twice whenever the sound of Lestrange’s voice came particularly close but then disappear in a moment. The effort was as exhausting as it was degrading.

Here she was, able and wanting to fight back against her tormentor, and she had nothing with which to fight. Even the runes seemed to be displeased with the outcome, their power flaring beautifully before returning to beneath her skin and bringing with it a sudden ache and pain that felt more like punishment than an apology.

"Homenum Revelio," she whispered for the hundredth time, the grating sound of her voice a scratchy and ruined tune. Her throat had yet to recover and wandless magic seemed just as broken as the runes upon her body, her incantation revealing nothing.

Even the Portkey was completely inactive. That everything else just seemed to spark and wither was just the punchline to this joke. The magic was there but inaccessible, short-circuited and hidden.

“Over here, Muddy.”

The voice pierced the silence of the room so close to Hermione that she could feel the air buffeting against her ear. She whirled around with blind intent and struck outwards as fast as she could. 

Only to connect with nothing at all. 

There was only a blank space leading back towards the way she had come and nothing there looked to be out of place at all. No shadows against the wall, no misplaced furniture or items on the floor. Not even the scent of rot that had so cruelly tinged the woman’s breath. Just a blank space and no one to fight.

Illusory, yet again

Fingernails dug into her shoulder from behind, their pressure and their presence a sudden pain that forced a rage-filled scream from her frightened throat. She twisted, lowered herself and swiped out at the air.

Empty, again. 

“Muddy -”

Empty. Again.

A slap against her cheek that came from nowhere, from nothing. No movement except the sudden force against her skin and a blossom of red upon her lip.

Empty. Again.

“Mudblood whore -”

Empty. Again.

A strip of leather wrapped around her leg and bit down into muscle, her balance lost and forgotten as she fought to keep from smashing into the ground. The force pulled her, she screamed-

“You stole that magic, you worthless - “


“You don’t deserve any of it!”


“Who are you to think you’ve earned this power!“

A hand crushing down onto her throat, a second joining swiftly. Weight fell down upon Hermione’s hips and forced the air from her lungs when it shifted forward unexpectedly. Sharp nails scratched at her skin, forced her arm out to the side as fear blossomed into a near-absolute terror.

Not empty. Not alone. 

Lestrange bore down onto her body, rocked back and forth and grinned. Her rotten teeth were just as Hermione remembered, her eyes just as mad as they were back then. Twisted. Broken. A face that had been cracked open to reveal insanity, eyes that were bloodshot for far too long and hair a coiled mass of wild frizz.

Lestrange was real, she was whole, and she was here.



When the wind finally led Bellatrix towards darkly shrouded landscapes that she could process and recognize, the chill of night had finally fallen. The sun had peaked down beneath the horizon ages ago and the infernal heat that had been slowly suffusing from the ground had finally come to an end. She could cover vast distances but was unsure of just how far she might have travelled, not knowing the space she had originated from had managed to remove all sense of orientation and direction.

Everything had felt stretched out. She had circled upwards, swooped low and let the air currents take her far out towards one direction before pivoting to face another. Whatever magnetism drew birds one way or another seemed lost on her, there was no instinct telling her to go here or there and time itself felt oddly elongated.

It was as if her internal clock had been stalled out, an avenue of time passing her by where the only thing she could focus on was maintaining her height. 

And avoiding the gathering accumulation of ash and dust, though that proved easier than she would have imagined. Great patches of smoke took up massive blotches above valleys, the forests filled with matchsticks. Where once there had been homes and villages there was instead nothing but rubble and plumes of dried smoke. She circled around them, kept herself from flying too close. 

She had no desire to breathe in whatever had become of those below.

The trip was hauntingly beautiful if she were honest, though she hated to admit that it was far more haunting than beautiful. This damnation had been orchestrated by human minds, by magic borne upon the back of ritual and sacrifice. The devastation was too complete, too massive to have been anything else.

And still it spread beneath her. The whole country appeared to have gone up in flames, and Bellatrix was terrified.


Pain wracked all her limbs. Screams tore their way loose from her chest with ferocity and hurt unmatched by what she had gone through before. Eventually she quieted, throat nearly useless and saving her the trouble of listening to the reverberation of her horror.

Bellatrix’s Crucio was nothing at all like this. While Voldemort had punished them by having one attack the other it was nowhere near this level of power. They would place one another beneath the curse but they lacked the pure rage that Lestrange was channelling through Hermione’s body.

Their sparring was painful but it was not this.

This was a white-hot needle pressed along every single nerve in her body, ever centimetre of her skin suddenly burning and pulling apart. Every breath hurt, every twitch of her muscles and every sound that she made was laced through and through with diabolical intent. 

Even her heartbeat was on fire. It was no one thing that she could concentrate on or control, nothing she could shut down or ignore in favour of something else. It was just a maddening level of intensity that lasted and lasted and lasted.  

Lestrange’s frenzied laughter was the soundtrack to Hermione’s misery and the longer that this moment wore on the more sure she was that this was all there was.

Just madness as enforced by a lunatic, just agony dredged up by a wretch.

Hermione had feared that somewhere deep inside her arm lay a Horcrux, once upon a time. Being spliced into another universe and then finding that another version of Bellatrix was drawn to her was its own form of horror. Once upon a time, that was. In the end it wasn’t what she had feared, she was almost sure of it. 

Less a splinter of a soul, and more the imprint of it. A reactive little portion of the witch’s power and personality, something that had been meant to haunt Hermione in her absence or perhaps simply remain and always react to Lestrange’s emotions and desires. If their side had won, what would have come of her? She could only wonder at that. Wonder and hope that if it had happened, if she had escaped to the farthest corner of the globe, this wouldn’t have continued.

But now, here, on the floor and at the mercy of this being, she wasn’t quite so sure. Lestrange was a thing and it seemed to have been given free rein by the power of Voldemort’s trap. 

So she suffered. She lay there beneath a red spell that went on for what seemed like ages before it finally settled down. The magic filtered out of her body, the heat suddenly replaced by an emptiness that left her contracting inwards where she could. Lestrange removed herself, kicked Hermione against the side and let her turn unceremoniously to face a wall. 

Hermione breathed, focused on the action and nothing else, noticed the coolness as her nerves flooded with relief. She was naked now, Lestrange having stolen what was left of her dignity and pressing her tightly against the floor. Her eyes screwed shut to avoid watching as the madwoman moved side to side, muttering to herself and jerking erratically. Hermione felt, for lack of a better description, like some little insect who had been smashed near to death by the tail end of a newspaper.

“Aww,” Lestrange cooed, leaning in again and poking at Hermione’s cheek with a broken nail. “Is the itty mud-baby done playing? Need a break? Hmm, Pet? Well, now that I have you all to myself I don’t think I’ll give you one. I’ve been waiting for this. Nice of you to finally let me in, eh? We so hardly have time to play, all you ever do is avoid me. Is that it? Hmm? Do you not like Bella? Hm? Answer me!”

Pain crashed back against Hermione, her agony renewed even as she fought. Fought it with every ounce of remaining energy, every cell and every thought and every fibre of her being devoted to pushing away the pain, to block it out. She needed to find some way to escape this mad illusion. She needed some way to fight back, to end this. There was no sword for her to hide and no reason for Lestrange to stop, nothing would finish this unless she acted. Anything would do, anything at all, and the runes upon her body sparked and sputtered in agreement. 

But they did not light. They did not pulse before holding steady and they did not blast apart her tormentor. They faded back to a muted red, thumping and beating in time with her heart but they did not save her.

Even the Dark Mark seemed to finally be reacting to something. The pain and twisting heat had seen fit to incense the serpent into lashing out, its maw opening and closing with impotent rage. Fangs were bared and she could feel the coiled form as it attempted to leap up from her skin and scar their crazed attacker. It moved, it acted, but it was useless. 

The boa or python - or whatever the hell she truly was - that had been inked onto her opposite shoulder was just as crazed by the lightning racing up and down Hermione’s veins. It coiled itself, wrapped around her arm and bit along her shoulder with sparks that lit in blue before fading beneath her skin. The flood of endorphins that soaked her weren’t lessening as the curse wore on, and if anything she found herself shivering more from her reaction than the spell itself. 

Nothing was helping, nothing was working.

And then it all snapped.

Every single rune that she had painstakingly branded to her soul were lighting up at once, in sync and glaring with their brightness. A crackling burst of magic swept upwards from her chest before bathing her with static and cold. She caught a glimpse of her arm, a portion of her leg, and began to cackle at the sudden resemblance to some mad battery. Lightning raced across her skin and the signs and sigils were brightening still. 

And then there was pain, more than Lestrange had been able to assault her with, more than her first tumble through universes, more than she had ever experienced in her life. 

The accidental magic - for that was what it was, no intent on her part at all - ended. Lestrange was wide-eyed, backed up and staring unabashedly with confusion and sneering hate. 

Hermione cracked.

Air swirled within the space. Skin and scale blended, popped, turned blue and green and a myriad of other colours as her Patronus leapt up from her arm and settled atop her heart. It burrowed with its snout, the head pressed against her chest and flooding through her body until the last sliver of its tail disappeared. Hermione felt the maelstrom of energy coalesce for one second before she too disappeared, only to be replaced.

Lestrange screamed when the massive serpent shot forward to wrap jaws and sharp teeth around her neck. She flailed, reached out and took hold of its bulk with fingers and nails too brittle to pierce its hide, fell down upon the stone floor and attempted to fade back into the psyche that had kept her safe for all this time.

It didn’t work.

There was no way out for her, no way back, her imprint now a prison door that had locked shut right before her eyes. The serpent followed its instincts and coiled itself, loop after loop, atop the screaming woman. Its bulk was immovable, its strength immeasurable, and soon enough even the screaming had stopped. 

It squeezed, gripped tighter with every exhale and hissed its displeasure to the thing that it had captured.

The dream ended.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => e2963fe032840e56f776e3bf1bfd4efd15eefa2c ) [15] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 50. Book 2: Into the Belly of the Whale [timestamp] => 1585864800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 50: Book 2: Into the Belly of the Whale


This needs a finer edit.
But I'm tired.
So, here.

Chapter Text

The very first moment that Hermione truly felt that there was something being hidden within the Shack was precipitated by a most peculiar source. Or perhaps it really wasn’t quite as particular as that, not once she considered just how absolutely intertwined with serpents the Gaunt was - or rather had - been.

Grass snakes, many grass snakes. Or rather seven to be precise. Hermione could recognize them as a nonvenomous species that should have found themselves more at home in someone’s garden rather than hiding and slithering around the dusty cobwebs and corridors of the Shack. Or perhaps it was that they were never meant to live here once no one else remained. Perhaps it was just that they had found a secret way inside once all the former inhabitants had died or fled. With any possible Speakers dead or fled for greener pastures, it would make sense that something would find a way in. Warm, dry, free from humans or predators that would make quick work of them.

It made sense. Or it didn’t. Hermione didn’t really know either way. She couldn’t, not really. Knowledge might have been something that she truly craved down to the barest portion of her soul but in this particular quandary she felt lacking. It was simply nowhere near high enough on her list of ‘Must Know.’

That list mostly contained a wish to know the location of every still-living Horcrux and where all the ones were that hadn’t been created yet. Yes, the Tiara was no longer an issue but what of all the others? What of the Locket, the Diary, or the Cup? She knew the Ring lay beneath her feet somewhere here, and she was quite certain she would find it before leaving. But all the others? Open to interpretation. Open to finding, or not. None had been located when Dumbledore had been searching, or at least he hadn’t any knowledge of their location at this time.

But then again even that was beside the point. If she looked at it pragmatically the snakes were more of a welcome distraction than anything else. Much better to focus on that, rather than trying to determine which old board of wood creaked underneath her as she walked.

So it was that seven long snakes winded past her feet once she entered what appeared to have at some point been a living room or foyer of some kind. It had clearly been long abandoned and left to rot away along with everything else in the Shack. Left to be broken, really. It certainly maintained some sort of magic, and it was quite hard for her to imagine Voldemort protecting everything with such enthusiasm for no reason but still, it was falling apart.

Another question, one among many, one among the few rattling inside her skull and making everything confusing.

The snakes weren’t confusing. Or they were, but in a different sort of way.

None of them did anything as they passed her by except stare with obsidian eyes and glares that were unnerving to the tune of ‘This is not natural.’

Banishing the snakes and turning about to find them suddenly laying there with something close to bemusement and annoyance in their eyes was the last bit to send her off the land of ‘Normal’ and into ‘Abnormal.’

:: What does Speaker want? Why does Speaker harm? ::

The apparent leader of the serpents was a long and winding rope with a snout and tail covered in scales of red and green. The side of it was checkered and pitted from what appeared to have been fights, scraps with uncertain beasties and other torments that Hermione could not interpret. The length of it was aged, cracked and dry and warped to be just the littlest bit off compared to what Hermione would have assumed to be an ordinary snake once upon a time. Then again no snake anywhere was ordinary, not if they all managed to hold onto a singular language across every continent. Certainly, they were not normal if they appeared to be more than just a little bit apathetic towards their status of ‘Evil’ in most of the world’s collective unconscious. 

The serpents surrounding the leader all held varying degrees of contempt within their onyx coloured eyes. Many small mouths were bared at her in what was an obvious display of ingratitude towards her initial reaction to banish them, and more than one appeared to be close enough to strike, should they wish it. None made a move to do so however, and it was with more than a little bit of effort that Hermione managed to restrain herself from donning her own snakeskin to show the little group just who they were messing around with.

But that might end up being counterproductive, and she still hoped to solve this little mystery with a fairer mind.

:: Speaker? ::

Hermione jolted from her mind and back towards the present reality, and the unflinching gaze of the self-appointed leader. How much time had she been wasting on this?

The serpent swayed in place, :: What Speaker need? What want? Our Master say no one will arrive, no one will come but Him.  You are Speaker though, are Witch? ::

Well, that question made an odd sort of sense. One twisted and wrapped around the little leader’s inability to enunciate his question properly, but just barely comprehensible enough for her to understand the meaning. Voldemort had placed these little creatures here, he had given them notice that someone would return. Either another or just himself or perhaps he had intended something completely different but it was clear they were all knowledgable enough to confront her on suddenly appearing.

Were more snakes accosting Bellatrix? Her scar said the witch was in no immediate danger, but would Bellatrix consider interlopers such as these to be a problem?

And even then it made no sense as to how they still remained. How did they survive a thorough scrubbing with a banishment, and why were they here to begin with? It did manage to console her somewhat in her quest to find the Ring, so there was that at the very least. It had to be here, needed to be here, otherwise why would Voldemort even decide to leave them? As what, a trap of some sort? A spell that backfired? Or were they meant to drown someone with their oddness, and scare someone of a lesser sort with the faux-promise of potent venom?

Well. She had nothing to do except ask, Hermione supposed.

:: I’m only here for a ring. :: Hermione kept her voice as even as she could make it as she responded to the serpent, her wand slowly going back to its place inside her holster. :: It was supposed to have been hidden here some time ago, somewhere beneath the floorboards. I’d like to find it and then leave you in peace. I promise I won’t bother you any further than that. I’d also like to apologize for attempting to banish you, I hadn’t thought that you were anything special and that was clearly a mistake. ::

Appealing to their vanity seemed appropriate, and by the swaying movement the leader picked up it appeared she was correct. The flickering tongue and shifting eyes evaluated the weight of her plea against the fact that she had moved to be rid of them before even asking questions.

But the serpent nodded its head, and let her pass.

Without another hiss in edgewise the serpents all departed towards corners unknown. One second there, the next all off, and Hermione left to stare with an open mouth at the oddity passing her by. They slipped between cracks in the walls, into spaces behind cupboards and underneath ragged furniture. Everywhere and nowhere, even as the leader slowly winded forward to look up at her from between her boots before disappearing itself.

Were they an early warning system? Most likely. A threat meant to attack and hamper those who arrived but could not speak Parseltongue? Most definitely, even if she could exactly see how the snakes themselves could be dangerous. Whatever trap they were meant to be was undefined, its edges and shape all loose and frayed.

Perhaps she would never know.

Hermione rolled through a rough sigh as she set to work at prying at all the loose floorboards and running her hands over the harsh wood. It wasn’t particularly damp or humid, or at least not so much that she would believe a colony of snakes would be comfortable.

She certainly wouldn’t be so comfortable here.

The musings kept her occupied as she worked away dry boards with quick fingers and loosened nails that fell upwards with just the smallest nudge of magic. Soon enough the whole of the space was checked and revealed to be empty, clear of the crime of hiding within it a Horcrux.

Not that she had expected her search to be very easy.

She let her mind roll through plans and actions and the constantly buzzing itch of Bellatrix’s thoughts and emotions that poured through their connection as she moved around. The harsh Curse-Mark had been intensified by their binding and she could pinpoint at this exact moment the apprehension that Bellatrix was attempting to hide from even herself. It made searching the next room she entered rather harder than it should have been, left her to lose track of her own emotions and state of mind until whatever train of thought she had was buried beneath the actions of an automaton. Opening cupboards in the destroyed kitchen with thoughtless movement, warily moving between the floorboards and random spots or splashes of stains.

Broken glass scattered about her, crumbs and long desiccated bits of food-

By all the Gods the place was a true mess.

But it was absent of any further snakes, and she could deal with the dingy and worn down appearance. She could also deal with the dirty cloth, carpets that were motheaten and tracks of what she very much hoped to be mud instead of the other obvious option.

Had Voldemort killed his family as soon as he arrived? Had he spent time with them, preparing to craft his Horcrux and torturing them while he did so? Or was it all done at once, some fast-tracked manic energy propelling him and them towards darkness and death?

Better question; was his Grandfather cold and rigid before He split his soul and buried all the pieces?

Hermione left behind the kitchen and its ilk to move forward into a hallway that felt very similar to what Bellatrix had decided to occupy herself with. Doors were interspersed along either side and all of them were shut, all of them worn down and all of them sagging beneath their weight on triplet rusted hinges that even her strongest Scourgify barely managed to open. The magic did serviceable enough work after a time and soon what clean brass remained was shining in the half-light that filtered from the opening to the hallway. The hinges all still squealed as she moved to open the first door and while Hermione believed that there was no one else around to bother her she stilled her hand when it had opened just a crack and took the moment to stare around herself in worry.

And then the door pulled open from the other side.



Ashes and dust and all the lost remnants of what were once pine trees, now nothing more than lite pyres along the edges of a burning forest. The grass nearest here was nothing like the plain suburban neatness of her home, nor was it the manicured wildness of Hogwarts. It was black and snapped or ashen, filled through with broken charcoal twigs and the flitting remnants of embers that danced along with the wind. Those embers were failing to catch, failing to light themselves on what remained, failing to spread their magic from one blade to the next.

She couldn’t breathe.

She tried, oh Gods she tried, but there was so much - so little - that it was taking everything, all of her, every little bit of effort to even move, let alone breathe.

But she needed air. Needed to fill her burning lungs, her aching chest. Slowly the edges of her vision crept closer, succumbing to the lack of oxygen and descending towards a darkness that wished to swallow her whole.

But something wouldn’t let it.

Something in her mind, something in the back of her being that bade her to focus on reality, or whatever she thought it to be. It made no sense. She had been wandering in the Shack, had been investigating a fucking closet of all things. She had turned, seen something, seen nothing, seen everything-


Bellatrix let the expletive explode outwards from her chest as panic pusher her higher into the periphery of madness. Outwards and away from control, into reality, into whatever this was. It was an echo that reverberated around the emptied space yet seemed softer the louder that it ran out. Waves peeling, turning, spinning backwards to her ears as a cacophony instead of a word.

But she could breathe again. 

Breathing might not have been worth it. Breathing was tasting the air, tasting acrid remnants of burning life, of trees all gone up in flame and fallen back down as dust and soot. The scent wasn’t reminiscent of fresh charcoal, wasn’t the stinging hate of Fiendfyre, wasn’t even the soothing pop and crackle of a pit outside where friends and family could congregate to practice ancient magic or pass down tales of their founding.

This was a fire, yes. But one she had only ever seen demonstrated once, as a memory.

Hellfire. Dæmon fire. Protego Diabolica, black fire run rampant. She could feel it, taste it, could focus herself and sense the latent power that thrummed and filled the air.

And by all the Gods was it a massive blaze. She couldn’t be sure but the destruction surrounding her seemed to point towards this location being the centre point of the blaze.

Bellatrix fell to her knees with less effort than she could have imagined, the bones and ligaments and muscles all connecting her seeming to fold inwards towards devastation. It wasn’t warm here anymore, no more than what heat was filling the air, but she could still feel that the act hadn’t occurred very long ago.

Dying embers, floating ash.


How had she come to be here? Where was here? 

Bellatrix flipped away stray curls from her face and peered out into the nothingness of the land. The hill she was on sloped downwards towards her right, the left leading upwards slightly and towards the blackened toothpicks that had once been a forest. Beyond that she could see peaks, rising waves of mountains that were as foreign as the opposite side of the world.

“Bugger this.” Bellatrix scowled and planted herself on the ground with feet that pushed upwards and breath that left her. Her stance squared and chest puffed out as she turned around, fully expecting to twist off through the nether and find herself back at the meeting space Hermione had made her memorize in case they were separated like this. 

Except that nothing happened.

What had been a steady heartbeat a moment before suddenly skyrocketed into the madness of a ratcheted pace when her intention remained unfulfilled. Apparition was considered to be a staple point of magic. Someone who had trained and learned, practised and perfected it… 

They could always Apparate.

It was possible they could be splinched in the attempt, or blocked by a ward. She herself had felt that overbearing pressure from an Anti-Apparition Ward being activated, felt her body slammed back down into the earth when the Ward interfered.

But that feeling hadn’t happened. It wasn’t a ward. There had simply been a nothing to content with, a blankness in her abilities.

That was, to put it rather mildly, absolutely fucking terrifying.

“No,” she uttered, swelling all her magic and slamming an opened palm against her chest. The runes lit in a pattern of bright silver, a tattoo much more a brand or personal glyph attempting to activate. Temporary Portkeys, etched and bled into her all the way back when they were still in school.

The runes all lit. The magic flooded her, filled her veins and attempted to move.

She remained exactly where she was.

“No, no, no-”

There was nothing but panic. Nothing but a blackened pit of despair and confusion. This couldn’t be happening. Shouldn’t have been possible. They had studied so well, figured on everything, planned for everything-

“Oh Gods.”


The door opened up without her. Impossible. Improbably.

Unexpected, at the least.

But there was no denying that it pulled away from her with all the force of a living thing and with nothing else to do, Hermione let it. 

Her mind had checked out the moment she felt the tug. Rationality faded. Despite being on the lookout for traps, for other people, she fell. Something about the movement, the fluidity, the abruptness of momentum where before there was none at all had stolen away what functionality she had. 

She felt something, something light, something headed, something that was prickling against the back of her spine as the door faded while moving. Faded until a door wasn’t a door, but was a door. Wasn’t the Shack anymore, or anywhere she had been. Wasn’t a shitty enchanted forest off in the ass-end of nowhere.

Mind nothing but movement until she was on her back with a single hand outstretched, clenching tightly against a flimsy piece of parchment. A hand that never moved, a ceiling that never changed. A body clothed in a stuffy school uniform and prickly bits of cotton that itched at the back of her neck. 

Alone and on her back in the Infirmary for the second time that year. The only upside to this situation was that this trip didn’t coincide with her growing a tail or fur, or ears that everyone wanted to play with.

Or whiskers. 

Then again, the negative was unblinking eyes. Breath that never drew in. A mind locked into a body locked into a position that never changed.

Perhaps the tail was better?

But then again, why was she here? The looming spectre of rationality reared its head. She had saved Euryale. Saved that serpent, that killer, that mythic Queen. A Queen who had nearly killed her in another life, a Queen who had killed in both worlds. A Queen who had been starving, lied to and left to rot. One who killed not out of malice but hunger.

Hermione could understand that, to a degree. Less an act of malice. Much more an act of need.

But now she was here, and she was upset. Locked up again. Locked away. Except that she wasn’t, she was sure of it. Knew it just as easily as she knew the Sun would rise in the East, set in the West, and begin that journey all over again. There was no way back to her own world, not with Luna in charge of the Turner that Dumbledore had commissioned. Even if she found her way back there would be no way for her to fall backwards so many years. 

Or for having all of it happen while she was unaware.

She wasn’t here. Except, she was.

But there was ash and dust and debris littering her skin, atop her eyes and filming against her dry tongue. An ever-present itch within her mind that she could not scratch. Everyone else just living around her, no one to talk to and no one to see and no one to tell her parents that she was here, no one, no one, no one at all-

She was not here. She was not here. Repeated that as a mantra, as a known fact. Repeated it in bits and chunks as time passed her by. Repeated it until something changed.

Her body was here. Her body was not here. It was a she with short hair, a she with marks and clothes so very similar to Bellatrix’s that they might have been twins except for the colour of their skin and length of their hair. It was a she who was young again and so very scared, a she with too bushy hair that was frozen and brittle, a she that had too large teeth despite what work could be done.

A she who had no parents at all, no one who knew she was here and alone-

‘Stop it.’

She froze within to match the outside. Let the word wash around her mind, repeated it interspersed with ‘I am not here,’ over and over again. She let it be soft, let it be precise, let it be just the right amount of letters and words and perfect little sound.


A break in her thoughts. A finger, so slim and so much smaller than she remembered being. 

It twitched. Once, just once, but once was all it took. Was more than enough to break the illusion.

Her hand followed soon with it and before she knew it there was nothing at all that could halt her forward momentum. Nothing would stop her, not the yellowed eyes that lingered in the back of her mind, not the knowledge that she had fallen into a trap.

A punishment for digging far too deeply with far too little foreknowledge. Far too low. But not all the way down.

Those yellow eyes had terrified her once, true. But ever since she had spoken with the owner they had not. Eventually, the film atop them had muted that venomous yellow to something warm. Something kind. Something that said ‘Help me.’

This trap might have held her except that she knew the depths of pain hidden behind those eyes. This trap might have killed her except she knew she would one day leave her paralyzed form behind.

Hermione dragged herself up with shaking limbs that were at once branded and not, the vision settling somewhere in the middle by the time that she sat up.

Squint one eye and she was a child. Squint the other and she was an adult.

Open them both and she was Hermione, was Emelia, was a Granger and a Grenier and a Black.

Hermione left that hellish bed and wandered forward.


Finding herself to have become a fixture of the landscape wasn’t exactly what Bellatrix had been hoping for in her life. But it seemed that fo the moment it was her burden. Nowhere to go, no way to leave, this was just what she had earned.

Not that she remained still as she waited in loneliness. She still fidgeted and wandered, pressed nails into her skin and bit out curses whenever she felt strong enough. When she didn’t she resorted to kneeling and staring about herself in a wide-eyed panic that verged on a full breakdown.

The part of her situation that bothered her the most was the sudden and inexplicable lack of any way to leave. She could wander about the hillside and see whatever lay towards the bottom, or she could choose to wander the forest and brave whatever was within and hadn’t been turned to ashes. Indecision gripped her then, tightly wound itself along her body and dug into her with iron claws that didn’t seem ready to let go.


Her voice echoed out across the land until she finally managed to shove away whatever fear gripped onto her, repurposing that emotion and flooding it back out as anger instead.

Anger was what she was good at. It was what she knew. She’d leaned into it before meeting Hermione, had leaned into it in Hermione’s own world.

Why not lean into it now?

There was no one to refute her choice. So she let it cleanse her of fear. Let the magic in her veins turn acidic and heavy. 

The glyphs on her skin weren’t so easily thwarted. They weren’t dimestore tricks, weren’t something that could just be turned off. They weren’t something so simple that a ward could turn it all off. This magic was intrinsic. Part of her very being, her soul and individual core. It was a culmination of Dark Magic, of tireless study that Hermione and she had embarked on. It wasn’t a toy. It was life, formless and neverending and twisted into form, into an end.

Nothing at all should have been able to stop it, to steal its power away from her. Which meant that if something could steal it away from her, if something could remove it, she was dead. Dead and she hadn’t realized it, or she wasn’t in the real world anymore.

And which made more sense?

Bellatrix stood and turned towards the sloping hill, feet less confident than the hatred and anger pouring through her heart. It had to be an illusion. A trick, or a trap. Something that fucking Voldemort had set up, had planted. That was all it could be. A hallucination, a vision. She had triggered some hidden trap that was laid about the Shack, that was all.

Nothing else could have shoved her here. Nothing could show her a vision that felt this real. Some of her family were rumoured to have been gifted with true sight, but she had flubbed her way through Divination with only boundless moxy and determination to not fail.

So, not a vision. Or, if it were one, it was only enacted by the magic of the Shack.

Seconds turned to a full minute before she strode to the edge of the hill and crested into a flood of air. The scent of it was laden with meat, heavy and charred, something that churned her stomach and left her mind to wonder in unkind anticipation. She knew what it was before she even reached her lookout.

And the sight presented before her did not disappoint for all the horror that it contained.

The shifting winds brought upwards by the heat managed to blow smoke into her eyes, let curls fly from her hair and fill her nostrils with the scent. Bellatrix baulked, turned paler still as she observed the carnage far below her.

What might have at one point been a bustling village was now no more than a smouldering ruin. The edges closest to her might have been farmland or the homes and fields of those few who tended it. All of it was gone, all of it destroyed. Blackened timber and charcoal were all that remained, and all of it still smoking in the air. Closer towards the centre of the village was even further decimated.

Small homes, perhaps some business or shops. Anything and everything had gone up in a blaze of fire. All of it was ash. The foundations still stood, or at least those made of stone were still around to tell the tale of what once was. Yet many more were melted rock, slag turned glassy and bright from the angle of a setting Sun.

What were once roads were now avenues of ash, of lumps and things that Bellatrix preferred not to dwell on.

Devastation met her gaze, and in that moment all the anger fled her.


Hermione watched helplessly as the Infirmary flickered. A veil pulled tightly around her, shredding itself and falling apart as all the opened spaces revealed it for what it was - wasn’t - wasn’t - was - even as her mind struggled to accept it.

One eye opened, Infirmary.

One eye closed, her childhood home.

Close the first. Her parents watching the news.

Close the second. White gowns and pristine beds.

She opened both and chocked on the shock. Remembered everything, every placement. Everything in perfect order except their faces. Gone. Blanked out. Pinched and pulled into nothing but a dark blotch where memory failed her.

They turned away from her, she turned with them. Wondered, worried, watched as the world around her continued to shift and flicker.

Infirmary. Young. Old. Home. Scarred. New. Bushy. Tired. Broken.

Not her Infirmary. Pomfrey too old, too aged and worn down. Not her Home. Parents settled in here, instead of wherever they had lit off to.

She had lived this all before and all the ice sloshing through her veins couldn’t convince her it was real. She had lived this all before and all the surety in her mind couldn’t convince her that it was fake.

She chose. 

Darkness. Both of her eyes closed shut, tight and bright but dark all the same. Hermione steadied her breathing, let a heat caress her, let it pulse with magnificence and flood beneath her skin. Let it burn away the rot, the slush, the fear that the Shack expected her to swallow. She would not bow to this magic, would not break to Voldemort’s will. 

It was hard. So very hard to turn away from it all. Her decision was her own, just the same as the decision that left her here. She had made that choice and chosen to fix this world.

She would not let some insipid little trap hold her back from that chosen purpose.

She moved.


Bellatrix collapsed onto hands and knees, felt what little bit remained of her magic attempt to curl inwards around the fluttering madness of her heart. The beat was strong and manic, hurting in its pace. This was all too much. A vision? A fear? Something insane cooked up by a trap to break her?

It couldn’t be reality. It couldn’t. Could not, would not, should not, positively fucking 'No,' absolutely-

But it could be. 

:: Will be. Won’t be. ::

That voice, that voice that spoke was warmed and wrong, but it wasn’t - was - Hermione. Bellatrix could recognize it immediately yet she could not complete the thought. She twisted as fast as she could, held still upon the sight. 

Hermione, but larger. Hermione, but longer. A snake, a python, a viper or some creature that was larger than her wife but still smaller than Euryale.

Still massive. Still imposing. 

Bellatrix let herself still, let her neck crane up and shoulders bear all the weight as she found ground between her twisting fingers. The charred remnants of the ground were patchy with spots that had survived the flames, survived that horrid onslaught of Dæmon fire. 

The air twisted, turned, filled her lungs with crisp scents. Burnt wood, burnt life, a harshness on her tongue even as something else took its place. Something that chilled her despite the Sun still shining, something pervasive and thick.

The serpent stared down at her. Green scales flanked it with rays and sparkles of light soaked up by the sun, refracting backwards and forwards into a prism of opalescence. The eyes pierced her the longer that she stared, the black tongue tracking and poking forth with her every movement.

“This doesn’t make any fucking sense.” 

The words were clawed out from her throat with a dead and limp enunciation. Defeat filled her more than anything else, even if it was just an observation and nothing more.

:: Does it really have to? :: The serpent questioned her without moving, its mouth still closed and tongue still flickering along with the shifting winds. It turned sideways into the sun, revealing a bulk of scale and muscle patterned with diamonds and long marks, a massive stretch of scar tissue revealing a bit or wound long healed over.

Long healed ugly.

“Why? What is this? I don’t understand.” Bellatrix stated her questions with a voice that was a shell of itself, torn and gummed up by all of her emotions. Broken, lost, uncaring for the absurdity and just wanting to know why.

None of this made sense. She was in the Shack for one moment, gone in the next, left to wander some blasted version of Hell-

:: Because of Her. :: The serpent’s hiss was mechanical, was distant and fleeting. 

Bellatrix watched with trepidation filling her throat as the creature continued to turn. When the bulk of it had shifted away it pushed forward, moved faster than Bellatrix had anticipated.

And then it was gone. There one moment, fading the next, disappeared the second after to leave Bellatrix all alone. Her eyes flashed about in search of the creature, in search of something and yet finding nothing.

"Merlin's fucking- ."


Hermione stepped forward and watched as the world turned. 

Once again she found herself held tightly within her own body, locked up inside herself with limbs unmoving and body unable to twist, unable to even blink her eyes. Whatever trap this was seemed unwilling to let her go just yet.

Which was frustrating, and annoying, and just the littlest bit pedantic.

She knew it was a trap. Knew it and was aware, prepared and unwilling to allow herself to be trapped, locked down and broken. She was unwilling to let it win, absolutely prepared to fight.

But how would she get out?

Hermione pushed herself to perform the same motions as before, let herself come back to movement as she fought against the simulacra of true magic. In a way, it was real, or as close to something real that her mind could conjure up. Being confronted with a bizarre problem that she could not immediately solve wasn’t exactly Hermione’s idea of a good time. Or, at least that was the case when there was no obvious way to plan her route out. There were no books for her to crack open, just the slowly twitching feeling of a finger and a toe beginning to remember what movement felt like. There was no library for her to peruse from, no answers that would aid her slowly breathing lungs-

‘How am I still breathing?’

A short question. Simple and precise. Terror and wonder and confusion all wrapped about one another until it seemed that it was the only thing that she could truly focus on. The only leverage that she had amid this madness.

She was breathing in, exhaling out. Steady and shallow but there. Just barely enough to fill her lungs but she was breathing. Soon that toe became two, those breaths deepened, that finger turned into a clenched fist, became a body hauling itself upwards while she screamed.

It was a perfect use of breath, all things considered. Especially seeing as no one was around to hear her. No visitors waited at her side, no aged nurses waited on her every movement, not even a professor stalked the corners of the room. Nothing was with her except the awkward sound of her laboured breathing and hands that clenched inwards again and again.

By all the Gods that feeling had been impressive, that scream a triumph of purpose. Unsettling if someone else was to hear it, she was sure, but tempered in her own mind by lack of a flickering body.

She was winning.

She was Hermione Black in both her mind and body. Rune marks covered all of her, exposed themselves around the edges of her silken hospital gown.

So a different start from that last run, but how different?

A quick flick of Hermione’s wrist showed off a portion of that difference. The rune emblazoned along the curving inside of her forearm lit to life with a flash of red. A Protego formed its crystalline shield in front of her, nothing stopping her movement or making her see double. The spell faded out after a moment, and with another flash of speed Hermione pounded the rune mark upon her chest with an open palm.

The swirling lines blazed beneath her hand, all bright and angry as could be but still nothing happened.

No movement, no escape.

“Alright then,” she mused aloud, more so to fill the silence and less to slow the rolling of her thoughts. “I’m in another dimension. Or my mind. Or… something.”

Not exactly helpful, not nowhere near as useful of a statement as she wanted.


Bare feet led her swiftly towards the exit and with a simple flourish that was fueled more from anger than showmanship, she threw open the door and strode outwards into the hall.

Or what should have been the hall, and was instead a room. One quite familiar in its depravity.

Darkened walls, blackened floors, marbled columns of ashy grey and railings that hide steps that led below her. Steps that led towards a dungeon. Steps that led towards a memory that she had locked away after showing to Bellatrix, memories that cut her and hurt her, and haunted her most intimate moments.

Memories that she had thought she was past, memories that were just that.


“Oh Muddy, I’d never have dreamed you’d come to me.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 05480c6b019f64b235a69861b50555d2905869c6 ) [16] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 49. Book 2: Swallowed Whole [timestamp] => 1583622000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 49: Book 2: Swallowed Whole



Chapter Text

There was no real thought behind Bellatrix’s sudden action. There was no moment where she planned it out or if there was it was as barebones and minimal as it could possibly be. Stand up, get there, and improvise all the rest. That was all she had. That was all there was.

A fraction of a second passed before her body leapt up from the cover of the winding overgrowth that she had been kneeling in. Bellatrix shot off through the treeline without even a single second of worry spared towards whether Hermione would follow along or not. Either the witch would be following at her heels, or she wouldn’t.

And Bellatrix was more than fairly certain that Hermione was willing to follow her down all the way to Hell should she ever require it.

With no effort expended Bellatrix fell apart into a roiling mass of shifting particulate that closely approximated a blanket of smoke and mist; she was there and whole one moment, gone to millions of pieces the next. The forward trailing edge of her spread apart body wove in and out of the lumbering trees to avoid any fallen limbs or splaying vines that could have otherwise entrapped or slowed her momentum. When she did feel herself blasted apart by a mistimed dodge, it was cold and indistinct; she could feel herself passing through and ramming harshly against something, yet the feeling was soft and spread apart. 

It was uncomfortable at the moment but something that she could easily deal with in order to reach her current objective.

Bit by bit the plants and assorted forms of life that inhabited the Forest began to pass her by. In the distance the Shack loomed closer, all the wood and siding appearing to fall away for portions of a second; it was there one moment and gone the next. Yet it was still there even as she fought to push herself with every fibre of her incorporeal being-

Bellatrix blasted back together from the cover of her swirling blackness without a single thought to exactly how fast she was travelling through the air. The panes of window glass that she had targeted were smashed into millions of shards when she crashed into them with body soft but still lightly protected by the remnant of her spell. She rolled into a crouch, stopped with feet up underneath herself and pinpricks of pain now seeping into the meat of her body. Scratches and slices from the slivers of glass, small bits and pieces that hard wormed their way through and underneath her enchanted clothing. The sound of rolling mass and boots upon the hardwood flooring alerted her to Hermione’s timely arrival. Not that she had doubted Hermione would follow her, but it felt nice all the same to have her come in through the same window in no time flat.

Soon enough she was on her feet, as tall as she could be and lighting the runes upon her arms and neck with a neon glow. The spell she cast for healing was quick and efficient enough to help her remove those darts of pain; truly healing herself would require her wand and focus but for now this would suffice. Anything further would have required Hermione to help her out. Anything further might have been the end of her. A shard just large enough to cut through her paper-thin barrier, a spike angled just right-

Well, it was no wonder that Hermione was sending her glares much sharper than the glass she had only just shattered.

Bellatrix stood and held her wand out in front of herself, swinging it in a wide arc as she moved about the space. It was a room, obviously enough, and mayhaps only ten by ten metres; small enough that it could fit within the confines of the Shack but large enough that she knew the outside view was obfuscated by the magic controlling the interior. Enchantments would allow this, would make it so the windows were far apart from inside yet side by side on the outside, and there was no way that the space had an exit towards the right. That was a wall on the outside, she was sure of it in fact, but the sturdy-looking door apparently stood as an affront to that assumption.

The room was barren though. There existed not a single piece of furniture, not even something so simple as a stool. No carpeting lay beneath their feet. There were no bookshelves filled with dusty tomes or anything for someone to sit upon and cosy up to the fire.


Just a simple room with empty space and cobwebs glittering with dust that must have blown in and around all the cracks and holes that lay scattered along the exterior of the Shack. A second passed them by as she wove a series of defensive spells into the air, a simple blanketing shield that could protect them from damn near anything that they could come across. Well, anything physical. Potions and enchantments would be a different matter but if nothing had come out to grab them so far, she knew they would likely get no true warning.

But then again none of this was to plan. Bellatrix had sharply agreed with Hermione when they had drawn up what they wanted; the plan had been to wait and see where the stakeout went, memorize all the spaces and all the timing so that they could have the comfort of time to lead them forward.

But Bellatrix hated plans. Or rather she knew down in her bones that she lacked the patience for that appropriate level of preparation. Hermione could deal with that. Hermione could spend who knew how many hours locked within her mind as she sat in the corner with her face in a book. A cut-off shirt on her back, one hand splayed amid her short curls, the other holding the tome steady in her lap. Hermione would tut, turn a page, and then maybe make a word of comment that she never truly expected Bellatrix to return.

Hermione could plan until the world ended. Bellatrix preferred to plan once they were at the point where their attack couldn’t be stopped.

Bellatrix hated plans. Or rather she lacked the patience for that appropriate level of preparation. Hermione had it. Hermione would spend hours in the corner with her nose in a book and a cut-off shirt on her back, one hand in the short curls of her hair and the other holding a tome steady in her lap. She would tut, turn a page, maybe make a word of comment as she set herself to envisioning everything that could happen to them.

Bellatrix preferred to spend her time with practice. Plans and lanes of approach were useless once in the fray; a wand in her hand and the Runes on her body were enough of a plan.

Sure that method of thought could have a higher chance of seeing her crawl back with broken bones. It could even lead to an unintended fight. The benefit was that she was fast, adaptable, ready to strike before anyone knew what was happening or was in a position to stop her. 

Hermione seemed to hate that though. She would curl her lips and look at her with a sour expression, reproach never far from her tongue. But the anger would fade, mostly, and something else would pass across her face once Bellatrix’s idea won out or when she came to her senses and realized that if Bellatrix truly was unsure of an outcome, she wouldn’t do it. She didn’t fear death.

But neither was she an idiot, or a glutton for pain and failure.

“Well, nothing in here.” Hermione’s voice was a whisper against her side, body practically melting into Bellatrix as she wove her own specialized versions of protection spells around them both. “Muffliato,” she uttered, a hazy film descending all around them only to clear when a high-pitched drone kicked up, that too soon lost to the background. They were as safe as they could be now, ready to remove anything here and destroy whatever they needed to without a chance of being overheard.

Bellatrix kept her voice quiet even with the protection of the ward, “Well now what? Empty, and if my eyes are right then we’ve moved already. Did you feel it?” She pointed out at the window they had crashed in from, her finger showing off that the land and space surrounding the exterior of the Shack now contained far more trees and plants than where they had previously been. It looked like a scene from the far north; land currently devoid of snow but packed tightly with evergreens in a dense and weaving pattern.

Oddly enough no birdsong penetrated the window, no insects chirruped or sang. No creatures shifted and if the wind blew around the trees and branches then they could not hear or feel it. Bellatrix mused on that oddity, worried and still complacent when she decided that it must have simply been some weird little consequence of the Shack existing within its own space and time.

“Odd… But I think we’re good,” Hermione replied tersely, standing to her full height of only a few centimetres taller than Bellatrix. Not that she minded. At all. Hermione moved towards the left side of the room, “I don’t think we activated anything with your mad little dash. Not that we’d know if we did, but… Well, you know what I mean.”

Bellatrix nodded back in reply before stepping towards the door to the right, her feet driving squeaking noises from the aged wood beneath her feet. It wasn’t very loud nor was it quite so sharp or strong enough that it could pierce through the veil Hermione had laid atop them both, but still it set her anxieties on edge. The floorboards were all sagging as she walked, her meagre weight more than enough to prove out how decrepit this whole Shack really was. None snapped, none broke, but still it irked Bellatrix more than she knew how to express that this little place could be so well protected and still kill them both only through disuse and rot.

“So it’s supposed to be beneath a floorboard, right?” She turned and aimed her question at Hermione, her wand still out but body slack, “So what then? We just start ripping them all up?”

Hermione only shrugged in response, her voice tired as she spoke, “That’s what I was told. Though truth be told I wouldn’t be that surprised to find it somewhere else. Maybe when it’s been inactivated the location is easier to reveal? I can’t imagine that Voldemort would just pry up the nearest loose board and drop it in. He’s meticulous, even in something like this. He’d want something special.”

Bellatrix tried and failed to keep the humour from her voice, “True, but then again we can’t predict that. He is a psychopath, after all.”

That seemed to stump Hermione, mouth opening and closing as she searched for a response.

“True. Well then, time to search?”

Hermione threw her a lopsided grin before pressing onward to the left of the room with her wand in front of herself and runes glowing all along her body. Her defences were all prepped and ready, and Bellatrix found herself hard-pressed to refrain from watching in awe as the witch - her wife! - moved with all the self-assurance she could hold. Nothing would stop her, no traps would hold her back. In a mirror movement, Bellatrix headed towards the rightmost door before dousing herself in the same spell that Hermione had used to blanket the sounds they made. She wasn’t exactly worried about finding anyone or anything that could hear her, but the intensely decrepit state of the Shack seemed like it could hold all manner of obstruction. Best she be prepared for the distraction rather than let herself fall prey to some random patchwork spell that Voldemort had left in place after killing the last inhabitants.

She poked gently around the edge of the open door, nosing it from partially cracked to wide open with the tip of her boot. Her body leaned forward and towards the side in an effort to see beyond, aware that her dawdling was hampered by the locks of black curls that fell and swung past the edges of the space.

In contrast to the rather bright and spacious room that they had first landed in, Bellatrix could hardly see even a centimetre in front of herself. There was no light, there were no windows, and it remained silent and still despite the gently filtered light that came in from the space that she was leaving. The crooked wand lit itself with a muttered Lumos, small and soft but more than enough to cast a glow as she focused on lighting the Rune on the back of her hand. With a spring of green fire, the Rune activated fully as a small and contained shape that coalesced into the shifting form of an Adder caught within her palm. The creature struggled against her controlling Rune, fought between the cage of her fingers for an escape and something to burn.

It calmed, eventually. When it was still and no longer looking to burn the Shack down, Bellatrix let it rest atop her palm and feed off of her own energy in return for providing a flickering glow that painted the walls and floor in some misconstrued shade of teal instead of green.

With no more trepidation, she stepped out into the hall and saw it for what it was. Or wasn’t. Bellatrix noticed first and foremost that nothing seemed to want to follow logic or reason. The space was empty of anything but seemed to run straight ahead for what appeared to be an eternity. Interspersed along the wall were empty portraits that glittered with the metallic sheen of silver yet held no portraits or those that still did only held tatters and sliced remnants. There were no sconces lit to provide a light, there were no windows to show the outside.

It was eerie in a manner that had the hair rising all along the back of her neck and something cold and slick settling into the hollow of her stomach. It wasn’t sterile but it wasn’t destroyed. It was… Something else entirely.

Doors lined the walls. Doors adjacent to doors, doors where it logically could be assumed that another room would not fit, doors in so many numbers that at first, she wondered whether she was looking towards a mirror rather than a hallway. So many doors to so many rooms that she could not possibly hope to imagine all their uses.

Still, the darkness of the space overrode the wonder at spacing. It worried her gut, left a sour lemon taste in her mouth and permeated the air with something stale and oppressive. Bellatrix inhaled deeply to flood her lungs, centred herself as much as she could manage and moved down the hallway.

Best she kept to a pattern.

Bit by bit, one step after the other, Bellatrix pushed forward into the space and approached the first door to her right. It was plain and unadorned with any sort of finery, just simple wood in a simple frame but held closed on hinges that looked to once have been polished brass and a doorknob to match. If Hermione’s memories about the inhabitants were to be believed - not that she had any cause at all to doubt the witch - they would have gone and sold or pawned what little of value remained long ago, leaving only the common metals and elements that were worth less than the effort to dig them out.

Bellatrix tried her luck with wand-tip first; the curving length of wood pressed up against the handle and with a modicum of force she waited to discover whether it was rigged and trapped or not.

One second passed her by.


Then nothing. 

She relaxed her arm and reached out to take the handle, releasing a rather pent-up lungful of air that she hadn’t even realized she had been holding in. Nothing happened to her as she felt the corroded metal beneath her palm, no zapping arc of Muggle electricity, no pain from a curse born anew, not even the cold shock of old and lonely metal on warm flesh. Just… Nothing.

She twisted the handle and pushed forward through her uncertainty, one foot following the other as she moved into the room and let her eyes rove over everything before her.

It was a bedroom. Perhaps a guest room? Nothing more inside it other than a rather drab bed with ageing mahogany posts and moth-eaten curtains that looked to have once been deep green, now a hazy brown. There were windows in this room, covered though with heavy wool or a hemp fabric that seemed to have just barely made it through who knew how many years of being eaten by insects and rodents. Faint sunlight peeked through the holes and taters of the material, a faint breeze passing inwards through cracks and edges of the glass behind it. Bellatrix walked forward onto more floorboards that creaked, looking all around herself and at the floor in search of anything that might have been a clue.

A few minutes revealed what she supposed to be the truth; nothing, or at least nothing at all that could be excused as meaningful to their cause. Still, Bellatrix wandered through the motions and raised her wand to cast spell after spell in search of something that might reveal the hiding place of the Horcrux. As she expected though, her searching came up with nought. There was no sound, no smell or feeling of any imminent wrongness. Nothing that reminded her of the diadem.

It was just a room.

With no more wasted effort she turned and left the space to wander the hallway beyond. The door was left open as she passed it by to let the faintest splash of light enter into the hallway. The little adder within her palm was still just as agitated as before but seemed to have come to the realization that she would not be letting it go. Instead she held it close to her skin, allowing it to wander atop her hand and over her wrist but no further. It slithered in and out, left heat along her veins, lit the space with flickering glows that put her more at ease than she would ever admit out loud. The Fiendfyre was warm and comforting, and with that thought and reassurance, she stepped further into the madness of the Shack.

The next door that she opened was a linen closet full of old threads and dead mice that looked to all have been mummified sometime late last century. There were some loose floorboards in the space, but not the dreadful feeling of something so dark as a Horcrux. But Bellatrix knew that she should check the space regardless, especially seeing as the loose boards all looked so broken enough that she could move them out of the way with a simple flick of her wand-


She felt the warning tingle spread all throughout her body before Hermione’s voice had a chance to fall away; all along her limbs and chest she felt an ache set in that soon enough had her heading towards a panic. It was being burned, it was being heated, it was warm beyond the point of necessity and oh so close to melting down. Without a second of thought she turned away from the closet and towards Hermione’s voice.

She stopped.

She blinked her eyes.

She wiped away the dust and grit that had accumulated, blinked once again just for good measure. Felt the world drop away and down into nothingness.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => c2c35c649cc6932373212103be1e014a15330cd1 ) [17] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 48. Book 2: The Descent [timestamp] => 1583190000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 48: Book 2: The Descent


Bellatrix and Hermione step out towards uncertainty.
A shorter chapter to get us rolling into the next arc. Next chapter will be up in two to three days.


One year.

One year of writing, one year of plotting, one year of planning and scrapping and pulling it all apart again.

I've been writing this story for one year. I'm not where I was when it started. I won't be where I am now when it finishes.
Thank you for all the lovely comments, kudo's, bookmarks and kind appreciation.

Here's to another full year.

Chapter Text

Bellatrix didn’t know everything. She also lacked an opinion on a great many subjects that her supposed betters and peers would call necessary. But she was absolutely sure beyond the shadow of a doubt that stakeouts were the absolute most boring moments she had ever had the displeasure of living through. Even fighting Rodolphus with their lives on the line had been a more welcome endeavour than this. Then again it beat out waiting on her Professors back at school or having to sit demurely within the halls of the Ministry as she waited on someone or another to see her. But those moments had at least come with the assurance that eventually action would be taken despite the excessive length of her wait. 

But while stuck on a stakeout?

There was no assurance that any of this would pay off. This was simply a nearly endless moment that stretched towards infinity and impossibility as she stared forward with an unblinking ferocity through the shroud of nature that protected and enveloped all sides and paths towards the Shack. The whole of the forest seemed to have turned bothersome and malevolent with leaves and branches laying as hurdles for them to overcome. The forest mocked their idea of stable weather or climate. The forest mocked their wants and needs. All around them grew massive hulks with scratching bark and verdant leaves attached to plants that seemed to have been transplanted directly from Euryale’s new home. 

Even the very air that surrounded them seemed to press and drip with moisture slick with heat that left it dripping from high on low to coat leaves and stick the fabric of their clothes directly to their skin. Even if the dew that had woken with them was beautiful and sweet it had dispelled any hope of this being easy or comfortable.

Within a short span of time her knees had given over to an impressively persistent ache that poked and prodded her despite the multi-layered cushioning Charms that she had spread all about the ground when they first arrived. The feeling wasn’t painful yet. Or if it was, it was only a pain that managed to be annoying rather than truly jarring. But her Charms could only do so much and work so hard before the magic imbued in them was too little to satisfy her body’s needs. Transfiguration had been her first choice but a solid round of bouncing the idea off of Hermione had led them to work out that it was better to spend little effort for less reward and hopefully refrain from alerting whatever traps lay scattered about them. Best they not tempt fate with any immediate display of power.

So now she lay there in a mild sort of pain with a mind that roiled and subsumed itself beneath every little thing that was or was not happening. To say her attention was everywhere and nowhere would have been an understatement that Bellatrix would have rewarded with an eye roll and a mild stinging Hex.

Not that Hermione was in anything other than a similar state.

Moments would pass them both by in silence. Moments would be long and then short, unending and then gone by too soon. Some moments seemed to slip past their notice and others called their attention just as loudly as a Phoenix in Diagon. But some moments Hermione would bump up against Bellatrix’s shoulder or her arm without any sort of intent to the action or knowledge that she was doing it at all. Bellatrix’s wife was sleep-starved and tired, both of them so very exhausted after spending a significant portion of their night awake and an equally long portion of their morning with nothing to do. 

That particular happening wasn’t annoying. Having Hermione so tired and worn out that there was nothing she could do except lean into her side was cute more than anything else. Most certainly it wasn’t annoying, nor did Bellatrix believe that it ever could be. Drooping eyelids and a pair of lips just barely parted wasn’t bad, it wasn’t wrong, and it wasn’t something that Bellatrix believed she would ever tire of seeing. It was just a cute gesture even if Hermione wasn’t truly conscious that she was doing it. Cute, and only mildly exasperating due to the fact that they both had an excess supply of Pepper-Up’s and needed to keep their eyes peeled to watch the still-unwavering-yet-mirage-like Shack. 

But mostly it was just cute. Cute and sweet. Positively lovely, actually. More so due to Bellatrix’s rather intimate knowledge of exactly why Hermione was in such a state to begin with. Maybe just a little bit because she knew she was the cause and pride towards one’s actions was a good trait in her rather esteemed opinion.

Unfortunately for them both all the fun that came from their night and all the pride that swelled beneath her chest was secondary to the massive bore that was their lone mission. 

The Sun hung sterile in the sky with an unmoving strength that left Bellatrix wondering if time had truly stopped. Before them the Shack remained unmoving and unwavering in its strength. Even the animals living around them seemed to be set apart from the reality that she was used to, all of them something different from what she had been imagining even if she hadn’t been imagining anything in particular. 

Birds that croaked and cawed and chirruped as if their lives depended on it. 

Bugs attacked their necks or their wrists or really any portion of their bodies left exposed to their air. Little biting gnats and mosquitoes with wings bigger than the span of her fingers and some sort of hornet or a wasp that seemed determined to extract whatever nectar could be found from the red and gold of Hermione’s clothing. 

Little fuzzy things with fur and teeth and piercings eyes that scurried away beneath the underbrush without a care in the world to the two-legged terrors in their midst.

All of it impressively mundane for a location that seemed to be so steeped in darker magic. So boring.

“You know,” Bellatrix began, her voice the first words spoken in who knew how long and just as tired. “I think anything different at all would be better than this blasted place.” Her breath was far too low and calm to be anything close to bitter or resentful. She was tired, for the most part. There were far better things that she could have been doing, and someone in particular that she would definitely prefer to be doing. But Hermione had said a firm ‘No,’ when Bellatrix had last asked and while she was one to push her luck she wasn’t one to intentionally place herself in harm’s way. She’d take staring off into nothingness for hours on end rather than risk the wrath that had somehow called to her future-old wand.

Hermione rolled her eyes and declined to answer, a pout appearing on Bellatrix’s face as she watched her wife resume watching the Shack.

Spending her day losing her mind to tedium was better than lasting out beneath Hermione’s Cruciatus spell. If there was one thing Voldemort’s brutal training regime had instilled within her it was that Hermione had an endless well of hate and pain to pull from, and an equally appreciable grasp on the craft necessary to truly inflict pain that could be observed by a third party’s eyes.

That begged the question though, what if this place brought her true torture? What if it managed to bore her to death?

“Stop it, Bella. I can hear you thinking from here.”

“Well if you can hear my thinking- which, by the way, isn’t half so bad as yours when you have an idea in your head, what’s your opinion on that position from last night?” Bellatrix’s grin widened as Hermione lowered her head in defeat, “I mean I thought it’d be fun but I’d never tried that before and I know you wouldn’t have brought it up unless I did first and while-”

Hermione brusquely cut her off, “Stop it.” She nudged heavily against Bellatrix with her shoulder, body leaning sideways as the movement and intent sent off something within their bond. Heat rolled throughout Bellatrix’s chest, warmth flooded her veins and timed its swell to the sudden ferocity of her heartbeat. The Bond wanted her attention and so she gladly gave it that.

Not that she had much choice or say in the matter. Hermione had worked for days to understand just exactly how the Ritual they had participated in was supposed to work; the witch had spent sleepless night locked deep within their library and burned through who knew how many quills in her efforts at translating what words she remembered. High and low, old or new, nothing that they owned was able to shed true light upon the baser magic that tied them both together.

Nothing. No revelation that could point them off towards one thing or another despite the similarities to the feelings and magic that lay purring within Hermione’s Curse-Mark. And Bellatrix hated that. Hated that they both were still so in the dark about the purpose of the Curse that had been imbued upon Lestrange’s knife. Hated that she could lay awake at night and feel Hermione’s heartbeat with excruciating detail, could feel the mirror to her own and still another-

“Look,” Hermoine pointed, wand out and eyes straight ahead. “It’s shifting.” The length of her robe and corset shifted away, shifted up, body crouching and muscles vibrating as she stared a line that Bellatrix could easily follow.

She mirrored Hermione soon enough, crouched instead of kneeling and gaze unwavering. 

“It is.”

Far before them they could make out the man-made shape of the wood. Dark and grainy blotches running lengthwise with rotten area’s long lost due to neglect. The walls were covered in places with a crawling ivy and detritus that masked broad, flat leaves that Bellatrix could not identify. It was a faint structure buttressed in on either side by a massive grove of trees that seemed to have been more transplanted than natural offshoots of the forest they were in. What glass they could see within the windows was pitted and mostly shattered except a few odd panes that seemed more intact than all their brethren. 

The Shack was empty. Disgusting, for sure. Decrepit and wasted and horrid. It was the owning of a Noble House who had been brought down so low as the be reduced to living in filth. By all the Gods, Cygnus would have raised Hell if he were told that Voldemort’s line had lived there.

Hermione stood on shaking limbs to lean against the stoutest tree by their side, her voice a whisper as she spoke, “So what do we do? Do we approach, or do you want to just wait and count it?”

It was a good question. A reasonable one as well. The maddening flicker that composed the Shack was mildly alarming, and their mission had at first been just to wait and see what happened. 

But for so very long they had lain here and waited while it had been physical and sturdy and real. But now it was becoming faint. Now it was falling apart and flashing bits and pieces of itself indiscriminately with no regard to how anyone else would see or be affected by its appearance. 

Bellatrix didn’t want to wait. Fuck waiting. Fucking sitting around while nothing happened and bugs made a meal of them. This could be the moment they had been waiting for. This could be their moment to step forth and accomplish their mission, long before their deadline approached. They could be there within a minute or two and track its movement from the inside while still having the chance to leave whenever they wanted to.

So long as the passage of the Shack brought them along safe and sound. Or rather, so long as whatever defences it was surely stacked up with were loose enough for them to pass on through without activating them. There was a remote possibility that they could be splinched when the Shack really made its move from place to place and with that the chance that magic could tear them into itty-bitty shreds that could never be brought back together again. 

The magic might not have been created with the expectation that someone living would be swept up for a ride.

They might die.

Or they might live through it. Even if they did they might find themselves somewhere far away, somewhere warded and unique enough to keep them from finding its location again.

It was a risk either way. A gamble they very well might lose. There was nothing in place to say they could get away to lick their wounds and reflect on lessons learned.

Death, or the absolutely horrid experience of feeling her patience peel apart into nothingness.

And the threat of her own death had never been something that truly frightened Bellatrix.

“Fuck it.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 1fef9f63f91c7ff35f6bf018c033583379eb9219 ) [18] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 47. Book 2: Of Fire and Flame [timestamp] => 1581462000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 47: Book 2: Of Fire and Flame


Sorry for the wait. I'm sure there are errors, I'll fix them up later.

Chapter Text

“Ah! Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Fawley. Lord Pendleton said you might be around here somewhere, no one else seemed much assistance. My apologies that this took longer to happen than we agreed on, there were more than a few issues I’ve had to take care of the past week or so.”

Lincoln took stock of the man - much more a boy, really - who was standing before him with a nearly imperceptible shiver as he waited with hand stretched out and the clear lack of any proper allies painted hauntingly upon his wary face. Lestrange was much more on the shorter side of things when compared to all the other Lords who had a seat within the Wizengamot. Though that was not specifically to imply that he was short so much as to confirm that when Lincoln finally stood to accept the now swaying hand he felt he was looking down instead of at.

Lestrange’s head of hair was closely cropped down to his scalp and very clearly designed and coiffured in such as way as to distance himself from the late Pierre; the bygone Lestrange had always favoured extravagant locks and pompadours that served to make him appear far more sophisticated a man than he truly was. The new Lord Lestrange wasn’t helped in his efforts towards anonymity, especially not with his nose and the cocked angle of his jaw that immediately brought to mind the old bastard. It was hard for Lincoln to stare at him and see anything at all except Pierre, nervous though he may have appeared.

Rabastan was lanky, thin and rigid where Pierre and Rodolphus had both been filled out with muscle and a brute’s stance. They were both adequately built as Beaters whereas Rabastan was very clearly formed up in the style of all the best Seekers; light enough on his feet to move quickly when it was necessary, while still remaining limber enough to expend what meagre energies he had in blindingly fast movements. His eyes as well seemed geared to flight rather than fight and were twinned orbs of pale brown that seemed far closer to the shifting colours of sand rather than darkness. They flitted back and forth as Lincoln observed him in silence, passing over everything and never once landing for longer than a second. His gaze was bright and curious, oddly enough, almost seeming more alive the longer that they remained quiet and apart. Or they were for the brief moment that Lincoln could observe before the curiosity was snuffed right out by the ever-present mask that all Slytherin students seemed to have mastered oh so well. Lincoln could only watch with interest as the blankness descended and the boy closed himself off completely until he was just as unreadable as their shared employers.

Lincoln could not determine right then and there whether the boy’s rigidity was a function of magic quite similar to Hermione’s, or Bellatrix’s. It could have been, it might well be the only answer if the two were planning on using him so thoroughly. Of course, that meant there was still the errant possibility that he only had a similar disposition to the girls and had battered his skull over who knew how many years until nothing and no one could see within. Hell, it made sense that it could simply be a coping mechanism, especially with just how compressed he must have been under the expectations and horrendous upbringing of Pierre.

No matter. Or, perhaps a matter for later. Certainly the tangential thoughts weren’t particularly useful here, not when the moment brought to mind other duties that Lincoln knew he still needed to complete.

With a flourish that belied his main profession, Lincoln waved the boy towards a seat and set himself down behind the desk. Parchment and quill followed shortly to sit upon the aged mahogany, all while his owl regarded the movements with interest and talons that clicked against her perch. The razor-sharp beak clicked open and shut in a staccato rhythm as it became clear that her services would be needed shortly.

Velka was an incredibly obstinate bird that always seemed far more likely to nip and tear apart someone’s fingers than submit herself to even the lightest of affections, even Lincoln’s, but in turn she was reliable to a fault. Twenty-seven years of admirable service had led to not one single missed piece of mail, not late, not even once. It would certainly be uncanny if any of the Fawley clan weren’t known for their birds of prey, familiars or not. Falconing had been an important part of their heritage back in mainland Europe but had turned towards the rearing of owls for their own uses once it became clear to all those initial settlers that their new English brethren were far less kind to those of another disposition; finding the lopped-off heads of their prized falcons had been assumed to be the polite method of saying ‘Fuck off,’ after all.

Reliability and history lesson aside, Lincoln flattened the parchment down onto his desk and charted out the known course of events; his plans were a sampling really, but far more than enough to rather accurately detail just when and where Bellatrix and Hermione would be due for the oncoming months. Besides them both now being out of range from any real form of reach due to their Honeymoon, the ladies had both expressed that they would love to further engage his varied services. That they both approached him as more of not-quite-friend rather than a not-quite-employee certainly went a long way towards earning his continued devotion.

The coin was nice too but having ready access to an incredibly powerful Family certainly had its own perks.

And now he had a time limit. Within two days they would be beyond the efforts of a standard Scrying, and the day after that even the inborn magic that carried Owls to their destinations would be impossible to follow. Best he give them both a quick rundown of events, plans of action, and quick information on where to find him should the need arise. It would also be in his - and therefore their own - interests to disclose just what he knew about the Ministry’s current investigation into Walburga and Orion. If it did go bad, well, he at least had their backing and protection. Not that he thought it would, certainly his level hand as she dipped his quill attested to that fact, but it never hurt to plan for the absolute worst.

“So then, Lord Lestrange, you’re aware of why you were asked to join me, correct?” Lincoln’s voice was soft and passive as the words crossed out atop the desk without his eyes even acknowledging the boy. His hands moved quickly, words flowing, the whole parchment filled rather quickly when compared to his usual correspondence. He waited silently while the moment between them turned to seconds, a detente broken only by his eyes eventually peaking up to watch as the boy shifted and squirmed within his seat.

Lestrange nodded once and bit his lip before replying, “Yes, yes. Though I have to admit I had some measure of reluctance when it came towards accepting the invitation.”

“Reluctance?” Lincoln peered at him with false confusion masquerading in his eyes, “Reluctant in what way?” 

Nervousness wasn’t something that was unique to young men, and while Lincoln had been left to wonder at the boy’s disposition he was still taken aback by the rather frank admittance. Word would get back to their mutual acquaintances, and he found himself wondering just how they would approach that news. Would they both take it in stride? Would they express mild outrage, or would they merely brush it all aside and claim they had far more important matters to hold their attention?

It was most likely to be that last option if his intuition and their prior moods were anything at all to go by. 

“Reluctance in that I’ve received more than a few Howlers over the past week, all of them from family still back on the Continent. It would be fair to say that most of them at least mildly disapprove of what I’m doing.” Lestrange rubbed at his eyes, and for a moment Lincoln could see just how weary the boy really was.

His outfit was more than appropriate for the meeting. Plain looking cloak atop a well-tailored suit that fit with both his House colours and his personal complexion. Sharp looking dress shoes and a golden pocket watch with chain protruding from his breast pocket. But beneath it all Lincoln could spy the wrinkles that lined the edges where they should have been clean and crisp lines. His eyes were red along the corners, vessels all angry and sharp and so very tired looking. Upon closer inspection what Lincoln had initially mistaken as the beginning of a beard was really the untrimmed stubble from what should have been a rather clean-shaven face. None of it was unsightly, none of it was unprofessional, but judging by that alone he guessed the boy was haggard and looked to have been under enormous stress for who knew how long. 

Lincoln set aside the quill and parchment, lazily whipping up his wand to seal the document and prepare it for Velka. 

“I can see how that might be an issue,” he began, his voice sombre and earthen. “However, without you attending I doubt I could work out a way to mend the friction between your House and the Blacks’. I don’t see how Bellatrix would ever be willing to forgive you if you rebuked the offer.”

Rabastan shifted and nodded his head, “Of course, of course. I see it that way as well but certain members of my family see this as me kowtowing to British Houses, and women to boot. This will keep the peace here but back at home, they all see this as a capitulation to the enemy.”

“It is.” Lincoln’s response had been almost immediate, “Your father is dead, your brother is dead. The Ministry has ample enough evidence to prove that Pierre was attempting to kill the Black sisters. He did succeed in killing Cygnus, and even if the bastard wasn’t exactly the Head of House Black, he was a big shot. If Bellatrix had seen fit to be less lenient in her dealings with you, and Hermione as well, you could have found yourself locked into a war with the whole of House Black. That your brother is now dead does not absolve House Lestrange of their duties, and fatal duels have been fought over lesser things. That you’ve not yet found yourself pressed into such a fight should be seen as good tidings.”

The boy - a man now, hardened and weary - turned away to stare out the window that Velka would soon leave from. “Of course,” he shifted back, eyes level with Lincoln’s and face set into a mask of grim determination. 

“Then shall we begin?”


Landing with grace and dignity to the forest floor was easy. Seeing the initial picture had given Bellatrix more than enough information on where to drop them both, and while it was possible that trees or vines or any such detritus could have shifted and formed new patterns of debris in the time between the photograph and the jump the chances of that actually impacting them was negligible at best. Portkey this was not, but certainly it was far safer than descending through the canopy on brooms or as swirling agglomerations of smoke.

Not that any of their safety checks dampened any portion of her sudden thrill at the possibility of it all going wrong.

Hermione had been adamant from the beginning that a straight Apparition was necessary, and what little memories Bellatrix had of Hermione’s rather fraught experience with brooms proved that decision. Both of their feet would remain on the ground; only a certain amount of flying related trauma could be endured before someone needed to put their foot down after all.

Of course that didn’t stop her from jumping right before the pull of Apparition, nor did it soften the sudden impact when her feet landed with all the thudding pressure of her ascent. Leaves bowled outwards, branches shook on the nearest trees, and the breeze was so interrupted that Bellatrix could feel the pressure as the air forced itself back down on them.

Fun, except for the glare and angry first that landed on her shoulder.

The crack sent birds and beasts fleeing from the clearing and into the cover of the enchanted forest. There were no songbirds here though, Bellatrix mused with watchful eyes that traced the outlines of crows and vultures. All carrion birds, all of them left to feast upon whatever and whoever found themselves lost here. It struck her then with impressive force just how wrong this place felt despite outwardly appearing lively and green.

These woods were far from normal. All of it too deep, too dark, the Sun above them failing to fall in even intervals and a chill pervading their mildly cloaked forms. A hiding place wedged between Riddle Manor and the wilds of the Shack.

As far as they both could tell they had no need to worry about being intruded upon. Voldemort would most certainly have his own manner of alarms and methods of discovery, but in the past few years, disappearances weren’t uncommon. That no one ever managed to leave and speak about the horrors that befell them here spoke to the ingenuity of Voldemort’s traps, and they both held with the belief that he was far too vain to think his tricks would ever fail. Traps were to be expected as was magic most certainly tuned to keep them out.

But not anything they couldn’t handle.

“The Gaunt shack. You know, it would be quite handy if we actually had something to work off for this. A photograph, a drawing, something to reference.”

Bellatrix’s voice was mild as she steadied her travelling companion and turned about to stare into the woods with wand in hand and knee-high boots beginning to sink into a sudden muck. Her attire wasn’t exactly meant for dealing with quicksand, not with having only just left to see off their little family while leaving none of them the wiser to their destination. 

Besides, Bellatrix wanted to make sure she looked damned good all the time, even searching for a seemingly mythical hideout. Corset laced tight enough to accentuate the natural curving of her waist and bust, travelling cloak a darkened grey that was kept from looking drab or grim by the silver and green threated throughout, a pair of leather pants charmed to remain cool and comfortable no matter the weather, and embroidered on either side of her legs with a miniature version of their Family Crest. Toujours Pur, always in family, if not in blood.

Beside her, Hermione shifted and shrugged in her general direction as she adjusted her own nearly mirrored garb to layer on additional protections. Reds and yellows glowed and sparked as her magic wove in and out, all of it far lighter than Bellatrix’s chosen colouration. Too Gryffindor, for one thing, too loud for another. Still, she kept her tongue quiet as Hermione finished all the spellwork and sent her a smile when it was complete. Not that either of them would need it; the fabric had been charmed and woven so fine as to create its own sort of armour, and would likely be the only thing to survive if things truly went wrong. 

Best they not, if anything was to be accomplished.

“If I had a picture to give you, you know I would. But, seeing as it’s known as a Shack, I can’t imagine it’ll be anything pretty.” Hermione wandered forward with her crooked wand in front of herself and grim determination on her face, “And when we find it, whatever you do, do not-”

“-put it on, yes, yes, I heard you the first ten times.” Of course she wouldn’t put the absolutely cursed and debauched ring onto her finger. She didn’t need a reminder, nor did she need an aged and blackened hand that led to death. Better a reminder than a lost hand, yes, but still Bellatrix rolled her eyes at the incessant nannying. She set off behind Hermione when the witch moved forward again with eyes wide opened and scanning out into the forest as much as they could.

Dense foliage and unbearable stretches of brown and green occluded their vision and doubled up half-thought images that wavered the longer that they stared. Their eyes might have been on the prize but this was more an exploratory mission; there wasn’t much for them to do except reconnoitre the lay of the land. If they were lucky they might happen upon the shifting Shack, if not they could wander about for hours with nothing and no one around. No matter the outcome it was preferable to wander here rather than their stated outing; a quick jaunt around Canada to view and absorb the ancestral Grenier lands, be they homes or old business that had passed on to other owners and proprietors. A pair of professional, and discrete, ladies had been hired to act as body doubles with Transfiguration and mild enchantments that avoided the use of Polyjuice while still providing Hermione and herself with a solid alibi.

Well, the media would do that at the very least. The Grenier heiress trapezing around Canada with her newlywed wife was sure to stir up some controversy or opinion, no matter how mild it may be in the end. It was much better that they wander here in peace and visit Euryale later rather than dance about for tabloids and uncouth rags all looking for their next big scoop.

Wandering unfortunately brought with it deeper challenges though; bits and pieces of the forest that they wandered all seemed to fail to add up towards reality the further in they went. Not that it was insurmountable, merely circuitous and roundabout and very confusing the longer it went on. Slowly the traps and challenges began to make themselves known with odd timing and recursive dangers. Most of it was things that a normal Witch or Wizard would have little trouble with unless caught unawares, for the two of them - for the moment at the least - it was a cakewalk.

A cursed glen that had been ringed with runes and glyphs that seemed oddly chilled the closer that they approached, before deciding to take an alternate route and avoid it altogether. Trees and branches and vines that twisted and stuck at their feet and seemed intent on dragging them down into the soft loam. A pit nearly fifty metres deep that seemed to have an endless supply of sharpened dagger-like stalactites where Bellatrix had only just been standing and avoided only by her immediate transformation into her Raven form.

Someone was most certainly attempting to keep them out.


“So, wanna try some ground dandelion instead?”

Theodore held out the phial of crushed and dried plant matter for Lucius to take hold of, the wispy material inside a rather sandy colour of dead yellows and brownish-greens. It wasn’t their first trial of the day but it was the first that they believed would really work. In a small amount, maybe, if not a higher one that they could save for later mischief.

Lucius deftly plucked it from Theodore’s fingers before turning back to face the slowly bubbling cauldron, “We might as well. It’ll turn red this time, right?”

He uncorked the phial and dumped the whole of its contents into the cauldron before sweeping back an errant lock of hair. The reminder that Narcissa had left him with had left him struggling to keep up, the tied back hair being the least of his concerns at the moment.

“It should,” Theodore replied, pulling out the worn-down scrap of paper that they had been working off of all day. “Or it’ll turn bright white, in which case we need to run as fast as we can.”

Bellatrix and Hermione had left Theodore in charge of managing him - a task Lucius felt was as ridiculous as it sounded - and while generally it had meant acclimatization towards Mud- Muggleborns, it also meant a good long chance to peruse the many tomes that had been plundered from the Black and Grenier libraries.

Tomes filled with various experiments one could try, should they be willing to risk life and limb.

Flash-bang liquid that could be poured out and activated later, fireworks that would flow upwards into the form of Dragons and Wurms, potions that could instantly give someone the eyesight of a hawk, if only for a few minutes. All of them varied, all of them different, all of them things that neither had learned during their Potions lessons. Lucius already knew he had great proficiency at potions, was a natural at mixing and rationing all the ingredients, and each part was weighed out and applied as if it were gold and silver instead of some ground-up plant or animal matter. If Theodore had been worried that he would feel put off or ill at ease with his appointed guide, Lucius had made it a point to warm to their rhythm as the delight of mischief and discovery took over.

Mischief pointed squarely at making life more difficult for Malbon than it already was.

“Looks good,” Theorodre prompted, watching the liquid cool to a brilliant red. “Bottle it up.”

Lucius moved before Theodore had finished speaking and scooped up from the cauldron a portion of the liquid with a silver ladle that set it into small phials no bigger around than his ring finger and only half as tall. The liquid swirled within the glass as it churned and cooled, capped off completely as it deadened to a greenish-ochre that sparkled beneath the light of the Potions room.

Lucius lay the ladle down and wiped the sweat from his brow, “So can we try it?”


Theodore was, in Lucius’s esteemed opinion, quite alright.

Despite every warning that his father had filled him up with, the elder boy seemed to want nothing more than to be friendly from the onset. Of course, he had at first held some mild suspicions that the boy had been attempting some ruse or another to get close and in his good graces before they were legally related. A lazy idea, true, but one that had settled in. Luckily the days had passed and it became clear that Theodore was more just the sort of person who sought to make friends with everyone.

The consummate Hufflepuff, if there ever was one.

That Theodore’s way of making new friends had ended up including the provisioning of ingredients used in fireworks and - rather small - bombs had helped them get along. 

It was just potion-making after all, even if the end result they wanted was an explosion meant to light up the night sky and set any nearby trees and grass on fire. Certainly it was a much more interesting use of his time than spending hours rereading ancient texts and Pureblood manifestos as his father would have wanted. It was also a more practical application of all his school knowledge; his grades were all good enough as it was, and he would likely ascend to his father’s position within the Ministry or have the choice to decide from a plethora of well-paying jobs or positions that were made conspicuously available due to his name.

But all of that was for later on, years from now.

Lucius rolled his arm back and then launched the shuttered phial as far as he could, watching with evident glee as it smashed into the ground and exploded - again - to set the field on fire. Beside him, Theodore grinned just the same as he began whooping and hollering in delight.

Behind them, Malbon hung his head and wished the Grenier Mistress to return as soon as possible.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => c338df524a981bdbc30271168422e2aa400f6986 ) [19] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 46. Book 2: Swirling Around the Drain [timestamp] => 1579647600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 46: Book 2: Swirling Around the Drain


There are grammatical/spelling issues w/ this chapter but I'm tired of staring at it so

it is what it is :D

:Bold/Italicize - Parseltongue:

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The twisting rays of sunlight that filled the valley brought with it wonders and delight.

The night brought fear, or some semblance of it that reminded Hermione all too well of being lost and alone, staring at the sky and wondering just how many monsters were out to get her.

So very much had been set into motion over the past year… well, not even a year. The realization should not have come as a surprise to her, she had known well enough that the relationship between Bellatrix and herself had moved faster than could be considered right and proper. Still, it seemed somewhat odd to look back on it and acknowledge that the time spent here, in another past, felt longer than her life lived back home. And now, just barely past graduating and with so many more years to go, things had suddenly picked up. Not that she had control over all of it (such was bureaucracy), but she had at least held sway in initiating it.

Their proposal and petition were both now under review by the Wizengamot; her family seat would be given or denied based on their whims, same still as to the release of their separate branch. The passing of both measures would be a comforting sight if only she would be around to see the beginnings. As it stood, she had more than enough thoughts and plans and ideas to work through that another would hold reign over the Wizengamot’s decision.

Rabastan Lestrange, and Lincoln Fawley in a more limited manner. 

The poor boy was the only remaining Lestrange, this side of the water, and though that meant he was in actuality the furthest thing from poor, Hermione could not let the notion slide. He was the only one left that could tie Bellatrix and herself to the events that night she had returned, the only person besides Andromeda and Narcissa who could rightfully out all that they had done.

All that she had done.

The murder of his brother, the wiping of their friends - cronies - minds, the chaos that had ensued and led to hostages being knelt against the Forest floor. The moment where Hermione had finally made the conscious decision to remain in full with this world and not her own, for good or ill. She had decided to take control of this reality no matter come Hell or high water.

And now the hard part would be sticking to that.

Rodolphus Lestrange had been an absolute monster of a boy; entitled to a fault and convinced he had been given Bellatrix, fully convinced that his wishes had any influence on her own decisions. Rodolphus would have been worse had she let him live, she knew of the things he had done in the unfocused future, she knew he had wholeheartedly supported a madman and robbed innocent people of their lives and minds.

And yet still he had only been seventeen years old. A man in action, but a boy nonetheless. No matter the Ministry’s laws, he had barely even seen the world. Bellatrix hadn’t yet seen the world. And if Hermione could reach down into that broken portion of her soul to accept that Bellatrix of all people could change-

Could Rodolphus have changed, as well?

If he had been presented with the enormity of his future crimes, the pain and the suffering and all the tears that would follow him to Azkaban?

What could he have done, were it not for her need to see someone suffer?

There was no real way that Hermione could know. None that she would consent to, not at this juncture. The cringing pulse of guilt was fully wrapped about her mind; thoughts yanked and battered and forced low until she could pinpoint every fault. None of what had happened was dealt with at the time. None of what had nearly occurred had phased her in the immediate aftermath. Even as the days had turned to weeks it seemed more like she was fine and whole instead of weary and concerned.

The wedding had simply overtaken everything of note, except that which pertained to their longer-term goals of infiltration and stopping a war.

At the moment she had felt pity for Rabastan, had felt pity for the loss of a family he would never have a chance to replace. But not after. Not until now, married and whole and only hours away from starting out on her own adventure-

The first true adventure without Harry or Ronald.

Doubt had set in. Doubt had slipped between her body and Bellatrix’s until the witch’s arms felt more a cage than a comfort. The rocking motion had lasted until the witch beside her fell asleep, and from there it was only a matter of shifting to slither away towards the main parlour.

The work of minutes perhaps, to find herself curled before a massive fire and head wrapped up in all her own demons.

‘I killed Pierre. I almost beat Goyle to death, I did steal away his mind… Parkinson, Crabbe, whoever the fuck that other boy was… All of them gone but husks. Is that worse than having your soul sucked out by a Dementor?’

Again her musing yielded no answers but circular motions through the harshness of guilt. She had sunk her gleaming fangs into the soft meat of Rodolphus neck until blood had filled her maw and iron stained her senses. She had enjoyed that feeling, no matter the startled reaction her body had forced her into after the shift. She had been untamed power, she had been unstoppable aggression, she had been a bolt of lightning sent down with deadly precision to smite He who had wronged her.

She had been a winding bulk of muscle and slit eyes, still a girl and yet perhaps a monster. Certainly, if the mark of a Monster was to enjoy when they killed, then she had done that as well. She would do it all over again in a heartbeat, no questions asked, no guilt to stop her, not even this swirling miasma, this putrid remembrance, this monster in her heart-

The smallest of motions knocked Hermione from the spiralling state of her inner mind. It was gentle, more a nudge than anything else, but enough of a disturbance and a shock to have her twisting around to figure out who had found her. Not that they would exactly be remiss in finding her here, in the largest parlour and with a fire that had until recently been untended to.


The slow hissing of her title was evidence enough that it was Agath who had chosen to disturb her; the smaller snake (though not by much these days) moving to bat her snout against the outer loop of Hermione’s body.

:Mistress is sad? Mistress is safe, Mistress need not be sad. Have mate, have den. Safe!:

Agath raised valid questions, a valid point as well, but neither left her willing to speak on the matter. Certainly she wouldn’t focus herself on it now that another visitor was slowly revealing themselves to round the corner of the entranceway.

Soft steps revealed the shuffling form of Narcissa; all clad in black and silver sleepwear with hair let down to cascade a golden waterfall off her shoulders. She was mute, blank even, though her eyes were rimmed in red and streaked with something that scented the air with salt.

:Is she alright, Agath?: Hermione peered down at the smaller snake, her tone subdued and her body searching for some form of reassurance. Loops of scale and muscle intertwined until she was hidden beneath a portion of herself, her snout poking out and tongue flickering into the silence of them all.

Hiding wasn’t an option, not really. Narcissa simply proved that out by sitting down at her side and laying a hand upon smoothe scale.

“You don’t really need to speak right now and I know you really can’t, not until I take that potion anyways, but let me talk.” 

The young girl’s tone was far maturer than Hermione had ever given her credit for, more the Ice Queen that she remembered Narcissa Malfoy being than the child she now was. Her voice was even, her body somewhat rigid, but her eyes were what struck Hermione the most.

Hauntingly blue and clear, as though chips of ice come home to roost.

Narcissa pulled back her wandering hand to wrap up knees pulled close to her chest, “Lucius opened up about some of what Abraxas has told him. Things and plans for Voldemort. He’s really going to start a war, isn’t he? That sounds… Well, it doesn’t sound good, I know that much. Well, even more than not good. I remember when Grandad Arcturus talked about Grindelwald’s War. He said he hated being alive back then. Said every witch and wizard was terrified of the dawn, of what it could bring. None of the Black clan were safe back then, not even the ol’ ones. A few of the family joined up with Grindelwald because they had notions of ruling, but Grandad said it was the worst option. Said it would have been worse to pick a side and lose. He also said Grindelwald would have used us all up until nothing was left, besides a corpse. Father never talked about it though. I don’t know if he didn’t want to or we just never asked…”

Hermione poked her head out from the protective shell of her coils when Narcissa’s words trailed off into silence. Her tongue flickered as she moved, closer still until the tip nudged and startled Narcissa when it touched her palm. A moment passed where neither spoke, Narcissa moving first after a moment to place the hand back atop Hermoine’s back and resume a pleasantly soothing motion. She wasn’t ready to leave her Animagus form just yet, but neither did she want Narcissa to think she wasn’t paying attention, or believe she was ignored in her hopes to get whatever emotions had bottled up inside her out.

Narcissa appeared to take the change in stride, humming as she drew a pattern upon the diamond block of Hermione’s head.

“Theodore says we all have to be ready to fight, that’s why he and Andy decided to get the brands. But- but I don’t want protection. I want to be the one doing the protecting. I’m just so tired of being little, of being the one needing Andy and Bella… And you, of course. Even Lucius is overprotective. It’s like they all think I’m some piece of glass all set to shatter. Lucius can kind of see it my way, his father may be a prick but he keeps Lucius as safe as possible no matter what. Even if that safety is from someone like Theodore. I don’t think Lucius is blinded by hatred for Muggles or Muggleborns.”

Hermione shifted closer during the minute lull in the conversation, the young girl leaning back to stare up at the ceiling.

“I think that with enough time he’ll be like you said, all fine an’ whatnot. I love him as he is but I can admit he still has rough edges.”

‘If only because we got to him first, though I doubt his adoration for you changed much over the years,’ Hermione mused quietly to herself.

“He’s on our side and he’ll stay that way. I’m sure of it. And he’s excited for our wedding, whenever that’ll end up being. If it ends up happening… Years maybe. Or more? I don’t know. He’s still trying to get used to the idea of changing his name though, as if we haven’t been changing ours for centuries. I don’t know when exactly that’ll end up sinking in, probably not until after the ink’s dried. But you’re both about to leave, so I guess we’ll do our best to get him in the loop. We’ll make it work.”

The sliding of scale on scale revealed the tenuous movements that Hermione made, her long body pushing forward to hug and wrap about Narcissa in imitation of a comforting hug. Agath, heretofore sitting curled amid Hermione’s loops, joined the motion and clambered atop the small girl until she was weight and warmed by their fire-soaked bodies.

“Thanks, Emelia,” Narcissa said, laying her head upon the coil draping her shoulder. “Er, Hermione. Sorry. I’m still trying to get used to being able to call you that right out.”

:It’s fine Cissa.: Hermione’s hiss was a whispered murmur to nowhere and no one, her heartbeat stilling and body soaking in the warmth from Narcissa and the fire at their side. 

:We’ll be fine, you’ll see…:


Bellatrix shot back into awareness with the bed empty all around her and grasping fingers that worked fruitlessly to clear the gummed up remnants of sleep from her vision. It wasn’t particularly odd for Hermione to have gotten up earlier than she had (the woman was one for Bright and Early, that was for sure), but usually her exits were at the crack of dawn and not at one in the morning. 

Especially unusual, as the few times she had left that early she had at least let Bellatrix know with a quick shake to her shoulders and a peck on the cheek.

Silence wreathed her as she dressed in silken robes of green and silver that draped and fell as featherlight curtains against her skin. A gift from Hermione that had shown up with an Owl package the day after their wedding, the item was more a scenery for Hermione to view than a proper garment for Bellatrix to wear. Too see-through, too sheer.

Still she loved it for what it was, a perfect bit of plumage for her to dance and taunt her love in, beautiful and regal and just as pretty as it could be. That it had come from Hermione had been the icing on the cake, a treasured item no matter how often she wore it or ignored it. Gifts were something that both of them had gone out of their way to avoid; neither were poor and neither were lacking, so when something finally caught their eye enough to speak out for their partner, they listened. It was simply an extension of their desire for one another and the need to find things that meant something in a world where most things could easily be fabricated or duplicated en masse.

Bellatrix moved on silent feet to prowl the halls in search of her missing lover; her mind filled up with half-remembered dreams and thoughts of what tomorrow (or today, really,) would bring. Good things, she hoped, better things than the worries that had taken turns consuming them both since before the night of their marking.

Soon they would both be off on their Honeymoon to enjoy a getaway and reward for having stuck so well to the plans they had drawn up months ago. Lucius had arrived and slotted himself right in beneath the watchful gaze of Andromeda and Theodore, and Narcissa as well to a much lesser extent. Hopefully he would have more than enough company, quite more than enough in Bellatrix’s mind, but still there were rules she needed to go over and reiterate before they left. Points they needed to touch on and milestones to achieve.

Even in taking off there was work to be done.

Lincoln had been given reams of instructions relating to the handling of their political and financial affairs, Rabastan had been delivered a dossier that outlined their stances on the Wizengamot as well as the thin alliances they had already promised, and Malbon had been sworn to look over the Manor and the grounds in their absence. Bellatrix found her decisions in Rabastan and Lincoln to be firm and unflappable, but the old Elf still managed to give her pause every now and then. Sure he was more agreeable than Kreacher had ever been, or even any of their own traitorous Elves, but he was a far cry from the docility and loyalty that Dobby had offered Hermione and her friends before his death.

But at least Malbon wouldn’t betray her or attempt to hug her.

The soft sound of feet against hard flooring swept along the hallways as she wandered room to room. She was able to sense some inkling of Hermione’s location within the Manor due to the bond they now shared, but the surely she could find her on her own.

The Manor wasn’t that big.


By the time that Bellatrix finally walked in on Hermione, nearly ten minutes had passed and nearly all the rooms on the bottom floor had been searched. She knew that it really shouldn’t have taken her even that long to find the woman, not with her bond and the knowledge that there were only so many rooms that she could wander to, but she had let the seconds drag on regardless. It was certainly much more interesting to wander around and feel the tug inside her soul lead and pull and strain in different directions as she wandered along the periphery. 

More interesting than simply walking, that much was for sure. It wasn’t so much that she could feel emotions either, maybe nothing more at all except a thin film of sensation that led her towards intuiting what she might be feeling, unlike Hermione’s rather powerful ability to know whatever mood Bellatrix flitted towards. Neither were perfect, Hermione’s was objectively better, but Bellatrix wouldn’t trade her new feelings for the world.

Not when they filled her with such all-encompassing love.

What she could discern, however, was a slight tingling sensation that centred about her chest, and some innate desire for warmth. The warmth made sense in the context of the summer months burning them all during the days but still cooling far below the outside of the mountains at night. The land's penchant for sucking up and accumulating all the nearby energy was certainly contributing to that fact, but even then she felt colder than she should.

That feeling at least made it obvious why Hermione had decided to bask before the warmth of the fire, but it failed to explain just why she was sitting on the floor with Narcissa curled up against her, one hand petting down long locks of gold and the other running worrying circles over her Curse Scar.

Bellatrix gripped the edge of the entranceway as a frown coloured her face, :Are you alright, Hermione?: Her question was a near-silent hiss, only Hermione and a coiled up Agath responding to the sound. :Is Cissa alright?:

:Cissa’s fine,: Hermione replied, relief flooding into Bellatrix’s heart almost immediately. :I just couldn’t sleep, neither could she. I came down here to relax a bit and Agath followed along. Cissa might have heard one of us and came down as well.:

Fair enough. 

Bellatrix nodded her understanding before moving to sit propped up against Hermione with her shoulders rubbing against one another and Agath slowly gliding over to curl up atop her lap.

: Any reason you couldn’t sleep? :

A second passed by before Bellatrix looked over towards Hermione with eyes questioning and brows raised. There was no reply, just a sighing sound far more noncommittal than she would prefer. The silence continued to drag between them, hackles rising and hair pricking and moods stilted.

Best she break that then.

:What we’re doing is right. No matter the cost to-:

:That’s the bloody problem though,: her lover countered, anger filling her hiss with venom clear and bitter. Hermione turned to pin Bellatrix with staring eyes that swirled with something kin to rage. :We’ll just end up like Him if we do that, if that’s what our rationalization is. Anything for the Greater Good, anything at all no matter who should stand in our way, nothing too low in our search for power.:

:Only if we carry out our actions without thinking of the consequences.: Bellatrix let her own stirring heat colour the tone of her hiss, :But we’re not doing that. We’re not setting up a fucking child to live for years as some self-flagellating sacrifice that needn’t occur. We’re not going about murdering innocents for a chance at immortality.:

Hermione rolled her eyes, :But we are murdering-:

:Oh hush already,: Bellatrix forced their heads together, forced herself inside Hermione’s mindscape with flaring runes along their back and not a second spared in the act itself. “Whenever there’s a war, there’s death. And sure, the Ministry and papers might not say that we’re at war right now, but we are. We killed someone that would have gone on to murder who knows how many people. We killed someone who, by all rights, knew exactly what he was getting himself into. If things had gone bad on our end, what would have happened? I’d be dead, right? Andromeda, Cissa-” she spared a pointed glance down at the sleeping witch against Hermione’s side, “They’d be gone. Rodolphus knew exactly what would happen the moment that he put his hands on my sisters.”

Her tirade left a void in sound, Hermione’s mind filling up the space with a swirl of emotions that left anger and guilt bubbling towards the top. She shifted side to side in her seat before the fire, still not leaving Bellatrix but not yet ready to go on. Bellatrix waited out the other witch, content that eventually her words would seep on through.

“But I didn’t have to make that decision, not then. I could have handled him just like the others but I was angry-”

Bellatrix threw a growl into her voice until it reverberated between them, “Then you recognize that and move on from it. We can’t bring him back, and we can’t go back to change what we did. The outcome is set in stone and now we have to make due. Which is fine, Hermione. You weren’t alone that night.”

“Alright,” Hermione finally acquiesced, tone subdued but not broken.

Bellatrix nodded, body shivering in place, limbs tensing and head rising as she rolled to her feet and planted her hand amid the soft curls of Hermione’s shortened hair. :You thinking of growing it out again?:

Hermione shrugged before slowly standing and levitating Narcissa into her arms, careful so as not to wake the now sleeping witch.

:Maybe? I’m not quite decided on it yet.:

Bellatrix smiled as she waited on Hermione to catch up, delighting in the softened look of Hermione unencumbered by her younger sister’s weight, smile back and eyes brightened pools.

:Whatever you go with, I’m behind you all the way.:


Adventures Abroad is up next

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 2beebce2ddeb940305978881104139eeaca426a6 ) [20] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 45. Book 2: A Breather [timestamp] => 1578783600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 45: Book 2: A Breather

Chapter Text

There was something beautiful in the way that Bellatrix duelled. It wasn’t primal so much as it was instinctive, it wasn’t astounding as much as it was mesmerizing. It was something dark, and dangerous, and so very strong.

Something that left her wet, and wanting, whenever the witch revealed the depths of her knowledge and abilities.

Bellatrix was a master of fluidity, of making everything she did and every spell she cast appear as easy as a Lumos. Even in her original Universe, Bellatrix Lestrange had been someone to watch, even as she cast a Crucio or Avada. Nothing in that world had been able to hold her back or rein her in. Nothing had been strong enough to serve as a true impediment to her abilities, at least until Molly Weasley found some wellspring of true hate to toss back at the witch. 

When Lestrange had duelled, it had simply been her, the opponents, and her magic. Simple and tidy, even if she looked anything but. 

And after months of study beneath Lord Voldemort, she could see where the witch had learned it. Not exactly, not a copy, but a clear intermingling of her own talents and natural aptitudes all backed up and enforced by a man who had been willing to show her just how far she could go.

A man now willing to show Bellatrix, and Hermione, the same.

His own personal style might have fell more along the lines of bludgeoning power rather than swift traps and delicate attacks, but it was strength through every action. Voldemort’s duels in her own world had been a sight to behold, majesty and power simply bathing them all with the aftershocks. Dumbledore might have been the eventual victor of their fight beneath the Ministry, but Voldemort simply had style.

A killing, cutting, you’ll-be-dead-before-you-know-it sense of style, but style nonetheless.

And Hermione had always been willing to learn from the best. Same, as it were, for Bellatrix.

Her wife could be just as fluid and unpredictable as the crashing of a wave, as strong as all that pressure held up deep beneath the water.

Hermione, in counterpoint, had chosen to become as agile and reactive as the creature in her soul. Predictable? Yes. Deadly? Absolutely.

Each of them held to their respective style, each of them went on to influence the other, and each of them had grown far beyond the abilities of their peers. Her memories and musings on the hundreds of books she had read served a basis from which to compare; sitting cross-legged with Bellatrix clinging to her as they ran through the fight at the Department of Mysteries, or any of the myriad battles and skirmishes in which she had found herself.

Lessons, and planning, from the future.

Always useful.

As evidenced by an increasingly frustrated Theodore losing handily to them both, again and again. If ability and capacity were their specialities, then temerity and persistence were his.

The boy simply didn’t know when to give up.

Which, on further review, Hermione chalked up into the ‘Pro’, category. He had the drive to improve himself the likes of which she had only ever seen before in… well, herself. Was that innate desire a consequence of them both being Muggleborn? Perhaps. 

The need and impulse to prove to all their peers that they had their magic for a reason beyond luck was strong and ever-present. They were capable of utilizing their abilities just as well as any Pureblood snob, no matter what their supposed ‘Betters’ thought. A consequence of being undervalued and underestimated was that suddenly they were all unexpected threats; after all, why in the world would a Pureblood bigot who had been brought up on a trumped-up sense of superiority train as absolutely hard as they did, if the assumption ran that Lady Magic was on their side alone?

Of course, Hermione knew that Lady Magic was not on their side alone. Same as Theodore, same as many other Muggleborn. Magic had been gifted to them all as equals, no matter their blood or pedigree or nonsense from a millennia-passed supremacist who locked up Basilisks as if they were mere pets.

No one outside of their own self could help them, and as such it fell to each of them to improve - or fail - as they saw fit.

And Hermione hated, above almost all else, to fail.

“Shall we go again?” Theodore gasped out his words between rushed lungfuls of breath, his hair tousled up into a mat of brown and dirt from where he lay upon the ground. 

Bellatrix chuckled lowly as she reached down to grasp his forearm, hauling him up to his feet not a second later. “Maybe later we can go again, just take a breath for now. Recover a little bit, alright? I’d like a chance to spar with my Wife if you wouldn’t mind. Not that beating you over and over isn’t fun, but a girl needs some variation, you know?”

Theodore shook his hair out before nodding quickly in assent, hands patting down and throwing off clouds of dust from his undershirt and slacks, “Sure, sure. Fine by me then. Good luck, Hermione!”


Oh by all the Gods did it feel good to hear that name again, spoken whenever and wherever, no need to hide who she truly was. Or… Well, mostly true to who she was. The surname of Grenier would never fade, not with her blood or age, but simply hearing what she had been called for nearly twenty years was a delight she never would have known she’d wanted.

It had gone against her initial assumptions but the act of changing one’s name within the Wizarding World was a far simpler process than it would ever be in the Muggle realm. Beyond filling out some forms that Lincoln had supplied her, there hadn’t been much to do except take a trip to Gringotts for more copies of familial records and then a hop up to the Ministry to drop it all off.

Quick, easy, painless. There and done.

Hermione Emelia Jean Black-Grenier; or, at least she would remain as such until such time as the Ministry finally found a moment to review their petition to form a new Branch. Never let it be said that bureaucracy was quick, even if certain portions seemed better oiled than others.

As luck would have it though, Lincoln had once again stepped forward to provide them with his services. In this instance Lincoln had, for a modest sum of course, taken the direction of fending off an increasingly destabilized series of character attacks from Orion and Walburga. Neither one of them had been willing to step in during the Feast that followed their wedding ceremony, but it seemed that once they realized what had occurred elsewhere during that time period, neither would let it lay quietly. Even if, as in this instance, they had no proof to say it had been their doing at all.

They all knew it was them.

They simply lacked the evidence.

All they did have was the worrisome report that two Aurors had received almost deadly injuries after responding to a Break-In Ward; injuries that had left one unable to speak despite the intense work of St. Mungo’s, and the other without the use of a hand for at least a year or more. 

Both almost killed, both still maimed, dark artefacts aplenty and scattered all around their home. A home where children lived. Despite any blood-locks that may have been present, the mere thought that Sirius or Regulus could have been hurt was enough to send even the most stoic and unkind witch or wizard into conniptions.

The Ministry itself may be a bloated animal and a constant source of political fuckups, but it did seem to take the safety of Minors into high consideration. Their youngest generations were a priority not to be squandered by old fools and screaming maids.

Or, at the very least, this Universe seemed to have a Ministry that somewhat cared. The actions of her own had certainly left all that in doubt.

“Alright then, on your mark. Good luck, love!”

Bellatrix’s utterance managed to yank Hermione back from her introspection, a second that soon had her crooked wand dropping down into her grip from the holster magicked to her forearm. Her grip was sure, stance strong, and heartbeat steady as she waited for the moment to begin. The wood rolling between her fingers practically hummed at the chance to be used, despite the fact that she was so far from the original owner. That it had managed to travel with her and bond despite never truly being won was a welcome respite from the worry of having to visit Ollivander yet again, and seeing as this one fit her like no other, she would be happy and take the luck for what it was.

Regal, even if it were dark.

Unyielding, even as it afforded her flexibility.

Full of passion, fevered adoration-

It was, in a word, perfect.


Hermione steadied herself before letting the muscles of her legs unlock, her body falling sideways into a half-crouch that left her knee scraping across the ground. One, two, three- Stunner after Stunner left her wand in a dazzling display of speed and relentless efficiency.

No words were said, the spell only just barely thought out-

Her skid came to a stop that had her trailing leg sweeping dust behind her, summoning up a perfectly crafted barrier in the same moment. The shield was opalescent and bright, just barely tall enough, just rigid enough, just strong enough for her to hold steady as she redirected her magic into the ground beneath her feet.

Bellatrix, never having once been the sort of person to waste an opportunity, immediately struck forward once the barrage of spells had petered out. She moved with near blinding speed, body hurtling forward into a sprint more than a dash, multi-coloured spells streaming as lightning without a single sound. 

Although the both of them were at least somewhat similar in ability - and strength - both of them had managed to diverge enough that learning the other’s style was a well-earned method to pose a counter.

One would strike-

The other would feint-

Around and around, again and again.

Still, Hermione knew she best get to work. Unrelenting fury and assault would only manage to get her so far against Bellatrix, a surety that had been worked out and beaten in by ending their matches on her arse more often than not. Training had proven though, that were she able, Hermione would be the one to outlast all of Bellatrix’s raw power.

Conservation was her method, a single strike honed to be a devastating blow was her execution.

When Bellatrix had advanced so far that they were less than ten paces from one another, Hermione moved herself from the dug-in position. A good decision, as it turned out, that saved her from a sudden upwelling of rock and earth that swallowed up the air she had only just occupied.

The trap that Bellatrix had sprung was simple in design, meant only to hold her still and in place. But Hermione knew without a doubt that had she been caught, Bellatrix would have flung herself around and struck out from behind. Blind-spots were, after all, weaknesses rife for exploitation.

Best she not let that happen.

Hermione allowed herself to dissolve into a swirling plume of mist and smoke, her consciousness spread thin into a black streak that flung itself towards Bellatrix with undeniable speed. She paused, for a moment, just barely past the arching form of Bellatrix’s shoulder, a hand materializing to drift fingers against the paleness of her cheek.

And then she flew on past.

Once Hermione felt certain that she had enough distance on the witch, she coalesced her disparate form back into the more manageable body she was used to, her wand thrust down into the ground as far as it could go. When she pulled up a moment later, with her movement came a haul of boulders and clumped up dirt, roots and detritus following swiftly. The mass itself hung present in the air, rolling and dropping errant bits of itself to patter back to where it had only just been.

Bellatrix wasted no time in reapplying her momentum, spells lancing from her wand to blast into the hasty earth-born shield. The mass shivered, shook, portions knocked apart as dust and gravel filled the air.

Hermione took the advance as what it was, Bellatrix clearly lining up to move in for the kill, and opened up the Rune that sat upon her throat and chin. The magic stung as it built and built, the boulders in front of her shimmering, shaking, colour rapidly draining from them. She pushed them out with all her might, flung them away to collide with a shield that Bellatrix only just managed to summon up. Debris and bits of rock crumbled all around her, shimmering darkness holding darker things at bay.

And then, not even a full second later, it all collapsed. The Rune that Hermione had activated went to work, finalizing its change and with that action collapsing all the matter it had touched into swirling water that froze upon contact with her target.

Namely, in this instance, Bellatrix.

The Witch held her ground as spikes and shoots of ice turned into shackles of muddy crystal, water for sure and breakable as well, but rigid nonetheless.


Hermione sagged as the energy of the fight left her, dispelling all the water and rubble to fall back upon the ground. Bellatrix, released from the hold, dropped onto knees now heavy with chill, her face screwed up into a brilliant smile.

“You’re a devil, you know?” Bellatrix’s words crossed the distance between them, Hermione sauntering up with as much swagger as she could muster. She leaned down to where Bellatrix kneeled, nipping a kiss from the woman and placing her fingers amid dark curls.

“Yes, well… Devil or no, that’s count two for me, still one for you.” Hermione pulled the witch up until they were chest to chest, “One might think that you’re going soft on your wife, Bella.”

“And what’s so wrong with that?” Bellatrix leaned into Hermione with an embrace she hadn’t even known she’d wanted, arms wrapping tight and chest still heaving. Duelling had proven to be one of those few activities that could drain them both of energy - outside of the bedroom, at least - until they were both left panting and wondering just how they could go on.

And when they were duelling one another? Well, Hermione was always questioning how they ended without the two of them passed out. Surely there wasn’t enough energy within their cores to sustain them for multiple-

“Hey, Bella! Hermione!”

A voice much more a shout than sound reached them from its source alongside the edges of the Manor, spilling and splitting the distance between the field where they stood and whoever had uttered it.

In the distance Hermione could just barely make out the waving form of Narcissa, her wand held to her throat and body jumping up and down.

“Lucius is here!”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 9beecc372e92e1d60d303e9ab4d65da32301f937 ) [21] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 44. Book 2: All the Odds and Ends [timestamp] => 1578524400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 44: Book 2: All the Odds and Ends


Prior chapters have been revised to place the date of the story at July 1969. Somehow, someway, I managed to add a year to the portions of "skiptime" earlier. Not sure how, or why, but it's corrected now.

mild editing. Said I'd get a chapter out sooner!

Chapter Text

To her rather complete and utter surprise, neither Walburga nor Orion moved to start any dissent when her words finished ringing out. Odd? Definitely.

And annoying, though mostly due to the fact she was now down a Galleon to Hermione. A lesson learned in placing bets, it seemed.

Even Dorea seemed taciturn as the afternoon continued on to final bites of food and sips from crystal glasses. The older woman had never been a stalwart presence in her life, mostly known only due to the few instances that all their family had needed to converge, and even then she mostly kept to herself or clammed up entirely.

Bad blood stood between them all. Blood that Bellatrix was sorely hoping would not escalate until they were firmly ensconced as their own Branch, or had taken over the original entirely.

Orion could not be allowed to remain as Head. Walburga could not be allowed to influence her children as much as she one day might. It was only a few more years before Sirius would strike out with Dorea’s grand-nephew; something Bellatrix deeply wished to avoid.

Still… nothing coalesced. No fighting. No screaming. Dark looks for sure but nothing that screamed murder.

Good enough for her.

Or at least it had been until it came time to swallow her pride and apologize to the Prewett’s.

“Ey’, Molly?” Bellatrix kept her voice as timid and non-confrontational as she could when she finally approached her distant cousins. Molly was in the middle of the Trio as they waited within a parlour room for exit through the Floo, Fabian and Gideon as still as statues flanking her side.

Bellatrix had, of course, waited until the very last second to approach them - more for her own sake than theirs - with this matter. No one else remained within the halls, all gone to their own homes after finishing up the evening with muted revelry and full stomachs. Andy was gone somewhere with Ted, Cissa off with them, and Hermione had made herself conspicuously absent when it became clear that things were winding down.

Molly stared her down with chips of ice within her gaze and arms crossed quickly over her chest, her body still and demeanour flat. Glum, dour, obviously ready to argue should it come to that.

That it hadn’t already was a blessing in Bellatrix’s opinion.

“What d’ya want Bellatrix?”

First names? Well, that was a lovely change of pace-

“Hurry up, we’ve not got all night to linger about.” Fabian swayed side to side from where he stood against Molly’s left shoulder, eyes dark and lips thinly set into a sharp line.

Ah, of course. Nothing was ever easy.

Bellatrix inhaled as deeply as she could manage, nerves set to light along her spine and fists clenching to wring pinprick stings from sharpened nails, “Well recently I was reminded of the importance of family, no matter the name.”

“And?” Gideon this time, moving to mirror his brother and step forward, jaw pushed out and lips twisting to a frown.

“And I wanted to apologize. I haven’t done very well to keep with that importance, or treat you as you deserved.”

“Why apologize now?” Molly broke from the line her brother’s held, body pushed forward until they were firmly within one another’s space. “Is this because your wife is making you?”

“No, not completely at least.” Bellatrix stepped back, gathered her space and pride, “I wanted to apologize to all of you because what I did when we were younger was wrong. Anytime that I made fun of you, or talked down to you- All of it was wrong. I realize that now. I realize that my retaliations afterwards were wrong as well. And yes I’ll say it out loud, I was an arse to you all. It took until I met Hermione for me to realize how stuffed up with my parents rhetoric I actually was. And I am sorry, whatever it’s worth to you. If you want to keep the distance, I respect that. I wouldn’t just suddenly agree to be friends either. But I do want you all to know that I mean no ill will towards any of you, and I won’t seek it out. Alright?”

Molly stared first at Bellatrix, then her siblings, one at a time and with a level of scrutiny that had Bellatrix shivering beneath the ice in her gaze. When a minute or more had passed, Molly nodded with red curls bobbing, eyes softening as she did so.

Merlin’s arse she hoped that this meant it would be an end to their little antagonistic relationship. A detente would be fine, appreciated even, so long as they were no longer fighting one another. Time enough for that later on, when they had situated themselves into their respective sides of the coming War.

“Alright then, Black. I can accept that. Fabian and Gideon as well,” the two boys nodded slowly. “Like ya’ said, we’re not friends an’ I don’t expect us to suddenly be that. But I suppose we’re all alright with starting fresh. So long as you are.”

‘Morgana’s tits, yes!’

“Of course Molly.” Bellatrix smiled wide, “I’m absolutely fine with starting like that. From this point on, we’ll go at it fresh, eh?”


“Enough with the parlay, shake on it, eh?” Fabian relaxed from where he stood, eyes still dark but no longer shooting daggers at Bellatrix’s heart, “Let’s get it on with.”

Bellatrix nodded enthusiastically, smile widening further, taking the initiative to step forward and extend her hand. She hoped that the action wasn’t taken as deception, was taken instead as the offer it was. 

Only time would tell.

“Yes.” Molly grasped her hand and shook once, briskly. “Let’s.”


“Okay, so now that the festivities are over, what do we do?”

Andromeda dropped the glass she had been holding for the past hour onto the countertop of the bar, the amber liquid within shimmering and sloshing as she did so. The room itself seemed to echo with the sound, all in attendance remaining quiet as they waited for their hostesses to speak.

“Now, we plot.”

Hermione strode forward from the entrance to the study before rounding the left side of the couch and sitting down with a huff of air and shifting of her dress. Bellatrix, waiting at the door, followed her to swiftly fall against her side and interlace their fingers.

They were, in a word, adorable. Andromeda was happy for the both of them, truly, she was. But the absolutely too high level of cute, touchy-feely emotion was beginning to wear her thin. That, and it was making it hard for her to concentrate when Ted moved behind her and into a large cushioned chair at the same moment that he pulled her down to sit atop his lap.

“So what does that mean then?” Ted raised his own glass to his lips before continuing, “We talkin’ or just passin’ a bottle?”

Bellatrix turned to eye them where they sat, “Meaning that we need to hash out where you two fit into all this. There are more than a few important moments coming up that we’ll need you both to have eyes on, and we’ll be so far out of the picture that you’re the only ones we can trust with it. Not the greatest plan, but it’s next to the best thing and all that.”

“Next best being…?” Andromeda tilted her head as she waited for an answer, foot tapping lightly against Ted’s leg.

“Next best is my wife’s idea.” Bellatrix smirked and leaned further into Hermione as she said, “And I don’t think I need to explain to anyone how good all hers are. But anyways, we need to talk about the coming summer. You’ll both be staying here, correct?”

“Of course. Much as I love my home, a tiny little two-bedroom flat in London doesn’t compare to all your high-class materialism.” Ted lifted his own drink to his mouth, downing it all in one gulp before he turned his attention to Hermione. “And I assume durin’ the summer you want someone to keep a watch over Lucius?”

Hermione met his gaze, “Yes, for as long as you can swing it. As of now the plan with Abraxas is to have Lucius stay over for the summer in a bid to see how well Cissa and he interact. I want you to keep around him as much as you can stand, as often as possible. Abraxas might not exactly agree with your blood, but with the price we’re paying, he’ll deal with it. Lucius can now have a chance to come to grips with the new reality, and the sooner that he’s safely on our side, the better. Having it done sooner is best.”

Ted shifted beneath her, free arm wrapping about Andromeda’s waist, “So a little one on one is in order. I’m sure I can pick up something that he’d be interested in.”

“Well,” Hermione leaned herself further back into the cushions, arm raised to splay atop of Bellatrix’s shoulder. “He’s already made it clear to Narcissa that he enjoys potioneering. Perhaps something involving magical plants? Landscaping, tending or gardening? If you’ve an aptitude for that you can bring him to the Potions lab, or the gardens out back. Give him a space if he’d like that. Show him some books maybe. Just pique his interest, in whatever you can. The objective is to get him over whatever Abraxas has been shoving into his shiny little head, and getting him used to working or being around Muggleborns.”

Ted raised his glass in mock toast, “Can do.”

“And what about me?” Andromeda locked between them all, twisting to pin Ted with dark eyes, and then her sister and Hermione. “What am I lined up for?”

“You’re to work with Cissa on prepping for your next year, and getting her some one on one with tutoring. Beyond that, do what you’d like. Work with Lucius some, it might help get him used to the idea of family. Speaking as an only child,” Hermione said, before clearing her throat uncomfortably. “Well, it can be lonely. Give him a family he’ll cherish. Aside from all that though, we’re leaving you the potion for Parseltongue. Use it when you all get the chance. There’s enough in there for three shots, one for Ted and yourself, one for Cissa. The ritual to start it isn’t very hard, and the potion will last all summer. Agath is willing to help you in whatever way she can. Aside from all that, please figure out exactly what you’re wanting to do, or at least a direction, for after Hogwarts. We’re positively loaded-”

“-cheers to that,” Ted interrupted with another toast-

“-so if you’d like to get a continued education afterwards, it won’t be an issue. On the side I’ll be leaving you a list of some of the upcoming first years, please study it and see what you think about them. One day we’ll need more people in our camp than the few we have right now. Any that we can get to before Dumbledore or Voldemort will be worth their weight in Galleons.”

Andromeda followed along, watching with slight interest when Bellatrix shivered at the future Dark Lord’s name. Her eyes seemed to go hazy for a moment, seeing something else, pointed off into the corner of the room before suddenly returning to their previous shine.

“Alright then, I can do all that. We’ll get together and work on the Parseltongue soon, it’ll be nice to have a language to ourselves. What if Lucius wants in?”

“Tell him he can wait,” Bellatrix responded. “He can have it after he and Cissa are married.”

“Okay. Now, what about our branding?”

Hermione’s face, previously shining and bright, seemed to fall behind a cloud as the words raced across the room. Anxiety? Nerves? Andromeda wasn’t sure.

“We can work on the branding before we leave tomorrow if you both are alright with that. You’re of age, I won’t stop you. Bellatrix won’t, I know that.” To prove the point Bellatrix leaned further into Hermione, nodding her head at the same time. “The Occlumency and Home runes will be useful as well.”

“What about the other runes? The tattoos?”

Hermione narrowed her gaze, “Others?”

“Well yeah.” Andromeda shifted atop Ted, hand on his thigh and fingers secure. “The Fiendfyre ones, and whatever it is that you both have on your face.”

“Well, we can-”


The interrupting sounds managed to break Hermione’s words, her face seeming to relax in the silence that followed Bellatrix leaving to answer.

Alright then, so Hermione wasn’t exactly too keen on branding them with weapons yet. 


Or perhaps it was that she just didn’t believe they would be able to control them or would get hurt by trying.

Also - mostly - fine.

Best Andromeda work on Bellatrix then.


Hermione collapsed down onto the massive bed shoved into their shared space, body worn down and muscles aching as she did so. Even her skin seemed to want to get in on the action, a lovingly mild buzz making prickles and shocks out of everything she touched. Her head was more a muddled grouping of emotions, mind a ship left rocking in the waves.

“So,” Bellatrix fell down beside her in a huff of air and movement, her black hair tossed back and eyes shut. “How do you think it all went? Quite a bit less spellfire than I’d hoped for-”

“You owe me a Galleon,” Hermione reminded her love, eyes sparkling and grin ferocious as she said it.

“I do owe you a Galleon. Any other way I could pay-”

Hermione, no longer wanting to waste time on words, grasped at the edges of Bellatrix’s suit and her shoulders, pulling and twisting until the Witch lay atop her. She shifted, back and forth and side to side, finding the perfect spot that let her lay comfortably underneath the slightness of Bellatrix’s body.

“I think that what you can do is help me out of this dress before I combust. I think we’ve gone this whole afternoon and evening doing boring things.” Hermione lifted her head to capture Bellatrix’s lips, a nip reminding Bellatrix of her place before she lay back again. “The ritual was lovely but I want you to fuck me senseless, right now. First order as your wife-”

“If you’re my wife, and I’m Head of House, shouldn’t it be me giving the orders?” Bellatrix stared down at where Hermione lay squirming with a crooked smile and devious intensity lurking behind her eyes. “I mean come on, it’s just rank, right? And I do believe, my Lady Blæc, that you know exactly how to follow orders.”

Oh. This is how she wanted to play it?

“Well, I do believe that you mean Madame Blæc. Respect your betters, hmm?” Hermione’s retort was followed by the snarkiest grin that she could muster, eyes watching bemusedly as Bellatrix fought for words.

The blankness continued, quiet and stunned, before Bellatrix blurted out, “I don’t think I actually know. Which should it be? Lady? Madam?”

Hermione managed to remain stoic and poised for all of a second before a round of giggles exploded out of her throat from how ridiculous the question was. Her face scrunched up, Bellatrix bobbing slightly above her as she moved and laughed.

“We- we never,” Hermione fought to speak between rounds of joyful air, “We need to ask Lincoln. I’m so bloody confused at which it is!” A press of lips had the air slowly peter out, laughter stilling in her throat in favour of a tongue darting out to point strokes along the fullness of Bellatrix’s bottom lip. The kiss quickened, deepened, slowed and then grew hot between them for some seconds until Bellatrix pulled back to brush the tip of her nose against Hermione’s.

“Well if we think about it technically, you’re Madame la Vicomtesse de Grenier. So! Someone whose unknowing of your status or marriage but who knows your name should refer to you as such, or as Lady Grenier. Once we’ve struck out and filed everything for House Blæc, you’ll be the Lady of the House. I’ll go by Lord Blæc then, I think. Keep the confusion to a minimum.”

“And all this depends on Lincoln, doesn’t it. You think it’s set?”

That was, unfortunately, the question. He would have been invited to attend the ritual otherwise, but needs must, and needs had him prowling around outside Grimmauld place. There had been no rush of Auror’s to their property, and no owls flying in with frenzied mail. Hopefully, that would bode well for their chances of success. If not they would need to wait longer before making their next moves, a series of events she hoped would not be needed.

Bellatrix stared down at her with a serious ferocity in her eyes, “Let’s prefer optimism to pessimism in this case. I say yes, he’s done it. Likely he’s just waiting to be sure of whatever might’ve happened. Which also means we might hear back from Orion sooner rather than later.”

“Meaning lock the Floo?”

“Lock the Floo.” Bellatrix turned to stare at the door of the room, “Malbon!”

The aged Elf apparated into existence near the door that Bellatrix was so pointedly staring at, his body facing away and swaying slightly side to side. Entering a room like that wouldn’t be considered as appropriate behaviour among the more Old-Blood families, but having the elf pop in to see them both entombed within the other had gotten old on the first instance.

“Yes, Lord Blæc?” His voice was gravel as he spoke, head bowing over to nearly press against the floor.

“Malbon, would you please block all the Floo entrances? And set the Anti-Apparition Ward? We’d prefer it if no visitors arrived during the next day or two, owl mail only.”

“As my Lord wishes.” The elf raised himself up, nodded once, and then snapped himself away to somewhere else within the depths of the Manor.

Alone now, again, Hermione pulled Bellatrix tighter to her body, nestling the head of unruly curls into the crook of her neck and shoulder. Slowly lips began to trace the edges of Bellatrix’s ear, featherlight and warm, “Lord Blæc; Head of House at seventeen-”

“Eighteen,” Bellatrix broke in, “Soon enough.”

“Soon enough. Now, I do believe I gave you an order that’s still unfulfilled.”

Soft lips met Hermione’s words as an answer, sharp teeth nipping along the skin under her jaw, clenched hands digging sharp nails into her body as an effort to hold her still.

Orders were, after all, meant to be followed.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => a37c1c75af476018eb03e48af949d11bcca0f385 ) [22] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 43. Book 2: Laying Down the Law [timestamp] => 1578178800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 43: Book 2: Laying Down the Law


Oh. Hi. It's this story, back from the dead.
I hit a really large emotional wall a bit ago, and it's stalled out a lot of my writing.
I've been sitting on this chapter since the 23rd, and I figured today was the day to just get it out. It's short, but at least it's here.
There are likely errors in this, I've done one revision and a single proof-read, so I'll attempt to get back on them.
Enjoy, the next should be up far sooner.

Chapter Text

In the silence that followed the ritual, in the silence that followed the lovingly twisted merger of their souls, the clapping filled them. Surrounded them, encroached into the smallest portions of their minds, and brought them nervous breath and wonder branching through every portion of their bodies. The sound was lacklustre in one half, those there not out of love for them both but only there due to required decorum-

Half of them put their hearts into it. Half of them simply were polite.

It bothered neither of them; sound rushed through them and elation with it, regardless of the source. They were only a few, and chills and nips from some unwanted breeze were beginning to thread between dress and cloak, so soon the clapping ended. Still they swayed there, suddenly in an embrace - cloying, everlasting, total and sincere - that seemed too weak to truly express the feeling in their hearts.

Later, maybe. When the shock had worn off and their minds were solid on this new reality.

When she was solid, and no longer reeling from how different this all was.

What had she wanted when she was younger? Had she clambered into bed, dreams of princes finding her? Or perhaps her thoughts had turned to some dashing hero, and a grand wedding to follow. A strong man on her arm, helping her remain steady? Or perhaps it hadn’t been even that, but a princess in need of rescue instead.

She wasn’t sure. Couldn’t be sure. Though those memories and dreams were certainly locked within her mind somewhere, she had neither the time nor the patience necessary to look. She could look. Might even, when she was older and the world wasn’t looking so grim. 

But not now. Not when this was better. Not when this felt so much more earned. 

This was her reality; a wife, a member of House Black, both a member of the Order and the Death Eaters. Strong, capable, filled with purpose and-’


-intent. Far from her home, her friends or family. No Harry. No Ronald. No dear friends from her childhood, and no smiles on her parents' faces. She could visit them, true enough, and maybe even with time, she would find a method of bringing back their memories. But should she?

Would she?

A question for later. A question for when things were calm, and her position solid.

She could deal with the pain for now. She could deal with the twisting little grooves etched along her heart.

She could savour it, even. Cradle it close and know that the sting was worth it. Smother the encumbrance beneath happiness that she had gained in its stead. Certainly she wouldn’t feel sorry for herself. There would be no point at all in floundering like that, not with how she had made the choice to remain. She had decided on love earned and hard-won, instead of the simplicity of the world she had known.

She supposed that in a roundabout manner this was how Harry must have felt during those times in the Ministry, or when he had wandered to the Forest in search of Voldemort. Always playing the Hero, always moving to sacrifice something in service to his own idea of a Greater Good.

Maybe not so apt a comparison then.

Hermione did not care for any version of a Greater Good. Certainly it wasn’t something that she believed in as Dumbledore did, nor Harry on the few times she had overheard him speak on it. She was no old man looking to correct the wrongs of the past. She was no Chosen One, singled out by prophecy and blood. Dumbledore had been fallible. Harry even more so. Each of them were as bright as could be, as able-bodied and strong-willed, each far too willing to suffer atrocities in the name of helping those around them.

Each with their own very different ideas on what help entailed.

Hermione wasn’t that blind. Or at least she hoped that she wasn’t so full of self-importance to believe she knew what was best for everyone.

So didn’t she deserve this moment? Did she not deserve the racing heartbeat, he giddy feeling shooting through her body as her wife clasped their hands together? The rushing adrenaline that threatened to send her shivering to her knees when chaste lips pressed against her own.


She had already proven to herself that mountains were easy to move when necessary. She had already turned herself away from going home, if only it meant that this world would be spared suffering.

She was sure that others would disagree with her motives, pull her back at the earliest availability. But they weren’t here.

None of them were surrounding her in a closed circle. None of them saw how happy she was, nor the mirrored visages of joy across most of the attendees. The Trio, their Aunts and Uncles; they all looked happy . Like their Blood had finally chosen something right, something stronger than the insanity and destruction that Voldemort represented.

Had there been any moments like this, in the world she left behind? 

Had any of them wished for anything like this?

Hermione didn’t know. Didn’t properly care either, except to review the question in her mind before discarding it for far more pressing issues.

Primarily the goat still draining out at her feet.

And the feast about to start.


Bellatrix could feel the gentle swaying of the earth beneath her feet, body high and tingling as she stood there underneath the last dredges of the Ritual’s energy. Her pulse beat heavy, fierce, rushing through her heart and pounding in her ears. Mind and soul had been pulled apart into so many disparate directions, her consciousness exposed to so very much for far too short a period-

She was taut - stretched - as finely as a bowstring, and just as liable to suddenly snap back into place. She breathed in through the rush of seconds, a buzzing cold slowly filtering into the edges of her awareness. There was no pain, no terror or sudden horror at what she had done, no immediate reaction to having made a wrong choice.

All she felt was elation.

Some odd bit of awareness kept her standing rigidly at Hermione’s side, one hand clasped down into her own and mind slowly registering the firm clapping and energetic cheering of those around her. They could all have left early for all as she was concerned, bit their thumbs and turned away - except her sisters - and Bellatrix still would have remained happy and uncaring. But seeing that they were here, celebrating Hermione, celebrating her, all of them happy and ready to enjoy the Feast-

Gods it was all worth it.

So very, very worth it. Bellatrix had received all of Hermione’s memories all those moons ago, had copied and listened and immersed herself into what the witch at her side had been able to recall. All of it was there; First Year, Second, all the way up to being held down by a woman bearing a passing - and horrifying - resemblance to herself. She knew exactly what Lestrange had done to her wife, knew how far the woman had torn apart her own family in mad service to a psychopathic monster.

It would happen here. Couldn’t, she reassured herself, not now that she was standing here with Hermione and a plan they stood for.

A cause.

Had Lestrange ever had a cause beyond pain? Beyond destruction? Beyond filling that maddening hole that society and family had dropped her into?

No idea, no way to know.

No matter.

Bellatrix stole a look to her side, Hermione standing regally in her shimmering black dress with hair cropped short and eyes so very bright. Thin tracks of tears dripped from the edges of her honeyed eyes, tracks seeming to glisten and sparkle despite the covered Sun. It was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

The goat, however, was not.


Quick wands made short work of the Goat’s carcass; magic speeding along the process just as it built up the seating, the table, Andromeda and Narcissa insisting on helping to direct the efforts. Malbon oversaw the whole of it, trained and prepared as he was, but some little instances of more human intervention were accepted readily by the old Elf. 

Not that he would ever profess to it; insofar as Andromeda had known him - a pitifully small amount of time - he seemed to never request, nor acknowledge, help in any form.

That the action, or inaction, made him more relatable and tolerable than the elves that had lived at Black Manor was endearing, in its own way.

Or maybe she was elated by the happiness of the day, and the pulsing residual dregs of magic that the Ritual had stirred up in all of them. In the end, she could not identify exactly what was making her beam with joy at everyone and everything; maybe it was the smell of good meat roasting on a spit, or perhaps the doe eyes that flitted back and forth between her Sister and Sister-In-Law, or perhaps it was merely the warm weight of Ted hanging onto her arm as he joked and laughed with her younger cousins.

There might still have been some form of a rift between the main Black Family and the Prewettes, but whatever it was that Hermione had knocked into their heads seemed to have cooled relations back to a more reasonable level. That Ted and she had always been on more neutral terms seemed to be helping things along quite nicely, even Molly deigning to present a happy front when Andromeda inquired as to the particulars of her taste for the meal. Gideon and Fabian wore stoic looks, stiff and uncomfortable in a way that spoke more to being unused to such a social situation with family more than uncomfortable by their mere presence.

Ted made it his supreme objective to get the Twins to crack a smile, even if it ended up coming at the expense of himself and a plate of salad.

It worked, even if she only counted the barest lilt of Fabian’s lips.

A grand feast to celebrate the newlyweds, a few hours of communication and family bonding. Not much, not enough by half, but good enough for Andromeda.

Food beyond description, a variety of dishes informed by the Black’s past, as well as Hermione’s odd tastes

Butterbeer, more Mundane styled lagers, water, tea and crisply pressed juices.

Well, a variety of juices with exception to anything being pumpkin flavoured. A standing order from Hermione had come down not even an hour after they had arrived from Hogwarts; nothing pumpkin flavoured, no matter what. Her only explanation had been to say that after years of it being served in Hogwarts, she was ready for a change.

Odd, but Andromeda was more than willing to acquiesce. Hermione had, after all, opened up her home to them. It was the least she could do to show gratitude.

The tinkling sound of metal cutlery on crystal dishes caught her attention from wherever it had been, only about an hour into the depth of their meal. The sound echoed out from the head of the table where Hermione and Bellatrix sat side by side, each with one hand underneath the table and undoubtedly wrapped around each other. Bellatrix still looked quite stately - and more than a little bit scary - in her sharply assembled suit, and with more grace and elegance than Andromeda had ever seen, she pushed back her chair and stood to address the guests. She stared out; black eyes, black hair, regal and cutting as she surveyed their little grouping without speaking a word.

Andromeda found that a little odd, or out of sorts at the least. She hadn’t expected there to be any announcements during this portion of the night.

Bellatrix cleared her throat and then began, “As we all feast and make merry, I would like to take this moment to thank all of you for joining us today. It’s been less than a year since the loss of our Father, and not a day goes by that I don’t wish he could be here with us today.”

‘Bullshit,’ Andromeda chuckled dryly to herself, face hard-pressed to remain morose at the false emotion Bellation stirred.

“It means the world to both of us that we have such a loyal family, and again, thank you for witnessing this Union, no matter how odd it may have seemed. Now!” Bellatrix reached for her wand, kept tight within the pocket of her suit jacket. That was odd, again, but Andromeda was sure that if Bellatrix was going to hex someone, it would have already happened. 

“Historically,” Bellatrix continued, “During a celebration such as this, there would be a chance for the Head of House to host an open forum. This would also be the time for the Head to announce any changes to the familial structure and give any guests the chance to pose questions or requests.” Bellatrix’s voice carried off into the land surrounding them as she began to draw a glyph of bright magenta into the air, a silencing charm falling atop each and every attendee except herself and Orion; blanketing orange dust that seeped in and disappeared within a second of her finishing the movements.

“Now, the charm as I’ve laid it out will give the Head, Orion in this instance, the chance to speak with no interruptions until he chooses to lift it. Orion,” Bellatrix pointed her dark eyes at her Uncle, leading Andromeda to perk up at the chance to see him bristle. “Do you have anything at all that you would like to pass on?”

Walburga puffed herself up at the direct way that Bellatrix was ignoring her, eyes shifting side to side as she grew red in the face. 

‘Well then. I wonder how this will end,’ Andromeda mused to herself, hand reaching over to rub circles into Ted’s palm.

Yes, it was very true that marriages were often used to make announcements to a well-assembled group of family, but funerals were used much the same. Andromeda could remember nothing like this during her Father’s entombment, nor had Bellatrix conversed with their Uncle beforehand. Orion was clearly shifting within his seat, uneasy and off-put by the sudden thrust into the limelight. He wasn’t expecting this; which meant that Bellatrix was using the moment to further her own ends, though she had no idea what that may be. 

Orion chuffed, coughing once into his hand before looking all around himself in bewildered silence. Something seemed to click after long enough, a few seconds at most, and he stood, thumped his chest, and cleared his throat.

“Yes, yes. Well, thank you, Bellatrix. I would like to extend sincere congratulations to my Niece, and her wife. You couldn’t have chosen any better, Madam Grenier. Welcome to the family.” Orion lifted his crystal glass, something pink and fuzzy sloshing about as he did so. The family moved to repeat it, smiles on all faces, no words or echoes of congratulations. “Beyond that, the House of Black has no new plans, or announcements, at this time. Should that change, we will inform those concerned.”

Orion sat back into his chair, smile somewhat loose. Bellatrix inclined her head and shot him a sharp-toothed smile, “Thank you Uncle, your well-wishes are greatly appreciated. I, however, do have an announcement to make. Within the week, my wife will make her appeal to the Wizengamot to receive a seat. She has no plan to fill that seat immediately but claiming it will boost all our statures. The Grenier family were never heavily involved in politics in Britain, it’s our shared hope that this change will be the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship.”

Bellatrix raised her glass in a silent toast, guests moving to replicate the action as she sipped upon her wine. “Additionally,” she set the crystal glass back down onto the table, “I will be petitioning the Wizengamot to split the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. We will be petitioning for a second line, splitting fully from the House of Black, though retaining the naming convention until such a time as we decide whether or not to take up Blæc, formerly in use until the Fourteenth Century. The spell I cast not five minutes ago contains a Tongue-Twisting-Curse and a Write-Me-Not. Legilimency will work if you wish to give this information to someone else, but if it leaks then we will know where it came from. And if it does leak,” Bellatrix’s eyes turned just as harsh as Andromeda had ever seen them, darkened glass chips that froze even her. “Well, I don’t need to tell you how the House of Black deals with traitors. That’s all.”

Bellatrix sat back down, Cissa cracked the oddest little smile, and Andromeda could have sworn she saw a predatory glint invade Hermione’s wandering gaze.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => ee630582f7dc495a6e18ed61f747700ab77644da ) [23] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 42. Book 2: Unholy Matrimony, Pt. II [timestamp] => 1574550000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 42: Book 2: Unholy Matrimony, Pt. II


There are errors here, I'll try to edit them out soon


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Forty Eight Hours Prior - 

“Well then,” a clear voice rang out across the table, thin as the faint breeze that stirred and flowed throughout the Manor. The speaker paused to swirl a cup of tea, his movements halting and unnatural, filled with all the malevolent grace of a Mad King, “Seeing as we’re now relieved of the others, I propose we go over your prospective timeline, and further, if we have time.”

Bellatrix gave a minute nod in a show of agreement, desperately eager to finally get this moment behind them, overly ready to sit down and hash out all the expectations that they would be placed under. Her fingers twitched, breath stuttered, ready to finally suss out what he expected from their service, and eventually their lives. It was so exciting to finally get to this point, this moment, this beginning that had been teased out from that moment she lay in Hermione’s bed, memory to memory, the other Witch pouring out all that she had known and all that she had been. That moment, those hours, had been hard for her to parse and understand, but they presented a purpose, a direction, a moment of true choice when it came to her destiny; or up until that point her lack thereof.

She suspected that he wouldn’t go into too many details all right then, or at least he would keep them guessing on some things, his penchant for mystery and intrigue was well-known even now, without any of the advanced foreknowledge of his eventual return; still she wished for some answers, some information to help them begin. Beyond that she wished for the ever present nervousness to abate, the swirling churn of heat beneath her skin that had her trembling from either the situation or the Mark upon her shoulder. She couldn’t tell with any sense of total surety if the heat pulsing through her veins was due to Him, or the newness of the Brand; either way the feeling was pulsing outwards with some form of contentment mixed into a languid rhythm of relaxation, pulsing and spiking over and over again. She promised herself she would remember the feeling, isolate it and reflect it, ensure that Hermione could feel the same no matter if it was an isolated incident or the result of Voldemort’s foreign magic mingling within her own. Of course, that all depended on whether Hermione was feeling anything at all like this, anything like this heady warmth that spiked her heart rate until she was fidgeting in her seat. Outwardly she gave no sign of discomfort, maybe a jiggling leg here, or a tapping finger there, but she had been outside of Hermione’s head for all the while since the branding and that short bit of time was beginning to verge on forever. 

She needed to share it. If for no other reason than it felt right and it felt good and if this conversation didn’t hurry up she would explode from where she sat in a gush of relentless energy.

She nodded as much as she could, head jerking and neck physically creaking in a way that spoke to sore muscles and an aching morning, her cup settling down onto the tabletop in a clatter of porcelain on porcelain. She huffed out, rose up, sat back straighter in the chair before dropping her hands into her lap and reaching out for Hermione’s knee next to her, searching for a moment of connection and reassurance.

Bellatrix felt the warmth of Hermione’s hand upon her own before she began to speak, “Two days until our Marriage, though we’ll be conducting it as a ritual rather than an exchange of vows. The Ministry already has our paperwork, they’ll receive the official notes of the bonding the day after.”

Voldemort nodded along, his fingernail tapping against the table, “Good. It’s nice to know that not everyone has fallen prey to the rabbles' insistence on more… recent traditions. Or at least the more sensible ones.”

Hermione squeezed down on Bellatrix’s hand, coughing lightly to clear her throat, “Yes. We’re not entirely sure what the ritual will entail, but it’s old and from somewhere in Italy. The Zabini Heiress has been kind enough to convince her family that we both desire a more traditional union than we might find in Britain. They’ve agreed, with a caveat of course.”

His eyes narrowed, “Meaning?”

“That we’ll enter a voting bloc with them, and a few of the other foreign families. Once my House is instated, of course. I see it as a small price to pay, and they’re all more traditional Houses with long histories in their native lands, it only makes sense.”

Voldemort’s eyes narrowed as he leaned back in his seat, head tilting as he took in her words. Bellatrix almost felt the need to defend the decision, but was saved at the last moment by his nodding head and soft words, “That should be fine. Though if their interests diverge from my own on certain particular matters, I’d prefer if you would swing on our side.”

Bellatrix pulled her hand back from Hermione’s knee, “Of course. Once we’ve officially split apart from the Black family, we’ll be petitioning for a separate seat to be filled at a later date. It’ll likely be an uphill battle to clip ourselves from Orion's tree, but it’ll be well worth it in the end.”

“And how do you propose to get away with that play?” Voldemort leaned in, elbows on the table, “He is your Head of House. I think I can count on one hand the number of splits the Sacred Twenty Eight have suffered over the past five hundred years. Your reasoning and petition will have to be airtight, no room at all to be called out for usurpation.”

“We’ll have one, when the time comes. Now though, would you mind,” Bellatrix shifted again in her chair, body practically red-hot with energy, “Would either of you mind if we were to continue this conversation while walking? I’m a little high-strung from… well,” she rolled her shoulder in explanation, “I just need to move around a bit, I think.”

Hermione’s eyes latched on her own with a look that was more ‘Are you alright,’ rather than, ‘Why are you asking the Dark Lord to walk,’ and for the life of her Bellatrix was glad at that. Hermione could express many emotions with her eyes, honeyed and expressive as they were, and knowing she wasn’t going to be called out for the odd request was reassurance she sorely needed.

Voldemort smiled up at them both, “Of course, of course. This is your home after all, and I understand the Ritual can be somewhat… invigorating. Please, lead the way.”

A second passed before they stood as a group, Agath noticing the movement and approaching from a corner of the room and Voldemort’s eyes on her as soon as she came forward. Hermione knelt, Bellatrix fidgeted, and slowly the snake began to wind her way up Hermione’s proffered arm until she was wound and hanging off of her shoulders. Bellatrix reached out to grasp Hermione’s hand as they turned and moved off towards the darkened exterior of the Manor, sconces and fireplaces lighting as they walked by.

It was only early summertime, and yet the nights still seemed to be unusually cold, in part due to the mountains that ringed them preventing the last rays of the sun from passing heat into the valley, and the rest some form of action prompted by the preternatural magic that seeped and flowed through the hollows beneath their feet, something strong and powerful that shimmered as it inhaled the excess of the world above. Bellatrix was both confused and intrigued by the phenomenon, and had more than half a mind to investigate the entire thing; her original property notes hadn’t included any mention of caverns or hollows at all, and the labyrinthian passages seemed to be alternately natural, and man-made. A mystery for sure, and one that she intended to solve at some point in the future. 

Preferably when she wasn’t walking along with her betrothed and a Dark Lord.

“Back to your question my Lord,” Bellatrix spoke through the vibrating hum of energy just barely kept in check by her movement, the outer gardens offering them as much privacy as they could get at the rear of the Manor, “We have a few plans in place that should result in Orion being discredited enough that a split will be amenable to the remainder of the family. Mostly that just includes Alaphard and Cassiopeia, since neither have married. Our Aunt Dorea is still alive and has some input on other matters, but since she’s married out she’s barred from making comment or opinion on the final say-so. Even if she was given the chance I think she’d back us.”

“And the method of their downfall is…?”

“Well,” Bellatrix smirked in his direction before realizing that wasn’t the most… cultured look, “Orion and Walburga have both been lax in running the family for years now. In instances where the Head is letting family run over him, it’s the duty of the Lady to step in and wrest back control. Walburga hasn’t done that though, as my father had practically ran it all despite being of a lesser branch and being nowhere near the title of Head. That’s strike one; they’ve plainly failed in their duties and responsibilities towards successful and prosperous leadership of the family.”

Bellatrix paused to look out across the grounds, the hedges in the distance and work-shed containing all the tools for upkeep, a faint breeze flowing through the air to dislodge a lock of hair that Hermione immediately set straight behind her ear, “In particular, there is a more grave offense to the Family name, in the form of an environment proven unfit to raise said Family. Sirius and Regulus are the future of their Line, and right now they are in danger by living there. The Ministry will go after them as well, once they know what’s going on. I don’t quite know if it was arrogance on their part, the whole bit where they actually applied for guardianship of my sisters, and willingly let the Ministry into their home… But they didn’t fully clean up, didn’t prepare, and from what we’ve been told the Ministry officials who visited were none too happy with that fact. It’ll take a bit of greasing, but I believe we could jumpstart the process.”

Hermione nodded, twining her fingers further with Bellatrix’s, “Or at the very least we’ll drop enough enormous hints that the families with bones to pick against Orion will have nothing to do except pull some strings. The whole of it will unravel after that. A little appeasement, some good will…. It’ll work.”

As a group they rounded a corner, Hermione’s words distancing themselves through the air as they did so, the grounds around them opening up to reveal the prized jewel of the rear to the estate; an artfully managed assortment of hedges that buttressed three rows of black bricks paving outwards into a walking path on the opposite side of where they had received their Marks. This space was far lighter and opened up from the top of the grounds, light filtering in from all around during the daytime, bathed in the luminescent rays of the Moon. On an unobstructed day one might have a clear view from where they stood to the top of the mountain range in the distance, at early twilight a view of purples and deep oranges painting streaks across the treetops.

“So you both believe that they’re abusing their boys?” Voldemort's words, soft but strong before, were harsher now as he replied with a cut that Bellatrix hadn’t expected from someone Bellatrix had suspected was so lacking in empathy. The obvious answer was that he did care, at least in the instance of abuse to young children; that, or he was attempting to prove his side with them by playing into their emotions.

She’d have to ask Hermione what her thoughts were on that; an emotional Dark Lord who felt more than anger and megalomania would be useful to their plans.

“We do. And if we’re proven correct then they’ll both be in direct opposition to the Family Charter, not that they even know it still exists. The Charter still rules the family, and with them in violation of both it and Ministry directives, we’ll be able to strip them from the main branch, disown them both.”

An eerie smile crossed Voldemort’s lips, something that Bellatrix knew was wicked, but filled her with a fiery delight all the same.

“So you’ve managed to find a loophole in both the Ministry, which is generally so hard up to follow through on its decrees that it’s a wonder anything happens at all, and Family Law? Pray tell, how?”

“Well it’s simple my Lord,” Bellatrix started in reply, a sharpened grin pointed towards Hermione.

Her betrothed returned the look, all smiles and daggers as she turned to Voldemort, “We read through the entirety of the Black Library, that’s how.”


Present Time

Lincoln Fawley was a nice man. In many respects he was also a good man, and a just one at that.

Or at least he preferred to believe that was the case, no matter the slander spoken as evidence by his peers.

And family. 

And opponents.

They all might have held different opinions on the subject, they all might have held him as being lower than a Centaur, but their opinions were wrong more often than not, and on this he soundly stuck by the sentiment that they were fools who should have had their brains tossed out with yesterday’s garbage. Lincoln knew that on the specific subject of whether he was nice or not, he could be viewed in one of two ways.

One; he knew he could be viewed as an exemplary employee who had studied long and hard at Hogwarts before accepting a short stint abroad at Durmstrang, learning all he could, and then returning to England before his twenty-third birthday to study and apprentice beneath the steady hand and watchful eye of one Miles Burbage, the part owner of ‘Whiles and Burbage.’ While there he had worked long hours and long weeks, spending moment after moment in the harrowing world of Wizarding law; a field that seemed to be much more concerned with working its way through as many loopholes it could to avoid said law. The Wizengamot, special Councils, sub-committee’s, all of it had been exposed to his rather naive mind until he had been able to work his way around them with something bordering on impunity. Wizarding law was stuffy like that, all nepotistic and corrupted, all the important fellows related either through blood or marriage and far too wrapped up in themselves to the point of self strangulation.

Three years, twelve cases, and an absolutely monumental case study that involved the integration of Muggle economic learnings in the aftermath of the Second World War later; he was on his own. Jumped out of the nest, off into the wild, completely sure that he would outshine all his sponsors. And he had, thank the Gods. That his success came from putting his name to every piece of correspondence, intruding within every meeting, writing up everything for Whiles-

The nail in the coffin was the Old Man himself coming down to his office, cigar chomped between his teeth and face ruddy from Firewhisky, loud voice pompous and enraged as he asked Lincoln whether he thought He was running the place.

He hadn’t, so he’d left.

A bevy of clients followed him to a new practice, a new firm, small and simple enough that it had managed to avoid going up in flames during that first year, and then after that it had all just taken off on its own. Almost like Magic.

And of course that led into the second way that he could be viewed, unfortunately.

A few hours of work here, a few there, some incredibly wealthy clients who wanted to avoid the intensely draconian importation laws that surrounded the Isle; well, his name (though not household at the time) began to be spoken of during important meetings. Meetings that involved the rich and the powerful, and open forum where they discussed how easily he managed to avoid the very laws that they created, and how to turn all that to their own benefit.

Lucrative? Yes, oh Merlin was it ever.

Legal? Very; Lincoln made sure to always be on the upside of the law, follow every letter, cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s.

Boring? Dreadfully so.

Or at least it had been boring, until one day Cygnus Black came calling.

Was Lincoln Fawley a good man? He hoped so, but he also understood that he had always had some form of black streak running through his heart, only waiting on a sponsor to give him a moment to shine, someone who could really bring all his devilish ideas and skills to the fore. And Cygnus Black just happened to be that someone. Each and every one of his rationalizations were useless where it came to Cygnus, and though in his heart he believed himself to be a good person, he knew that most (if not all) of what he had done for Cygnus was wrong.

Avoiding tariffs and import restrictions? Well he would do that for just about anyone, provided they had the Galleons for it, and no one would be physically harmed.

Avoiding all the legal repercussions surrounding decidedly Anti-Dark Legislation, and helping all those families who traded in Dark Artefacts, both mundane and harmful? Well, again he would help if no one was likely to be directly harmed, or at least if word of it would never reach his ears.

But working for Cygnus? The Bastard himself?

Well, Lincoln couldn’t lie when it came to that.

That particular line of work, that sponsor; it hurt people. In his defense he hadn’t at all been aware of the damage that he had been causing, nor had he been aware it could even lead to it. He had no manner to prophecize the great lengths that Cygnus would go to in order to ruin someone, and all the piles of money that the man had shoved in his face made it impossible to see past the requests until all the unpleasantness had settled. That Cygnus would go near mad in order to find a way to sideline his wife wasn’t that unusual for the time, or the place (and the Gods only knew how much more backwards portions of the Magical world were in relation to Muggles), many heads of family would send their far more troublesome relatives to St. Mungo’s or an estate far away in the countryside.

But Cygnus?

Well, the last straw in Lincoln’s working relationship to the Blacks had come when he was unable to stand watching a stark raving mad woman scream for her children while she was hauled off in the hands of Aurors, carted off to a carriage and sent away for Rehabilitation.  

The last straw. Or so he had thought, until Cygnus found himself dead and ashes.

Now that particular development to their working relationship had been quite the surprise, and though he had been aware of Pierre through their similar social circles, he had never actually worked for or with the Frenchman. Representing Cygnus’s family had been his out, and mostly just a simple business transaction to buy his way out of ruining anyone else’s life. That his conscience was settled while his coin purse grew was coincidence at best, a chance to settle his debts with good work. But it had become something more than that after Cygnus went up in flames.

His daughter Bellatrix had always impressed him as someone who would go on to do great things, terrible or wondrous he didn’t know, but great things nonetheless. But after her Father’s death? Wel, her eyes had once been filled with anger and malice, but were then replaced by something much harder, yet clear, and augmented by the unknown Witch at her side.

Emelia Grenier; an unknown in a world that prized the Known, a foreign Witch in a foreign Land. Finding anything at all on her had been an undertaking in and of itself, but in the end he had gotten the job done, and sussed out all that he could. Birth certificates, the death certificates for her parents, her last known residences and the scores she had achieved in schools both Magical and Muggle (he did envy the Canadians slightly with that, their requirements of some Muggle prep school certainly did wonders towards making their populace far more well-adjusted for integration than their counterparts here at home), health write-ups, legal history, the works.

She existed, irrefutable evidence proved it.

And all of it was one Hell of a clever lie.

Lincoln knew what he knew, had seen what he had seen, but even with every bit of paperwork that crossed his desk he hadn’t been able to shake the feeling of something being off. Emelia was too clean; no infractions at any of the schools that she had attended, never once a single issue with her health, not even a single word against her from any of her former teachers or neighbors.

She had come to him the day of Cygnus’s death wanting to pay him, and yes it had certainly been more interesting than simply helping them off with Pierre’s death as a defense statement, but her unusual appearance in the lives of the Black family had sent him searching as well as helping. The first place he checked was the birth town, and a preliminary report turned up nothing amiss, everything checking out. So he had gone higher, her reports for Kindergarten turning up squeaky clean and shiny as well. From there she had attended a Muggle Junior High School, and then off to Ilvermorny. She had been chosen for Horned Serpent, consistently performed in the middle of the road in her classes with no issues, no detentions, nothing at all remarkable in any way.

Too clean. Every child acted out in some way, or had some bit of evidence to them being more than a paper cut out.

But not Emelia. She was too clean.

Too prepared. Too sterile.

It was as if someone had wanted there to be words to back the girl up, but also wanted to ensure it wouldn’t offend anyone’s sensibilities, no matter how hard they looked. Nothing in any of the reports stated that she was a person; they all treated her as if she was some form of dry landscaping feature that they were describing with only the loosest personal interpretation. So Lincoln had decided to dig deeper still, and eventually his hard work paid off as he hit pay dirt.

Or bedrock in this case.

Albus Dumbledore.

Lincoln stopped his investigations when he finally found that thread. It was one thing for him to investigate his clients, as almost anyone worth their degrees would do so. It was a practical matter, natural, if you worked for someone you should find out everything about them that you could, if only to better protect their interests in the future. But the Chief Warlock? Supreme Mugwump?

Lincoln certainly valued his life, held no death wish, nor did he have a desire to find himself rotting on the wrong side of a Ministry holding cell for crimes he hadn’t even known existed. So he had called it quits; Emelia Grenier could hold onto her secrets. Her coin was good, and the trouble she could represent simply wasn’t worth the hassle that his curiosity presented. Besides, his initial impression of the girl (driven, wound up tight and dancing to a tune he wasn’t quite sure existed here,) was that she was nothing but a good influence on the Black trio, and to the last she seemed for all the world to be the perfect client.

He knew where his loyalties would lie. After all, if the preeminent Wizard of their time was the one propping her up, who was he to judge?

‘Of course,’ he thumbed his nose and checked the Disillusionment Charms wrapping his body for the seventh time in as many minutes, ‘Maybe I should have.’

Oh well. Nothing for it, he supposed. With little more in the way of hesitance or inaction, he shattered apart the large bay window facing the street, glass skittering across his Polyjuiced skin to tumble against his feet.


Hermione rolled the muscles in her back, shook out her shoulders, flexed her hands, and channeled every single bit of Pureblood Aristocracy that she could manage into the swagger of her hips and the tilt of her chin; a look that was primed and informed by the future - wherever Draco and Pansy and Blaise may be - and the past - Bellatrix’s confidence, Rodolphus’s self-assured manner of carrying himself, Xeno’s confident relaxation - until she knew she looked every bit like the Pureblood Heiress that she knew she would never truly be. Or would she? Maybe. She could? Sort of? Her place in this Time and Universe may have been tenuous and shoved in at best, but she was here, now, and certainly no one was about to tell her off for walking in these shoes.

But did she truly belong?

Bellatrix certainly seemed to want her here, accepted her place within this world; her cocksure grin and the warmth behind her eyes spoke volumes to that. Her sisters as well, they all seemed to have accepted her as another part of their family, interloper or no. But the Universe? Well it could decide all it-


The world rumbled from the High Priestess’s throat to root Hermione where she stood. Her feet were locked up, the word sending something heavy and warm shooting upwards through the balls of her feet to lock knees into place, her spine righting itself as she stood before Bellatrix with the woman (and goat) at their side.

The Priestess raised up the hand that held her knife as she gazed at them both with a look that seemed to pass right on through them both, their souls on display instead of the meat of their bodies. The Goat, either aware of its imminent demise and uncaring or oblivious to the fact, began bleat wearily as they stood there, the chain linked around its neck pulled tight as the Priestess moved it closer to where she stood. 

“You have both come to me willingly, and of your own volition?” The Priestess’s voice had been gravely before, was powerful now, and seemed to ring out unnaturally across the assembled circle with little in the way of a loss of volume or clarity.

“We have,” they both spoke in a twinned voice, both of them turning slightly to look up at her with a gaze almost reverent, but closer to nervousness. Hermione fought to swallow around a tongue thick and heavy in her mouth, her feet aching within the confines of her shoes, her heat a rapid staccato rhythm against her ribs. Bellatrix looked to be under the same emotions as she swayed side to side on her feet, her white suit near blinding in its contrast to the dark curls and braids that fell down across her shoulders. The clouds above them were steel gray and heavy, light filtering downwards through the film to lend just the littlest bit of unease to all the proceedings.

The Priestess moved to place the edge of her knife against the Goat’s neck, her grip unwavering and sure, “You both have come here willingly, to be bound together in Life and Soul, forever and through to your Hereafter?”

Again they sounded off, their voices ringing as one, “Yes.”

There was a shudder and roil of wind as the latent magic of the grounds began to shift from sparsely hidden pools beneath them, wide and deep within the ground, climbing upwards through their feet to fill out the branching paths of their bloodstream; something heady and not unlike the feeling of basking beneath the sun in her Animagus form filling Hermione with calm and safety. Her senses were assaulted by the feeling, clenched muscles loosening and vibrating, Bellatrix much the same if Hermione’s interpretation of the lopsided grin on her face was true. She slowly let herself sway side to side along with the invisible drumbeat pouring from her heart, the thump-thump-thump slowing as she did so.

“You came,” the Priestess slit the Goat’s neck in one fluid movement that left its legs going rigid and body leaning to the side as it fell forward, held up only by the surety of her grip around the chain. Blood began to pour in spurts and gushes that wet Hermione through her dress, Bellatrix through her suit, the Priestess through her garb. “You have come to me as Two,” the Priestess vanished the knife, the glint of steel disappearing in a flash of light, her hand reaching low to cover itself into the liquid pouring from the wound, wrapped up and coated with the essence of the dying animal. “You will leave me as One.”

Hermione had never been one to find herself overly squeamish when it came to blood or viscera, but the sight of the Goat as it lay at an angle with the gash exposed was enough to send a jitter of something down her spine. She had killed before, and quite graphically with little remorse as well, but the sight of the Goat’s limp pupils stretched out into rectangles was…


She shivered, eyes quickly leaving the Goat to latch onto the Priestess’s, the woman now watching her with something bordering on approval behind the darkness of her eyes. Or perhaps it was merely a stoic blankness. Hermione couldn’t quite tell which.

The Priestess’s hand was by now covered fully from her wrist to her fingertips with a red ichor that dripped and flowed; a glyph slowly beginning to work its way along her pale flesh into a pattern that ran up and over her forearm. Hermione watched with rapt amazement as the Priestess began to chant a string of deep consonants underneath her breath, her eyes rolling backwards to show the whites and chin jutting outwards as she leaned backwards towards the sky. Again the magic that held them began to pule; her Mark, her Tattoo, all the myriad Brands beginning to fight one another as the sensation of foreign magic washed over her. The pulse was deeply set within her, reaching and reacting in time with the Priestess’s chants, cresting itself before receding, the glyph upon the woman’s arm blossoming upwards and outwards into a beautiful mixture of shapes, some recognizable, some not, all potent and beginning to shine and glow from within.

The Priestess stopped her chants, her eyes lowering as she moved to look at them both with a smile twitching at the corner of her mouth, “Do you consent, here and now, to each belong to the other for now and all time? No matter where you are, no matter when?”



Lincoln was safely hid behind his disillusionment, a bench, and three layers of wards. He was perfectly hidden in plain sight; it would take a true Mage to even notice there was another presence, and he would be kept veiled from any revealing spells.

The knowledge did nothing to calm his nerves as he watched the Aurors approach.

Three of them were rounding on the home, just the three that would be dispatched for attempted burglaries, word of a breaking and entering, and most minor crimes and misdemeanors. He knew however that there were surely more about, at most two and more likely one. This incident would have been reported as no mere burglary, that much he was certain of. No, even if no one really spoke out about it or brought it up, there were two very distinct sets of rules governing the Auror responses in Wizarding Britain. One for those who were Halfblood, or Muggleborn, and another set for those of Pureblood descent, or who could at least claim to be a bygone vassal to one of the Sacred Twenty Eight.

There simply had to be more than three Aurors, and within a few more minutes of cautious study he managed to catch sight of the fourth. A plain clothes Auror who had traded out his red robes in favor of more mundane ash gray ones was walking around the rooftops, hidden behind the brickwork and sky of soot above him. Lincoln had nearly missed the man, his form only just visible when a sloppily applied Disillusionment fell away with his movements, body leaping out too quickly for the Charm to follow, a reassuring sight the longer that Lincoln stared. The space before him was occupied with the three others, all of them walking forward to gander and gawk at the myriad of Ward work surrounding the Town Home.

Now, if they would only just get on with it and check out the inside, just a little farther…

“Oh Gods,” Lincoln breathed out, his blood pressure dropping back to a healthy level as he did so. A tired smirk worked its way across his lips as he watched the Aurors notice the broken window and step forward to the landing in an attempt to get a closer look.

Lincoln had known that he would never be able to get the evidence he needed on his own, not with the occupants of the home far more likely to kill him for trespassing (or let the Wards take care of him for them,) than to grant him an audience or show him around. No, even in a Mad World where that would have worked the place would have been scrubbed clean prior to his arrival, the children both shipped off elsewhere, and the whole of it as spic and span as the Ministry had ordered.

But right now?

Here? Alone?

No one at home, no one here-


Except for the Aurors and himself, of course.

The broken window showed that something had happened. The Aurors would be bound to search the premises (and wasn’t now just the perfect time to thank the Ministry for making it a law that homes should be enterable by peacekeepers, specific ward-keys installed and everything), and with their entrance into the unpolished space, they would turn up something. Anything, anything at all, would be helpful no matter how slight it was. With their previous accounting? The instructions stern and rigid, immovable? Well… The owners would be in for a surprise when they came home, of that Lincoln was sure.

And if he were more of a betting man that he would say they wouldn’t like it.


The blood before her glowed.

Bellatrix would swear that it did, remember it as that way, that ethereal shimmer, for all time. The red changing-




Ink, that’s what it all was, an inky black that well away from the Priestess’s fingertips to drip upon the grass at their feet, all her words and chants swallowed up by the swell of magic and blood that pumped noise in through her ears.

It burned her, somewhere, the Priestess’s hands moving as she began to draw upon her forehead with one finger, a sting not at all unlike a burn beginning to spread across her skin as the woman moved through intricate patterns.

Did it hurt her?

Did it pain her?

This thrum of true magic, drawn forth and funneled upwards by nature to be dispensed by this woman, this Priestess, this lightning rod a beacon that seemed to shimmer and shake the longer that she stared at the naked beauty of it all.

Bellatrix’s left hand twitched.

Her right foot began to cramp.

A thin bead of sweat wormed its way through a path that led down the cloying confines of her undershirt and back, the liquid following the shallow divot of her spine while she stood there riding the high of foreign magic.

The Priestess ceased her movements, stopping abruptly-

Something clicked-

Glyphs the likes of which Bellatrix had never once seen or imagined burst into existence behind her eyes, swirling loops of angled letters that were written in a dead language, a tongue unknown to anyone still living-



The churning magic bore down to latch itself upon her soul, upon her core, her entire chest lit up with Fiendfyre and shattered to carry along with the wind. Bellatrix could feel everything that was stretched between the three of them, her eyes stilled and unmoving as the woman continued to draw upon her forehead, the blood turning black, and then repeating the action across Hermione-


A sapping cold that nipped her fingers-

The feeling of being stretched between awarenesses continued, pulling and tugging her along until something touched her, something leapt outwards from her mind, some tendril or piece intertwining itself with Hermione, something sparking along the pathways that were already established, already woven into place by the cursed scar within her arm. Bellatrix stiffened further, her muscles straining, the Priestess beginning her chant anew, the people all surrounding them all stiff and unyielding as magic flew through them as well, lifted them up and filled them, channeling itself and pouring out into her soul, Hermione’s soul.

“Turn,” the Priestess commanded in a voice that passed through her mind, even as she continued chanting below her breath.

Bellatrix felt herself moving, felt herself aching, felt herself pushed and pulled until she stood face to face before a Hermione who had eyes blown just as wide as her own, their faces both settling into something approximating a relaxed grin despite the absolute heat that seemed to pour into them both.

Her world exploded-

A cacophony of light and sound-

Somewhere, in the background, unheard and unheeded, she noticed the faintest sound of a cackle so very familiar to her.


Lincoln watched with a terrifying mixture of amazement and curiosity as two of the three Aurors who had wandered into the residence all came tumbling outwards onto the landing, then the street, collapsing to their knees as the third followed swiftly. One was holding his throat in both hands, a pained and gasping expression on his face, the other holding his right arm against his chest, screams and pain pouring outwards over his lips. The third man stopped before the one who held his throat, hands rooting through his pockets for a second or two before he retrieved what looked to be a bezoar and shoving it down the choking Auror’s throat. As soon as that task was accomplished he pointed his wand towards the other Auror’s arm, a muttered spell that Lincoln couldn’t catch relieving his shoulder of the burden, whatever it was.

This all was… Disturbing, to say the least.

Lincoln had more than known that they would likely find something incriminating, something that he could use against them at his benefactors direction. But at no point had he thought that anyone would be in harm's way.

They were Auror’s after all, and even if the rumors suggested that they would accept just about anyone to the Corps, Lincoln hadn’t believed the standards to be so low. Unless they had all been taken by surprise, or hampered in some other fashion. That one had been dying of poison and the other what looked to be some form of location specific curse, well that all pointed to something particularly Dark having afflicted them, something that most definitely was not approved to be housed around children, no matter any Blood locks or not.

Lincoln stood from his hiding spot once he was content that his job had been fulfilled, both his clients likely to be quite happy at the outcome even if someone was harmed along the way. Neither of them were the type to spout that ‘For the Greater Good,’ crap that had been Grindelwald’s hallmark, and Dumbledore’s re-appropriation, their motives were selfish for sure…. But getting two children out of that house, away from a family that would willingly keep whatever it was that had hurt those Aurors around children…


Maybe he had done something good after all.


When Hermione’s world finally fell back into place after the explosion of color, emotion, and heat, it was to land her back into a normal (if drab) day. The wind picked itself up from somewhere far off in the distance, the faint breeze just barely ruffling the short curls atop her head, the scent of wildflowers and iron sweeping in across face to leave her breathless and restless where she stood. She stole a single moment to look out across the ring of guests surrounding them, spotting just a few looks of confusion, some others with more knowing glances, and a few with completely blanked out faces that looked as if their mind had dropped away at some point.

Her inspection of the ring was interrupted as the ichor that had been painted across her forehead began to drip down between her eyes, the black liquid just barely visible as it rode the left side of her nose, a rivulet that seemed to shimmer despite the lack of any sun to illuminate it. Odd that was, that feeling of having experienced everything so keenly; a magic neither Dark nor Light but wholly drawn up by Nature itself, the feeling positively buzzing through her Cursed scar, Bellatrix’s own emotions rolling over to feed backwards on her own.

“You have been united here, now, for whatever may come after. Your bond is set, and unbreakable, indivisible, lasting. Good luck to you both.” The Priestess smiled gently at them both as she finished, her voice lowered as it gained some semblance of youthful vigor, “It’s so very infrequent that I get a chance to perform that Ritual, and even more so for the bonded parties to both be women.”

Hermione could see the woman clearly, her eyes widening as she stared in wonder and amazement. The Priestess seemed to gain youth with every second that passed them by; her eyes once heavily lidded and dark as a storm now opened up into crystal blue, a cheery smile breaking out across her lips to warm Hermione as she stood there before her. Bellatrix wormed her fingers into Hermione’s hand, staring just as intently if not more so, her lips parted in a dumbfounded expression as the Priestess de-aged before their very eyes.

“Now then, if you’ll both excuse me I have a Portkey to catch,” the Priestess’s words were light and followed by a glittering smile, “Now good luck, and keep the Goat. Its good meat!”

She disappeared after that.

There one second, gone the next, the resounding crack of Disapparition ringing out across the hollow, empty and alone, before someone (Narcissa, Hermione believed) began to clap.


Forty Eight Hours Prior - 

“So after all that’s accomplished? After you’re Bound, after you’ve wrested control of your name, what then?”

Bellatrix paused before a massive tree that stood between two branching paths of their walkway, the great beast a lumbering oak that was twice as wide around as she was tall, a transplant fed with magic to become the centerpiece to their new gardens. She laid a hand upon it, her mind roiling with worry over their future, her mind fighting itself to be rid of the Darkness of His Mark and its effect upon her soul.

“After that we’ll see to our honeymoon, we’ll travel around a bit, and relax.” She breathed in deeply, hand leaving wood and body turning until she could look him in the eyes, “And then we’re yours, my Lord. For whatever you should will.”


The tag for Major Character Death has been added, please consider this your only warning going forward.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 441d9e38495558803518f5b41fa6c894a0370375 ) [24] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 41. Book 2: Unholy Matrimony, Pt. I [timestamp] => 1572735600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 41: Book 2: Unholy Matrimony, Pt. I

Chapter Text

If at any point (or any time,) there was a single perfect day for all to go spectacularly wrong, then Hermione knew that this was that day.

The original plan had seemed so simple when she had dreamed it all up; a nice early nap followed by waking at three in the morning to prepare herself mentally and physically for the festivities and rituals. She was supposed to wake up to the gentle sound of her alarm and the soft light of a charmed fire. She was supposed to sit with Agath and explain everything that would be happening in as much detail as she could muster, her Familiar being so very intrigued and her own nerves needing an outlet for that incessant little scholar locked up in her brain.

It was supposed to have been simple.

She most certainly wasn’t supposed to find herself jerking awake to the horrid sound braying voices and angrily flitting words, muffled though they were.

Never once in her life would Hermione have described herself as a ‘Morning Person,’ no, since she was little all she had managed to do was keep herself to rigid schedules with the threat of personal shame for not keeping them. Her planning brokered absolutely no chances for deviation, no ‘Being late,’ or anything of the sort. She would wake herself up early enough to watch the sunrise before setting herself up to prepare for the day and get in a hearty meal. Maybe even spend some time studying or reading if the right moment presented itself.

Simple; even though forcing herself to wake before the crack of dawn generally left her with eyes burning from the lack of sleep and a head swimming from too little rest.

Easy; even if almost every girl in her dormitories had taken to hating her flitting about while they kept trying for beauty rest.

Repetitive; all the better that she worked it into an iron clad routine through six years of academic torture.

Or at least the exercise had been all those things, until she met Bellatrix Black.

After only a few short weeks of sleeping on her own in a private room, Bellatrix dashed aside all that careful planning and pent-up self-control with a wickedly soft body that took up less than half of her massive bed (which to be quite frank was a move that she couldn’t really complain about, the witch was an absolutely lovely sleeping partner with the extra bonus of being a natural heat generator the likes of which Hermione had never known). It did manage to throw off all her routines though. She happened to be a rather regretful morning-ish person. 

Bellatrix absolutely was not.

No, Bellatrix was instead far more likely to silence each and every alarm, wrap herself all about Hermione’s waist, and then freeze into a sleeping lump up until the very last second before being considered late.

Hermione loved it.

She also absolutely hated it.

Specifically, she found herself diametrically opposed to the disruption that it shoved into her life. Soon enough all the alarms that had once woken her up far before a rooster ever the chance to crow were forgotten or left unattended. The addition of finally owning her own place (and not a small room in a Castle with responsibilities ,) meant that the witch beside her often pressed for even more time in bed, now with the benefit of soft hands, a warm grasp, and a strikingly hot tongue that made Hermione see stars more often than the sunrise.

And of course on the one day that she had absolutely needed to be awake and fresh as early as she could be, it all tumbled down to rear back and bite her on the arse.

She blearily shuffled herself out of the bed to run through the motions of visiting the bathroom, wrapping herself in the fluffiest green robe she owned, and donning little slippers with cat ears and eyes stitched onto them, each step a building block of the little minutiae that she required to join the living perched just outside her door. Bellatrix was, of course, absolutely nowhere to be seen, but that in itself wasn’t so unusual to catch her off guard. There had been more than a few mornings where the witch would dash off after leaving her a bleary kiss she wouldn’t remember, a goodbye passing between them but not much more than that.

But Hermione couldn’t remember Bellatrix getting up, and opening the door to the hallway outside revealed the source of the noise to be somewhere farther below her, not even Malbon wandering around in performance of his duties. The voices were somewhere down in the home, but who they were she wasn’t quite sure.

Her wanderings (at a slow and even pace that let her rub the remaining sleep from her eyes,) took her further and further along halls and stairways that all led to the same spot. She took those moments of quietude up above to determine what was happening down below, the voices growing louder and louder as she made her slow approach. One voice in particular was loud and near barking, a chihuahua on a sugar rush, the others muffled by the wood of the home until all she could tell was that both were women. The warring voices crept higher and higher until just before she reached the ground floor, one spiking above the rest in a crescendo of hate that coincided with the loud sound of shattering porcelain and broken glass.

‘Oh bloody Merlin,’ she thought dourly to herself, ‘What’ll that be now?’

As she strode the last few steps to the landing her fists curled up as magic wrapped and crackled behind her wake, eyes now fully awake but narrowed and dark, “What the bloody hell are you doing to my home!?”

The tremors and strength of anger that ran through her tone was enough to freeze the five individuals currently staring at her from where they stood before the entranceway. Each peered up at her as if she was some mythical creature, eyes narrowed, lips a thin frown, wand in one hand and sparks crashing over the other. They all shuffled on their feet, a few coughed, and then two bodies stepped towards her as Hermione pushed herself forward the last few meters.

“Lady Grenier,” a voice to the side spoke up, her attention drifting to the older clone of Sirius, “Good morning.”

“I think that technically it’s Madam now, Alphard.” She waved her wand to scoop up the remnants of a polished vase that had sat atop a pedestal near the base of the stairs, “Though to be quite honest I’ve used both without really thinking about it. When I figure out which it is I’ll let you know.”

She rounded on the other two, Alphard and Bellatrix shifting towards her left while Walburga and Orion stood off to her right. Along the edges of the group Cassiopeia stood alone with a smile on her aged face and fire behind her eyes. Hermione knew she should question it but the old woman had so many stories about her that the only conclusion she could draw was that Cassiopeia lived for danger and madness, drinking in the anger that her family drowned in like one would sip a glass of wine.

“Now then,” she smiled at them all, “Would anyone at all like to tell me why I can hear shouting from two floors up? In my room?” She slowed her words to enunciate and bring a biting chill into their tone, “All the way at the back of the Manor?”

Bellatrix shuffled in place before snorting quietly and throwing a loop of curls over one shoulder, her hand raised up to press against her forehead in exasperation, “Because my dearest Aunt Walburga has a few… objections, to the current arrangements for the Ritual. Uncle Alphard here was just trying to make her see reason.”

The woman in question stepped forward with a finger pointed sternly and a sneer on her lips, “There is absolutely no seeing reason with that, that-” She stumbled over words, all dressed up in her finery of black and silver, all too short and far and away too decrepit to look like anything at all other than the hag she truly was. “I will not stand besides that horrid Mudblood!”

Hermione felt herself close to damn sure that she could physically hear the sudden silence that descended upon them . Everyone around the woman just stood there for more than a few seconds in anticipation of something happening, whether that would be an agreement for Walburga’s statement or urgent condemnation from herself, Hermione wasn’t quite sure. All she knew in that moment was that this thing masquerading as a woman had insulted a guest beneath her roof, and that would absolutely not stand.

“Walburga if you so much-”

That sneer widened even further, the woman practically breathing in Hermione’s personal space, “That’s Lady Black to you, you whelp-”

“-call anyone a Mudblood within earshot again,” she overpowered Walburga’s voice with her own, “I’ll tear you down into so many little pieces that Agath will have no trouble feeding off them. That boy is a guest, that boy has made a petition for your niece’s hand in marriage. Under no circumstances will you insult him again, and if you do so then I’ll ensure you regret each and every word ten times over.” Hermione paused as she waited for the foolish woman to make another response, another insult or a stuttering backtrack through her words. Nothing came of it though.

Instead of fighting as Hermione would have expected, the woman instead stood there with anger evident in her reddening face, words all poised upon her lips but lacking sufficient breath to be spoken.

Hermione jabbed a finger just below the woman’s throat, “You will do as you're told and stand next to whomever the High Priestess demands. This is our wedding, not yours. Don’t be so brash as to sully the moment, and don’t give me a reason to go to war with you. Because I will, and I’ll win. Is that understood?”

Hermione pulled back to smile sweetly, waiting for the silence and-

“Fine,” came the shuddering response, “But if he comes near me it’ll be on your head.” Walburga’s face returned to a sneer as she pushed backwards and twisted in one motion, feet clacking against the floor as she headed down a hallway towards where Hermione could hear young boys voices. 

She continued watching the woman leave until Orion finally took the hint that his absence was required as well, all while Cassiopeia gave her nothing more than a terribly amused smirk and gray eyes that sparkled from the chandelier lit up above them.

“It’s about time someone had a good go at her,” the older woman croaked out, “The way she yammers on about this or that, you’d think she was the one that ran the House.”

“Well the bint might as well run it. From what I can tell Orion does nothing other than bow to her every whim,” Alphard spoke up as he ran a hand through his long black hair, the length straightened out and neatened as much as he could get it. “But eh, that all worked out alright, yeah? And here’s a proper hello Emelia, it’s lovely to see you again.”

Hermione smiled up at him before acquiescing to his embrace, the hug bearing down on her just as she remembered it from last time. “It’s good to see you too Alphard,” her head turned slightly, “And you as well Cassiopeia.”

“Mhmm, I’m sure it is.” The old woman nodded once before stepping off, “Now then, I’m off to find Andy. Can either of you point me?”

Bellatrix nodded and took her by the elbow, “She’s up on the third floor Aunt Cass. She’ll be down soon enough though if you want to wait-”

“Bah,” Cassiopeia raised a hand in a limp wave, “I’ll wait when I’m dead. Let’s go.”

Hermione nodded and ran a finger down Bellatrix’s shoulder as she passed by, a soft smile passing between them both as Alphard began to speak up yet again.

“Well then, now that everyone’s up, want to help me go over the table cloth one last time?”


It took Hermione over an entire hour to finally shake the exuberant clutches of Alphard, a whole sixty minutes of final decision to change out the cloth that would drape out across the large table to be used for the Feast that night. Though she was coming to love the man as an Uncle, she was constantly exasperated by both his exuberance and penchant for indecision; give him two options, and he would immediately come up with a third.

Unfortunately even leaving him became a move fraught with issues; as soon as she wandered over to a study for a moment of rest she was greeted by none other than the Prewett’s, who must have come through the now open Floo not even ten minutes prior.

“Molly.” Hermione’s greeting was cool and even as she stood within the doorway, a black chaise lounge to her left filled on either side with Gideon and Fabian, the settee opposite taken up by their sister. She stepped forward on sure feet until she was between them both, eyes flitting from one side to the other and hand itching for her wand should she require it.

Molly nodded and stood, her muscled arms wrapped about her chest as fingers picked at the dark green dress robes she was outfitted in. No longer restricted to the confines of school uniforms, the witch had chosen to show off the strength she had used on the Quidditch team; her arms rolls of iron and shoulders bared, looking more like a power-lifter than a demure House-Witch. 

“Emelia, lovely home you have here,” she said, her tone even but warmed from beneath with the promise of a fight. Hermione kept her body relaxed but poised for action, steeled brown the shade of chipped bark peering off into Molly’s more copper tone that was lit from behind with an inner fire and light. 

Gideon and Fabian wisely decided to remain on the sidelines, both standing but neither moving to either approach or goad a single word between them all. Gideon shot her a rather mirthful look while Fabian at least had the good graces to appear somewhat ashamed as he stood beneath her roof. Luckily for them all though, Bellatrix was nowhere in sight and nowhere close enough to hex them all into oblivion. Hermione wasn’t sure if could (or if she would have cared to) prevent her soon to be wife from wiping the floor with them all.

Eventually the seconds passed on long enough that Hermione felt the need to begin the conversation, “Well then can I expect you all to keep up with the same childish issues from school or are we past all that now?”

Molly’s grin went fierce and her eyes narrowed to thin lines, “Past that? How can we ever be past that? You’re marrying Bellatrix, any sense of moving past is kind of moot at this point.”

‘Oh Hell,’ Hermione grit her teeth at the stubborn girl, “And why is that?”

Gideon gave an awkward chuckle before shifting back and forth atop his feet, “Because she’s-”

“-Bellatrix, that’s why,” Fabian finished. Their words flitted off to silence while they all remained standing there to trade tense looks, seconds dragging one after another.

This was absolutely ridiculous; Hermione had known that Molly could hold onto grudges, she knew that the woman was opinionated beyond all reason or rationality, but she had held onto the stubborn hope that it was a consequence of the first War and her brother’s deaths that had led her to that point, and not a state of mind she had inhabited before. And of course it looked like that wasn’t the case, she was just as prickly now as she would be years later. 

Hermione rolled her shoulders to loosen the stress about her neck and head, just about at the limits to her temper where it came to this trio and their grudges. Being made fun of during schooling was one thing, being told she was making the wrong decision and ostracized because of it was another; but having this woman tell her she was making a horrible decision without even stopping to listen to reason was… it was…

“Why? Why is it you three have it out for her so much? Huh? I know for a fact that you don’t go after Cissa or Andy in this manner, I know you weren’t going after me despite being in Slytherin until after I made up with her. So why?” Hermione stared at their blank faces and missing voices, “Tell. Me.  WHY!”

They flinched at her words and volume, Molly looking uncomfortably to her brothers before she responded, “Because all she’s ever done since we were little was goad us or make fun of our family. Blood-traitor this, Blood-traitor that, and the pranks! She’s never once let up on it!”

Gideon looked ready to say something before Hemrione’s voice burst back, “Not once? Not once in either of your lives did she ever let up? Not even when her Mother was locked away? Not at all during Seventh year when she was damn near glued to my side? Not once, at any point? Even before Hogwarts? And so what,” she scoffed, “You’ve all decided it’s best to fight fire with fire? Even if the person that you’re targeting has done nothing of actual consequence to any of you?”

Fabian began to counter with a face screwed up in frustration, “Of course we fought back, she’d never agree to let it go-”

“-so then why the bloody hell would we,” Gideon finished with a sour flash of smirking teeth and anger rolling down his body.

“Because you were supposed to be adults nearly a year ago!” Hermione’s words screamed their way out of her throat as tears of frustration began to leak into the corners of her eyes. She pointedly stared at the trio like they had each grown three heads, and each shoved them so far up their arse that daylight could be seen. “You are adults, so act like fucking adults already! You’re family, get over it! Go up to her and make up already, I’ll prod Bellatrix as much as I damn well have to until she apologizes for her actions, but if you all continue acting like stuffed up bints then it’ll all be for nothing! I have no family, none! No one to call my own but those who’ve graciously brought me into their lives, do you know what I would do to have my own family here?”

Her words were harsh and cold when they finished; no one in the trio so much as moving a muscle, making a sound, their bodies rigid while Hermione’s emotions bubbled forth to take over at the injustice of it all. Here they were with family literally all around them, if only they would all grow up and act like the adults they espoused to be, and here she was, willing to keep herself an orphan just for the chance to help them all.

“I’d give up anything at all for my parents to see me right now. But they can’t, because they’re gone. Family is more important than these petty fucking squabbles that you all seem so tied to.” She turned towards Fabian, the wizard flinching slightly when her eyes landed on him, “I’m sorry for slapping you back at school. If I could take it back, I would. I can’t though, so I’ll do something instead. I will get Bellatrix to listen to reason; she will make an effort to apologize to each of you. You can take it, or leave it, but this childish bullshit of you skulking around behind our backs like we’ve cut off your noses ends now. Understood?”

All throughout the length of time she had been speaking the trio around her were busy stiffening up; each stuffed with energy and unreleased tension until they were all oppressed by it. Hermione wiped away at her eyes before steadying herself with a deep breath, fighting back against the sudden rage she felt towards all four of them. Bellatrix needed to make this right; even besides the fact that they were all family that should have been keeping together, they would make almost no headway into the nascent Order unless these three were on their side as opposed to butting heads with them at every moment. Two megalomaniacal titans were poised to start going blow for blow in less than a year, and they would need all the help they could get in fending them both off. She knew this, understood it completely, and she would be damned if she couldn’t manage to make these imbeciles see it at as well.

“Yes, we-”



She narrowed her eyes as they answered, ready to give them one last message to keep on their minds. She stepped between them, wand vibrating within its holster and eyes swiveling to pierce them all, “And so help me Merlin if you manage to mess this day up for me, there’ll be absolutely nowhere on Earth that I won’t find you. Is that understood?”

The trio shared a nervous glance between themselves before echoing as one voice, “Yes.”


Bellatrix wasn’t sure whether she could call the mood she was in nervous, or frightened. 

On the one hand her relationship hadn’t been at all what she would have described as normal; not with all the time travel, the mere eleven months they had known one another, or the murder and plans to thwart a decade of War. Not normal. At the very least she was reasonably certain that no one else she knew had ever taken such a stumble into love and scheming. She knew this day could have been worse though, especially if Hermione hadn’t shown up as she did, but still.

She was nervous. And maybe just the littlest bit frightened.

She was also elated beyond any remaining speck of sanity, her body shivering beneath the cool fabric of her white suit and mind laughing inwardly at the imagined look of some of her relatives when she would finally walk out. She was always the dark one of the sisters, edged with broken glass and darkness where Andy or Cissa were light as air; the open vested suit she wore hugged her entire form, and even she knew it was such a departure from her normal standards that she couldn’t wait to see the confusion when she walked forward with Hermione on her arm wearing the finest black dress that she could afford.

It would be worth it though, she knew that completely, spending more than a few hours in uncomfortable garb would be worth it to make an impression that wouldn't easily fade. She was a Black; the Head to a separating branch (whether Orion knew it yet or not) and she planned on making as many waves as possible. Looking absolutely beautiful and showing herself off to those that she considered beneath her family and herself would be worth the mild discomfort of the unusual clothes and the far more unusual Bonding Rites.

“Bella,” Andromeda’s voice filtered through the door to her room as she rapped lightly against the wood to announce her presence, “You ready for me?”

Bellatrix breathed deeply before setting her mind to a semblance of ease and grace, “Yeah Andy, come on in. Might as well try and hurry up before Hermione kills me.”

Andy opened the door to slip through, a smile on her face and brown curls pinned up to spill down around her cheeks, “I wouldn’t worry so much about Hermione, Molly’s the one to look out for. She looks fit to hex anyone who comes near her.” Andromeda’s voice was quiet and even as she rounded on Bellatrix to push her down into the low seat sitting before her vanity mirror, nimble hands immediately running through the flowing tresses of black curls that were Bellatrix’s pride and joy. Her wand was in her hand not a moment afterwards, twisting and separating the thick handfuls of hair into manageable cords. “I think I’ll add you a few extra knots, just to hopefully keep anyone from dying while they’re here at least.”

Bellatrix hummed a response of approval while her hands fiddled uselessly within her lap, “That’s probably a good idea. Molly and the twins, Walburga and Orion. We’ll likely have at least a few spells set off by the end of the night.”

“Rita sent an owl earlier,” Andromeda switched her hands to start twinning together an intricate set of braids that looped off from above her ear and into the separated sections at the back, “She wanted to know why she wasn’t invited.”

“Hmph,” Bellatrix hummed through a chuckle while she closed her eyes and drifted to calmness of Andromeda’s work, “She’s not family. And if she and Aunt Cass get together, I don’t think anyone would leave without their whole sordid histories being brought up.”

“True that, it’s for the best I guess. And,” Andromeda’s fingers faltered around the final twist of another set of braids, ready to start the next, “About histories and such, I’m sorry I let things slip to Ted. I wasn’t thinking properly-”

“It’s fine Andy,” Bellatrix interrupted her with open eyes through the mirror surface, a smile playing on her lips. “It was a mistake, and we’ve all learned from it. Don’t beat yourself up, okay?”

“Thanks,” Andromeda replied, before letting silence comfort them both as she continued her work. Strands of normally unruly hair fell to her practiced fingers into layers and strips entwined with meaning and importance. It was superstition mostly, but all of them had agreed that it couldn’t hurt to weave them in. The only thing they were missing now was Druella, a thought that brought with it a heavy amount of bitter resentment all aimed towards her Father and Grandfather.

It should have been Druella weaving a tapestry of good fortune and a healthy home, it should have been Druella helping her dress for the big day, and it should have been Druella hugging her tightly as she wished her well with her new partner. It should have been all those things.

And it wasn’t.

All because the damned woman had slowly been driven made with Cygnus’s and her Grandfather’s words; her Grandfather’s as a child growing up beneath the racism and blood-classism of a Pureblood household, and Cygnus every moment thereafter. All their petty slights and half-baked conspiracies had conspired with physical abuse to twist Druella’s sense of mind until she’d broken completely.

Maimed two children not even seven years of age.

Mangled bodies laid low; the remnants of her mind not shattered by Cygnus now broken evermore. Insane now, at least according to the court documents that Lincoln had managed to drag up.


Andromeda’s hand bounced off the edge of Bellatrix’s head with a force she hadn’t known she could muster, “Quit thinking Bella,” the only reprimand to accompany the end of her rather black mood.

Bellatrix took the hit with a good-natured smile as she fell back into more neutral contemplation, letting Andy slowly go about her work.


It took less than an hour for Andromeda to finish the remaining braids and ties among Bellatrix’s hair, freeing her to no wander the Manor in search of Hermione. Ten minutes of hunting finally revealed the witch standing by herself in the empty spaces of the Rookery, windows opened and body facing the waiting grounds outside.

Bellatrix knocked gently on the doorframe before stepping forward, her pace even and steady as she moved to Hermione’s side and looked out.

“You nervous?” She gave Hermione a wide smile and a slight shake of her head to collide twin braids that hung down by her ear, “I know I am.”

“Hmm, a little bit,” came the reply, Hermione turning to smile up at her.

Bellatrix took the moment of silence to admire her soon to be wife; eyes tracing across her delightfully trimmed hair that left the top long and tamed backwards, the sides faded from bottom to top until they merged gracefully with the slightly longer strands up above. Hermione’s eyes were a sparkling honey and copper mixture that shone from the sunlight peeking in through the window, her lips curled up into a complimentary smile. Both of her ears were adorned with earrings made from sapphire set into a silver clasp that shone and sparkled as she tilted her head, one of the few concessions she’d given Bellatrix when she had asked her to wear jewelry.

“Like what you see?” Hermione's grin widened even further, her hip cocked out to the side as Bellatrix fought back intense need that spiked its way through her core and into her chest.

Bellatrix reached a hand out to run fingers against the black fabric wrapped about her form, “Gods yes,” passing off her lips like a prayer. 

The material Hermione was wearing was nothing at all like the restrictive garment that Druella had worn during her wedding, nothing whatsoever like that stuffy bit of cloth that Bellatrix had always balked at when she caught sight of her nearly one hundred wedding pictures strewn about Black Manor. Druella had always looked so uncomfortable as she stood there to demurely smile in those photographs, her face a pinched line atop a neck closed tight from a high collar and lace that was only designed to keep her modest, not comfortable.

Hermione, in contrast, was nothing at all like that.

Black chiffon draped out across her left shoulder while abandoning the right, cut tightly instead to wrap underneath her arm and hug her curves until it slit again just above her right knee, the final length just barely above her ankles. Lace was interwoven into bare bare spot atop her breast, the fabric just barely hiding the bronze of her skin while a chained necklace made of silver and holding its own sapphire dangled just below her collarbone. 

Hermione walked about in a slow circle around Bellatrix’s grinning form, fingers out to press just barely against the white fabric of her suit, her black flats just barely audible as she moved. “Well you’re just as delectable,” Hermione leaned in until she was pressed securely to Bellatrix’s front, arms wrapped around to lock about her waist and nose gently nudging away braids as she pressed cool lips to Bellatrix’s suddenly racing pulse.

“You ever think you’d be here,” Bellatrix questioned as she melted forward into Hermione’s affections, “You ever think you’d be here, with me?” 

Hermione raised her lips to Bellatrix’s, cool skin to skin before she retreated, “No, but I’m happy that I am.”

“Ready then?”


The ring of guests stood out not ten paces in all directions from the High Priestess; a rather mysterious woman begged down to the event from where she had lived atop a mountain, whispers of favors being the only thing that had lured her down to complete the Bond, and all at the insistence of Allesandra Zabini’s family, who themselves had been begged into helping by Narcissa. Everything about the woman, from her hair to the layered glyphs pressed through scars into her cheeks, screamed ancient and mystic. Her brow crinkled and hung with lines from who knew how many years of knowledge, and her startling green eyes pierced each member of the assembled group as they moved themselves to her graveled tones and hushed instructions.

Standing at her side was a male goat with its horns cropped down low to its scalp, and hide a muted mixture of brown and ochre fur. The beast bleated wearily as it stood there next to her, on heel by a leash, the attendees warily glancing from the beast to the woman with no small bit of intuition telling them what was to happen. If anything the silver dagger held within her grasp only served to reiterate that this was a bonding and not a marriage; something ancient and held to magics far different from their own.

The assembled guests were organized into two separate portions of a ring, two empty spaces left apart so that they did not touch, and barely left just enough space for the brides (standing behind those empty spaces by the distance of a few meters,) to enter by opposite ends. The ring standing in front of the High Priestess contained older family; Cassiopeia on the farthest end with Orion stuck rigidly right next to her, Walburga at his side and Alphard blocking off access to Narcissa and Andromeda on the far end. Ted finished on the opposite spot before the gap leading to the next ring, led by Dorea Potter (aged and old as she was, as soon as she had heard the news she had been the first to respond with a hearty letter of approval). Sirius, Regulus, Lucretia and her brood (stony faced Molly and her siblings,) closed out their half.

It was a perfect day for an outdoor ceremony; not too bright outside with the sun hidden off behind thin, rolling clouds, nor was it too cold or too warm, the breeze carried in over hills and the surrounding mountains seeming to only be noticed by the faintest of movements. The space they occupied had been prepared by Malbon the night before (to Hermione’s immense dissatisfaction, her displeasure raging at ordering another being around, but unable to overcome the reclusive House Elf’s temperament), the grass cut and laid low while any irregularities in the topography were smoothed and rolled over. There was no sound of birdsong, no leaves drifting in off trees, no odd moments where the wind drowned out the harsh voice of the Priestess standing in the middle.

There was nothing to distract them, nothing to hide away the activities, just Bellatrix, her family, and Hermione herself; all of them ready to get on with it.

... Whatever the hell it was. Allesandra hadn’t been very keen on spilling the Rite’s secrets to anyone other than Andromeda and Narcissa, leaving both Bellatrix and Hermione to suffer with vague notions of what they would be required to do. They knew the ceremony would bind their souls, an action seen by many outside of Pureblood families as a relic of the past, an unneeded action now that so many more Half-bloods and Muggleborns were following more mainstream religions rather than the older pagan rites. But for the Zabini’s, and to a lesser extent the Blacks, those rites were tied directly to their roots, and smothering them beneath the haze of time would have been tantamount to suicide.

Hermione wasn’t quite sure how Bellatrix Lestrange’s wedding had gone, she knew not whether it had followed a similar ritual or if it had been a new world affair, but if she had to hedge her bets she would go with a pagan rite much like the one she was now set to take part in. As for Andromeda Tonks, well, she had no idea at all what had happened, and nothing to draw information from. She supposed it was most likely that they had merely eloped to have the paperwork filed, or joined themselves in their own private union rather than a gaudy affair detached from the rest of the Black family. Hermione did however suspect that Narcissa Malfoy had followed in on some form of rite, the Malfoy’s were just as devoted to their pasts as the Blacks were, and with having met Abraxas she couldn’t imagine that he would have run the affair any differently.

She could find out all these missing details and differences, all she would need was the reunion with Luna to allow her all the knowledge that she needed, but there was no real driving desire to ever inquire.

None of it mattered.

She was marrying Bellatrix, Ted would be marrying Andromeda in much the same fashion by taking the name of Black rather than Andromeda taking Tonks, and so too would Lucius when his time came.

They would be a new generation of Blacks unbeholden to the corrupt and damaged individuals who currently ran the show, all ready and waiting for a new world that Bellatrix and herself planned on steering away from damnation and War.

All that was for later though, a time not when she stood nervously in a dress that made her feel more like a Dark Princess than a young woman just on the cusp of her twentieth birthday.

The High Priestess raised the arm holding the knife high into the air, her head turning side to side until she had pierced them both with her eyes, “Approach!” Her voice rang through the air far louder than it had been, Hermione’s body vibrating with intensity as she did so.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 7b1e880ead60a236f6ccdfeaaf40bf0be76f5cb2 ) [25] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 40. Book 2: Deep Down Below [timestamp] => 1571436000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 40: Book 2: Deep Down Below


I know there are editing issues with this chapter, my apologies, but after two weeks my brain is fried and can't take it anymore. As it is, please enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Without any word or warning, no knock or spell cast before her, Narcissa pushed her way through the large pine door that stood guard before the entrance to Andromeda’s chosen room. The door she pushed, which banged loudly against the metal stopper as she did so, was soft and light; a welcome change of pace when compared to the overall heavy and hard decoration that consumed the Manor. It was pristine like all the rest of their new home, and though Hermione had told them not to worry about expenses Andromeda had still worried and fretted over every accompaniment to her chosen living space. Still; each item was new and hand crafted, cherished by magic or hand until it was ready to install.

But with the shudder that wracked the room when the resounding slam of Narcissa bowled on through, well, it might no longer be in as pristine a condition.

“You finally get tired of eavesdropping or did you get caught?” Andromeda dropped the book she had been reading, an advanced treatise on alternative herbs for potions and healing salves, onto her lap with a heavy sigh and a roll of her eyes. Narcissa barging in on her wasn’t an unusual occurrence but with a whole new Manor to explore she had hoped that her sister’s attention would be diverted enough to last her at least a good portion of their summer break.

In the end it hadn’t lasted three days.

“No,” Narcissa replied with a dour look as she collapsed into Andromeda’s bed, a blonde hair flipping over to blind her and silver dress bunching up all around her curling body, “Hey Ted.”

Ted looked up for the briefest of moments at the sour faced teenager before returning his attention to his playing with the curling lengths of Andromeda’s hair, “Did’ya hear something? Might’ve been the wind, but I could’a sworn that someone was talking.” As Narcissa’s face deepened into a scowl he suppressed the chuckles building in his chest, hands shaking with repressed laughter as he continued to toy with brown curls.

Andromeda batted his hands away before turning to regard her sister, “What do you want you annoying little hippogriff; we were busy if you hadn’t noticed.”

“No you weren’t,” Narcissa leaned up and scooted back to press against the headboard, “And I want to do something. Abraxas isn’t here yet and probably won’t be for a while. I’m bored.”

Ted visibly perked up at the prospect of doing anything else, Andromeda’s eyes narrowing warily as excitement colored his face, “You have any brooms Andy? Could get a few an’ go flying for a bit.”

“Thanks but no thanks Ted,” Narcissa replied before Andromeda had a chance to, “I”d prefer that Dromeda not have to spend time healing me up so early. I’m still catching heat from Bella about taking a swim.”

Andromeda sighed into her sister’s complaints, “You could go back downstairs then-”

“No, they’re just talking about politics, and Grandpa is being a shit to Bella. Like I said, boring.”

“Fine then,” Andromeda stood from her seat with a ragged huff and twitching limbs filling rapidly with annoyance at Narcissa’s insistence on bothering her, “I’m going to go looking for Redleeks, and the Mausoleum if I can find it. You’re welcome to join us-”

“Wait who said anything about us-” Ted’s words were trampled over as Andromeda shot him a look and continued.

“As I was saying, you’re welcome to join us if you want, but if you don’t, stay out of trouble til’ we’re back.”

“Uhgh,” Narcissa sprawled backwards with her arms flopping out to the sides, “Fine. But if we’re not back by seven Bella with probably raze the forest looking for us.”

Ted shot her a rosy smile as Andromeda began pulling him bodily from the room, “Then I suppose we best be off.”

"Let's go,” Andromeda shouted behind herself towards Narcissa, “Last one outside's a grimy Niffler!”


The winding lands that surrounded Blackhall were just as expansive as they were varied; large patches of lush verdant forest ran right alongside stretches of open scrubland that had given way to large boulders and a pale yellow grass that poked up in patches and beds that were neither good enough for farming or livestock. There were two streams that meandered through the land, both apparently rivers in ages long since past, and their focus started on the high end of the property before taking a long and winding passage into the forest that led off towards the next property over. The whole of it sloped from the North and down towards the South; a parceled bit of land cut off at the curving bottom of a hillock parading around as a mountain.

Andromeda had made it her mission to explore as much of the land as she could the day before, a simple enough task that would have been far more accomplished had Ted not been the one accompanying her. Not that she could complain about that, no; Ted was perfectly serviceable as a companion during her wanders, but he certainly made it hard to keep herself on track. When she had returned Bella had quizzed her on where she had been, what she had seen, and then not so subtly hinted that she had once again missed the entrance to the Mausoleum. 

That particular building (a near replica to the one at Black Manor with the exception of it currently being empty) was enough of a lure for her to spend precious hours obsessing over finding it on her own, a challenge from Bellatrix always being more than enough to get her working and energetic. Her summer months were few and already filled with Ted and her family, so now there wasn’t much for her to do except focus on this challenge and find it before Bellatrix could tell her. 

Or, and it was looking more like this was the case with every minute, she would wander just a few days longer before giving in and asking Bella to take her to see it. Or Hermione, she might be more amenable to showing her without a constant grin and eyes that said ‘I won.’

She linked her hand in with the taller boy as they wound their way through thickets cut apart and away with a short twist of her wand, the damaged shoulder preventing her from being able to pass through these dense spots without the aid or support of magic. Or Ted, he was just as good as magic but there was something to be said about being able to progress all on her own, even with her range of movement cut so short.

That damnable star shaped mark, a blotch of off-colored skin and gnarled up tissue, was deep enough into her muscle to reduce her range of movement despite all the effort that well learned and competent Medi-Witches had put into it. The wound had simply been far too harsh of a curse mark to heal completely, and with the excess amount of time that it had gone without proper treatment she would never be allowed any reprieve. Ted had quickly come to be a reliable shoulder for her to lean on once they had adjourned back to Hogwarts after Yule break, and though he currently wasn’t privy to everything that had happened (then and since) he took it all in stride and without complaint.

“Ted,” Andromeda turned towards him with a plaintive look when they stopped before a large grouping of fallen trees that blocked their progress, “Would you mind with that?”

“Not a problem,” Ted answered and nodded, stepping off towards the side and then the front of their little group before setting his stance to use a relatively high-powered Wingardium to lift up the offending group of logs. In no time at all he had the space cleared and wood set aside for Malbon to pick up for firewood or furniture (whichever need arose first).

One of the odder things about living in a new home with Hermione was her explicit instruction to give the old Elf enough work to keep him busy but not enough so as to overwork him; made all the harder by her second order that they would under no circumstances purchase or hire (and now that was a distinction, hiring an Elf instead of purchasing them,) any additional help unless something drastic happened to Malbon. When Andromeda had cornered Bella to find out why these were standing orders she had instead been told that one was enough, though her sister’s odd stare when she told her that had led her to believe there was more behind it all that she wasn’t being told.

But that was something to investigate and pray at on another day.

“What’s this,” Ted voiced, his words rousing Andromeda from her musing, “You seen this before Andy?”

There before a slight depression where the trees had been laying was a small hole that at first seemed no larger than a gopher hole until she approached it from another angle. “Is it a cave,” she asked, dropping down to her knees to investigate, “Or just a hole?”

Ted dropped to the ground beside her and began to paw at the loose ground around the edges, “Looks like it might be a cave, I can’t see the bottom from here. Small enough for Cissa I think. What if we lowered her head first-”

“Hardy har har, I can hear you ya’ know,” Cissa piped up from behind where they knelt, her small hand dropping to Andromeda’s shoulder as she peered over them and down, “Well then, good luck to you both, yeah? Because I am not going down there.”

“Oh come on Cissa, where’s your sense of adventure?” Ted leaned to the side and pouted at the blonde witch, puppy dog eyes on full display.

“It’s all packed up where it belongs. We could end up getting stuck down there you know, and we’re supposed to be back in time for supper.”

“Ah, come on,” Ted gently punched her in the shoulder, “We’ll set up a timer charm and be back early. It’s just a bit of exploring.”

“But I’m not even dressed for that,” Narcissa stood back to point her hands at her dress, clearly sure that this was evidence enough for her to be left out.

“I can fix that,” Andromeda piped up before smiling and pointing her wand at Narcissa’s dress. After more than a few uncomfortable swishes the dress that Narcissa had been wearing was pulled apart into a pair of overly baggy denim trousers with the hem just above her heels, flats transformed into something resembling hiking boots, and her top now a heavy and dark gray flannel.

Andromeda waved her wand over herself in the seconds after to achieve roughly the same effect but in green instead of gray, “See? All better now.”

Narcissa pulled at the new clothes, strands tearing apart and face an unreadable scowl, “You better hope this enchantment wears off by the time we head back.”


“Well this goes back farther than I’d have thought,” Andromeda voiced at barely above a whisper, Ted’s hand gripping down tighter in response to her own, both their palms slick with a mild sort of fear that sent wary shivers racing down her spine.

The entrance that they had wandered upon opened out from that initial hole after Ted started blasting and pulling apart the sides with practiced wand movements and overeager spellwork. In no time at all they had been left with a sizeable circle of granite and limestone that seemed too at odds to have been a natural occurrence, but sturdy enough for them to step down onto the gently sloping floor. Narcissa had moved warily behind them as Ted and herself wandered on ahead without their fear showing to help bolster her younger sister. Her eyes were attempting to keep the young witch in her sights, head twisting back to watch her as they progressed through the twisting passages and ensure she didn’t get lost or off track.

That was hard though, however, with how enormous it all was. On and on they walked until it seemed they had traveled the entire length of the property through one thin tunnel. What had been a fairly straight (if jagged along the edges) passage slowly began to widen at the sides until the height was stripped away from her Lumos and the sounds of echoing water filled in all around them. A cold breeze followed them as they walked, bringing with it a stale smell and the eerie feeling of being watched, or herded.


Yes; but nowhere near enough to get them to turn around and leave.

“So,” Ted turned around as he walked to half face Narcissa and pull on Andromeda’s hand, “How’ve you been settling in so far Cissa? All going alright?”

“Been okay I guess,” the surly little blonde replied, her wand waving back and forth over smooth walls to send shadows and diamonds glittering all around them, “It’s a whole lot nicer than Black Manor ever was, that’s for sure.”

“D’ya miss it at all?”

Andromeda’s head turned sharply at his words, a warning painting her face and hand tugging pointedly at his own. Narcissa might never have been the most vocal of them when it came to voicing her emotions or opinions when it came to their home, but even she had to have some sense of nostalgia for their life now gone. No matter the emotional turmoil of the last year they had spent beneath its roof, Black Manor had been their home, for better or worse.

Narcissa spent a moment in silence before shrugging her shoulders and tilting her head as she walked, “I miss the ravens I guess. They still haven’t shown up at the new roost… Bella says she’ll go looking for them if they’re not here by Winter but I want to go looking for them earlier if they’re not around by the time we head back to school.”

“Harmonia is back though, right?” Ted questioned aloud while guiding them off towards the right side of the tunnel until it began to open up into a proper cavern; top high and hid away by darkness that even the three of their wands couldn’t penetrate.

“Yeah,” Narcissa sighed her reply while kicking a rock out past the side of Andromeda’s leg that was close enough to have her turning around to narrow her eyes at the little blonde terror, “But Harmonia’s always around. It’s like she just knows where Bella is all the time. And some new raven, but I don’t think it stays long.”

Ted stopped walking forward when the walls finally fell out of their view, one hand rising up to grip Andromeda’s shoulder and pull her backwards into twirl beneath the half-light of their Lumos’, “Well she’s her familiar right? Seems like they always end up knowing where their other half is.”

“Same with Agath,” Andromeda spoke up when Ted pulled her into a twist that had her falling into a warm hug from behind, “That snake’s always with Hermione.”

“Hermione?” Ted leaned his chin over Andromeda’s shoulder at the same moment that she realized her blunder, face rapidly paling beneath the blue glow and body stiffening in place, “Who’s that?”

“Um,” she hurriedly pulled away from Ted and caught his hand by the wrist, her intention on leaving while putting this blunder behind her as quickly as possible, “I just misspoke, I was still thinking of Harmonia-”

“No, no, no,” Ted leaned backwards and away from Andromeda’s momentum until she was jerked back from the force of it, “Narcissa’s gone green as well, why are you calling Emelia ‘Hermione’?”

“Umm…,” Andromeda felt her throat cut off as she blanched, unprepared for this despite having assured both Bellatrix and Hermione that she could keep their secret, now amazed and bashing herself over her head with how easily (and quickly) she had let it slip, “... I can explain?”


“So then how am I supposed to believe your word on all this? An Unbreakable? A Gringotts Contract? You’ve both already proven once before that you’re willing to break a betrothal, and right now you have no business history for me to base any interaction on. You could just as easily hoodwink me on this as you did Pierre.” Abraxas paused after his words hit silence, tall body leaning backwards in the high backed chair and silver cane held securely on his lap. His eyes, pale orbs of gray glass, flickered across them both as he sat and awaited their counter-argument.

Abraxas Dedalus Malfoy; one tall, blonde idiot so very much like the man his son would one day come to be, was grating along Hermione’s nerves with the force of an overeager migraine. Dealing with Lucius and Draco had been enough, but dealing with Abraxas?

He put them all to shame, and then some.

From the moment that he had arrived at their home (late and unfashionable, especially in light of his reasoning for being there), he had been on them like a clingy kneazle. At every available opportunity he had chosen to but heads with them, or propose a counter to every word they uttered in favor of their inclusion to the Inner Circle. And now, after a lamely awkward supper and an hour of drinks, he was more hung up than ever on their current topic of discussion; Narcissa’s betrothal contract.

“We didn’t break any contract, I simply outbid Pierre. If there’s anyone you want to blame, blame Cygnus. I didn’t force him to rescind Pierre’s offer, that was all his own decision. But yes, Abraxas, if getting Narcissa that betrothal will require a Contract or Unbreakable, we’ll do it.”

Bellatrix glared at the man behind the table she currently occupied, “Whatever we need to do for Narcissa, we will.”

“Fine,” the man twisted his cane off his lap to rap twice against the floor, “Shall we go over terms then?”

‘Finally,’ Hermione visibly relaxed in her seat now that the man was starting to at least see reason, “Yes, let’s. We can wave the bride price first off-”

Abraxas’s golden eyebrows arched upwards in confusion and shock, “Wait, surely you’ll-”

“Lucius will take the Black name in recompense for a waiver of the price. Consider it as our method of ensuring our Line survives,” she raised a finger when he opened his mouth again, “He will be a co-dependent branch, but since we’re ordering as Matrilineal it’ll be Narcissa’s final word on any decisions that affect their lines.”

“Forgive me for my naivety, but you aren’t the Head’s of the Black line, you’re the Head,” he pointed at Hermione’s seated form, “Of House Grenier, and you,” he pointed to Bellatrix, “Are a Lady under Orion. There’s no precedence for Matrilineal leadership, nor do you have the authority to rob me of an heir-”

“Abraxas,” Bellatrix’s strong voice broke in, a husk of darkness that pulled in the faintly listening ears of the remainder of Voldemort’s circle still sitting in the room next door, “We’re ignoring Orion and the remainder of their branch.”

“So you’re split? But still keeping the Black name?” He appeared questioning, open to explanation even, but behind his eyes Hermione could pick up the slightest hint of displeasure; two women taking the reins on their lives simply wasn’t something he was accustomed (or comfortable) with.

“Correct, motto will be different but we’ll work on that later. Same with dealing with Orion, so for the moment put that out of your mind.” The dicta-quill at Bellatrix’s side swished through the air as she forced the words from her mouth at a blistering pace, quite ready to finish this dull conversation and move on, “In lieu of all that, we’ll ensure that Lucius can name a child as Malfoy Heir, should you desire your branch to continue. Lucius Justinius Black-Malfoy; firstborn child to be named Heir to the Malfoy Lineage. Second born will be Heir to his and Narcissa’s holding within our branch of the Black family. We’ll return to a Dowry if you would like, consider it a show of support towards good will. Name your price, we’ll pay it.”

Abraxas’s eyes cooled as he began to consider their offer, on the one hand laced with the promises of riches should he ask for them, on the other a direct line for continuation of the Malfoy name, even if the child wasn’t a boy.

He nodded once, “How can you assure me that they’ll have an heir?”

“Oh come on Abraxas, have you even seen the two of them together? I’d be surprised if they only end up with one child,” Hermione gritted through the slight lie, ‘It could be different in this world after all,’ and continued on, “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about continuing your line. Lucius will also remain responsible for all Malfoy affairs after the title of Head passes off your shoulders; once his child is of age he can do as he wishes. Now, a price?”

“One hundred and thirty thousand galleons.”

That was… a rather quick response, at least to Hermione’s senses. She turned her head slightly until Bellatrix looked her in the eyes to drop their shields, emotion and thought conveyed in an instant. 

She stuck out her hand before grinning lightly in Abraxas’s direction, “Deal.”


Surrounding them on all sides were fifteen men; each and every one of them a magical powerhouse radiating enough energy and darkness to send tingles up Hermione’s spine with the wash-over of magic she so seldom had witnessed up until this point. It was… electrifying.

Enlightening, even.

The allure was purposeful but unmanaged, a result of their abilities and the ritual about to take place, nothing more. If this was what unregulated Dark Magic felt like, she could only imagine a conscious use would be even… well; better.

The one in the center of their group was the target of most of her energies though, all the nervousness and tremors blitzing a trail of anxiety through her blood.

Bellatrix and herself were both disrobed to as much as was modest for this particular event; both their bodies shivering beneath pale wrapping on their chests and hips, the cool breeze of early summer passing over gooseflesh and ruffling their hair. The purpose of this was intimidation, and both of them planned to make as lasting of an image as possible.

Voldemort had certainly upped the theatricality of induction since his first batch of followers swore loyalty to his name, each and every body outside of the circle ensconced in long flowing robes as black as the night while their faces were covered by silvered masks inscribed with personal designs; each varied in all ways but color and the eyes, white and silver with thin slits to mimic a snake. The ambiance was… well-earned, she supposed, it would certainly do quite well towards bestowing a sense of amazement and age to this process not yet begun.

Adding to that the fact that they knew only half of those present (with the remainder having Apparated into the grounds when the moon crossed up into the sky,) it certainly had Hermione wondering if doing this was the right thing; a constant question she had been worrying and fretting over for the few days past. But they were here now with no way of turning back, nowhere left to run but forward into uncertainty tempered by their abilities and foreknowledge.

She dropped her glamours in the same moment that Bellatrix did, bright red runes phasing up through the bronze of her skin to stand starkly in the nighttime air, Bellatrix’s practically glowing as she did the same, the ivory of her tones contrasting even further with the jarring new colors. All that remained hidden were her Curse Mark and the Patronus tattoo on her shoulder; all scars from prior battles (and most prominently her stumble through Time,) available for viewing.

She had earned each of these marks, these scars, and though each and every one had been earned with pain or torment, viewing them like this was… freeing, in a way. They could no longer remain hidden by shame or terror, not when Bellatrix would so lovingly trace the arcing burned patches across her neck, a tongue laving trails of fire across her patterned throat, not when it had taken so much power and forethought to put them into existence. And, quite honestly she assured herself, the feeling of oppressive magic tugging and intertwining with the magics they had laced across their souls felt positively wonderful now that they were all unveiled. 

She watched with eyes twisted into amusement as the hardened men (and cowards, and fear mongers, and pasty brained peons serving only because it fulfilled their sordid interests) began to double-take, their breaths loud and eyes viewed through thin slits roving uncomfortably at the pain they had obviously heaped upon their skin and souls. They all mumbled to one another with bodies twisting towards whoever was at their side, the circle vibrating with confusion and interest.

“What’re these then,” Hermione looked to her right towards a voice that sounded vaguely like Ibran, “What’ve you done to yourselves?”

His question was more confused and intrigued than it was accusatory or concerned, but still Hermione could swear she heard the vaguest undercurrent of fear beneath his words.

“It’s Runic Branding,” Bellatrix spoke up from beside her with a voice loud enough for all to hear, “Each one specific and tailored directly to us, and our needs.”

“Well what do they do,” another voice from the circle spoke up in a done that she couldn’t recognize, “What’re they for?”

She ran a palm down the straight bar on the outside of her thigh, fingers playing with the intricate symbols extending outwards from it, “They do multiple things; spells, enchantments, protections and words of power that we determined might be useful.”

“Why,” Voldemort stepped forward as her words ended, his suit now exchanged for a gaudy black robe that reminded her so much of what he would one day come to wear, “Why go through all this trouble? All that pain? If they do as you say then there are multitudes of spells and enchantments that could do the job as well as these, and all in a manner much easier and less painful than a Soul Brand.”

“All magic can be broken down, all spells countered or enchantments unwound. These,” Bellatrix lifted up her arm to show off the patterned runes inside the curve of her right forearm, “These are immutable, unstoppable. Nothing will counter them, nothing will break them. They are always active at our discretion and only deactivated by our own free will.”

“While that may be true,” Voldemort gently moved to hold her arm, a nail winding down the sloping patterns burned into her flesh, “This still seems a high price to pay for two women just graduated. Surely neither of you have enough secrets to warrant all of these?”

Hermione looked up into his bloodshot eyes with a fierce grin and something akin to the madness behind Bellatrix’s coal-black eyes within her own, Voldemort’s magic and presence scrabbling against the outside of her mind in a futile effort to look within, “If we are to protect all your secrets, then we need them. No one will ever pull a word from us that did not give freely. If we are to fight for you,” she felt a coil of nervous anticipation wind through her belly and her scar at that utterance, the Dark Magics swirling around her to bolster her voice, “If we kill for you, we’ll be the best. No one will stop us, and we will not falter. A little pain, a little exhaustion, that’s all well worth the boon.”

“You do know,” a cloaked figure to her left spoke up while Voldemort stepped backwards to listen, “The Ministry is already moving swiftly to class such marks and rituals as those within the moniker of ‘Dark Magic Most Foul,’ it’ll be punishable by Azkaban to add any more.”

“What of it? If the Ministry doesn’t see them,” Hermione flickered her glamour to hide it all before releasing it yet again, “Then the Ministry doesn’t care. And who's to say a resolution like that would even pass?”

“The Goat, most likely,” another voice from behind veiled mask, “Seeing as he’s spearheading the resolution it’ll likely be termed as Blood Magic, neutral families will fall in line with him.”

She nodded at his words, “Then we deal with it when the time comes. No use talking about it here, now.”

‘Let’s get this over with already,’ she bemoaned inside her head.

As if reading her mind Voldemort stepped forward to appraise them while slowly moving in a circle to look for a spot as he spoke, “Do either of you have a good space where you’re not marked? Where you’re unlikely to mark yourself again, in the future?” 

“Yes my Lord,” Hermione turned slightly and raised a hand towards the upper portion of her left shoulder that was clear from marks or scarring, “The same for both of us.”

Pale hands reached out with no sense or moment of awkwardness, no hesitation, bony fingers longer than were normal poking out to wrap around the upper portion of her tricep. He prodded her with well manicured nails, mumbling to himself as he did so, his eyes on her skin and nothing else. When he was satisfied (by what, she couldn’t imagine,) he approached Bellatrix and repeated the same.

“This will do then, though you’ll likely suffer more pain as a result. Do each of you assent to the location,” he asked, stepping away again until he was before them both with clasped hands hanging down at his midriff.

Hermione nodded in time with Bellatrix, their voices twinned, “Yes, my Lord.”

“Then kneel.”

The ritual space they occupied for this event was one of Blackhall’s outermost gardens; the space beset on all sides by bushes that had been carefully managed (through physical force and magic) to rise upwards into tall, imposing walls through which none could see in or out. The center of the space was covered in a meter of red sand that had been charmed to maintain the same temperature all year round; warm enough to settle comfortably atop of without becoming too warm or overheated. Agath had given it a warm round of approval after settling beneath a few centimeters, and Hermione had as well when alone and in her other form.

The space, however nice, was slowly beginning to grow more oppressive as the finality of their ritual began to sink in. Despite buoying effect from the magic lingering in the air it was becoming clearer and clearer that this was Voldemort’s show, and with it the aura of the space began to turn towards something less intoxicating and far more heady with the vast intricacies of his abilities. The Death Eaters surrounding them closed in until they were shoulder to shoulder in a ring around them, Voldemort still standing between themselves and the outer group.

Voldemort was silent as he approached Bellatrix with his wand tip out and soon pressing against her pale skin until it was indented, her face a mixture of blank curiosity and apprehensive turmoil, if the feelings buzzing through Hermione’s scar were any indication.

And then there was pain, only pain, and the promise of more to come.

Voldemort’s spell was cast silently enough that Hermione hadn’t detected even a tremor to his lips or an exhale that could reveal anything about the magic he was using. An absolute and total heat began to pound and pour through her scar in a flare so brilliant she almost forgot who she was- what she was. Her body remained cold and collected as she watched ink as dark as pitch begin to spill and color the delicate cream of Bellatrix’s skin, the pain beginning to lesson only due to nerve endings growing numb. She could see a sheen of sweat building upon Bellatrix’s skin that trembled and shivered beneath the power of the Marking, her left hand clenched down so tightly that blood was running rivulets to the ground.

And then it was all over in a moment of crushing relief that had Hermione near swaying in harmony from the emotions Bellatrix was filled with, only dredges for sure but more than enough to give her a taste of that power. Voldemort stepped back to remove his wand and press a hand against the new Mark; grinning skull with open mouth and a snake that wound outwards in a twisting imitation of infinity, mouth gaping and fangs bared.

“Rise,” his hand pulled back, “And join the others.”

Bellatrix stumbled as she moved, her limbs both unsteady above an awkward gait that half floated and half slouched as she pushed her way backwards into the ranks at their periphery. The grouping shifted and expanded to allow her a place between them all, a long dark cloak pulled from nowhere to drape across her shoulders as she shivered and stood alone. Voldemort watched her departure with something in his eyes before shifting down to look at Hermione herself.

She gulped, suddenly terrified but unbowed, shivering as his wand pressed forward to follow the curving twist of her arm until it was positioned the same as it had been with Bellatrix.

There was no moment of warning, there was nothing to preempt the spell; one moment she was nervous beyond belief and shivering in anticipation, the next, enflamed.

A white-hot needle pressed straight on through the muscle of her arm, growing and growing, lighting up her whole self until the left side of her body was a red-hot shard of glass threatening to melt and fade away. There was nothing welcoming at all about the action, no darkness flooding through her veins to pollute and drown her beneath his majesty, there was only pain for the sake of pain. Surely, that must have been what it was, a terrible brand to make the moment last forever, a simple pinprick that was nothing, and still it was worse than anything that had ever come before it.

Hermione had been one to think she knew what true pain was, that she had learned well from her free fall through time, through the scar on her forearm, from the Crucio’s spent beneath Lestrange and then Bellatrix’s hand at Voldemort’s direction. Even the lightning bolts of pain from her personal brandings and tattoo weren’t comparable to this agony, this flaying emotion, this frenzy that brought her a crazed desire for a death that would be more welcome.

And in a flash all the pain was gone, flooded out and away as something foreign and unsteady began to beat beneath the surface of her skin with silent pulses of pleasure and soothing emotions. That was her reward, the gain for having become someone he could trust, someone he could hurt, someone who would take that pain and stand back up while asking for more. This heady euphoria was recompense for a Mark that would never fade or tarnish unless he did, and if she knew anything at all about the carrot and the stick, he would ensure that they would never let that happen.

‘Oh Muddy, how wonderful this all is…’

Hermione’s eyes widened painfully as she stood and walked backwards into Bellatrix, discordant laughter ringing in her ears and something beautiful racing beneath her blood.

‘What have I done,’ she questioned through the haze, warm hands at her side and nails plunging beneath her skin.


“Congratulations,” Ibran pressed his hand against hers before enthusiastically shaking it, “You’ve both earned it, well done.”

“Thank you Ibran,” Hermione replied, the robes around her shoulders shifting awkwardly against her lithe frame. It hadn’t yet been fifteen minutes since the Mark had been pressed underneath her skin, but already the space seemed cleaner, and clearer. Most of those who had surrounded them had left until those remaining were all well-known to the duo, a few lingering with Masks upon their faces at the periphery instead of near. The rush of endorphins that had filled her head were slowly dying down to collect instead into a nervous jitter as the after effects of intense pain began to make themselves known. Bellatrix was a constant by her side, one arm laced between her skin and the cloak to bring her warmth and comfort through the action and her Curse Mark, all of them just waiting now for Voldemort to address them.

The man stood tall and smiled easily as he stepped forward to address them with his hands clasped before himself and bloodshot eyes peering outwards to where they stood.

“Tonight the Circle has been enhanced by the two witches who have joined us; the only two in all of Britain to merit such achievement. They are ascendant to their positions, and I have judged them worthy of inclusion.” Voldemort paused momentarily to begin pacing around their meager group, his face a low grin that showed teeth and something wicked, “Some of you may have wondered why I would include them, and some of you may still wonder that. They have both trained under me, they will serve under me, and within the next few years they will help me, as will you all, with overtaking this wretched abomination that we’ve come to call the Ministry.

“As many of you know, Dumbledore isn’t our only enemy. Many of you may have had inklings of that truth but let me tell you directly; there are many, many families who will claim allegiance to the Light when he calls them forth. For years we have had to remain in the shadows, on the periphery, hiding our numbers and hiding our growth. When we deign to crash down upon their shores we will overwhelm them completely until every last vestige of their passing has been wiped clean in effort of building something new. Many of you,” he halted his pacing and spread his palms wide, “May have known that I have been abroad for many years before this last, wandering all about the continent in search of support and methods to help our noble cause. Well,” he smiled something terrifying, “We have that help now. Even as I speak there are a vast number of witches and wizards, dark creatures maligned as evil and helpless by the Light, all making their way here. When they arrive, we’ll strike.

“One year,” Voldemort paused again to stare at each of them with his intense glare, the flare of the Mark burning brightly upon their skin and filling them all up with a euphoria close to ecstasy, “One year and then we will take this world down, purge all those who would live to see our ways destroyed, purge all those who would have us kowtow to Muggle interests and sentiments, pure all who would look down upon us as monsters and firebrands wallowing beneath the cover of the Old, a memento to be locked away by history.

“In one year,” Voldemort raised his wand up into the air as magic drew a breeze from all about them towards his form, a green shimmer balanced at the tip that glitzed and glowed amid the night, “We go to War.”

The Dark Mark, a grinning skull and flowing snake, ethereal and far larger than any Hermione had seen before, flew upwards into the sky above their estate with a wash of green and silver, Voldemort’s chosen colors of his tyrant’s mark.


“Hey Bellatrix,” Andromeda stepped out into the parlor room now that all the wizards who’d been in their new home all evening had left for their own, “Emelia. We need to talk.”

Narcissa and Ted followed her into the space, Narcissa with a dour look, Ted with a wide grin, both silent as they moved forward behind Andromeda. They had managed to avoid bringing up the issue during dinner, opting instead for awkward smalltalk with those around them (Ted forging a seating for dinner in Andromeda’s room, no reason to poke the bear, and all), but now that the witches were cleared up it would be best to address the topic quickly.

Hermione was laying upon the couch in a pair of sweats and an overly baggy shirt with her head placed atop Bella’s lap, a woolen throw over her midsection and another underneath her head. Bella was nursing her left side, body hidden beneath a shirt of black cotton, her hair unwound to let curls hang all about herself. 

Andromeda moved swiftly towards an armchair opposite the duo, like everything else in the house it was overstuffed but comfortable beyond belief, and in this instance just big enough for her to sink into and hide away. However, unfortunately for her in this instance, Ted dropped down into the cushion right before she had a chance to, pulling her by the hips to drop down into his lap instead. Hermione snorted laughter from where she lay on the couch, snickering at Andromeda’s affronted face and squeal of surprise when Ted wrapped around her with a smile.

Laughter, yes, laughter was good in this case, as she was more than sure that the two witches wouldn’t exactly be reacting all that well to what she was about to admit. Narcissa, who had been standing by the couch until this moment, nodded once at her before parking herself into an armchair not dissimilar to her own.

“Emelia,” she started off, “Bellatrix, um… We, well, we were exploring a bit earlier, before supper that is-”

“Found a cave in the woods,” Ted interrupted her, his baritone voice rumbling out and through where she sat, “Did you know you’ve got cavern’s all under your feet?”

“We did actually,” Bellatrix tapped her fingers against her chin, “It’s part of what the Mausoleum is built into. But where’d you find an entrance? We only knew of two and they’ve both been locked up.”

“We found it out in the woods, we can show you or Malbon tomorrow. That’s not why we’re here though,” Narcissa looked pointedly towards Andromeda.

“Ted know’s because I said your name,” she let it all out in a rush, her head pointed down towards her lap at where her hands lay wringing into one another.

“Knows what,” Hermione questioned, her eyebrows raised in confusion.

Ted, never one to hold back, spoke up from there, “I know that you’re from the future, I know you’re not really Emelia Grenier.”

“Oh…,” Hermione shifted as she spoke, her mouth wide and eyes just as much so, her whole body shifting as she turned slightly to stare at them. “Anything else?”

“I know when you’re from, and your real name, as well as having a rough idea of what it is you’re doing here.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed, “How’s that?”

“Well,” Ted shifted somewhat uncomfortably behind her, “Why else would someone from the future ingratiate herself with some of the most powerful families that serve the Dark? Why would a witch like that still associate herself with a muggleborn like me? It’s not that hard to work out, though I guess I’m still spotty on specifics an’ stuff.”

“Well,” Hermione pushed herself away from Bellatrix, “Would you do the honors Bella?”

“Sure,” her older sister replied, slowly standing up before approaching where they were sitting, “We can take care of this one of two ways, okay Ted? First option; I wipe your mind and you forget this ever happened, you forget you ever knew this, and we continue pretending that. You won’t be burdened by any of this knowledge and you’ll continue having a great life until we decide to involve you or not.”

Andromeda felt the stirrings of anger build up within her chest, her body leaning forward as she faced Bellatrix, “You’re not wiping his mind-”

“I wasn’t done speaking, and you’re not the one I was talking to, Andy,” Bellatrix’s voice brokered absolutely no room for argument when she cut her words off, face slack but eyes deep pools of ink. “Your second option, and the one I’d prefer right now, is that we make an Unbreakable Vow, right here, right now.”

“What’s the wording,” Ted began right away in a sure voice, Andromeda’s mind still lost somewhere along the way.

“You will speak to no one outside of this room about what you’ve learned today. You will not bring this topic up at any point, anywhere, around anyone who’s in this room, if there are others within possible earshot. You will only speak openly about this subject when directed, at our discretion, or when given prior notice to do so. Simple enough, yeah? You can still talk to Andy about it, and we’ll be able to fill you in with whatever information you’ll need. Seeing as I’m more than positive that you’ll be asking Andy to marry you at some point within the next year, we might as well go ahead and pull you into the loop. Like I said though, the choice is up to you.”

Ted took a moment before replying, his eyes downcast and voice low, “And if I say neither?”

“Then I make the decision for you, and we both know which that’ll be.”

“You can’t just make him-,” she never got the words out, her voice stolen by the flash of a spell that took effect in less than a second. Bellatrix’s wand was pointed at her throat with casual indifference, her voice gone and lips moving soundlessly.

“Andy,” Bellatrix looked down upon her with cold eyes she had never seen directed at herself before, “I’ve been busy hosting some of the absolute worst people in Britain, all underneath our roof, for the better part of a day. I am in no mood to argue with you on this. I like Ted, he’s a positively good match for you, and if you,” her glare deepened, “Hadn’t let this secret slip, it never would have been an issue at all. Remember that lesson, an errant slipup around the wrong person could kill one of us, or all of us, and has a good chance at ruining all the good we’re trying to accomplish. Understood?”

Andromeda worked her mouth, breath passing by her lips but no sound coming out.

“Oh,” Bellatrix flicked her wand and Andromeda could finally feel her voice come back, “Sorry about that.”

“Yes, I understand. I’m sorry about that.”

“S’alright, just don’t let it happen again. We got lucky this time, might not in the future. Now Ted,” Bellatrix turned to level a stare at the boy behind her, smile loopy and eyes twisted, “Which’ll it be?”

She could feel him swallow in nervousness before replying, his heart rate running up as they sat here in this moment, “The Vow, please.”

“Bloody good choice.”


next chapter; the Wedding, part 1

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 3ab1b8edc3d804b41c6b86341473d06194ec6adc ) [26] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 39. Book 2: Waiting for the Blood [timestamp] => 1570140000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 39: Book 2: Waiting for the Blood


Mostly edited; I'll catch any errors that I can find at a later date.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hermione was most definitely not hiding.

No; she might have been lying down in her animagus form at the absolute tip of their property line (where the last little bit of their walkway ended just before the apparition point, but right before the gate that barred entrance to their lands) with Agath happily sunning herself atop her back and beneath the mercifully cloud free sky, but she was there only to relax. She was most certainly not avoiding the incessant Floo calls that Alphard had been subjecting them too for the last few days, a near ceaseless number of questions regarding drapery and decoration, table settings and assigned seating. Nor was she avoiding her soon to be Aunt Cass’s near limitless deluge of mail; all dropped off by Carrier Owls of the highest breeding, each a magnificent and intensely annoying bird. 

Neither was she avoiding Bellatrix’s sudden and frantic descent into a fixation on dress wear for the wedding (a white men’s suit and robes for Bellatrix, a black gown embroidered with onyx and jet for herself). And to add to all that she wasn’t even avoiding Narcissa or Andromeda, two witches who in the past few days had become so ridiculously happy for their sister (and by extension Hermione) that they couldn’t stop themselves from making cooing noises or blowing fake kisses whenever the duo walked by or entered a room.

No; Hermione Emelia Granger Grenier, soon to be Hermione Black née Grenier, did not hide. She screwed up all her courage and met each and every problem head on in the order that she pleased and just as fast as she desired. She was a Lion through and through, despite the coolness of her blood or the strange slit of her pupils.


There could be the most infinitesimally small chance that she was hiding, just a little bit at the very least. There could also be the chance that she was far more flustered and vibrating beneath nervousness than she had any right to admit to, especially after having already faced off against the greatest Dark Wizard that their world had ever seen at the tender age of eighteen (and then pledging herself to his service in some weird universal variation of their shared past). Or, well, she would be pledging herself into his service, so long as he arrived as they had planned. 

Which he said he would, reassured them even, and she had no cause or reason to doubt the sincerity of his words. Except the whole ‘Murder everyone and everything that doesn’t explicitly conform to my particular flavor of Magical Nazism.’ That did certainly put a damper on any promises or commitments that he made them. Regardless of all that though, he had given them a time and a date and she really should be checking in on that time right about now, or at least that was the impression she had from the angle of the sun as she viewed it amid the grass and from behind her unblinking gaze. 

Now that was something that had taken her a bit of time to get used to.

She never blinked like this; snakes never blinked. Or at least none of the Muggle ones she knew about (a fascination with reptiles never grew on her as a symptom of voracious reading when she was a child), and though she could close her pupils if she wanted to actually sleep, it never really felt the same. Many things didn’t feel the same, from such vast things as moving or breathing to even taking a sip of water. It was alien, foreign, a completely new experience that had first unnerved her… and then absolutely fascinated her.

It was all new! 

All different! 

An experience so novel that even finding first-hand knowledge of snake formed animagus’ provided her with little in the way of actionable information. For that, at the very least, she was grateful.

But where was she? Oh; the time. 

Yes, she should definitely either head back to the Manor or change forms to run a Tempus, but that would require leaving her wonderfully warm little spot and right now she was completely content to let the sun stream down across her scales while she remained in a half nap, half awake sort of state. And besides all that, Agath certainly wouldn’t want to be disturbed so early into their well deserved respite. Her familiar had taken quite a liking to exploring and showing Hermione the better side to her peculiar little life, and it would be remiss of her to interrupt Agath’s hard-earned nap. The winding little beast had grown incapable of remaining circumspect upon their persons, no longer the thin little rope that had been able to hide discreetly inside their robes or hidden on their wrist or neck. No, she was now a large and fully grown snake (whatever that counted for with Ashwinders, of which Hermione still had yet to find any information on adults not returning to the ash from which they’d crawled). Now that she was large enough, Agath had taken to laying upon their shoulders or wound up about their waists in a display that brought to mind the image of a viper laying ready to strike at any minute. 

Their new display of Agath had certainly more than terrified the spritely little witch that had arrived not two days past to help them with the planning of their upcoming wedding; a short and timid woman who was distantly related to the Longbottoms in the same way that Bellatrix was related to the Prewett’s. 

Allie Thornwood, the witch had introduced herself as, a well manicured hand thrust out in front of her and large green spectacles of tinted glass sliding down the steep slope of her nose. Her mousy brown hair had been pulled back tightly into an intricate braid that fell down across her shoulders and off towards the bottom of her dress robes, pressed and starched white to a degree that had Hermione blinking from all the reflected light.

The girl was nice enough, if one liked hyper-nervous little pixies, Hermione supposed. 

She wandered around and spoke to them with nothing but a smile on her face and polite words for anyone and everything that crossed her mind, but still Hermione couldn’t help but feel that the woman was holding something back from them. It might have been a feeling instigated by how she closed up like a timid mouse hidden far beneath the ground in a den of vipers, her binders and her ledgers held close to her chest as she shook and rattled like a leaf would blow her over. Maybe it was the way that her eyes shifted naturally towards all the exits in a room, or how she positioned herself with a back away from open spaces. It wasn’t much, and it could mean nothing at all, but Hermione still had a slowly growing suspicion that the woman was expecting something. 

Whether she thought the Black clan housed up in Blackhall to be explicitly Dark affiliated, madness ringing through the corridors and sacrifices hanging from the rafters or something else entirely, she wasn’t sure. What Hermione did know was that she would most definitely have to do something about that little predisposition, sometime soon if she could, if they planned on accruing anyone further into their little merry band of Gray aligned spies and future proofers.

And little band they were; besides Bellatrix and herself the only ones who were really in on anything were Bellatrix’s younger sisters, and even still neither one of them knew the full extent of what she and Bellatrix planned to do. Besides them they had a tentative hold of Rabastan from top to bottom, and they were currently looking into pulling the Zabini heiress onto their side. They could count on Lincoln Fawley as more than just their lawyer but as a family friend as well, as he had made that clear enough at their last meeting. It helped that he seemed to already match most, if not all, of their political goals.

Dumbledore, the doddering old meddler that he was, seemed to at least begrudgingly have agreed to leave them alone even if he wasn’t actively singing their praises as of yet. He would, unfortunately, be mostly useless until the War actually began, a thought that brought neither of them any measure of security or comfort. The one thing they could rely on him for was his recommendation for Masteries and his introduction to the beginning of the Order, a meeting notice that they had been given right before they left Hogwarts as true students for the last time and whose meeting date was rapidly approaching as the days continued to turn. They could only hope that it would arrive before the rising tensions in their world could reach a boiling point all their own.

Squib and Pureblood riots had erupted all throughout Diagon the day previously; clashing groups of marchers tearing each other apart as they chased a line from one end of Diagon to the other in a mad huff of anger and purposeful violence that was dressed up as boiling over tempers. Tensions, and actions, like these were all liable to continue building until the Dark Lord managed to pull them all beneath his sway, a banner of hate and bigotry as far as she was concerned. One thing that worried them both though was that there seemed to be no strategic importance to this long period of waiting, it just didn’t seem to make much sense. Neither she nor Bellatrix could tell what he stood to gain from waiting, or if he was searching and preparing for a particular action or event to kick things off.

While there was little more to do other than wait where Dumbledore was concerned, they had at least begun to sketch out exactly what to do about the remainder of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. The Diadem had already been removed from the equation, courtesy of lovely Fiendfyre and all its destructive capabilities, and so far it seemed that the Dark Lord was none the wiser to its loss. As far as Hermione was concerned, that act had been their first victory in this long battle. The next to fall would be the holder of the Resurrection Stone; the Peverell Ring. While Hermione knew of its approximate location, the Gaunt Shack that Voldemort’s mother had once lived in, she had no clue as to the exact location.

Apparently, at least according to the portrait of Dumbledore she’d left behind in the other Universe, the Shack had been shrouded and obfuscated with a magic quite similar to the modern Fidelius; the location seeming to move randomly about a number of chosen inflection points until the Secret Keeper chose one place to enter through in particular. Dumbledore had managed to get around this in his time because Voldemort had been sloppy, leaving the enchantment turned off after regaining his physical form, secure to his knowledge that the Ring was as safe as could be. But here, now? At this point in time the enchantments were almost certainly active as well as certainly unpenetrable unless they managed to get enough of a group together, and enough of an idea as to each location it could appear at, in order to visit each at once.

After that they had the Locket to destroy, again an artifact that neither of them knew where it would be for years at the very least. The same could be said for the Cup and the Diary, each to be entrusted at a later date but in this time, well, they could each be anywhere. They could know all the dates and times from the future that they wanted but each would only be useful at the point after the information was known. 

And until Voldemort entrusted them, or they floundered into it accidentally, they couldn’t know.


::Hello,:: a strong voice passed over the faintest edge of Hermione’s perception, nearby but still too far to directly pull her from the half asleep state of torpor that she had fallen into, her pupils mostly shut and mind filled with buzzing partial-thoughts. 

::Hello?:: The next hiss was decidedly closer to her languid form, a body pushing through the tall grass that lay beside the gravel pathway towards their home and directly next to where she had chosen to sun herself. Her mind snapped back into itself with a sudden wakefulness, a strangling hiss of displeasure at having her nap interrupted flooding out of her throat to let the intruder know she was now awake.

::Ah,:: the voice replied to her anger and discontent, the only warning she had before He stepped into view from behind a firm glamour that shrouded him as well as a Disillusionment Charm. ::It’s good to see that you’re awake. May I have the pleasure of your name?::

‘Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks-’

Eyes which never closed twisted around on a diamond shaped head until she could see him clearly, his body standing tall and rigid as he half leaned forward over the few patches of grass remaining between them. One of the few things that had startled Hermione upon the first time she had changed into her animagus form had been the sudden dimming of her sight, as well as the odd… increases, to it. She still had her depth perception, she was a predator through and through, but her use of it had lessened due to an increased nearsightedness that was most displeasing to the voracious bookworm.

Not once in her life had she ever had any trouble with her eyesight, not like Harry had, not like her parents, and certainly nowhere near the extent to where she was now far and away terrible at seeing anything outside of a too small distance. On the upside what she had gained in return was incredibly useful; when she was a snake at least.

Infrared vision.  

Or something similar enough that she felt comfortable calling it that. The heat sensing ability was like a fuzz of discolored patchwork blotches that overlaid themselves against her flagging vision, a mixture that she knew she shouldn’t be able to understand but the instincts whispering against the back of her skull were able to interpret into a visual she could parse. And so it was, snake as she was, she could sense out with relative precision the disparity between hot and cold, and Gods was Voldemort cold

Where she had first expected to see the clouds and patterns that indicated warmth and body heat (prevalent on the chest and torso, mostly) there was almost nothing at all to indicate that he was alive. The whole of his body from toes up to his head were all shrouded in gray, neither warmed by the Sun or powered by his own body. If she let her instincts guide her, which she generally had learned to do over the past few sessions in this form, they would have said he was nothing more than cold meat waiting to be eaten.

::Hello,:: she answered in reply, her hiss a tone that brokered civility while still letting him know that he had interrupted her slumber, angry but not terribly so. She unwound from her sun drenched spot until Agath was agitated enough to meander off, trying to stall and hold onto the seconds as she tried and tried to think of a name.

‘What the hell would a snake name themselves as? Do they even do that? Agath did,’ Hermione was sure enough of that at least, ‘But where did she choose it from?’

Unfortunately the only other name that she knew, and was reasonably certain He did not, ended up spilling past her lips while her mind whirled around in chaos.

::You may call me Nagini.::

‘No- wait, that’s not right, what’ve I done-’

::Well then it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Nagini. May I ask whether the two Mistresses that own this land are about, somewhere or another?::

‘Fucking bollocks.’

Hermione reacted without leaving herself a moment to second guess her actions, long and sinewy body backing away as she answered, ::Please wait here and I’ll inform them of your arrival, Mister…?::

‘Ah, yes Hermione, time to play dumb,’ she thought to herself uselessly.

Twin bloodshot eyes peered down at her with a fervency that made her feel smaller than her enormous length, the deep pits sparkling with some form of madness that she could barely make out, ::That would be lovely Nagini, thank you.::

He stood back to his full height after that, stepping backwards and towards other wizards that Hermione could sense as she tasted the air and made her retreat, her scales brushing quickly over grass and stone alike as headed back towards the Manor.



The dark haired witch turned in place as the sound of a familiar hiss broke through the quiet of the study, her eyes searching every which way for her soon to be wife.

“Hermione?” Bellatrix set down the large tome she had been perusing from amid the general piles of clutter and knickknacks that filled the room, a coffee table that had been doubling as a counter and a sorting station beginning to rock back and forth as she turned and left her place.

::I’m down here!::

“That doesn’t exactly help me, you know,” Bellatrix tutted as she knelt down onto her hands and knees. The pair of black denim jeans that Hermione had purchased for her not twenty-four hours prior were digging back into her skin as she rolled and twisted to see beneath the furniture of the room, long sleeves of her jumper bunching where the cuffs passed by her fingers (black as well, for she was nothing if not consistent to form). Hermione might have convinced her that some Muggle clothing was more comfortable after lending her a warm pair of fluffy sweatpants, but finding well fitted easy clothes that weren’t dresses had certainly been the highlight of their shopping excursion following their departure from Hogwarts.

‘Easy to keep, easy to wear, why aren’t these more popular?’

“Alright, where are you?” 

“Here,” Hermione stood up from behind the settee off to Bellatrix’s left, her body clothed only in a simple floor length cloak with nothing underneath it. A golden sash made from threaded hemp was wound about her waist to keep the item closed tight while leaving nothing to the imagination; evening wear that had become morning wear that later faded as scales took their place. Bellatrix admired her a moment, then another, while Hermione began to frantically tap her foot against the floor in agitation. “Okay, so first things first please don’t freak out-”

Bellatrix’s head cocked off to the left, “Now why would I do that?”

“-second thing, Voldemort and his cohorts are here, well some of them at least, and if he asks you anything about a snake named Nagini that he saw when he arrived, just tell him that she wanders around the property and isn’t a familiar, okay?”


Hermione’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t you dare look at me like that Bellatrix Black, just do as I said, alright?”

Bellatrix stared in open-mouthed wonder for a second before gathering up the energy to reply, “Y-you gave him the name of his future familiar?” Bellatrix’s eyebrows shot to the top of her head as Hermione shifted nervously from side to side.

“Well,” Hermione dipped her head to run slender fingers through the short mop of auburn curls atop her head, “I panicked, okay! He asked me what my name was and my first thought was ‘don’t tell him who you really are,’ and then I just said the first name that I could think of!”

“How in Merlin’s shorts is that the first thing to come to your head?” Bellatrix walked forward until she could grasp Hermione’s shoulders and force the witch to look at her, “You told him Nagini!”

“I bloody know that, you do realize that, right?” Hermione stared Bellatrix down for a second or two before continuing, “Look, he asked me and then I was wondering how in the hell a snake names itself and then I was thinking about all the snakes with names that I knew, and well that meant I couldn’t use Agath-”

“Who he already knows of,” Bellatrix broke in.

“-right, right, he knows her, and he knows Euryale-”

“And then came Nagini, who he doesn’t know right now.”

“Well yes,” Hermione’s face turned down to a pout that tugged on Bellatrix’s heart, “It just popped into my head and I ran with it. Besides, if we manage to do our job then he’ll never meet her to begin with.”

Bellatrix chuckled to herself before placing a kiss onto the tip of Hermione’s nose, “Well, Nagini, we better hope we win then..”


“My Lord,” Bellatrix curtsied as low as she could, the dress she had changed into fanning out beneath the incessant press of the summer breeze. Hermione matched her movements moment for moment, “Welcome to our home.”

Voldemort grinned eerily at them, his smile wide behind stretched lips while his eyes turned to rove across the grounds and out towards the entrance to Blackhall, “Thank you Madam Black, it’s a pleasure to finally see the estate. Your grounds are beautiful, I hadn’t thought there was anywhere like this that hadn’t already been snapped up.”

Bellatrix smirked for only the briefest moment of a second as her mind wandered to the fact that there hadn’t been anywhere quite like this out to market. No, instead the land had ended up bundled together into a trust held by a simpleton of a Muggle who had, at one point or another, been wealthy beyond measure. While the land had technically still been his to lord over, the massive amounts of debt that he had accrued over a period of years to unlicensed and unprofitable bookies had ended up stringing a noose around his neck. No Muggle establishment would purchase the land as it was strewn throughout with rocks and woodlands that couldn’t be made profitable quickly, and the massive estate would make terrible ground for livestock or other further reaching ventures. Lincoln Fawley had managed to capitalize on his misfortunes, a quick and simple ‘sign here,’ and the land was now their own.

“The pleasure is all ours my Lord. May I ask as to who your compatriots are?” Bellatrix twirled her wrist with faux-perfection towards the group standing silent behind Voldemort, Dolohov grinning happily as he bowed to them both, while the others all inclined their heads and tipped their hats in a stumbled greeting after a moment or two.

“Of course, of course. Best not to keep matters waiting. This handsome fellow here,” Voldemort waved off towards an elderly gentleman done up in a suit and robe colored a bright electric blue, “Is Lord Abraham Nott, the current head of the Ancient House of Nott, and currently the most senior member to my Inner Circle.”

“Ladies,” Nott stepped forward and took their hands to brush tissue paper dry lips against their knuckles in greeting, his back stooped so much that he nearly fell to the floor with his exaggerated bow and long strands of silver hair falling about his shoulders. Bellatrix got her first good look at his face when the old man stood back up as much as his body would allow; aged and weathered from both the Sun and work, lines criss-crossing his face like a maze of deep crows feet that stood out beside his eyes to merge and blend with a smattering of faded scars and mottled pink skin that shone upon his cheeks. The aura that he exuded was what really managed to catch her attention, a great sunken pit that pulled in energy while positively dripping with Ancient and Dark magic, so much so that she was sure he could be a formidable opponent despite his age.

“It’s a pleasure Sir,” Hermione spoke up as he stepped back to his spot, her address forgoing his true rank in favor of leaving Voldemort at the top.

“The next one down,” Voldemort began again with a swish of his hand, “Is who you met the other day, Lord Ibran. Though he is here in more of an official manner than he was at that time.”

Lord Ibran bowed at them from where he stood beside the group, dressed up in a finely tailored Muggle suit that Bellatrix thought fit him far better than a robe would have. His eyes twinkled and he smiled at them in a grandfatherly manner that almost managed to convince her that he had pure intentions beyond serving Voldemort’s whims.

“And last, for now, is-”

“Grandfather,” Bellatrix’s harsh tone interrupted Voldemort mid sentence, her eyes two hard black chips as she stared at the old and withered man standing before her. She had barely wasted a single thought on the old bastard in the past few years, but it really wasn’t that hard for her to come to grips with his attendance after mulling over his likely political leanings. 

It certainly made it easier for her to hate him though.

With a grimace on his face he bowed the least he could while still demonstrating proper decorum, body and eyes tilted slightly to avoid looking at them as he did so. His head was a clean-shaven strip of smooth pink skin that Bellatrix knew he took a near religious care of, one of his few vanities if she remembered correctly. His coal-black eyes, which she had ended up inheriting, were just close enough to darkness as to give pitch a run for its money, each a weeping void that belied his truth; no brains, no soul. The man had made himself scarce to the point of nonexistence after his daughter had married into the Black line, seemingly content to pretend none of them existed for as long as he could. Hell, even as his daughter was sent away in chains they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him, a constant absence that managed to say more about his character than anything else at all in Bellatrix’s opinion.

“Ah, yes,” Voldemort continued as if he had never been interrupted, the ghost of amusement hiding beneath his voice and deep within his eyes. He looked as if he might even start to laugh should Bellatrix deign to erupt at the doddering old fool. “Lady Grenier, this is Lord Archibald Rosier, the current Head of House Rosier. He is also,” his head tilted slightly towards Bellatrix, “Your fiance's grandfather.”

“If you’d been doing your family right then you would have come to see me, you both,” he stared at Hermione with something bordering on open derision, “Should have been there once Cygnus was a pile a’ ashes. Orion’s a cunt, I’ve no idea what he thinks he’s doing, running the family like his is.”

“We’ll have time for this discussion later Grandfather.” Bellatrix’s clear dismissal was evident and Hermione immediately caught onto her mood, most likely through the scar link rather than her even tone, as her posture turned standoffish while she avoided the man’s gaze.

Voldemort gave a mirthless chuckle while swaying side to side on his feet, “The remainder of the circle will be joining us later, will that be alright?”

Bellatrix nodded, “Of course my Lord. We’ll ensure that Malbon keeps an eye towards the Apparition point.”

“Good,” Voldemort clasped his hands together while a smile grew across his face, “In that case we’re all ready, each of us a Lord or Lady, equal ground. I understand that this is your home, Lady Grenier, Lady Black, but I expect that we’ll all remain civil throughout the remainder of the day. We’re all dedicated towards the same cause, no need for petty disagreements to pull us apart.”

Archibald, slowly growing redder as Voldemort spoke, broke in with a huff and shake of his fist, “She’s no Lady, my Lord!” His face turned redder still as he glared between them both, “She’ll never amount to any sort of Lady now that the Lestrange boy is-”

“Rosier,” Voldemort’s harsh voice pushed through the shrill veil of Archibald’s prattling words, steel and iron laced through with a heat beneath it all, “Bellatrix may not be a Lady as of yet, but I do believe we can fix that.”

Bellatrix’s eyes widened while her throat and face reddened with a confused blush as she stood beneath the stares of the attending group; the angry eyes of her Grandfather, the curious ones of Ibran and Nott, the slight smile and twinkling delight hiding behind Dolohov’s, and the shatteringly red interest of Voldemort.

‘Oh Gods…’


“Well then, seeing as we didn’t get very much time to talk the other day,” Ibran paused to lift up a cup of tea that had been offered by Malbon, his eyes watching the elf march away with thinly veiled disdain behind his eyes, “And really I’ll be frank and call it what it is; I didn’t get much of a chance to interrogate you on your political and social leanings. So,” he smiled at them both, “Where are you on the current political spectrum? Any thoughts towards this current iteration of the Wizengamot? I must say it’s a hell of a change from America and the congress; they’ve so many notions of voting and democracy. I won’t deny it lets the people feel they have a voice, no matter if they really do or not, but at least here it’s much simpler. Do you intend on taking up a Seat, Lady Grenier?”

Hermione smiled politely while leaning backwards into the hard cushions of the settee as her body inwardly cried out for the comfort of Bellatrix amid the madness of hosting tea for the Dark, “Yes, I do have plans on taking up a Seat now that I’m properly entrenched on British ground. I’ll be appointing a Proxy to my vote though, at least until I’m sure I have a good grasp on the current landscape. No need to throw myself in without knowing where everyone leans, you know?”

“Ah, so you intend to show as neutral then,” Voldemort nodded almost imperceptibly as he peered at her over the rim of his cup, “Or at the very least not stir the water?”

Bellatrix nodded at his question before laying a warm hand atop Hermione’s gently bobbing knee, her strong presence remaining until the barely noticeable jitter had calmed.

“Yes, my Lord. We’d like to remain apart for the moment at least. Unless you need us somewhere…?” She let the question trail off while she took a sip of tea, eyes passing between her guests.

“No, no, do as you please for the moment. You’ll have good company among the neutral, most if not all of them are already leaning our way, best not to announce your loyalties to the world just yet. When it's time, you’ll know. They’ll also likely thank you for it; another neutral vote will go a long way towards stalling some of Dumbledore and the Light's harder to stomach campaigns. The Great Houses have made it clear where they stand on most matters, but still they’re opportunists rather than trendsetters. If you don’t mind me asking, who will you appoint as Proxy?”

Ah, and here was the first question she had been preparing herself for. Hermione had known that this would come up, and her appointment would either make them suspicious of her motives or send a message of her ideals.

And Hermione always did have strong ideals.

“Rabastan Lestrange will be holding my Proxy vote once the paperwork is completed. He’s already agreed to do so, and has been informed of our stances. It’s likely it’ll be announced at the next session.” She stopped to sip at her tea again, nervousness causing her leg to resume its bounce, “If not, then the one directly afterwards.”

“So you’d give it to the Lestrange boy,” Nott’s deep and gravelly voice boomed into the silence, “Despite all the animosity between your Houses?”

“Yes,” Hermione’s words shook with conviction, “Now that his older brother is dead, he’s been appointed as Head of House Lestrange; at least the branch located here. I’m not exactly sure whether he still has family on the continent or not. We’ve never had issue with him, it was only ever Pierre and Rodolphus that were antagonistic. While we might have had some issues,” Dolohov laughed silently to himself at her words, “We think that this will work out well, and show that the Grenier and Black Houses are willing to forgive, even if we won’t forget.”

Ibran leaned forward, “Will your vote follow his, or the other way around? We haven’t had a new House join a bloc in ages.”

“Separate,” Hermione said to his now fairly astonished face, “He’s fine to continue voting however he would wish, in whatever capacity or limit it may take. He has agreed to use the Proxy as we would, so while the two votes may diverge at some points, on the whole we should be rather in line. Beyond that, he’s agreed to meet with us through Lincoln of House Fawley on matt-”

“So now you’re courting that bastard House as well,” Archibald’s shaking voice broke in as he sneered at them both, “For what? Does he have a hold on your secrets, girl? I knew you should have been sent off to Beauxbatons like your Grandmother wished, they would have set a switch to you, would have made you into a proper young Woman, and not some floozy whore who kneeled for dykes.”


Silence grew heavy and still across the whole of the parlor room, quiet and unobtrusive but heavy as a still blanket while Archibald’s words continued to linger in the air. Hermione might not have been brought up as a pureblood snob that learned curtsies and polite conversation from elders with more air than brains, nor had she been indoctrinated into the unspoken social conventions that ruled all inter-House business, but even she (naive as she was) could tell that this faux pas was beyond any measure of social decorum. Still; he had addressed Bellatrix with his rage and it was Bellatrix who would need to reply.

Hermione knew from her readings (and a healthy dose of common sense) that her lover would need to be the one to step forward and deal with Archibald’s nonsense. Despite the righteous anger that swelled beneath her breast, ‘How dare he,’ this was a matter of more than words to the group at large. Bellatrix couldn’t afford to look weak within the group, this was an organization held together by fear, prejudice, and an unhealthy view on the protection of one's Name, and if Bellatrix appeared weak to even these few, then she would appear weak to them all. There was nothing she could do besides wait for Bellatrix to put an end to it, or she would risk sending her down further on their idea of a social ladder than their gender had already left them.

“I will forgive you for that slight, Grandfather, but know that I only do so on account of our shared blood. I would rather not sully my home or this company with your-”

“Ha,” Archibald let out a wheezing laugh, “You’d backhand me with what? You’ve no skill! In case you’ve forgotten girl, I am your Elder, and far and away a better mind than you, seeing as where you’ve landed your sisters and yourself. Strapped beneath the reins of some foreign witch, you’re not entering a marriage, you’re entering a sham-”


Even with Hermione’s close proximity to Bellatrix (sitting directly beside her as she was), she hadn’t seen the other witch make a single move for her wand, nor had she seen the expressive movement of its tip as she sent out a silent cutting hex directly at her Grandfather’s throat. She had simply been still one moment, and the spell smashing its way towards him the next. Archibald at least had the good graces to look shocked, both his eyes wide as saucers while his pale face mumbled wordlessly into the ringing silence.

The only thing that managed to save Archibald’s head from being severed off his body was a thin blue shield that extended from the top of his eyebrows and down below his navel, the hard chipped magic sea-blue and shimmering from the light of the room. Voldemort tapped his wand upon his knee as he let out a resigned sigh, his face looking pointedly at the floor as he waited for the tensions to cool.

“Now, now. I understand that tensions are high, but let's not sully the afternoon with needless bloodsport. Not yet at least, and certainly not while I am here. Now then; Archibald, I do believe you know where I stand on same sex relationships.” Voldemort threw the man a red glare as he dropped the shield, Hermione’s eyes widening just slightly at his insane display of ability.

The spell absolutely should have killed the man where he sat; Hermione might have been quick with a wand but Bellatrix was quicker still, and if the burning ache pounding against her scar was anything at all to go by, the witch had absolutely meant to kill him right there. That Voldemort had not only anticipated Bellatrix’s reaction while still having just enough time to cast a protection spell ( and that it hadn’t even shown a crack when Bellatrix’s overpowered emotions smashed into it), was just another sign of just how unevenly their powers were right now. It was an explicit (albeit unintentional) display of how badly matched they were, power-wise at least.

“I-, yes, my Lord,” Archibald finally replied in a subdued voice, his face far paler than even white ash, “I do.”

Voldemort smirked down into his cup of tea, “So then you also know where I stand on the Old Rites, correct?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Well then,” the room practically breathed with relief as he spoke, tension diffusing into the surrounding air, “We won’t be having any further issues now, will we?”

“No, no, of course not my Lord. You have my apologies.”

“Archibald, I’m not the one you offended with that rant.” Voldemort leaned back into his seat while looking pointedly between Archibald and Bellatrix, a smile on his face that was both vicious and delighted.

Archibald stuttered where he sat, mouth moving uselessly until he could get words to flow out his throat, “My apologies, Bellat-”

“That’s Madam Black, Grandfather.” Bellatrix’s voice was hard as ice as she interrupted him, her face the picture of blank acceptance.

“Er, yes,” Archibald’s face reddened considerably, “My apologies Madam Black.”

“Thank you,” Bellatrix replied, a soothing amount of pleasure spiking over from her emotions and through their cursed link into Hermione’s flesh. She couldn’t find it within herself to be at odds with Bellatrix’s happiness at being addressed like this, taken seriously like this. Her lover was pleased, having someone reiterate that she was Mistress of their home, a powerful figure in her own right who was deserving of respect, ready and willing to bask beneath the power that Voldemort was now exuding. And Hermione, though she never pretended herself to be a Saint, couldn’t help the shiver of her own pleasure that threaded its way up and down her spine.


Next chapter; Andromeda, Narcissa, and a third all go exploring. Hermione and Bellatrix join a Cause.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 7423847df57efa6597419f24954d52fd508bae97 ) [27] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 38. Book 2: Freedom through Service [timestamp] => 1569016800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 38: Book 2: Freedom through Service


Fixed duplication, should read better now.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For one horrifyingly long second there was absolutely nothing. Not wind, not sound, not even the sensation of air entering or leaving her lungs as she sat with her heart in her throat.

And then, like the floodgates had opened and Magic had finally found them, they were off.

An abrupt lurching sensation took hold on her body, first flowing down and through the universe to sink in through her pores and send her off spinning and flying faster than the Knight Bus had ever gone. It was nothing at all like the sensation of riding off on a broom, no moment of lift as she took up off the ground and nor was there any sensation that could tell her ears that she was rising or falling above the surface of the earth. There was only the oddly smooth but intensely rough feeling of Euryale’s scales beneath her palms and the sudden uncomfortability brought on by the missing sensation of free-fall as she tightened up her legs around the massive dorsal scales blanketing the serpent.

Euryale was already more than large enough that Hermione could never hope to hold her arms tightly around the serpents neck, but gods did she try. The abject fear of falling into some in-between was all that powered her frantic hold; a hold made all the more arduous by Euryale’s scared undulation as she twisted through Portkey space. 

The air around her twisted and contorted in rapidly spiraling knots that had wind whistling by her ears at a pace almost fast enough, but not quite, to strip away the sound of Bellatrix’s mad cackling from behind her. Within a few moments of the witch’s euphoria she too was laughing; laughing at the madness of it all, at the prospect of dying, and at the prospect that anything in this world of hers couldn’t be solved by the application of Magic and her mind.

It was all just so mad!

Here she was, sitting atop the Queen of Serpents, riding on untested Magic towards a location far, far away from her home, with a woman who she’d come to love even as her older self still rattled along in her nightmares.

Madness; pure and simple.

But like all things, even the crazy and mind shatteringly intense, the ride had to come to an end.

Their arrival wasn’t heralded by any explosions or a sudden loss of balance like her first trip had been back when she was young and inexperienced. It didn’t end with her as a splat of gore and viscera against the ground either. Without any warning they seemed to suddenly ‘Pop!’ back into a normal approximation of reality, their ears popping at the sudden change in elevation and stomachs attempting to escape their throats. Euryale immediately set to writhing and twisting all along the underbrush as her girth made contact with the ground; the Portkey’s attached to her sides nearly jostling loose in her struggles.

::Calm down! Euryale,:: Hermione fell down straight onto her knees with a huff of pain when a particularly violent shake sent Bellatrix and herself tumbling off onto the forest floor, ::We’ll take them off, just stop moving!::

Euryale’s movements ceased while she let out a monumental hiss of displeasure that had Hermione’s skin breaking out into goosebumps and sweat beading up along the base of her neck, ::You’re alright Euryale, we made it.::

::Off! Take them off!:: The serpent was puffing herself up much like common puff adder, her hiss reverberating throughout Hermione’s chest and darkly slitted eyes staring at them through the thin veil of her nictitating membrane while she watched them rush about to remove the Portkeys. One by one Hermione and Bellatrix unlatched the Goblin forged clasps that had, quite effectively, held onto her scales while they had been traveling, curses tumbling from her lips whenever she stumbled or her fingers caught. It would have been nice if magic was strong enough to take care of unlatching each and every one of the things; but Goblin forged metals were… different. Their tendencies to react negatively to humankind’s magic was legendary, and in the interest of safety both Bellatrix and herself had made the firm decision to apply and remove each Key by hand.

‘All in all,’ she thought darkly when a fingernail chipped on spun gold, ‘It’s a wonder this harebrained scheme even worked.’


With shaky feet underneath her and arms shivering from the sudden workload finally falling down to her side, Hermione stopped and stared as the last bit of Goblin metal dropped down from Euryale’s side to pool beneath the cover of forest undergrowth.

::Never gain, no travel, bad travel,:: Euryale hissed out, rubbing her sides against a tree as she took advantage of the sudden change in texture. After a few minutes of observing her surroundings Euryale was finally beginning to calm down, her jaw opened wide as she sucked in clean, and more importantly fresh, air to fill her lungs. With a sudden fluid movement she twisted around to press the tip of her snout against Hermione’s outstretched hand and began to hiss at barely more than a whisper, :: Thank you, thank you, thank you.::

::You’re welcome Euryale,:: Hermione smiled at the imposing serpent, all sharp fangs and gleaming eyes, her sides radiating a multicolored sheen that sparkled and glittered beneath stray rays from the sun. It was the first moment she’d truly been able to look at Euryale beneath something other than the oppressive gloom that had radiated throughout the Chamber, and she found it beautiful.

Euryale was practically glittering like diamonds as she shook herself and twisted on the ground, the tips of sharpened scutes nearer the ground all tipped with white like miniature stones. Scutes beneath her length were cream along the edges, black and brown down the middle from where she had scraped along stonework for so long; her teeth blindingly white despite the meals she had been eating and patterned whirls atop her spine a mixture of gold and onyx.

All around them the world was alive with the braying and cawing of wildlife, from the tops of the trees the incessant sounds of insects and birds filtered through the foliage to snag her attention and leave her spinning in place as she observed the rainforest. Most animals seemed to sense the sudden bulk of predator sitting in their midst, some calls more alarming and adamant than others, but Hermione and Bellatrix both knew they need not be afraid now that they’d won one of the strongest predators on the planet to their side.

::I think you’ll love it here Euryale,:: Bellatrix spoke up from behind Hermione, the length of cordage and individual Portkey’s bundled in her arms as she waited on Hermione to open up her enchanted bag to hold it all. ::It’s beautiful here.::

:: I agree… Even Salazar himself could not return me to a proper home; but you two have managed where he and his descendants failed, :: Euryale began to wind a curving arc around where they stood, her head pointed out into the wilderness, ::Should you ever have need of me or my like, I will be at your service or direct others.::

::Thank you, Euryale, though we’d prefer it if you’re never bothered by Humans again. However, there is one favor I would ask of you,:: Hermione said, stepping backwards and reaching into the pouch at her hip to remove a small glass phial not much larger than her thumb and stoppered with magically infused polypropylene. ::If it wouldn’t trouble you at all, would you mind us taking some of your venom?::

Euryale sank down to lower her bottom jaw against the forest floor and peered into the tiny phial within Hermione’s grip, her slit eyes widening before settling upon Hermione. ::What would you use it for?::

::Well, we would use it to kill the one who released you and reneged on his promises, the one you knew as Tom Riddle, Voldemort.::

Euryale reared backwards and hissed out a low tone that undulated with her movements, something striking that could only be described as a haunting laugh that rose up and up until it was beyond the range of their hearing entirely. ::Yes! Yes, yes, I do believe that is a worthwhile endeavor. He promised me safety! He promised me security! For his treachery I would gladly see you tear him down.:: Euryale lowered herself until she could peer directly into Hermione’s eyes, the young witch trembling at the knowledge that all that separated her from death was a thin membrane and the temperament of a thousand year old snake.

She gulped, more on the principal of the fear rather than the fear itself, hyper-focused on the fact that now that they’d gotten here Euryale had no reason to harm them whatsoever.

::You have my word Euryale. I’ll return when it’s done and find you. But it may take years to happen,:: Hermione hissed out, conviction ringing through her tone.

::Good, good. Here now, hold it out,:: Euryale opened her maw as wide as she could, her tongue drifting forward to lay atop her bottom fangs and dagger like top ones descending further as she forced venom to emerge. In a flash Hermione had the phial unstoppered and held beneath the gleaming tip as venom fell down channels in the enamel towards the tip and dripped off into the small opening. The liquid was yellow, falling drop by agonizing drop, and Hermione continuously fought the shivers and shakes threatening to put her fingers directly underneath it. With a flourish she pulled her arm back at the last second before the phial could overflow, the top pressing back on and the whole item dropped securely into her bag as elation and a grin stretched across her face. Bellatrix silently moved up behind her and wrapped warm arms around her midsection, the dark haired witch’s chin moving to rest atop her shoulder.

::Thank you so much Euryale,:: Bellatrix hissed, her own dark eyes glittering up at the serpent.

Euryale hiss-laughed, ::I do believe it’s me who should be thanking you. You know where you can find me, if ever the need arises, do not hesitate. Goodbye.:: Euryale nodded her head and stared them both in the eye before she turned away and began to carve a path through the underbrush of the forest that smashed small trees and flattened every plant in her way. After what felt like far too soon the sounds of her movement disappeared into the cacophony of the forest, her bulk quickly swallowed up and hidden by the foliage itself.

“You think we did the right thing?” Bellatrix nipped gently at the skin of Hermione’s neck, her fingers pressing down against the soft plane of her stomach.

Hermione smirked, “Yes, I think so. It definitely worked out better than our first plan.”

“Safer too,” Bellatrix whispered through lips that brushed Hermione’s pulse, “And on top of it you got one of the single rarest potion ingredients in the entire world.”

“Pretty good for a time traveler and her delinquent lover,” Hermione smiled and leaned back into the embrace, her body shifting side to side as feet sank lower into the soft forest soil.

“Pretty damned good,” Bellatrix leaned into Hermione’s back and captured her earlobe in between her teeth, “Now, shall we? Escaping a painful death just turns me on like nothing else.”

Hermione set to giggling as Bellatrix’s fingers wandered further south, “Yes Bella, lets.”


By the gods did her feet hurt. 

She knew that in the grand scheme of everything, her own and Dumbledore’s as well as Voldemorts, it didn’t matter. It was an intensely minuscule thing to be upset about but the oddly styled heels that she wore beneath the flowing length of her dress were just a bit too tight all along the outside of her foot in a way that made shuffling her feet to keep the feeling her legs a must. All in all a chore she felt was more annoying than it was worth.

‘I guess I could just pass out. That would work, right?’

It would work; in a way. But she was more than sure that magic would have her up and back on her feet in no time flat; back into the same shuffling position with nothing to show for it but the notoriety that came with falling to the ground during a graduation ceremony. And beyond that the damage it would do to the respect she held from the Professors and students at her back simply wasn’t worth the few minutes of peace and relaxation.

‘Oh well,’ she thought, ‘At least I look good.’

Vanity wasn’t one of her more abject vices but it paid to have money and now that she did, well, she wasn’t so lost up her own head as to ignore it. To that end the dress she wore was worth every knut, beautiful and flowing as it hugged her body. The color was a pearlescent green that shimmered and glittered beneath the sun as she twisted and moved; the skirt portion a straight edge of seafoam green to compliment her makeup and her House. SHe was surprised that she’d ended up in this position; less that she was in a dress and more that she was finally graduating. 

Instead of the thin gown and cap that she’d been expecting they had instead been given strict orders to find fashionable and appropriate clothing to wear beneath the drapery of a flowing robe edged in their House’s colors while a pointed hat sat atop their heads. The robes were oversized on purpose, left with no buttons or way to close them so that they billowed and shifted with the wind, their left breast emblazoned with the crest of Hogwarts while the right displayed their House.

Bellatrix, the massive overachiever that she was, had opted instead to dress as brazenly as possible in an exotic dress that hugged every curve while revealing the pale stretch of skin that ran from her shoulders and down to her back before wrapping around to reveal the smooth cream of her stomach. The material was some form of satin that swallowed up all the light that touched it with the exception of two green snakes that wound up and around her body until their heads rested against her collarbone, their long tongues flickering out to taste the air against the fabric.

Hermione’s opinion on the item was that it was as beautiful as her lover, her cheeks a rosy pink with the exertion and nervousness of the day and her hair pulled back into a twisting braid that spread out across her back and shoulder into ringlets and waves. She wore the robe as an afterthought at most; the fabric pulled wide open and barely hanging onto her by her shoulders, her dress and skin exposed while she cocked cheshire grins at anyone who looked at her. Bellatrix wasn’t the only one to have dressed to outshine the sun, most others in their year had thrown their own personal spin on the robes until they could call it all their own, a true liberation from their seven years of living with a stifling and restrictive uniform.

When they had all woken up that morning their first act had been to dress and wander around, many of them taking last minute looks at the campus that they were soon set to leave, many filled with happiness at the occasion and others with a sadness that they couldn’t articulate, each mourning the passage of seven years in their own way. Bellatrix had spent her morning knocking about their shared room in a daze while Hermione had been moving around with a nervous energy that wouldn’t seem to dissipate as hard as she tried, Agath sitting on her shoulder and hissing in displeasure at the speed she put into packing her trunk. As the morning progressed she’d settled into a dull sort of nausea that ate away at her gut and sent her fingers twitching as anxiety swelled beneath her breast; a sort of wavering uncertainty that was only just settled when Bellatrix stood in front of her to wrap warm arms around her shoulder and pepper her cheeks with soft kisses.

No; she wasn’t going to be able to walk on the stage with the friends she’d grown up with beside her, there would be no Harry to her right, or Ronald to her left, no Neville and no Seamus. Not even Lavender in one of her precocious moods or her smattering of friends from other Houses. This realization, this actuality, hurt her to a degree that she hadn’t thought she’d succumb to.

All her old friends were safe in their own world, and hadn’t even been born yet in this one. They had duties and responsibilities to attend to, many having chosen to not even return for their seventh year. When she closed her eyes she could imagine what many of them would be doing, either working with the Ministry or out in the wider world, many more somewhere in the private sector doing something that they enjoyed. The thought that they were all okay in a world that no longer had a war looming on the horizon was enough to settle most of her nerves. For the rest she had someone right beside her who’d become more than a friend, someone she loved and cherished with all her heart.

Bellatrix squeezed Hermione’s hand with a gentle warmth and even pressure that brought her up and out of her reminiscence to ground her back in the present of their world. All around her the remaining seventh years were milling about as they waited to get on with the show; the rest of the Castle left empty and barren after all the other students had gone home the day before. A few remained, mostly siblings or those from other countries, and Hermione could catch a glimpse of them from the ramparts above them or through stained-glass windows as they peered down into the courtyard far below them. There weren’t many of them waiting in the courtyard; seven from Gryffindor, twelve from Ravenclaw, fifteen from Hufflepuff, and only eight from Slytherin.

A pitiable few, but rambunctious and excited nonetheless.

Eventually the Professors managed to catch all of their attention to begin the long trek out from the Castle with little fanfare or pomp. All the boys had been informed to line up on one side of the narrow bridge, separated by Houses, and the girls had then been instructed to remain in a line to their left, mirroring their movement and pace. Slughorn was smiling brightly between his charges; his eyes crinkling and smile beaming as he stood there in a tweed suit beneath a larger looking version of their own robe.

Flitwick’s group was next and though he stood less than half of his charge’s height the pride swelling his chest made him seem like a giant. Minerva stood between her lions with a fierceness to her features that more than earned her distinction as mother to her cubs, and lastly but not least Pomona Sprout stood, and gossiped and high-fived, between her Badgers.

At the head of the assembled students stood their years Valedictorian, a Ravenclaw who neither Hermione nor Bellatrix knew, waving back at Filius and bowing gratuitously whenever members of his House began shouting his name. Not that any of this made Hermione jealous, no, he deserved to be standing up there on his lonesome, no matter how much it hurt her pride. Hermione’s N.E.W.T.S.’s had all gone quite well, nine O’s and one E in Defense, much to her heated displeasure, a respectable outcome but not the desired one. Bellatrix in turn had tested at everything and come away from it with eight O’s and four E’s, a strong achievement that would carry her over in almost any job she applied for, were their plans not already nearly set in stone.

Still they had both ended up needing to decompress once they realized they’d been surpassed, their last night beneath the Castle as students being filled with exploding dummies summoned up by the Room of Requirement, their arms unleashing exceedingly Dark curses and hexes in a bid to flood themselves with the intoxicating allure of Magic in order to take the sting off their loss.

From that line they had all walked out and off the thin bridge before taking a sharp turn down onto the grounds before the Black Lake, their words silent and hearts racing for the ceremony set to begin. There on the shores of the Black Lake was a long and wooden platform that jutted outwards from sand and deep into the cold waters gently lapping ashore, a great and hulking beast managed only by magic to remain afloat and keep water from splashing onto its wood. Back on the embankment in a twinning made in the same style and with the same wood, stood a proper set of benches in a half circle, three rows with each one further back being higher up to present guests with an easy view of those before them.

Multiple teachers that Hermione had come to know in this world and the last were standing before their seats on the uppermost ring; their robes adorned with their own personal Houses and pointed hats tilted to block the scant rays of the sun. Some were younger, some looked hardier, but each wore an expression of pride and delight that had warmth swelling through Hermione’s chest as she observed them on her way to the stage.

Technically it was spring in Scotland but one would be hard-pressed to determine that on their own; gray skies filled with puffs and wisps of clouds were stratified up above them in a pattern that let sunlight streak down at odd intervals, lighting up the ground and its occupants with a powerfully warm glow before disappearing again to let chills build up around them. The wind was a living thing that rolled in off the lake and higher elevations before batting them around, nearly taking hats off heads and sending gowns flurrying around their bodies. As Hermione strode up onto the stage she could feel the comforting caress of layered charms and enchantments set up to manage the unpredictable weather; the wind soothing and calm the further she walked, the faint hint of warmth spreading across her legs and shoulders before passing through her body until even her nose was a comfortable warmth.

Near the front but in the middle of the wooden structure stood the Headmaster in a chartreuse robe emblazoned with House Gryffindor and the Hogwarts crest; his pointed hat replaced with a cowl that matched the color of his robes and short beard combed and braided in a myriad of twists that held metal and bits of glass. A wooden podium that reached his chest was stood before him and atop it sat the Sorting Hat itself; the fabric pulled and pinched into the imitation of a cheshire grin, the whole of it moving and lilting to its own design in the absence of the wind.

When they’d all settled into place, Gryffindor in the front left and Slytherin in the back right, Dumbledore motioned with his hand before clapping once to gain everyone’s attention.

“Valued students, honored faculty, parents and our esteemed guests; It is my great privilege, and dare I say pleasure to welcome you all here on this fine and lovely morning to the Graduation of the Hogwarts class of Nineteen Seventy,” he paused, old gaze twisting around to view all in attendance, “Each and every student you see standing behind me has endured seven long and arduous years filled with rigorous study and academia; and all at the highest standards that our fine Country has to offer…”

Hermione tried, she truly did, but eventually the combination of her hurting feet and the repetitive lull of his words all blended into a mindless repetition in her head; a white noise that blanketed her mind with comforting familiarity regardless of Dumbledore’s rather antagonistic relationship as of late. It was to be expected that her mind would soon turn to wander rather than zero in on his words, and the little spark of shame she felt was mitigated by mind-numbing drudgery. As the gray clouds above them continued to whirl and pass on by she turned her attention to the stands before them and contented herself with observing each and every face, looking for differences and similarities to the people she’d known from her own world.

After five or so minutes of this she became resigned to admitting that no, she could not recognize them or identify them; a consequence she was sure had come about due to her Muggleborn youth, if she had been pure or even halfblood she might have recognized the younger form of friends or classmates grandparents but as it was they were all strangers. Except, she noted with a wry grin and confusion sparking in her brain, a pair of late arrivals.

Lord Voldemort himself was slowly walking towards a seat with a younger version of who looked to be Antonin Dolohov following closely behind him. Hermione wasn’t sure what had prompted the man to arrive at this graduation; surely he hadn't done it in her own timeline since he had already declared himself a Dark Lord, and beyond antagonizing this version of Dumbledore she couldn’t come up with an excuse for his arrival. In the end it was just a mystery, and one that she hoped, as well as suspected, would be solved by the time they left.

Eventually Dumbledore’s speech began to waver and peter out as he came to a natural stopping point, his words ending rather abruptly to the sound of applause from the students and guests. “Now,” the Sorting Hat yelled out, “When I call your name, please step forward and reach inside; I promise not to bite nor taunt, for within me I hold something that you want.”

Hermione’s head cocked to the side and her face pulled up in puzzlement at the odd little rhyme, if it could even be called that, and around her multiple students snorted and sniggered while making jokes about the Hat finally having lost it.

“Joseph Ariane!” The Hat’s voice was booming across the stage and platform, loud and distinct amid the stillness of the morning. From the middle of the grouping a young man in Hufflepuff colors strode forward to walk down between the aisles of students and stop before the Headmaster. Dumbledore and Pomona, who had drifted to the front near the podium along with the other Heads, shook his hand with enthusiasm and vigor before offering him the Hat to reach inside.

In a swift movement he pulled out a rolled up parchment sealed with wax in the shape of the Hogwarts crest, its paper worn and yellow, stiff and unyielding. He nodded his head at Dumbledore and Pomona after setting the Hat back down and retreated to his position amid a smattering of applause and cheer from the stands. Hermione watched as the grouping continued, each called one by one to stand before the Headmaster in alphabetical order; and soon enough a name that brought a smile to her face was called.

“Bellatrix Black!” The Hat’s voice erupted through the group while applause rained down from the stands and even Voldemort graced them with a smile and polite gold clap, Dolohov beside him looking dour and solemn. Hermione watched the witch head off with pride beneath her chest as Bellatrix practically skipped down the middle to stand before the Headmaster and Slughorn, her eyes never once leaving the Headmaster’s face. When she returned her black eyes were glittering with light, happiness spilling over to infect Hermione to the core, a far off goal that had once seemed insurmountable when she was younger finally having been completed.

And then, soon enough, it was her own turn.

“Emelia Grenier!” Hermione blanched, body stiled as her brain shot up, ‘You’re Emelia you dolt!’ , her feet hurrying to send her towards the podium. Her cheeks and neck were flushed with heat and some odd mixture of embarrassment and dread, ‘What if I go to pull it out and it’s not there? What then?!’ She knew it was ridiculous; she had graduated, she would find her diploma inside the Hat, but still that nagging feeling persisted until she was standing before Dumbledore’s young face and slowly shaking his hand.

“Congratulations Emelia,” Dumbledore said as he lifted the Hat up for her to reach inside, “I do believe this has been a long time coming for you.”

Hermione grinned and reached inside, “Yes Headmaster, it truly has.” Her fingers closed around a parchment roll that seemed to materialize between her grip, hand yanking backwards as if burned as she sought to confirm what she was feeling. 

It was here, in her grasp, finally! Thirty years too soon and two years too late, but it was hers now. She’d done it!

Hermione turned quickly against the sound of applause to head back up towards her row and stared down the line of students, her eyes searching for Bellatrix and finding-

‘Miss me, Pet?’

-the witch smiling as brightly as ever while a thin ray from the sun painted her face a rosy gold. Coal black eyes sparkled and twinkled as she came to a stop beside her, one arm shooting forward to pull her into a deep kiss that involved more than a little tongue while the classmates surrounding them wolf whistled and whooped. “Congrats love,” Bellatrix released her hold to let Hermione resume her spot, “You did it.”

Hermione grinned so hard she could feel her cheeks burn with exertion, “No, we did it.”


“We will now disperse for a recess of three hours while the Graduates relax and soak in the atmosphere of the school for one last moment,” Dumbledore’s aged voice spoke out across the water and wood, “We will then reconvene for Send Off. Thank you, and please, enjoy yourselves.”

His words marked the end of the first portion of the day; all students - graduates - released to wander and absorb the campus as much as they could before the final portion of the ceremony was completed. Arm in arm Hermione and Bellatrix strode off the stage and towards the stands where parents were searching for their children, professors were heading back to their rooms, and guests were milling about to network. Hermione had her sights set on one man though, standing tall and away from the larger group.

“My Lord,” she curtsied as much as she could while stuck inside her dress and robes while Bellatrix hurriedly fought to catch up to her movements, “We weren’t expecting to see you here today.”

Voldemort inclined his head in response to their curtsy and motioned for them to follow as he began to walk, “Truth be told I hadn’t planned on being here originally. But plans change, and when I realized I’d be in the area I decided it might be best if we have a conversation now rather than later. If you don’t mind, that is,” he looked at them with a raised eyebrow before settling back into a swift walk when they nodded and voiced that it was fine, “Congratulations by the way, on graduating and your approaching marriage. I also heard you recently won custody of your siblings?”

“Yes my Lord, and thank you,” Bellatrix’s voice was soft beside Hermione as they walked, “It’s about time that the Ministry managed to do something right.”

“Agreed,” Voldemort chuckled, “Agreed.”

The small path that they turned to wander down was barely wide enough to allow for three people to pass through side by side, Hermione and Bellatrix remaining somewhat behind Voldemort as he walked to allow him some measure of deference, while Dolohov came up the rear. The man had smiled politely when they’d first joined up and shook their hands with a surprisingly gentle grip when they’d arrived, congratulating them both on their accomplishment before stepping backwards to allow them access to his Lord. Hermione understood his rear position to be twofold in reasoning; one to allow them access and privacy with Voldemort if necessary and secondly to provide defense if anything were to happen during their walk.

Not that Hermione thought anything would happen; it was Hogwarts after all, a place unbecoming of danger or intrigue. ‘Or not,’ she wryly thought to herself.

“Yes, there are many things that the Ministry strives to fail at, though I hope this quick meeting can set the beginning of a few… corrections, in motion.” Voldemort’s voice was strong yet somber, a softness suffusing it that was surely intended to lull them into confidence. Hermione settled herself into a calm pace and wrapped an arm up with Bellatrix’s, her ears open but mind wandering as silence set in.

The meandering path eventually ended with them entering Hogsmeade proper; High Street stretching out before them as Voldemort dictated the direction that they moved. He continued down it for a few hundred meters before turning off and down a side road labeled as Rough Head; cobblestones lining the street and ancient brick buildings looming over them on either side. There were a smattering of shops down this way that Hermione managed to recognize; some regional variants of stores she’d shopped at in her past and a few that she knew would one day expand and grow into familiar forms. The one marked difference to High Street was the quality of the buildings and shops; many in far worse shape than the premier establishments on the main strip and likely to stay this way until an influx of villagers could tear them up from their miasmic roots.

Voldemort directed them towards a building covered beneath a thick layer of ivy that grew on all sides with large thistly leaves in a green and golden pattern that seemed to sway and shiver beneath a nonexistent breeze. “This way, if you would. I promise not to take up too much of your time,” Voldemort opened the wooden door to the building, Dolohov shifting ahead of them all to scout the interior.

The interior of the building was a stark contrast to the exterior; homey and warm as could be. The floors and tables were all hardwoods that shone bronze beneath the light of hundreds of candles that floated serenely above their heads while a large fire stood out against the far left well, its hearth crafted from a multitude of granite blocks upon which were carved runes that had been re-etched with gold. Hermione recognized some of them offhand, her classes kicking in and taking over, leading her to determine that it was covered by a precursor to the Floo Network, a visual representation to the magic that had been made more efficient over the centuries. Sitting before the hearth were a multitude of high backed chairs, lounge chaises, even what looked like a Muggle recliner in one corner. The opposite wall had built in booths large enough to easily sit six people to a side, and in front of them lay a long bar top made from what looked like mahogany and behind which stood the barkeep; an old woman with billowing gray hair pulled back into a puffy ponytail who was picking at lint upon her brown apron.

Dolohov set off at a quick pace towards the fire; pulling apart groups of chairs until four had been positioned in a semicircle before the roaring flames, the rest pushed away to afford them privacy. He took up the spot closest to the fire and pointed towards the door, allowing himself a clear view of the layout of the room and entrance in case he needed to protect his master, Bellatrix and Hermione sitting opposite as Voldemort took the only other open seat. 

“So,” Voldemort began, “Have either of you any thoughts on taking up my offer?” His voice was even and smooth, face relaxed and bloodshot eyes switching between them both.

Bellatrix shifted in her seat to reach out a hand for Hermione to hold across the gap of their chairs, “We have. And we’ve both come to an agreement on the matter, specifically regarding the year of prior training before joining you.”

Voldemort inclined his head like a predator trying to sort out it’s prey, “Oh?”

“Yes. I believe,” Bellatrix looked over at Hermione before returning her gaze to the Dark Lord, “I believe that we would like to make our decision now; about joining you that is. The year of extra training would be appreciated, but we’d like to pledge ourselves as is.”

That managed to grab his attention. His eyes widened noticeably as he leaned backwards into his high backed chair, surprise and some mixture of smug pleasure radiating across his face. He might have been assured in his confidence that they would end up taking on his offer after a full year underneath him but obviously hadn’t been expecting them to join him so quickly. “And you’re both sure about this? It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, and the effects will have far ranging consequences for the rest of your life.”

“We have, my Lord. After witnessing the multitude of incompetencies that prop up the Ministry,” she paused to accept a glass of amber liquid from the barmaid who’d wandered over, “And Hogwarts, we came to the decision that sooner rather than later was the best path forward.”

Voldemort grinned toothily at them, “Good, good. That will certainly speed up some of our plans, won’t it Antonin?”

The younger man squinted at them both through the thin veil of dirty-brown hair, “Yes my Lord, I believe it will.”

“Mulciber and Rookwood would quite like to meet with you both, and now I suppose the remainder of the inner circle will want to as well,” Voldemort spoke while his features pinched as he sipped from a glass, “Do prepare yourself for an inquisition, Crabbe and Goyle are in a dither over their scions states; they’ll both want to know as much as possible about what could have happened under the old Goat’s nose.”

Hermione barely reacted to his words, so strong was her hold over her reaction to that rather startling bit of news. Or, well, it should have been startling, she realized, seeing as she’d left it unattended as much as she could. Once the DMLE had been unable to apprehend or even determine what, or who, had harmed those poor souls and killed Rodolphus, they’d jumped off of the case and labeled it the work of unknown Dark creatures, their first choice for covering up the fact that they had no leads and nothing at all to go on. The Centaur herd that inhabited the Forest had waved off every attempt by the Ministry to set up a meaningful dialogue and the renegades who spoke to the DMLE were unable to offer anything other than a few samplings of memories that had revealed that they had been much too far away to offer any assistance or warning to the harmed students.

“We’ll offer them what we can, but we were never really friends with those who were hurt,” Hermione spoke up for the first time since entering the pub, “We don’t know much more than rumors put out by the Ministry I’m afraid.”

Voldemort’s voice turned sour as he tilted his head and peered down into his glass, “Well we can sort that all out when we get to it. But first off there are some matters we should discuss if you’re truly eager to pledge yourselves and join the Circle.”

“We truly want this,” Bellatrix spoke up with a carefully crafted fervor straining through her voice and body shifting forward to the edge of her seat, “My Lord we wouldn’t throw this chance away for anything.”

“Be that as it may, there are some things you should know. For now, let’s agree to meet at your estate in three days time. Say quarter past four? Unless you wish to pledge somewhere else, that is,” Voldemort peered at them with an upturned eyebrow and a question on his face.

Hermione took a sip of the powerful liquid in her glass to fortify her resolve for the remainder of this meeting, wincing at the sudden burn sliding on down her throat, “Yes my Lord, that’ll do quite nicely. We’d like to get this all settled before the wedding, and after that we’ll be taking a honeymoon for a short while.”

Dolohov smiled at them both at that, leaving Hermione wondering just where his head was at while Voldemort leaned back and grinned, “Very well then. In three days time we’ll meet up and induct you to the Circle. You are correct in taking this quickly; I wouldn’t dream of interfering with a new couples bond. How long are you planning on being out?”

Hermione smiled in spite of her desire to remain aloof throughout this talk, happy to be able to talk with anyone about their plans who wasn’t Narcissa or Andromeda, “We’ll be gone a month, I believe. We’ve picked out a few stops in America first, and then we’ll do a bit of sightseeing along the Continent. There are a few ritual locations we’d like to visit before coming home, hopefully most will be available for our purposes.”

“Ah,” Voldemort’s face split wide with a shark like grin, “Make sure you stop by Stonehenge as well; I hear this time of year is supposed to be well tuned towards fertility and long-lasting life, if you’re looking for it that is.”

Hermione felt her insides chill into ice as he finished his sentence, ‘Am I really discussing one of us getting pregnant, with the Dark Lord of all people?!’

“Hmph,” Bellatrix cleared her throat, “Thank you for that advice my Lord, we were unaware.” Bellatrix’s voice was even despite the sudden anxiety and embarrassment that Hermione could feel flowing through her scar, her body shifting backwards upon the seat.

Dolohov brought a hand to his chin and began to stroke the stubble growing there, “What are you both planning for the future? Will either of you apply for spots within the Ministry? Abroad? I hear you each came in top marks for your N.E.W.T.S.”

“Well,” Bellatrix began, “We managed to finagle something of a deal with Dumbledore.” Hermione watched as Voldemort’s face grew impassive and stony at the mention of the Headmaster’s name, “He’s uh, he’s agreed to write us both letters of recommendations for whichever Masteries we choose; we’ve both decided to take Ancient Runes, though alongside it I’d like to apply for Defense Against the Dark Arts-”

“-while I’d like to apply for Transfiguration,” Hermione broke in, “We’ve both scored top of our class in those courses and it seems only natural that we try to flesh out our knowledge as best we can.”

Voldemort nodded slowly before sipping from his glass and jostling his foot up and down at a rapid pace, “That’s good. Not enough young people apply for Masteries these days. Too many are subservient to the whims of the Ministry or not even given the chance in the first place. I’d hate to see what our institutions would become if young blood such as yourselves weren’t around to push boundaries. I can help you with those matters,” he set his glass to floating in the air above the arm of his chair, “All three are specific aspects that I’d like to address during your training, though it’ll be much more hands on work than you would receive classically.”

“Thank you my Lord,” Bellatrix grinned at him, “We do have one thing to ask on that front; since we’ve obtained custody of my sisters we’ll need to be within reach of them during the year; specifically we’ll need to reside within Blackhall whenever they aren’t at Hogwarts, at least until they reach their age of Maturity. Andromeda will do so this summer but Narcissa still has four years to go.”

Voldemort looked thoughtfully between them and picked up his floating glass, “That could present somewhat of an issue. Do you both need to be there? Or will one of you suffice?”

“One will,” Bellatrix answered, “So long as the Ministry sees at least one of us there we’ll be golden. And even then I can’t imagine Narcissa remaining home all that time. We’ve yet to repair the bridges that fell when my father died, but I’d like to ask Abraxas about reinstating the betrothal between his son Lucius and Narcissa; she’s quite smitten with him and from what I hear Lucius is the same. I’d hate for my father’s downfall to get in between a love such as theirs.”

“Well I’m sure that I can be of assistance in that matter. Abraxas is part of the Circle, and he’ll join us in three days' time. It’ll be a simple thing to hash out, though I’ll take the liberty of briefing him first so that he’s not caught unaware.”

“Thank you,” Hermione spoke up, “We truly appreciate all that you’ve done for us and all that you’re doing.”

Voldemort waved off her thanks, “Of course my dear; talent such as yours should be nurtured and cultivated to its highest potential, it’d be remiss of me to ignore or refuse to help. And in regards to one of you needing to be at your home, I’m sure we can find a way to work around that.”

“Lovely,” Bellatrix grinned before sipping from her glass.

“Quite. Now; are either one of you aware of the name that our Circle operates under?”

“No, my Lord,” Hermione responded with feigned confusion and interest, her eyes widening as she leaned forward in her set with an air of anticipation.

Voldemort’s voice dropped and he set aside his glass again, Dolohov mimicking his movements as if the non-existent patrons of this pub would hear, “We are known as the Knights of Walpurgis. We are, all of us, a group with a single dedication and purpose. It is our mission through action and words to ensure that our way of life is preserved; both the Dark and the Light. We see absolutely no reason to adopt or mold ourselves to Muggle traditions, sentiments, religions, or mannerisms, except in those rare cases where it would be a boon to adopt or intermingle.” 

Voldemort paused and took a sip before continuing his words, “The Ministry has long feared that by including Muggleborns we risk a high chance of exposing ourselves to the wider world; that with their inclusion comes the inherent risk that they could turn on us in an instant. While we won’t say that the assumption is incorrect, they can and some have, the Ministry and our leaders have gone about safeguarding us in a manner that simply doesn’t work. It is our belief that with Grindelwald’s foolish war and the horrors unleashed by the Muggle Second World War, the Ministry has in turn overreacted; Dumbledore first and foremost among them. We aim to change this status quo, shake the world up and show it folly as folly, before rewriting the system. We can go into far greater detail when we meet next, but know that in joining us there is no going back. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will last an entire lifetime. Dolohov?”

Dolohov nodded and set his drink aside before shifting forward in his seat and pulling back the left sleeve of his robe to reveal the curve of his muscled forearm, palm tightly in a fist and facing the ceiling. His right hand passed over the space once before skin rippled and darkened to reveal the Mark. The winding serpent protruded from the mouth of a grinning skull, its mouth open and fangs extended as if to bite, the body of the enchanted tattoo writhing and shifting upon his skin.

“The brand you see before you is called the Dark Mark. My Mark,” he stared at them both icily, “It is how we recognize those within the Inner Circle, as you two will soon be. You’ll be the youngest of our group, the next up is Rookwood at twenty-five, but your age shouldn’t preclude you from any of the advantages or responsibilities of the position. Your father,” he nodded at Bellatrix, “Was going to be inducted. He was already a part of the Circle, as was Pierre Lestrange, but he hadn’t yet been marked due to concerns he held. With their deaths, as I said before, the two spots are open and yours for the taking. The Mark is permanent and linked directly to my magic, a constantly open line between myself and those who have it. I’ll go into further detail before the ritual to apply it, if you desire.”

‘Well,’ Hermione thought wryly to herself, ‘It’s now or never.’ Hermione pulled up the cuff of her robe until her left forearm was bared, “My Lord, as lovely as the Mark is, we may have an issue with the placement.”

“How so?” Voldemort’s bloodshot eyes narrowed down to a thin line as he looked back at Hermione, something closely related to anger and fury roiling just beneath the smooth veneer of his pale face.

“Like this,” she dropped the specific portion of her glamour that hid the smooth curve of her forearm brand, keeping the remainder up to hide the scar and further modifications that she’d made. What shone then upon her skin was a thin brand nearly the size of two galleons side by side that depicted a thin knot of whirling loops that twisted inwards from four points; their rather small and particular brand for protection from compulsion charms.

The rune itself was weak and only minimally effective, geared towards variants of compulsion that wouldn’t already be caught out and stopped by the larger grouping of Occlumency runes along their backs. Unfortunately the placement itself had ended up right in the middle of their forearms, a location she hadn’t even been thinking about until they’d pledged themselves towards taking down Voldemort with Dumbledore’s help; suddenly aware that they would likely need to receive the brand and this might cause a conflict.

Both Voldemort and Dolohov were immediately leaning almost off their chairs as they stared at the small mark, Dolohov having to push himself back up in surprise when Bellatrix pushed up her sleeve to reveal the same. Neither man had actually seen an application of the magic the two witches now wore, it was old and exceedingly painful and those parts alone were usually more than enough to push those who knew of it away in search of other methods to solve their problems, off towards other books and cleaner spells that wouldn’t maim if someone messed up the application. When Voldemort’s eyes widened up Hermione realized that he had finally come to understand why she’d bothered bringing it up, his eyes hooded in what she assumed was a range of mental calculus to see how this would interfere with the Mark’s application.

It didn’t help his position since the Mark wasn’t truly a brand, it was a charmed tattoo striking straight through the skin and down to whatever constituted their core; a similar effect to their runes but so different in application that layering one over the other could end in no issue at all or portions of their magic harmed for years to come. And Hermione wasn’t willing to chance that; and she hoped he’d be the same.

Voldemort leaned back in his chair and exhaled wearily, “That may indeed present a problem. The power channeled through the Mark would… Well frankly I don’t know. What does your brand do?”

Bellatrix dropped her sleeve and leaned back in her chair, “This one provides us with a level of immunity towards compulsions.”

“Nothing like the Imperius,” Hermione continued, “And I’ll classify it as only blocking compulsions because this can’t break one that’s set in, only stop the attempt. It should work well on potions or other methods of control that don’t involve base spellwork.”

“That’s a genius little idea,” Dolohov began, “But do you not have your House ring?”


“I do? But,” Hermione dropped her glamour hiding the ring on her finger, “Why would-”

“Your ring should, or at least most do, provide you some level of base protection against the same sort of magics as that rune. Madam Black would need it as she’s not the Head of her House and cannot hold a ring; but you should be covered.”

“Oh…,” Hermione’s voice floundered while her face and neck flushed with an upset heat, ‘The family that raised me were unaware of that, as was I until only a few moments ago.”

“Where were you raised, if you don’t mind me asking?” Dolohov’s voice and words were accompanied by a forceful tilt of his head, his eyes narrowing and body posture stiffening.

She hadn’t ever told them, Hermione realized with somewhat of a shock, Voldemort had never once asked her where she’d come from or how she’d ended up in Britain; an inaction that she’d taken to mean that he’d read the falsified report that sat somewhere deep within the Ministry. Those reports and folders all contained a series of doctored documents with forged signatures and testimonials that Dumbledore had set up from inside the Canadian Ministry back when she had first arrived at the Castle, a backlog of history for anyone who cared so much as to look into her, or a quick check in by any potential employers.

Bellatrix leaned backwards into her chair with one leg crossed over the other while she nursed her glass of liquor, the slight jiggle of her foot being the only thing to show the nerves she felt beneath her forced calm.

“My parents were poor, mostly by choice but partly due to circumstances. They each had abandoned their family holdings in Canada for a single plot of land in the United States.” Hermione composed herself and threw her emotions into mimicking what she thought someone emotional and unsure of bringing up their past would act, “They didn’t take much with them and had absolutely no intention of ever returning to their family. Had they not died I doubt I would have ever discovered anything at all about my family’s past, or made my way here.”

“Such a shame that is,” Voldemort relaxed his posture and looked at them both with downturned eyes, “Losing one’s parents is never easy.”

Dolohov finally relaxed before nodding stiffly in her direction, something close to empathy and sympathy crossing his stony features, “Ah. I know the feeling well. Both of my parents died back when I was a young boy; it messed me right up, and the Wizarding orphanages that came afterwards weren’t the greatest places, especially not on the Continent. My life was a load of manticore gówno, least until my Lord saved me. That was what,” he looked over at Voldemort, seven, eight years ago?”

“Eight, if I remember correctly,” Voldemort gained what could loosely be described as a genuine smile, “He was attempting to enter a forbidden grove tended to by a cabal of wandmakers that hailed from Albania.”

Dolohov breathlessly laughed, “I had the ever bright idea to wander inside and skim material to create my own wand, thought I could be in and out without anyone ever being the wiser. Turns out though that many wandmakers are extremely selective in their choice of wood, and they’ll defend them until the death.”

“Antonin’s great idea was to jump a fence blanketed with a tripwire wardline after night fell, something he thought through greatly, as you can see.”

“Was a terrible idea it was, absolutely wouldn’t have worked and I’d have ended up spelled to death before reaching the ground. But all that’s besides the point; I know what it’s like to lose the ones who’re supposed to support you most. If either of you need anything, even if it’s just to vent your frustrations, I’ll make myself available.” He nodded at the end before sitting fully back into his chair and finishing his glass in a single sip, the empty vessel floating midair when he was finished.

In that one specific moment Hermione could feel the whole of her mind, every bit and piece of information or opinion or intuition, come crashing down into a pile. On the one hand the interrogation that she’d been dreading had dematerialized; turned back into wisps by Voldemort and Dolohov’s words. On the other hand this man would one day go on to murder many, many people. He was by all accounts an unrepentant murderer more ruthless than Lestrange had been and absolutely sociopathic, not a single ounce of empathy in his body.

And here he was offering her support. A shoulder to lean on.

‘I’ve really gone round the fucking bend, haven’t I? I’m being comforted by a murderer. Or… Is he even a murderer yet? Does that happen later?’ She didn’t know.

As quick as she could she placed a placating smile on her face and tears in her eyes, cheeks pulling tightly as she sought to keep her mind still, “Thank you so very much for the offer Mr. Dolohov-”

“Please,” he interrupted, “Call me Antonin.”

“-ah, thank you, Antonin. If anything comes up, you’ll be the first to know.”

Dolohov nodded in confirmation, his mouth twitching to continue speaking until they were all interrupted by the sudden realization that they weren’t the only ones inside the unnamed pub. Or rather that there was a front door.

The wooden entrance opened wide as a tall man with wispy gray hair and skin the color of aged wheat stepped into the small room, his eyes a pair of black beads that searched the space before landing on their little grouping. Dolohov and Voldemort were as taken by the interloper as Hermione and Bellatrix, and only seemed to remember their manners as he approached them at a quick clip. Voldemort came to his senses first, hand shooting out to grab another of the chairs that Dolohov had pushed away and setting it in between the two sides as he stood and thrust a hand out to the approaching man.

“Lord Voldemort, Dolohov. How lovely it is to see you both here today,” the man spoke, his voice as rough and baritone as it could be. There was nothing grandfatherly or kind about his air; a darkness instead shrouding his every movement and every word, something sinister and yet in the same breath still calming.

“Lord Ibran,” Voldemort shook his hand, “What a pleasure to see you again.”

Lord Ibran smiled, “Likewise, likewise. Though I must ask; who are these two lovely ladies?” He turned to stare them down with an odd glow in his dark eyes, a shark's grin stretching across his face to reveal too white teeth, “Recently graduated, eh? Slytherin’s by the colors, unless my old age has finally caught up with my sight. I am Lord Marcus Ibran,” he tipped his head to each of them in turn, “The Cabinet Chief for the Department of Muggle Reconnaissance.”

Bellatrix stared at the odd man with wide eyes and confusion coloring her face, “That’s not a department I think I’ve ever heard of before.”

“Good,” Ibran laughed, “Then it seems I’m doing my job quite well.”

“Lord Ibran is a transplant from America, come to join us not that long ago,” Voldemort retook his seat, “A good man and a good Lord, though a bit boastful if you ask me.”

“Ah, but no one asked you, eh?” Ibran laughed out again in a booming baritone, “He is correct though, I’m originally from San Francisco, transplanted only ten years ago though it does feel like quite a good deal more than that.”

“As it always does,” Voldemort spoke before turning to them both, “Madam Black, Grenier, I do so thank you for indulging me this afternoon; I hope our upcoming meeting will go just as smoothly.” With that said he turned his attention to Ibran, the clear dismissal evident in his body language as Hermione and Bellatrix stood up from their chairs and passed the men by. 

“Thank you for seeing us today, my Lord. We hope the remainder of your day is just as pleasant. Antonin,” Hermione inclined her head towards the pale man, “Lord Ibran.”


It wasn’t even three steps outside the rickety wooden establishment that Hermione felt her inner strength collapse as she leaned over into Bellatrix for support, one arm wrapping around her own as they interlaced their fingers and headed off back towards High Street. In a word, she was dumbfounded. Absolutely gobsmacked after the past afternoon of talking; from meeting with Voldemort far sooner than they’d intended, to revealing the nature of their runes and Dolohov’s sympathy, this day had been far more taxing than originally intended. 

“So,” Bellatrix began.

“So,” Hermione mimicked.

As they walked Bellatrix twisted her head to press a soft kiss against the fluffy curls atop Hermione’s head, her voice silent before she breathed in deeply and began, “Are we going to talk about any of that at all?”

“Nope!” Hermione stood straighter and pulled on Bellatrix’s arm, “We’re going to go home, prep for their arrival, plan some more for the wedding, pass out, and then if you’re lucky I’m going to jump your bones like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hmm,” Bellatrix practically purred, “Sounds like a good course of action to me.”

“Everything I suggest is a good course of action.”

Bellatrix grinned and extracted her arm from Hermione’s grasp before rolling the length of it over her shoulder to pull her in closer against her side, Hermione’s own arm coming up behind her to hold her hip, “Very true, though I’d dispute it if I didn’t have access to your memories. But,” she squeezed once, “I do have some reservations about revealing our runes…”

“He’ll have figured them out eventually and it would look weirder if we brought it up later, or gods forbid, right before the marking. And besides, I really don’t want to find out how badly those two magics might interact. I’ve not read very much on the application of magical tattoos’ interactions with runic brands but I’m sure there’ll be something at home-”

“Pet,” Belaltrix leaned in to nip at Hermione’s earlobe, “You’re about to start rambling.”

“Sorry,” Hermione breathed in deeply to keep herself steady.

“Don’t apologize, least of all to me. It’s just that there are many more things I’d rather hear coming from your throat right now.”

“Oh really?” Hermione shot her a scandalous look that quickly dissolved into giggles, “Like what?”

“My name, some choice curses, panting and gasps,” Bellatrix smirked over at her, “Those sorts of sounds.”

“You do realize that your sisters are waiting for us at home, right? And we've less than two hours?”

“Of course I do,” Bellatrix tightened her hold and prepared to Apparate, “That’s why we have magic, love.”


This was a bitch to edit. Most certainly I missed things, I'll try and clean when I can.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => a32a1b04fc958ef4c9fde1e055690c8c7c98dec5 ) [28] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 37. Interlude, Part One [timestamp] => 1568066400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 37: Interlude, Part One


Chapter 1 of 'A Better Present'

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Castle bore down and in turn she shuddered beneath its stonework gaze.

The floor was a pulsing thing that shot up through her feet and up her shins; the ceiling a weight heavy and bearing down on her like the heavens had all been turned to stone; the walls were equidistant and pressing in on her with a weighted constant surety that brought to mind images of rats in mazes. The only window in the room was a massive thing that took up the height from ceiling to floor; all gothic and interwoven with stained-glass and streaks of bronze that depicted a scene that she remembered but couldn’t recall. Outside the glass, through pits and bubbles beneath the finery, she could make out nothing. There was only the light; matched one for one to the light suffusing directly through the stonework surrounding her.

It was an oddity, that light, how it seemed to be both cast and absorbed by the white masonry surrounding her There was a harshness to it all that seemed so very unlike the light that she was used to, so unlike true sunlight that it hurt her, and yet at the same moment it seemed so much like it that she was warmed and comforted. Less comforting, but no more disconcerting, was the familiar press of warmth and air that signaled someone else next to her.

But she couldn’t see them. 

They were people, or something akin to that, a shadow in the form of humanity but unfilled and weightless. Shadows that danced on through an eternal day. The shades passed in and out of existence all around the small room and out through the only door, so often and so numerous that she at once felt she was one as well. A cursory glance; because even then she realized it wouldn’t matter either way, revealed that no, she actually was alive. Still flesh and blood, still bronze skinned and well trimmed nails, the dotting of freckles on her arms and chest still right where she remembered them. It was an oddity though, as without a mirror to confirm it she couldn’t tell by touch alone if her face was her own.

She hoped it was her own, as the disturbing thought that it wasn’t her she was inhabiting flooded through her heart in a moment of weakness before the soft light compressing her body managed to cause the feeling to flee. And then the thought was no more. But her mind, keen as it ever was, was still running - tick Tock tick Tock tick - and heading towards exhaustion of an unknown sort the longer that she stood there immobile.

So she left.

Her footfalls were silent as she left the now nearly stifling room and exited upon a landing not dissimilar from a land, or home, or building, that she once knew. The space was large and well-thought-out; a perpendicular plane of white stone that ran from right to left against the edge of the same wall her room had been tucked into. On the opposite side ran a railing no higher than her own hip atop circular columns, and here she offered points for imagination, all white. Past that banister she could see she truly stood upon a mezzanine that left open air before her with the exception of-


Thousands and thousands of gallons of it, all pouring from high up above and on down through the center of the structure to pool at something so far beneath her that she couldn’t even see it if she craned her neck and body out into the void. There was no sound; like so often in a dream, and though heights would have scared her there was nothing for her to fear. The water that sprayed back and drifted on silent winds was warm and refreshing as it painted her skin with droplets that collected against the hollow of her throat and mingled with her hair before suddenly disappearing and evaporating before her very eyes. It was a wonder, both silent and beautiful, and though it intrigued her greatly she knew her task lay elsewhere even if she couldn’t say how she knew that.

A tug, more reminiscent of a sharp pull really, flashed beneath the cover of her breastbone; harsh and unyielding it tore her attention away from the miracle falling down in front of her and left her breathless in its wake. She turned and lay a hand upon the railing before dragging herself along with lead lined feet down the length of the corridor, stopping only to peer into identical rooms to the one she’d left before moving on. Her fingers caught on minute bits of marble and roughness that remained from the hand carved nature of the railing, little trails that followed her skin as she pushed herself forward into the cavernous interior of the Castle.

As she wandered in soft quietude she began to catch glimpses, fleeting images and impressions mostly, of something coalescing from the brightness surrounding her. It was a shred of darkness far deeper than anything she’d yet seen; like animal or cloth half transparent beneath the light. No matter how fast she traveled, and she did travel faster to throw herself forward after the images, it seemed to remain the same distance from her all the same. It was a mirage that shimmered above ground with the sheen of a soap bubble inverted, moving and changing. She wondered, idly enough, where this sharp feeling of recognition was coming from. It felt real enough to her as she followed the wisps, and seemed to spark half concealed memories within the depths of her chest. She couldn’t remember where she’d come from, couldn’t remember her own name even, but something about the mirage was familiar as it tugged upon her heart.

Despite not knowing what the wisp was she hurried along in its trail until she found a break in the monotony of the mezzanine.

There, not even two full lengths of her body in front of her, was a walkway that jutted out from the railing of the mezzanine and ran full length into the hidden mist of the waterfall. The pathway was just as infuriating as the rest of the space, whiteness and stone and warm but still so cold, but it was different, the first truly different thing she’d seen since she felt that tug and followed this strange apparition.

Soon enough she stood on that small walkway and before the falling jet of water with nothing splashing at her feet and nothing wetting the white dress she wore. It was, for lack of a better term, magic in all its glory. Water; pristine and soft and clear, falling through the stonework at her feet. She stood before it with the slightest hint of trepidation as something within her said ‘You can’t go back, too far, too little,’ and though she knew not where it came from, unbidden as it was, she knew it was true. But the darkness had flowed underneath that torrent like it was nothing whatsoever, and she still felt its odd call in her chest.

And so she walked forward, underneath the silent torrent.


It was nothing like she’d ever felt before and still felt as though it would be nothing she could ever feel again. The feeling of phantom water raining down wasn’t the icy sheet she’d been dreading but a warmth that flowed across her form and filled her with dizziness. Here she could feel the movement; wet strands of hair pulled down to slap against her cheeks and neck, water covering her nose until she was forced to open her mouth and breathe through the mist, her dress becoming waterlogged and silken as it hugged her body.

And then she was out, and inexplicably dry yet again.

But where had the shade gone?


As you'll have likely noticed if you've read to this, the name has changed to better reflect what this whole big thing is going to be. I didn't have much of a plan when I first started writing this whole story but it's become far more than my initial outlines had predicted, so the name and outlines have changed.

Thanks for reading!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 5525257460ba817c2ce1a90ffdd09f3c02a98664 ) [29] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 36. Book 1: And so we go... [timestamp] => 1567893600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 36: Book 1: And so we go...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The interior of the Slytherin common-room was practically buzzing with hushed whispers and conspiratorial looks as every member of the House seemed to have taken residence within its smothering confines. Some were passively laying about on lounge chairs and couches while still yet more had huddled their way into small groupings on the floor wherever there was space unobstructed by furniture or feet. A few of the more ambitious students had even taken up residence on the tables themselves, each charming their chosen seats to resist the weight of multiple students sitting with their feet up. And amid all the chaos stood Slughorn in his most authoritative look to date; thin glasses perched upon his nose and dressed down within a tweed suit and complimentary robe of deep emerald coloration. 

He almost looked like the Professor he oft professed to be.

The moment that he caught sight of them walking in through the passageway he hurried over to admonish them both for their tardiness with sharp words and empty threats. It took a few seconds, mostly due to the level of noise surrounding them, to get him to listen to reason and understand that they had been with the Headmaster the entire time they were ‘missing’, and even longer to get him to leave them alone after they first refused to reveal the reason why. Gods but the man could be insufferable when something caught his interest.

When he finally took his attention elsewhere they both headed off to an open spot on the floor in between Genevieve Montague and Allesandra Zabini; the younger student giving them a glance filled with questions once they’d settled in. Upon the couch across from them sat Andromeda and Narcissa in what could only be described as a haze; each witch looked like they were barely a second from keeling over into a deep sleep that only abated for a second when Bellatrix caught their eyes and silently mouthed, ‘Are you okay?’ A nod from the both of them was her only answer.

“Pardon,” Slughorn started trying to speak up above the echoing din, “Until further notice is given no one is to leave the Castle.”

That caught many students attention and settled the raucous assortment of voices into a silent stupor within only a few seconds of the announcement.

Slughorn, seeming pleased that they were finally paying attention to him, nodded to them all before continuing, “There has been an incident within the Forest, and we will all remain inside and cooperative until such a time as the Headmaster and the DMLE pronounce the situation as safe. Do not dawdle about in the corridors or hallways when going to or from classes, or to the Great Hall to eat. All extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports are to be postponed until further notice.”

A small student from beside Slughorn’s leg raised up an arm that was nearly drowning beneath a pair of robes she’d obviously borrowed, “But Professor, what actually happened? The Ravenclaws are saying people died.” A gasp of many voices rushed through the crowded students as those who hadn’t heard the rumor were suddenly informed; Bellatrix and Hermione carefully schooling their features to fit in with the supposed confusion as their story to Slughorn left them no time to have heard it.

A sixth year stood up from his place beside the fire, “Professor where’s Rodolphus? And Laureli?” In a flash another was up as well, “Aldalus is missing too. And Gorman!”


“-is someone attack-”

“-knows where they are-”

“-heard that it was werewolves-”

“-here last night-”

The room was practically falling apart in the absence of answers as myriad of voices all shot up at once with wild theories and proclamations of abject horror. Bellatrix managed to catch Rabastan’s eye as he shifted around on the floor, his face a grim mask and eyes clouded behind uncomfortable darkness. He didn’t seem to react at all when she first looked at him, or at least it seemed like that, but when he took in a deep breath to steady himself she knew that he was aware. This wasn’t unfolding like she had imagined it would, it was far from it in fact. She had wanted to confront him with Hermione standing by her side in a location that was both safe and secure so that they could explain their reasoning. He was the only person who’d known she’d left the castle during the night; Merlin could only tell what would happen if he felt like sharing that information with the wrong people.

That thought, that his first instinct would be to turn on Hermione and herself, sent a sharp twinge of shame to shudder throughout her heart. As she sat there and waited for Slughorn to regain control of the rioting students she couldn’t help but focus on that cold pit that had opened up within her stomach, a trench of foreign ice that she generally never dealt with. Rodolphus was an evil bastard of a boy who would have been even more of one if he’d been allowed to live until he was a man, she couldn’t regret dealing with him as they had. By removing him they had hopefully ceased any further attempts on her sisters or herself, and who knew exactly how many people would be saved throughout the timeline as a result of his non-existence. 

It could be countless.

It could be just one.

But Rabastan still hadn’t deserved that loss and she knew it like the back of her hand. He’d lost his father already, and she had absolutely no idea what his home life had been like before even that. Now with a brother gone she could only assume it would sour somewhere. When she turned to look at Hermione she caught a glimpse of the granite beneath her lovers eyes as she nodded almost imperceptibly. The witch beside her hadn’t uttered a single word except to Slughorn after Luna had left; a quick goodbye softened in on knowing that the odd girl had needed to return to her own time, reassured only by the sincere promise on both of their parts to meet at least once a year in a secure place.

The second floor girls bathroom.

It was as secure as any place could be and even after the rebuild Hermione had started, with Luna confirming, it had been determined that it would be left as dis-repaired as it could be with the exception of the route to the Chamber of Secrets being blocked off. A perfect meeting spot if there ever was one.

And now they were here, inside a loud and roiling common-room, as Slughorn still failed to regain any semblance of control over the conversation. She wanted absolutely nothing more than to scoop up her sisters and her lover, abscond to the safety of Hermione’s room, and sleep for however long it would take for her reserves of energy to replenish themselves. Probably longer than there were-


The aging Alchemist finally seemed to come to his senses and realize that he had magic on his side as he stood there with his sharp wand tip pressed firmly against his throat, “There will be order in this House or the next person to speak out of turn will find themselves with detention until they graduate!”

The room around him, one minute as bustling as it could be and the next as silent as the grave, was completely tuned into his words. In all her years of schooling Bellatrix had never once really given much regard to the old man as his windbag tendencies and proclivity for pocketing up students in a bid to enhance his own social standing was anathema to her. But seeing him standing there with over one hundred students frightened into hanging onto his every word? She was at least a little bit impressed.

“There has been a death on campus grounds. Due to the extremely sensitive nature of this incident the DMLE and Headmaster Dumbledore are withholding information until such a time as they feel it is right to disseminate it. In addition, there was a further attack on three other students whose names are being withheld. They were harmed, but not grievously-”

‘Losing your entire mind is kind of a grievous injury…’

“-when we have all the relevant facts we will release to you what we can. Until then, and not a moment before, you are not to go hounding the other Professors or the Aurors that will be on campus grounds to investigate. If you have any knowledge that may be helpful, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, please come to me or Auror First Class Moody.”

‘Fuck,’ Bellatrix tried to quell the groan spilling up her throat, not only was the investigation being led by Aurors instead of detectives, Moody was head on the case. She wasn’t worried about the incompetents from the Ministry finding her, more she was worried that Rabastan would be cornered and decide to tell all; a thought which had her locking eyes with his still nearly blank stare.


There was no way that Hermione, in good conscience that was, could leave the room after Slughorn finished speaking with them without immediately rounding up the Trio and Rabastan into a forced march back towards her room. Unfortunately that was easier said than done as Rabastan had immediately been set upon by a gaggle of sixth and seventh year Purebloods who smelled blood in the water. The inadvertent effect of Rodolphus’s death was that Rabastan had now become Head of House Lestrange, a thought that Hermione knew she should have been aware of before ending his pitiful life. As it was she hadn’t even thought about it and now Rabastan was paying for that lapse.

“Move it,” growled Hermione as she bodily pushed and shoved away the group of hanger-ons, “Give him some fucking breathing space.” The teenagers surrounding them both gave her odd glares and thinly veiled looks of fear; each knew about her in some capacity, whether it was her reputation at being the head of the class, her close association with Bellatrix, or the tales that had spun up after the death of Pierre and Cygnus. “Come on Rab,” she reached a hand down to his bicep and pulled him up, “Let’s go somewhere quiet.”

The distance was short and the whispers followed them all the way to the doorway leading down the hall to her room, only stopping completely when she closed the door and muffled the space with a silencing spell. Bellatrix brushed past her as she ushered Narcissa and Andromeda onto the bed, her hand flicking out lazily behind her to summon up an extra seat for Rabastan to take. He did so without comment and immediately relaxed into the soft cushions before he placed his hands upon his face to drag them down and moan pitifully beneath his breath.

“So what happened after you left,” his muffled question drifted up beneath the confines of his fingers, one leg jostling up and down at a ridiculous pace.

“First off whatever is said within the confines of this room stays in this room. It will never leave, is that understood?” Hermione could point that fact out all she wanted, the Black Trio was protected both by Bellatrix’s runes and the younger siblings near mastery of Occlumency, but Rabastan was an unknown quantity.

“Understood,” he complied with a shake of his head as his hands dropped down into his lap.

“Do you have any training at Occlumency?” She leaned back into her own non-summoned chair as Agath moved to slither up her leg and onto her lap.

“Yes,” he nodded emphatically, “Our father sent us to mandatory training when we were younger, and we kept up with it ever since. He didn’t want any of his rivals being able to pull something out of our thoughts, even as young as we were.”

Hermione inclined her head, aware that what she wanted to ask next could be taken as an invasive request, “Could I test you then? I’m not a Master Legillimens but I’m fairly accomplished with the spell and the method.”

Rabastan looked her in the eyes before turning his pale blue orbs upon Bellatrix’s reclining form and sighing wearily into the stillness of the room. “Yes,” he ran a hand through his hair, “Go ahead.”

“Alright then. Try and keep me out as much as you can,” Hermione said as she raised her new - old - wand and pressed the tip against the side of his temple, “Legillimens.”


In what seemed like a flash but was really no more than a jump she found herself falling deeply into his mind-space as if floating down from the heavens. Her consciousness coalesced before the feeling of downward momentum managed to catch up with her; the odd feeling of having her body slam into her brain sending shock waves through her core muscles and leaving her stomach lurching upwards and into her throat as bile fought to escape. All behind and beside her was the sound of rushing water and tidal waves as foamy ribbons washed up and underneath her stance. The beach she stood on was covered in sand as black as pitch with only a few rough boulders and rocks strewn about to give it any color other than night. She twisted around in her stance until she caught the faintest glimmer of a halfmoon in the sky, light radiating downwards to illuminate the water with a pale and silvery sheen. Further out into the ocean she could see whitecaps rocketing in towards the shoreline before being broken up by something beneath the waterline, their remnants sloshing slowly against her bare ankles.

All around her she could feel the base layers of his emotions; the nervousness at their private meeting, a tinge of sadness at knowing his brother was gone, a pale shadow of anger that flitted at the edges of her mind and fell to wisps of smoke upon the expanse of the horizon. All around her everything felt stagnant and inelegant; something like quicksand instead of real sand that caught at her body and stole momentum from her limbs. With a cock of her non-corporeal head she realized why that was.

She was being smothered and brought to stagnation in a manner such as the constant waves that kept the sand under her feet. She was blanketed by his few dominant emotions and been left unable to stretch her toes out or move forward in the slightest. She was as trapped in place as the boulders sticking out above the sand, tonnes of weight with no purchase to move forward.

She tried to gain forward momentum by throwing herself straight into a lurching movement that had her left foot sucking upwards as water filled in the void her limb left behind. No luck was to be had though. A much stronger Legillimens than her might have been able to pierce his or her way through Rabastan’s defenses but as it was she was far too inexperienced to do anything other than stand still and bask. With a soft sigh she pulled herself backwards and away from the beach in a movement that severed her connection to his consciousness, the spell ending abruptly with a lurching feeling and a flash of light as she retreated back into herself.

“Alright then, good defense,” she wiped a hand upon her sweaty brow, Agath moving uncomfortably in her lap, “Just so you’re aware of it, the first sign I get from you that you’re not taking any of this well and I’m erasing this entire conversation. Got it?”

He nodded mutely in acquiescence while his eyes shifted rapidly between Bellatrix’s and her own.

“Well,” Bellatrix began with a growl, “Dear ol’ Rod decided he’d go and try to one up your father in terms of being a cunt.” Black and brown eyes watched the nervous flinch in his body as Bellatrix said that, the witch smirking before she continued. “He took both of my sisters as hostages, which you already know. What you didn’t was that he had two cronies with him, and he planned to cut me down the moment I went for them. They were hidden in the Forest and if I’d been any rube I’d have died. As it was I had enough luck to not walk into his trap. Of course that made it intensely unlucky for him. I believe you can guess what happened after that?” Bellatrix raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the left as she waited to see what he did.

Rabastan nodded once before looking down at his intertwined fingers and seeming to come to some conclusion. With shaking limbs he raised his left hand while keeping the palm facing himself, a bright flash of light popping into existence around his index finger as he did so. As the light finally dimmed his bare finger was now ringed in a band of gold with a single purple gem inserted into the center. It was thin, almost twice as small as the hidden band around Hermione’s finger, and seemed to glitter with an inner light as he twisted his hand back and forth. “I can guess. And I also can’t say that I blame you for what you did. I definitely blame him for it, that’s for sure. But he must have had a reason, right? Can you think of anything? Or did he say anything before he…?”

Hermione shot Bellatrix a loose look charged with her confusion on how to exactly confront that question without revealing more than they wanted to at the moment. Too much information too quickly could lead him to fall apart or lash out at them now or at a later date, and too little would come across as disingenuous or patronizing. She could feel the tightrope beneath her shifting as she waited for words to come, her mind sinking backwards as she pondered an answer. They had no immediate way to stabilize his reaction besides hitting him with an Obliviate, and doing that would only control him-

That rumination brought her mind to a standstill for what felt like a millennium.

Approaching this situation in the same manner as Dumbledore was most definitely not how she wanted to handle this. Not only would it be hypocritical after calling him out on the same mannerisms, it would erase any sort of trust that Rabastan would have in her if he found out the truth at a later date. That only really left the truth. Or a version of it that she could live with, at least. Yes, no outright riddles or straight lies, the truth with just enough of a twist to make it palatable was the right decision.

“Over Yule break I was able to hammer out a deal with Bellatrix’s father, Cygnus, regarding a marriage contract. Part of that was me paying him however much he needed to reimburse your father for Bride Price.” She looked back at Bellatrix and caught the slightest hint in her eyes that spoke to her agreeing with this plan, “I don’t know if Cygnus reimbursed him or even planned to, but it’s the sort of thing that could have led to his attack. After your father’s death Rodolphus threatened me again, just like he had prior to Yule. I suppose something in him broke.”

‘Yes,’ she thought, ‘Bending the truth is a much better option.’

In the end it was the safer option. She had no clear proof whatsoever that Rodolphus had learned the same thing that Pierre had; there was no empty hall to search through in this case. She could guess all she wanted but her mind was better spent elsewhere. Rabastan, however, didn’t seem to be accepting of that answer.

“So my brother deserved to die for that?” His voice was a hard edge laced with venom when he spoke, his blue eyes piercing as they shifted between Bellatrix and herself.

“I killed him because of the threat he posed to us. Would you have preferred that I wipe his mind like I did the others? Erase everything and anything he’d ever known? How to eat? How to breathe? Be glad I decided not to torture him in the end; Gods know how much he deserved it. Instead of sinking to that I let him go while he was unconscious and in no pain. It was a far better end than he deserved.” Hermione’s eyes, usually honey brown and warm, were now cutting and narrowed into twin slits that belied the danger running through her veins. She was near fuming. Behind her she caught the mild sound of someone’s intake of breath, a sharp but soft noise amid the silence of the room. Whether it was Andromeda or Narcissa didn’t matter; what did was that they knew the lengths she’d gone to ensure that the ones who’d harmed them were punished.

Rabastan locked his eyes onto her own and began wringing his hands between his knees, “I… I would have thought-”

“Thought what, exactly? That I’d be lenient? That I couldn’t do it, or that I wouldn’t? That I’d back down? I may play meek or dour but your brother was going to kill Bellatrix, and likely her sisters as well. Tit-for-tat. Or is that you thought Bellatrix would have been the one to do it in the end?” The anger that bled into her tone was sharp and acerbic as the poison she’d pumped into his veins. She was bone weary and nearly falling asleep on her feet after being awake for nearly thirty hours and never even eating once, having survived one attempt on her life already and spent time being shoved around through different universes.

This was never going to be a situation where her temper would manage to remain calm and unaffected. 

At the very least it seemed like Rabastan had realized the pit he’d walked into. His hands, previously wringing each other out and obsessing over the metal on his finger, were now raised up in a position of surrender while he leaned back into his chair and softened his eyes. “Look, I won’t pretend to know what it was like, or the specifics about what had happened, both times, but… He was my brother. I loved him, even if I hated his guts.”

“Well then maybe you should take some time to reevaluate those thoughts and feelings. Figure out if his memory is deserving of any love or not. Regardless of all that though, he’s dead. At my hand. The only question left is what happens next.”

“In that case it’s your word against mine. What’s to stop me from telling anyone about what you’ve done?”


Everyone in the room startled at the sound of Bellatrix’s amplified snap, the sound ringing around the room and echoing back in on itself as if coming from every direction. “What’s stopping all that is the threat of me jumping in. If things spiral, you can bet the DMLE is getting my memories as soon as possible. And you know what’ll happen as soon as they know that you knew about it? And did nothing but wait until the last second to contact me? Well, I’m sure Azkaban will have a nice little spot all picked out for you. So yes, we could play tit-for-tat, but I’d really rather we didn’t.”

When Bellatrix finished her impromptu speech Hermione was left with her head inclined and a grin stretched across her face. She was not only in full agreement with Bellatrix’s reasoning but also willing to help enforce it as necessary, if it ever came down to it. Which it hopefully wouldn’t.

But still, it paid to be on the same page. And with Rabastan stuck in this detente with them it would give him some semblance of control; if he really wanted to he could rat on them, but Hermione was banking on his own self-preservation winning out.

“Then what should I say when the DMLE show up? I assume as soon as I walk outside of the common-room someone will be all over me. What do you want me to say?”

“Well,” Hermione began, “Tell them that you knew nothing about it, obviously. Tell them your brother pushed you away in the past few weeks, that you have no idea why he was in the Forest. They don’t know anything about Cissa or Andy being out there, and I’d like to keep it that way. If they pry, keep yourself shrouded with Occlumency.”

“Okay, I can do that. And after?”

“Has Lord Voldemort been in contact with you?” Hermione turned the conversation, reorienting Rabastans’ eyes on herself.

“... Yes? He was with my father and brother more often though. I’ve only met him once or twice.” 

Hermione gave him a crooked smile, plans drawing up in her head as to how to turn this in their favor.



Apr’ 11 1969


The sound, so loud and piercing in the small little office they all stood in, brought the entire group of eight to an even sharper attention than they had already been standing at. Bellatrix rolled her shoulders as she stood there in a prim and proper pose, her hair gussied up until the curls bounced and rose with every movement, the hem of her dress robes swishing languidly against her shins as she unlocked her knees. She was hyper aware of every portion of her body, from the small birthmark underneath her right knee to the tip of her left earlobe. It was finally here. After weeks of torment and near obsessive anxiety she was finally standing here and waiting, wondering if their hard work (and Lincoln's) had paid off.

Hermione was going through nearly the exact same feelings as she stood beside Bellatrix, her right hand limply spasming behind her back as she fought herself for control over her emotions. She’d hardly slept the night prior, far too worried that things would swing against their desires, and even the calming effects of meditation hadn’t been enough to bring her down from the jittery mess that she’d become. Breakfast had been a dull affair of fruit and lightly sweetened coffee amid the dolorous groups of students still studying for their O.W.L.’s and N.E.W.T.’s. Andromeda and Narcissa had sat across from Bellatrix and herself at the table, neither witch being too keen on leaving them alone after the events surrounding Rodolphus’s death; and though they had eaten their fill Hermione had been able to sense the myriad of nervous emotions pouring through them all.

And now here they were, standing in a group, ready to learn their fate.

“This Council has come to a decision in regards to the matter of Andromeda and Narcissa Black’s guardianship. The debate centered between the two applicants; Madam’s Emelia Grenier and Bellatrix Black on one side, on the other,” he chuffed slightly and swung his eyes to the other side of the room, “Lord Orion Black and Lady Walburga Black.” The wizard who spoke was seated center in a group of three along a wide C shaped table that seemed to open up the room more than it closed it off. On both ends were two Aurors acting as official witnesses to the DMLE, as the matter of placement was still tied into the now about to be closed case of Pierre Lestrange versus Cygnus Black, and behind their dark red robes each held a wand in firm position to intervene should the group put up a fuss at the Council’s decision.

The witch sat to the Councilman’s left was slowly scanning her eyes out across the small crowd in the same manner as a predator might choose out prey. Her hands were jostling up and down beneath the tabletop and Hermione had the distinct impression that she was fiddling with her wand, ready to bring it out and use it at any moment. The wizard on the Councilman’s right however… He looked to have fallen asleep with his eyes open not two seconds into their arrival, his mouth parted slightly and head cocked to the side as he blankly stared into the middle point of the room. Hermione didn’t recognize him, none of them actually as each was a representative of those they’d already met with, here only to inform them on the Council’s decision; but each were their own person and a part of the rather corrupt Ministry.

She was ready for anything.

And she knew she might need it, based on how Walburga was furiously shaking in place from her spot across the room. The moment that they’d walked in she had begun giving them glares as sharp as daggers, her silvered eyes radiating hatred and animosity in a level that Hermione hadn’t thought physically possible. Not only was she unaware of what she must have done to deserve such evident hostility, she was amazed at how unlike the portrait in Grimmauld she looked. Yes, she was old. Yes, she was hateful. But where the portrait had been a reflection of a horrid life, here she was that in the flesh. Full, angry, and most importantly, dangerous. Not only in what she could do to Hermione and Bellatrix, but in what she could do to Andromeda and Narcissa if she managed to get them within her clutches.

“The Council’s decision,” the older Councilman began, snapping Hermione from her reverie, “Is solely on the placement for the two children until such a time as they are legally emancipated or come to their age of majority. The Council has determined that they will stay with Madam Grenier and Madam Black, after,” he stressed that word with a growl and locked eyes, “They have married and only so long as the two live within the boundaries of the United Kingdom. Furthermore, there are a list of stipulations…”


The Councilman’s words continued unabated but Bellatrix couldn’t pay attention even if someone was paying her to do so. Her heart had immediately been filled with such elation that the organ was pounding a hole through the confines of her ribcage and the ice that had been set inside her stomach was washed away by a wave of warmth and triumph. Ever since the last meeting they had been working tirelessly towards this outcome, both in ensuring they had a livable home for the quartet once Hogwarts let out and a reasonable case for the continued wellbeing of her sisters. First, and biggest among their preparations, had been Blackhall.

What doubled as the new Black Manor was reverently referred to as Blackhall by Hermione and herself, a near one-to-one recreation of Château de Grenier in a small highland valley just on the outskirts of a Wizarding enclave known as Dagston. It had taken them three weekends to fill up completely, six long and uncomfortable days of multiple Floo trips and Apparition to transport everything that her sisters owned, everything she owned, and everything that Hermione had wanted to save from the three properties under her name. Everything else had gone off for sale through the Canadian branch in Gringotts; netting them a hefty sum and the concerned thanks of multiple Goblins when old heirlooms and forged materials were extracted from the curse-locked estates.

Every brick holding up the estate had been engraved with a myriad of runes to afford them protection; protection from fire and flooding, protection from the collapse of the ground beneath its foundations, protection even from muggles and a bestiary’s worth of magical creatures. It had cost her millions, the Goblins didn’t seem to even have a word for ‘frugal’, but in the end it was worth it. They could ensure that their new home would be the safest and most secure land besides the very foundations of the Ministry itself, everything short of a Fidelius surrounded them, and she’d be damned if it didn’t work.

Lincoln Fawley stood behind her with a dicta-quill and a sour expression as he cast his eyes upon Walburga’s now visibly vibrating form. The lawyer had been pulling in obscene amounts of money from Hermione’s coffers but every single cent had been well spent and repaid twice in his services to them. With all the hours he’d been working she had half wondered if he had access to a Time Turner on the side; it just wasn’t human the pace at which he threw himself into his work. And even in this trying time of frayed nerves and shivering anticipation he looked his very best in a dappled suit nearly hidden between ink black robes that showed off his numerous Guild patches and certifications. The soft smile he wore at all times was shining now that his clients had won custody, and the glasses upon his face just barely hid the mirth in his eyes as he watched Orion and Walburga begin to break down.

Hermione’s finger brushed gently against her knuckles before pulling her hand into a warm grip and a slight tug that had Bellatrix looking over and smiling back at the triumph held within her warm eyes. She was just so indescribably happy that for once things seemed to be going their way with nothing to stop the momentum or break them down.

“...there will be mandatory check ins with the Ministry at preapproved times, not to exceed five times in one year and a minimum of two. The Black and Grenier Household will make themselves available for these meetings, allowing only a…” Bellatrix lost track of his words again as she fell back into the stupor of euphoria, ready to let Lincoln handle all the verbiage when he moved to debrief them.

For once things were going to be alright.


Hermione couldn’t help the bout of nervous tremors that shot through her spine as the Councilman continued droning on about the requirements they needed to meet for continued custody; between her muscles and the sudden flood of endorphins at being relieved she was near to falling over and passing out for a week, or maybe a month. Beneath all of those feelings ran the unmistakable thrum of happiness at this situation resolving itself, finally, and coming out on the right side of it as well. As soon as the Councilman finished his words she turned towards Bellatrix only to be caught up into a bone crushing hug that had the air sprinting out of her lungs and a smile plastering itself to her face. 

“Good job,” Lincoln spoke up from behind them as Bellatrix released her from the death grip she’d held, “Not that you really needed the help, considering some of the things the Investigators discovered during their walkthroughs.” He stuck a hand out in congratulations that went ignored by Bellatrix as she rushed into him and threw a hug around his body that looked just as firm and painful as her own had been.

Andy and Cissa, previously waiting silently and attentively, were now leaning against one another after the release of tension from the verdict. Across the small space stood their Aunt and Uncle in a mild form of what could only be called absolute rage. Both were glaring daggers at their little grouping, Walburga not even trying to hide the abject hatred dripping from her form, and the Aurors in the room had wised up that something could happen if they didn’t intervene quickly.

And to Hermione’s eyes it certainly looked like they were going to intervene. Lincoln had been correct in stating that in the end they’d not even needed much help in receiving custody of the sisters after the  Ministry, and DMLE, discovered just how horrid the living conditions were in Grimmauld place. The general moniker that Lincoln had heard thrown around was ‘Unsafe Living Environment,’ a catch all that covered and protected the young boys should the Ministry feel the need to intervene. Broken down interior spaces, racks of Elf heads, cabinets and armoires filled to bursting with dark artifacts, and rampant infestations by magical vermin in portions of the home that were disused or abandoned. It was ridiculous, all in all, and Hermione had the distinct feeling that Walburga and Orion had been counting on their name alone to grant them custody. 

Not that she cared, really; she held no attachments to the older couple and mainly concerned her thoughts with Sirius and Regulus, the two most aggrieved parties to remain. The DMLE would likely sort out their situation on their own time, but in preparation she decided she’d need to speak to Bellatrix about possibly taking them in as well if Alphard and Cassiopeia declined to do so.

“Well then, shall we leave?” Lincoln extended his arm towards the exit to their left, “I believe we have more than a few things to talk over, and it’d be best if we do this in a more secure environment.”

When Bellatrix nodded Hermione did as well, Andromeda and Narcissa following them with nary a glance back at the loud voices becoming dominant behind them. Lincoln shepherded them all through the small door and out into the cramped hallway before leading them up a flight of stairs and out to a small room containing private Floo’s for Ministry personnel and guests. The room was a bit cramped, hedged in as it was by leather furniture and beaming portraits of bureaucrats long past, but comfortable in its own way. It certainly allowed her a breath of fresh air where before she’d felt stifled after the realization of their victory. In short order they’d all passed through the large Floo and were sent off one by one until they’d arrived into Lincoln’s office beneath a dusting of ash and roaring flame.

Agath slipped down off the perch of Hermione’s shoulders where she had been coiled quietly beneath the guise of a Disillusionment charm for the past few hours and began to hiss merrily in her ear when she removed the lingering spell.

“Well then,” Lincoln strode last through the Floo and turned to hang his robe upon a tall hanger, “I do believe that went quite well, all things considered. But now’s the time to get some particulars out of the way, if you wouldn’t mind, that is.” He strode behind his desk and gave Hermione and Bellatrix a quizzical look, fully prepared to let them leave and meet up with them at a later date if that was what they wished.

“No,” Bellatrix spoke for them both, her head turned towards Hermione for confirmation, “I think now is as fine a time as any.”

Lincoln smiled and leaned back into his massive chair, “Great! First order, your marriage is currently scheduled for July the Fifth, correct?”

A twinning of ‘Yes’, rang out.

“Good, good. I’d prefer that we have everything and everyone settled in before that date. Even if the Ministry has only given the go ahead for custody after you’re married, there’s nothing stipulating that your sisters can’t visit you beforehand.”

Narcissa and Andromeda, sitting tightly together upon the couch with weary looks to them, each perked up and smiled at his words

“While I don’t think your Aunt and Uncle will be walking away from this all squeaky clean, I don’t think they’ll see much in the manner of repercussions. That’s just the nature of having an Old name and access to a veritable fortune. So in light of that, I’d think it best if you all joined up on your property as soon as Hogwarts lets out for summer. Preferably, try to take Floo access or Apparition. A little bit of vigilance can go a long way towards ensuring nothing happens.”

“So we’ll just be heading off with them then?” Andromeda’s voice was heavy with lethargy as she asked her question, Bellatrix turning to sit by her side at the same moment. “There’s no one to check in with?”

Lincoln smiled again, “No, no one to check in with. Though your sisters will need to keep up to date with the Ministry, you and your sister are free to do as you please; within allowance of your ages of course. The Ministry has cleared Blackhall for occupation and Gringotts has cleared you for all bills of service. The land, and home, are yours by right. It’ll also be the safest place to stay, considering the mood your Aunt and Uncle were heading towards after the decision was announced.”

“Hmph,” Narcissa breathed into her palm, “They’re pissed.”

“Well, that’s the less nice way of putting it, but yes.” Lincoln leaned backwards in his chair until it creaked distressingly under his weight, a smile playing on his face as he reached into drawers and began pulling files out to drop onto the desk surface.

“Do you really think they would try something?” Hermione sat into an unoccupied chair parallel to the couch while Agath slithered down her arms to move off towards Narcissa. In the intervening months the snake had undergone another growth spurt until she’d nearly become too large to fit securely around Hermione’s neck. Her body, once small enough to wrap securely around her wrist, was now long enough to stretch across Hermione’s full arm span, and the winding bulk was nearly as thick around as her wrist. 

Her most recent perching method had involved climbing up the backs of their necks to park her head and neck atop their own, hiding within Bellatrix’s curls when she could or simply remaining atop Hermione with a rather threatening look should anyone not of their little group come too close. And now, limber and cautious as ever, the snake was curling into a mass of coils and scales in Narcissa’s lap as the young girl ran thin fingers down the tip of her snout and up along her back, tongue poking out and pleased hisses accompanying the petting.

“While I don’t think they’d try something immediately, at least not after the dressing down I’m sure they’re receiving right now, it’s not outside of the realm of possibility. Then again if things end up swinging your way I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ministry approaches you about housing your cousins based on the things they found in that home.” Lincoln finished talking and waved through packets of files atop his desk, a dicta-quill floating up off the table to begin transcribing copies and portions of notes. “You’re still planning on your name change, correct?”

His question had Hermione shrugging in response, “Regardless of the marriage I’ll remain Lady Grenier, but in the end I would still like to go through the name change. It’ll help distance me from being Emelia and provide a nice change. Most of the students at Hogwarts know Emelia Grenier, none will know Hermione Black. A fresh start.” ‘Or an old start,’ she thought to herself, happier than words could describe at the thought of reclaiming her birth name.

Not that anyone besides Dumbledore, Minerva, and the Trio would know that. Dumbledore himself certainly seemed pleased to let her do as she wished after their little chat a few weeks prior. Now that he had her cooperation, the thing it seemed he had been after all along, he was downright pleasant to deal with and in return she’d offered him her services should the need arise. Not that he knew he was already receiving them, in a way. Their plans for Euryale were finally on track, their work on the jinx or curse that plagued the D.A.D.A. position was still being played close to the chest but they were sure they would have an answer soon, and without even knowing it they’d already removed one Horcrux from his search.

Yes, all things considered, their plans were going quite well.


May 26th 1969


The test to end all tests. The single most dreaded examination in a British Wizard or Witch’s education, barring of course their final review for a Mastery. Even though Hermione had been hearing about this one single moment for almost eight full years of her life, nothing could prepare her for the experience of actually living through it. O.W.L.’s had been tough, intensely so in some cases, but even they paled in comparison to the behemoth that took residence inside the Great Hall.

On that fateful morning the tables inside the massive room were all shoved off to the side and a notice pinned to the doors that read, “Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be catered to Individual Common-Rooms while Seventh Years begin N.E.W.T.’s. Please remain quiet and respectful. Thank you.”. It was insane, or at least she thought so, as witches and wizards she’d never seen came streaming in through the front gates with enchanted bags and trunks filled with a multitude of testing apparatus for each subject. 

Astronomy, Charms, D.A.D.A., Arithmancy, the list went on and on until twelve distinct Individuals and their accompanying retinue had made themselves at home amid the clutter that now lay spread about the enormous space. The first day of testing began easily enough with a quick round table discussion at different booths the testers and their proctors had set up, each going over what would be required of them during the written as well as practical applications. Hermione nodded attentively at each spot even though she’d already memorized all she had needed, eventually filtering out to the hallway beyond as she waited on Bellatrix to finish up.

Bellatrix, in all her grandstanding and glory, had gone straight for the jugular and taken every course available to her. Twelve to Hermione’s ten; a pace which for the past month had set her on edge and had her mind nearly locked up with review and practice. If Hermione had still been her more petty younger self, the short bushy haired girl who’d been obsessed with perfect scores and outshining her peers, she may have felt a bit peeved at that. As it was, after so long and so much, she was merely happy to be the person taking the second most set of tests and contented herself with that fact.

After all, there still remained the possibility that Bellatrix would get less Outstandings in total, spread thin as she was, and the little ball of pride and spite in her chest kept that thought in the back of her mind. 

The testing itself managed to fly by her in a blur of wand movements and feathers; Ancient Runic dialects that had been purposefully mistranslated into other Runic Dialects and then left for them to decipher and apply, verbal responses to questions on Gamp’s Laws and their flexibility all while demonstrating those instances, as well as so many other instances of random thoughts or theory from their classes that by the time her day was up Hermione felt as if she’d been run through a sieve and left to dry. Her saving grace had been that the testing portions weren’t timed events, each was simply approached until solved or given up, as most portions of their grade would correspond to the application of skill and reasoning rather than pure test taking ability.

As she limped out of the room beneath a sheen of sweat that stung her bloodshot eyes she nearly collapsed into a shivering heap atop the first landing leading back towards the dungeons. Overcome with the need for rest she sat down into a more comfortable position and waited on Bellatrix to finish, taking the time to observe the other seventh years surrounding her. Many, if not all, looked just as exhausted and worn down as she felt. 

Across the hall a lone Ravenclaw was laying face down against the floor with their hands buried atop a mane of red hair as they emitted what sounded like pitiful cries and pleas to gods unknown. Beside them sat her one time Potions and Alchemy partner, Jennifer Fletcher, in a heap with blank look on her face and tears streaming down her cheeks. Each and every person within the hallway looked to have been run ragged, none spared whatsoever.

Even Bellatrix, when she finally left the hall in a flurry of wild hair and stamping feet, looked to have been shredded. 

Her expression was loose, face relaxed and lips in an impartial line, but her eyes struck Hermione the most. Usually the black orbs were full of a hidden depth and passion, the only viewing port to the fire within her soul, but after the long hours sequestered away they were glassy and wet with exhaustion. 

“Bella?” Hermione stood and waved a hand in front of her unresponsive lover, “Earth to Bella?”

The witch remained unmoving, staring through her entirely.


Hermione clicked her fingers at a rapid pace in front of her eyes until the witch startled and nearly jumped backwards into a wall.

“You alright Bella?” She lowered her hand to Bellatrix’s and soothingly petted at the warm skin, “You good?”

“...That was,” Bellatrix rolled out her neck and refocused her eyes, “Intense.”

Hermione nodded and pulled her along down the stairwell, “How do you think you did?”

“Well,” the witch leaned into her side, “Do you think you’ll be getting Valedictorian?” 

“I’d like to hope so,” came the prideful response, Hermione gazing at Bellatrix with suspicion in her eyes.

The grin that plastered itself to Bellatrix’s face had a heat running through her chest and questions blitzing through her mind, “Well I can safely say that you’re not.”


June 13th 1969

::Euryale, come on, please?::

::No. ::

::It’ll just be a few minutes at most-::

The massive serpent hissed as loudly as she could while peering down at Bellatrix’s, in comparison, rather small form. The shade provided by the water pipe she had wedged herself into was almost twenty meters above her and on an angle that left water dripping and pooling down at her feet. The extremely thin bit of membrane covering her eyes was the only thing keeping Bellatrix from falling over dead, a fact she was extremely aware of as the massive creature continued the argument.

::You have nothing to prove to me that this will work. Nothing test, nothing shown.:: Her hiss was loud and abrasive enough to rebound throughout Bellatrix’s chest and send ripples of water cascading downwards in a shower at her rumble. ‘Now she’s just being ridiculous,’ thought Bellatrix.

::We know it’ll work Euryale! Come on, have some trust in us. Hermione’s gone through the Arithmantic equations twelve times already.:: Bellatrix wasn’t certain the Basilisk understood what an Arithmantic equation was, or even understood anything beyond her own innate magic, but appealing to her reason as a level-headed sentient creature had worked for them in the past.

She felt no need to deviate from that.

Euryale looked her up and down, tongue darting out between razor sharp teeth as she sucked in breath and wiggled her massive bulk inside the pipeline. She was tense, terse and nearly unresponsive as of late, so close to tasting freedom and yet feeling so very far away from it. Now that they’d happened upon a method that would work she was being ridiculous, in Bellatrix’s estimation, and needed the right push to help her out.

::I’ll be going with you at the same time, Hermione as well. You’ll be alright, and if you’re not, we won’t be either. Do you think we’d risk hurting you, or ourselves, if we didn’t think it would work?::

::... Alright…::

“Yes!” Bellatrix’s shout rang out through the dank Chamber as she jumped up and down with her arms outstretched, face taken over by a wide grin and sparkling eyes. Euryale understood the elation in her voice if not the words that resulted from it, and slowly began to lower herself from the pipe and down to the stonework below. Agath dropped down from her perch atop Bellatrix’s shoulders to slither along the cold stones towards massive Basilisk in anticipation of her arrival. If Bellatrix was a betting woman she’d say the young snake had a crush, and that she’d been nursing it since their first ever visit. The royal serpent finally finished dropping down with a meaty slap of muscle and scale, the stones rumbling and shaking beneath them as she did so, until her head was bowed before Bellatrix’s standing form. This too had become some sort of routine, the Basilisk allowing them moments to touch upon her scalework or acknowledge that they were working to help her escape. The pride that filled Bellatrix at these moments, knowing that a beast over one thousand years old was willingly thanking them for their work, nearly overflowed her as she struggled to accept the gratitude.

When the little moment of peace was over she stepped back to allow Euryale unfettered access to the length of the stone flooring and reviewed what she needed to do. Their plan itself was a rather simple thing, almost small and easy enough that they’d overlooked it for the longest time, but by no means would it be one hundred percent foolproof.

Chained Portkey travel.

When they’d brought the method up to their professor during the after hours of an Arithmancy lecture they had thought that at first they would be laughed out of the room. Everyone knew that only a single portkey could travel at once with the same person. Everyone knew that the objects rotated wildly during travel and holding onto something larger than a person was almost doomed to end in failure. What none of them had known was that Hermione had been working tirelessly behind the guise of a special project to overcome those limitations in the method of travel. One singular Portkey would always have weight and size limitations built into the device itself, no matter who made them or how they did so. The last bit was the worst. When that individual Portkey was activated it would grab a hold of and pull along whatever it could, so long as it fell beneath its weight and size limitation. And if it couldn’t pull it all through at once? 

Well, broken remnants of testing apparatuses clearly showed the outcome of that.

Hermione’s workaround had been to ensure that Euryale was laid out as straight and flat as she could make herself, stock still and solid as a rock with no bends or twists along her flanks. Once the massive serpent had done so, looking cool and calm the entire time in reflection of how nervous she had been only just prior, Hermione began to hook up the specially modified portkeys from her snout on down, waiting for Bellatrix to join her in the middle. Each key was locked away from the other at even intervals along the length of the track, stiffly woven fibers of Goblin spun steel and unicorn hair binding it all together underneath a sticky resin secreted from Bloodgum Trees into an unusually stiff piece of rope that wouldn’t bend or break no matter how far it flexed. The next part of their problem was time, devising a single passphrase that would react at exactly the same moment to send their charge on over; each arriving in spaces set to the same height that they were placed so that Euryale wasn’t smashed down into the ground or accidentally fused into the dirt beneath herself. So far the most dangerous part of their whole plan had been convincing Euryale to trust them, a task now completed at Bellatrix’s insistence.

And now they were ready.


Last chapter of book one is next!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 301c4a5539bb623cac0f3b0f80241b450641459d ) [30] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 35. Book 1: The Fine Details [timestamp] => 1566338400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 35: Book 1: The Fine Details


Short chapter to finish us up.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“But… If I’m…,” Dumbledore gave her one of the oddest looks she’d ever received from the man, one mixed with confusion as he outright attempted to enter into her mind. She felt the scratching peel and picking nails of his attempts to breach her Occlumency, her brands rebuking him at every step. As he pulled away from her his face was filled with a disbelieving scowl and thinly narrowed eyes, a prompt which only made Hermione smile devilishly at the old coot.

“Well it’s easy enough to get lost in it, I can see how you’d be confused about it all. All those months ago, when you first peered into my mind, you saw up to what; portions of my sixth year?” She tilted her head and began playing with Bellatrix’s fingers that were splayed across her stomach, “Maybe some portions after that? Obviously you must’ve since you’re the one who clued me into Bellatrix to begin with. But you didn’t manage to see much of the Before, did you? I was too preoccupied with focusing in on what I’d lost, those memories and thoughts would have been much nearer to the surface.” She leveled her gaze and straightened her head, hand falling still across Bellatrix’s.

“Perhaps.” His tone was gruff and filled with reluctance to admit what he had done, even if she had already known it beforehand.

“Well you’re correct in your assumption, you are dead, in the future that Luna and I are from. Dead and gone, buried to rot.” She couldn’t help but feel a bit of malignant satisfaction at the way his face tensed as she said that, “But there still exists a portion of you, a copy or whatever it is exactly, still lingering on in a portrait that now graces this room.”

Hermione looked all around herself, Bellatrix moving to do so as well, their eyes falling over each and every portrait of all the deceased Headmasters who’d preceded the control freak now sitting in front of them.

Most of them seemed to be dead asleep or off visiting another canvas while maybe three or four appeared to be awake and paying attention to the proceedings happening below them. She recognized Phineas Black at about the same moment that Bellatrix did, her hand leaving Hermione’s stomach to limply wave to the old man. In a moment unlike any Hermione had shared with the portrait, he smiled down at them both with something akin to pride in his eyes and waved enthusiastically back at them.

“Well,” Dumbledore interrupted their sudden loss of focus, “That explains how you’d speak to me, but not why you’d come to such a conclusion. If you are truly from another version of our current future, then why would a portrait of myself know anything about events that would have taken place thirty years in my past?”

“Well he didn’t.” Hermione gave him the plainest look she felt she could achieve, letting her answer hang in the air for more than enough seconds to get even Bellatrix rustling uncomfortably beneath her. “Once I was able to lay out the framework of what’d happened, he was able to give me a fairly accurate version of what he would have done. He’s very candid nowadays.”

Dumbledore shook his head back and forth, denial evident in the odd little grin that showed pearly white teeth, “Why in the world would I believe your version of events? I have no knowledge of them, you will not let me Read you, and the portraits here are all spelled not to speak to a stranger without the express permission of the Headmaster.”

“The Headmistress rescinded that rule, and I’m sure she’d allow me that privilege even if it was still in place, seeing all we went through together.”

“McGonagall?” His eyes went to an uncharacteristically warm place for just a moment as he said that, Hermione nearly fumbling with surprise at the clear sign of approval on his face.


“Yes, well, she’s the most obvious successor. And if you went through a war with her, I can see it. She’s also the most likely choice for the School Governors to make, highly qualified and almost universally regarded as a fair and impartial soul.”

“Well, yes,” Hermione tried to rein back her words from the odd little turn their conversation had taken, “Regardless of all that we’re not here to talk about the School Governors decisions.”

“Of course not. But I still have no way of telling whether your words are truth or an artfully put together lie.”

“We can use a Pensieve,” Bellatrix interrupted, her words falling into the open. “That’ll solve it all right quick. Takes what, a few minutes?”

“We could do that, if you’re amenable to it Headmaster. But in the end the facts will remain the same, I know it was you that sent me forward in an effort to push me away from here and now. You cannot control my decisions, you cannot guide my actions. You’ll just have to learn to deal with that. Preferably starting now.”

“If that is the case,” his face turned a bright beet red, “Then what exactly is the point of this little meeting?”

“I’m open to reaching a compromise with you.”

That shut him up right quick. His rapidly reddening face suddenly flatlined before a visible amount of stress seemed to simply disappear, his face aging backwards from anger to a mellowed out calm that had Hermione on the edge of her seat.

“How so?” His interest was evident in his tone, his eyes narrowing while his posture relaxed into the chair he sat on. His stare was still just as calculating as before, just without the immediate component that had made it look like he would hex her into the future.

“Riddle,” she nearly whispered, Bellatrix shifting beneath her to sit up straighter now that they’d come to the heart of the meeting. “He’s invited the both of us to train directly beneath him for a year. It’s set to begin after we finish our immediate schooling, and after we’ve been married.” She could see the moment that displeasure clouded over his vision, her words eating at whatever tentative peace they’d been talking through only a moment ago. “He’s offered us both a place by his side. And we’ll be accepting his offer.”

That finally managed to do the trick. As soon as her words left her mouth his hand was shooting from his lap to reach beneath the table, Hermione and Bellatrix both responding by lighting up the runes on their hands to wreath them in green flame. At the same time as his wand, the Elder wand, the one wand Hermione never wanted to have pointed at her, finally came into view, the green flames wreathing their hands coalesced into miniaturized animals, each hissing and snapping their changing jaws at their perceived aggressor. His eyes lit up with the reflection of the flames, lids snapping fully open as if he’d seen them both for the first time. Beside them all Luna looked on with a cheery, if tired, look plastered across her face, amusement riling up something akin to a chuckle beneath her breath.

“Headmaster,” Hermione began with voice as even as she could make it, “If you’d kindly put your wand away I’ll finish what I was saying. If you have any sort of patience at all, you’ll allow me that. If not, you’ll have maybe a second or two to prepare to die.”

“I’ve no doubt,” Bellatrix joined in, “That you could kill the three of us right here, right now. But we’ll send everything and everyone within this room to Hell before it happens. And I hear immolation is such a painful way to go.” Her chin was raised in defiance, head just peeking out from behind Hermione’s shoulder and a manic grin plastered to her face that showed teeth too sharp and eyes darker than the night.

Hermione decided right then and there that she would definitely be asking Bellatrix for some lessons in theatrics if they left this room alive.

“They’re right,” Luna spoke up for the first time in quite a long while, startling everyone with her soothing tone, “We should all calm down. There are many words that need to be said and none of us will hear them if we’re reduced to Ashwinder food.”

‘Well that answers that question,’ Hermione idly thought.

It took a few moments but slowly, almost imperceptibly, the three retreated from their aggressive postures. Bellatrix was the first to extinguish the flames in her hand, quickly followed by Hermione, and then Dumbledore as he moved to place his wand back beneath the table.

“On top please,” Bellatrix asked, her voice as sweet as could be.

The old man huffed but did as she requested, the wand laid flat upon the table and pointing towards a wall. When that was done he returned to his prior position with his fingers steepled across the tabletop as he waited for someone to begin again.

“Thank you, Luna,” Hermione nodded at the platinum witch, “As I was saying, we’ll be accepting his offer. Along with the chance to study beneath him comes a place within his current inner circle of supporters, though I’m not quite sure what he calls them right now. Knights of Walpurgis I think, since we’re not at the stage for open warfare yet. Regardless we-”

“You truly plan on joining his side? Really? Tell me why I shouldn’t call for your immediate expulsion, right this very instant.” His eyes and face regained their red and angered color, “Why should I not seek to strike you with a black mark and rid you from these shores, reveal the blasted farce of your last name to any and all who’d care to listen? To Him?”

Hermione could feel the indignation building back up within her chest, angered and upset again at the way he seemed to jump right into things without a moment of thought, or even a chance to hear the other side. Oh how he reminded her of Harry, always so set in his ways and ideals that seeing across the table might have been an impossible task. 

“If you would please let me finish my words you’ll be singing a different tune, I promise you that. Gods, are men like you incapable of refraining from attacking, for even a minute? A second? Is your patience so flattened and disused that you can’t absorb anything from anyone not yourself?” Her tirade was broken only by the need to breathe and Bellatrix’s sharp nails rubbing soothing circles into her sides, “Beyond the immediately obvious reasons you won’t do all that you said, or anything else, the ritual you used is binding and permanent, I am a Grenier now, and we’re planning on accepting his offer but more importantly we’re not on his side.”


Hermione could feel Bellatrix’s nail damn near pierce her robes as he said that, her mind springing to the same thing as her lover. 

‘I would have loved to do that five minutes ago you old buffoon!’

“Bloody well glad to. We’re willing to spy for you. Inform, for you. But this will need to work both ways. He’ll need something from us if we’re to work for him, and in return we want access to the Order, or whatever you’re calling the Militia right now.”

“... Militia?” His eyes narrowed in confusion, Hermione actually rolling her eyes at that.

“The Order of the bloody Phoenix, or whatever it is you’ll start out calling it during these fledgling stages. Don’t try to obfuscate it or deny that you’re starting it, we both know it started early and you don’t organize a group of marauding vigilantes overnight, even during the midst of a bloody war.” She leaned backwards into Bellatrix, hoping her bluff paid off. In truth she didn’t know the exact founding date of the Order, but her assumption was that he’d started it right before the war, or immediately during the outset. He just struck her, and by extension Bellatrix, as someone who wouldn’t wait around for multiple years before deciding to join the fray. Not with how his inaction had fared so poorly with Grindelwald. “We know that it takes time to suss out people for the role, to vet them and get them properly organized. We want in. We’ll work as information brokers between the two of you, passing him false information along with just enough of the real stuff to keep his good graces. We can paint cold trails to mislead him and end this war far sooner than it will without us.”

“And you would do all this for what, free? I don’t believe it.” His cold blue eyes reflected the doubts he harbored towards her words and promises, the interest in them being the only thing saving them from being immediately blasted off the face of the earth. 

“Of course not,” Bellatrix took the lead, “We’d have our own demands beyond the Order, of course. Our goal is a simple one that we think you’ll agree with. We want to prevent a genocidal maniac from ascending to the highest seats of power in our country, and we want to save as many people as we can while we go about it. Beyond that particular bit though,” she tightened her grip about Hermione’s waist and yawned before continuing, “We’ll need assurances that when all’s said and done we won’t be carted off to Azkaban. We’ll need paperwork, legitimate contracts or vows that are witnessed by parties beyond us, to explain the part we’ll play. I’ve no desire to see the inside of a jail cell, my future self has done enough of that.”

“We also want your help,” Hermione took up the reins, “We’ll be applying for Masteries and your word will be a load of help in easing the process along. Plus by allowing us to take them here we’ll be of use to him, and you, at the same time.” Hermione hoped that laid it out simply enough for him, that he’d help them with it even if he didn’t exactly need to do so. Their grades would more than likely carry them through regardless of his input, but the lengths he could go to in order to grease minds and ensure their placement couldn’t be understated.

“In what subject? Although I am the Headmaster of this school, I’m not in charge of who my Professors choose to take up. That’s a process fully on them to accept or deny.”

“We know,” Hermione just barely refrained herself from rolling her eyes again, “But you can put in a strong word in our favor. We’ll both be applying for Ancient Runes-”

“-and then Defense for me-”

“-And Transfiguration or Arithmancy for me, I’ve not decided yet.”

Dumbledore attempted to split his gaze between the two of them and only succeeded in looking just a bit mad for a second, Bellatrix quietly fighting to keep giggles from bursting out of her throat.

“Then I suppose you’ve both thought about this quite a lot. That’s a heavy course load to take on, even for graduate students.”

“Yes. We’ve been planning on working towards Masteries since a few months ago, I’d like to think our grades reflect that.” Hermione shot him a self-satisfied smile at that, fully aware that Bellatrix and herself were tied neck and neck for Valedictorian. Beneath her Bellatrix shifted to the side before reaching out an arm to tap against a gently snoring Luna and speaking up, “We’ve got our part down. Only thing left-”

“-is do you accept?” Hermione finished and shot him her strongest glare yet, her eyes chipped and hard, mouth set in grim determination while she held her breath. Their future hinged on him accepting this, on him agreeing to work alongside them. Without it they would be left on the sidelines of the coming War and while it wouldn’t make their task impossible it would certainly be a hindrance. Without a proper support network that the Order could provide, they’d be stuck on a backup plan of recruiting people from both camps to act as their go betweens. It would all be far simpler if they could keep one foot in each camp instead.

“If I accept,” he laid his palms flat against the table-top as a sheaf of paper materialized in front of his fingers along with an inkwell and a feathered white quill, “If I agree to all this, I’ll want the agreement to be binding. You help me curtail the oncoming War before it becomes a true slog, and you answer to me.”


“What?” He startled at Bellatrix’s refusal, glasses nearly sent askew by the force of his turning head. “What do you mean, ‘No’?”

“We won’t answer to you. We’ll work alongside you, but not directly under you. We can keep that appearance as a matter of organization if it matters to you that much but nowhere in the contract, or vow, will there be a clause that we are to obey or answer to you directly. Or any variation thereof.”

“Then how in Godric’s good graces do you even expect me to work with you? If you can just go gallivanting off to do as you please, then there’s no accountability-”

“There’s no way for you to control us, you mean. Which is precisely why it needs to be like this.” Hermione’s voice brokered no deal, gave him no room to wiggle about and encroach on their plans. “Depending on how it’s worded, and whether it’s a binding contract or a true Vow, we could be injured or worse, depending on how the vow sees it. We could die because you order us to stand down at a moment that we can’t. There’re too many variables to consider, we cannot let that be in place.”

The sun, which had been just a middling purple flush painting the far corners of the windows to the room, had finally found a chance to rise while they were hashing all their words. The space surrounding them was suddenly flooded with orange light, heralding the dawn and a new day. Luna, only still just barely awake even after Bellatrix had nudged her, yawned wide and loud into the empty space left between the Goat and the students.

“Fine.” The word was flat and final, his face twisted up as if it had soured his mouth to say it. “Shall we begin?”


And with that, this one day is at an end. 27K words and five chapters later. Now onto the next bit!
Or rather, that's what I'd say if I wasn't planning on revamping all thirty four prior chapters x_x
This story will technically be on a hiatus for the next four weeks as I go back and revise/edit all prior chapters, so spelling and grammar are my main targets, nothing story or character wise. When this is complete, I'll post up the next chapter, but until then, thanks for reading so far!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 0afc2a316edaefa29a7b161f1e4efdc47d3e4bb0 ) [31] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 34. Book 1: Confronting Your Fears [timestamp] => 1566079200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 34: Book 1: Confronting Your Fears


Short chap, could use more editing, but my brain is fried.

Chapter Text

The long and meandering walk through the forest and around the Quidditch pitch to return to the Castle was filled with soft caresses and warm skin, Bellatrix’s mind and body still on fire and near trembling with the exertion of the night. Sweat that had coated her skin and soaked through her cloak was cooling and driving an icy knife up her spine. She could fix it with a simple spell, a few softly uttered words, but in the end she didn’t even feel like she had the energy for that. It was just a constant of her walk, and Hermione was absorbing all of her attention. Harmonia was perched upon her shoulder with talons piercing her clothing to nip and poke against the edges of her skin. The weight of the bird was relaxing, knowing she was safe, and as she preened and pulled at her dark curls, Bellatrix could hardly keep a smile off of her face. The Raven seemed pleased as well, her actions punctuated by soft warbles and a low cooing form of caw.

“You’ve no idea how happy I am that you’re back,” Bellatrix whispered into the night as she leaned herself into Hermione’s side, hand reaching down to squeeze and tangle with the warm fingers of her own hand. Hermione shot her a curious look caught between warmth and weariness, her head darting forward at the last second to peck her upon the lips.

“Me too.”

“So,” Bellatrix looked around herself, curls flying every which way, “Where did it send you?”

“You first, your tale will likely be easier to explain.”

With a sharp intake of breath and a tightening of her hand around Hermione’s, Bellatrix began. She started at her near breakdown and the indeterminable amount of time she spent nearly falling apart, before delving into her flight up the corridors and stairs of Hogwarts towards the Headmasters office, one thing and one thing only on her mind. Last, but certainly not least, she explained Rabastan’s arrival and subsequent guilt, her flight to find her sisters missing, and the meeting in the Forest. It was short, simple, and she kept her voice level and even throughout the retelling despite the tremors and worries that threatened to invade her.

“Should we tell Rab what happened? What we did? He’s the only one left who knows what happened, unless they snuck into the infirmary for Goyle.” Hermione’s voice was awash with uncertainty, words quiet as she broke the silence of the grounds around them.

“I think so. He was his brother, if anyone deserves to know, it’s him. And if it goes badly we just Obliviate him.” It felt like a sound course of action to her. If something happened involving her sisters, she’d want to know. And by him just overhearing the plans that his brother had laid, he was already involved.

Time would only tell what their course of action might be at the end, but she felt it right to at least give him that chance.


The remainder of their walk back to the Castle consisted of Hermione filling Bellatrix in on her trip throughout time and space, as well as her collected thoughts on the experience. It was dry, Bellatrix remaining restrained and quiet as she explained, and slowly Hermione felt herself coming to grips with the fact that she’d chosen to stay here. She’d had a perfect return to her old life; Dumbledore had at the very least accomplished that. She could have continued her schooling, met back up with friends who’d left, even go looking for her parents. 


It hadn’t felt right, to leave someone she’d come to love so much. To leave the friends she’d made here, the cause she’d decided to throw herself into. In her time she’d just be a rather exceptional Muggleborn witch, one of the Golden Trio and deserving of that title but… Here she could be something more. A catalyst for change that would rewrite history. 

By the time they reached an entrance both had agreed that what Dumbledore had done made sense to him and his method of managing the oncoming war, however much they disagreed with his methods and biased goals. He had acted to remove something from the board that he couldn’t directly control; and all without actively attempting to harm her. He could have just as easily tried to have her killed and instead had found a method of simply sending her away, the emotional cost being the lesser of evils in his eyes. Understanding was a poor form of acceptance however, and words would need to be said. He needed to know this wouldn’t be tolerated again.

First on their list, however, was checking in on the Black sisters.


The door to their shared room was locked and bolted tightly with wards and physical implements, a ring of gold thread flowing outwards to encompass the first yard around the door and flowing up to the top before folding over. The filaments were indicative of Luna, Andromeda favoring something more akin to pulled sinew and muscle. Harsher, but no less effective than Luna’s practiced efforts.

With a wave of her hand Hermione pulled the wards apart and unlocked the door, pushing the heavy wood open to reveal an interior lit only by the softly glowing embers of the waning fire. Agath was the first to notice their entrance, the young snake nearly sprinting through a slither to climb up her leg and wrap herself about Hermione’s neck. Harmonia had followed them all in from the outside of the castle, safe and secure on her perch atop Bellatrix’s shoulder, her beady black eyes taking in the sight of a place she’d never been. Agath snuck her neck out to flick a pink tongue against Harmonia’s feathers when Bellatrix stepped forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Hermione, the raven disinterestedly squawking at the close inspection.

::Agath,:: Hermione gently whispered into the air, ::Have they been alright?::

The snake shifted her attention from the new bird and back to Hermione before nestling her warm head against her cheek. While Hermione was used to minor acts of affection from her familiar, Agath was a constant hog for heat and attention, she’d never been preened over in a manner that suggested the snake had missed her.

::Yes, yes, all safe in nest. Gold one smells of stardust, Narci and Droma smell of fear. Were they harmed? Did a predator attack?::

::No,:: Hermione began to scratch her fingernails along the soft scales of Agath’s head as she wandered towards the three witches sleeping tightly together on her bed, ::Bella saved them in time. No one was hurt, except our enemies.::


The pile atop her bed consisted of Luna stuck in the middle, her shoes off and arms stretched out above her head, and Andy and Cissa on either side of her. Narcissa was curled into a tight little ball with her head in the crook of Luna’s arm, Andromeda snoring peacefully with her back to the platinum haired witch. When Hermione reached the bedside and before she could reach out, silver blue orbs opened up as Luna gave her a warm, if languid, smile. 

“You’re back early.”

Hermione cocked her head in question as she replied, “You were expecting us back later?”

“I had a thought you’d be held up further, but sometimes the Sight is a little off. It rarely happens, but it does happen.” Luna’s whisper was nearly silent as she strove to leave the sleeping sisters undisturbed, her body shifting every so slowly as she began to extricate herself from the confines of the bed. When she was finally free she wandered towards the soft fire sitting across the room, wand pulled out and bringing it back to a cheery burn. Agath hissed in pleasure at the increase in temperature, soft hisses of approval crossing the short distance to Hermione’s ear.

“Now what?” Luna asked her question at the same time as she conjured up a small chair, sitting politely and switching her gaze from witch to witch.

“Now we go after Dumbledore,” Bellatrix growled out her response, Harmonia alighting from her shoulder to the top of Hermione’s wardrobe to rest.

“Not so much go after him, as go confront him. He’s not technically done anything wrong, but we’ll need to confront him on his machinations.” Hermione shoved against Bellatrix’s shoulder as the witch rolled her eyes, “We also need to get you back to your own time Luna.”

“Well that’ll be simple enough with the Turner, but what about you?”

“I’m staying.”

Luna nodded when she noticed the determined glint in Hermione’s eyes, the ghost of a smile crossing her face at the same time.

“Well then, I suppose we should see the Headmaster.”


With a surety to their step, the trio set out of Hermione’s room and off towards the Headmaster’s office. Agath was given strict instructions to remain with the still sleeping Black sisters, to watch over them while they rested and protect them from anyone who’d intrude upon them. The snake took to her task seamlessly, curling into a protective ball atop the mound of pillows the sisters were using and hissing near silently. Harmonia hopped off of her perch atop the wardrobe when Bellatrix opened the door, black wings fluttering near silently as she made her way back towards the owlery. Hermione had questioned exactly where the bird was going, the front entrance wouldn’t open unless a person moved it, but by the time they reached the common-room the bird was gone with no bit of her to be found.

Technically they all still had class that day, even if Luna’s was in another universe entirely, but both Hermione and Bellatrix were sure they would be able to weasel out an excuse slip from Dumbledore once they arrived. It was the least he could do, considering what’d happened.

Somewhere in the labyrinthian hallways of Hogwarts, a clock was chiming the bell for Two, shadows falling and shifting across the trio as they made their way further and further up the floors of the Castle. The denizens of the Castle were just starting to peek awake at this hour, several Professors who had early classes could be seen at the end of corridors running to and fro as they prepared themselves for the day ahead. A few caught their eyes, bleary faces searching for a reason to their wandering and coming up with an answer of ‘Too early to care’.


After what felt like hours but was surely only minutes, the trio found themselves standing before the large stone gargoyle guarding the route to the Headmaster’s office. It was the twin of the one that Hermione had faced not even a day ago, it’s face turning slowly to pierce her with a curious gaze. Its wings were folded up over its head to block the stairwell behind it, and though it was awfully late, or early depending on your inclination, it didn’t seem to care much about them standing before it.

“Anyone happen to know the password? I was going to blast it apart before, didn’t know where to get it from.” Bellatrix glanced between Luna and Hermione, “I mean we can still do that if no one knows-”

“Move along and up, I’ve no wish to suffer the fate of my brethren,” a gravelly voice spoke up from the Gargoyle’s throat, it’s bulk grinding and shifting out of their way.

“What.” Bellatrix shifted her eyes rapidly from the stone to Hermione, confusion bleeding from her eyes.

“Don’t know how it knows about that but… I’ll take it?” Hermione shrugged her shoulders, too tired to care about whatever brand of magic this was.

The stone steps echoed with their footsteps as they ascended the tight stairwell. Behind them the Gargoyle began to close itself back up, wings settling back into position as it maintained a mysterious silence. When they reached the door Hermione stood before it with a fist raised and Bellatrix’s hand upon her shoulder, heart in her throat and nerves flaring up. They needed to have this conversation, regardless of knowing his reasoning he needed to know that her unpredictability wouldn’t be dissuaded. She would be part of the future’s designs, whether he wanted her to be there or not. She needed to get it through his skull that she was staying there for good.


She landed three harsh raps with her fist in quick succession before standing back and waiting for the old man to wake. It took a few moments before she was able to hear beyond the oaken door, a soft shuffling here, the sound of a voice soothing Fawkes, a flash of flame beneath the door and the whooshing sound of the fireplace igniting. She waited, Bellatrix’s hand upon the middle of her back and rubbing soothing circles, mind made up and breath evening out as she prepared herself.

Slowly the door before her creaked open and the wizened old head of the Headmaster peeked out. He looked like he’d just been sleeping, half-moon spectacles hanging low upon his nose and hair unkempt beneath the chartreuse nightcap he wore.

Hermione wasn’t quite certain she could trust that weak, exhausted look.

“Ah…” He looked between Hermione and Bellatrix, “Madam’s Grenier, Black. And um,” he peered down at Luna, eyes narrowing in confusion, “Pardon the lapse in memory my dear, but who may you be?”

Luna gave him a soft smile before grinning lazily and cocking her head, “Luna Lovegood Sir, it’s a pleasure to meet with you again, though I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“No, no, the pleasure is all mine. Though I must admit you’ve caught me somewhat off guard. Not only am I confused by the timing of this meeting, though as I say my door is always open,” Bellatrix snorted at that, “And I’m loathe to admit that I fail to recall where we’ve met before. My apologies, my old mind isn’t quite what it used to be.”

“That’s quite alright Headmaster,” Hermione pulled the silver Turner out from beneath her black robes, “We’ve all the time in the world to catch up.”

The sudden dawning realization in his eyes and the smiling dropping off his face made the whole night worth it.



The old man ushered them forth into the office without much of a flourish, instead sighing resignedly and stepping back to admit them entrance. When he shut the door behind them he also summoned up three chairs in front of his desk, his wand hanging limply by his side when he finished. Fawkes was preening his feathers atop a golden stand sitting before the fireplace, his orange and red feathers lit up like gold from the newly awakened fire. The large bird turned towards Bellatrix as she passed him by to sit down in the chair at the far end of Dumbledore’s desk and, distinctly unlike Hermione had ever seen him act before, began to chirp as he reached out his long neck for her to touch. Bellatrix seemed to be just as surprised as Hermione was, and gently set about scratching her fingers up and down the length of the bird, her eyes questioning Hermione for a second or two more before the bird retreated to return to slumber.

“Hmph,” Dumbledore made his miffed mood known as Bellatrix took her seat, “Well then let’s all get down to brass tacks, shall we?”

“Yes, lets.” Bellatrix pulled Hermione down and into her lap as she moved past her to sit in the next chair, Dumbledore’s eyes widening in some form of shock as she did so. His face began to slowly turn a beet red color that was so deep she wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment at seeing their closeness or anger at the interaction.

“Before we begin discussions I believe some introductions are in order. Headmaster Dumbledore, this is Luna Lovegood,” she waved a hand at the witch, “She’s the daughter of Xenophilius Lovegood, yes that one,” she added as his eyes burst wide in shock and alarm, “She’s from Nineteen Nintey Nine. She’s also the only reason that your little scheme managed to fail. Clever work on the return charm, I wouldn’t have been able to stop it in time if I’d ended up anywhere on my own. Or, well, I assume it was your scheme. You wouldn’t happen to be able to confirm or deny that, would you Headmaster?”

As she finished her opening preamble, Hermione sank into a cheshire grin straight out of Bellatrix’s playbook, eyes filling with mirth as the tight line of his lips grew tighter and tighter. She had to admit, if there was one thing she’d learned since arriving in the past, it was that gloating never hurt, and she’d learned that from the best. The longer he continued staring them in silence, the more tension began to bleed away from her muscles and her mind. It was slowly becoming obvious that he’d thought so highly of himself and his plan that he’d never seen it as anything other than foolproof, backup plans notwithstanding, and she couldn’t help but feel elated that she’d caught him on the back foot.

“My dear I’m quite certain that I do not know what it is you’re implying,” he finally began to speak after moments of silence, voice condescending in a way that only served to raise her hackles, “If you’ll recall, Mr. Bode was working on that particular device. It simply seems that he finished it. Assuming it worked, of course. And seeing as you’re here,” he looked down towards Luna, “It seems it did work.”

“Mr. Bode doesn’t even recall ever meeting me. We managed to run into him at the Ministry when we were applying for the custody of Bella’s sisters. He looked at me like I’d popped into existence just right there, he was not the one who sent it to me.”

Beneath her she could feel Bellatrix squirming and shifting, the crooked bend of her wand pressing tightly against her back as she prepared herself for an explosive reaction.

“Well then it could have possibly been sent out by one of his colleagues that I contacted-”

“That would make sense if anyone other than Mr. Bode was working directly with me, and you, to find a way to get me home. He was the contact, no one else. He was supposed to inform me when he had secured a method. Regardless of all that,” Hermione took a calming breath in, “It doesn’t work the way we requested.”

“What?” The old man leaned back into his chair while a gnarled hand stroked along the length of his beard, confusion evident in his gaze, head cocking somewhat at the statement.

“It didn’t just send me forward, which is what we’d asked for, it sent me sideways. Which I guess is a way of saying that it worked, I managed to end up where I’d come from, but per the initial request it was a failure.”


“Yes. Nothing was different when I returned, my time here had absolutely no impact there besides me having been missing for almost a half a year.”

“It’s all quite simple really,” Luna spoke up and shot them all a languid smile, “If you’ve the mind to accept it.”

Dumbledore just shot her an unreadable expression following her outburst, “I’ll take your word on it Madam Lovegood.

Really, all things considered, Hermione was quite pleased with the lack of expletives or explosive wandwork so far. They were barely in it, only just the opening remarks really, but it was going better than she’d hoped. He was backed up to a corner, even if he failed to realize it, and Bellatrix hadn’t once tried to resort to violence as the first answer. Not that violence would get them anywhere in particular. Yes, they held the advantage numerically, but he trumped them with even that. The Elder wand was certainly a force over their own increased abilities, and he had the bonus of about a hundred years of experience over them.

“Well then I must ask, how did you come upon all these assumptions?”


While Hermione might have felt elation at seeing his earlier response to her holding the Turner, his downturned expression and sudden drop of his shoulders had her positively grinning with predatory delight.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => abd5db0976e3f276e815ab6082ce3e02e0c71c8d ) [32] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 33. Book 1: A Profound Connection [timestamp] => 1565388000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 33: Book 1: A Profound Connection


Split chapter, second half should show up sometime soon. (hopefully)

Chapter Text

The first of Bellatrix’s spells lashed out from her wand to eat its way up and over the curve of the boy’s leg and hip, the smokey substance tearing apart flesh and cloth before he even had a chance to make a noise. The other’s around her heard the movement, ethereal and indistinct, but weren’t alerted to his downfall. She’d learned the spell from a tome bound in flesh that Cygnus had obtained from a curio shop somewhere in France on a business trip. From the moment she’d first laid eyes on it she’d known she wanted to understand it, and over a painstaking series of nights she’d managed to memorize the multitude of spells contained within it. The smoke made its way further upwards until it smashed into his face with enough force to throw itself down through his mouth and nostrils. It wasn’t designed to kill him, the tome had made that quite clear, but he would never speak or smell or feel anything from the affected areas ever again.

When his body began a slow descent towards the ground she pivoted on the balls of her feet while throwing her right hand arching outwards to collapse Aldalus’s left knee and bring him down to the ground. As he fell forward she reached up to grab onto the back of his robe and tugged sharply against the fabric, altering the trajectory of his fall so he moved to land flat on his back. Rod began turning around at the sudden noise and movement when his attention finally caught, and in a moment of pure speed Bellatrix reached past the falling boy and grabbed her sister’s collars.

A flash of magic raced out from her fingertips to skate across her siblings and attack the ropes keeping them bound and immobile. The fraying hemp caught with a flash of purple light to disintegrate into a powdery substance not dissimilar to ash or dust, her body yanking to the left to throw the two of them out of harm's way.


She wasn’t sure whether they’d understood her or not, whether they even knew who exactly was saving them. She wanted to follow, oh Gods she wanted to just leave with them, but her attention and skills were needed elsewhere. Aldalus had completed his fall into the wet grass and now lay in a heap as he attempted to right himself and shake the stars out from his vision. She didn’t give him a single chance and moved before he could collect himself, a bright flash of red unleashing from her wand to smack the boy upside his head and throw him into unconsciousness.

A bright green flash passed through the corner of her eye to land between her feet, Rod finally making his strike, and in her rush to avoid it she landed in a heap of scurrying limbs. She rolled to dodge another green bolt before twisting to her side and regaining her footing, a shield forming in front of her to ricochet the next shot before it could land against her chest.


She leaned into the next shot, her body sliding backwards on the wet ground from the force, her senses focusing in on Rod as he lined up for another shot. She dug her feet into the cold earth beneath her and heard the sounds of her sisters running off into the trees. With any luck Harmonia would be there to assist them in their retreat, and if not, Andromeda would hopefully be focused enough to get them out of harm's way. With sharp pang of fear Bellatrix dragged her head back into the fight, standing tall before Rod and readying her spells.

Rodolphus wasn’t quite her equal when it came down to base spell-craft, but he made up for the lack of diversity in his spells with sheer brute strength. He was tall, musclebound and hearty, and with each year he’d been at Hogwarts he’d been studious in his attainment of physical perfection. Where most wizards and witches avoided physical exertion, Rodolphus reveled in it.

And now she was having to bear the brunt of that training.

She shifted down and to her left with a slight drag of her back foot, pivoting towards him and narrowing her silhouette before unleashing a multitude of bone breaking hexes towards his center of mass. With an imperfect flourish he pulled up an opalescent shield that shuddered under the force of her incoming strikes. Small shards of pearl tore off the shield and dusted the ground between them, his body pushing forward through the impacts in an effort to gain ground on her.

“That all you got? I thought you lot were made of tougher stuff,” Rodolphus roared out, spinning through the last of her hits to ricochet them off into the trees at her side,”I almost thought this would be a challenge!” With a burst of speed belied by his mass, Rodolphus lunged forward and released his shield, wand swishing down in an arc that shot off a purple streak towards her at an angle. The spell clipped through the side of her cloak with a hiss and whiff of sulfur, Bellatrix’s dodge throwing her away and to the side as she fought to keep him at a distance.

When she had backed up far enough she let herself fall into the moment, Voldemort’s lessons ringing in the back of her mind as she let herself react on muscle memory and instinct.

‘Movement,’ she struck out with a sideways lung that turned into a dead sprint along the arc of the clearing, her distance varying as she made her way closer.

‘Unpredictability,’ she varied the curses and hexes she unleashed, spells coming from her wand at irregular intervals that tested his reactions and defenses. A feint that hung on her momentum went left, before a sharp right, her bone-breaker grazing part of his shield with enough force and at a weak enough spot to shatter it into a million little pieces.

‘Force and Lethality,’ her rightward momentum turned on a dime as she spun her foot out and lunged, her free palm dropping into the ground with a wet thunk and wand twirling through the air as she cast on the move. The rune atop her right palm flared into existence through her glamours, bathing them both in its eerie red glow, as a cascade of animals sprang forth into existence with an explosion of green fire. The creatures shot forth with a single-minded obsession towards the complete immolation of Rodolphus, each colliding with the other on the way until they’d formed a large Raven with its mouth opened wide to swallow the arm that came up to bat it away.

It was a nearly fatal mistake.

Instead of dampening the flames covering his skin and robes, the movement only served to spur them onward; the hiss and crackle of burning cotton and popping flesh rising up along with a scream so loud it caused Bellatrix actual pain. She clenched her left palm, the runemark glowing up against her skin, and with a puff of smoke the flames vanished along with the green light they put off, darkness swooping in to cover them all.

Rodolphus lay on the ground facedown, his body passed out from the pain and smoke inhalation, Bellatrix standing above him with lungs heaving and body shivering through a sheen of sweat that had spread out across her form. 


‘Oh Gods,’ Bellatrix thought, her reserves nearly depleted after unleashing as much magic as she had.

The voice belonged to a woman, likely Laureli, and Bellatrix was just on the verge of being unable to deal with it. She backed into a corner near a group of trees that hid her from sight near the entrance that led to the trail and lit up her right hand in a dance of green flames, ready to go out with a bang.

“Take another step forward and it’ll be the last mistake you ever make,” her words burst into the clearing and out towards the path, voice trembling with her exhaustion.


Just as Bellatrix heard the response and saw the woman entering the clearing, a bolt of red shot out from behind her back and smashed into her with enough momentum to throw her forward onto her face, her body skidding to a stop next to Rod.


The voice reached her ears at the same time the sounds of walking arrived, four figures peaking forth through the opening to the trail in a group held tightly together. “Bellatrix?”

Even with darkness shrouding them all their eyes still found one another. Bellatrix’s heart leaped up into her throat as she began making her way forward to the group. Once she saw her for sure, was intensely sure that she knew who it was, she rushed forward as fast as she could and wrapped the witch in a crushing hug.

“Hermione, oh Gods,” she pulled the witch even closer to her body as she was overcome by a need to prove to herself the woman was real, was here and not a figment of her overtaxed mind.

“I’m here Bella, I’m here…”


The reunion lasted only for a few minutes before the need for information overcame the need for emotional comfort. Bellatrix released Hermione and snatched up her sisters in an equally firm hug. They were alive, unharmed but for small bruises and a shook demeanor, and each answered her questions in turn as she sought any lasting form of curse or harm.

Beside her sisters was a strange girl with just enough familiarity that it seemed they’d met before, her pale hair hanging down across her face and a warm smile cut by her lips. When she noticed she held the attention of both Bellatrix and Hermione, the witch walked towards them with purpose in her nearly hidden eyes.

“I’d hate to interrupt our lively reunion, the Casterwurms have all but disappeared from your shoulders now, but we still have some unfinished business to tend to.” Her voice was soft and lilting, almost as if she was drowsy to the point of sleeping on her feet. 

Bellatrix felt like the single most confused person in the entire world at that moment.

“Um… Who are you?” She asked her question and then stepped backwards into the warm embrace of Hermione, the witch’s arms wrapping around her midsection and squeezing gently.

“I’m Luna Lovegood, it’s a pleasure to meet you again Ms. Black.” Luna smiled up at her and stuck out a hand for her to shake, Bellatrix doing so before pulling back confusedly again.

“Again? Are you related to Xeno?”

“I’m his daughter.”


Now she was definitely the most confused witch in the world.


“I think it’s best you explain,” Bellatrix began, after sending Andromeda and Narcissa back up to her room with Luna as their chaperone, “I’m altogether lost here.”

“I’d rather you go first honestly,” Hermione countered, walking her way towards the fallen bodies of the four students at their back. “But first,” she kicked Rodolphus’s arm, the wizard groaning pitifully beneath her, “We need to deal with them.”

“What do you think we should do?”

She wandered around to Hermione’s side, only then noticing the familiar looking wand in her hand. Without any sense of hesitation, she reached out and pulled Hermione’s hand up, eyeing the wood as her lips fell open.

“Is this…?”

“Yes,” Hermione twisted her palm to present it towards her, “It’s a gift from the future, compliments of your dearly departed other self.”

Bellatrix reached into her palm and scooped the wand up, her own vibrating oddly within her holster as she did so. The wood was warm beneath her fingers, crooked and bent in all the right ways, her fingers finding sharper grooves where a hand and fingers had slowly worn away at the wood over time. The warmth, heady in her at the first touch, was rapidly beginning to cool off. In its place grew up a coldness that started in her palm and flowed out through her fingers until she could see minuscule jumps of sparks alighting along the curved length of walnut.


A spark jumped the gap of her fingers to singe the skin and cause her to howl out in pain. The wand dropped from her grasp and into the waiting palm of Hermione, the witch shooting her a lopsided grin as she caught it. 

“What in seven hells was that?” She wrung her hand out, the sting slowly dissipating as she did so.

“It’s your wand, but different. Older and far more tuned towards it’s later uses. It seems to want to pick owners now.”

“And it’s chosen you?”

“It appears so.” Hermione shoved the wand against her wrist, a crackle of magic pulling it tight against her forearm in lieu of a proper holster.

“Well, we’ll talk about that later I guess… Back to the matter at hand.”

Hermione stared down at Rodolphus before kicking him in the ribs as hard as she could, her foot landing with a meaty thunk, “Yes, back to the task at hand.”

“We can leave them, an Acromantula will take care of them in short order.”

“Not if they wake before then. And especially not if the Centaurs ever show up. I’m surprised they’re not swarming over us already, that was a lot of magic you were channeling. They should have felt it and come running.”

“Well it’s lucky for us that they didn’t,” she walked around and looked into the treeline. “An Avada-”


Bellatrix turned to look at Hermione, her eyes curious and a frown on her face as she gruffed out, “No?”

“No Avada.” Hermione kneeled down at Rodolphus’s side, wand tip poking at the smoking meat of his arm, “It’ll kill him in such a way that there’s no immediate sign of why he died. It’ll be too suspicious. The wounds on him aren’t lethal unless shock sets in, it’ll take longer for him to die than an Avada will.”

“How do you know all that?” Bellatrix knew Hermione was from the future, but that didn’t seem like something that would be taught in a classroom setting in any year.

The short haired witch shot her a lopsided smile, “I read.”

“Of course.” Well that explained that. ‘Not.’

“Anyways, your attack wasn’t immediately lethal and those three,” she pointed uninterestedly towards Aldalus and the other cronies, “They’ll wake long before shock manages to kill him. No, we either need to shatter their minds with as strong an Obliviation as we can muster, and hope that a skilled Legillimens isn’t able to find the remnants, or we kill them.”

Bellatrix shuffled from foot to foot in indecision. She couldn’t say she didn’t relish the thought of killing the group, they’d caused enough trouble and would cause even more in their future, but it still felt sudden and off kilter coming from the normally taciturn Hermione.

“I didn’t honestly think you’d be the one to suggest that option.”

Hermione stood from her crouch and wandered in between the fallen teens, “Well I’m kind of peeved that they targeted your sisters. And tried to kill me yesterday. Oh, and I’m also still blindingly mad about my unexpected sideways trip. My opinion is death, not just for the crimes they’ve already committed but the ones they’ll fill into in the future.”

“Harsh, but agreed. At least for Rodolphus. The others should do well with a strong Obliviation.”

“Are you sure? The information could be pulled up from their minds. We don’t know what Rod told them, whether he has any idea who I really am.”

“I’m sure. Rod dies, the rest live broken lives. I’m sure we can do more than just Obliviate, whatever we need to do to rip their memories apart.”

“Alright,” Hermione stalked towards her with a dark look in her eyes, meeting her head on with a kiss and a bite that was hard enough to break the skin of her lip. Bellatrix relished the feeling, skin on skin and heat bleeding into her, along with the knowledge that Hermione was willing to kill for what she cared for. A part of herself willing to shatter for her. And Bellatrix would do the same, shatter herself against the same rocks if it meant keeping her safe.

“Settled then? So how do we do it?”

“Not magic, for Rod at the very least. We heal the wound he has right now, hells we should do it for all of them, make it look like they came here willingly and something happened to them. Animal maybe?”

A ruffle of feathers signaled the arrival of Harmonia, now back after helping escort her sisters and Luna back towards the Castle. The Raven landed on her shoulder to weigh her down on one side, beak pressed against her cheek and rumbling warbles exiting her chest. Bellatrix petted down the length of her back as the bird shifted until she was roosting safely and comfortably on a shoulder, before she turned back towards Hermione. 

The witch had a glint to her eyes, something hard and unsavory, that stirred a warmth through her core with the deviousness just barely held back behind it.

“Animal attack.”


Watching Hermione shift through a plethora of colors to reveal the deadly form of her animagus was an oddity. It stirred something wild in the back of her skull, something small and afraid that spoke of danger, and poison. Knowing the now enormous reptile wasn’t a danger to her, a threat, wasn’t enough to the little bit of her that still looked for monsters in the dark. 

Watching her strike with rapidity against the soft flesh of Rodolphus’s neck only reinforced that fear. Hermione was a witch to be feared, through and through.

The sudden shift back to her normal self once the deed was complete brought a measure of sense back into the night that had Bellatrix’s heartbeat slowing and tension bleeding off her muscles. Hermione suddenly retching at the bloody mess at her feet was also reassuring in a sense. Dark as she herself was, she didn’t know exactly how she’d have felt if the witch had come out of it with a smile.


“Done as it’ll ever get. Three minutes and his heart will pump everything out. Death will follow swiftly.”

“Lovely,” Bellatrix wrapped her arms around a now shivering Hermione, “Now where did you learn that?”



“Come on, let’s get this over with.” Hermione pulled herself out of Bellatrix’s grasp, turning towards the still living trio behind her as she did so.

“On three we both channel as much as we can, hit em’ with as much as possible. Two Obliviates at top strength should work.”

“Alright,” she whipped out her wand and pointed it at the sleeping form of Laureli, “Let's do this.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 2ca135649b1489d1d01094f1d1df4c49005e822f ) [33] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 32. Book 1: Lucky Strike [timestamp] => 1564783200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 32: Book 1: Lucky Strike

Chapter Text

Bellatrix’s eyes were blindingly painful by the time she realized she’d been staring at the spot Hermione had disappeared from for gods knew how long. Dry, itchy tears were leaking down the corners of her eyes and she felt as if she’d frozen into stone. She burned. 

One moment her lover - fiancée, savior - was sitting there on the edge of the bed as she wove sweet reassurances with her tongue. In the next she was gone.




And Bellatrix was alone. Painfully and utterly alone. 

The bottom dropped out from her stomach and her heartbeat spiked rapidly while she sat there in stunned disbelief and confusion, her palms sweating and body tingling as adrenaline flushed through her blood at a blinding speed. Her breath began to quicken in her chest until she was sucking in short bursts of air to near the point of hyperventilation. She was on the verge of a panic attack and had very little idea of exactly how to work herself down from it.

‘Gods dammit,’ she fought to control herself by gripping the duvet beneath her pulses time to settled breathing, ‘Fucking stop, breathe, breathe. She’ll return, she has the Turner, she’ll come back. She has to...’

She just needed to wait.

Wait, and control her breathing. Her heartbeat. Her nerves. Her fears.

That was all. Just… Wait.

… Bellatrix was horrid at waiting.

Patience had never once been her strong suit and years of being at the top of her class, of her family, of the school, had dulled what little sensibilities she held towards patience. Especially where it concerned something that she wanted. Craved. Loved.

But here she was, waiting, with absolutely no way to hurry the process along or fix it. No way to bring her love back. 

‘She said she wouldn’t use it,’ Bellatrix second guessed her memory, ‘She didn’t on purpose, right?’

Hermione had made it quite clear with her words and soft affection that she hadn’t planned on using the unsettling device. That it was something she’d leave behind. Hadn’t she? Maybe she had just… Fallen off. Yes, that was it! Hermione had just fallen off. But she hadn’t been able to see what she was doing with her hands, right? Bellatrix didn’t know.

Couldn’t know.

But... Couldn’t she?

::Agath!:: Bellatrix leaped up from the bed as she hissed out to the pile of embers hiding the Ashwinder, her knees scrabbling on the cold floor as she moved closer to the snake. ::Agath, did you see what happened to Hermione?::

The pile shifted, two reddened eyes poking up from a drift of ash and soot, ::Lady Bella, Lady Em’ touch shiny string, the thin false snake, then flash!::

Agath shifted herself out of the pile to slither up and over Bellatrix’s clenched fist, winding herself around and around her arm and shoulder while her thin tongue flicked in and out with confusion and alarm. The young snake peered up at Bellatrix’s dark eyes with curiosity and concern written in her scaly face as she waited on Bellatrix’s response.

Nothing came.

The quietude in her head lasted no more than a minute, maybe two. It was interrupted by a foreign sound meeting her ears, loud and heavy and unlike anything she remembered. At least, it wasn’t something she remembered making herself.


Great, heaving, pitiful sobs. Her body becoming wracked with emotion as her mind split itself on whether she’d been lied to or Hermione’s disappearance was a simple mistake, a misunderstanding. Maybe she had been sent away against her will?

‘What if she doesn’t come back-

‘How long am I supposed to wait-

What if she planned this?

‘Calm down…’

“No,” her resolve steeled on a minute switch, Hermione wouldn’t plan this, wouldn’t hurt her like this. Not on purpose. She’d been inside Hermione’s head, she’d seen her memories and felt her emotions. They’d bled for one another, would die for one another. Agath… Agath had to be right. The snakes words were simple, emotions broad but understandable. Hermione hadn’t done this as part of some plan.

But there was only one way she could find out for sure.

With a huff of air she swiped at her eyes until the tears were dried and her cheeks no longer wet, mind set on an action and her course determined. She stood and reached around the floor and dresser for clothing at a blistering pace lest she fall back into a stupor of melancholy and sadness. A robe, undergarments, a pair of Hermione’s transfigured sweatpants and an overly large black shirt. The items still smelled of sweet pine and the mildew of a library, strong and sharp as it swirled about her head. With a last glance in the vanity mirror she swiped her mass of curls into a ponytail, wand gripped tightly between her teeth and set out.


When Bellatrix left the room she was moving at a fair clip, all things considered, her feet pounding heavily against the ground while magic crackled and wreathed itself around her in a jettison of short blue arcs. When she passed through the common-room a small vase sitting upon a table a few body lengths away shattered itself into thin shards of metal and glass, startling a young first year sitting who had been sitting in a corner to read against the firelight. 

He knew what was best for him though, and let witch move about without a single word.

The sounds of her walk were a constant echo in her ears as she made her way up the long flights of steps towards her destination. Every turn of a staircase led her closer towards her destination almost as if the Castle itself was ensuring her travel ran smoothly. No ghosts, no caretaker, no students or professors to stand in her way or impede her progress. The air around her was cold and drafty from the last vestiges of winters grasp, but as she forced her way up the floors of Hogwarts she could feel the air immediately around her body begin to warm and dry as her frantically coiling magic pulsed and rippled in time to her fragile emotional state.

The few portraits still awake were watching her passage in a hushed silence while they peered down at her with curious, if not obviously concerned, glances. Each and every one of them noted the look of disaster pulled tight over her features but seemed somewhat content to let it play out, no teachers or custodians there to intervene. 

Agath had taken to roosting around her neck like a rope of living, burning flesh that was hissing all about in confusion and borrowed anger. Bellatrix attempted to settle the snake only once, coming away from that effort with an angry hiss and a nipped finger that she’d needed to suck into her mouth to soothe. The young Ashwinder could feel the magic swirling around Bellatrix and seemed to have been made inconsolable by the depths of her emotions.

Feet pounded out against the final staircase while Bellatrix mentally prepared herself for the upcoming interaction. Either she’d be fighting or getting answers, and she had a feeling that whatever happened it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Black!” A voice called out from her right, just before she could wake the stone gargoyle.

“Rabastan.” Bellatrix looked up and down at lanky boy with suspicion evident in her eyes as he stumbled up to her side in a huff. When he stopped he bent down over his knees to wheeze and huff from what seemed to be quite the sudden interest in calisthenics. Right now he was between herself and her target, she knew she could take him out in a heartbeat, no matter the acquaintanceship that had existed between them before his father’s demise. Not that she wanted that outcome. “What do you want? I’m kind of busy at the moment.” Agath hissed at him as if to echo that statement.

“Look, I, R-Rod’s planning something and I know why he’s angry but my father was the one in the wrong, you were only defending yourself and your sisters and Emelia was just doing the same,” Rabastan inched closer with clear trepidation on his face, “Look I just wanted to tell you that he’s been planning something with Goyle and Parkinson, I don’t-”

“He’s already done something.” Bellatrix leaned back on her feet just enough to lower his guard while still leaving her free to spring forward, or back, should the situation call for it. “He had Goyle try to kill Emelia this morning.”

“Oh fucking Merlin,” Rabastan’s eyes widened in shock, “Bellatrix you have to believe me, I had nothing to do with that-”

“Then why didn’t you come to us sooner?” Bellatrix moved forward into her space while her voice dropped into a growl, “Why didn’t you try to put a stop to it? She could have been killed for Morgana’s sake, didn’t that mean anything to you?”

“I didn’t know what to do!” Rabastan, tall and lanky Rab who’d always seemed too self-assured, now looked like he would break apart at the faintest breeze. “My father is dead and Rod’s all I have, b-but I’m here,” he stepped backwards from her advance before pressing his palms tight to his eyes, “But that attack isn't all, he’s got something planned with your sisters, that’s why I’m here right now. When Goyle came back he said something about ‘killing that little bitch’. I don’t know exactly what he meant, but he’s doing it tonight.”

Bellatrix felt the breath in her chest freeze upon his words, eyes darkening and mind stilling as she ran through what he’d said.

“Where, when, and so help me if they’ve got a single upturned hair on their heads I’ll pull out your entrails and make you fucking choke on them, you bloody coward. Now, speak!!”

“Soon, you’ll need to hurry,” Rabastan turned away before heading down the stairwell she’d only just come up. Bellatrix turned to look behind herself at the sleeping gargoyle, giving it one last glare before she sped off after Rabastan, her feet pounding in the empty spaces as she ran.


Bile was threatening to spill from Bellatrix’s tight throat by the time the duo reached the common-room. Throughout their speedy trip she couldn’t shake the feeling of something gone terribly wrong, an inky darkness pounding heavy through her veins. Rabastan was back to sweating bullets, his hair flopping around and sticking to his neck and cheeks while short breaths labored up from overtaxed lungs. Agath had been hissing in displeasure during Bellatrix’s intense bursts of speed, and Bellatrix’s quick stops and sudden turns certainly hadn’t done the temperamental little reptile any favors.

When she burst into the girls section of the dormitory the doors remained closed until Bellatrix began banging on Andromeda’s door. With each pound against the door the other girls on the floor were either waking from a light sleep or peering into the hall as their night was interrupted. Bellatrix didn’t care what those watching her thought, she only wanted to ensure her sisters were all right. When extended banging against Andy’s door failed to reveal her sister she sprinted off down the hall towards the second years' hall, repeating the process on Narcissa’s door and getting the same result.

Her sisters weren’t here.

A bottomless pit of dread opened up in Bellatrix’s stomach to swallow her whole. Blue magic sparkled and cracked against her skin in shifting arcs drawn to her emotions, sending Rabastan to step backwards and the few girls staring at them back into their rooms. Everyone knew not to mess with Bellatrix Black, and her current display was certainly a striking reminder.

Bellatrix bounced on her heel into a sprint back towards Hermione’s room, her feet skidding out across the floor and over carpets as she swung her way around tight corners and through thin doorways. When she was back, and confirmed that Hermione hadn’t returned yet, she pulled Rabastan into the room before shutting the door and pushing him back up to it, fists on his shirt and weight pressing down hard enough to hurt.

“Where did they take them,” she growled out, uncaring of the stray sparks jumping between her fingers and his skin.

“They’ve been faffing about in the woods behind the Quidditch pitch, if I was betting on it then I’d say that’s where they’ve been taken,” Rabastan spoke as fast as he could, eyes glued to Bellatrix’s hand as she reached for her wand, red sparks dripping from it like molten metal.

“Pray that they’re unharmed Rab, if they’re not then I’ll make do on my earlier threat.”

“What are you going to do?” He gulped, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.

“Anything I need to.”

With a final glare into his eyes she pulled him away from the door before throwing it open. She stretched out towards the bed, letting Agath shimmy her way down onto the soft covers with a hiss of displeasure at being left behind.

::When Hermione gets back, tell her that I’m heading to the patch of woods next to the Quidditch pitch. Tell her she’ll need to hurry, okay?::

Agath curled in on herself, forming a ball of tight muscle and flickering tongue, before poking her head up from beneath the coil and nodding assent to Bellatrix’s request. With that sorted Bellatrix pierced Rabastan with a glare one last time before sprinting out the door.

She sped on past the common-room and out the statue entrance with her feet flying in her haste to reach the nearest window. When she finally came upon one she threw it open with a flick of her wand before shaking herself out in preparation. One minute she was standing there, long cloak and black clothing, next she was a swirl of feathers in the air.

‘I wonder where it all goes,’ she thought, mind latching for a second on the oddity of her clothing and wand disappearing. With a short hop she was on the lip of the window, and in the next she was hopping out unsteadily into the darkened night.

Before suddenly falling straight down.

‘Flap, flap dammit!’

A rush of air sped through her arms - wings -, until eventually she could feel herself rising up from the steep dive she’d entered off the sloping side of the Castle. She leveled out, wind rushing by her, until she was darting off into the moonless night.

Bellatrix turned to soar into a headwind coming off the lakeside grounds of the Castle, her mind boggled and bombarded as she peered around from her new vantage point. She’d been above and around the Castle before, brooms were fairly easy to come by even if she didn’t own one herself, but being so much smaller threw all of her previous perspectives out the window. Up ahead and to the right she could see the top of the Quidditch pitch, long wooden poles poking up like the skeleton of some dead Titan. The imagery of death didn’t help her vivid imagination as she focused herself back onto the task at hand.

Her heartbeat began to soar the closer she came to the pitch and she angled herself down through the goals to reach the other side, eyes scanning from side to side where the official end of campus grounds began. There was a long strip of beaten down grass and thin snow behind the curve of the pitch, nearly a hundred meters wide, that quickly bled off into the canopy of the Forbidden Forest. A thin trail split off from the bulk of trampled ground before turning at an angle to lead deep into the forest. She knew it was a location frequented by the Herbology department for plant gathering and classes, and also traveled well by Hagrid as he performed his duties as groundskeeper.

But Bellatrix had never volunteered to pick flowers, or whatever the Herbology department got into, and so she was left in the dark as to where that trail exactly led. Whether this led to Rodolphus or not, it was all she had to go on.

She swooped down low, letting the air carry her towards the ground, before entering into the forest only a few feet off the forest floor. With minute twitches to her wings she was able to wind her way through branches, around trees, and over the few obstacles that plant growth presented.

The deeper she flew into the forest the more a feeling began to grow that she wasn’t quite alone. Perturbed, since no one should be following her or know that she was an animagus, Bellatrix set down on a large branch for a quick roost. When she was settled she let her eyes drift through the forest to let her night vision lend her an edge, all while the feeling of being followed and watched grew on her with every second.

All at once an explosion of feathers and wind dashed through the top of the tree she was in to land onto the branch at her side, a flurry of surprised squawks bursting from her throat at the intrusion. Her talons gripped the wood beneath her with fierce pressure as she gaped at the bird that had landed to her right. It was massive, larger than her, and twisting its head side to side while it looked her up and down. When the bird made no move to attack or leave she kept her ground and looked closer at the new arrival. Something about the bird was familiar, either its size or the way it-


Bellatrix began crowing in delight and surprise, wings flapping unceremoniously while she shifted from foot to foot. The magnificent raven relaxed her posture once she understood that Bellatrix had recognized her, crowing and cawing in some form of bird-support. How she’d determined Bellatrix was here, as a raven, was a mystery she’d need to leave for another night. Harmonia bobbed her head up and down before squawking and taking off in flight, feathers batting Bellatrix in the beak as she passed. Without a single thought against it she dropped from the branch to follow, glad for the company and ready to confront Rod.

Swiftly the twin ravens threaded themselves between the branches and brambles of the forest until the path below their wings thinned down into a deer trail, before petering out entirely. The only evidence of human activity was the softly pressed grass and broken branches lying to the side. It was no true trail, it hadn’t been wandered nearly enough times to become part of the landscape, but it was something used more than once at least. Faintly in the distance she was able to make out a light, small and dim, but present nonetheless. 

Bellatrix bobbed low to scrape wingtips against the grass before shooting up and to her right, aiming to come around to the supposed clearing. Harmonia followed directly behind her with only the slightest sound of feathers ruffling to clue her in to her location. In a flash of movement she began to choke back her speed before alighting, with Harmonia hot on her tail, onto the rather thick branches of an old oak tree. Below her was an open space clear of any growth beyond grass, hooded overhead by the sloping canopy of willowy oak and pine that kept the snow and other elements at bay. It was circular, maybe slightly oblong to her eyes, and only just as large as Hermione’s room.

Down below her without any idea they were being watched were Rodolphus and his cronies, her sisters kneeling at their feet. Bellatrix’s little heart began to pump into overdrive when she saw the state both witches were in; each down on their knees with their ankles and wrists tied tightly together, a gag wrapped tightly around their heads. Neither looked to have been harmed but neither did they look untouched, one or both of them had evidently tried to fight before being taken captive. Andy’s curls were frizzed and pulled apart as if someone had tried to drag her by her hair while Cissa’s clothing looked disheveled and dirt smeared.

Standing directly behind Andromeda was Aldalus Crabbe while another she didn’t recognize stood behind Narcissa. Both boys had their wands out and pointed into the back of the girl’s skulls, hands shaking from the exertion of holding them there for who knew how long. Bellatrix hopped down to lower branches in an effort to overhear their conversation, their tones so low she could barely make anything out.

“What’s taking Parkinson so long? She shoulda been back by now.” Rodolphus turned around in a circle to glare at his two cronies, his face dark and unreadable in the minimal light coming off of his wand.

“She’ll be alright mate,” Aldalus replied in whispered tones, “Could be she got hexed for her trouble.”

“How hard is it to leave a note under a door and cause some noise? She’s a pitiful excuse for a witch if she can’t even do that right.”

“Maybe Black attacked her. Or it coulda been that keener she keeps as a pet.”

“That bitch won’t be any trouble,” Rodolphus bit out, “All she ever does it ride on Black’s coattails. When they get down here, do as I said an’ take out Black first. The dyke is mine, yah?”

“Just like you say, Rod.” The boy she didn’t know leaned back and stretched as he replied, a short yawn coming out soon after.

Up in her perch Bellatrix could feel her feathers bristling and puffing out in time with her mood, anger rising to cover her mind with a film. She dropped from the branch to circle back into the trees, approaching the spot behind them just a meter off the ground. Based on what Rod had said she had a small window to act before Parkinson joined them, if her luck turned sour it could be more than just her arriving. She was fairly confident she could handle the three wizards alone but anything further than that would be cutting it close due to the darkness of the forest. If she wasn’t careful her sisters were liable to pay for her efforts if anything went sideways. A scenario she desperately wanted to avoid.

The only things currently on her side were the element of surprise she held, if they believed she was still in the Castle, and her Animagus abilities. With a bit of luck she could get rid of all three before they even knew what hit them.

Harmonia joined by her side as she flew closer to the edge of the clearing, setting down on the grass between two tall trees right behind the group. She shifted, body swirling from black feather into black clothes, pulling her wand out at the same moment. Harmonia hopped up onto her shoulder, wings spread wide for balance and a distinctly predatory look to her tiny eyes. Beneath her feet she wove a tapestry of purple strands with her wand to deaden the sound she’d make moving forward, determined to remain hidden until the last second. 

One step, two, soon enough she was close enough to nearly reach out and touch Aldalus’s knees. The boy shifted from side to side as he fought to keep alert, his left hand clenching and unclenching while he waited. Between his legs sat Andromeda, back to Bellatrix, shivering and rocking back and forth. The bindings on her wrists and ankles shifted and rubbed, giving Bellatrix the thought that she was likely trying to loosen them enough to escape. Hopefully it would all be over before she could do so.

The rune on her right hand began to glow and throw off a faint red light into the preternatural darkness of the woods, faint, but visible nonetheless. 

‘Here goes….’

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 86c012d985f8e60f4305e40c657bafda9470d71a ) [34] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 31. Book 1: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall [timestamp] => 1564178400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 31: Book 1: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


This chapter is short, apologies, but it felt better split in half and editing 4k is so much easier than a 10k monster. Kudo's to those authors able to put out beastly chapters like that on a regular basis.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


U1 - Feb’ 22, 1999 - 08:32pm


The individual bits and pieces that made up Hermione-Emelia Granger-Grenier were there.

And then they weren’t.

She was floating, falling, pressed down under too much weight and then left to crash and scatter back into herself.

The disorientation of forced travel was magnitudes greater than her first go round even though in the end it harmed her far less. There was no burn this time as the chain in her grasp remained cool and slick to the touch. The magic didn’t assault or overpower her body, instead it was channeled through the Turner itself and then into Hermione’s body at a far safer level. She landed back into the universe with a firm snap as her body vibrated and thrummed with residual magic seeking an exit. A sharp flash of blue light heralded her return to the physics of the world right before she smashed down against a harsh stone floor upon her knees. The skin split and scraped as she skidded along a few centimeters with extra momentum, her body only coming to rest a second or two after everything was over.

The chain, silver and square links held together by small openings and magic, popped and separated itself from the housing of the actual Turner. Hermione could only stare at it with a confused and disoriented expression, so very unsure of what was happening, as the Turner began to vibrate with energy and shimmer in place. Like lightning a spell shot past Hermione’s shoulder, arcing up and over the tan skin to come crashing back down into the metal and glass contraption to leave it wrapped up in a bubble of pearlescent air. The inside of the bubble began to gray while the silver metal darkened and the bright red of the sand turned a mute, dull brown.

Hermione remained sitting on her knees with both body and mind in a stupor, words and feelings rattling around at a blistering pace throughout her skull. Her face remained wrapped in confusion. At least, until the moment passed.

Hermione twisted herself about to face behind, her body scooting backwards with speed as she reached for a wand that no longer existed. She scrambled backwards and brought the green flame of Fiendfyre to life around her wrist and hand, ready for defense or offense as necessary.

“Hello Hermione!”

The voice was soft and friendly, speaking with an uneven cadence as though the speaker was floating. After months of being away it took Hermione a painfully long moment of time to put two and two together. In the end she looked like a fish, mouth gaping open and closed, her brows furrowed and shocked, green flame wrapped around her arms sputtering and dying the longer she stared.



Luna was first to move once it became clear that Hermione was too stunned to do anything other than sit there and gape. She threw her a hooded robe and a pair of sweats with a shirt, all black and soft fabric, waiting only until Hermione had the shirt on to rush forward into a crushing hug. Hermione’s eyes burned, ‘I am not crying, I am not,’ until she eventually stepped backwards to take in the sight of her lost friend. 

Platinum blond hair that was cut shorter than before and was now not long enough to brush against her shoulders. A pair of twin infinity symbol earrings dangling down from her earlobes, while she wore a blue shirt with a moving Moon emblazoned on the front along with a pair of  Muggle jeans all colored in lilac. It was Luna, to a T.

And Hermione couldn’t have been happier.

Well. She could have. But that issue was yet to be resolved.

“How did you know I’d be down here Luna?” Hermione’s question came with a confused smile, happy at the outcome but unsure of why it had happened in the first place. She glanced about herself to confirm where she actually was. “This is, or was, my room. Why’d you come down here?”

“Well! The answer to that is a bit odd actually.”

“Luna, no offense, everything about you is odd and I love it anyways. And I just traveled thirty years through time. I can promise I won’t be phased.”

The blonde smiled up at her with so much sincerity that Hermione felt a pang of hurt from a loss she hadn’t even realized, before Luna launched into her explanation of the night’s events.

“I’m a Seer.”

Hermione almost blanched at that. Despite the Prophecy that had surrounded Harry and spelled doom for Voldemort, she’d never been one to take much stock in the practice of Divination. Her preference had always remained for the hard calculus of Arithmancy, even well into her future-past. On reflection though it wasn’t the oddest explanation it could have been. Luna had always had a very odd knowledge and wisdom that her age shouldn’t have had.

“I had a very strange dream last night and Firenze says I should always heed them, so here I am. It started out that I heard a Puckerwort down the hall, crying out and alone, so I grabbed some spare cloth and headed down to this room. I found it bleeding on the ground, and normal spells won’t heal a Puckerwort. Their hide is far too resistant to Magic, not that we’ve really explored it, and even though my Fathe-”

“Luna, I’m sorry, but the dream?” Hermione interceded, smiling at her friend’s penchant for tangents.

“Oh yes, of course,” she replied in a dreamy voice, “So I wasn’t able to staunch the bleeding on its own but I could put it in stasis.”

That explained why Luna was here, but not why she’d shot the spell at the Turner. Hermione let her mind float along on Luna’s dream logic, attempting to view it from each angle.

“Why does it need to be in stasis though? Couldn’t you have just carried it somewhere for help?”

“Well yes, but it would have disappeared. When Puckerworts are hurt enough they fade back out into the air, allowing them to heal on their own at a much slower rate.”

The chain snapping. The gathering energy. The likely who that had sent it to her in the first place. It struck her slowly as she wound her way through Luna’s dream logic, but once it did she looked at the now chainless Turner in the pearl swatch of air.

“So it would have returned. That’s brilliant Luna.”

“Yes, well, it’ll only be able to hold for a bit. Soon enough it will fade and whatever that is,” she pointed to the bubble, “It’ll go right back to doing whatever it is it wants.”

“Then how long do I have?”

“Two hours,” Luna flicked her wand until four glowing digits emerged, “Or, well you have one hour and fifty-two minutes now.”

“Long enough.” Hermione’s voice was near a growl now that she knew she had a way back, a way home.

“Luna I’m going to need to know if anything I’ve done in the past has affected this future.”

“Hmm… If you changed my past would I even notice? Or would I adapt to the time-stream?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been going through my Seventh year, and it seems to be quite lacking in explanations of Temporal paradoxes. Would you mind if I used Legilimency?”

“No, not at all. That’d be fine,” Luna smiled up at her with a polite smile and open expression.

“Thank you!”

Hermione dug down, not needing a wand for any surface level reading, and peered into Luna’s mind. It only took her a few minutes but by the time she was finished she had a good reading on the past. Nothing seemed to have differed or changed from what she’d remembered, all of Luna’s memories had seemed appropriate for what Hermione had lived through before her jump back. It just didn’t make sense that with all she’d done that Bellatrix would end up the same broken woman all over again.

“I don’t understand, something should have changed. I’ve done more than enough to completely mess up the future.”

“Maybe it has, and you returning spun it off? Or maybe you’re not back from when but where.”

Hermione couldn’t say she hadn’t thought of that happening before. Especially when her initial efforts at returning home seemed to yield no forward movement. The Unspeakables had confirmed they’d made attempts to alert their future selves. And the Ministry housed at least one time capsule that should have opened here to let people know where she’d gone.

“Alright then, until I can confirm it I’ll operate on that assumption.” She stood and stretched before walking towards the door, “Is McGonagall here?”

“Yes,” Luna moved to follow here, “She’s recently taken up the Headmaster’s old office.”

Hermione nodded once before picking up the rounded pearl of air that held the suspended Turner, her skin warming as she touched it.

“Let’s go then.”


Hermione avoided the rather stunned stares of the few Prefects who were out and about on their rounds as she marched her way towards the Headmaster’s office, long black robe trailing along behind her. A few seemed like they recognized her, most obviously did not, but all seemed more afraid of seeing this short haired witch in black stomping through the hall with obvious purpose and intention. For her part Hermione couldn’t have been more pleased as it left her free to formulate a plan as Luna followed dutifully at her side.

When they eventually reached the stone Gargoyle guarding the upwards passage she huffed and realized that any passwords she knew were over thirty years out of date. And guessing it wasn’t a likely option, sweets and snacks had been Dumbledore’s penchant and was likely to not be repeated by Minerva. She stood there before the stone edifice while her fist clenched and unclenched, before throwing Luna a questioning look. Her only response was a shrug of her shoulders and apologetic smile.


The Gargoyle leered down at her, “No. I needs a password, if ya’ ain’t got’s it, i ain’t openin’.”

Her right hand uncurled, fingers spread wide in front of herself as a green snake made of fire and consumption wrapped itself around her wrist, smoke pouring lazily from its open maw.

“Oh really?”


Minerva was enjoying a positively relaxing evening.

The weekend had run smoothly, Monday as well, and now she was in her warm office with a bottle of Elvish wine that Albus had had the forethought to hide behind a false bottomed drawer who knew how many years ago. Across the desk in front of her lay a circular platform made of wood upon which danced an ethereal glass otter, her eternal reminder to a life now gone.

She’d done her best when Hermione had spun off into nothingness, shooting forward to wrench away the Turner at the last second and only missing by millimeters. Failure. When the screaming had finally stopped, and oh how she was haunted by that tortured scream, she was alone. Empty. The smell of ozone and lightning lingering in stilled air.

No matter how much she cleaned or how many new candles and potpourri she set up, that smell still lingered. Even six months later and a move across the castle, she could catch a whiff of that unstable magic and be transported back to that night. Time hadn’t lessened the pain, it only served to confirm that her pupil, daughter practically, would never return.

From across the room a majestic Phoenix of gold and red glided its way down and onto her shoulder, pecking softly at her suddenly dejected mood. She’d found Seraph as an egg, tucked far away into a trunk Albus had kept locked beneath his bed, startling and nearly breaking down when the oddly colored egg began to creak and crack under the warmth from her hands. He’d been a constant companion ever since and was frequently remarked upon by the staff and students as Albus’s watcher, looking over them in perpetuity from his place on the other side.


Something heavy down below sent a shock all up the stairs and into the room, pulling her from her reminiscing.


Again the sound, shaking through the stone at her feet.

With a rush of adrenaline Minerva stood up from her seat to wobble slightly until her palms were flat against the desk. ‘Elvish bloody wine,’ her eyes narrowed towards the door as a single final, THUD!, ripped up and through the room.

She sobered up almost immediately. Her wand dropped from its holster to sit warmly between her fingers as she pointed it towards the door, ready for anything and everything to force its way in. Her stance squared as she psyched herself up to fight what she assumed to be renegade Death Eaters, Harry had been busy but many were still unaccounted for. A peculiar feeling washed through her the longer she stood pointed towards the entrance. None of her wards had tripped. No one had entered from outside the castle.

The little glass otter was running circles back and forth upon its platform with a furious speed while Seraph landed onto the desk. The Phoenix puffed itself out, spreading her wings wide across the space in a puffed up intimidation tactic.

Two pairs of steps rang out against the stairwell beyond the door, the clatter more than enough for Minerva to settle into a proper dueling mindset. Her wand shook the longer she waited and belatedly she realized she hadn’t even activated the Token the Ministry had given her for just such emergencies.


The doors before her burst open with a clang and a spell shot from the tip of her wand before the figures could even take a step forward into the room. Smoke barreled up the hallway from behind them, obscuring the attackers and leaving Minerva blind. Her spell was knocked aside easily, pinging off a blue-white shield that covered a roughly human form, ripples of strong magic digging into the stonework at their feet and sending another plume of smoke and dust into the air.

“Stop!” A voice yelled out through the haze, familiar and yet not.

“Yield!” Minerva’s answer was expelled from her lungs as harshly as she could, “Drop your wands!”

A single wand was thrown onto the floor with a clatter, coming to roll to a stop at her feet.

“And the other!”

“I don’t have one,” the overly familiar voice began again.

“You’d take me for a fool? Drop it this instant, the Ministry is already on its way.”

“No they’re not, and I’m telling you the truth, I don’t have one.”

Minerva was by this point red in the face and shaking with indignation. The voice was young, no older even than the students she taught every day, and the impudence they must have had to waltz into her office was incensing her. She drew up her wand into a slashing movement across her front that left the smoke and dust before her vanishing into nothingness.

She recognized one of the intruders, the Lovegood girl, holding her hands high up into the air while a weirdly large pearl sat clutched between her fingers.The other was still a mystery however. He, (or was it she?) had hair shorn down on the sides straight to the scalp while an unruly mess of auburn curls rose up maybe six centimeters from the top of their head. A tattoo in red was pressed against their neck and chin, starting at where an Adam’s Apple would be and running up to branch in two, both ends of the fork coming to a rest at the corner of their lips. Their palms were out flat in a motion of surrender that left the sleeves of their robe falling backwards to reveal even more red tattoos on hands and forearms.

“Who are you?” Minerva’s voice was struggling to keep calm by this point, angry as she was and confused about what exactly what was happening.

“Come now Professor,” the person began to say, “It hasn’t been that long, has it?”

Auburn curls, honeyed eyes. That tone, that inflection.

“... Hermione?” 


Minerva managed to wave off the professors and Filch when they finally arrived to see what had actually happened. The sight that greeted her at the bottom of the stairs was more than enough cause for worry but an explanation of accidental magic and the Gargoyle reaching the end of it’s enchanted life was more than enough to get them to back off. She was Headmistress after all, and most were more than happy to defer to her judgment of the matter, especially once they saw she wasn’t hurt.

The Gargoyle itself was a loss. Half melted and torn aside, it looked like it had been ravaged with Dragon-fire before being attacked by trolls. A fitting amount of destruction for her fiery little Gryffindor.

When she’d arrived back in her office she found Seraph eating birdseed from Hermione’s hand while the girl herself stood silent and still beneath the portrait of a still sleeping Dumbledore. He hadn’t even awoken once while they’d had their standoff. When she caught Hermione’s eye she shot her a glaring look, only receiving an, “He asked for it,” in explanation.

Though she was nonplussed by the response, she was happier still that the girl had managed to return. With quick steps she strode forward to pull her into a tight hug, Seraph squawking at the interruption before flying off to her perch. Tears fought their way down her cheek as her heart absorbed what was lost and now found.

“I’m so glad you’re back Ms. Granger.” Minerva released the hold she had on Hermione to step backwards and keep her at arms length, overlooking the rather new appearance her pupil sported.

“It’s actually Grenier now, Professor. And I’m afraid I won’t be back for long.”

“... What?” Surely she’d misheard?

“Luna, how much time left?”

“Sixty five minutes.”

“Not long at all then.”

“What,” Minerva’s confusion was evident on her face, “What do you mean Hermione? You’re… You’re back.”

“Yes, but I have another place to be. To belong.” Hermione shot her a sad smile, her eyes turned down to the ground and voice a mere whisper.

“Ms. Granger i think you should explain. And speaking of your return, why have we felt no ripples? How did you even manage to return?”

“Well the first is simple enough, or so we believe,” she pointed between herself and Lovegood, “I didn’t go to our past. As for the second half of your question, I believe he,” she jerked a thumb behind herself to point towards the sleeping portrait, “Would be best equipped to answer that.”

As Hermione turned away Minerva shot Lovegood a questioning look before suddenly having to cover her ears.


The old man in the portrait quit snoring and startled awake with a fright before peering down at Hermione with a loopy grin and nodding head.

“Ah, Ms. Granger! How lovely it is to see you back among us.”

Hermione didn’t seem willing to return the greeting.

“If I showed up on your doorstep in nineteen sixty-eight, here, alone and afraid with explicit knowledge of the future, what would you do?”



Hermione waited. She was content with giving him a minute to think his answer over.

The minute passed by.

“Professor,” she began, voice stern and brokering no dismissal, “I asked you a question.”

Dumbledore peered down at her with an infuriating smile that still managed to make her feel like she was a child again, young and asking questions beyond her grasp as though he was simply a kind old man who’d tell her to sod off. In a polite manner of course.

“Professor.” Her voice rose into a growl now. She could sense Minerva’s confusion at the situation, one didn’t need to be a Legilimens to read body language, but she was tired of catering to the whims of others. Let her be confused. The explanation would come from her conversation. 

“Well, I would do my utmost to ensure you were properly righted and sent back to your home.”

“And if you managed to get a peek into my mind that told you of things yet to pass. What then?”

Dumbledore stroked his beard with a thoughtful glint to his eyes, his body stiffening as he looked at something hidden beyond his frame. “I would still attempt to send you home. But I would also ask you for your help, first.”

So far that all lined up with what she knew. He’d promised to send her back home to her timeline, peaked into her head, and then insinuated that she help Bellatrix, which would eventually help him. The removal of an enemy’s pawn before she even accessed the board.

“And what if you couldn’t directly control me? If you couldn’t steer me wherever you wanted?”

“My answer would depend on how far off course you were from my designs.”

“Albus,” Hermione glanced behind herself when Minerva began speaking, her eyes glued to her friend’s face.

“I’m already dead Minerva, best I help her as much as I can. That includes laying out the truth, ugly though it may be. I was a different man in those days. Younger, more brash. I was afraid of the war looming over the horizon. I was overconfident at having dealt with Gellert, assumed that I could do the same with Tom.”

“Which means what exactly?”

“It means, Ms. Granger, that I would have viewed you as a chess piece. And a pawn you cannot control is one that you remove, so that others may provide more benefit.”

Green fire sputtered into life around her fist, spitting and curling as it fed off her energy. Minerva shot her a worried look that spoke volumes to her confusion and fear, but her voice remained still as she watched the flames slowly fade and vanish.

“I see you’ve done some tinkering of your own.”

“Yes, old laws and open books generally lend themselves towards that comfort.”

“Now then. What else did you want to ask me?” He narrowed his eyes at her and shot her an infuriating smile that had her positively shaking with repressed emotion and energy.

“Where are they.”

“One is in the Gaunt shack, hidden beneath the floorboards. It is cursed, so please refrain from wearing it no matter how beautiful it may appear. There is a second that I do not know the location of, at that time it was still unknown to me. A third, the Journal, would either be with him or hidden, though I’m not sure where he’d keep it.”

“I’ve already destroyed the Diadem. He’s not found Nagini yet, and I’m unsure where the Cup would be.”

“Well then it seems you’ll have your work cut out for you my dear.”

“Will you please explain whatever it is you’re both talking about? If you’ve already destroyed something of importance, why haven't we seen any ripples? And why in Merlin’s name are you talking about going back!” Minerva’s voice was strained as iron cabling to the point that it struck Hermione with a strong twinge of sympathy. She knew what it felt like to be thrust upon a situation with no knowledge and no control.


“Fifty minutes.”

“Well, best sit down then. This will take up most of the remaining time.”



In the end her tale had taken the remainder of her time, just as she’d guessed. There had been tears, some revelations, thoughts and feelings that Hermione wouldn’t be ready to unpack until much later. And hopefully within the strong arms of Bellatrix. Now, little time remaining, she had one last request.

“Professor, do you still have her wand?”

The wand.

Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand. The one she’d lost to Hermione, the one she’d ended up using for months until her own was returned to her. She’d given it to Minerva when she’d had her own again, finally ready to be rid of the horror that wand had caused. 

“Yes. Much as I’d prefer to say no, I have it.” Minerva moved off towards a large filing cabinet placed in a corner of the room, large and imposing and built of wood and metal with fanciful decoration. She opened a drawer at the bottom and began to root around, the seconds ticking ever onward, until with a triumphant, “Found it,” she pulled out a wooden box and shut the drawer. When she returned to their side she placed the box into Hermione’s grasp, warm hands stilling on top of the younger witch’s.

“Is there anything else you’ll need?”

“No, not now. Though I can’t be certain I won’t pop back in form something at some point in the future.” She reached forward and wrapped her Mentor into a warm hug, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks, “Please don’t tell anyone about this. Especially not the Boys.”

The older witch squeezed Hermione gently, her own tears evident in her eyes, “Alright.”


U2 - Feb’ 22, 1969 - 08:32pm


And thus marks the beginning of the rest of the story. 150K to reach what I consider the end of the 'setup' phase, all's left is how Hermione plays it out. This isn't to say that we're anywhere near the end, we're not halfway, but this is the point I originally started this all upon. My outline puts this at about 1/3 of the way in.

I understand it may seem sudden that I yanked Hermione away only to have her fall back in, but I feel it fits best. There are lots of lovely Time Turner fics where Hermione must return to her own time with no immediate way back, and while I love those stories that will not be the trajectory for this one.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, next will feature Bella in her attempt to deal with this.

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Chapter 30: Book 1: A Moment Lost in Time


Hermione and Bellatrix reach a milestone for their relationship.


Oh hey, chapter 30! That's 29 more chapters than I thought I had in me, and currently 793 more kudo's then I ever thought I'd get. Thanks for sticking around!
This chapter is mildly edited/revised, I spent so much time retooling it and trying to break up large chunk exposition paragraps that my last run through was the final. I'll correct spelling/grammar in the future but the base for this will remain the same. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Feb’ 15, 1969

Euryale had become a constant sort of anxiety and dread that blended with awe to linger and fade into what Hermione was almost certain had been a dream. Unfortunately the constant visits back to see her were more than enough to prove it had been a very odd reality. The giant serpent, colloquially known as the Serpent King (or in the instance of Euryale, the Serpent Queen), had become so used to their presence that she was almost eating out of the palm of her hand. If, that was, Hermione’s hands could hold the large portions the serpent enjoyed.

The initial conversation they’d held with Euryale had been terrifying until they’d brought up their desire to release her somewhere far more fitting than a cave beneath a school. Neither witch had been sure that the rooster icon they’d brought with them would be enough but were thrilled when they ended up not needing it. It had taken a little bit of convincing but by virtue of them being the first entrants to the room in nearly twenty years and their eager plans, Euryale had practically fallen in love with them. Hours were passed deep beneath the foundations of Hogwarts as the duo worked out when and why Euryale had been placed into the dark prison.

Basilisks were known for their longevity and maybe could live upwards of a millennium but Salazar had never intended that his familiar spend so much time alone in the Chamber. He had been sure that his heirs would seek to correct the ‘problem’ of Muggleborns that he’d expected Euryale to be trapped for no more than a hundred years at the most. Unfortunately though his death brought a swift end to the ideals of his family name and the remainder of the family had begun their slow and laborious descent into madness. Their inability to live up to Salazar’s expectations ended up leaving Euryale trapped and slowly starving to death as she outgrew her meager food sources.

An inlet at the bottom of the water filled chamber led back towards the natural caverns that had been carved out of the Black Lake by nature and magical species alike. When she’d been smaller she’d had easy access to the food sources prevalent inside the lake and anything wandering into her abode had been fair game. But as the years continued to move onward and her body grew with every passing day, eventually enough time passed that her growth and appetite had both outstripped her ability to feed herself. The Grindylows occupying the Black Lake, already a somewhat sentient species (or at least close enough to form rudimentary clans of hunters) had claimed the caverns as being haunted or cursed. Their aversion to entering removed them from her list of available food and though fish still came through they were far below size and a relatively infrequent occurrence.

Euryale was still able to find a meal from time to time but had otherwise passed the decades in a lonely hibernation with only her thoughts and memories to sustain her. Hidden far beneath the castle she fought to extend her life, however meager and dank of an existence it was.

That particular information and the resounding pity it had brought forth was the driving factor behind why, not two weeks later, Bellatrix and Hermione were currently investigating an appropriate home for the massive serpent. One that would preferably be as far from human civilization as possible. Finding that home was turning out to be the easy part. Devising a way to transport a multi-ton serpent that could kill someone with a single glance? 

That was far more difficult.

Euryale could easily live out the remainder of her life in an unexplored forest, Russia or South America was Hermione’s first thought, but a portkey was simply infeasible given the mass behind the serpent. A transfiguration into a different animal for the duration of the trip would work on almost anything besides a Basilisk, Euryale’s scales and flesh were far too resistant to magic to allow for the change. They brainstormed throughout their days and talked methods and means with Euryale’s own input, searching as much as possible to find an amenable solution.

Euryale gave them as much time as they might need and was kept complacent by promises of food and talk of the world outside her cage. However far on the back-burner their plan went, Hermione was at least partially satisfied that issue of the Chamber had resolved itself.


Feb’ 17, 1969

An exceedingly gloomy and overcast morning found Bellatrix and Hermione squeezed in on an uncomfortable bench deep within the bowels of the Ministry. Today was the first, and hopefully last, hearing for custody of Narcissa and Andromeda. Both witches had prepared as much as they could beforehand by reviewing the requirements for custody and hiring the best lawyer that they could, Lincoln Fawley. Though he didn’t specialize in Custody he was well versed enough, and well liked enough, that his addition to their team was a boon that neither witch was willing to part with. 

Weeks of preparation and multiple owls and Floo calls had all lead them towards their meeting that day. Sitting on a dingy bench in a darkened corridor while they waited for a chance to argue the fate of Andromeda and Narcissa.

If the results of the day went south then Andromeda had the best chance of escaping from Grimmauld Place in one piece. The witch only had a few more months before she was a legal adult and no matter what happened she was skilled enough to protect herself, from either spellwork or the verbal and societal runaround she would be likely to receive. And even if that wasn’t enough she had an easy out from the Wizarding sphere through Ted and his family. All things considered it was likely she would be okay.

On the other hand Narcissa was in a much more precarious position.

Walburga had made it abundantly clear during Cygnus’s funeral that she planned on using the girl to her own ends, either towards her advancement in pureblood society or as a monetary gain after selling her as a bride. Beyond simply controlling her future she was also likely to shove enough pureblood propaganda down her throat that she eventually either snapped, or choked.

Eventually they were brought into the oval shaped conference room, all dark colors and depressing attitude. At the far end were the committee members, sitting at a U-shaped table with two empty chairs in front of them. Five older wizards in a mix of muggle suits and robes were staring at them pensively while at the far right an elderly witch gave them a slight smile when she caught sight of them. Without preamble the duo took their seats and fought to calm their hearts.

“Welcome, Madam Black, Madam Grenier,” the wizard on the far left began, ‘Old One,’ Bellatrix thought, labeling them all in her head from left to right. “We, the Committee for Juvenile Custody and Homing, are here today to read the case for custody of Narcissa Black and Andromeda Black, daughters of the late Cygnus Black and Druella Black née Rosier. 

“We, the Committee,” the group of them nodded their heads as one, “Have been petitioned by two groups. Group one consists of Bellatrix Black, sister to Narcissa and Andromeda Black, and her intended, Emelia Grenier. The other, Orion Black and his wife, Walburga Black, Aunt and Uncle to Narcissa and Andromeda Black.”

Lincoln began the presentation after that, handing out copies of the required documents to each of the committee members and running them through the background of why the two young witches were up for grabs. His voice was strong and deep throughout the retelling, his face and emotions carefully schooled to elicit as much emotion and sympathy from the group as he could. By the time he finished his honeyed tale the group was composed of softly sobbing old men and frowning old woman.

“After hearing the case as presented by Mr. Fawley, we have a few followup questions for the two of you,” Old Three piped up, “We’ll receive answers from you here, copied down via our stenographer, Martin Binns, and witnessed by Undersecretary of the Compliance Management Department, Alphias Montague. Is that amenable to all?”

Hermione and Bellatrix nodded somberly, faces unreadable and bodies still. The dual bond between them was attempting to sustain and prevent their emotions from spiraling into worry and anxiety, and luckily doing a good job of at least keeping them from appearing terrified.

“Question One,” Old Two started, “What is the current financial status of each of your Houses, in specific the value as it relates to that which you have hold over, including holdings and investments beyond the scope of Gringotts.”

Hermione took the answer on that with only a little assistance from Lincoln as she delved deep into the monetary worth of both witches. Her words ran smoothly as she outlined business, properties, all manner of non-liquid assets, and when she was finally asked by Old Four why she was speaking for the both of them, Bellatrix stood to speak for the first time.

“I am currently set to marry Madam Grenier. As such, both she and I would prefer that she is aware of all financial matters that would affect us. She is fully aware of my status, as I am of hers.”

That obviously seemed to ruffle a few feathers on the first two committee members, frowns appearing and their brows furring to a point. Luckily, before they could begin speaking, the witch at the far side spoke up.

“If that’s the case and you trust one another to share that information fully, thank you, and let’s move on.”

“Yes, yes. Now, Question Two; What sort of custody arrangement are you seeking? And when would be prospective date of your union? We’d be hard-pressed to send Andromeda or Narcissa to your home, Madam Black, if it will only be you in charge.”

Bellatrix cleared her throat with a soft cough before looking at each committee member and answering, “We seek sole custody. No influence or input from either Orion or Walburga Black. Both Narcissa and Andromeda would reside in one of our residences until such a time as they reach the age of majority.”

“To the second question,” Hermione took over, “We will be marrying after our graduation from Hogwarts, sometime on or before the Eighteenth of July.”

The rest of the questions were more of the same, requests for them to speak upon things that had already been outlined and explained in great detail on the documents Hermione and Bellatrix had filed with the clerk a few weeks prior. Within the span of an hour the meeting was called to a close, both witches thanked profusely for attending. Lincoln gave them a firm shot towards winning, noting that since they’d been the ones to save Narcissa and Andromeda from Pierre, it would go a long way towards convincing the committee of the sincerity of their claim.

Bodies tired, heads aching, and hope thrumming through their bodies, both witches left knowing there was nothing more for them to do but wait.


Feb’ 22, 1969

Saturday morning started off with a dreadful wind flowing around the castle and bringing with it a snow fall that nearly swallowed the school whole. Huge drifts nearly as tall as Hagrid had built up overnight to land in piles next to walls and cover towers and weak spots in a permanent frosty glaze. Gray clouds passed by overhead in a single long blanket that obfuscated sun and sky, leaving the grounds covered in as much shadow as it was covered in snow. The majority of students kept to their beds or the common-rooms where it was still warm and steaming hot, avoiding hallways where a stray breeze blew and forsaking Hogsmeade for locations less glacial. A few stray Gryffindors, stubborn as always, braved the freezing weather along with the colder weather inclined Hufflepuffs, building forts and battlements out of solidified chunks of snow, magically guided snowballs rising up the tops to crash back down below.

Hermione started her morning as lazily as she could, climbing out from beneath a pile of blankets that were supplemented by those from Bellatrix’s unused bed, piled high and combined with the warm body next to her, more than enough to keep her warm. The fire along the wall was low enough to almost just be embers, the ground chilling overnight to nip at her toes as she pushed herself sideways and slipped from Bellatrix’s clutches. The dark haired witch could only be seen from her mass of black curls while the remainder of her body gently snored away beneath the blankets. As Hermione gathered her things in silence she thanks the Gods that Bellatrix was a deep sleeper, allowing her to make noise as she searched high and low for her toiletries.

Wrapped up in a fluffy green robe and toiletry items tucked up beneath her arm she opened the door to her room and eyed the floor and walls for any sign of traps that Rudolphus might have had laid out overnight. Both he and his cronies had stepped up their efforts as of late and Hermione was sure that their not-so-cold war would come to a head once she and Bellatrix implemented their revenge scheme. The hallway clear of any traces of magic, or students, she slipped out and walked through the empty common-room towards the Prefect’s bathroom that she’d effectively claimed. All around her was quiet and serene as the castle bathed in the cold weather and no classes. The emptiness let her daydream as she walked, going over plans again and again until it seemed she’d nearly overload from it all. 

One Horcrux down, one massive serpent placated for the time being. There wasn’t much more that either of them could do at the school to improve it for the coming years. There was of course the jinx, or curse, that held sway over the position of D.A.D.A. Professor, but that would need to wait until the last minute. Both women were positive that there were far more qualified Professors than Mayweather and they had decided that he’d need to be ousted before they broke it. Not dead, though the Professor tried hard to accomplish that with every session, just… retired, or on permanent leave.

Slipper clad feet slapped sharply against the hard stone ground to echo off into vacant hallways and open corridors as she passed, nary a single soul in sight.

By the time she finished her musings she’d come upon the secret entrance leading to the bathroom and hurried along to get inside. While she disrobed she set the bath to fill with warm and soapy water that wafted luxurious scents all throughout the room. When she was sure she had it set to her liking she stood across the full length mirror embedded into the wall, dropping her glamours. Each scar and runic mark immediately became apparent on her skin, along with the neon colored tattoo of her Patronus as it coiled and shimmered on her arm. It had taken her some time but eventually she’d managed to get used to the new look of her Patronus, understanding that it changing from the otter it had been into the snake it now was wasn’t exactly a bad thing. 

Callused hands dusted against the scars embedded into her body, starting from the massive non healing burn around her neck to the constantly red and raw slices of her forearm. Both scars would remain forever while the pale reminder of Dolohov’s curse slowly faded with time until it would be nothing more than a memory. Turning left and right she caught sight of the loop around her neck, the indents plainly visible from where the chains had fused into one another until they’d burned straight through her clothing and down into the top layer of her flesh. The skin was stiff, yellow and white in blotches that would never tan, and red around the edges in a jagged pattern. It had hurt, getting the scar. It still hurt whenever she looked at it too long.

She wasn’t sure why she’d volunteered herself for that madness. It hadn’t been fully tested yet as it was just the first of a new generation of Time Turners, goblin forged amid bits and pieces offered up by dozens of Magical species. It had been a rash decision to try blasted thing, but she’d wanted to see what could be done with it. And now, nearly six months later, she regretted endangering her life so readily. But she didn’t regret that it had sent her backwards. Or sideways. She was still somewhat unsure which it was.

A few more minutes of staring back at amber colored eyes led her to take up her wand and snipping down the length of her hair until the sides were shorn clean and the top only four or five centimeters long, not that length mattered with the curls it still sprung back into. The past few months she’d let her hair grow out again until the soft curls and looping tufts of frizz had become a noticeable issue yet again. Charm and enchanted hairbrushes, potions and special oils, nothing at all seemed to be able to tame her unruly hair. 

In the end her only solution was to cut it back down again, something that Bellatrix heartily endorsed. She could have grown it all out again but the look had slowly begun to appeal to her more than it had when she’d initially cut it all off in a fit of anger and resentment. She was now able to watch the curls and loops fall away to the floor while feeling little more than happiness at the look that it uncovered. When that task was complete, all that was left for her to do was clean and wait for Bellatrix to join her.


A Tempus charm revealed that only a half hour had passed before the door to the Prefect’s bathroom opened and feet on the tiled floor announced the arrival of Bellatrix. Hermione had long before finished cleaning herself and had set in for a long soak beneath the warm water to prune to her heart's desire. She’d nearly fallen asleep while propped up in a corner of the tub, feet up and resting on a hidden ledge and head leaning back onto cool tile behind her. The time spent alone in the room was a luxury that Hermione didn’t get to often indulge enough. Her body was warm and tingling all over while her head rested heavy against the tile and water lapped against her skin. It was perfect, all things considered.

‘Though it’ll be more so once she get-’

The thought crashed and burned when her mind finally caught up to what her body had been feeling the whole time. The curse running through her scar had become such a constant ache that it had faded into the background radiation of her life, so much so that once she realized she couldn’t feel it any more she nearly broke.

She was warm, pressed down on all sides and heated until her skin was tingling from the almost scalding temperature of the water.

But there was no additional feeling from the scar on her forearm.

In a flash she’d thrown herself forward and away from the lip of the bath, treading deeper water and turning while she cursed herself for how slowly she moved. The hand that reached out to grab her neck just barely missed her when she pushed forward, swiping up at thin air where she’d once rested.

The was standing near the center of the walkway surrounding the pool, clad in a black cloak that swished about his body from the momentum of his leap forward. A silver mask with black engravings guarded his face as he looked down at her, soap still dripping off her shoulders and chest, her body positioned for a fight should he attempt to come any closer to her. The rune mark branded into her inner thigh was flaring up in anticipation, the magic nearly coming undone as it heated and bled out a strong red light. She flexed the mark, a shield very much like a well cast Protego surrounded her from the front, weightless and able to be held indefinitely as she stared him down. 

Silence continued all around them, barely broken by the sound of their panting breath in the ethereal stillness that had descended upon the room. She had no doubt that whoever this was had silenced the room, leaving her unlikely to find any aid even if she called out for it. 

‘One, two, three,’ she counted the seconds until he finally made a move.

THe attacker reached their hand down to the side, a wand dropping from within the sleeve and into their waiting palm. At the same moment they switched their stance, turning their body to the side and reducing the size of the target as they moved to attack.

Hermione threw her barrier forward with as much force as she could muster, body ducking to the side and hurtling up onto the walkway at the same moment. A green flash of light proceeded to crack against the top of her shield, ricocheting off before smashing a portion of a wall into a powdery mess of tile fragments and plaster. 

Hermione tugged all her magic inwards before channeling it out through a rune on her wrist, a bright red blast of magic wrapping around her skin and following the arcing curve of her punch even as it ended before his body. The magic left her hand and flowed forward off the curve of her movement until it slammed into his torso and rode up the curve of his arm. His wand went flying, blasted from his grip and shot to a far corner of the room, while he was bashed backwards and into the wall, his head landing painfully with a loud Crack!

Hermione was half convinced she’d killed him when he finally slid down off the wall and into a heap at the base, tile all around him and smoke flowing languidly off his clothes and wand arm.

She threw herself forward and onto the walkway, sliding on her knees as she reached for her own wand. When she finally grabbed it though, she found two wands. 

A whimper mixed with anger and sadness tore through her throat when she realized her own had snapped in half at some point during the scuffle. Besides the clothes on her back that wand had been the only item to come through time with her, and it was now nothing more than a shattered twig.

“Ugh…” A wounded groan sounded from the collapsed body seated before her, snapping her from her sadness and shooting her forward in a mad frenzy. She turned in a single movement, standing into a crouch and leaping forward at the same time, intending to smash the git his eerily hidden face. She managed to accomplish that, in a roundabout way, as she slipped forward on a puddle of water that threw her whole body weight behind the punch. 

It landed on his chest with a hard thump, nothing but the thin black cloak to break the impact. She felt a bone crunch and crackle beneath her, her first managing to survive unscathed whereas at least a few of his ribs failed to. When the continued to groan and move about in pain she stood and smashed down the heel of her foot into his face, knocking the mask aside and leaving a bloody mess to come spilling out his nose. 

As she stood there and panted over his fallen body the scar on her arm and the door to the room both opened at the same moment. The scar began pounding out a confusing mess of emotions as the darker half of Hermione’s soul wandered into to look at the mess before her. 

’I wonder if I’m the darker half in this world,’ she thought to herself, looking down at the broken body at her feet.

“Em’, what the hell happened?” Bellatrix’s voice was run through with worry and trepidation as the door shut behind her. Before moving forward any further Bellatrix whirled around, wand out to lock down the door with overenthusiastic magic.

“Goyle ambushed me. Or attempted to at least,” her body shivered and shook as she began speaking, half crouched and half standing over the student’s broken body. Before she knew what was happening Hermione had collapsed to her knees, leaning backwards as all breath escaped her. Bellatrix dropped forward immediately to catch her before she hit the ground while strong arms encircled her waist. Hermione could feel herself breathing but it was if all the oxygen had left the room, her heart was beating laps in her chest and lightheadedness flooded her senses.


Goyle, the ignorant lackey that he was, hadn’t had much in the way of information once he was rudely awoken from his nap by a sharp kick to the abdomen. Bellatrix threw all her weight behind getting answers out of his quivering form, but in the end they merely learned how well screams could echo in a confined space. 

Hermione couldn’t find it within herself to feel any pity for the boy.

Eventually they had tired of the roundabout interrogation; question, no answer, pain, repeat, and so had decided to wipe his mind and head back to their quarters. As they left the room Hermione couldn’t help but wonder how many years the Ministry would put them away for if they knew what had just transpired. It was a sobering thought, ending up on that rock of countless maddened prisoners was a fate she desperately wanted to avoid, but thinking on it gave Hermione an outlet that allowed her to avoid remembering her nearly deadly morning.

When they finally returned to the room she immediately dove between the covers on the bed and the warm embrace of Bellatrix. She hadn’t realized it when they’d been walking back but tracks of tears ran down her face until salt and redness were wiped away with a flick of Bellatrix’s wand. She burrowed in beside Bellatrix and fought to keep herself level even as she ran through the gamut of being completely worn down, her body dry and aching while her muscles were limp with exhaustion.

She hated it. 

Agath was doing her level best to cheer Hermione up after having noticed her mood state when they’d first come in, and was currently sliding up and down Hermione’s exposed arms and neck, her little tongue flicking out against pallid skin. She hissed quiet reassurances that she was safe with her ‘mate’ (Agath’s view of human courting seemed to be entirely influenced by her own mating habits, whatever those specifically were). The snake, no longer so little since she’d put on multiple centimeters of length and width (even though Hermione still didn’t know what she ate), would alternatively headbutt her tattooed arm or wrap herself around Hermione’s bicep in a show of solidarity towards her sadness. 

It did little towards improving her mood, but she was thankful nonetheless. 

Eventually the body wrapped around her began to stir, first warm hands rubbing soothing circles into the small of Hermione’s back, before she was gently pushed up and away as Bellatrix twisted and slid herself off the bed.

“Come on,” she said, grabbing up a pile of clothes, “Let’s go somewhere. I know what can cheer your mood.”

Hermione blinked up at the expectantly waiting form of Bellatrix, confused at her request and momentarily debating with herself on whether she should refuse and claim a need to rest. Her half plan was undone by the sly smile on Bellatrix’s face as it warmed her into agreeing. 


“Now, I have to warn you that the spell is untested,” Bellatrix began as they made their way towards the Room of Requirement, “But my theory is sound and it should all just work out fine.”

“Should, or will?” Hermione asked, shoving playfully at Bellatrix’s shoulder. “It’s an important distinction there.”

“Well considering it’s a spell that I modified, it’ll work the first time, without a doubt. For you? Eh, I’d say your odds are seventy-thirty.”

“Seventy percent that it works for me? Wow, way to lowball,” Hermione laughed at Bellatrix’s teasing.

“Oh no, I meant thirty for success, it’s just a tad bit out of your range.”

“Oh fuck you,” Hermione shoved against her shoulder a little harder at that crack, Bellatrix only laughing in response.

“Need to ask a little nicer than that, Love. I’m an upstanding young witch you know; I can’t be dropping trou for just any ol’ witch.”

The light banter continued as the ascended towards the seventh floor until Hermione eventually dropped herself from the retorts, retreating somewhere inside herself as she climbed the seemingly endless steps. Her mind was a rolling back in on itself as she overanalyzed their words and clamped down on her emotions. She did want to ‘drop trou’ as Bellatrix had called it. Maybe not in as vulgar or as simple a term, but she did. However, each time they’d gotten any bit more than comfortably intimate a brick wall had formed in her mind, and painted on that wall was Bellatrix Lestrange’s face. It had effectively been years since her encounter, and she still couldn’t seem to escape the specter of that afternoon.

The closest the duo had gotten in their efforts had been Hermione on top, a safe position she’d found where she couldn’t be reminded of being held down while furious onyx eyes glared down at her with hate and unbridled malice. But even then she’d get a cold chill, angry words dancing around her skull from the voice of someone who’d screamed in pain for far too long.

That had been the end of that.

And now, an infuriating number of weeks later, they were still lingering on soft touches, warm fingers, lips that tasted of desire and longing, and sharp bites that reaffirmed them as being alive and solid. But nothing further.

Hermione’s melancholy was shoved rudely aside when they reached the corridor outside the Room of Requirement, Bellatrix squeezing gently on her hand before asking her to remain at the periphery of the corridor. The dark haired witch strode forward with a glut of confidence and her chin held high, long black curls bouncing along behind her. She paced the length of the corridor three times before the door manifested itself, and she hurriedly waved Hermione over.

“Here,” she conjured up a long length of black fabric, “I’ll need to blindfold you for this. I’ll only keep it on ‘til we’re inside and ready, okay?”

Hermione trusted in the witch completely and nodded her assent. Bellatrix looped the material around her eyes and head, warm fingers and hands smoothly running down the side of her neck to scratch with sharpened fingernails once it was secured. Hermione shivered and smiled at the sensation while her melancholy well and truly fled, forgotten and discarded amid the thrill of the unknown that Bellatrix was offering her.

When the witch was satisfied that Hermione couldn’t see through the blindfold she grabbed ahold of Hermione’s hand and led her forward and through the door, the air inside prickling at her skin with a cool breeze and the heat of the sun. It was a distinct surprise, that much was for sure, and Hermione couldn’t help but wonder exactly what Bellatrix had done to get the space to act in such a way. Even when they’d used the room for their branding ritual it had only been able to cough up a facsimile of a nighttime forest and it hadn’t even felt a tenth so much alive. 

Bellatrix led her over slightly uneven ground and over tuffets of grass until they’d entered a good many paces. Hermione stood there, blindfolded and in wonder of what was happening, wrapped up in the scent of the outdoors and bubbling over with newly awakened enthusiasm. Bellatrix hardly gave off a sound as she moved around Hermione, “I was planning on using this for the night before we graduated, but I think it’ll work well after this morning.”

Bellatrix’s voice was warm and soothing against her ears, strong arms wrapping around her midsection and pulling her snug against the dark witch’s front. She placed a gentle kiss upon the curve of Hermione’s shoulder blade before reaching up with one hand to undo the knot holding the blindfold on, fingers nervously bouncing along skin as she moved.

Hermione squinted her eyes at the sudden brightness once the blindfold fell away, taking a second to readjust before opening them and gasping in delight at the sight spread out before her. A smug smile pressed up against the back of her neck, Bellatrix obviously approving of her immediate reaction to the room.

It was beautiful.

The Room of Requirement had outdone itself this time and Hermione had an inkling that the witch behind her had more to do with the improvement than the magic inherent to the room itself. Instead of a study hall or a dark forest in the middle of the night, the room around her had enlarged itself to nearly the same size as the Room of Lost Things, spanning out in every direction until an ethereal gray fog shrouded off the exact edges to the room. The ground was no longer a barren floor but had acquired hillocks and gently sloping plains carpeted in a thin layer of grass and flowers. All around her were patches of tiger lilies, ochre and orange in a brilliant display, tangled up amidst purple carpets of geraniums. All around her was a medley of plant growth that sparkled in all the colors of the rainbow, a mixture of muggle and magical variants on beautiful flowers and plant life.

A grin etched itself into her face as her eyes roved all over land and skies, all blue and clear without a single cloud in sight. Far, far above her was a facsimile of the sun, not as hot as it would normally be, nor as painful to look near, but it warmed her skin and brightened the ground regardless.

“So,” Bellatrix hopped from foot to foot, “You like it?” She punctuated her question with a kiss to Hermione’s cheek, positively vibrating with energy and happiness.

“I love it. How in the Gods names did you manage all this…?” Her voice trailed off at the end as she turned around to situate herself in Bellatrix’s grasp, her own arms wrapping around the witch.

“By the careful management of several enlargement charms, help from the Room itself, and a few raids into the Herbology Department. The Room couldn’t furnish this all on its own, but it seems to store the… Memory, I guess, of this location. All I needed to do was give it some instructions, seed the ground, and help it along. The Room took care of the rest.”

“Well,” Hermione pressed forward into soft lips and cheek, “I think you did a wonderful job, I love it,” she pressed herself tighter into the warm body of Bellatrix, “I love you.”

Bellatrix surged forward to trap Hermione’s bottom lip, smirking halfway at the expression on her fiancée's face, “I love you too. But!”, she released the hold she had on Hermione to step back and reach down into her pocket, “This isn’t the only reason I made the room.”

Two vials shrouded in black cloth were now clutched tightly in her grip, glass sides clinking together quietly as she waved them in Hermione’s face.

“You know how a few months ago you asked why no one has ever just, left and taken the Animagus potion elsewhere?”

Hermione nodded, recalling the question and trying to fit it with their current placement.

“Well, I couldn’t answer that question. But, then I had a thought. Maybe we don’t need to wait for a storm to come to us, maybe we bring one to us instead.”

“What do you mean?” Hermione questioned, not knowing where the conversation was headed but intrigued nonetheless.

“Well, nothing in the literature says we can’t bring a storm down to us, and believe me I searched,” she finished speaking and pulled out her wand to point it into the air above them, twirling and forming a pattern that Hermione couldn’t follow. Within a few short movements the energy surrounding them seemed to charge and build up as it pulsed in time with the incantation that the witch was muttering beneath her breath.

Hermione finally understood what the witch was doing and forced herself closer to Bellatrix as fat drops of water began falling from the false sky and down onto their heads. With a final flourish Bellatrix finished her spell, turning to the side and summoning them a tent to keep the water off their heads. All around them the rain intensified as large black clouds took over the blue sky, crowding out the light and settling a dim twilight across the Room.

A peal of thunder broke out through the space, rolling through their chests and vibrating the very ground below them.

“Won’t someone hear all this?” Hermione asked, Bellatrix still smirking beside her.

“No,” another boom of thunder rang out, followed closely by lightning, “I’ve got enough silencing wards that no one can hear it.”

“And the water?”

“I spelled the ground,” Bellatrix was practically shouting amidst the downpour, “It’ll all vanish once it’s low enough in the topsoil. It can rain all it wants, nothing will be left.”

Hermione stood silent next to Bellatrix after she finished explaining the intricacies of the room, nodding along as the witch explained this or that, pointing out little bits and pieces she’d needed to throw together to get it all working properly. It was astonishing, and filled Hermione with soothing heat, to hear how much Bellatrix had learned and practiced, all to bring this here, for her. Her attention was eventually brought away however when the phials Bellatrix had brought began pumping out a steady pulse of magic and pressure. With a steady hand she reached over to pluck them up, Bellatrix gently grabbing her wrist before she could do so.

“Strip!” Bellatrix howled above the roar of the storm, eyes gleefully bright and a wide smile on her face. Hermione, infected by Bellatrix’s enthusiasm by this point, was more than willing to comply, dropping her clothing into a pile beside Bellatrix’s and shivering in the cool and rainy breeze.

With that complete she’d turned back towards a similarly dressed down Bellatrix, both witch’s releasing their glamours to reveal all their various runes and scars. Her eyes raked heavy across Bellatrix’s pale form, cream colored skin highlighted by the flashes of lightning all around them. Her own body, naturally tan and far darker than Bellatrix’s, found itself pressed flush to the other witch, warm skin to skin, lips tracing patterns over collarbones and neck, tongues drawing up and pressing down in furtive darts. Bellatrix squeezed her hand one final time before pulling the phials out and passing Hermione her own.

They both whispered the chant one final time as their bodies began to thrum and warm with pent-up magic. The glass heated in their hands, vibrating slightly as the words tumbled past their lips, and when they were done speaking the containers flashed a brilliant blue that dazzled their eyes and brought wonder on their faces. That done, they interlinked arms at the elbow, pulling themselves closer to one another and downing the phials in one go.

Once both glass containers were empty Bellatrix placed hers on the ground and snatched up her wand, twisting and flicking it until the pressure outside their tent began to relent, the storm vanishing before their eyes.

“Well, what are the chances of us ending up as some sort of weird animal hybrid for the rest of our lives?” Hermione asked a Bella as the seconds ticked onward.

“Should be lo-”

Bellatrix’s reply was cut off as her body began visibly shimmering and rippling right before Hermione’s eyes. The palate of her skin pulled and muted as if she was being swirled and denatured, her whole body seeming to snap back as she suddenly darkened and shrank in one rapid movement. All at once there was no Bellatrix, but instead a rather large Raven nearly the same size as Harmonia and colored nearly identically with the exception of a large tuft of white feathers that stuck out on her chest. 

Hermione lowered ‘til her knees were bent, smiling down at the Bellatrix-raven, who seemed to be looking about herself in confusion, before her own worldview seemed to tilt and spin. All at once there was a bright and furious movement all around her as the world shifted and pulled back, seeming to blink from existence until she found herself lying still on the ground, her body splayed out and nearly immobile.

At least she thought it was still her body. She could feel it, muted but still there, but it was… odd. She couldn’t hear the rain properly, now listening as it settled into a drizzle, almost sounding like she was in a car and only barely hearing it pitter patter against the roof or sides. A heavy surge of energy lanced through her as the storm finally dispelled itself, clouds floating off and sunlight breaking onto the ground. She tried to walk forward, suddenly compelled by a small part of her brain that ‘sunlight is good’, and tried to push her paws, or claws, or whatever it was that she had, forward so she could get out from underneath the tent. 

Curiously, instead of walking forward or crawling she seemed to… Push. It startled her so badly that a long black tongue pushed forward from the odd green lump filling the middle portion of her vision.



Bellatrix was hopping with excitement. She was beyond excitement, actually. Ecstatic and impatient and happy in some weirdly uneven blend, pushing her movements as she hopped and happily cawed underneath the small tent. She stared ahead from her new position on the ground, her wings flapping as she got used to their feel and newly distributed balance, watching Hermione with expectant eyes and a happy warble singing up her throat.

‘It worked!’ she thought to herself, mentally high-fiving at coming up with her ingenious plan. Movement caught her eye, flashing of light and color as Hermione shot down towards the ground through her change.

Her small black eyes widened rather comically as the body and form she’d come to know as Hermione’s was replaced with a rather overly large snake. The few memories that Hermione had of Vodlemort’s future pet-horcrux, Nagini, floated into the forefront of her mind as she stared ahead. Hermione was just about the size of that memory-snake, if just a little bit smaller. Scales in a dark ochre and yellow coloration faded into a muted green that covered the whole of her back, patches and patterns of darker blacks and browns apparent over her spine in the rough shape and alignment of their Runic brands. The snake, Hermione, seemed entirely nonplussed about her situation, head rolling side to side and tongue darting about at a rapid frequency.

With a mental snap Bellatrix found herself standing above Hermione in her normal form, a hand tentatively reaching out to pass down cool and dry scales.

::Can you understand me when I speak like this?:: she asked, running her palm up underneath the smooth and cream colored scales that lined Hermione’s underside.

::Of course I can,:: Hermione hissed back, ::Though I’m not exactly happy about WHY.:: Her voice was raspy, muted and elongated into the more natural hiss sound that Agath spoke to them with, but it was still Hermione, of that Bellatrix was sure. She’d be able to recognize that sound anywhere no matter how different it seemed.

::Well, you’re certainly no Gryffindor Lion, but it fits you well,:: Bellatrix said, a lopsided grin on her face.

::It’s… alright I suppose. Different, but I can deal with that. I’m also strong , I can feel it in my muscles, look,:: she moved forward towards Bellatrix at a startling pace, her long and sinewy body wrapping up Bellatrix’s leg and side until she hung down over a shoulder, body squeezing in a show of muscular power.

Without any warning Hermione suddenly shifted back to her normal form, pushing down Bellatrix until she was laying sprawled on top of her.

“Okay,” Bella huffed out, “I guess you figured out the switch, yeah?”

Hermione pouted at her, looking as meek and innocent as she could. 


“Thank you,” Hermione whispered in Bella’s ear as the witch pulled her further on top of her warm body. She pressed soft kisses against Bella’s jaw and lips, warm breath stolen away in the soft breeze that caressed their bodies.

“You’re welcome,” Bellatrix nipped her jaw, “I’m happy you liked it.”

Words ceased to be adequate as Bellatrix licked a long line from the base of the rune on Hermione’s throat and up to the corner of her lip, stopping only once to gently bite against the plump skin and earning a warm and heady sound of approval from Hermione’s throat.

Hands shifted lower, flat palms tracing the curve of Hermione’s shoulder and down to her hip, fingernails digging in and drawing warm scratches that raised and burned in the cool air.

Hermione pushed herself down the length of Bellatrix’s body and let her lips trail across the pale skin, kissing and licking until she found the warm and hardened bud of Bellatrix’s left breast. Soft lips wrapped around, tongue darting out and swiping against the skin while her right hand raised up to mimic the motions on the free portion of Bellatrix’s chest.

Bellatrix squirmed and writhed beneath her, alternatively pushing her chest or hips upwards in time with the twist of Hermione’s tongue and breath panting louder and louder from her throat as the seconds wore on. When sharp teeth bit down she couldn’t keep a moan from flowing out of her mouth, heavy and warm with desire and pleasure. Hermione released her hold with a soft ‘pop’, lowering herself further down the muscled expanse of Bellatrix’s stomach. 

When she was low enough she wrapped her arms underneath and around Bellatrix’s thighs, fingernails pressing into the soft skin of her abdomen as she pulled Bella’s core closer to her lips. When she could smell the sweetness of her partners arousal she nuzzled into the warm thigh with her cheek before drawing back and biting down harshly into the skin, earning her another moan of approval and hands digging into the short hair of her scalp. She released the hold she had, blowing air across the reddened flesh, eventually bringing her head forward, tongue laying flat across Bellatrix’s exposed center and finally tasting the sweetness for herself.

Lips and tongue continued their exploration, eager and wanting to repay kindness for kindness. Over time her ministrations paid off, the constant touch and friction setting off Bellatrix as the witch's muscles began to clench and roll, pale skin flushing to a heated red as her back arched off the ground and Hermione rode her out.

Their bodies cooled in the intervening stillness, breath slowing and bodies shifting again until they held one another close.


By the time the duo found themselves back in Hermione’s room the sun had set far beneath the horizon and dinner had come and passed. Both witches were too strung up on energy but unwilling to hide away in the Room of Requirement anymore. They made sure to be seen by others of their House and let Narcissa and Andromeda know they were back, and fine, and would likely be sleeping if needed.

Agath hissed loudly at their arrival before burying herself deep beneath the pile of embers sitting in the fireplace, only to be roused back out when Hermione knelt down in front of her.

::Agath,:: Hermione spoke to the basking serpent, ::Look at what I can do!::

In a flash and whirl of color there now lay a massive python where Hermione had once knelt, head bobbing up and down as she tried to remain still for the smaller snakes inspection. Bellatrix watched on with amusement tugging at her lips, Agath poking her head out beneath the embers to inspect Hermione’s new form. 

Bellatrix was more than pleased that the witch hadn’t ended up having a panic attack when she discovered her Animagus form. She’d very much wanted to avoid another heart wrenching display like the one she’d been a part of when the witch discovered her Patronus to have changed. When Agath finished her inspection and gave her seal of approval, Hermione changed back and disrobed beside Bellatrix, both ready for time in a proper bed instead of the coarse ground of the Room of Requirement.

A rather nasty popping sound rudely interrupted their plans though, as the elderly form of Malbon apparated into their room.

Malbon, looking both hectic and disgusted in an eerie blend, searched around the quarters with his overly large eyes until he focused on Hermione. In his hands lay a parcel wrapped up in brown paper and nearly the size of the elf’s head.

“Mistress, this arrived for you,” the elf barked out, holding out the item while his thin arms shook from the effort. Hermione wrapped the top bedspread around her body before leaning forward and taking the item from him, dropping it into her lap and turning back to the elf.

“Thank you Malbon, you’re dismissed.”

Though it pained her to treat the elf so dismissively, Malbon had made it quite clear that he expected nothing less. So far he had refused out of spite (or sheer stubbornness) to call her Emelia, opting instead for Mistress, even when she directly asked him not to. His attitude towards his own servitude remained much the same, even after Hermione had gifted him a shirt and let him know he was free. His first choice in this nearly acquired freedom had been to finagle himself back into her service, though now for only six days a week instead of seven.

It was a small mercy, but one that Hermione would take.

With a nod in her direction the elf disapparated, leaving Bellatrix and Hermione to wonder at the package. Bellatrix grabbed up her wand from the end table before waving it in a rather complex pattern over the surface of it as she checked for traps or dangerous surprises. When the green string of runes and glyphs came off the surface of the package she dropped her wand again and nodded at Hermione, certain it was safe.

“Well then, open it I suppose. Little late for Christmas presents though,” Bellatrix said as she sidled up behind Hermione and wrapped strong arms around her waist.

Hermione took in a deep breath before running a nail along the edge of the package, neatly splitting the paper and revealing the contents within.

It was a red box, wooden and grainy in a pattern that was mesmerizing to look at, and dense enough to be solid. Two hinges laced the back side of the box and a single lock adorned the front, the two halves of the wood converging and joining between its grasp. The lock stuck out slightly from the face of the wood and seemed to be fashioned from bronze. It was flat and broad, patterned into a leaf, while in the center stood a raised spine that looked sharp and thin.

“That’s a blood lock, keyed to you most likely,” Bellatrix offered up from behind her, her arms squeezing down in reassurance when she mentioned that.

“Who’d send me a box though? And why key it to me? Why lock it at all…” Hermione said, puzzled and confused. She held nothing more than a passing familiarity with most of the student body, Slytherin and other Houses alike, and none were more than acquaintances. She had no true friends with the exception of the Black Trio, and possibly the younger Zabini girl who’d taken a liking to her. Rabastan might have sent her something but with his newly standoffish nature and the specter of his father’s death still hanging between them, she thought that unlikely.

The rest of everyone in the school were enemies, or at least outspoken critics of her.

Hermione sighed loudly as she placed the pad of her thumb against the leaf, the small spine cutting easily into her skin and drawing blood nearly instantly. The lid popped itself open with a click and rose up a few centimeters while Hermione placed her thumb in her mouth and sucked at the new wound.

“Well? Open it up.” Bella’s voice was impatient as she spoke, the dark witch leaning over Hermione’s shoulder to look at the object in her lap.

“Gimme a sec,” Hermione replied in a voice obscured by the digit in her mouth. When it had stopped any immediate hurt she opened the lid fully, displaying the curious item within.

It was a Time Turner, that much was obvious. But not any like she’d ever seen before. 

Beautiful silver metal capped off the ends of the hourglass while twin metal poles connected the pieces together along the side of the glass. Wrapped around each end were an uncountable number of silver wires, no thicker than thread and shining back the light in a beautiful rainbow pattern. The sand held within was the most startling aspect of the design, a stark and scalding red instead of the normal color she remembered. A link consisting of silver blocks made a chain that hooked the item from end to end, tiny runes that Hermione couldn’t make out dotting each piece of the chain. 

The sight of the object brought Hermione’s heart to a stuttering crawl, leaping up into her throat and constricting her breath, even as her stomach folded and curled in on itself.

The body pressing against her back began to noticeably shiver as Bellatrix began thinking along the same train of thought as Hermione.

“He didn’t remember you at the Ministry. How’d he remember to send you this?”

Hermioen couldn’t think of an answer. The thought latched onto her mind, memories called forth and reviewed for any irregularities or hidden attempts at communication.

She came up blank. “Maybe he just didn’t want to talk about it? Or… I don’t know.”

“... Are you going to use it?”

Bella’s voice was tiny and thin, subdued and cold. It was so very unlike the witch that Hermione twisted around where she sat, arms wrapping up around the witch and forehead pressing against forehead. She let her fingernails ghost against the warm skin of Bellatrix’s neck, trying to reassure the witch and bring her back from her assumptions.

“No, no, I’m not going to,” she pulled the witch closer to her body and wrapped her up completely in a possessive squeeze. “I wanted to when I first arrived but… No, I’m here with you now, I’m staying.” Hermione’s words were soft against the skin of Bellatrix’s neck, warm and soothing. She continued saying sweet words and peppered the witch before her with kisses, the box itself now forgotten as she sought to convince Bellatrix. She was unable, however, to forget  what the item represented.

A return.

A way home.

‘It would have been one,’ Hermione thought, ‘If I hadn’t already found it.’

She shifted her position again, pulling herself onto Bellatrix’s lap, and as she did so the box shifted and slid on the blankets to fall off to the side, the heavy metal device clacking loudly onto the ground. Hermione reached off the side of the bed, fully intent on righting the box and locking it away forever, when her hand touched a link in the chain.

The world differed after that.

One second Hermione was naked with Bellatrix, in her own bed, her rune marks visible and Agath sleeping peacefully in the hearth.

One second Bellatrix was naked, with Hermione sitting on the bed, her rune marks visible and Agath sleeping peacefully in the hearth.

The next ,she was spinning in place as the world around her began bleeding into a smear.

The next, Bellatrix was watching as Hermione seemed to freeze, half bent off the bed, fading out before she became solid and emitted a loud pop.

And then, she was alone.

And then, she was alone.

???’ ??, ????


Uh oh.
Wonder where she went?

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 9c305836efbbf40920fa556d9c9dfe9ec6a77dce ) [36] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 29. Book 1: Snapshots in Time Pt. II [timestamp] => 1562968800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 29: Book 1: Snapshots in Time Pt. II


Agath meets a friend, and other sordid tales.


Shorter chapter, and apologies for above average use of comma's and the like, this is minimally edited atm.
I'll edit/revise this up within the week.
Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jan’ 6, 1969

The first day of their last term was surprisingly mild, all things considered. Not that Hermione had been expecting much else, there was no war and no pending adventures that could rope her into an early grave. Still though, for something so monumental that she’d hardly believed it would ever arrive, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was… Refreshing.

Bella was far more wound up that Hermione, unfortunately. Terrifying nightmares and anxiety riddled worries had left her a mess when she awoke, turning into Hermione’s side and burrowing for safety and warmth she didn’t feel. It left her morning in shambles, and she couldn’t help but see danger wherever she looked. Luckily no one went after her sisters or fiancée, though tension still wracked her interactions with the other Slytherin students. Rodolphus’ angry eyes met her own whenever they found themselves near one another, and she could swear there were eyes on her even when he wasn’t around. His cronies, most likely, though she couldn’t shake the worry that it was something else she hadn’t been paying attention to. 

The Prewett Trio were glaring daggers at them from across the Great Hall as breakfast commenced and throughout the day she would catch a flash of red disappearing down a hall or through a doorway at the most random moments. She was sure that they would likely be the least of her worries as though they might hate her and Hermione, they weren’t the level of Dark that Rodolphus and his gang had been falling into. Pranks and half-baked hexes were more their style than the outright bodily harm that Rod’s gang promised them in whispered tones as they passed one another going to classes.

The only real hiccup throughout the day was a rather ridiculous D.A.D.A. class where Mayweather nearly sat himself ablaze while he attempted, unsuccessfully, to control a Pyre Pixie. The little creature found his efforts amusing and had delighted in spinning about the classroom to set their papers and hair on fire, all while the elderly Professor ran behind it with a wand constantly putting out the nascent flames.

It was an amusing end to a rather stressful day, but still did nothing to distract her from the looming dangers.


Hermione leaned into Bella’s side, holding onto her arm as they walked, “How about we have some fun before we get to business?” 

The duo were clad in a muffling charm, hiding them both from any unprotected ears and making their ascent to the seventh floor far easier than it should have been. Bella turned towards her with a brow raised in question and responded with the quick press of a kiss to Hermione’s cheek. It was enough of an answer for the young witch, who squeezed the hand in her grasp in a show of reassurance.

“What do you suggest?” Bella asked with a voice husky and warm amid the still invading chill of the castle.

“Well, we know where a Horcrux is. We know that Voldemort doesn’t feel anything when they’re destroyed, and right now he thinks this one is so irretrievably hidden that it’ll never be found in a million years.” She came to a stop on the landing to the seventh floor, pulling Bellatrix to stand before her and grasped at her free hand. “Let’s kill it.” The hint of fire and mirth swirling in Bella’s eyes was answer enough, both witches setting off at a faster pace towards the Room of Requirement.

They reached the hallway, Bella hanging back as Hermione strode across three times to summon the room into existence. One minute the wall was blank, the next, the door had materialized into the wall.

They wandered forward, walking between tall piles of junk and oddities that the Castle had eaten up over the centuries, with Hermione leading them both straight towards the Diadem like a Horcrux seeking missile. It sat stuffed up on top of a wardrobe and glittered in the odd, ever present light of the room. Silver bands wrapped around themselves as they held up diamonds and other jewels, looking all the world like a normal object. She could feel the darkness radiating off of it though as they came closer, and in the back of her hearing she was able to pick up the faintest whispers of parseltongue.

Agath wrapped herself securely against Bella’s neck, the tip of her tail playing with the edges of Black curls while Hermione busied herself with finding a chair to stand on to reach the Diadem. When her fingers curled around it the odd bond between the two flared up, and she could have sworn she felt the curse embedded in Hermione’s arm react.

It wasn’t painful. It was closer to a warning, a deep throbbing feeling throughout Bella’s body as the curse noticed Hermione approaching or handling something that was extremely dangerous. It filled her with anxiety and spun up her nerves until her body was shivering despite the warmth of the room.

“Come on, let’s be done with it.”

Hermione turned around to throw her a confused look before hopping off the chair with the Diadem securely in her grasp.

“So, I suggest we use Fiendfyre. We don’t have any Basilisk fangs so this is the next best.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Bella replied, throwing up a brave face for Hermione’s sake.

Hermione set the item down on the ground in front of them, the curse laying off of Bella as it left her fingers. Willing the magic contained by her runes she brought it up, dredged off the top layer of magic that clung to her soul, until the runemark was glowing hot and bright. She released her other glamours, stark red marks contrasting with her pale skin, and willed the fire into life. 

Her arm burned first, eliciting a sharp hiss of pain and a clenching of her free hand as she willed the spell back under control. Slowly a visible flame emerged around her hand and wrist, shrouded the skin behind a green flame that crackled and popped as it fed on the oxygen in the air. It wrapped up and up her arm until it nearly covered her elbow before she was able to grab control fully with her other rune, forcing the fire to coalesce and condense into a bright snake of flame.

It grew again, dropping off her arm and leaving her hand wreathed in flame, before taking the full shape of a large python, bits and pieces breaking off into smaller animals. Scorpions, ants, little lions and fish that could float, all manner of beast and creature sparked off the large serpent as it advanced on her target. The pieces that fell off slowly blew down into embers that sparked and popped before disappearing entirely, all the magic being redirected towards maintaining the fire in a single shape. The serpent hissed, crackling and spitting flame, until it lay face towards the diadem.

“Well? Can you do it?” Hermione asked her with eyes lit up in wonder. Bella only nodded and grunted, the strain of maintaining the flames near exhausting. She drove it onward, hand spread out and palm towards the diadem, directing the Fiendfyre to her bidding.

With a lunge the green fire snake jumped forward, shrouding the silver and ratcheting up the intensity of its light as it fed on metal and mineral. 




The diadem split apart, stones cracked and metal warped, releasing a cloud of black smoke and wind that rose up and up and up until it neared the top of the room. All at once they were both assaulted by the loudest scream they had ever heard; Hermione dropping to her knees and placing palms against her ears in an effort to seek protection while Bella could do no more than drop to one knee and keep an eye on the fire snake. It was still devouring the item, molten silver disappearing as it fed the magic, and as soon as the last molten red drop disappeared beneath the wavering green flame, she shut off the magic.

Her hand clenched, snake disappearing, black cloud above them evaporating as the echo of a scream continued on about the massive room. She fell to her knees with exhaustion and nearly puked out her dinner, stomach roiling with pain and nausea from the ordeal.

“Bella- Bella!” Hermione was at her side in an instant, wand roving around Bella’s head and torso, soft spells peeling away from the wand and pressing against her pallid and clammy skin. It took time, during which she stayed on her knees and attempted to calm her breath, before any sense of normalcy returned.

She turned her head towards Hermione’s, eyes linking up, before grabbing her palm and painfully squeezing down, “Not fun!”


Jan’ 9, 1969

The first lesson of the year with Voldemort was as grueling as Hermione had been dreading. 

They’d started out with drills, moving up and down from standing to laying flat against the ground, dodging spellfire as Voldemort oversaw and pointed out when they slowed down. From there they’d moved onto verbal quizzing about the Great Houses, who controlled what seats in the Wizengamot, who stood for what legislation. Each incorrect answer earned them a slicing hex to the thigh, each correct one a blast of euphoria from a spell Voldemort had devised. 

After that portion of their afternoon was finished Bella and Hermione both conjured up changing booths and dressed down for the more practical portion of their education. Bella came out first, dressed in a black undershirt and a spare black sweatpants, Hermione in much the same though she wrapped her forearms in black gauze. 

Voldemort stood to the side within a patch of ground that held no snow, his wand tapping out a rhythm against his forearm as he watched them move.

Hermione dropped herself down to a knee, skidding across snow and frozen grass. Her palm gripped the wand in her hand with a harsh bite, knuckles turning white as she raised her arm to return fire.

“Stop!”, the loud voice of Voldemort boomed out through the clearing, his voice stilling their movements and rooting both witches to the ground. “You’d be dead yet again, Ms. Grenier. Bellatrix has you pushed backwards, why did you feint left?”

“I wasn’t thinking-”

“No, of course not. That much was evident Ms. Grenier. It’s also the third left feint in a row. And each time you’ve dipped down before countering. What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s predictable, my Lord.”

“Correct,” he quieted his voice before turning towards Bella, “Ms. Black, please rectify the situation.”

As the words left his mouth Hermione stilled herself where she was knelt and evened out her breathing. Even if it didn’t last, she knew this was going to hurt.


The pain overtook Hermione’s body as the word left Bella’s mouth, body doubling over and crackling with pain. In a half second her composure broke, body reduced to flailing in pain and a hoarse scream rushing up her throat. The curse wound its way beneath muscle and flesh until she feared her body would tear apart at the strain. Her muscles cramped as if electrified while her nerves burned and set everything alight.

Just as quickly as it had set in, the curse ended. Pain fled and in its place she found herself basking in a horrid sort of numbness. Everything fled, all thought, all feeling, and for a few glorious seconds she was nothing as she fought to regain her breath and recollect the scattered portions of her mind.

“Begin,” Voldemort’s smooth tone came from Hermione’s left, her body having rolled around in her pain. She rolled automatically, fighting through the numbness, just barely managing to avoid Bella’s well aimed spell.

Their training had been like this for weeks now. Meet, go over an assortment of topics including current events and Dark theory, new hexes and curses, and then spar for an hour or two, all while Voldemort looked over them with a carrot and stick method. He clearly favored the stick.

It gave her ample opportunity to study the oddly binding curse-mark between them, in particular the portion of it that seemed intent on providing kickback if one of them harmed the other. It was only with careful control and an open mind that accepted the pain about to flow through her that she was able to keep it from redirecting a portion of the spell back towards Bella. Her mastery of whatever switch controlled that was driven by a desire to ensure Voldemort never found out about their connection, never wondered why when one was harmed the other was as well.

She’d luckily been able to hide it so far and the pain that accompanied these sessions was worth its weight in the knowledge, both dark and gray, that he imparted on them.

And so, jaw clenched, she bore the pain and forced herself through the session, screams caught up in her chest and thought far, far from home.


Jan’ 20, 1969

As Hermione opened the door to her single and began to step across the threshold her eyes locked on to a winding group of magenta lines, only visible due to the green flame at her back. 

Bellatrix had been advancing with her control of Fiendfyre and as a green wreath of flame coalesced into a snake. It was beautiful, deadly, and in this case, it saved Hermione’s legs. As the light burst forth it unshrouded the hidden glyphs and lines of the ward placed against the corridor floor. She had opened the door and just begun to step across the threshold when Bella’s practice behind her stilled her leg, mere centimeters above the complicated wardline.

It was a cross-cross pattern, smaller repetitive runes etched into the spaces between the lines and it throbbed and pulsed with unreleased energy. Hermione stood back from the door, fuming at the attempt on her health, breath caught up in her throat as she studied it further.

“We’re being target now,” she blandly stated to the witch still blissfully unaware behind her.

“Oh? What’s he done this time?”

“Wardline. Looks like it’d cut off my foot if I stepped within it. It’s dark enough for Rod, but too intricate. Probably one of his underlings.”

Bellatrix dispelled the Fiendfyre by closing her left palm, the flame snake disappearing in a puff of smoke. She stoked the fireplace as she walked to the door, bringing it up from a mass of glowing embers into a roaring inferno.

“Well then, I think it’s time for some revenge.”


Feb’ 6, 1969

The bathroom on the second floor of the castle, generally known as Myrtle’s Bathroom among the students, was a complete and utter mess. From the looks of things it appeared even the elves had decided to abandon it to its inhabitant, ignoring their rather ingrained need in favor of drier spaces. Hermione’s feet crunched against broken porcelain and shattered tile while grout that had been dug out ages ago powdered into dust where she trod. Eventually the floor lilted down until it was covered by a thin sheen of water that reflected meager light until it danced and glittered with metal and false chrome.

It was only the second time that Hermione had stepped foot in this room and here and now it was in far more disrepair than the last. A hand reached out from beside her to steady her gait as she stumbled over blocks and bits, slippery water loosening the friction between the elements. She searched with a purpose, pushing open each stall door as she made her way in a circle around the taps that stood the middle ground.

“Myrtle,” she asked, as rusted hinges fought back and groaned at their use.

“Y-Yes?” The weepy tone floated out from the last stall in the row, quiet and hesitant as though Hermione would bite.

“Myrtle, I’m sorry to bother you but I’d like to ask a favor.”

The sad face of the young ghost poked out from beneath her stall, body hidden somewhere in the depths of the floor.

“Who are you? W-What do you want?” She punctuated her question with a hiccup, glasses falling unsteadily down her ethereal nose. The poor girl had been killed, not accidentally, and no one had ever come to ask her what really happened. It beggared belief that the school board had been so close-minded to let this happen and Hermione had a hunch that they weren’t aware of the full scope of Myrtle’s demise. She could only assume that if they had, then there’d have been a much larger investigation into the events surrounding that year. Whether it was the result of deliberate incompetence or the extraordinarily broken system that Dumbledore maintained was a question best left for later.

She had a purpose to fulfill today and justice for Myrtle it certainly was not.

“Myrtle, we’re going to be opening up a small door in the bathroom here. We were wondering if you’d be so kind as to watch it while we go in. Just keep anyone from coming down after us, that’s all.” Bella squeezed her hand again as the ghost wiped her eyes and peered up at them from the odd angle.

It took some finagling as in addition to being emotionally unstable from being ignored for almost twenty years, Myrtle was still a child in mind. But soft words and a kind shoulder managed to work wonders. From Hermione, of course.

Bellatrix remained safely behind the short haired witch, with her arms crossed over and wand bobbing up and down at uneven intervals as she fixed or redirected the carnage splayed across the room. Her reluctance to help the young ghost had morphed itself into a willingness to at least clean portions of the space, for a reason that Hermione couldn’t exactly determine.

Eventually they managed to get the girl to agree to be their sentry and set about opening the passage.

Silver filigree in the pattern of a snake wound down and away from the taps after a hissed ::Open,:: sliding down and down until it had pulled apart marble and metal to reveal the steep shaft leading towards the Chamber proper. A second word, ::Stairs,:: that had been hinted at in writing Hermione had found during the cleanup after the Last Battle, morphed the wet tunnel into a serviceable, if still steep, staircase.

The witches set out with Bellatrix in the lead and her wand held level in front of herself while her other hand wrapped protectively around Hermione’s own. A warm and white Lumos was their only light source as step after step they descended deeper into the castle. The air surrounding them chilled as they made their way further in while at the same time it grew drier and stale. It was an odd combination considering the closeness to the dungeons and the Black Lake and Hermione could only wonder at where the passageway drew its atmosphere from. Dry and cracked concrete eventually gave way to natural stone and granite as the passageway leveled out and to morph from Slytherin’s addition into the natural hollow it had once been.

Minutes passed by in silence as the duo continued before they found themselves walking into a more open passageway that was nearly double the size of the tunnels used for the Underground in London. Stalactites and stalagmites dotted both the floor and ceiling, the soft dripping of water ringing in their ears as mineralized water plopped down onto them in a never ending cycle. She hadn’t had the mind nor the time to admire the space the last time she’d been down here, and so she took a moment to take in the natural beauty of the space surrounding her.

The wall glittered and shone as Bella turned and twisted while leading them onward, light dancing off from her wand to repeat endlessly back at them in a sheen of light and pattern. Bella released Hermione’s hand and waited for her to come shoulder to shoulder before taking off yet again, side by side.

“So. We get ourselves in, talk to it, and either get it to leave or we kill it. Preferably the first but likely the second. You have the token?”

Hermione pulled out a rather lifelike porcelain replica of a rooster from the depths of one of her pockets, bouncing the item up and down in her palm.

“Yep. We transfig it, get it crowing. Should kill it dead.”

“Should being the operative word here. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that. As cool as it’ll be to get to talk to a millennium old Basilisk, I don’t fancy having to take it on with my eyes closed.”

They pressed onward until reaching a vault like door with six serpents carved into its face. A quick word of parseltongue and it opened before them, swinging out on its hinge and admitting them entrance. The corridor began to widen away again while the walls and ceiling pulled back. Water lapped at the sides of the cobblestone walkway until they were essentially pressing forward on a bridge suspended just above the waterline. On either side of them large statues of snakes, mouths open and fangs poised to strike, began to rise from the water, staring at them both with a menacing gaze that threw chills down Hermione’s spine.

And then, they were there.

A visage of Salazar Slytherin was cut directly into the rock, large and imposing to any would be trespassers. He stared down at them with a mixture of derision and amusement that struck Hermione for its likeness to Professor Snape’s constant expression of exasperation. The Basilisk however, was nowhere in sight.

“Well?” Bella whispered worriedly in Hermione’s ear, her breath puffing hot against her cheek and warming the skin beneath.

“Now we look for a snake. Can’t be too hard to find, it’s bloody massive.”

They both set out in search of the creature, eyes halfway shut as they peered around corners and behind statues. Five minutes, twenty, nearly an hour had passed by the time a hurried clacking of heels against stone roused Hermione from her search.

“Found it, found it. It’s absolutely fucking huge, massive even. It’s sleeping though, we got lucky.”

Bella led Hermione backwards the  way they had come in before stopping next to two large statues that were lower in the water than the others surrounding them. She pointed off between the two, finger wavering as she panted excitedly.

There, like a crocodile waiting in ambush, were the two nostrils of a truly massive serpent. Ripples broke and scattered across the water as it breathed and Hermione could just make out the ridges above a pair of closed eyes further down in the water. The creature was obviously deeply asleep, resting peacefully near the surface while the rest of its body remained far out of sight. 

Agath, having until this point remained tightly wound and hidden in the folds of Bella’s cloak, poked her tiny head out and leaned forward. Her tongue darted up and down and in and out as she smelled and tested the presence of its much larger brethren.

::Pretty Lady,:: Agath hissed out.

That short and quiet hiss was all it took. Immediately, the large and slumbering beast snorted out air in a huff that sprayed both witches down with water and forced them to back up and drip upon the stone walkway. They both immediately closed their eyes, not wanting to tempt fate and risk ending up petrified or dead whenever the beast fully awoke.

The sound of sloshing water alerted them to its movement as the hulking serpent pushed its way out from the depths of the water and moved forward to heave itself bodily onto the stone bridge. Large scales rasped against stonework as it moved to coil around the two witches.

::Who are you?:: it hissed out in a voice that sounded of tumbling rocks and ancient earth. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant, but the loudness of it nearly hurt Hermione’s eardrums.

::We are the Heirs to Slytherin,:: Bella started off with, ::We have come to speak with you,:: Hermione finished.

The serpent remained silent as it continued twisting and coiling about itself and the duo before Hermione could feel the press of sharp stone like scales against her side. It was slowly closing around them, tightening and restricting movement, until Bellatrix pressed her back against Hermione sucked in her breath. The serpent was silent throughout, the room even more so, and it unnerved Hermione far more than she’d believed possible. Agath however seemed quite unafraid of the serpent, as she flitted about between Hermione and Bella, turning and slithering to follow the head.  Hermione’s hand reached into her robes as much as she could until she had a firm grip of the rooster, praying she wouldn’t need it but planning on how to do so regardless.

::What is your name?:: Bella asked it in a hiss that quavered with adrenaline and fear.

The tip of a snout bumped up against Hermione’s cheek, colder and more massive than she’d imagined, tongue flickering out gently to inspect her as she remained still and unmoving.

::Master has called me many names, many things, but I prefer Euryale. Who are you, young Heirs, young speakers?::

Hermione let out a puff of breath she hadn’t been aware she was withholding when the serpent, Euryale, referred to them both as Heirs. Her body relaxed into a slump that remained propped up by the massive coils and Bellatrix, now relaxed as well, at her back.

::I am Hermione, this is Bellatrix. The young one with us is Agathodaemon,:: she replied to Euryale’s question in a hurried hiss, her body thrumming with adrenaline and delight at having their plan work.

::Euryale,:: Bellatrix began, ::Could you close your eyes? So we could see you?::

Scale scraped loudly against stone as the serpent moved around them to prop its head up in front of Bellatrix until cold and fetid breath brushed up against her face.

::But then I could not see you, little Heir. I shall refrain however from affecting you. Open.::

Bella opened her eyes, hesitating for just a second at the fear that she’d be locked into place, before peering up at the massive and looming head of Euryale.

The Basilisk was strangely beautiful in its own way, terrifying and amazing to behold. She reached out a hand to press against the brown and mottled scales that covered Euryale’s snout, her fingers catching on the stone like surface. Euryale wasn’t cold, wasn’t warm either, but a rather neutral temperature that was pleasant beneath her fingers. Hermione swiveled around between the coils and Bellatrix until her front was pressed against Bella’s back. She eyes the enormous length of the serpent, staring in wonder as it wrapped up around them twice before disappearing back into the depths at the side of the bridge.

::Euryale,:: Hermione said, ::We’d like to take you away from here. Bring you somewhere better, where you could live and thrive. Somewhere with better conditions than these.:: Hermione’s voice was soft in the darkness of the room, and she placed her chin atop Bella’s shoulder as she finished speaking, waiting on Euryale to respond.

::Why?:: Euryale questioned.

Hermione smiled up at the creature, pouring as much charm and wonder into her voice as she could in the hope that the serpent would believe her, ::Because, this is no place for something so majestic as you.::


Next chapter, a scene I've been wanting to write since I started this fic!!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 0c7cff5cffc533dbb7a7cda2a15edacaf4757209 ) [37] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 28. Book 1: Snapshots in Time Pt. I [timestamp] => 1562191200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 28: Book 1: Snapshots in Time Pt. I


Edited and Revised 7/6/19.

Chapter Text

Dec’ 29, 1968

A Wizarding funeral, in light of Hermione’s admitted lack of experience, wasn't very different from the Muggle equivalent. Of course there were differences and many of them were quite important distinctions but beyond the application of magic the structure of the event was much the same. Her own experiences had been colored by the distinct lack of funerals in her own life, something which could honestly be seen as a good thing despite the actual number of people she’d been close to that had died. First had been her grandparents on her mother’s side, dead before she was even seven years of age. Her mother had ended up forbidding Hermione’s attendance in a bid to preserve her already fragile sense of innocence and left her instead in the care of a babysitter. It had worked, somewhat. Instead of understanding why the event had mattered she’d instead ended up only questioning why her mother left with tears in her eyes and came back with even more.

Beyond that experience in her early childhood the only major event had been the death of her late Headmaster, Dumbledore. His service had been relatively plain and simple even with the great number of people who had shown up to speak on the dead man’s behalf. After that there were the numerous funerals she’d attended in the immediate wake of the war. The bereaved families had opted for plain and simple instead of grand gestures in the wake of the war. Horror still lingered in the back of people's minds and rather than spread opulence they had sought out comfort and immediate family. Wooden boxes, slowly entering the ground as families fell to their knees with grief. Extravagance just hadn’t been a luxury that many could emotionally afford.

But at this particular point in time? WIth the horrors of the last war so far away in people's memory and the death of so significant a Black?

Extravagance was in abundance and seemed to be inflated with the remnants of aristocratic abundance that would have been shed at the New Years Gala. Cygnus’s family might have spared him no love but they did put stock in societal appearances. Within a few days of his passing Walburga had stepped forth as the only one interested in planning and orchestrating her brother’s funeral. The speed at which it was accomplished shocked Hermione until she learned the action was sparked by ages old superstition, stories passed down from generation to generation as a way of controlling the presentation surrounding their demise. Any Black who died needed to be buried as soon as possible, and at the very least they needed to be buried before the turn to a new year. If the action was not taken with due haste then the spirit would wander restlessly for all eternity as a non-corporeal shade of their past self, always hurting, always wanting, searching and reaching for a rest they could not have.

Bella and Hermione had both professed that that would have been the preferable outcome for the abusive man’s soul but they weren’t in charge of the planning and had become too involved with playing as the grieving and traumatized survivors. It simply wouldn’t do to make their opinions known and instead had left Walburga to her planning.

The day of Cygnus’s entombment began early enough that even the sun had yet to make an appearance off the horizon, the world around them shrouded by listless snow and gray clouds. The viewing was to be held in Black Manor and was expected to be fit near to bursting with guests, well-wishers, and relatives from within and without the Black family tree.

The first arrivals that day had been Narcissa and Andromeda, both practically leaping from the entrance Floo and straight into their sister’s arms. It brought a lightness to Hermione’s chest to see the sister’s reunited so enthusiastically and without any animosity. The feeling grew tenfold when she was included in the warm hugs of greeting. It had been far too long since the trio had seen one another in person and while intermittent Floo calls were nice they couldn’t make up for the distance and separation forced upon them by Walburga sheltering them.

Hermione had wrapped her arms tightly around Andromeda when she turned to pull her into a hug, the wound on her shoulder causing Andromeda to favor her right side. When they had pulled away Hermione had dropped into her mother-hen mode, inquiring about the injury and bombarding the younger witch with questions and concerns. The witch avoided the conversation for a moment before opening up to reveal the damage, pulling aside her dress to show the true damage caused by Lestrange’s curse. The skin around the strike had been darkened considerably as it healed into a large Starburst shaped scar, edges harshly meeting with the natural paleness of her skin.

“I’ve been told it’ll never truly heal back to normal,” Andromeda said with a sad smile, “I’ll be stuck with the scar and reduced range of movement. Potions help, but the scar tissue went too deep.”

Hermione pulled the witch in again for a hug after hearing that as no words were available to her to convey how harshly that knowledge twisted her up inside. By the time she let go Bella had released Narcissa and stepped up instead to pull Andromeda aside for a hug and quiet conversation, one pale hand smoothing down the auburn curls of Andromeda’s hair as the other soothed her back. It was quiet and intimate in a way that had Hermione looking away to give them privacy. It brought up memories of a future hopefully rewritten, questions popping into the plane of her mind as she wondered how such a close bond had been severed irreparably in the future she’d come from. The thoughts lingered on her periphery as she opened her arms for Narcissa.

Agath had wrapped herself up around Hermione’s neck until her tail swished back and forth against the skin covering Hermione’s pulse point. The little snake kept up a colorful little commentary as Hermione greeted the sisters while her tongue flicked up and out as she scented and peered up at the new arrivals.

:: Friends? ::, Agath had asked with a soft hiss in her ear. The curiosity of the young snake was evident in her tone in a way that Hermione couldn’t explain, choosing instead to simply acknowledge that she knew it to be that. Questions could be had at a later date.

:: Yes, Lady Narcissa and Lady Andromeda. They’re not speakers though. ::, she’d replied as she let the Ashwinder crawl down her arm to get a closer look at the duo. 

Narcissa had immediately taken a shine to the young snake as it darted down Hermione’s arm to offer herself up for Narcissa’s hesitant hand to pet her scales. When she seemed more confident Agath had climbed up Narcissa’s hand to wrap herself about her wrist, tongue flickering happily at the attention. Excited whispers flew from Narcissa as she talked to the snake, uncaring if she couldn’t understand any replies. Andy had passed on interacting with Agath, opting instead for a polite wave as the snake peered up unblinkingly at her and running a single finger down her dorsal scales before turning back to her sisters.

Introductions had completed from there and Agath made her way from Narcissa’s arm and up Bella’s, wrapping and hiding herself amid the curtain of black falling down her shoulders and back.

The next flash from the Floo offered up an ashy looking Walburga who set to immediately pushing them all out of the entrance room and into the hallway, loudly informing them that their place was to be seen and not heard. The older woman looked as well as she had in future version of Grimmauld place. Tall, rigid, and wearing an unyielding stare that sent shivers down Hermione’s spine, the woman was intimidation bound up in corporeal form. A few colorfully distasteful comments about Hermione’s choice of hairstyle later, and the woman had wandered off to attend to something elsewhere. 

Orion came through next in a puff of smoke and ash, lazy smile forming as he left his wife to her devices, avoiding the young witches entirely. The angry hiss that Agath let out at the sight of the man brought a smile to Hermione’s face as he walked past them to follow his wife.

Alphard and Cassiopeia had both been wrangled into attending and arrived in short order after Orion had stepped through. Each had been bribed into attending with promises of first dibs at the contents within the Manor after Cygnus was securely in the ground, greed spurring them more than familial obligation. Hermione did a double take as Alphard stepped through the Floo, her mind spinning up and wondering whether Sirius had actually been Alphard’s clone.

Chestnut colored hair fell down in lazy waves upon his shoulders while a thin mustache wrapped around his top lip and fell down his jaw in a chisel cut. Gray eyes, luminous and energetic, jumped about the room at a frenetic pace. A wry grin filled his face with cheer and amusement as he read the room. His sonorous voice boomed out a greeting as he scooped Andy and Narcissa into a wide armed hug. When he released them and spotted Bella he stopped and stared, Bella returning the look just as well. Seconds passed in silence as tension grew in the room until Bella’s composure finally cracked, a smile breaking out  as she ran up to him. Alphard picked her up with ease to twirl her around the room as he laughed deeply. The sight brought a smile to Hermione’s face as she felt the love Bella was basking in flow up and through her scarred flesh.

Hermione stepped forward after he let Bella down, her hand out professionally and a thin lipped smile showing as she raised her chin in imitation of pureblood aristocracy. The man stared back at her with eyes gray and unreadable as he left her hand hanging in mid-air.

“Come on now girlie, you’re to be my nieces intended. Not an enemy. ‘Least, not yet anyways.”

His expression softened in her direction as he finished speaking and he opened his arms wide in clear invitation. Hermione froze for only a moment before stepping forward to indulge herself. It had been far too long since someone, anyone, had taken a position of familiarity with her that wasn’t one of the Trio. The warm hug and kind words that followed brought her nerves down and settled her into a warm perch as they talked at length about one another.

When she mentioned all that she’d heard about him through Bella, Alphard turned to give his niece a glare and chuckled darkly to himself. 

“Nothing too scandalous then, I hope. We’ll save those stories for when there aren’t any innocents about!” His remakes finished with a wink towards the younger two witches who merely groaned at his play acting with feigned indifference.

The camaraderie of Alphard couldn’t last, and Hermione’s next introduction to a Black family member was decidedly more hostile.

Cassiopeia Black, the Great Aunt of the trio and favored relative of Andromeda, stepped out through the Floo and immediately sent her niece Walburga a glare that could have shriveled a tree. Hermione had been briefed before her arrival and was well aware of the woman’s rather duplicitous and meddlesome nature. Gray hair, gray eyes, a stooped back and wrinkles beyond measure all lent themselves to giving her a visual age that was far beyond her mere fifty-four years. Hermione would have likened her to being more than a century old if she hadn’t been aware of the woman’s actual age. She stood as a direct counterpoint to the youth that Bellatrix Lestrange had been able to maintain even through her stint in Azkaban, fifty-four being still young by wizarding standards and genetics. 

Cassiopeia was a crone in body and mind who delighted in interfering wherever she was least wanted. The woman was an expert at pushing herself into situations and conversation that allowed her to mingle at the periphery of people's minds. All the while she would absorb everything she heard and saw until she could put it to use at a later date. She was dressed in only the finest garments, black of course, and threaded through with silver thread that gave her a shine as mourning runes sparkled and shone in the soft light of the Manor. An oversized black bonnet completed the look, never mind the fact that it was the middle of winter, perched atop her head like a gaudy ornament.

In contrast to her visible age and degradation the eyes she sported were sharp as they could be. Dagger like and enlarged by square spectacles, they seemed to see everything as they swiveled about in a head that sat unmoving on her hunched shoulders. The silvery orbs peered about and roved from one family member to the next until she landed on Bella and Hermione.

“So then. You’re the French twat that my dear Trixie is marrying,” she croaked out in a horrid voice that physically grated on Hermione’s ears, “It’s a fitting accomplishment for Cygnus I suppose, a cock up even when he’s in the grave.”

“Auntie Cass, how lovely to see you,” Bella broke in before the old hag could continue to disparage Hermione or Cygnus’s memory. An arm wrapped loosely around the woman in a hug as Bella whispered sweet words and guided the older woman away. It worked, eventually, but not before she got out a series of rather rude questions involving fertility tests and an unexpected offer for tea later that week.

Before Hermione could accept the offer Andromeda had swooped in to save her, pulling her away by the arm and informing her of the truth to the offer. If she’d have accepted and actually shown up then she’d have likely been dosed with veritaserum and subjected to whatever questions the old woman could come up with. Not that it would work, Hermione noted with a wry smile, but she appreciated Andy stepping in and informing her regardless. All in all it was a meeting that Hermione was eager to never repeat.

Dorea Potter, née Black, had sent through the Floo a lowly Potter cousin along with her deepest sympathies for her lack of attendance. The news that she was still alive was a shock to Bella after she’d assumed that the woman had likely died. That had been far from the truth, however, as the cousin explained that instead she was still alive and kicking somewhere distant within a care-home.

The last of the family to arrive had been the children, Sirius and Regulus, herded through the Floo by an elderly elf that immediately apparated away as soon as both boys were on solid ground. Regulus, tiny and barely seven years old, waddled along with his brother at his side. The little boys eyes were wide and saucer shaped as he took in the surrounding landscape and people milling about. He was charming, as young children of his age tended to be, filled with endless questions about one thing or another as his mind and attention span kicked about at a rapid pace.

Sandy colored hair that had yet to turn dark was draped about his shoulders and down to the nape of his neck in ringlets and waves that were purposefully left mussy. When he’d spotted Hermione with her rather unconventional hairstyle he’d immediately asked the witch if he could pet it. She’d acquiesced and knelt down to his side as he oohed and awed at the softly tamed curls. After that moment had ended the young boy had followed Hermione around as she made her way about the Manor, determined little smile on his face as he accompanied his new friend.

Sirius, by and large, was another matter entirely.

Only just turned eleven and set to join Howarts for his first semester in the coming year, the young boy walked around aware of both the money lining his family’s pockets and the good looks that he would one day grow into. A pair of steel silver eyes peered out into the world through a curtain of curly brown hair. His gaze seemed to inhale everything that surrounded him as he darted about from one thing to the next. He stood apart from his family like a sore thumb in more than just mannerisms though. He had eschewed the formal attire of black mourning garb and had opted instead for cream colored dress robes atop a similarly colored suit. Cassiopeia and Walburga both glared at the young boy as he passed by, voices muttering lowly at the disrespectful coloring. He carried himself about with a haughty indifference and aristocratic posturing that Hermione could already tell would one day break a few paramours hearts. 

In some words, he was just as she knew him, and nothing like it. 

A few others had arrived to make a token appearance at the funeral. Some families offered up cousins or daughters, son-in-law’s and estranged family to represent the great houses that had intermingled with the Blacks at some point in the past. The remainder of the attendees, and by far the majority, were businessmen and prior paramours, Ministry workers and acquaintances who’d risen the ranks of society through Cygnus’s lining of their pockets or his silvered words being placed into ears. Only a few noble purebloods filtered in, followed by a displeased looking Voldemort, shaking hands with one another and networking instead of comforting the family or paying their respects.


After all the attendee’s had filtered into the Manor, they rejoined into the largest room on the ground floor. It had been cleared out in advance of the event, floors cleared and furniture moved to other rooms to make way. The group in the room were dressed as dark and posh as they could be with the exception of Sirius, and presided over a closed walnut casket holding Cygnus’s cinder remains. A brazier of simmering coals stood off to the side of the casket, burning and available to accept small parchments filled with well wishes for his afterlife. Ash and powder in the brazier grew as the morning continued until they collapse inwards and billowed up to tint the room in smokey haze.

The Black trio stood in attendance at the corner of the room to pass out thanks and aristocratic gossip to those who stepped forward to view the casket or put parchment into the brazier. As minutes ticked into hours the haze about the room increased until ashes had permanently smudged themselves onto the oppressive black garments of the attendees. Sirius seemed to regret his choice in snubbing the event as the ash tinged his robes and suit a chalky gray. Bella chuckled lowly to herself whenever she caught sight of the young boy, drawing glares from her Aunt whenever the woman caught her in the act. Eventually the smokey interior even got to Hermione, causing her to cough at random intervals as it became harder and harder to breath.

Agath, now wrapped around Hermione’s neck in clear view of the attendee’s, licked gently at the scar emblazoned around her neck and hidden underneath her glamours. The young snake was quite pleased with the ash filled atmosphere as she preened and hissed happily whenever a new plume of ash would shoot towards the ceiling. It brought a smile to Hermione’s face to see her familiar enjoying herself and helped to push back the overwhelming thoughts of how much she despised the majority of the attendees.

Not to say that some weren’t good people, she knew quite well that not all purebloods were evil supremacists, but the gathering here seemed to be a collection of the worst of the worst. Only a few redeeming members had made an appearance and they seemed to only be here out of obligation rather than emotional support for any family members.


As the hours passed the estate was finally shrouded in darkness as clouds continued lazily dropping snow across the land. The viewing had taken hours and Walburga had presided over it in its entirety until the time had come to complete the funeral. As one the group moved from the room and out through the double doors at the front entrance and out into the snowy night.

Everyone in attendance drew their wands and softly released a Lumos as they organized themselves into two distinct lines. Cygnus’s casket levitated between the group until it reached the head of the lines and drew them forward into a march towards the Black Crypts.

Deep within the sprawl of the forest surrounding Black Manor lay the Black Crypts, hidden deep and cold within the land that had sheltered the family for centuries. The twin lines passed beneath bowed trees that lay heavy with snow and swerved around logs and puddles of ice as they forged a trail deep into the wilderness. No one spoke as the march continued to drag on and the only sound to accompany them was the crunching of feet in snow and the whistle of wind as it threaded through the land.

After what felt like hours the group finally reached a large clearing hidden deeply into the forest. It was wide and smooth with all the trees surrounding it preened back in a way that seemed as purposeful as it was unintentional. The center was unburdened by snow and surrounded on all sides by a low wall that seemed built from stone that was as old as the earth itself, lending an eerie quality to the already dark night.

The casket continued forward as the lines halted in their place until it passed to the middle of the circle and halted. The ground underneath it seemed to shimmer and shine before disappearing entirely and leaving a black void where dirt once lay. Obsidian obelisks rose on either side of the hole as Bella and her sisters walked forward with Hermione in tow and Walburga at their side. Hermione threaded her fingers through Bella’s as a chill crept up her spine that couldn’t be attributed to the chilly environment surrounding them. 

As the casket dropped into the newly opened space the procession behind them began moving again, soft footsteps following in the pathway made by those in front. A flight of stairs had appeared in the hole and the casket preceded them down into the space as the dark of night gave way to the artificial darkness of the underground Crypt. The air that surrounded Hermione began warming as they descended further into the ground while a damp draft pushed back up the passage they were traveling through. Hermione’s hand clutched tighter at Bella’s as the angle increased and chills wormed their way over her skin.

Warmth and heat began pumping out of her cursed scar as Bella sought to calm them both down as they descended. The runes that adorned her skin itched and began pulsing as they continued onwards, old magic recognizing old magic and the proximity sending the hair on Hermione’s arms to stand at attention. The three runes emblazoned on her neck seemed to be the most affected as they tingled and burned with every step she took. Her tongue darted out to lick the corner of her lip as the newly applied rune on her throat and chin began heating and pulsing in a rhythmic fashion.

Minutes of descent passed by until the space surrounding them slowly opened up. Eventually the staircase ran out as the ground leveled and a hallway presented itself to them. The casket continued moving until it reached a space as open and large as the Great Hall and just as High, if Hermione’s judgement was correct. Open passageways were interspersed at regular intervals along the outer rim of the room but remained pitch black even in the face of increased illumination. Warm air passed through and up to ruffle at hair and clothing as the space seemed to breathe around the interlopers. The crowd behind them continued to filter in slowly as attendees took up spots along the wall to allow everyone fair entrance. The casket moved towards the center of the room , silent and still as it floated in place.

Orion strode forward until he stood next to the casket and placed a wavering hand upon its lid. Weary eyes reflecting the light from their wands turned to face the crowd as he gave last rites to Cygnus. His voice carried a melodic quality as he spoke in a language that Hermione couldn’t recognize, golden runes spreading out from his hand upon the wood and etching themselves into the casket in a haphazard pattern to seal it for eternity. The crowd remained reverent and silent as Orion continued, never once reacting even as Orion finished and stood back to let the casket continue on its way.

Bella turned to Hermione and gently kissed her cheek before squeezing her hand one last time and turning to follow the casket. Andromeda and Narcissa joined her as the casket made its way deeper into the Crypt and towards its final resting place.


Hermione ended that night, after returning to the surface and seeing all the guests off the estate, in her guest bed with Bellatrix draped across her weary form. Soft hands and nipping teeth joined gently hissed words of reverence as both witches sought out comfort in one another.


Jan’ 2, 1969

The last three days before their return to Hogwarts had been no less than hectic for both Hermione and Bella. Their current errand at the Ministry, deep down where most sane visitors would never treat, was currently the foremost cause of Hermione’s nervous energy. She stood tightly pressed to Bella’s side while a weary looking desk clerk sat in front of them as he continued only just barely going through the motions of assisting them. A clock situated upon his desk continued to tick and tock annoyingly towards the end of the business day and Hermione found herself eyeing it with every second that continued to pass. Both witches were aware that their meeting was last minute and had no reassurances that what they needed done would actually happen that day. Still, neither were bothered with the timing enough to wait and come back at a later date.

A stack of paperwork that was much the same as the one she’d initially given to Cygnus sat upon the desk as the clerk blearily perused through it, a bored look etched upon his face. It had been like this for so long that Hermione had had time to average how long it took him to read a page. Forty-five seconds, flip the page, forty-five more seconds of reading. Forty-five seconds longer than should have been necessary to read the information presented within. As the page flipped to the next Hermione could feel a flush of heat rise to her cheeks and chest as her nerves and impatience rose to ever higher levels. She’d never once been one to deal well with lax authority or those who would purposefully hinder those in need, and that attitude was quickly leading her to a breaking point.

The Ministry was so full of these incompetent paper-pushers that Hermione could nearly feel her blood boil as she stood here awaiting something to happen. She’d known that her experiences at the hands of Fudge’s incompetent Ministry would color her perception of the institution but she’d not truly believed it could affect her this much. Unfortunately, she was wrong. And that now left Bella to attempt to be the level-headed one of the pair which honestly was a task she was distinctly unsuited for. It was a wonder neither witch had blown up in his face at this point.

Both witches had found it best to attack the problem of custody for Andromeda and Narcissa as soon as possible. And now that Cygnus was in his grave and the one day Holiday for the Ministry had ended, they’d found no better time than the present. Even though the process was shaping up to be laborious at best and convoluted at worst both witches felt it appropriate to put in appearances and start the process before Orion and Walburga could step in to claim the right.

And so they stood at the desk of one Austin Peagrave, as his brass nameplate pronounced him, while the man continued to flick absentmindedly through their stacks of parchments with an artificial slowness. The only sounds came from him as he hemmed and hawed at each little bit of inconsistency within the stacks. Hermione was having none of it though and had made it a point to refute each error with and answer in duplicate. This usually resulted with her turning the pages of parchment herself or dutifully reciting exactly which page the information was located on, all the while slowly growing angrier and angrier at his incompetence.

If there was anyone in the entire world that a bureaucrat shouldn’t mess with, it was Hermione.

Over time and snide comments while she corrected him the man finally admitted defeat and prepared the stack of parchments for further review by his superiors. Hermione could physically feel the stress and anger melt away as he bundled each sheet back up and sent it on its way.

“Well then, we’ll see to it that Mr. Carlyle receives those tomorrow, wouldn’t do to have all your,” he squinted heavily at Hermione’s still red form, “exhaustive work end up lost somewhere. I’ll send you an owl when he has it. Now, will that be all for today?”

“Yes,” Bella replied with saccharine sweetness and an edge that could cut glass, “It wouldn’t do at all for any of this to get lost somewhere. We Black’s have long memories after all, and you’ve made quite the impression Mr. Peagrave.” Agath appeared and peeked out through the curtain of Bella’s hair to hiss angrily in his direction as the witches turned on their heels and exited the cramped room.

Finally relieved from their task of the day the witches set about leaving the depressing confines of the Ministry. The lift was thankfully empty as they approached, scissor gates sliding open gently as they came forward to board.

Just before the gates could close back up a single hand shot forward to bar them open as a man stepped in with them. He was only just a smidgen taller than Hermione, young and deeply tanned despite his robes proclaiming him as one who worked within the Ministry. Hermione tried to let him fade into the background until he turned to the side after pressing a button. There, on the side of his shoulder, was the embossed logo of the D.o.M., standing brightly out over his rather drab work robes. Bella backed up to give the man space which allowed Hermione the room to maneuver and view him from another angle. Agath peered out from Behind Bella’s neck to begin hissing at the new arrival, causing him to turn and allowing Hermione to get a full view of his face. Memory caught up with reality as Hermione finally realized who it was.

Bode. Broderick Bode. The Unspeakable who’d been roped into helping Hermione with the task of returning to her reality and had instead subsequently ghosted her. Her eyes widened as he peered back at her before turning around without even the barest hint of recognition or even a hello.

“Mr. Bode,” Hermione started off in an unsure tone, “What a surprise to see you here. Or I suppose not, since you work here…” Her tone softened as he turned around again and shot her a quizzical look.

“I’m sorry Miss, but do we know each other?”

Hermione could feel her heart still within her chest as her lips fell open in disbelief. The hand holding onto Bella’s forearm dug sharp nails down painfully into her skin as her body tensed.

“Oh, um, we met a few months ago? With Professor Dumbledore? You were working on tracking something down for me…” Hermione’s head tilted to the side as she peered up at him, not a spark of recognition behind his pale eyes.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that I have no clue as to what you’re referencing, Miss…?”

“Gra-Grenier,” she almost faltered, “Emelia Grenier.”

His pupils contracted slightly and his head tilted to the side, almost as if he was remembering something, before the dull look overtook his features again and he shook his head weakly.

“I’m sorry sir, I must have gotten you confused with someone else. Sorry to bother you.” Hermione lied out through her apology while putting in just the right amount of feigned embarrassment to make it appear somewhat genuine.

In a stroke of good luck the lift doors opened up upon the Atrium and both witches made a hasty exit away from the still confused man.

“What the fuck was that about?” Bella whisper-shouted as the made their way out, feet pounding on the marble floor in their haste to reach the apparition point.


Jan’ 3rd, 1969

The train whistle of the Hogwarts Express rang out merrily as students boarded from the platform and sought out refuge inside brightly furnished compartments. Hermione and the Black siblings had arrived with no issues, apparating into the platform with Andy on Bella’s arm and Narcissa tucked securely against Hermione’s side. The only grievance they’d been dealt as they passed by the throngs of returning students and parents had been wide-eyed stares and murmured gossip as they passed.

The Prewett clan of redheads had worn sulking eyes and terse stares, peering out at the group from a compartment as they passed by. Though no one exchanged any words Hermione couldn’t help but stoke the fire building in her breast as they passed, memories of their last encounter with Fabian clouding her mind.

The worst part of boarding however had been passing by a compartment near the back that had been filled to bursting with Slytherin students. It was a group of seventh years only two compartments down from their own and close enough to remain within earshot during the trip.

The Lestrange brothers, Corrigan Goyle, Aldalus Crabbe, and Laureli Parkinson were all sitting huddled with one another and glaring angrily towards anyone that passed. Their stares turned to daggers as Bella and Hermione had passed by with the two younger witches securely between them. Hermione had so far had little to no interaction whatsoever with Laureli, something she was quite happy for after finding out that common gossip about the witch was that she was as prim and proper as a pureblood could come, with a stuck up attitude to match.

Rudolphus himself wore a pinched expression to his face as he glared down his nose to the group of witches when they passed by. His dark eyes were filled with wrath that sent a shiver of fear lancing down Hermione’s back. She could already tell that he would be trouble at some point this year. Rabastan was a different story however. Instead of anger or resentment in his eyes he’d instead looked at her with what seemed like sadness and pity. As soon as they’d locked eyes he’d turned to find something else more interesting on the floor of their compartment, leaving Hermione confused and determined to find out the reason for his peculiar attitude.


As the sun began to set across the hillside and the train ride had only reached tis midpoint, the door to the shared compartment slid open. In a flash of movement Agath was awoken, hissing out a warning and winding her body around Hermione’s neck in an effort to wake her. When the movement finally brought the dozing witch out of her dreams she reacted by sitting up out of Bella’s grasp and slipping her wand from its holder to point in the face of the intruder. The movement startled Bella awake, who only took a half second before mirroring the actions of Hermione.

Standing before them at wandpoint was a young woman with a lovely tanned complexion that reminded Hermione of holidays spent in Italy and Greece, with eyes of deep amber that were as inviting as they were hidden. Long ochre colored that was streaked with black hung down at the witch’s side in an intricate braid that left the tip reaching past her waist to swing back and forth as she flinched back from Hermine’s hostile greeting.

Her hands raised slowly into a surrender pose as she attempted to make herself seem like less of a threat and Hermione replied in kind by dropping her wand to point at the floor. As the moment stretched out Hermione could feel her panting breath still back into a normal rhythm while her mind was struck with an odd sort of familiarity.

“I don’t mean you any harm,” the mystery girl spoke after flashing them all a brilliantly white but too sharp smile, “I just wanted to talk.”

Bella leaned forward from her position against the window to nudge at her sisters with a foot and at the same time gestured towards a space at the end of the bench for the witch to sit.

As she did so, Narcissa awoke, eyes blinking slowly as she rubbed sleep away and peered about their compartment. When she settled her gaze upon the girl she gave a slight smile before speaking.

“Hey Allesa.”

“Hey Issa, Andy,” the witch bowed slightly in her seat towards Bella and Hermione. “Madam’s Black, Grenier. Pleasure to meet you.”

Hermione straightened her back as she sat up further and inched her body backwards until she was pressed securely against Bella’s front.

“Hi. And you are…?”

“Allesandra Zabini, third year,” she replied with only the barest hint of an accent, “I’ve seen you both around.”

“Nice to meet you then Alesandra.” Hermione relaxed fully into Bella as she placed her wand back inside the holster strapped to her forearm.

“Please, feel free to call me Allesa. But pleasantries and first meetings aren’t why I’m here.”

Hermione’s head cocked to the side and her eyes narrowed as the witch finished speaking.

“How’d you do it?”

“...Do what?” Hermione replied as Bella moved to wrap her arms around Hermione’s waist and pull her closer still.

“How’d you manage to take out Old Man Lestrange? Everyone on the train is talking about it, they have been since we boarded. But no one seems to know exactly what happened.”

Narcissa turned away from the conversation while Andy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, preferring to avoid the topic of something that had so recently affected her.

Seconds passed by in silence as the group of witches stared at one another while Hermione contemplated on whether she should answer or ask Allesa to leave. The witch seemed to notice the hesitation in her gaze and so saved her the chance to make a decision.

“That might have come across as inappropriate. I’m not trying to be a gossip, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m just interested in knowing how you did it. What spell you used. Whatever it was, I want it.” Her voice reached a sinister inflection as she finished and shot them a smile filled with sharp teeth.

“Why?” Bella asked quietly.

“Because,” Allesa shrugged, “Why not? What if someone makes an untoward advance on me? I’d need some way to protect myself from assault and we all know exactly how useless Mayweather is.”

Hermione cleared her throat softly before speaking up in reply, “I can’t tell you. Even if I wanted to, I’m bound by the Ministry in regards to the spells that were used.”

While not exactly untrue, it wasn’t the full truth either. It was however just enough of both to ease Hermione’s conscience. She’d needed to sign a multitude of forms and documents before leaving the Ministry after Lestrange’s attack and among the group had been a single page that bound her from teaching or informing anyone of the particular spell that she’d used to end his life. Hermione hadn’t given the document much thought at the time but looking back on it she realized how little it meant. Bella had such easy access to her mind and already possessed a copy of the memory. If someone really wanted to learn the spell then all they would need to do is ask the dark haired witch instead. Not that she’d tell that to Allesa. Hermione was also quite sure that if someone did ask Bella that the witch would almost assuredly say yes just to get a kick out of whatever happened to the intended target.

A defeated look crossed Allesa’s face at that, before she turned the conversation into other subjects.


The return feast, as lovely as ever and filled with as much food and drink as the students could inhale, had filled Hermione back up with nervous energy instead of mirth. Nothing but glares awaited her from many of the other Slytherin’s, and even Bella’s rather prestigious standing among them did nothing to tone it down. Andy and Cissa were mostly spared, instead shot pitying looks from many that grew into sad frowns at how much less movement Andy had in her arm.

Rudolphus was by far the worst of the lot, sending Hermione hate filled glares and even sneering down on the younger witches as he stuck his knife deep into a portion of roast something on his plate. As the merriment surrounding them wore on his glare morphed into a predatory smile, glinting in the candlelight at some unknown thought. Hermione could feel her runes reacting to her emotional state at that, tightening the skin beneath them and tingling with unexpressed energy.

Rabastan threw her a few pitiable looks, glancing back to his plate as soon as he caught her eye. Hermione reminded herself again to get some time alone with him at some point soon to see where his heart lay on the matter, before the hope of his intervention could pass them by.

The Prewett trio sat across the Hall with Gryffindor, purposefully seated against the wall so as to get a clear look at Hermione and Bellatrix, eyes radiating maliciousness and anger beneath their mops of unruly red hair.

‘This is shaping up to be a fun few months…’, she thought wearily to herself as the rattle of dishware and hum of voices continued on around her, oblivious to the stench of wrath wrapping around them all.


The walk back to the dungeons was simple enough, Hermione trailing off behind the greater group of students while Andy hovered protectively over Narcissa, Lucius at her side. When they came down the last staircase and stood before the statue guarding entrance, a shadow departed from a nearby dark hallway to advance upon them. As it entered the light the form of Professor Slughorn materialized from the darkness, done up in his winter robes and hair askew. His cheeks were a ruddy red color, the same as his blotchy nose, and his gait somewhat unsteady. The smell of firewhiskey rolled off him as he pointed towards Hermione and Bella, motioning them out of the greater group of students and off into a separate hallway.

“Ah, ladies, I’m so glad I managed to catch you before you turned in.”

“Professor Slughorn, good evening,” Bella replied in a tone of forced delight. She barely managed to keep herself from rolling her eyes at the overbearing professor, wishing instead that he’d bothered anyone but them.

“I do hope you two managed to have a pleasant break despite the, er, difficulties. I was quite relieved to hear that you both made it out in one piece. Shame about your father though, I do feel so deeply for your loss.”

“Thank you Professor,” Bella’s voice dropped into an obviously tired and annoyed tone, “Did you need anything Professor?”

“Ah, yes, yes. The Headmaster would like to speak with the two of you in his office before you head off for the night, something about ensuring you are both well enough to continue for the year after that bit of… unpleasantness. The password is Cream Shakes, he’s expecting you.”

Both witches thanked the professor before turning back to head up the stairs they had only just so recently descended, heading up in silence towards Dumbledore’s office.

Agath, at least, appeared to enjoy their trip. Her tongue flicked out persistently as the snake took in its new surrounds and the smells of so many people. Tucked up as she was into the folds of Hermione’s robes, the animal could only peer out occasionally, otherwise remaining tightly bound around her wrist. Hermione ran a finger down the scales of Agath’s back as they neared the stonework hiding the entrance to Dumbledore’s office, worried about keeping the little snake hidden and away from his view. She still wasn’t sure what his stance would be upon seeing a creature that technically shouldn’t have been born like it was and had been determined during the trip back to keep Agath a secret for as long as possible.

When they reached the gargoyle she uttered the phrase and the statue ground of out of the way, revealing the spiraling staircase behind it. Taking hold of Bella’s proffered hand to thread their fingers together, they ascended up into the office.

“Ah,” Dumbledore exclaimed as they opened the door and stepped through, “How good to see the both of you. I can’t tell you how worried we all were when we heard the news, I’m so glad to see you’ve both come out of it well.”

“We didn’t all come out of it well,” Bellatrix answered with an edge to her tone, “My sister was almost killed as a result of that fool’s attack.” Dumbledore nodded minutely at her words, spreading his hands out in invitation for them to sit.

“Be that as it may, you are all well enough and with no permanent harm, correct?” His old eyes twinkled at some hidden knowledge as they sat down in the empty chairs before his desk. Bella immediately sought out everything and anything to look at except Dumbledore, eventually settling upon a staring contest with Fawkes. The phoenix was surprisingly young looking, startling Hermione who hadn’t expected him to resurrect so soon.

“You wanted to speak with us sir?” Hermione asked as the silence continued on around them. Agath was rustling beneath her robe, tightening and coiling around her wrist and forearm as she climbed.

“Yes, yes. I’ve a few questions that I’d like to go over with the two of you. Are you both still attending lessons with Tom Riddle?”

Bella immediately clenched up and hissed out through her teeth when Dumbledore said Voldemort’s real name, something that wasn’t missed by the quick eyes of Dumbledore or Hermione.

“Yes. He’s extended his offer for tutelage in light of the recent tragedy the Black’s have suffered, and included me as well for the part I played in its end.”

Dumbledore nodded before replying, “I see. Then please ask him for the approximate times and dates, and give them to Horace as soon as you can. Has anything else come up during your break?”

“Nothing yet sir,” Bella started before Hermione could even get a chance to reply.

“We would however like to make it known that Rudolphus Lestrange has made overtures in the past against my health with regard to my courting of Bellatrix. Now that the… situation, has spiraled out so much, we’d like it to be made a matter of record that we will retaliate should he conspire to harm us, or Bellatrix’s sisters.” The words were out of Hermione’s mouth before she knew it, hoping to make at least some part of this known so that the younger witches would be safe from any retaliation. 

“I’ll have Horace speak with the brothers then, and should anything come to light, please don’t hesitate to let myself or Horace know. We’ll deal with it as soon as possible.”

Something in the way his eyes seemed to grow darker as he said that made Hermione extremely suspicious that he would follow up with that assurance.


The scar on Hermione’s forearm was pounding in displeasure as the duo made their way down to the dungeons. The statue guarding entrance slid away silently and the common room was mercifully empty as they made their way forward and down the hall to Hermione’s single. Hermione had only a moment to smile at the two trunks side by side in the middle of the room before the door behind her slammed shut and Bella rounded on her.

“We shouldn’t tell him anything, I don’t trust the old bat.” Her words were hurried and through a mixture of slight anger Hermione could detect an undercurrent of fear.

“We should. I don’t trust him either, but we’ll need him if we’re to play on both sides and still come out ahead. We can’t count on Voldemort not to use us and discard us at the soonest opportunity, or whenever we end up displeasing him. We’ll need allies, even if we’re not on their side.” Hermione backed up towards the bed, pushing the trunk out of the way and eyeing Bella as the witch paced back and forth.

“But we’ve got no idea what’s going on with him though, you saw the parchment, it had your name, both of your names,” she raised her hands in exasperation before clenching them at her side, “We only know of three people with that information right now.”

“Well what do you suggest then?” Hermione began to disrobe and tossed aside her uniform, “We need allies. We can’t do this with just us, and we can’t just stick to Voldemort’s side.”

“We wait, we figure out what Dumblefuck might want from us, and then, only then, do we propose anything to him or give him any information.”

“Fine,” Hermione could feel the beginning of a headache bloom into existence at the base of her skull, “But we’ll need to give something to him. Anything at all to keep his peace. I’ve already made a deal with him regarding information from our study sessions, so we’ll need to come up with something else.”

Bella stood next to the door, head turned up and eyes blankly staring up to the ceiling and chest moving steadily as she fought to calm herself.

“We can take care of the Basilisk. Remove the curse or jinx or whatever it is on the D.A.D.A. position. But first things first, we need to kill that snake,” she turned towards Agath, “No offense to your kind little one, but that Basilisk has got to go.”

Hermione sat down wearily on the bed, arm out for Agath to climb off and onto the nearby nightstand, before opening her arms up wide and beckoning Bella to join her. When the witch was within her grasp Hermione set about removing her clothing, fingers taking their time with each button and lace until the witch was nude and calmed down into passivity. Releasing her glamours, Hermione scooted back into the bed and dragged Bella along with her, arms and legs wrapping around the witch as she sighed deeply into the mess of curls atop Bella’s head.

“Okay then. We’ll take care of the Basilisk first. Then the jinx. Then gather whatever information we can on both sides, as much as we can. Then we do what?”

“We make him an offer he won’t be able to refuse,” Bella murmured in a small voice, “The war will start in what, two years? Maybe less, maybe more, depending on how my father’s death changes things. Voldemort will accept us into his ranks if we agree to his year of on-boarding. Once we’ve got that set up, we give it to Dumbledore. Offer to spy for them both.”

Hermione tensed at the suggestion. She’d seen how that affected Snape, how torn he’d been between what he wanted to do and what was right for the war effort. He’d led a hollow existence, constantly pulled between warring titans that in the end cared very little for him beyond how he could be used.

“Are you sure about that,” she asked, “I’ve seen what being a spy for them is like, it nearly killed, or I guess will nearly kill, Severus.”

“Yes. We’ll be in the perfect spot to ferry whatever information we want. We’ll have easy access to them both.”

Hermione sunk further into the bed, wrapped securely around Bella and tired beyond measure as sleep lured her in. Bella dispelled her own glamours, turning to embrace Hermione. Her fingernails scratched gently against the outline of the snake patronus on her lover’s arm, tracing up and down the wild pattern of curls and coils on the neon inked reptile.

“I’m worried,” Hermione breathed out against Bella’s neck, punctuating the end of her sentence with a kiss on warm skin.

“Me too. But we’ve got this.” The dark witch scratched patterns into Hermione’s back as she pulled her closer.

“We need to plan this out, get some assurances in place. And still find a way to retain usefulness to Voldemort that doesn’t hinge on us murdering people. Something that won’t put us on the line.”

“We can run some arithmantic predictions tomorrow, the Room of Requirement should suffice. Then work out occlumency with Cissa and Andy.”

Hermione perked up as a thought flashed through her mind, hand stilling and fingernails diffing lighting into Bella’s skin. She knew it was hard, that they might not make it, but it could work.

“We should stay at the castle after term is up. Find a way to keep ourselves close to Dumbledore. Something that will let us pass information. I can imagine that Voldemort would be pleased to have someone constantly in the loop.”

“How would we do that though? We’re a little young and inexperienced for a professorship.”

“After our year with Voldemort we can apply for Masteries. I don’t know about you but after getting all this ink, I could go for a Runes Mastery. Maybe Arithmancy as well, or Transfig.”

“That would work,” Bella smiled into Hermione’s temple, “Apply for professorship after we get Masteries, or one of us can look for employment in the Ministry. It’ll put us both somewhere that’s useful for each of them.”

Their talk continued, working plans and coming up with theories on how to accomplish them, until finally the night caught up to them both. As they drifted off, secure in one another’s arms, smiles graced their faces at the first bit of good news for the year.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => c1080135a0ff185229d3ff27b92dbe17de0c0943 ) [38] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 27. Book 1: Cold Blooded [timestamp] => 1561759200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 27: Book 1: Cold Blooded


Very little editing, I'll run through it again at a later date. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter Text

“So are you going to actually help or…?” Her tone was petulant, even to her own ears, but Hermeione could hardly help the irritation from invading her mannerisms. It was abundantly clear by now that Bella had absolutely no interest in actually helping.

But still. Asking was polite.

“Are you going to actually help?” Her darker haired partner replied with a snide tone and barely even looked up to register the exasperation evident in Hermione’s face.

“Bella…” Hermione used her best, ‘Dealing with Children’ tone.

“Ah come on Em’, it’s been four hours n' we’ve found nothing. We should just start moving things out of here. Or assign me something less boring at least.”

The pile of books that Hermione had bundled against her chest reached the ground with a thump before spilling out over themselves while she cocked her hip and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You,” she pointed a thin finger at Bella, “have been building castles with shrunken books for over an hour at this point. We’d’ve both been done and out of here ages ago if you’d just stuck to the plan and helped, instead of insisting on playing around like an unruly child while wasting our time.”

The dark haired witch squinted, peering up at Hermione, before sighing heavily and rising to her knees. 

“Yes, I’ll agree that we could have been done quicker if I’d made a full effort, but it’s boring.”


“Yes, boring. We can look at them all later. And besides,” she spread her hands out to show off her miniaturized castle with her as the queen, “I am helping. Look how neat this all is. Blood runes,” she pointed towards the outer wall, “Curse imbibement,” two tall towers standing side by side, “And all the rest. You get the picture.”

She leaned back on her haunches, a lazy smile playing across her face as she observed her meticulously crafted disorder. Inspection complete, she turned back to face Hermione.

And promptly felt her grin tighten in fright.

The witch’s eyes were… well, glaring daggers would be a monstrous understatement at this point.

“Ahem,” she coughed and shrank back, “Well, guess I’ll pack it in then.”


Seconds ticked by into minutes that transitioned as slowly as possible into hours while the pair continued their scouring of the library. Hermione was a cruel taskmaster, keeping their pace harsh while she flipped through books at a frightening pace only to turn and toss the miniaturized versions into the extension charmed bag that kept floating along directly behind her. 

The back left quadrant of the library had been dispelled after only a few minutes of wandwork by Bella, glyphs and tainted cones of light splaying out across the bindings to scour the curses from their pages. Most had been spelled to prevent anyone not of Black blood to touch them, but some had gone so far as to relegate safe handling to only one or two specific people. 

It was a process that Hermione had been intensely pleased to watch. Bella had moved with all the grace of a dancer, flipping her wand from side to side; counter clockwise and back, all the while murmuring words of bygone languages in a near constant stream. It was magic that captivated Hermione, pure and simple.

The rest of the room had simply been spelled to ward off touch, either through painful shocks or mild curses that would do no more than inconvenience someone to prevent them from trying again. Those were the easiest to remove from their home, a quick Wingardium floating them up and out of their resting spots to open for Hermione’s casual perusal. 

It was a ridiculously simple workaround to something that should have been much tougher, and Hermione could hardly stop the chuckle that came out when she thought about the lack of protection.

Eventually they had isolated all the books they’d needed into a single bag, weightless and floating open with the expectation for more. It had taken just a swift call to Malbon and the elf had apparated away with their ill-gotten goods. His method of apparition was a mystery to Hermione, able to take inanimate objects but not people, and one that she swore to solve as soon as her world stopped turning on a dime.

When their task in the library had finished both witches set out to the sisters bedrooms, turning to magic to stirp them clean. Everything, from the rugs to the faintest scraps of parchment were transported to Château de Grenier. The stripped bare rooms were an oddity, along with the mostly missing library, that Bella chose to cover up by illusion. Scrap quills, knuts, practically any debris that she could get her hands on were transfigured into lookalikes to pacify whichever family members came by to take their claims. That Bella garnered amusement from the idea of her family members suddenly finding everything empty was just an extra perk to the extensive spellwork.

The last of the items passed to the Château before a rapid tapping at the window alerted them both to a rather regal looking horned owl. 

Tawny and over puffed with an inflated self-importance, the look was both magnificent and far too pompous for a bird. A leg ending in sharp talons was outstretched as soon as Bella opened the window, beak chattering as it impatiently awaited the letter's removal. When she finally untied the delicate knot holding it to the bird, the owl nipped her fingers twice and flew off into the dusky sky with snow kicking up as it raced away.

“Who’s it from?” Hermione peered over her shoulder to get a look at the yellowed envelope.

“Don’t know. Expect we will once I open it. A little late for mail though, isn’t it?” She peered out into the evening beyond the window where snow continued falling steadily from gray clouds backed by a setting sun.

“A little bit. Come on, hurry up.”

Bella nudged Hermione with her elbow before turning around and unpacking the envelope. 

Contained within was a single sheet of folded parchment, colored in a spotless eggshell white and written in black ink that seemed to glitter gold in the flickering light of the room. Turning it further to the light, Bella began to read it aloud.

‘Madam Black,

I am so sorry for your loss. I was immensely worried when the news first reached me and I hope that both you and your sisters are well and unharmed. 

Your Father was an immense supporter of mine, unbending in his adulation of the Cause, and a good man,’ Bella snorted in subdued laughter before continuing, ‘His unexpected passing has brought turmoil to both of our spheres, and I would greatly appreciate a face to face meeting to determine how we’ll go forward from here. If you wouldn’t mind it I would like to meet with you as soon as possible, say three thirty tomorrow? If this time is not amenable to you, please owl back with a recommendation. 

Warmest regards,

Lord Voldemort, Heir to House Slytherin & Gaunt.’

Bella folded the letter in half, dropping it into the fire at her side before sitting down heavily into a worn armchair with a huff.

“Condolences from a Dark Lord, who’d have thought you’d rate so highly?” Hermione said as she walked over to straddle Bella’s waist, peppering kisses across the curve of her neck as they both absorbed the news.

“Should we receive him then?” She asked, before nipping at the curve of Bella’s throat.



The night ran long from there. 

A quick Floo call to Grimmauld place had both Bellatrix and Hermione feeling better. The conversation had avoided the circumstances of the sister's separation but covered what little they could. Words passed quickly under the effects of a Muffliato, plans and promises to keep the two younger witches safe. 

That conversation behind them, Hermione and Bellatrix then turned to their preparations for the coming visit and remainder of their school year, deep within the bowels of the Manor and hidden behind locked doors.

The room was like most others, large, impressively stocked,  with charmed windows that peered into the outside even though they were ensconced in the middle of the Manor. A single fireplace warmed the room, taller than Hermione was and deeper even than her arm span. Heat came roaring out of the space as the great fire sucked in massive amounts of air to pull a warm breeze throughout the room. 

High ceilings were painted in relief with images that hearkened back to Rome and ancient wars, witches and wizards standing side by side during great battles and among rousing groups of senators. The walls were only half wallpapered, the bottom a dark ebony wood and the top half covered in ivory wallpaper that seemed to enhance the size of the room through visuals alone.  

The whole space practically rang with the call of Magic, placed directly in the center of the home to absorb as much runoff as it could. When Hermione first entered she could feel the residual dregs of the recent battle settling in among the years built up energy.

With a flick of their wrists the carpets and rugs were tugged away from the center and the fireplace before they folded themselves into neat piles underneath the enchanted windowsill. All the while different furniture items neatly placed themselves flush to the wall to open up the space.

When they were finished altering the room they both summoned in their tools for the night, a cauldron and heavy stand, eighteen branding irons, and phials beyond measure all packed tightly into an enlarged box.

It was time to start the rituals.


“Next rune?” Hermioen’s voice rang hollow with the impassiveness of dealing with her pains, too inured to the pain to be anything but utilitarian at that moment. The cauldron situated over the fire continued bubbling away amid the labored breathing of the duo, oblivious to their pain or discomfort over the past hour. 

“Yes, hurry on with it.” Bella tossed aside the freezing cold rag she’d been using to wash over her new rune marks, the pile of wet cloth landing with a wet splat a few meters away.

She gritted her teeth down over a leather bit, biting back the scream in her throat that sought to tear itself from her when the burning metal met the top of her hand. She’d thought that experiencing multiple applications beforehand would dull the pain to any degree but it had instead seemed to make every subsequent brand hurt even worse. 

The pain seemed to over and float through her body even as the brand was removed only seconds after application. Sizzle and the smell of burnt flesh left behind a crisscross of bright red lines that shimmered across her skin as the magic within them activated and latched onto her soul.

“How are you holding up?” Hermione set the brand aside before wrapping Bella’s shoulders in a rather pitiful hug, squeezing as much as her tired body would allow.

“Bloody well I think, least for now. Gimme a minute?” She rolled off to the side and onto her back with her limbs splayed out and breath panting out in a rush. She fought to focus and remind herself that in the end all this was worth the pain.

‘Fiendfyre,’ she thought, ‘In the palm of my hand, forever…’

The branding proceeded from there, each marking the other in ink stolen from their own blood, magic forced to bind with their essence in a permanent display. Each had hurt them both badly, especially the jagged runes marking their upper chest, searing the flesh beneath and forcing them to lock each other up in a body bind while it was applied. It was worth it though when the runes glowed off neon red and sparked as magic flowed through them.

Their chests had perhaps undergone the worst rune, a mashed up amalgamation of letters and swirls that felt like a pinpoint Cruciatus when applied and still constantly burned on the periphery of their senses. It was necessary though.

A direct portkey stitched into their body, aimed towards Château de Grenier, but programmable with enough effort to land them wherever they wanted, provided they linked the location beforehand.

Hermione hadn’t thought that the runes would be successful at first, and oddly enough, her first instinct after reading through the passage in a worn tome hastily thrust into her hands by a smirking Bella had been to scoff and call it the ravings of a mad man.

It wasn’t exactly what she had wanted. When she’d first thought of making them specific portkeys for returning to the Manor she had zeroed in on using some item of jewelry that couldn’t be spelled off of them, but a few hours in the Black Library and the sing-song lure of dark magic had led her to using themselves as the catalyst instead. And it did have at least one advantage over others. Portkeys were liable to be lost, even ones spelled to remain with them, but a magic bound to their body and soul was not so easily gotten rid of. 

It seemed that necessity, and Bella’s pushes, had become quite the facilitator for dark magics in Hermione’s life. And even with the pain of application still stinging against her breastbone, she couldn’t be happier that she’d agreed to it.

The rune linked up through the occlumency runes on their backs, channeling the magic when they activated the portkey and alerting the other to its use. It would be painful, and something that needed more extensive testing than the quick diagnostics that Hermione had run, but if they worked as advertised and delivered them both from danger and into the warded monstrosity of a Manor that she now owned, it would be worth it.

The binding imprinted on their front was stronger than the multiple runes on their backs, focused and distilled through an honest ritual sacrifice, had led to a crackle of energy and magic that was purpose fed to deliver them from wherever they were to halfway across the world, at any given moment that it could be activated.

The more difficult parts of the application hadn’t been pain based. It had instead been the initial sacrifice and subsequent formation of a Fidelius charm.

The spell was complicated, old and mutated over time as brilliant witches and wizards had added to its effectiveness, and casting it upon a person’s thoughts of a location was as much luck as it was invention. No harder than applying it to a rigid location, but difficult and different nonetheless.

The sacrifice had also gone off without a hitch. One life, that of a goat purchased from a locally sourced farm (as Hermione wouldn’t accept anything less than the best), had been sent below, and after that they had a winding web of gold and red painted out in crushed pyrite and blood. A few soft words, wand waves, and magical diffusion later, and they had spelled the brands to imbibe them with portkeys that could never reveal their destination, even if someone tracked them from where they left.

After their branding the air surrounding them smelled of incense and the iron tang of blood, a hazy mist spread out across the ceiling that swirled and churned with the eddy currents of magic suffusing the room. They were both sat side by side, skin to skin, a variety of shapes and symbols patterned into their skin with blood left dripping off the metal instruments lying around them. 

Shatter resistance, Aguamenti, Expelliarmus, and anti-incarcerous were among the litany of new brands, symbols tracing inwards at specific points on their bodies to maximize the output of magic. Lines and symbols dotted the outside of their forearms, their palms, down their torso the settle above heated cores. One mark, directly under their chin, was pointed and flared enough that the edges wrapped in a Y shape to touch the corners of their lips. Each was unique, though similar motifs peppered each. A single long line, dotted with blank spaces, raced down the inside of their thighs to connect with a mass of right angles burned into their knees.

It was, Hermione thought, beautiful in a way that Muggle tattoos and brands could never be. Beneath the skin, beneath the deep bloodred, swirled more magic than she’d thought she could produce, at least on a casual scale. 

The months of learning with Bella had coupled well with the intensive physical and mental workouts that Voldemort led them through had expanded her abilities and reserves far beyond anything she’d once thought possible. If this was the low end of how people like Voldemort or Dumbledore felt all the time, then she couldn’t stop herself from wanting more of it.

Three runes on the nape of their necks had been the last to be applied. Three curving and stylized R’s with a T that curved out to the right and hooked onto the next in line. The closing efforts of their nighttime session of heat and blood. Devised to cover the rest in a purpose built glamour, these three runes would be the only ones to remain visible, while they worked to cover up all the rest.

They had been devised via a recommendation suggested in a Dark tome on ancient Byzantine warding, and spun out into the beautiful shapes now adorning their bodies. The last thing that the witches wanted was someone noticing the flowing tapestry of their bodies, and even if these were visible, they could be played off as simple tattoos, a story they had agreed to before embarking on their new marks.

To Hermione’s immense satisfaction the runes would also cover up the existence of the scar on her arm, leaving her free and no longer beholden to the application of the fading glamour.

She could feel the magic seeping throughout her body, entering her bones and veins and surging around the newly confining space. It wasn’t so much something that hurt her as it was a rather pleasant feeling of being flush and energetic. Her body sang beneath the sweet reminders of pain in the limelight cast by the new magic.

‘We’ve been doing this all for the right reasons,’ she reminded herself as she looked around the frankly terrifying room. 

The floor was spattered with blood and crushed mineral, a severed goat hoof lay off against the stonework of the fireplace and the remnants of ash dotted the floor space.

The cauldron in front of them still swirled, now filled with a reduced mixture of blood and metal, sparkling chips of energy sparking into nothingness as the concoction churned.

“Time for the last?” Bella’s question was hoarse and soft, hidden by a forearm draped across her face.

“Yes. The Patronus marks. Won’t ward off dementors, but should stop them from sucking out our souls or good memories.”

“I’ll take your word for it, don’t really want to get up close and test that theory.”

Hermione left her position with a pained sigh, standing to grab a box of empty phials and a large cast iron ladle. Careful of the burning mixture she scooped the contents into the glass containers for later use, while setting aside a generous portion for their last task of the night.

Bella stared unabashedly as Hermione strode about in all her glory, her body a series of sharply defined angles hiding under curves and muscle, light leaking out from the brands they’d applied and softly wrapped in an aura of deep magic. She could feel it lingering in the room, mixing with traces that the Manor had picked up over the years, permeating and lingering with Hermione’s scent to form something uniquely distinct and wholly her own.

“Alright,” Hermione grabbed up the last full phial from the cauldron, “Let’s do this.”

The glass glowed a neon blue when she was done, soft light radiating from the phial amid a swirl of neon blue metal, falling and churning like glitter in a bottle.

Hermione grabbed up Bella’s wand from where it sat near the base of the fireplace, twirling the solid wood between her fingers as if it were her own. Ever since she’d been marked by Lestrange the wand had felt… different underneath her control, and it seemed that the feeling extended even into the past. As time had passed she’d found herself more and more proficient at borrowing Bellatrix’s wand, while her own became more stubborn as time went on. She was close to the point of visiting Ollivander again and seeing if any of the other wands strained to be with her, eager and interested in knowing how much she’d changed since the man had last seen her.

With a careful movement, counterclockwise thrice and then flicked sharply to the left and dropped twenty-three degrees, no more and no less, the phial between her fingers exploded outwards into a neon display of glittering silver white as the material within burned with unexpressed magic.

Sitting down beside Bellatrix she took the stopper off and gently ran her fingers down the outside of Bella’s triceps and gently kissed the skin. In a fluid movement she upturned the phial at the top of Bella’s shoulder, allowing all the liquid inside to fall out and cover the pale skin.

The inky blue patch swelled as it coated her arm, flashing at intervals with blue and white as the magic took hold and marked the witch. With a sound of bees and chittering animals the liquid began pulling in on itself into a recognizable pattern, returning from the wide ink blotches to form her soul tattoo.

The magic she was attempting was old, possibly older than the author themselves, who seemed to only be recording something they’d heard rather than seen. It had been written on parchment, near faded and so badly torn in some spots that Hermioen’s eyes had blurred and become bloodshot the more she worked to translate it. Eventually though her persistence had won out, and the information contained therein had bloomed a fascination inside of her that would not be quenched. 

Bella’s first reaction upon learning of it had been to scoff and say that she’d believe it when she’d seen it, to which Hermione had immediately taken as a challenge. And now, sitting together with burning liquid etching a visible outline of Bella’s soul into her arm, she sat in wonderment as her hard work paid off.

Bella was hissing in pain, an expected but undesired side effect, jaw clenched shut as the fluid worked, body flushing red in pain and exertion. When she started shivering Hermione brought a hand to her back, rubbing soothing circles and hoping it would end quickly. And indeed, it was. Instead of the outline she’d been expecting, a crow of similar variety to the Patronus that the witch had formed within the Room of Requirement, she got something similar but not quite so.

It wasn’t a crow.

It was a raven, large and majestic. The massive bird’s outstretched wings wrapped around Bella’s shoulder and tricep, its tail feathers tickling the crook of her elbow. The hooked beak, so distinctly that of a corvid but not a crow, was open as if squawking in greeting. Intricate feathers were etched to outline a brilliantly pale blue mark, dots of silver metal gleaming throughout in the appearance of starshine.

Hermione could only stare in wonderment at what she considered to be one of the most beautiful markings she’d ever seen.

“Well, how’s it look?”

“Amazing,” Hermioen replied in a sing-song whisper, finger grazing the outline of feathers and retracting at the warmth it carried within. “Though, it’s not a crow. Raven, more like.”

Bella screwed her face up in confusion, no doubt wondering the same as Hermione about where her crow had gone.

“Never knew someones Patronus could change, never heard of it.” She brought her hand to the marking, fingers grazing over Hermione’s as she swiped up and down.

“I didn’t either, but I guess it could make some sense? I mean, you’re not a static person your whole life. We all change and grow. If your Patronus is a reflection of your inner self then it stands to reason it could grow and change with you.”

“Well then what defines a Patronus’ form? What qualities? Is it a reflection of known personality characteristics or something that only Magic can interpret?”

“No clue,” Hermione sighed out, “I guess you’d need a large study group to track it over time and keep with them for quite a few years. And usually the spell is only mastered later on in life, not many people our age can conjure one that’s fully formed. Maybe later in life your soul is more fixed, or rigid? Like it’s been bent into shape by all your experiences…” She trailed off, hand grasping Bella’s to twine their fingers together.

“Do mine now?” 


Bella performed the ritual this time, hands moving deftly as she turned from phial to subject with the grace and poise of a dancer. As she sat down on crossed legs she dragged Hermione down with her, a warm hand closed around the wrist and tugging at her to hurry up.

This phial was much the same, blue and neon at intervals, swirling with a silvery glitter that spun to its own tune, regardless of how much she shook or twirled the container. When Hermione nodded and bit down on a leather bit, she upturned the container and let the magic spill down.

Sparks danced behind Hermione’s eyelids as the liquid doused her skin, a sucker punch of heat and pain bursting to life all along the now covered muscle of her shoulder and arm. In the manner of a few seconds her teeth had sunk a few more millimeters into the leather as the pain reached a crescendo and plateaued.

Slowly, so much so that drops of sweat beading up on her skin had time to race down the length of her body, the intense pain began morphing into a building heat not dissimilar to the feeling espoused by her scar when Bella was enraptured with strong emotion. The liquid sizzled and danced on her skin as it worked until she could feel the flesh underneath it churn and stretch. Her shoulder and muscles in her arm began cramping in waves, pulsing at the rhythm of her heartbeat before it all, at once, was over.

Air exploded from her lungs, startling the witch at how long she must have held her breath. Spots danced between her vision before the lightheadedness faded to be replaced by clarity. Steadying herself as much as she could she splayed out backwards and landed with her back to Bella’s chest, a warm pair of arms wrapping around her waist.

“Well,” she asked in an exhausted whisper, “How is it?” She conjured the image in her head, an otter dancing somewhere on the meat of her arm in some form of playful fashion, long and bright as the day-

“Um, well… You should just take a look.”

With a flick of her wand Bella conjured a mirror to their side and angled Hermione with her arms so that she could view into it. The witch tensed in her hold, body immediately freezing as the mirror image of her eyes widened and glanced hurriedly up and down.

Hermione could feel her heart begin to stutter at the sight of it, her breath drawing in and hitching in the back of her throat. 

‘That’s not possible’

Her eyes roamed over the surface of her skin, up and down, as she twisted in place to see the extent of it. Winding its way across the skin of her arm from the crook of her elbow to the tip of her shoulder was a snake. The massive serpent was partially coiled, body winding back in on itself as it stretched out and upwards. Its tongue was poking out, fork pointed towards her neck and riding up the curve of her shoulder.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she whispered under her breath, eyes continuing to widen at the unwelcome sight etched into her skin.

With a huff she turned away from the mirror and stood up from the ground, grabbing up her own wand and turning towards an empty portion of the room before selecting a memory.

“Expecto Patronum,” a white cloud burst forth from the tip of her wand before it began to coalesce into a fine mist and disappeared. Shaking her head and widening her stance she tried the incantation again, to not better results.

By now her body had begun to shiver in the cold air, shaking more and more each time the Patronus failed to materialize.

Bella walked up behind the panicking witch, wrapping her arms around her torso and pressing close up against Hermione, their bodies sharing the feeble warmth of the room.

“What memory are you thinking of?” She asked in a hushed tone, right hand splaying out across the smooth expanse of Hermione’s stomach while the other held her tighter to her front.

“My,” Hermione casted again, “Fucking,” again, “Family!” She tried one last time, not even a whimper of energy emerging from the tip of her wand.

“Calm down,” Bella whispered between gentle nips along the skin of Hermione’s neck. “Try something else,” she pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the muscle rising up underneath her chin. “It’s okay.”

“I don’t know what to think of,” Hermione leaned back fully into Bella’s ministrations, letting her head and neck recline against the witch’s shoulder as she continued worrying skin with lips and teeth.

“Try something recent then? Might help.”

Hermione mumbled in reply, not even understanding the words herself. The scar on her arm began radiating warm heat and soothing acceptance, working in concert with Bella herself in an effort to ground Hermione.

Taking nearly a full minute she concentrated fully on all her recent happiness. Everything prior to her skip through time was now marred by knowing how far removed from them she was. Divorced through not only by people but time as well, those memories were nearly useless to her. It took a few more seconds, her breathing trying to return to a steady rhythm meanwhile, before she focused inwards and raised her wand, casting forth with vigor and a flush of heat pulsing underneath her skin.

A hollow stream of light, white and then blue, ate up the darkness growing in their corner of the room as it spilled forth from her wand tip. Slowly an animal emerged, tip of its snout poking out before the power of the spell ratcheted up and the animal came fully formed into the world. 

The Patronus, only slightly smaller than Nagini had been at the Final Battle, rose up onto its long body to peer back at Hermione, its body swaying lightly as it kept balance and observed them both.

“She’s beautiful,” Bella spoke against the skin of Hermione’s neck, hands and arms tightening possessively.

“Well, she’s me, or my soul or whatever. So I’d hope you’d say that.”

Hermione’s tone of voice was unsure, still confused and in subsection of denial at the change that had been wrought so unexpectedly upon her.

Instead of the beautiful little otter, sleek and powerful, a massive and winding snake had taken its place. 

She could feel her heart racing again, pulse quickening as she stared the Patronus down.

‘This is not me.’

The beast before her watched back with intelligence behind its unblinking blue gaze that both intrigued and unnerved her in equal measure. Muscles spasmed throughout her body, seizing and releasing just as quickly while she began shuddering in place. Sweat broke out across her body before her knees gave out, colliding softly as Bella let her down gently to the hard floor. A sudden loss of balance and lightheadedness stole at her vision, the snake lowering its gaze to keep level with her own.

“It’s-” Her breath caught again, stomach beginning to roil and clench around nothingness while her mind continued speeding up.

‘This is NOT me.’

Fleeting images passed her mind, lost memories of a zoo, an enclosure, warm air and the smell of earth and water pressing in on her from all sides. Children talking excitedly nearby and the overpowering scent of jasmine weaving through it all as she stood pressed to her mother's side and leaned over the enclosure wall to peer down at the beautiful little animals swimming below her.

Her body shook as quiet sobs began wracking her body, the Patronus slithering forward to wind itself around her body. She was distantly aware of Bella leaving her place behind her, more preoccupied with the outpouring of emotion running through her chest to notice either action.

‘They’re gone…’

“I- I don’t-”

There was nothing else. Nothing tangible. Thirty years in the future, eleven years in her past.


‘You have nothing now Muddy,’ a wicked tone spoke up from the depths of her mind, wriggling its way out the back of her skull and into places it should never have been allowed, where it held no right to be.

“You’re dead…” Hermione whispered through the anguish, body shaking and rocking as movement blurred her front and warm hands rose up to cup her face.

‘Oh Pet… and here I thought you were smart for a Mudblood,’ the voice skittered around her skull in whispers as loud as shouts-

“You’re dead-”

‘Gone, but not forgotten-’

A tightness wound its way up her torso, compressing tightly against her skin and bones to bathe her in warmth-

Pale hands grasped at her face, one hand on either cheek, pulling up her gaze from the ghost lying in front of her to the reality seated before her. Onyx eyes as hard chipped as obsidian offered depths for Hermione to swim in and pulled her gently off the ledge she felt herself creeping closer towards. 

The familiar tightness that told her she wasn’t alone in her own head started up, sped along by a gasp of pain and surprise before the burden fell away and was replaced by warm acceptance that mingled with the smooth roughness of the scaled body winding its way across her body.


She knew it wasn’t the truth.

She knew she wasn’t dead.

She was here. Face to face and so close she could feel warm puffs of air beating against her own lips as the witch breathed in fear and worry.

“I’ve got… you’re… be okay,”

She could hear the words but not place the meaning, air slipping in one ear and out the other as she tried to pull herself back into her own body and evict the unwelcome thoughts plaguing her mind. The blue heat across her skin compressed again as heat flooded her body from three angles.

“I’ve got you… you’ll be okay,”

The whispers lingering on the edges of her peripheries faded away as mist in the morning sun, growing fainter every second that she focused on the Bellatrix in front of herself.

“I’ve got you Hermione, you’re safe, you’ll be okay.” Bella’s words came full force as Hermione felt the distinct feeling of suddenly being herself again. Nude skin, warm and flushed but not clammy. Not uncomfortable. The soft compression of her Patronus, more solid than she’d ever believed they could be, wrapping and squeezing around her body in a grounding manner that kept her tethered to the here and now. And Bella, tears sliding down her pale cheeks, hair and curls askew, lips moving as fast as she could talk while warm fingers worried the skin of Hermione’s cheeks.

“It’s a Thunder Blanket…” Hermione whispered out in a voice so hoarse it hurt her own ears.

“A- a what?” Bella leaned in, confused and worried that she’d misunderstood Hermione, or made things worse somehow.

“It’s a Thunder Blanket. It’s a Muggle thing.”

“Okay? What’re those?”

“Muggles who have pets, well some of them anyways, sometimes they have pets that freak out during storms. Like, they get scared and panic? Thunder, lightning. It can overwhelm them sometimes. Panic attacks for dogs, I think,” Bella nodded absently as she searched Hermione’s eyes, “Anyways, when the animal freaks out like that some Muggles will wrap them up in a warm, weighted blanket. It… It comforts them, you know? It helps them feel safe. Secure.”

“Ah…” Recognition lit up Bella’s eyes as she glanced down at the snake wrapping around Hermione, a barely there smirk plastered to its scaly face. “You feel better now?”

The Patronus wrapped around Hermione raised up to set its weightless head upon her shoulder, tongue flicking languidly in Bella’s direction. Hermione eyed it, vision slightly unfocused and still unsure about the bulky animal, before nodding. What remaining stamina she had fled her as she sank down into the dual embrace, heart finally returning to a normal pace. 

Her body aching with the remnants of magic and emotional whiplash, she gave in.

She collapsed forward, a broken mess of emotion held together by the strength of her lover and the newly born form of her soul, a collection of sharp pieces but held together all the same.


“Madam Black, once again I must express my deep sorrow at your loss. Cygnus was an exceptional wizard, one in a generation.”

The face behind the silky smooth voice cracked an awkward frown as if the words tasted off even to him.

“Yes, of course, thank you my Lord.” She led the tall man out through the back and onto the enclosed porch, spelled up so that winter’s harsh chill remained outside where it belonged.

“And how are you sisters faring? I must admit it gave me quite a start to hear that they had been the targets.”

“They are well, thank you. Both are recuperating at my Aunt’s home in the city.”

The echo of sharp heeled Oxford’s clacked against the marble beneath them as walked.

“Good. I’m glad to hear no permanent harm has come to any of you. However,” he paused as he took a seat at the circular table that was dotted with tea cups and crossed one leg over the other, “I must confess that I sought this meeting to offer more than just my condolences.”

Voldemort’s bloodshot eyes narrowed as he peered between the two witches, fingers intertwining as he capped them over his knee.

“What about then?” Bella’s tone was distinctly on edge, still dealing with the ramifications of their experimentation the night prior. Hermione’s feelings mirrored her own, the short haired witch offering nothing more than a greeting while she settled into her seat.

The man, monster, had been tutoring them both for months now, delving into theory and practice rather than indulging in Pureblood fanaticism. Whether his reluctance to address the topic was out of belief that they were already both too inured, or he simply didn’t wish to scare them off, neither witch knew.

Their time spent with him had in many ways been a wonderful boon. The man was a walking repository of ancient knowledge, from ancient curses to medicinal and practical uses for understudied or uncultivated flora and fauna, the man was a walking encyclopedia of dark information.

“Your late Father was a patron to my cause. He believed in it with all his heart, of the good that it could do for the world and all of us. WIth him gone however, that avenue of income and steadfastness has broken.”

Bella kicked back in her chair, looking up and through the glass ceiling to the swirl of gray clouds hovering overhead.

“I’d like to know what else he got from your arrangement as I suppose that tutoring us was likely only a side benefit. Am I right?”

"You’d be correct. He was also receiving the help of my organization in his business dealings, helping to move things about and propose legislation to increase his yields. Again, with his death, those avenues have dried up. Our business dealings have been noticeably less efficient over the past few days.”

Bella tutted in mock sympathy as Voldemort raised a glass of warm tea to his lips. 

“There are however some rather fortunate side effects to this situation as well.” He set the delicate china down on the table with a soft ‘clink’.

“Being?” Bella’s tone was as even as she could muster, her mind already racing ahead to figure out exactly what those effects were.

“I now find myself with two spots to fill. In my inner circle. The inner circle.”

His thin lips upturned in a smirk, confident that both witches at least knew that much.

“And what exactly is this… circle?” Hermione interjected. His dark eyes turned over to her own, piercing in their intensity.

“They’re a group of like-minded individuals, all Pureblood, who strongly oppose the current stance of the Ministry and Society at large. We believe that we’ve kowtowed to Dumbledore and the Minister’s wishes for far too long.”

He sat forward, dropping his crossed legs and leaning against the rim of the table, “I’ll be the first to admit that some of what he’s done has been incredible. But a half-blooded fool is still a Halfblood. His heyday is far behind him and going about while pretending that he and the Minister have our best interests in mind is quite frankly too treasonous against the soul for us to continue.”

Hermione leaned slightly back and opened up her body posture, trying to give off the idea that she was receptive to his words.

“My group and I are preparing, you could say, for the moment that we can retake those positions of authority. For the time to show those who’ve held us at a disadvantage and misused us that we will remain downtrodden no longer. If we don’t throw off their yoke soon, we never will.”

“What benefit do we give you? What benefit do you give us?” Bella slipped into her predetermined role of businesswoman, ready to take up the reins of the conversation and guide it where she needed.

“Straight to the point, I like it. Tell me; what Holiday are you both on right now?”

Bella’s head cocked to the side in confusion before she simply replied, “Yule.”

“By this time next year it will be called a Christmas break. Samhain, these past few months ago? Halloween. Same, again and again for all Wizarding holidays. Salazar’s scales, they’ve already removed Wizarding Tradition from the curricula at Hogwarts. They’ve instituted quotas for the least populous among us. Supplanted fine bred stock with mud to fill out their portfolio and put on the charade that they care.” 

As his voice rose Hermione snuck a glance at Bella, eyes sharp as her lover’s face remained unreadable and gray.

“They’ve removed the power that had once been stable across this region for almost two millennia, since the days that great Merlin rode out across the channel to conquer Brittania. And the worst part of it all is that the Mudbloods don’t even want it! The current secrecy laws keep them as much in the dark as Muggles until they’re first found and introduced. They grow up ignorant of our laws, ignorant of our culture, while we’re told to sit idly by the wayside and see power unheard-of be locked and throttled into submission as the Ministry throws the keys to our inexperienced jailors. 

The slightest crack of Bella’s thin smile brought Hermione’s full attention, eyes shifting over as she struggled to keep her ears open to Voldemort’s words.

“Dumbledore isn’t out there, marching for the uplifting of squibs. He’s not out there lobbying on behalf of the Mudbloods, screaming to raise them from the dirt they were born in, trained and trussed until they could act as our equals. No, no, he’s not doing that. He’s dragging us down instead. Him and his incompetent Ministry. They’re both dragging us down to their level, all the while claiming that we should thank him for it. Well, I say no more. We need to resist. What has he done for the Mudblood? Nothing. What does he want from us? Everything.”

He stopped to sip at the tea before continuing, eyeing the look in both witches eyes with unbridled curiosity, hoping at least one of them got the gist of his words.

“We’re in a leveled playing field where all we have is the dirt of the arena floor and a sharp rock in our hands. He’s sitting off to the side and tells every fighter who enters that they are the one, that true salvation lies right ahead, while all he really does is hand us each the sharpened rock. I want you both, with me. Your potential is enormous and you’ve both excelled in our training. You took on an incredibly skilled wizard that had designs on killing you both, and you succeeded. You’ve both learned a practically dead language-”

“What,” Hermione interrupted his speech and leaned forward in upset and confusion. “How do you know about that last bit?”

::Where do you think Madam Black acquired the potion ingredients, or the ritual instructions for that matter?::

‘Well,’ Hermione thought, ‘That answers that question then.’

“As far as I’m aware, neither one of you has a job lined up, correct? You’ll both be graduating in a few months, top of your class no less. You’ll marry, and then do what? I don’t believe two inquisitive minds such as yours would just sit back on a pile of money and ignore the world.”

Neither witch replied, and he smirked at how right he was.

“Pledge yourself. To me, my cause. Take a full year, say between summer of ‘69 to ‘70. I’ll train you both. I’ll teach you everything I know and give you access to everything I don’t. You can decide where you want to go from there. We could use your strengths in the coming conflicts.”

Bloodshot eyes peered down into brown and then black, soulless and unending in their hunger and drive to consume. If Hermione squinted just right, she could swear that the pupils were slit.

“Can you give us time to think it over? Your offer?

“Of course. I wouldn’t be so presumptuous to assume you’d pledge yourselves right here, right now. Take until the end of your school year. We can continue with our current lesson structure, consider it a boon, my way of honoring Cygnus’s memory. I won’t bring up the offer again until you graduate, or you bring it up to me.”

Bella turned her head to stare at Hermione, both witches thoughts pulling towards the same outcome.

“Ladies, I’ll take my leave. Just remember,” he smirked at them with the icy gaze of a predator moving in for the kill, “Six months.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 38bce50a597cde7b87d7ecb94898bc91692e350b ) [39] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 26. Book 1: Red Tape Parade [timestamp] => 1561240800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 26: Book 1: Red Tape Parade

Chapter Text

Silence permeated the sitting room as Hermione entered, broken only by the sigh of pain and exhaustion that leached its way past her lips. Charcoal colored cushions supported her weary form as she leaned into Bellatrix, her head resting gently upon her shoulder.

“If you were planning to let this time timeline, dimension, whatever the hell it is, play out in anything close to what it was like where you came from… Well I think you can let go of that plan.”

Bella’s voice was hoarse and tired, half a whisper and half a rush of air as she let herself finally relax.

“I know,” Hermione dug the heels of her palms into her eyes, a kaleidoscope of bright shapes and colors blooming up beneath her lids to dazzle and distract as she fought back the annoyance and upset threatening to leak through her mind. “I think it’s safe to say it’s all buggered up now.”

Bella laid a warm hand on her knee before squeezing gently and keeping their shared silence as they absorbed the admission. Truly their future had been changed the moment Hermione made an effort of getting close with Bella, but the plan had been to cause the least amount of deviation possible. That was now thrown out, unclipped from normality and lost.

Across the hall they could hear the sound of soft voices, medi-witches attending to Narcissa and Andromeda with as much care as they could muster for two young girls who’d only barely survived a crazed man. Hermione could feel the anxiety bubbling its way through Bella and knew it was taking her utmost control to refrain from throwing the healers out to comfort her sisters on her own. She appreciated her patience, even if it was edging towards its limit.

The spell that had torn into Andromeda had cut deeply, carving out a path down to her bones and shattered most of her shoulder into tiny pieces of shrapnel and gritty powder. Her quick patch up in the aftermath would only do so much, and the healer attending to her had told Bellatrix that she was likely in for weeks of recovery. When she’d heard that, Hermione had felt a bolt of guilt ran through her heart, knowing that the younger witch would have been safe if it hadn’t been for her.

Two Aurors stood outside of the room they had chosen, neither talking but merely standing at attention and ensuring the rest of their team ran into no issues. The rest of the Auror group were wandering about the ground floor, from Cygnus Study to the room that Andy and Cissa had hidden themselves in. It was a grisly scene, one Hermione felt would be etched into her mind for quite a long time, and they took their time as a result.

When the Aurors had first appeared Hermione and Bellatrix had been roughly escorted to the opposite side of the Manor and deposited into the first large room they could find without a fireplace. Whether they thought there was a risk of them leaving or not, it was grating on both witches nerves to be treated with such suspicion.

The whole process of the Aurors was more than infuriating for both witches. When Bella had finally secured Cissa and Andy into another room and ensured neither were in immediate danger, she had immediately Floo called the Auror department. That had, unfortunately, not gone over so well.

Her tone was so lacking in emotion that the Auror on duty had initially assumed she was pranking him, laughing in her face and ignoring her request. Only when she’d shouted condemnation and threats to his job had he moved into action, rousing the rest of the on-site staff and moving to help them. When the Auror had passed through the Floo his ears had still been red-hot and his chastisement seemed to have worked considerably.

In the meantime Hermione had descended down the staircase that Lestrange died on, determined to space the gruesome sight and determine for herself whether both men were dead. She’d also felt the need to convince herself that it had actually happened. That she had cast that spell from her wand. It wasn’t a need to see the carnage so much as see what carnage she had wrought.

Lestrange was almost entirely caked in dried blood the color of rust. What parts of him were clean were white with exsanguination and torn to pieces.

Cygnus was a black husk of ash, smoldering slightly in the barest breeze still fluttering throughout the halls. The withdrawal of air from Bellatrix’s spell had been enough to extinguish the open flames but had the aftereffect of making charcoal of whatever had already caught fire.

Neither man was truly recognizable as what they were and Hermione hoped to all the gods that the Aurors would clean the place quickly. Having them there any length of time was already too long. The elves certainly weren’t going to be of help. None had dared show even the faintest hint of their presence after the fighting started and all the doors leading to their quarters were still locked shut and quiet.

The only positive to come from the amalgamation of death at the foot of the stairs was the faintest stirring of ash against ash as something small moved under what had once been Cygnus’s left foot. Hermione had knelt, secure in knowing she could protect herself and brimming with curiosity in an effort to distract herself. Two tiny unblinking eyes, red as garnets, peered up at her amidst a covering of black ash and human charcoal. A small tongue had flicked out from a head no larger than the tip of her pinky finger to scent the air before the piled moved again and the snake slithered out.

Hermione had been nearly beside herself with amazement at the sight. It wasn’t an adult, that much was obvious by its size, but to her knowledge the eggs of Ashwinders were either infertile or erupted into fire before they could ever hatch.

‘Or we freeze them, and inadvertently kill them…,’ she thought to herself.

The little animal had been as inquisitive as Hermione, moving forward with a constantly flickering tongue to rest before her outstretched fingers. Squatting down amidst the death, it was the first thing that brought her a smile that whole afternoon.


::Speakers, the tall ones approach,:: a gentle hissing brought both witches back from their introspection and back to their wobbling reality. The black head of the snake was peeking out from beneath the drapery of Bella’s wild curls, its colors meshing with her own to keep it hidden.

The event was a welcome distraction to them both that lifted them from their stupor while they attempted to look more put together than they felt. The snake remained quiet after its announcement, flitting back and forth between peering up at the two and shifting its attention to the doorway. It was clearly eager to see what came of this meeting but not anywhere willing to be seen itself.

Alastor Moody, Auror First Class and assigned Detective to their case was an intimidating man at best and a terrifyingly overburdening personality at worst. Hermione hadn’t felt her nerves settle since the man had first walked into the room hours ago with his ears burning red at the verbal run-through that Bella had unleashed at him. The man was different from what she remembered of him and yet still the same regardless. An enigma and a presence that refused to subtly fade into the background.

He was younger. Vibrant even. It was clear that the trials of the coming war would strip him of the remnants of his youth and harden him into the half mad Auror she remembered. Besides the electric blue eye rolling unsteadily in his eye socket there were no signs of maiming on this version of Moody.

His skin was an agglomeration of overly tanned skin left papery and dry from extensive time in the sun and scars from fights and training that overlaid until it all looked almost natural if one squinted well enough. Scraggly hair fell down to his chin in greasy clumps and bunches while his eye continued to oscillate wildly between piercing their gaze or avoiding them entirely while it spinned to search through walls and doors.

The gruff voice was the same, lilt and all, leading Hermione to visions of chain-smoking and yelling at young recruits. A cold shiver sprinted up her spine as she listened to the man talk and heard both his older and younger selves at the same time. Déjà vu, but magnified.

The upside of meeting him was the lack of his constant vigilance malarkey. And Hermione would take all the upsides she could get.

“Madam Black, Grenier,” he nodded politely in their direction, “We’ve finished with the cleanup and evidence retrieval.” He stared down his nose at both of them with his good eye while the fake continued wandering about, “We’d appreciate it if you both would accompany me back to the Ministry.”

At the startled shift in their posture he placed his hands out in a placating gesture before continuing.

“I’d like to make it clear to you both now that neither one of you are under arrest or a suspect of any wrongdoing. What happened was an attempt to protect yourself and the youngin’s. We would merely like to get a full accounting of the afternoon, from your perspective.”

Hermione settled herself as she turned to look at Bella with breath caught in her throat as she waited.

“What about my sisters?” The dark haired witch questioned him with an edge to her voice.

“Both of your sisters are fine Madam Black. We’ve made arrangements for them to spend the night with your Aunt and Uncle. We’ve gotten their statement and memories of the incident. They’ll be fine.”

Bella heaved in air as she turned to stare at her lap, fingers intertwined and moving with restless energy.

“Alright. Lead the way then, let's just get this over with.”


The Ministry was much the same as Hermione remembered it.

Rooms and hallways filled to the brim with witches and wizards or the occasional goblin going about their business as fast as they could. The whole thing reeked of bureaucratic nonsense and red tape in a way that left her squirming and unsettled after her last time walking these halls in someone else's skin.

Moody led the way from the Floo down a flight of stairs and around sharp right angles towards the Aurors Office. Stained glass windows lined the hallway to let in false sunlight to the depths in a manner that left odd shadows and ill-fitting lighting bouncing around the hallway and black marble beneath their feet. After entering behind a frosted glass door her directed them towards the back of what was clearly the office or administration rooms and offered them both a seat in front of a large wooden desk. Hermione had assumed he’d lead them off towards some sort of interrogation room and felt herself unwind slightly at the more relaxed atmosphere.

Moody sat down behind the desk and set his wand on the edge of the table away from himself before clasping his hand and smiling roughly at them both.

“Now, I would like to speak with the both of you together,” he opened his palms towards them both, “and then separately. You might remember things better together, but we don’ want neither of you to affect the other's statement.”

Bella stiffened as he mentioned talking separately, her hand shifting to Hermione’s armrest and seeking a firm grip.

“Then may I call in a lawyer, Auror Moody?”

The comment left Moody with his mouth open and words stripped from his tongue, seemingly flabbergasted that she’d ask for a lawyer.

“Um… Yes, Madam Black. You may call them to be present during your statement. May I remind you thought-”

“It’s just a precaution,” Bella interrupted him. “Just for my peace of mind. Surely you can understand that?”

Moody shifted uncomfortably in his chair before leaning back to cross his arms over his chest and nodding up and down vigorously.

“Yes, yes,” his tone grew rougher, “I’ll show you to the appropriate Floo once we’ve gotten your joint statement. Now, to begin with. You both were outside of the estate when this altercation began, correct?”

They both nodded their heads.

“How did you know, or find out that there was a fight inside of the building?”

“We heard spells going off and loud voices,” Hermione answered. “It was loud enough that we could hear it outside. When we realized what that likely meant we rushed inside.”

Moody nodded before grabbing up a parchment and hastily scrawling onto it with plain quill.

“So you both willingly rushed into an unknown situation, unaware of exactly what could be going on inside or who might be involved, with no thoughts to your own safety?” His eyes narrowed as he finished his question, voice growing gruffer by the syllable.

Bella shot ramrod straight in her chair, “Of course we did. We knew that Andromeda and Narcissa were there, and we weren’t willing to wait around and let them get hurt.” Bella’s face turned from her characteristic bone white shade to a red flush with her temper rising.

Hermione gripped down on the scar on her forearm with her unoccupied hand in an attempt to soothe the pain that began lancing through it at Bella’s upset. She was warily cognizant of Moody’s fake eye swiveling to her arm and felt a block of ice settle down into her stomach.

“How much combat training have either of ya had? Any? None?” He looked incredulously between the two of them. “Two school girls,” Bella huffed at that, “like you shouldn’t be rushing off into dangerous situations without full knowledge of what’s goin’ on.” Hermione felt a twinge of fire lance through her left side and knew this conversation was headed to dangerous territory if it continued like this for much longer.

‘Best nip this…’

“We did what we thought was right at the time. We didn’t want anyone to get hurt and couldn’t just sit back to wait it out.”

Moody remained silent after she spoke, his features visibly softening.

“Aye. And you did well,” he nodded at them, “That’s the kind of daring and initiative that we look for ‘round here. Have either of you lasses given any thought to what you’re doing after Hogwarts? You’re both seventh years, right?” He stopped and stared at the now stunned look on their faces. “Well maybe now isn’t the right time to be going about it. Later then. Madam Black, please feel free to call in your lawyer. You can use the Floo in the Supers Office, it’ll be secure and no one will trouble you in there.”

Bella turned towards Hermione before squeezing her hand tightly and getting to her feet. The sound of her marching off towards the office that Moody was pointing towards echoed in the empty room while the silence continued between Moody and herself.

Only when Bella was safely behind the door to the Supervisors Office did Moody train his eyes on her and begin speaking again.

“You on the other hand, I would like to come with me. Would that be an issue Ms. Grenier? You can also call a lawyer if you’d like.”

Hermione huffed to herself before standing waiting obstinately for the Auror to lead the way.


The room she now found herself in was far more reminiscent of a Muggle interrogation room than she’d imagined it would be. Harsh lighting from a single lamp on the ceiling, large table in the center with chairs on opposite ends, and an oppressive gray coloring scheme that could bore someone to tears. The only thing it was missing was a two-way mirror and Hermione was sure that it was simply magic that allowed someone to see through at least one of the walls, though she couldn’t discern which.

“Now then. Let’s begin.” Moody eyed her carefully and fiddled with his parchment and quill while she sat quietly in the chair across from him. “Please state your full name.”

“Emelia Grenier,” Hermione quirked an eyebrow, “I thought we weren’t here to be interrogated?”

“Oh, Ms. Grenier you’re not here for that. This is just standard procedure. I’m sure things might be done differently across the pond, but we can’t all be screwed on right now can we?” He chuckled to himself before continuing. “So, who are your parents?”

“Antoine and Rosalie Grenier.”

“And where are they now?”

“Dead and in the ground.” Hermione let a growl reverberate through her answer in hopes of dissuading him from the line of questioning.


Her bristling at the personal questions seemed to work. Instead of focusing on her personal life the interview proceeded to cover the events of the day from her waking, to the lead up to the death of Pierre.

“What spell did you cast, Ms. Grenier?”

They had finally arrived to the question that she had silently been dreading since she’d sat down. Besides the fact that it had yet to be invented, the inventor hadn’t even started Hogwarts yet. He’d only be arriving next year. And if she told him exactly what it was and how she knew it she assumed he’d rightly lock her up in St. Mungo’s.

She couldn’t even lie and just say that she had invented it. Despite spell invention not being a discipline that was frowned upon, dark inventions were. And it honestly didn’t get much darker than a death by a thousand cuts.

“It’s called Sectumsempra.” Moody scribbled on his parchment as she spoke.

“I’ve never heard of that one. What’s it do?”

“It’s designed to incapacitate someone via lacerations.”

“Interesting. And where did you learn this spell? I can’t imagine that it’s in any of Hogwarts curriculum.”

“I read it in a book.”

‘Technically not a lie…’

His fake eye swiveled upwards to stare her dead in the face.

“In a book? What book?”

‘I hope this works.’

“I don’t know. The cover and multiple sections were torn and missing. I assumed it to be a grimoire of some sort. There were sections that covered potion making and spell theory as well.”

“And where is this book now?”

Hermione centered herself  with a strong breath and gripped down on the robs laying bunched in her lap.

“Destroyed in the Fiendfyre that Mr. Lestrange used. When he tried to kill us.”

Here his quill stopped moving entirely and his normal eye came up to level on her face.

“Ah. Convenient, that. Any known counter to it?”

“Yes. Vulnera Sanentur. It only works at the beginning though. Too much damage and it can’t be countered.”

“Could you demonstrate the spell and counter if requested?”

Hermione initially balked at his request until she managed to view it from his side. A rather unknown individual had used an extremely potent spell, extremely dark at that, to make mincemeat of someone that had been considered an exceptional dueler and been far older than her. The man had wielded Fiendfyre with no issue whatsoever and Bellatrix and herself had cut through him. Not without casualty of course, but neither actually had any trouble. And her knowledge was responsible for that. Were she in his shoes, she’d want answers as well.

“Yes. Is that all, Auror Moody?”

“Just one last question.” He set his parchment and quill to the side before steepling his fingers and leaning forward conspiratorially. “And don’t worry, this room is spelled off right now so it’s only the two of us who can hear anything. No one else will know or hear about this.”

She could feel the knot of cold reappearing in her abdomen as his voice continued to lower.

“How long have you been lying to Madam Black? Or is she in on it?”

“Excuse me?” She narrowed her eyes and tried to control her breathing at the venomous hiss that accompanied her angry question.

“Emelia Grenier is a good backing. You almost had me fooled as well. But I have this,” he tapped at his fake eye with one finger, “and this can see through anything. Glamours included. Even the one woven around your arm. Mudblood, eh?”

If blood could boil and freeze at the same time, Hermione’s was doing so as she shifted from side to side in the now harshly uncomfortable chair. Her fingers shook with exertion as she tightened down on the cloth in her lap, fingernails biting through to prod painfully into the meat of her palms. She swallowed through her dry mouth and attempted to keep her breathing even, knowing full well she could do nothing about the angry flush building up her neck and face.

“Excuse me, Auror Moody?”

“Come on lass. Drop the act. I’m not daft and I can see through that glamour quite easily. Though I have to hand it to you, it’s held up quite well. Strong work. So tell me then. You wanted to do what, get one over on her? Climb out of your station? Not that I’m against that mind you,” he spread his palms open and shrugged, “A woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do. But if it had anything to do with what happened today, anything at all to do with why Mr. Lestrange now lays cut up like a pile of old rags, well, I have to pursue it.”

“I was scarred against my will. I am not a mudblood,” the words tasted like ash and her voice shook with rage as she countered his pig-headed questions. “You can go ahead and contact Gringotts. They completed a full inheritance test only a few days ago. Get in touch with Grindhelm, I’m sure they’d be happy to do another on the Ministry’s dime.”

The man across from her chuckled darkly while he leaned back into his chair, hands clasping over one another while his fake eye wobbled from her arm to her face.

“If you say so lass, if you say so.”

He returned to writing on his parchment, silence spreading between them as he worked.

Minutes passed before Hermione found herself calm enough to speak.

“What happened to your eye?”

“Eh?” He looked up at her in confusion.

“What happened to it? Why do you need something that invades so much privacy anyways?”

He finished his scribbling before setting the quill down and taking a much more relaxed position in the chair.

“I lost it in’a fight with some bloke a few months back. Nutter decided he’d try n’ rob some mudbloods living in a bad part of town. He didn’t have the foresight to block their Floo before he did so. He did however have enough foresight to sling curses and ask questions later. Blasted me as soon as I stepped out of the fireplace. Last time I’ll walk into a situation unprepared, I’ll tell you that.”

With his story finished he picked up his paperwork before standing and waving her off towards the exit, a lax farewell and reminder that he’d be in touch being all he left her with.


The waiting tore at her patience. Three hours sitting in a chair outside a blank office door until Bella finally strode out with her lawyer in tow.

As soon as they caught sight of one another Bella made a beeline straight for Hermione and scooped her into a tight hug bristling with all her strength. When Hermione felt she could no longer breathe Bella released her and turned to the man standing at her side.

“Hermione, meet Lincoln Fawley. Lincoln, Hermione.”

Lincoln stepped forward to offer his hand out, shaking it gently and offering her a small smile.

The man was tall, nearly two heads taller than Hermione, and stood ramrod straight in deep maroon robes. Blond hair cropped close to his scalp and a noticeable scar under the left side of his cheek were the only bits that stood out. Other than that, Hermione could find nothing remarkable about the man standing before her.

“Lincoln’s the attorney that my father contracted to. Now that he’s dead the contract passed on to me. Let’s go somewhere else to discuss this, shall we?” She offered her arm for Hermione to hold onto and led them both out of the Auror office and towards the rows of communal fireplaces for Floo access.

The quick trip out had Hermione spitting ash and dusting off her clothes as she stepped out from the fireplace and took in the scenery before her.

The office was well decorated, nighttime light spilling through a massive bay window and illuminating the deep sea greens and midnight blue decor. A black leather couch was pressed against a wall and across from it was a massive desk made from ebony wood, stacks of parchments and folders heaped on top in haphazard piles. The walls contained paintings of voyages at sea, a schooner here, a naval armada there. Each was distinctive in its style and beautiful nonetheless. The only odd ring was the lack of any portraiture, though Hermione reasoned it was probably best to leave a lawyer's office without any eavesdroppers.

“Have a seat please, I’m just going to run through these,” Lincoln held up a sheaf of parchments that had been tucked neatly under his arm and shook them in their direction, “Before we really get started.”

Lincoln sat at his desk while Bella led Hermione to the couch and sat down comfortably next to her, the cushions giving way as she practically sat down on top of her, legs propped up on the length of the couch and Hermione’s thighs. The witch wrapped her arms through Hermione’s and clasped their hands together, a rocky shudder of a sigh flowing out of her throat. The passivity and closeness leaked through the scar to radiate outwards in warm pulses.

“We’re definitely getting runes for Fiendfyre and the counter. Sooner rather than later, preferably.” Bella’s voice was muffled into the crook of Hermione’s neck as she sought comfort.

The little snake that had heretofore been hiding with Bella finally shifted into view before sliding gently through the curls bunched on Bella’ shoulders and over to Hermione’s neck, winding its way around her like a living choker. Little pleased hissing sounds emanating from it as it took in the new surroundings and soaked up Hermione’s warmth.

::Speakers are safe?:: The little animal asked them, tongue languidly pushing against the skin of Hermione’s neck.

::Yes,:: Hermione answered in a low hiss to keep Lincoln from noticing the odd conversation, ::We’re safe.::

“Are you going to keep it?” Bella asked quietly as her hands moved to massage Hermione’s sides.

::Maybe, :: came her reply, :: Little snake?::

The ashwinder peered up at her from below her chin, ::Yes?::

::Do you want to stay with us?::

The little snake shook its head up and down in rapid movement, happily agreeing to stick with the duo.

“Looks like you found a familiar then.”

“Does Hogwarts even allow snakes?” Hermione asked, quirking her head to the side as she eyed Bella.

“We’re only going to be there a few more months. I’m sure it’d be fine. Besides, who’d tell you know? Dumblefuck? Just tell people you’re investigating it. I’ve certainly never heard of an ashwinder surviving so long.” Warm puffs of air beat against Hermione’s cheek as Bella spoke, warmth finally rising up to overtake all the anxiety of the day.

::Maybe… I can do that. But speaking of the Headmaster…::

::You think he had something to do with this all?::

Hermione couldn’t say that she hadn’t thought about it. Once she’d found out why Lestrange had been there, and coupled with the words he’d been saying as he chased after Andromeda, it had made a sick sort of sense. Lincoln, however, saved her from responding.

“Ladies, I’ve finished going through the current files.” He stood from his desk and walked over to stand before them before conjuring a chair and taking a seat.

“As of right now the Ministry has nothing on either one of you. So, that should help allay your fears somewhat. But before we go on any further, you don’t have a lawyer, do you Ms. Grenier?”

Hermione disentangled herself from Bella while the little snake dropped down to intertwine with her fingers and wrist.

“Correct. And if nothing else, today has proven that I should have gotten one once I arrived.”

“Yes, you should have.” Lincoln sighed after the admittance. “Being heiress to a massive fortune notwithstanding, it’s always good to have someone dedicated to being at your side, legally speaking. If you’ll allow a verbal agreement, I’ll draw up a contract later and we’ll go more in depth.”

“That’ll be fine then, I think.”

“Alright then. Now, Bellatrix,” He turned his gaze towards the dark haired witch, “Your sisters are both fine. They’re currently with your Aunt-”

“Which one?” She interrupted, “Cass or Walburga?” Her voice was quiet, one hand coming to rest gently on Hermione’s knee.

“Walburga. They’ll be fine there until the Ministry clears them and approves the Manor as being safe for their return.”

“Is someone there right now? I don’t want those rubes messing with anything not directly related to the incident.”

“Yes. An understudy of mine has been overseeing them. He’ll let us know once it’s cleared for your return. Your sisters arrival might be somewhat later though, due to Andromeda’s injuries.”

“So what’s next then?”

“Well at this point you have some decisions to make.” Bella tilted her head back at the ceiling as he spoke, “Your father wasn’t of the main Black line. However, he still has a dearth of items to bequeath you and your sisters. The matter is somewhat complicated because your mother is still alive but since she’s been declared legally incompetent you’ll-”

“I’m sorry,” she leaned forward again to stare at him, “But what the hell does that mean? Cygnus kept us all in the dark about whatever it was that happened to our mother. One day she was in St. Mungo’s, the next, Azkaban. He never kept his story straight. Just the events leading up to it.”

“Oh…” Lincoln looked both embarrassed and perturbed as he took in that information.

“Well, she’s in Bartholomew Burbages Center for Wellbeing. She was committed after her trial last summer. As of now she’s excluded from all inheritance and acceptance until she’s been cleared for readmittance to society. That, as you can probably guess, could take quite a while. Therefore, all titles and duties will fall to you as the firstborn. Your father’s will made no exception for gender, just order of birth.”

Hermione tried to listen patiently but ended up tuning it all out as the conversation continued from there. Honestly trying to understand the ins and outs of the situation was more than she was capable of doing at the time. The main point she was still able to understand by the time they finished talking was that Druella was still alive, and Bellatrix was set to inherit. Any debts would be made up by selling Cygnus’s shares and businesses and whatever remained would be put aside for Bella and her sisters.

“What about marriage contracts?” Hermione perked when she heard Bella ask that question. “Are they null and void?”

“Well, you’re of age. And you no longer have nor do you need a legal guardian. You can break them with no legal repercussions as they all hinged on Cygnus staying alive to see them through. Now that he’s not, you’re free to do as you wish.”

“And what of my sisters?”

“Their contracts are also null and void. It’ll be up to whoever gains custody of them to either rebuild them or leave them be.”

Hermione felt an uncomfortable cold spot form once again in the center of her stomach as she thought of who was likely going to gain custody of the pair.

“And do you know yet who it’ll be that takes over? Orion or…?” She let the question drop off, apprehension striking through her tone at the thought of little Cissa having to grow up under the thumb of Orion and Walburga. Cygnus and Druella might have been… harsh, abusive, and crazy, but their Aunt and Uncle were out on a whole different level.

“That’ll be up to the law to decide. But your Uncle Orion has already expressed interest. Alphard and Cassiopia have both declined, on part of age and social standing, respectively.”

“Of bloody course…” The pit in Hermione’s stomach turned sour as Bella spoke.

“However,” Lincoln started tentatively, “You are of course welcome to apply for guardianship yourself. In the eyes of the law, you’re an adult witch. The possibility is open…”


Hours passed in quiet conversation as Lincoln helped them frame a way forward.

Black Manor was Bella’s, usually bequeathed to the first male Heir to the min line, Bellatrix had instead inherited it from Cygnus. At some point in the past Orion and Walburga had both sworn off the property, refusing to take control of it or will it back to their line.

Any items within the Manor were, however, subject to review. Anything not specifically purchased as a gift for the sisters, or purchased by them themselves, were to be brought out and divided between the remaining members. Neither witch were particularly concerned about that, though Hermione made Bella promise to remove the contents of the library before anyone else could do so.

Eventually the candles surrounding them grew dim and Hermione could feel the exhaustion pooling in her bones. Both witches bid goodnight to Lincoln and received stern promises to meet up with them again as the week progressed.

Stepping through the Floo back to Black Manor was a welcome relief and both witches sagged against one another after dusting ashes and dust from their clothes.

As they headed towards Bella’s room the little snake remained securely wrapped around Hermioen’s neck, coiling delicately and running circles against her warm skin.

::What should we call you?:: Hermione asked the ashwinder as it moved down her arm to curl around in imitation of a particularly fanciful bracelet.

::Agathodaemon, speaker.:: The snake peered up at her with its unblinking red eyes.

Hermione and Bella shared a look of confusion at the odd name, but acquiesced as the snake hissed at them happily.

::Is Agath okay? That’s a long name,:: she asked it quietly.

::Yes!:: The snake bumped its head along the underside of Hermione’s thumb as they ascended the stairs and made their way to Bella’s door. As they entered she set Agath down inside of a drawer that was slightly pulled out, the snake dropping from her wrist and curling into a tight little ball.

“We need to talk about what happened today,” Bella brought up in a quiet tone when Hermione finished with the snake.

“There isn’t really anything to talk about though. He brought it all on himself. Now we’re just stuck dealing with it.”

“But how are you dealing with it? Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure I was the killer from when you’re from.” Bellatrix’s voice held a hint of a whine and aggression as she bristled from Hermien’s blase attitude.

Hermione’s throat tightened in response while she stripped down to avoid replying straight away. It was… dull, in her mind. It had all just been a split second decision that she’d not even needed to think about.

“Pierre Lestrange brought it on himself. Once he threatened your family-”

“Morgana’s bloody tits, Hermione I’m not asking you why you did it, I’m asking how you’re holding up.”

“I’m fine-” She couldn’t even finish her rebuttal before Bella was pressed tightly against her back and pulled up her left arm in front of her body. Without any pretense she drew her finger down against the skin to release the glamour and placed her palm face down upon it.

All at once Hermione could feel heat pulsing up and through the etched skin to tingle at the underside of the muscle and flow out like running water into her chest. The longer Bella held on the more the magic continued pulsing, electrifying the connection and overriding the gray fog she’d let herself become enveloped in.

“Hermione, what happened. You didn’t need to let him die like that. I know you had time to start the counter, I know it as well as I know I could have killed him instead. I’ve seen you practice it, in your memories. I’ve seen them all. Let me in.”

Hermione felt pressure build amid her sinuses as she released the magic holding onto the runes buried in her back. A single tear trailed downwards across her cheek as Bella turned her around without losing her grip of the forearm, dark onyx eyes coming to pierce steadily into her own.

All at once it was like being two different people stuffed into the same body. She held the awareness of Bella viewing her mind and headspace, sifting through the memories of the afternoon and leftover splashes of emotion lingering within. She felt the same as she dipped into Bella in return, the biting fear and anger at hearing the first cries when they arrived back, the processing that had taken place to accept the shame of her/their sister being harmed.

She could feel Bella focus on the moment she’d struck Lestrange. She hadn’t attacked with practicality or the thought of incapacitation. She’d struck in anger that even she hadn’t recognized at the time. It had been automatic, cutting him to ribbons. Satisfaction at his pain. She hadn’t been happy. But she had been somewhat sick with glee at stepping over his bleeding body.

They both sighed and leaned in to rest forehead against forehead, eyes continuing to pierce, as it came to the forefront. She’d willingly let him expire, painfully, as justice for injuring Andromeda, her friend, her family.

The bulwark of stoic emotion she’d thrown up around herself fell as she closed off the connection fell into Bella’s embrace. Tears leaked messily down her face as Bella led her to the bed, depositing her safely between sheets and pillows before wrapping her up in an embrace. A hand patted down at her short hair, scratching lightly at the base of her neck as Bella whispered soothing words amidst the sobs.

She wasn’t aware of how long she lay there, safely protected by someone she’d once feared more than death, but eventually the tears dried and she felt strong enough to respond. She wrapped her arms around Bella, tight and compressive, holding onto the warmth therein.

“We need to figure out what this scar really is,” Bella voiced after a few minutes of comforting silence. “We should have looked into it awhile ago. We don’t know what curse it was or whether there was a motive to it beyond marking you…”

“Seems obvious enough to me that it was for more than pain,” Hermione’s tear strained voice husked out.

“No shit,” Bella gently laughed, “But for what exactly?” She wound herself tighter around Hermione and dragged the covers over them both. Pressing warm lips to Hermione’s neck she kept the silence.

“I’m going to raid your library tomorrow. If it doesn’t have anything related to it, I’ll continue the search at my Manors. There’s bound to be something somewhere.”

“You think we’ll find it? Even if Mayweather couldn't’?”

Hermione huffed in indignation, “Not to be mean to the man, but I don’t exactly have the highest opinion of anyone who can’t figure out the D.A.D.A. position is cursed.”

Bella joined her in quiet laughter at that before continuing.

“Alright, that’s sorted then. And I’m going to proposition the Ministry for guardianship of Andy and Cissa. I need to do that tomorrow, before Walburga and Orion.”

“What about, well… us?” Hermione asked her in an unsure tone of voice. As she finished speaking a tremble ran through her muscles. Bellatrix constricted her tighter in her hold, nose nuzzling against the side of her cheek before she laid a gentle kiss.

“We can still, you know. Get married. Now that Cygnus is dead I dare say it’ll be a little bit easier. No contract to uphold.”

“Your sisters will be okay with that?”

“I don’t see why they wouldn’t be. They already both consider you family. Now it’ll just be official.”

“Okay. We need to check in with the elves as well. And figure out how Lestrange found out.”

“All problems for the morning. Sleep, Pet.”

Hermione relaxed herself in Bella’s sure grip while a small smile peeked out into the darkness.


Morning brought with it a clearing of the last remnants of Bella’s fatigue and nightmares. Bella’s dreams hadn’t been pleasant but also hadn’t been bad enough to wake her or her partner. Extricating herself from Hermine’s grasp was another matter entirely, one that she wasn’t at first sure she could manage.

The witch had turned around their embrace at some point, warm skin pressed tightly against Bella’s while her limbs wrapped around and entangled her completely. As Bella glanced at the sleeping witch she thought briefly about waking her up, but the guilt eventually won out.

Crawling off the side of the bed was embarrassing, but morning waited for no witch, and she had a job to do. The cool air of the room sapped the remaining heat from her skin as she hurried to dress in something warm. A pair of Hermione’s transfigured sweatpants and a low cut shirt were the closest items to her reach, and she dressed quickly before throwing her long tresses of curls into a semi-loose pony-tail.

She caught sight of the small ashwinder peering up above the lip of the drawer that it had been deposited into. Rubies with black slits darted back and forth between Bellatrix standing by the bedside and the sleeping beauty still snoring. Catching its unspoken request, Bella strode forward and scooped the little snake into her palms.

Something about the situation unnerved her, from the unexpected hatchling to the name it had chosen for itself. She’d never once heard about an ashwinder lasting more than a few hours after laying eggs, and not even a single instance of the eggs actually hatching. It was a perplexing mystery, but one that unfortunately took back seat to the priorities of the day.

::Agath? :: she asked, :: I hate to be insensitive, but are you a Lady or a Lord? I’m not versed in snake gender.::

The snake trusted in her hands to peer up at her with impassive eyes before its tongue poked out gently to flick at her thumb.

::Tall speaker, Agath is Lady. What is speaker? ::

Amused at the question and answer, Bella almost snorted in amusement before remembering her still sleeping charge. :: I’m a Lady. And you can call me Bella. That, :: she pointed Agath towards Hermione, :: Is Hermione, or Em’. She’s a lady as well. ::

Bella gently placed the snake down onto Hermione’s chest where it moved to coil up into a ball before turning to look up at her expectantly.

::Agath, when Em’ wakes, tell her I’ve gone downstairs to find elves. Okay?::

::Yes Dark Speaker! Bella! Agath will do.:: The snake replied in a happy hiss before tucking its head back into its own coils, hiding its eyes from the light. Content that Hermione would survive the morning with Agath watching over her, she kissed her cheek and turned to leave the room.

The hallway outside of her room was empty and quiet as she made her way towards the stairwell, her bare feet against wood and carpet the only sounds. The lingering traces of scouring spells stained the air with antiseptic coldness, biting at her nose. Nothing and no one stood to greet her arrival to the ground floor, everything around her still, quiet, and unsettling. Items all around were still knocked over or overturned from where Cygnus and Lestrange had chased after Andy. The doorway to the study was still open and unrepaired, the hinges smashed in and the shattered door swept into a pile opposite of it.

Nothing lined the walls of the study, every painting and item having been stripped and blasted away at some point during the duel. A deep gouge was etched into the center of the desk starting from the direction of the fireplace, letting her assume that Lestrange had entered the room and immediately started fighting. The lingering feel of dark magic flooded the room, smothering her breaths and making her feel lightheaded in its presence. Her pulse quickened and her mind relaxed as she took the space in. However, before she could let it overcome her, she quickly left the space behind and promised it further inspection later, when she was not alone.

When she reached the kitchens she kept her ears open for any sound coming from the elves, any pots or pans clanging, or the distant sound and smell of food frying. It took only a second to reach her conclusion.

Nothing was there.

As she stepped through the space she drew her wand out and headed towards the door at the back that led towards the servants quarters. Again nothing met her as she passed the threshold.

The hall was empty and silent as death.

Each door lining the hall was closed tightly, no signs left out whatsoever to indicate the presence of elves or anyone else for that matter. She took the hall slowly, room by room. Her unease at the situation grew with every step. Door after door held only an empty and filthy space, devoid of any life, and growing filthier as she neared the end.

Cygnus was never one to dictate what his elves did on their time off, he was always much more hands off than that, but it seemed that none of the elves had made any effort whatsoever to make their own quarters livable. Dirty scraps of cloth littered across the floor, cut up kitchen towels and table spreads lay in piles amid newspaper clippings and detritus. It was all a hodgepodge of secondhand filth.

The final door in the hall was as unopened as the rest, right against the back of the hall and adjacent to the pair of doors that led outside.

Bella pushed it open with her free hand while the other clutched at her wand and pointed directly into the interior. As she stepped forward and no spells were sent her way she dropped her wand hand to her side and forced a Lumos wordlessly.

If the other rooms were horrid, then this one took first place prize.

It was scattered and covered in cloth and paper, everything pushed to the side to reveal a ring of dirt in the center and what looked to be nests against the outer corners. As she shuffled through the debris she caught sight of something that seemed just a little out of place.

Kneeling down, she picked up a well-kept piece of parchment, dusting it lightly before reading it.

On it were two names, side by side. Bellatrix drew in her breath in as her muscles tightened in shock.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 32a838754783f9772ab660d420f1fa98e653cc1f ) [40] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 25. Book 1: Debridement [timestamp] => 1560722400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 25: Book 1: Debridement


Warnings for violence and gore.

Late chapter, to be revised for spelling/grammar at my earliest convenience.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Anger was an emotion that Albus had conquered many years ago.

Fear, that had once been a common companion, had been thwarted and overcome.

Happiness was but a distant memory, fleeting and lost many decades before.

But this feeling? This envy, this jealousy? The feeling of having a good plan be wasted as he was outmaneuvered by a foe he’d underestimated?

The feeling was quite odd, of that he was sure. Alien even. In place of contented satisfaction he was left with frustration and a good deal of annoyance. The plans that he’d meticulously organized had been dashed against the rocks and nothing he could do would fix it.

In the beginning he was sure that his plan was solid. Foolproof, even. The method of execution had been vetted, or so he’d presumed. He would use an efficient method to pass information and inspire a certain decision. The break during Yule holiday had promised to be the best time to begin his work, the easiest time to plant those first few seeds. It could have become the perfect moment to test the weak points and stresses that his opposition seemed for all the world to lack. A chance to find a chink in the armor.

It had been so simple. Pass certain information along and ensure that it reached a certain student, and a certain adult. His plan would have been allowed to unfold any which way and all he would need to do is sit back and watch it all play out. The outcome, whatever it would have ended up becoming, would have been an easy win in his book. A chance to begin the removal of an obstinate piece on the field or find out if they were already off the board.

The original plan, causing the defection of someone he’d seen playing an enormous role in both of the coming conflicts, had been met with an unfortunate dead end. His intention to endear himself to them both and give them the information necessary to save a wayward soul before it could be blackened to the point of unrecognizability had needed to be scrapped. The plan to give them a hero to worship, scrapped. Give them something to hold onto and fold them into the newly formed Order, scrapped.

They had been his plans.

And now he sat here while everything around him went tits up.

Instead of the rebellious time-hopper falling into line like a good little soldier she’d unexpectedly struck out on her own, and now was attached to His side.

The passing weeks had made it abundantly clear to him that his initial work with setting up her cover had done far more harm than good. He’d allowed her a chance to dig herself in deep, make too many waves, and more importantly he’d allowed her to interact with far too many people. His time had been wasted hemming and hawing while he still held out hope that she would come around.

He’d been wrong.

The expectation that she would be forever grateful to him for all the hard work he’d put into her had gone unfounded. The meager allowance that he’d made available to her had been folded into a far more enormous fortune. She was no longer dependent on his approval or assistance and now there was absolutely no guarantee that she would graduate to a position that he could monitor or supervise. She’d been far less meek than he had initially assumed.

Now she was out cavorting with the enemy and attending the very same tutoring sessions that he’d hoped she would be able to put a stop to.

With a sigh leaning more toward anger than exasperation he swung his hand out furiously at the tiny tin box holding onto an assortment of rare candies. All the infuriatingly wrapped candies, decked out in pink wax paper and stamps of crimson, went sailing out across the room to crash down unceremoniously against the far wall before scattering about all over the floor. Bits and pieces of smashed sugar dusted the wall where they had impacted and sharp pieces of sweet shrapnel entombed themselves into carpeting and beneath furniture.

The loud crack of the sugar pieces cracking had awoken the tired Phoenix that had until now been sleeping peacefully at his side. With a croak that sounded like death and the opening of one eye the Phoenix stared him down until he deigned to apologize, feather ruffling in quiet annoyance.

“Ah, yes… My apologies dear Fawkes. I don’t quite know what came over me.”

“Yes, yes you bloody do,” a croaking old voice raised up from its position anchored up on the wall behind Albus. “You’ve been beaten! You old buffoon. Just admit it already and move on. There’s nothing worse than a wizard sitting on his arse and throwing out a tantrum. Well,” the portrait paused to laugh out in chords much harsher than a human voice should be able to, “Except mudbloods I suppose.”

Albus leaned backwards in his old chair, wood creaking unsteadily beneath him as he let his emotions sink through his body. One hand gripped down onto the armrest with white knuckled intensity while the other hand came up to run at the dark circles gathering beneath his eyes.

“Phineas, if you would be so kind as to exclude yourself and your ramblings from my-”

“No! Merlin be thrice damned, I will certainly not, you half-blooded twit! You’ve contended yourself to interfere with my bloody family. My descendants, my legacy. I will not content myself to sit here in inaction on a wall or participate in the farce of being deaf and mute when your actions are directly affecting those of my House.”

“Well then what do you suggest Phineas?!” Albus’s voice rose to a roar in the quiet room as he whipped around in his chair to pierce the portrait of the late Headmaster with a glare that could have shriveled daisies. “What exactly am I supposed to do? Give up? Lay myself down like a lamb to the slaughter? Should I sit by and allow Tom to run roughshod through our world? Please, tell me, oh honorable and magnificent Phineas, what is your wise and sage advice in these most trying of times?”

The portrait smirked down at Albus with a toothy and all too dangerous smile playing at its lips and eyes lit up like coal before replying. A chill wormed its way down Albus’s spine at the sight. The old man had never been one of his favorites, hells he hadn’t even been the favorite of anyone who’d gone to Hogwarts during his tenure, but the consequent years stuck on a wall hadn’t been kind to the portrait’s temperament. And when Albus himself had finally ascended to the position of Headmaster, Phineas had become downright hostile.

“Easy now Dumble. Admit your defeat. Let. Them. Be.” His voice practically growled out the last three words. “Suck it up and move onward from this fiasco. Being an arse about the whole situation or crying all the time won’t change it. It's your interfering that brought this all about, that and your damnable need for control and information.” Albus huffed in indignation as the portrait finished speaking.

“I cannot in good conscience allow them to run loose!” He swiveled away from staring at Phineas, hands wringing violently in exasperation. “They might interfere and in the worst case scenario they could bring it all tumbling down. I thought that I had a good read on Ms. Granger. The glimpses I had into her mind were illuminating I must admit. But they were incomplete, and since the event she’s been more buttoned up than Gringotts. I managed to figure out twelve uses for Dragon’s Blood and I still haven’t even the foggiest clue as to what she’s gone and done or whether it’ll even be reversible.”

“Well, you do know that it's your incessant attempts at gaining entrance to somewhere you’ve been clearing warned off from that’ve led the poor girl to whatever it is that she’s done,” another voice, Dippet he presumed, popped up alongside murmurs of agreement from Phineas and another portrait.

Light flashed in brilliant patterns as he squeezed his eyes shut at this newest interruption.

“You know, as long as I’ve laid claim to this office I’ve lived under the assumption that you lot were all bound to help me, not play devil’s advocate for the Dark.”

“Well you know what the Muggles say. When you assume, you make an ass of you and me. More accurately you in this case, but the sentiment still remains.” Phineas shot Ablus a self-satisfied smirk as Dippet finished admonishing his replacement.

“You don’t even know that she’s leaning that way yet. And for that matter there are more things between Light and Dark than are sided off to one or the other. We’d have thought that you of all people should know that.”

“No. I am precisely the person to know that there is only Dark or Light. Supposing there to be some form of Gray is what led me to make the mistakes that allowed Gellert to rise. Under no circumstances will I ever make those mistakes again. I’ve done nothing wrong, nothing to prompt Tom to become the dark spectacle that he is today. That was not my doing, but I’ll be damned if I let him get away with it.”

“Aye,” Phineas gravely agreed, “But you did nothing to prevent his descent either. It’s all on you either way.”


Heaving breaths and adrenaline coursing through her veins brought Narcissa out of sleep faster than ever before. Her heartbeat ran a staccato rhythm through her chest and blood rushed like rapids through her ears.

The dream had been about… Something. In the first few seconds after waking she could hardly remember what it was that she’d been running from, only keeping with her the vague sensation that she had been running. Running from something unstoppable while holding something very precious in her arms. Something from Andromeda. The vague sensation that she’d needed to leave quickly was hovering in the back of her mind as she scrunched her eyes shut in an attempt to remember it fully.

Phantoms had been shouting loudly in her ears about something that had seemed relevant in the dream but was lost to the waking world.

Pulsing light filtered into the room through cracks between the curtains covering her window in dancing patterns against the far wall. Streaks and shapes merged and split with the brightness of winter morning behind them. It was an odd feeling to go from pain and heat, ‘Why was it so hot?’, to the sudden chill of her surroundings. The duvet and comforters were a tangled mess at the foot of her bed and the rest of her sheets had fled at some point in the night.

Sweat streaked across her brow and if she concentrated enough she could swear she still smelled the faint remnants of an acrid fire, more potent than the crisp ashy cinders produced in a fireplace. The distant memory singed her nose instead of leaving pleasant reminders of times past.

She shook her head in a vain attempt to throw off the lingering feeling of being chased as she slowly slid off the side of her bed. Bare feet found purchase on the thick carpeting while her toes dug in to further ground her in the feeling of being awake. The remnants of the dream faded to a lost memory as her concerns were replaced with a rumbling stomach and dry mouth.

With a practiced efficiency the young witch dressed herself before heading out into the hallway outside her room. Instead of turning right, she turned left, leading her to stand before Andromeda’s room with a need to check in on her older sister. She couldn’t describe what was driving her to do so, sisterly affection maybe, but if it was that it was the first time in many years that she’d reacted to it in this manner.

As she lingered before the door with her hand securely on the knob her heart began to creep up into her throat while her ears rang in the silence. Stuffing the fear into the back of her mind she twisted the silver knob that allowed entrance while straining all her senses against the still air of the corridor and room.

With a click, the door opened at her insistence, and she slowly tiptoed her way forward into the often forbidden room.

A sigh raced out of her mouth and her muscles relaxed as she took in the sight.

Her sister was curled up in multiple yellow and green blankets, tucked into a corner of her bed against the headboard in a nest of her own making. The bed was strewn with clothing and pillows, cheery colors of red and lilac clashing with the rest of the rather drab looking room. A brown mop top of curly hair slowly shifted as the witch within stirred at the quiet intrusion while Narcissa happily reconciled that her sister was alright.

The window was slightly cracked, something that Andy had always been fond of, causing Narcissa’s breath to ghost out in ice crystals as she breathed in the comforting scent of home.

Backing out slightly she left the room before padding down the hall. A smile played at the corners of her lips as the lingering feelings of worry and doubt that had branched off from the dream and into the waking world finally sloughed off of her small shoulders.


The table in the dining room was filled to the brim before Narcissa even had a chance to sit down. The elves knew her preferences for food and her standing order was that it should be prepared before or at her arrival, not a moment after. The little beasts were somewhat… amicable, she supposed, if not good conversationalists. But she supposed that was all par for the course where it involved something as lowly as them.

One bowl of fruit, cubed. Check.

One plate, filled to bursting with a rasher of bacon, fried eggs, and toast. Check.

Simple, filling, and effective. And all so easy that the elves could prepare it in their sleep.

The stumbling noise of feet shuffling about on hardwood flooring heralded the arrival of Hermione, the tell-tale sharp healed clack of boots walking down heel to toe announced her eldest sister. As the duo passed into view she placed her fork down and glanced up to greet them.

“Good morning Bella, Em’.”

“Mornin’ Cissa,” her sister replied, while Hermione only grunted in acknowledgement. The witch looked a little worse for wear, short hair tousled and frizzed while dark rings fell drearily beneath her eyes. Breakfast proceed from there in a peaceful contentment as each of them silently ate their fill.

“So,” Narcissa asked once she’d finished her plate, “What will you two be up to today?”

Hermione shook her head before pushing the plate in front of her out of the way, elbows coming to rest on the tabletop while she cradled her head in her hands.

The social perfectionist inside of Narcissa nearly screamed out at Hermione’s blatant disrespect for proper decorum before she managed to school herself and remember that the witch had not been raised in their manner.

“Going to my,” Bella air quoted as Hermione said that, “Estates. Need to look them all over. See how they’ve fared after some years of being abandoned.”

"Well that sounds like… fun.” If her sister or Hermione noticed the slightly strained quality to her voice, neither brought it up.

“Yes. You have no idea. Literally cannot wait.” Hermione deadpanned her delivery as she sunk further into herself and the table.


Morning passed quickly from there on out. By mid-morning she’d determined that staying inside was becoming unbearable and opted instead to take a walk around the grounds. Snow lay piled outside of the walkways and even warming and anti-frost charms did little to satiate the bite of winter in full force.

The grounds were worth the discomfort however. Beauty in all its splendor awaited her at every turn as the land around her lay quiet beneath a blanket of snow. Fluffy white drifts lay piled against the base of the Manor and crisp air encircled her very being as she focused on enjoying her time off.

She had no schoolwork to focus on after having blitzed through it all at Hermione’s determined insistence and now there was little for her to focus her efforts on. The past few days of worry had ended in a pleasant manner when Hermione’s plan had come to fruition, and she was determined to enjoy it in a more fitting environment.

That the older witch had come to fit securely in their dysfunctional little family, garnering Bellatrix’s love, and the sisters quiet affection for both her unique presence and the calming effect that she seemed to have on the eldest. That she was also working to help them in their lives was secondary to the feeling of finally finding someone who seemed thrilled to be around them for just being themselves. She was genuine in her endearment to the sisters instead of sycophantically clinging onto them like a leech.

Her thoughts were dashed from her head as a snowball sailed over the side of the hedge she had meandered over to, crashing down on the side of her face in a puddle of slush and snow. With a squeal of surprise she crouched down and dipped low, already taking up her own snowball as Andy’s laughter ran out over the lawn.

Within minutes the yard had turned into a full on battlefield as each sister threw lumps of snow, the sounds of joy and adventure ringing out through the air.


Cygnus was fuming. Since the moment that the sisters had returned from their impromptu war, there had been shouting and ranting coming through the other side of his study door. It seemed even the ward surrounding its walls were unable to quell the anger raging within. Harsh words and the thumping of boots as someone paced were getting louder as the morning weaved into afternoon, sun climbing high and with it the tempers embedded on the ground floor.

Andy had taken in the sound for little less than a minute before running off to the rookery with an excuse of needing to send a letter. The lie was hiding a simple enough truth that Narcissa felt alright in letting it go. She was still slightly miffed though as Andy trudged up the stairs and away from the conflict.

In the first floor library the young witch had found refuge. Ensconced within multiple woven afghans on a comfortable armchair, she kept a book in her hands and ears open to the sound of unbridled fury flaming beneath her feet. At nearly even intervals she could catch snippets of shouts as the wards buckled against the screaming men.

Her hand wrapped around her wand as she absentmindedly pulled it out when a particularly violent shout passed through the floorboards at her feet. Setting the book down onto the end table at her side she threw the blankets off and stood to her feet. She didn’t know enough silencing spells to knock down the sound below her and listening to it was beginning to give her a headache. Reading had quickly become an untenable distraction.

She knew she could have run to Andy to keep herself busy and safe but the nagging pull of her pride kept her from doing so. The smell of mold and dry pages continued to waft throughout the room along with ash and smoke from the fireplace, settling her nerves in sensations that kept her feeling safe.

The logs cracked and popped while the wood within it shifted, embers growing bright with flares of heat and movement. Recovering her position she sat back down into the chair and attempted to contrate on her book again. As the sounds beneath her died out and remained quiet for over a minute she took a moment to believe that the fight was finally over. She could only hope that Cygnus had grown tired and that his temper had finally relented.

She had almost convinced herself that all was well, she was seconds away from it truly, before the loudest bang yet exploded off in the distance below her.

It wasn’t the first time she’d heard power being thrown off like that but it was the first time she’d felt it. The entire house seemed to shake on its foundations when the spell went off, dust falling off of the chandeliers above her.

In only seconds she was on her feet and sprinting towards the mezzanine staircase, her flats scuffing against the bare hardwood and rugs slipping out from under the force of her movements. Andy had been able to hear and likely feel the disturbance as well, the sound of her sprinting was banging loudly along the ceiling as she descended from wherever she’d decided to take refuge.

Dropping down the stairs two at a time she nearly landed into a heap when she reached the bottom, feet skidding to a stop as she went down on one knee while her balance fled her. With her wand out and trained down the hallway she took in the sight of the empty hallway. The sound of her sister reaching the top of the staircase caused her to look up. Andy stood at the landing, brown hair wild and eyes blown wide open in confusion and worry.

“Cissa, get back, now!” Andy hissed out through clenched teeth as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs. Throwing an arm out behind herself she pushed Narcissa to her back and whipped her wand out to face towards the hall. None of the elves had arrived to take notice of the issue, or they were purposefully avoiding the confrontation.

Narcissa couldn’t tell which option worried her more. Their lack of attentiveness during what could be a deadly intrusion or their apparent desire to avoid it entirely and let the family fend for themselves. She knew that they didn’t treat their elves the best that they could, Hermione’s constantly tight face whenever one of them interacted with an elf was obvious enough, but she couldn’t for the life of her understand why they would purposefully abandon them. They weren’t Walburga for crying out loud.

The seconds ticked on as silence continued to reign over the empty hall while both sisters strained their ears as best they could in an attempt to remain alert. A low sound traveled down the hallway, fast words spoken far too quickly and too quietly for them both to know much more than the face that someone was still alive in there.

“Who is that?” She asked Andy, the arm still wrapping behind herself in a protective grasp.

“Gregor maybe? I didn’t see who it was the Floo’d in. Not sure.” Andy’s voice was barely more than a whisper and still Narcissa could hear the tremor running through it.


The door to the study suddenly exploded outwards in a brilliant flash of blue light, the wood having been rent into pieces as it clattered against the wall before falling to the floor.

“Back up,” Andy began to push Narcissa further behind herself as she stepped backwards and angled them towards the front door. “Back up Cissa, move-”

“You’ve betrayed MY House-” A voice bellowed out as a spell flew out through the destroyed passageway and into the wall beyond it, crashing with a spark of blue flames and embers. Andy pushed Cissa away with renewed vigor, turning them both towards the door in an effort to usher her away from the danger.

As she turned them fully away from the hall and lunged out towards the door a spell shot by her right shoulder, singing a path through the air and colliding with the flooring in front of her with a high-pitched whine and an odor of ozone lingering in the air. As the spell landed a scream rose up out of Andy’s throat while she dived to the side with Narcissa following swiftly.

“Pierre, I don’t know what you’re talking about, as I’ve already explained to you already!” Cygnus’s voice caught their ears as Andy sprinted ahead to grab up Cissa’s free hand and began to drag her towards the relative cover of the opposite hallway.

Heavy footfalls followed their movements and Narcissa redoubled her effort at keeping up with Andromeda.

“I’ll kill you, and I’ll kill your whole fucking brood for this Cygnus. You dare disrespect my family? Yours deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth!”

Narcissa risked a glance behind herself as she lurched forward. Her eyes caught sight of a tall man with thin and wispy brown hair, a buttoned coat spattered with blood that reached down to his mid thigh, and a look in his eyes that threw her heart into a terrified pace.

Green light shot from the smokey ruins of the study towards Pierre’s position, the caster unsteady on his feet as blood dripped steadily from a cut above his eye and obscured his aim.

“Pierre, stop this madness! My children have done nothing to  you, you bloody fool!”

Cygnus was staggering after the man as fast as he could while only stopping to steady his aim and cast spell after spell in the wizard’s direction. Every spell was easily deflected into the side of the hallway or out into the foyer, blasting into the ground and walls in explosions of wood and plaster.

“You’d have us mate with those things and claim ignorance to my face? I think not. It’s obvious to me now that your whole line is rotten if you think you can get away with that marriage with simple restitution,” Pierre practically hissed out his last sentence, venom dripping from every word.

Andy was practically flying down the long hallway as she bounced from side to side in an effort to refrain from presenting a clear target to the murderous man behind them. She kept a wordless shield charm up and floating along with them, nothing near strong enough to stop a direct hit but maybe enough to stop a glancing shot.

Indiscriminate shouting reached Andromeda’s eas as they finally made their way to the base of the staircase at the far end of the Manor. As she shoved Narcissa up the stairs she turned around to block their retreat, weaving a ward in glyphs of red and blue into the base of the staircase. As she finished casting Pierre rounded the corner to stare her down with a manic look and a violently waving wand.

As his hand finished cutting through the air a hex of dark light shot out to smash painfully against Andromeda’s shoulder. Grunting in pain she pushed herself backwards and up the stairs while forcing a shield out, focusing only on blocking his next attempt as her arm lay ruined at her side. The pain was a biting, living thing, leaching into her shoulder and robbing her of both energy and breath. Adrenaline that had powered her only moments before was swiftly fleeing her, covering the pain in a rapidly thinning blanket of relief.

At some point Narcissa had leaned down to help, either unable or unwilling to trust using her magic. The young witch, shaking with exertion, reached down with both arms and pulled Andromeda backwards, practically dragging her up the stairs and to the landing.

Pierre stared up at them with a look of pure malice in his eyes while stepping towards the now invisible wardline that Andromeda has weaved. His left leg caught first, trapped by the spell, and as he moved to advance further the magic brought him to a standstill in a miasma he couldn’t see. The man moved furiously, waving his wand around himself while angrily growling in a tone that slowly morphed into a scream of pain.

“No!” The webbing of the ward appeared visible right before it began to tighten down on his body with surgical precision. The magic  and power began to lace together, digging into his skin and clothing and separating anything that got in its way.

With a faint squelching sound the lines wrapped tighter around his wandless arm, snapping the trap shut and sealing themselves through flesh and bone. The useless appendage dropped to the ground at the same time that he managed to extricate himself from the wards. He stood mutely for a second with his mouth agape and blood pumping uselessly through the cleanly severed stump.

“You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you!” The guttural proclamation from the wounded man carried the full might of his rage and anger, strong enough to make blood boil.

As he stood at the base of the landing Andromeda limped backwards and towards a safe room with Narcissa gamely trying to take her flagging weight while her own blood dripped onto the floor in rivulets. As she reached the door her wounds overcame her, darkness filling her vision as the world around her shut off.


Bellatrix’s heart was running a marathon in her chest. Heaving gulps of air were making her lightheaded and the adrenaline coursing through her system was inducing a shiver to her muscles that she wasn’t quite sure she could control.

Fear and anger ruled as twins in her head.

As soon as she entered into the foyer, she turned to her right and caught sight of her father speeding down the hallway, his coattails flapping as he sprinted down the corridor. With a grunt of exertion she changed her direction and headed off after him, Hermione following closely at her heels. She wasn’t sure who it was that had been screaming earlier, not her father, she was sure. The voice had been too deep and scratched but a man for sure. Cygnus was mad, but he wouldn’t willingly attack Andromeda and Cissa, not now anyways. The man had no way of knowing about Andy’s dalliances with Ted and Cissa was a model daughter in all respects.

As Cygnus rounded the end of the corridor and took off to the left where the stairwell rose up to the second floor a spell of purple flame flew into the wall just inches from Bellatrix’s face and halting her progress. Skidding to a stop she threw her body up against the wall and leaned slightly to peek around the corner.

Cygnus was standing, wand raised, in front of a tall man that she distantly recognized but couldn’t place. His face was covered in blood, eyes wide open and more than half mad. A stump limb was spewing blood while he raised it up and down in time with his other arm that fired off spell after spell towards Cygnus. The flurry of spells was impressive but Cygnus appeared to be holding his own, each spell landing with a muted thud against his shield or crashing into the wall behind him.

With Hermione at her side she took a moment to look at the witch in her eyes before steeling herself and turning the corner. Her arm remained raised up to hold an opalescent shield and she planted her feet to keep herself grounded to the floor, moving forward in sure steps with at least one foot solidly on the ground at any time.

Hermione moved forward to take her place beside her with her wand raised and firing off a multitude of offensive spells in rapid succession, looking to all the world like a model duelist. Their faces were set in grim determination as they both kept up the push, the shield surrounding them doing its job and bouncing the mans spells off and into the wild directions before digging into the surrounding walls.

The man continued to back slowly up the stairs while his feet stumbled and bumped into the steps as he went higher and higher. He held himself straight through the continued assault, wordlessly keeping his own shield up while peeking around the corner to shoot off powerful spells and scream obscenities at the advancing trio. When he finally recognized Bellatrix as the witch standing before him he broke into a loud cackle of crazed laughter, lips set wide in an angry sneer. His arm reared backwards as the madness finally overtook him.

The man drew a complex figure with his wand as he brought it slashing down, shield still supported by his ruined stump to block and redirect the spells careening towards him. As the hand reached level with the ground he shouted out, “Maledictus Dei vivi Aestuo!”

When the final word left his mouth Bellatrix understood what he’d cast, her shield dropping and mind spinning back towards the D.A.D.A. lesson where she’d learned the counter.

Red flames, vivid in the tightness of the hallway, burst forth from the tip of his wand in swirling patterns of orange and white. The mass of fire accelerated forward with unparalleled speed as it grew and expanded to stretch itself out across the entire hall. Bellatrix could see a ram’s head forming in the center as it grew and approached with a frightening intensity to overtake her father completely. The flames blasted around his body with the fluidity of water to eat up his scream of pain and surprise. Heat bathed them as she dropped to her knees and dragged Hermione down with her.

“Caeli Remotionem!”

A popping sound similar to apparition started the counter as the air in front of them shimmered and glowed. A suction force began spinning rapidly at the base of the stairwell to draw the fire and air in front of itself inwards with a surprising amount of force and sound that nearly deafened her.

When the spell ended the fire had gone out completely, smothered by a lack of fuel, leaving behind the charred corpse of her father and the staggering man, his bloody stump boiling in the void. The man dropped down into a seated position on the stairs behind himself, free hand dropping the wand and grasping at his throat. The howl of wind picked up again as air rushed forwards to fill the gap between her and the hallway in front of her. Windows along the side of the Manor smashed at the sudden drop in pressure, glass shards imploding into the hallway in a shimmering rainbow of sharp edges.

Hermione shot herself forward before the man on the stairs could recover. Her wand was out and wordlessly she cast a white spell that impacted the man's chest before exploding outwards to envelop his whole body. She wondered to herself what exactly she had cast before the effects made themselves clear.

Slashes of white appeared all over his body in a cascading effect, the white lines taking chunks from his clothing and flesh to leave peeling skin and blood again and again and again. As Hermione stood tall, wand still aimed at the now dying man, Bellatrix left her knees to join her side. Her own wand hung uselessly at her side as she watched the carnage unfold.

Nearly a minute passed before the man’s gurgling screams finally ended and the sound of an invisible blade finally died out.

As Bellatrix came back to herself she looked up past the body and began to race up the stairs to follow the trail of blood at the top.


Hermione couldn’t hear anything at all but the sound of her own breathing and the steady patter of blood dripping off of the stairs and onto the floor below.

‘In. Out. In. Out.’

The mantra revolved around in her mind while she waited for Bellatrix to make a reappearance or call her up.

Her body was just barely coming off of the adrenaline high that had been unleashed during the fight, arms and fingers still twitching involuntarily as she casually observed the scene. Cygnus’s body was a charred shell, his body baked and heated to unrecognizability.

The hallway in front of her was also a disaster zone. The floor and walls were scorched black from the intense heat of the Fiendfyre and the metal chandelier hanging above them was a twisted metal amalgamation. Bella’s quick thinking had avoided any further catastrophe by removing the air in the tiny space as fast as possible. It was a trickly play, one that usually worked but could turn deadly in an enclosed space. Thin tendrils of snow blew in through the now shattered windows to collect on the floor and almost immediately melt into the ashes.

The sound of Bella’s voice high above her brought her out of her reverie.

Sidestepping the body she made her way up the stairs in an aim to find Bella and figure out whether anyone else was injured. The landing was answer enough as a messy trail of blood led up and further down a hallway.

The trail ended before a partly closed door and Hermione stopped to collect herself before pushing it open and taking in the sight before her.

Andy was sitting with her back pressed up against the wall, the room around her bare with its furniture either banished or having never been furnished. Cissa was sat beside her uninjured arm, knees pressed to her chest and arms wrapped tightly around them to pull them into her chest.

Bellatrix was down on one knee and gently probing Andy’s wounded shoulder with the tip of her wand, gently muttering beneath her breath as she worked. Her free hand reached out to grasp Andy softly by the uninjured shoulder to steady the younger witch and keep her grounded through the shock. When Bella noticed Hermione’s presence she motioned with her eyes for her to enter and join them.

“Hey Andy,” Hermione said as she started setting up a number of monitoring spells, checking everything she could in an effort to help. The younger witch remained silent throughout the whole of the examination, only nodding her head in answer to Bella’s yes or no questions.

After a few more minutes Bella stood from her spot and turned towards her youngest sister. Narcissa was still seated against the wall with a vacant stare in her eyes that hurt something deep inside Hermione’s chest. The young girl shouldn’t have ever had to deal with what happened this afternoon, and she couldn’t help but feel the sorrow of the situation flow through her chest and scarred arm.

Bella reached down to lift Narcissa from her spot, turning the witch and picking her up to cradle against her chest as she walked out of the room. Narcissa buried her face in the crook of Bella’s neck but otherwise made no movement or sounds throughout the exchange.

“Andy, what happened?” Hermione’s voice was quiet in the still silence of the room.

“Mr. Lestrange must have interrupted Cygnus. I think… I’m not sure but I don’t think Cygnus intended to meet with him today. I don’t know where Gregor is, whether he left early or was caught in the crossfire. Need to check his study…”

The witch trailed off, free hand coming up to rub at the split in her top and massage the new pink skin of her scar.

“Let’s go.”



I couldn't find an agreed upon incantation for Fiendfyre or the counter, so I hope this will suffice.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 79bcede2cb0c64583ccb58a1102648dda4b875f3 ) [41] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 24. Book 1: No Rest For The Wicked [timestamp] => 1560031200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 24: Book 1: No Rest For The Wicked

Chapter Text

After nearly eighty-eight years wandering around the world in one capacity or another, Albus Dumbledore was hard to surprise. That was why, after some discrete inquiries, it was such a shock to his system to realize exactly how much the current generations disregarded or outright ignored breaches amidst their security and livelihood. Most of, if not all, witches and wizards seemed to have forgotten about the tiny little security flaws in waiting, skulking about their homes and places of business with no sense of security or accountability.

It seemed to him that most, if not every one, that owned a House Elf were perfectly fine with allowing the little creatures to exist around them and protect their secrets and interests through a millennia old magical bond that most didn’t have even the faintest hope of understanding.

The elves themselves were generally regarded as little more than chattel, barely intelligent slaves that served no more purpose in life than to be servile little animals with just enough wit and ability to serve their betters without being considered a liability. Pitiable little things that were only meant to serve a House or a Master. They had existed for so long inside the homes of Wizarding society that unless they failed egregiously at their respective tasks that they simply faded off into the background until their services or abilities were needed.

This realization shocked Albus, and he kept it to himself all the same.

The seemingly simple creatures were far more than simple servants. They were sentient creatures capable of a level of foresight and knowledge that fell far, far beyond their capabilities as mere servants. They were able and willing to work far outside of their duties and responsibilities so long as their actions never once contradicted an order. It was also a relatively unrecognized reality that elves had friends. Families. Scattered though they were, no elf was ever truly alone.

An elf serving in one House might be directly related through blood or marriages to the elves serving faithfully in another House. The Houses might even be considered mortal enemies and it wouldn’t matter to the bonds the elves wove between each other. They held friendships as well, stretched out long and thin by their service but unbreakable nonetheless. The elves knew no animosity between one another no matter the petty squabbles of their sloven overlords.

The multitude of elves in service to Hogwarts were no different. They had lives and experiences that touched far outside of the physical spaces that they were permitted to work and live in. They even had time off, another fact that most Houses seemed to have forgotten. Waiting around after chores were completed, spending their break outside and away form the hustle and bustle of Wizardkind was not an unusual action for the elves once they finished their duties.

They didn’t just hide in a closet and remain still as an unworn pair of shoes or sleep when their services weren’t needed.

And Albus knew this.

Yes, there were a handful of elves that were forbidden or removed from their own society via codes and words of Honor, never even once permitted to interact with another of their own kind. But most were not restricted in such a fashion and many who were had loopholes that they wouldn’t hesitate to use. And more still were simply left to their own devices with no one else's say in the matter.

But then again, most wizards were useless.

And Albus prided himself on not being of those feckless dunces.

After years of peace between Wizardkind, barring the mildly significant blip that was Gellert, they had grown complacent and fat in their contentment. They had forgotten the old ways. The Oaths that had once served them well in times when secrecy and security were paramount had faded into the background, relegated to old books and senile old wizards.

But Albus hadn’t forgotten.

Each and every elf working and living inside of Hogwarts were sworn until death to serve the Headmaster above all others. An Oath, that once struck was much like the Unbreakable Vow, superseded any and all other instructions or bindings. Any order could be countermanded, any secret revealed, all confidence twisted inwards to the select benefit of the Headmaster. It was a strong Oath. So much so that the blood flowing through their tiny bodies practically hummed with the background effects of the latent magic. Heaped upon by runework that had been etched deeply into the Keystones that supported Hogwarts, the bond was as infallible as the castle itself.

Phineus had been the first to implement such a bond. He had been a paranoid old man, crazy even, but incredibly smart. Paranoia and backup plans made up nearly half of the man's thoughts and it was mindset that Albus could deeply appreciate.

The elves had a hold on a magic far different from the type wielded by Wizardkind. Far older and more incomprehensible than what their current mundane existences would lead one to suspect. They had not always been House Elves. And their kind still carried the markers of their hallowed past, however diluted and subdued in the intervening years. A magic more primal, unfocused, sparked through them and was brought into existence by only a thought and willpower.

It was, again, something that Albus had not forgotten.

It was why, when he called for Chief House Elf Bolin to report to his office, the elf was able to describe the murky and ofttimes haphazardly built chain that linked himself to multitudes of other elves. From Twiffle, and elf under House Goyle and Bolin’s sister, to Twiffle’s father Gormin, serving under House Nott, whose cousin served under House Potter, whose sister served House Longbottom. And whose father served House Black.


This chain, tenuous and long and invisible to Wizardkind, but still a link, allowed one such as Albus an immediate and ready-made form of access into the home of his current star pupils.

A link that Orion and Cygnus had not managed to break.

After discovering that the link existed, and understanding the level of familiarity between the elves, it was only a matter of asking a few requests of Bolin.

And the elf was only too eager to serve.


Narcissa’s body shook as she jigged her leg up and down in a decidedly unladylike fashion as she waited for Hermione to exit the study next door. Up and down, up and down, again and again and again. The restless energy flowing through her body was pent-up to a near maddening level while she waited for them to finish.

She had finally left the sitting room behind with Andromeda sleeping peacefully in her corner when the waiting and anxiety behind the outcome of Hermione’s appeal to Cygnus finally grew to be too much. She’d instead returned to the ground floor and found herself a quiet spot in the lounge that pressed up alongside the Study. Fading echoes of her time spent in here while learning the piano accompanied her while she sat down upon a lonely settee, her feet planted firmly and stubbornly on the floor while her leg continued to jig.

It was in this room that she had first learned about the perceived value that her blood held over others. Druella had been far too enthusiastic to show her pieces of music that had been authored by famous wizarding composers, purebloods only of course. She had taken to showing off muggle and half-blood music as a form of denigration. For every note from a muggleborn or a half-blood she had played ten times more from a pureblood, busily pointing out the differences. Narcissa had never been able to hear what supposedly set the artists apart from one another even when she listened to covers of famous songs. Her mother had never noticed though, deciding instead to lecture her on how much more sophisticated and regal the pureblood works were.

The lessons and mindset had been something that Narcissa had only half listened to. An eight-year old could only understand and imbibe so much, and the venom that dripped from her mother’s voice had been off-putting and heavy-handed for her younger self.

After Druella had tired of mincing out harsh words and hour long lessons Narcissa had taken to inhabiting the room whenever her mother wasn’t around. She’d surround herself with music from a variety of composers in an effort to understand whatever differences that her mother had been spouting. Nothing more than a deep respect for those who made music and a deep appreciation for music made in centuries past.

It was a win in her book.

And now, as she sat rigidly upon the settee with her leg bouncing at a blurry pace while her mind was caught up in hope for Bella, she found that she couldn’t relax for the life of her.

She could hear a gentle murmur coming over from the room next door but couldn’t make out any individual words or speakers. The room was warded in such a way that understanding their conversation was likely impossible, but she hadn’t come down to the room to eavesdrop. She’d only come here to await Hermione’s exit and subsequent news. Not that she couldn’t eavesdrop if she wanted to. Druella had quickly clued her youngest daughter into a secret only she knew, that a single corner of the room had been heavily enchanted to allow words and sound to pass freely between the two rooms. As paranoid as she was, she’d never once let Cygnus have the study all to himself, even when he was the only one in the room. She’d chosen instead to listen in on each and every conversation he’d had.

Narcissa kept herself purposefully away from that location. It had crossed her mind for a split second that she could betray Hermione’s confidence, take up that spot, and listen to every word that was said. In the end it had been her desire to maintain trust and friendship that kept her away, finding it more important than hearing the explicit details of Hermione's maneuvering.

Bella was still somewhere outside of Manor, likely to remain there until Hermione came to find her. Knee-deep in snow and probably covered in the fine debris of her favorite form of stress relief. The woods surrounding the Manor would eat it all up and return again with an even hardier shell to take in and absorb her abuse. Bella’s choice to obstinately avoid the root of her anxieties was familiar to Narcissa and although she was worried about the pending outcome she had still wanted to be the first person in the Manor to know.

Her eldest sister had been so despondent when she’d first learned the news of her arrangement to Lestrange that the black pit she’d thrown herself into had been both physically nauseating and horribly saddening to Narcissa. To see her protector, fierce Bella, thrown down so far into herself that she’d become a magnet that only attracted danger and rage had been a deeply worrying development. No one else besides Andromeda had been able to see how far she had fallen into constant aggression since the announcement and the fact that it had been compounded by their mother being led away in chains certainly hadn’t been helpful to the situation.

The change in her sister had been immediate once Hermione had found a way to work herself beneath Bella’s hardened exterior. Rage and anger had dissipated into a simmering aggression that she was now able to reign in more often than not, warm smiles on her face instead of a constantly pissed off scowl.


The door to the study opened and shut with a soft click that alerted Narcissa to Hermione’s exit. Within the span of a second she was off of the settee and charging out into the hallway, standing before a stock still Hermione and shifting side to side

The older witch was standing stock still in front of the closed door, her hair a ruffled mess and sweat clear against her brow. A large packet of parchments were tucked up under her arm while her free hand rubbed incessantly against the words that Narcissa knew to be carved into her skin. Throughout the intervening seconds she continued staring off ahead of herself with a far away glint in her eyes.

The older witch’s lips began moving as she mumbled something softly under her breath.

“What?” Narcissa tried to focus her hearing.

Within a few seconds Hermione seemed to come back to herself and peered down at the young witch standing before her, her unfocused eyes sharpening up and finding the piercing blue of Narcissa’s.

“I did it. He’s… He’s dropped Lestrange. I… We’re… Betrothed.”

A giddy feeling flew up and spread throughout Narcissa’s chest in tandem with an increased beating of her heart as she heard the good news. The carefully maintained facade of calmness evaporated from her face.

“Is my father still in there?”

“No,” Hermione gently shook her head from side to side, “No. He’s left. Said he’d be returning again tomorrow. Someone by the name of Gregor Ivanov will be by tomorrow for a meeting with him.”

Hermione’s voice had quieted again as she spoke until Narcissa had trouble even making out the words that comprised her whispers.

“You okay Em’?”

A deep breath shook through Hermione before she responded. “Yeah, yeah… Just tired is all. I didn’t think it’d take that long. And it got kind of weird before the end.”

With that said the witch stretched herself out, arms raising as the parchments fell onto the floor and joints popping audibly in the preternatural stillness of the Manor.

“I’m going to go and find Bella. Feel free to let Andy know if you want, otherwise I’ll just let her know when we have dinner.”

Before she could think better of it, and before Hermione could start to walk away, Narcissa had thrown herself forward and into a crushing hug around the older witch, a smile etched deeply on her face in reflection of her happiness at the outcome.


Since Hermione’s exit from the pit of Tartarus, hours had passed and now the quartet found themselves ensconced within a sitting room on the second floor while a bottle of wine passed between the hands of the three eldest. It was an old vintage, rare and worth far more than any of them found reasonable, that Cygnus had left to collect dust in the disused wine cellar deep beneath the Manor.

Narcissa had been politely denied when she’d asked for a glass, her older sisters hurrying to claim that it wasn’t healthy for one so young as her to drink. Hermione had sat quietly while trying, and failing, to hide a smile behind her wine glass. Narcissa wasn’t too hard-pressed to be upset over it, the air of freedom and fresh air waving away other concerns after the news had broken through the Manor.

“So then. What’s next?” Andy quietly spoke up over the rim of her glass.

“Well, I guess we’ll start getting to work on your marriage next. Not sure yet how we’ll be able to spin it though.” Hermione’s voice was still muted and dull from her exhaustion but she’d been making an effort to engage with the trio as much as she could manage.

“Don’t really think that we can,” Andy said disdainfully. “Burga will just strike me from the tree for living Ted, not to say even marrying him. Which I’m looking closer and closer to. Cygnus can’t Imperius me into marrying if I’m already taken. No one will officiate something as sacrilegious as that. I’ll be spoiled blood by that point, too worthless to waste his time on.”

“Still, don’t rush off into something if you can help it. We might figure something out.” Hermione shot Andy a sympathetic look as she finished talking.

Bella leaned back into her seat on the settee before leaning heavily to the side to press her body up against Hermione. “Em’s right, we’ve got a year to work on it. We can figure something out.”

“True.” Andy’s subdued look spoke volumes as to her true thoughts on that matter.

A weariness had settled between them all following the bottle of wine from glass to glass as each witch unwound from the tightly packed stresses of the day.

“So what about Voldemort?” Narcissa could swear she’d be able to hear a pin drop after that particular question. The trio had turned to look at her with worry in their eyes and silence speaking volumes through their closed lips. A shuffling of glasses took place before any of them were willing to respond.

“How much do you know about him?” Hermione asked quietly.

“Well, I know he’s not just your tutor. Andy and Bella met with him and Cygnus before term started. And whenever you two show up after a lesson you’re bone tired and beat near half to death. I know healing charms and potion work when I see it. I’m young, not stupid.”

Bella’s glass clinked against the table as she set it down before fixing Narcissa with a steely eyed look and a frown twisting at the corner of her mouth.

“He’s got nothing to do with anything for the time being. Just ignore him.” Her voice brokered no room for disagreement, eyes pinning down on Narcissa while she mutely nodded. “Keep your focus on Lucius. Keep his leash tight and it’ll all be fine. You’ll both know more once you’ve reined in your occlumency. We can’t take the risk of anything we tell you getting out to anyone else.”

“Well how am I supposed to do that if you won’t tell me what he needs to avoid? And we’ve been practically occlumency for days, when are we supposed to be good enough?”

“When we tell you that you’re good enough, then you can know. And not a single second before then.”

Hermione finally seemed to acknowledge the conversation happening in front her her when Bella finished speaking. When she looked up and connected her eyes to Narcissa’s the young witch could painfully feel the breath catch in her throat.

Hermione looked tired. Far more so than could ever be explained by just sitting around throughout the day with Cygnus. Her eyes radiated a bone deep exhaustion that spoke to the length she’d been carrying it far more than words alone could. It wasn’t a defeated look, far from it, but one of someone who’d lived through horrors and now simply saw through them.

“Cissa. If anyone, anyone at all, starts a club or anything that includes only purebloods, keep Lucius away from it.” Hermione twisted in her seat upon the settee before pulling away from Bella and leaning forward, her elbows sitting up on her knees as she propped her chin on a raised fist. “Keep him from radicalizing. That’s the entirety of your objective for now. Keep him from being blinded by prejudice and from joining any others that believe in the idiocy of blood supremacy. Keep him from pledging support, monetary or otherwise, to groups that espouse blood supremacy. Collar him. Control his leash. He’s eager enough to please from what you’ve told us of him. So make it as painfully obvious as you can without putting yourself in danger. Make sure he understands that you expect him to forgo those types of behaviors and that sort of company.”

As she finished speaking the witch’s words had a sharp edge to them that cut further than the petty squabbling that she’d been prepared for with Bella ever could. It stung to be told that her position in this was to simply be used as a way to police Lucius. The edge that Hermione spoke with and the glint of something horrible in her eyes were the only things that kept her tongue from lashing out and prompting a fight between the three of them.

She wasn’t completely comfortable using Lucius like this. She wasn’t comfortable being held away from the secrets that her sisters were, or would, be privy to. She was many things though, but not dense. The witch seated before her needed this done to protect something and had already gone so far as to promise herself to her sister in hopes of removing Lestrange from the equation.

She bit down her lip hard enough to draw blood before nodding her head in acquiescence and leaning back into her chair. Pent up air exploded outwards from her lungs in a sigh that carried with it all the tension that had been building between them in the past few minutes.

Andy chose that moment to hiccup from her leaned back position in a high backed armchair before throwing her own thoughts into the ring.

“So. If Cissa will be doing that, what’ll you two be doing?”

Bella snorted out a laugh, “Playing at both sides and hoping we don’t get caught out by anyone.”

“Do you think you can manage it?”

Bella’s face and demeanor turned grim before she sighed deeply and held her tongue. In the end it was Hermione that was left to answer.






Pain lanced up and into arcs throughout Hermione’s head as the pound of her headache beat steadily into her temple. The slow moving heat and sparks of pain had been migrating all throughout her head from the moment she’d woken up. First it had struck in the back of her skull and had now moved forward to settle deep behind her eyes to the point where wincing in bright light was all she could do to save herself.

Hangover potions, or whatever swamp water could pass for them in this time period, had yet to be fully perfected. Or understood in any real manner. She knew that they were supposed to be cure-all potions but none had the efficiency or potency of a true hangover potion from her own timeline. The last few months before her unexpected tumble through time had given her ample opportunity to get well acquainted with the numbing feeling and slightly garlic aftertaste that they left her with.

Since her rather rude awakening with the blinds being ripped open to reveal the stark light of winter she had downed three potions that Bella had thrust into her hands, popping off the cork stoppers and downing them without the slightest hint of hesitancy or wariness to be found.

‘Fat lot of good they did,’ she opined while stuck on her knees on the floor, legs spread out and a porcelain bowl blocking all of her vision. The biting chill of cold tiles pressed up against her knees and shins was uncomfortable and barely enough to throw off the throbbing heat worming its way throughout her body. Bile and acrid pools of saliva choked at the back of her throat while her empty stomach made its distress known with cramps and a steady nausea.

The single uplifting thought that she could muster was thanks to herself for her new choice in hairstyles. With all the bushy mane having been shorn away she no longer needed anyone to stand beside her and hold it up and out of the way of her regrets made manifest. It was a poor consolation but amidst the suffering of her body she would take any that she could get.

Bella was sat beside her with a cool hand on her naked back that rubbed half circles into the stiff muscles beneath her skin while sending out cooling charms with practiced efficiency every few minutes. She was trying her hardest to keep Hermione from completely succumbing to the poor results of drinking an entire bottle of Centaur produced wine, but thought it likely that her ministrations were an exercise in futility.

“You need me to get you anything else?” Bella’s words were soft against her skin as the kept her voice low enough to not cause any undue discomfort.

“Yeah, a new brain. And stomach. You know,” her voice rasped out, “The usual.”


An unfortunate hiccup in Hermione’s plans, but shopping for new organs was not on the agenda for her outing today.

Side along Apparition had run her stomach through the ringer again but passing up on breakfast in favor of life giving water had been enough to stave off any further expulsion. The last thing that she wanted to do for the day was prowl around three gigantic Manors but time wouldn’t wait and Bella had been asking her for this since they’d first been informed that the estates were hers to claim.

And creating a disappointed Bella was something that she sorely wished to avoid.

Passage to the first Manor on their list had come via a quick pit stop at a slightly less than reputable portkey station to take them over to mainland Canada, before a series of short hops of Apparition brought them to stand before the front gates. Hermione resolved that before the week was over she would get personal portkey’s for herself and the trio. The long travel was arduous and could prove deadly if speed and efficiency were necessary.

Standing tall before them was a massive wrought iron gate that barred any further passage onto the property. The design of the gate was massive with bars nearly as thick as her forearm and a height almost five times her own size. Not that that really amounted to much, short as she was, but the oppressive feeling she had gotten from standing in front of it had her feeling even more minuscule than normal.

The cobblestones leading through the gates were old and weathered into a near uniformity with a layer of dirty snow and detritus built up over them all. The thin layer of snow on the ground led Hermione to assume that the ground had been at least mildly charmed to resist snow buildup but whether it was a heating charm or something more exotic she couldn’t tell and didn’t have time to figure out.

Hedges rose tall and prominent on either side of the path to wall them inside, cut out of Privet bushes and shaped to match the tall brick walls that ran the outside perimeter of the estate. Green and tall, the hedges sat peacefully while long dead vines and evidence of past grown wrapped themselves up and through the dense foliage in patterns and whirls that seemed both purposeful and random in equal measure. It was a style that bespoke of a lack of maintenance and one which Hermione planned to change out as soon as she was able.

As they followed the winding path to the front door of the Manor Hermione couldn’t help but be impressed by the massive structure. It was only the first of three estates that they planned to visit that day, but Château de Grenier was the largest of the three and only one with a location that was public knowledge. The other two estates were side properties that served uses as a summer home and a hideaway from the world, respectively.

The building by itself was as impressive as Black Manor even if it wasn’t nearly quite so beautiful to look at. The outside of the massive estate was clad in red clay bricks all along the outside with only the trim on the windows and door frames left to stand out in a stark white against the oppressive ochre coloring. The building rose four stories tall and stuck up out of the land like some form of monstrous outgrowth, the Manor curving in on itself in the shape of a massively over-stylized C.

Only about thirty paces before the front door and stuck in the middle of a snow covered island that was surrounded on all sides by cobblestone road was a large and rather ornate fountain. Cold as it was the water had either been turned off or frozen itself shut as either way there was no water to flow and brighten it up with even the tiniest bit of life. Full sized depictions of Sirens surrounded a large center obelisk that was nearly three meters tall and carved from the same cold marble as the Sirens themselves. They were situated against the sides of the obelisk, leaning back in an uncaring manner to rest against the surface of the obelisk while their carved faces turned up into a staring contest with the sky. It was beautiful in an ephemeral way that left Hermione speechless as she stared.

“Hey,” Bella crowed up beside her before elbowing her gently in her ribs, “Eyes off.”

“Oh sod off,” came Hermione’s reply, head turning slightly to smile over at her girlfriend.

“Come on,” Bella flashed her a grin, “Let’s go. I’m freezing my tits off out here.”

Their footsteps crunched against the thin lay of snow and ice that had built up on the cobblestones as they made their way towards the center of the Manor, a large wooden door staring back at them with disapproval as they carried forward.

As Hermione reached out to grasp onto the handle of the door, assured beforehand by the Canadian Ministry that it would open immediately to her touch, the door pulled itself open unexpectedly. Glancing over at Bellatrix with a small amount of trepidation in her eyes, ‘This is how people die in horror films!’, the tiniest of voices spoke up from behind the door.


The order, unexpected as it was, would have been far more imposing and shocking to the two witches if it hadn’t been uttered by the single smallest and wrinkliest house elf that Hermione had ever seen in her life. The elf had plodded around the door to stand in front of it and start the duo down, snow melting on the raggedy towel that it had draped around itself and closed shut with a golden pin.

“This is the Manor of the House of Grenier, presided over by Lord and Lady Grenier. State your business.”

Hermione looked back and forth between the elf and Bella for what seemed like an eternity before shoring up her surprise and responding to the geriatric elf.

“I am Lady Emelia Grenier, of the House Grenier. This is my Manor.” Her voice brimmed with confidence and authority that she couldn’t feel resonating inside of her, thoughts turning instead to the fraudulency of her statement.

‘Well, it was fraudulent. I am a Grenier now, in blood and status…’

“By order of the Claimant Law of the Canadian Ministry, I have inherited this land and the accompanying Manors as the last surviving member of House Grenier.”

The little elf kept its crooked mouth closed and seemed to be wavering back and forth between shutting the door in their faces or allowing them entrance. Hermione finally tired of waiting on the little thing to make a decision and made it for him. Reaching out and grasping the door handle she pierced the elf with a sharp stare.

“There. Now, If I wasn’t of House Grenier, I’d have been burned by now. Will you please let us in already? It’s bloody freezing out here.”

The elf seemed shocked to have been talked back to in such a manner, eyebrows rising high on its sloped face, before taking her words at face value. It shuffled back behind the door to pull it open from the handle on its side, allowing them both to enter. As Hermione and Bella stepped into the foyer, the heat of the Manor pushed down at them both while snow and ice that had accumulated on their clothing began to weep and melt away, dripping down to dissolve completely into steam before it even managed to touch the beautiful carpet under their feet.

“Thank you. Now, what’s your name?”

“Malbon, Lady Grenier. I’ve been in service to your family for generations and waited many years for someone to come back to the Manor. Malbon is quite pleased to meet you Lady Grenier.”

The diminutive elf clasped its hands behind its back before bowing down so low that its nose scraped against the ground.

“Least it knows its place,” Bella growled out lowly before a swift elbow into her side cut off her comment.

“Would the Lady Grenier and her… associate,” the elf looked upon Bella with obvious disdain, “Like Malbon to give them a tour? Malbon has kept the estate in proper shape in your absence, truly Malbon has.”

“Yes, I’d like that. Thank you Malbon.” Hermione linked her arm with Bella before the witch could get out another insult and practically dragged her girlfriend off to follow the elf further into the foyer.

Above them the ceiling rose high up into the air, capped off at the top with a single chandelier that sported well over one hundred everlasting candles and seemed to be draped with anchor chains forged in gold. Wax dripped off and into nothingness while the candles burned, shining a golden light onto every inch of the room. Up and in front of them were mezzanines for each level above them, the first floor being the only one with a staircase that led down and into the foyer itself. Hardwood flooring extended past the carpet they had originally trudged in on and branched out into three paths.

One path led up to the staircase and the first floor while the other two split off at the sides to run parallel to the front of the Manor. Malbon led them off and to the right side first, passing into an overly warm sitting room where a fireplace roared cheerily in the corner and multiple expensive looking black settee’s sat undisturbed with tables carved out from massive trees parked in front of them. The walls held decorations of all stripes but most notably instruments that related to sea faring as far as Hermione could tell.

They passed forward and without comment into another room that was far more suited to spending an evening in quiet company. Massive easy chairs with plush leather and end tables at their side to support whatever was needed there while the far wall held a row of bookcases stacked and littered from top to bottom with books and nearly no free space whatsoever.

Hermione could feel her heart lurch up and into her throat as they passed through room after room, her mind resolving to find the library and sit herself down for an inventory as soon as was feasible. The remainder of their tour encompassed much of the same, Malbon leading them from room to room while describing the name and function in exhausting detail. He seemed to put no further importance on pleasantries or questions of where she’d been, opting instead to reluctantly give them history lessons. The elf seemed either reluctant to talk about Hermione being the last Grenier, or simply didn’t care enough for small talk as they wandered about the hold home.

Two kitchens, five sitting rooms, ten bedrooms and accompanying bathrooms, a room dedicated towards the appreciation and collection of music, one large study, one smaller study, a dining hall and ballroom, and even more rooms that Hermione simply couldn’t keep straight in her head made up the bulk of the interior of the estate. The tour was exhausting and wandering from room to room was taking its toll on her patience and energy. By the time they had finished over two hours had passed by. Her head pounded with the residual of her hangover and her stomach had begun clenching in the absence of food before she finally relented to her body’s need and asked Malbon to take them to the nearest kitchen in order to prepare something to eat.

“Lady Grenier, not to impose, but Malbon will take you to the dining room and bring out food. Malbon has kept the late Master’s charms on the food, nothing has spoiled. Please, please, come this way.”

The sound of footsteps echoing across the rooms as they trudged from the conservatory and down two flights of stairs to the dining room contained within. Malbon seated them both before promising to return right away with food for the both of them.

“So. You happen to remember that time that I said you were rich and you didn’t believe me?” Bella flashed her a sharp toothed grin as she ribbed her.

“Yes, I seem to remember a conversation that seemed something like that… You were right.” Hermione settled down into her seat before laying her palm out across the table for Bella to hold, both witches tired and enjoying the brief respite from walking.

“And you still have two more to visit, right?”

“I do. But we don’t have to go to them today. Honestly I’m not even feeling up to finishing this one. I need to get portkey’s made and this all seems far more tiring than its worth right now. I’ll ask Malbon to get an inventory together of all the items in the Manor. More likely than not I’ll just donate a good portion of it and sell whatever isn’t fit for donation. Probably end up selling one of the other estates as well.”

“Keeping this one then?”

“Unfortunately yes. In order for the Canadian Ministry to qualify the Grenier name as a House, I need to keep at least one home on the mainland and ensure that its location is known to them. The other two aren’t on mainland and while I don’t particularly feel a need to occupy this monstrosity, it’ll have to stay. I’ll clean it out though and still likely buy a plot somewhere in England. And a few more to keep things discrete. Leave this as a last resort if we ever need to use it.”

“Well whatever you can’t end up selling or donating, I call first on destruction. I could use some target practice once we’ve got hand held Fiendfyre.”

Hermione’s features cooled into sharp lines as Bella brought up the subject of Fiendfyre, her eyes narrowing slightly at the thought of the dark haired witch holding so much power literally in the palm of her hand.

The grin plastered onto Bella’s face began to slip as she waited for Hermione to speak up, the witch instead favoring to continue staring at her without saying a word. Brown eyes held fast to the thoughts she was leaving unspoken.



The lunch hour passed by them as a quiet affair. Plates of sandwiches and bowls of steaming hot soup had appeared into existence in front of them as Malbon worked his magic in one of the faraway kitchens. By the time they had finished up Hermione was feeling far better than she had all morning. Her feet were rested up and stomach settled into something resembling normal. Her headache had even finally faded into the deeper recesses of her memory. Unfortunately it still did nothing for the deep-set fatigue that continued to linger on in her bones and after she finished up with her food she sought out Malbon and relayed her requests for an inventory to him.

Soon enough they were both set out again, apparating first back to the portkey hub they had entered from and through there setting back out on a nauseating spin back to mainland England.

The scar etched into her forearm was humming pleasantly along with Bella’s mood, warm and comforting and lacing her mind and body with the familiar comfort of home. It was a new feeling but one that had forced its way into her body once she had given Bella the good news of her new marriage contract, springing out and into existence in enough of a fountain that she’d been nearly knocked to her knees from the warmth of it all.

And now that feeling thrummed along with her heartbeat as Bella brought her back to Black Manor via side along apparition, her thoughts churning away towards the remainder of their break together and the multitude of plains they still had waiting to begin. Most of what was to come would be hard and certainly not for the faint of heart, but the determination she felt shared between them would help to keep they buoyed against any despair or worry.

Their steps crunched in tandem across the snow covered walkway while a light dusting that fell from the clouded sky above landed on their shoulders. Cool, clean winter air filtered throughout their lungs as they slowly ambled back to the front door.

As they made their way closer to the entrance the soft sound of pops and irregular sharp sounds filtered out and across the walls and grounds towards their ears. Snow muffled what they heard to the point of it being nearly unnoticeable, but a small pit had begun to form in the bottom of Hermione’s stomach as they grew in volume the closer they came. With each step closer they could hear more and more definition, their pace quickening at the sudden turn to sour fear. When the scar on her arm abruptly switched to feelings of worry and anxiety she looked over to Bella’s face and tried to read the witch. Her features had closed off, a question in her eyes and lips parted slightly as she panted with the increased exertion of their pace.

Their steps sped up again, nearly into a sprint as snow crunched loudly beneath their feet and in the distance the distinct POP sound of spellwork became easily discernible.


A shout made its way through the walls of the manor and caution was thrown to the wind. Bella released Hermione’s arm and flat out sprinted forward, her boots digging into the snow in an effort to gain traction and speed while Hermione took off right on her heels. With each stride her heart leaped up in her throat, worry and fear gnawing at her insides. When the duo reached the front door Bella’s pace refused to slow as she withdrew her wand and twisted it in a complex pattern, releasing the lock on the door and opening it wide for her to sprint through.

The angry sound of offensive spells blasted out through the now opened door while screams of terror followed. One voice rose up above the cacophony though, a male voice shouting-

“ -kill you!”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => b25bc097d03598906e8cf0b64f58b596370d02a0 ) [42] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 23. Book 1: Deal with the Devil [timestamp] => 1559426400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 23: Book 1: Deal with the Devil

Chapter Text

Cygnus was at once both everything Hermione had been expecting and nothing at all like what she’d prepared herself for. Tall, wiry, and bespeckled with the ruin of a past encounter with Dragon-Pox, he looked more like a scholar or low-born professor than the shrewd businessman and Dark Arts' magnate that she’d been expecting. A tumble of black curls twisted around themselves again and again to limply hang down to the nape of his neck. It was nothing if not obvious where Bella and Andy had inherited their mass of unruly curls from. There were no bulging muscles, no paste of red to his nose that would indicate a proclivity to drink, nothing sharp or overly antagonistic about his walk or tone of voice. He was uncomfortably normal.

Reconciling that this man would stoop so low as to regularly beat his children as easily as he’d worm his way into the caravan surrounding a new socialite was a disconcerting task. Not that she wasn’t unaware that people could have two faces, Quirrell was certainly the most literal embodiment of that truth, but he seemed to portray himself in such an opposite manner to the past she’d been told that the contradiction was fraying on her already nervous mind. The Manor held no pictures or portraits of the man, showcasing only Druella and even then only in a handful.

He dressed in soft gray robes overtop of a far more muggle-like suit of coal-black that was powdered in a thin layer with ashes from his travel through the Floo. A pair of twinned golden rings holding rubies and sapphires sat snugly on his thin fingers that clutched and gripped like so many spiders legs around the long ashen gray wand held tightly between them.

Silver orbs with flecks and streaks of brown bore down on her from his position in front of the fireplace while the tell-tale prickle against her mind alerted her to his failed attempt at legilimency. She smirked up in his direction, safe in the knowledge that he was cut off from entering her thoughts, before schooling her features back into the taciturn and humble visage of Emelia.

“Ms. Grenier-” His baritone voice caught in his throat as Hermione’s face once again broke character with a smirk of disdain and barely concealed anger alighting behind her eyes as she interrupted him.

“Lady Grenier, actually.” Despite having no qualms with controlling this conversation she knew it was wise to stay somewhat on the amicable side of his temperament, but something in the dismissive way he’d begun speaking to her had just rubbed at her the wrong way. And Hermione wasn’t one to let someone start things off with her on the back foot just because of their name or wealth. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Black.” A quick of his eyebrow was the only sign that he had any emotional reaction to her interruption.

“The same to you, Lady Grenier.” His hand swept out to the side in invitation for her to sit on one of the plush chairs rooted in front of his personal desk. “If you would make yourself comfortable I’ll have the elves fetch us some refreshment. I, for one, am quite parched from my recent travels.”

She nodded her head in quiet acceptance before taking to the proffered seat, dropping the bundle of paperwork she’d kept underneath her arm unceremoniously onto the massive desk situated before her. Before her nerves could get the better of her she let the soft thrumming of her heart as it beat along to the nervous energy flashing constantly through her body form a point for her to focus herself in on. She was prepared, Bella and herself had worked through as many arguments as they thought that Cygnus could come up and found counters for each and every one, yet still her stomach was tightly coiled in on itself like a knot of Runespoor’s.

Cygnus, still standing behind her and talking quite softly with an elf named Tinan, slowly finished up his conversation before he turned to sit at his desk. The soft thud of his steps upon the wooden floor echoed about the space as he neared her. While he rounded the desk he flicked his wand to pull the large and obviously antique desk chair out from its place, sitting down heavily and scooping the loose sheaf of paperwork she had dropped onto his desk.

Teacups sprang into existence on expensive looking marble coasters with a mellowed ‘Pop!’, while Cygnus occupied himself with digging through desk drawers for his own assortment of parchments and notebooks. Hermione reached forward, grabbing the tea and sipping slowly as she waited for her host to begin. Second after second stretched onward as the lull in conversation allowed Hermione a moment to reflect on what she knew of the man.

The common description that was thrown around had been that he was wickedly smart and held a penchant for grinding his political and business opponents into the ground as one would crush a beetle with their heel. A penchant for heaping upon his opponents a revenge that far outweighed the offense was his hallmark, while those he supported could depend on him until a more advantageous opportunity presented itself. He both supported and proposed pureblood laws while also taking a keen interest in the makeup of the Wizengamot even though he could not sit upon it himself. Orion might have been the actual Lord Black, but it seemed almost everyone knew who really held the power within the family. His supporters consistently flocked to defend his name as readily as he took to defending theirs. A theory spread wide by the tabloids of the time held to the theory that the ongoing riots that had persisted throughout the year after Squibs came out for equal rights were instigated, at least partly, by his meddling and rumormongoring.

The man was also absolutely comfortable with both physical and emotional abuse, even targeting his own family so long as the end result suited his desired need. The trio had taken a prolonged amount of time to explain that incurring his displeasure was usually a one way ticket to a cruciatus or far more muggle means of discipline . The bruises still lingering on Andy were a reminder to how high his temper could flare.

He was also shrewd enough to distance himself as soon as something caught the public ire. His recent distancing from his incarcerated wife an easy example of the behavior. The moment that her actions painted them both in an unpleasant light he had practically stood from the rooftops to denounce her. Bits and pieces of information regarding the whole story were all that Hermione had to go on so far as none of the trio were very inclined to share exactly what had happened and Bellatrix still hadn’t divested any of her memories for Hermione’s viewing. She also had a sneaking suspicion that none of them had a full grasp on what exactly had happened to her, sometimes it seemed she’d been incarcerated in Azkaban while other times it was more likely she’d been interned at St. Mungo’s. Until one of the trio opened up Hermione was content enough to let the matter rest and focus on Cygnus’s roundabout actions during the scandal.

Time and silence continued their uninterrupted movement between them as Cygnus continued to shuffle paperwork back and forth while Hermione maintained her practiced air of lethargy and boredom. She held no illusions about who would likely control this negotiation, he could order her to leave at a moment's notice or summarily turn her offer down with whatever reason he wanted, and she would be left with no means to pursue it any further.

Cygnus already had her at a disadvantage, holding them up in his personal office space to discuss the matter instead of somewhere more neutral like Gringotts or a Law Firm. She wasn’t willing to show him any weakness or give him pause to characterize her as easy to walk over and if forcing him to be the first to speak would accomplish even a small part of that, then she would wait.

The only bit of her betraying the image were her eyes as they roamed across the room. Hardwood flooring was laid end to end across the space in an off color brown that more closely resembled black when she squinted her eyes. The dark wood comfortably matched the worn furniture and seating arrangements that were scattered about the space. A single tall bookshelf pressed tightly against the far wall was filled up to the brim with books and tomes of various thickness and age, their jackets dust covered and spines peeling back in evidence of a life spent well-read.

The Black Library, sitting only two levels above her, was a room that nearly had Hermione on her knees and begging Bella for entrance. Her incessant please were, unfortunately, denied outright. The wards surrounding the shelving and individual books were too keyed into the blood of the family that her touch could start off a cascade of obscure and deadly curses. The danger that the room presented served to only irritate the itch in the back of her mind that screamed out at the injustice of having knowledge so close but still so far out of reach. She’d only been able to quiet herself once Bella had given in and agreed to look for a spell or ritual that would allow her unfettered access.

The corner of her lip turned up at the realization that if this meeting went to plan then she would have easy access to the room and its contents whenever she so desired.

Sunk into the wall opposite of the bookshelf was the large and rather ostentatious fireplace that served to both heat the room and provide easy access to the Floo network. It stood nearly as tall as she was and was built up from within by bricks that had turned matte black where flames constantly licked up at them. Bella had told her that for as long as she could remember the fire had not once gone out, instead left open and on for easy and discrete transportation at all times. A thick mantle piece was attached above it, holding up small statues of Grecian mythology and smaller trinkets of gold and silver. Hanging above it all was a large metallic version of the Black coat of arms. Three massive ravens preened and waved their wings from their position above the mantle, two-dimensional bodies opening their beaks in a silent caw.

“Lady Grenier,” Cygnus’s voice brought Hermione out of her inspection of the room, “Are these all the documents that I requested?”

She smirked outwardly at finally forcing him to be the first to speak before tamping down her amusement and responding.

“Yes, Mr. Black. They’re all there and signed off by Master Grindhelm, of Gringotts. Also, I’ve taken the liberty of including a copy of the enhanced inheritance test that I recently took. I figured if you’ll be looking at everything else that you might as well have that too.”

He nodded silently before shuffling through the paperwork in front of him, slowly organizing it into some mess that only he could understand.

“Well then. If you don’t mind my asking, Lady Grenier, why exactly are you so eager to saddle yourself to Bellatrix? Surely there must be plenty of young suitors begging for your hand?” He peered over the lip of parchments to stare down at her through blocky reading glasses, one eyebrow raised up questioningly.

“If you must know, I’ve taken quite strongly with her over the past months. She was antagonistic at first, and I’m sure my showing up out of the blue wasn’t that helpful to our friendship, but since then we’ve become extremely close. I’d think it quaint, but accurate, to say that I’ve fallen for her just as she has for me. As for me sitting here today, well, I’d like to ensure that the Lestrange boy is no longer a part of our future.”

“So love then?” He shot a toothy and disingenuous smile her way, “Simple as that?”

She inclined her head almost imperceptibly in agreement.

The sheaf of papers held in his hand dropped down to the desk as he removed his glasses and clasped his hands together on top of the desk before leaning backwards in his creaking chair.

“Come now. I’d like to think I’ve shown you a good deal of kindness so far. I’m allowing you to meet with Bella and our Lord during his tutoring sessions, I’m letting you stay here during your break. I’m even taking time out of my busy schedule to sit down with you for a private meeting. Simply declining your request for this meeting would have been the most conscientious decision, I’m almost definitely losing money by spending my time here and not our working. On the basis of my current graciousness to you and your House, please don’t lie to me. Why are you here?” His silver eyes twinkled in delight as he watched intently for her reaction.

Hermione could barely restrain a groan of exasperation. Of course Cygnus would see a material motive where nothing more than concern and a burgeoning link between the two existed. She was, however, prepared for this eventuality. Bella had practically drilled it into her head but having to deal with his projected superiority as if he’d caught her in a lie was grating. Her only consolation in dealing with him was that she had a plan that both witches had agreed would work.

“My last name is Grenier. Not a specifically well-known name outside of the New World or France. And those that know it here are generally much older than witches and wizards my age. Now, regardless of the age of my name or the purity behind it, it’s not a favorable name here nor is it advantageous to me. I could get by on it, I know I could, but it would take me far longer than I’m willing to wait. A more favorable name however, one old in England and carrying the backing of generations, would go a long way towards carrying me to my ambitions and anchoring myself here.”

“And what exactly are you expecting to anchor here?”

“The same thing that the Grenier name was known for in the past. Shipping, logistics, freight hauling and furthering access, for those with the right amount of coin, to a multitude of items and eccentricities that most of the Ministry would rather prefer were left outside of the country. The world grows ever closer and no one can stop the march of progress. A shrewd businesswoman could make a lot of galleons in the coming years.”

Cygnus’s eyes slowly widened as he listened to her rehearsed lines, the words spinning up and greasing the gears that drove him towards recognition and avarice.

“I see. In that case, what is the name worth to you? I assume since you’re looking for a foot in the door that it’d be worth quite a lot, no?”


Everyone surrounding her was on edge, so much so that Narcissa could nearly feel the piercing of nervous spikes digging into her flesh. Again, and again, and again. Terse sentences, clipped tones, glares and barely concealed jitters. Bella and Hermione could both give a pincushion a run for its money and Narcissa had just about had enough of it.

Red hot sparks of molten slag dripped off the tip of Bella’s wand and the clipped almost bark like laughter that bubbled up her throat with whatever inane thoughts passed through her mind was more than enough for Narcissa to resolve to find a way to get her out of the Manor. Or at least into a more comfortable room. The building was large and expansive and still she felt cooped up on the ground floor with all the nervous energy floating about the spaces. The mixture was heady enough that even the air was tinted with the bite of ozone and sharp spices. Convincing her sister to leave and find solace in the wilderness surrounding their home was another matter entirely that nearly had her crying in frustration while Andy took the low route to slink off to another room in silence before anyone could even notice that she was leaving.

Dealing with Hermione hadn’t been much easier. The short haired witch had opted instead to plant herself before the study door and hiss underneath her breath in low tones that oozed with barely restrained energy. That odd display had lasted right up until she shut herself inside the room and bathed it with privacy wards and anti-eavesdropping spells. Narcissa counted herself lucky that she’d not had to handle the witch as she had her sister. She had an inkling that the older witch could have been quite the handful if she’d been so inclined.

With both witches sorted and off to their own devices she had left the ground floor, heading upstairs and trying to find wherever Andy had run off to. Darkened hallways and silent portraits left her wandering in quietude with only the creaking of loose floorboards and her own near silent footfalls to accompany her.

Minute after minute crept onward as she searched throughout the Manor until after what felt like hours she finally caught wind of what sounded like someone singing. The words floated out through a disused room on the third floor, hauntingly eerie and peaceful in the same breath.

Passing through door led her to a small sitting room that was generally empty and unused except during holiday gatherings, and today was no exception. Andromeda was alone and pushed into a corner, lying on her back with a pillow from the couch propped up underneath her head. Her hands were clasped on top of her midriff and her feet, clad in Slytherin green socks, waved back and forth in time with the tune she had begun to gently hum.

Narcissa’s entrance appeared to go unnoticed until her sister grunted in acknowledgement of her presence and went back to humming her lonely tune. After sitting down on the empty couch that was pushed up against the side of the wall she turned sideways and laid out, comfortable in the quiet presence of her sister.

The past week had been horrendously taxing on both her mind and body. Not only had she just barely finished her mid-term assignments, but spending each and every afternoon with Hermione and Bellatrix in the Room of Requirement to train up her occlumency barriers had been mental torture. Each and every lesson had consisted of her attempting to empty her mind of emotions so as to construct barriers and defenses in their places, each go round draining her more and more to the point of nearly falling asleep while Hermione trained her.

Being woken with a sharp elbow from her eldest sister hadn’t been one of her proudest moments, but appeared to be something she would have to live with until she could properly protect all of their secrets. Not that they would divulge all of them anyways, Hermione had made that quite clear before they’d even begun. Not having knowledge of what was to come was grating but acceptable so long as she was alerted in matters that actually counted. Chief among them was her prospective engagement to Lucius.

Hermione had asked her, in a neutral tone, to observe his actions during their time together and try as much as she could to keep him from doing or joining anything reckless or dangerous. She hadn’t been told what he could be doing that would be harmful, just to be on the lookout, but she’d agreed to do so all the same. The tone that Hermione had used as she’d explained her request had been insistent to the point of worrying the younger witch, and so she had taken to it immediately. Her rationalization revolved around assuming that anything that kept him safe and away from the wrong side of the law would be beneficial to her as well, especially by the time they were set to be wed. It might be a few years of silent gatekeeping but she held onto the vague hope that her actions would be advantageous to their future.

Gentle humming, soft and ethereal, filled the room and softened the senses as Narcissa drifted towards a peaceful sleep, confident that when she awoke the matter taking place below her would be resolved in an acceptable fashion.


Heat and electricity flooded up in a bout of nervous energy through Hermione’s body, channeled forth through her scarred connection to Bellatrix. She could feel each moment that the witch lost control of her temper and each moment she vented the ensuing frustration. She could discern the level of nervousness surrounding the witch and infecting her thoughts with dark scenarios and painful outcomes. The raised letters of the scar pulsed with heat as Bella drew upon her magic to unleash some fury or another in attempt after attempt to calm her mind and body.

Hermione intimately understood that Bellatrix was no saint. She knew it as much as she knew she herself was no longer some shining pedestal of ‘Light’. She also knew that she would be lying if she didn’t admit and accept that some small part of her deep down in her core was slowly being hyped into a pleasant warmth at the realization that Bella’s outbursts and rage were tied directly into concern for her own wellbeing and the outcome of this meeting. It was a strange realization for sure but one she could accept.

Still though, upon shaking in her seat with a heady rush of Bella’s emotions, she knew that it wasn’t the visage that she wanted to present to Cygnus. She needed to be calm, collected, comfortable, and in total control of the negotiation at all times. Shaking with feelings and emotions that all too readily matched the pool of heat that would gather between her legs when she was intimate with Bellatrix was not how she wanted to feel at that moment.

By the tenth or eleventh revision of the contract, she’d lost count after he’d gone into an extended monologue on the need to ensure she’d remain virtuous throughout the process and up until the wedding, she was practically vibrating with the intense need to escape the claustrophobic meeting and irritating company.

“Mr. Black,” Cygnus paused mid word to stare down at her across his glasses when she interrupted him, “If it wouldn’t be much of an imposition I’d like to take a short break. We’ve been at this for more than a few hours and a moment of respite might do us both some good.”

“Of course Lady Grenier, it’s not a bother at all. Not all of us are built to withstand the lengths of contract negotiation. It takes a certain kind of wizard to keep up with this pace. Let’s say we adjourn for a half hour and pick back up after that.”

Smiling and nodding she bit back the retort sitting on her lips at his answer.

‘Self centered twit,’ she fumed internally. ‘Of course he fits the mold of a sexist businessman.’

Pulses of energy continued to lance through her arm and out into her body as she stood and paced from the room in only a few short strides. When she entered the hallway her breathing pattern broke as she took in heaping gulps of air to calm herself. With only a small bit of concentration she walked away while letting the curse drag her towards Bellatrix.


Each room she passed by was flawless and empty of life. Stark white surroundings and deeply brown furniture contrasting against what little semblance of habitation that the rooms could hold onto. A book overturned here, pillows and cushions with indents that showed a favored seat. And all so sterile that she could hardly believe the fact that three young women had been raised here. There were no plants, there was no dust, everything covered up by the limitless efficiency of house elf magic.

The only thing that gave her a compelling reason to enter or search the rooms were the small bits of magic released from harmless looking artifacts that felt the wayward tug of the curse on her arm and responded in kind. These little pinpricks were something she hadn’t been aware of before, but it seemed that between the original healing of the scar and the limited interaction she’d had with the interior of the Manor and lack of dark artifacts at Hogwarts after the wars end, she’d managed to completely overlook it.

The general lack of dark objects was also a factor in her lapse at realization. Andy and Cissa had taken time to explain to her upon her arrival that the majority of their family’s artifacts were hidden away or owned by Walburga and any that remained were safely hidden or obfuscated so well that even a full investigation by the Ministry wouldn’t uncover anything untoward. Any items that remained were simple things that could be brushed off as being family heirlooms that had simply absorbed magics over the years and now softly radiated it out into the environment, surely no cause for concern among any visitors, Aurors or otherwise.

The only room in the Manor that still contained actual items of relevance to dark magic was the library and it was so well warded up that even a team of Gringotts best curse-breakers would be stunted and likely forced to work for days if not weeks to allow themselves entrance.

The room taunted her with its existence, locked out as she was. It was filled with grimoires, scrolls, tomes from ancient and long dead authors and packed to the brim with magics that she wanted desperately to get her hands on but had no method to do so. Thoughts of the Head of House Atreus bit at the corners of her mind as she wandered throughout the ground floor according to the whims of her scar.

Eventually she found herself in a wing solely devoted to servants quarters, small doors and disheveled appearances marking it as the home for the numerous house elves in service to Black Manor. The doors were mostly closed and the few that were open housed elves that were taking a break in between their duties or waiting on the snap of a summons to put them to use. Most left her be, content as they were to simply ignore her presence, while she wandered throughout their habitation. Eventually she came across an open door leading to a small room that seemed occupied for a reason other than rest.

Three elves stood in the center of the room to form a semi-circle around a fourth. All were dressed in tattered sheets and scraps of cloth twisted about into the fashion of a toga, heads bowed forward conspiratorially and eyes shifting back and forth among one another. The synchronicity with which they all turned to look at her once one they caught her movements was oddly alarming and so very much like something out of a muggle horror movie that Hermione’s breath caught and her heart stilled at the realization that she’d walked into something that was supposed to be hidden.

‘Might have been hidden better if they’d kept the door shut.’

The implication of their suddenly ceased conversation, that it was forbidden, passed through her thoughts while her mind focused mostly on their sudden and startling lack of emotion. Large eyes, usually expressive to an eerie extreme, were sullen and blank. None moved or even seemed to breathe as they stared at her, and she back at them.

Before she could even utter a word of question the door was snapped shut rather loudly after the elf in the center snapped its fingers. Apparently they understood she was a guest there only at their masters leisure and standard courtesies and civility needn’t apply. Hermione's breath leaped out of her throat when she found herself out of her stupor.

'What in the bloody hell was that about?'

She continued staring mutely at the door for a few seconds more until another passing thought and the tingle at her arm brought her away from her stunned incredulity and back into the land of the present.

‘Bella first, creepy elves second.’

As she turned away and walked further down the hall the sharp sound of her heels on the hardwood floor became her only accompaniment. The tug of magic between Bell and herself brought her out and through the west end of the Manor until she found herself walking out through a pair of glass double doors and out onto a magnificent patio.

She’d stood here only once before, after a lesson with Voldemort, amidst white marble and intricate banisters that spread out into a facsimile that called upon ancient Grecian and Roman architecture. The whole area was buttressed and cleanly carved into a magnificent scene of wizarding architecture. Here there was life in abundance. Here was proof that someone cared enough to displace the antiseptic aura of the rest of the Manor. Rows of plant beds lined up against the railing to hold flowers of varying sizes and heights. Magenta, pink, a neon spectrum of petals and bright green stalks swayed back and forth in the gentle breeze, growing tall and unencumbered despite the cold snows and biting winds that regularly blew through the area this deep into winter.

A wandering ivy had taken root in the cinder and clay bricks that made up the exterior of the Manor, climbing high and broad until the entire left side of the Manor was nearly blanketed in thick leaves and vines nearly as thick as her wrist. It was, in its own way, far more beautiful than it had a right to be. It was clear that without active maintenance the ivy would spread and consume the home it was situated upon, a startlingly aggressive plant tamed only so long as someone was around to control it. It was something that she near desperately hoped that one of the Grenier estates might emulate.


Sharp sparks and the biting sound of spellwork impacting a solid object flashed out amidst the copse of trees buttressing the side of the Manor. Fresh snow muffled most of the sound and left only the sharp echo to spread out across the grounds. The nervous tingle that thrummed throughout her body pulled her forwards and into the treeline while the stresses of the past few hours settled out and faded softly into the back of her mind, eked from their roost with thoughts of Bella. The short trudge out and into the woods proper brought her to a sight she hadn’t seen in years.

It was chaos, pure and simple.

Like the aftermath of the Forest of Dean, tree’s bared evidence that they’d taken the brunt of the assault. Broken trunks and splinters the size of daggers lay strewn in heaps across the snow as evidence of the violence of Bella’s spellwork.

Bella was standing alone amidst the carnage, facing away from Hermione with her wand trained on a target only she could see. Charred wood and splinters lay at her feet while the smoking ruins of a patch of trees continuously popped as the fires contained within them settled and cooled.

As Hermione rounded a large trunk and stepped into the clearing she coughed lightly in a show of making enough noise to get Bella’s attention but not enough so suddenly as to end up being accidentally hexed for her troubles. As she looked upon the form of her girlfriend she realized that Bella had changed at some point prior to her onslaught, leaving behind the skirts and heels that she’d worn up until Hermione had entered Cygnus’s study.

She wore long shorts, that looked far more like she’d hacked up a pair of black mens slacks, her bare shins and feet nearly buried beneath the layer of snow beneath her. A black undershirt stretched tightly across her torso while remaining short enough that Hermione could see the curve of her hips and pale stripe of her back. Her hair was tied up into a messy ponytail with strands hanging loose from multiple spots that bounced upon her shoulders as she breathed in great heaving gulps of air. Steam rose from her uncovered skin in trails and ribbons against the backdrop of dark trees and exhaled breath.

Twin lances of nervousness and anger flashed through her body and mind as she watched the slightly swaying form before her.

“Don’t wear yourself out too much…” Hermione spoke up lightly as she made her way towards Bella, cautious enough to not startle or upset the emotionally oscillating witch.

“Em’,” Bella turned around to face her before rushing forward. She wrapped Hermione into a tight hug with a strength that was belied by her short form, lifting her up and off her feet. “How’s negotiations,” she asked through a voice that was muffled into the crook of Hermione’s neck, “Getting a good price for me?”

A snort of laughter met Bella’s question as Hermione buried her face into Bella’s side, peppering her warm skin with soft kisses. When she felt that any further hugging would crush her lungs she disengaged from Bella and stepped backwards before throwing up a crooked grin.

“If by best price you mean a hefty parcel of what he believes I’m worth, and assurances that if I revive the Grenier shipping business I’ll run portions of it through him, then yes. I’m getting a good price. He ran down straight to brass tacks pretty quickly, we’re just squabbling about the specifics right now. And naming, and bedding procedure. Quite fun.”

“Fun? I’ll be sure to try it then. What are you leaning to for naming? We haven’t really spoken about it.”

“I’ll go with Black, I think,” she waved her hand in evidence of her lack of concern, “So long as you’re okay with me taking your name. It’s either that, or Black-Grenier. Although, I’m not much a fan of hyphenation. Grenier on its own has no ties to England, and I think we’ll need some in the future. When it’s all said and done I’m going to look into a legal name change from Emelia to Hermione though.”


Hermione wrapped her arms around herself before shrugging and looking off into the distance at the broken trees. “I’m not too attached to ‘Emelia’. I’m Hermione, through and through. But you can continue calling me Em’, if you like. It sounds good when you say it.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet,” Bella wrapped an arm around her waist before nuzzling her cheek against Hermione’s. “I think I can live with that. Not too worried about anyone conflating the names and appearances?”

Silence stretched out before them as Hermione searched for an appropriate answer. Bella filled the gap in their talk with wordless spells that left gashes and missing chunks of wood into the trees in front of them.

“No, I’m not worried really. It’s most likely that I’ve just been shunted off into a different dimension somehow, rather than sent back in time within my own world. Least, I’d like to think so. That my friends wouldn’t just abandon me… Or maybe I just made a new branch in reality when I was sent back. That Unspeakable, Bode I think, hasn’t responded to me yet so I’m not exactly sure what’s happened. But anyways, I’m not worried. If things work out as planned then we’ll have a whole different future lying ahead of us anyway. No point in preparing for things we’re actively avoiding in the future.”

Bella dropped her wand arm before returning the crooked item to the holster she had strapped to the inside of her forearm while releasing a long exhale and turning her face up to peer into the clouds hiding the sky behind them.

“What are our plans anyways?”

“Well, first we need to finish a few things before graduation. I don’t want to lose access to the castle and still have things to clear up.” She shook her head before continuing, “There are a lot of things we’ll need to do in the coming months and years to prepare for the war.”


“Well, we need to kill the Basilisk in the Chamber, destroy or hide the Diadem Horcrux, and destroy or nullify the curse on the D.A.D.A. position. There are some other things I’d like to complete but those three are the priority items.”

“Sounds like a walk in the park, nothing but smooth sailing for now. When do we start?”

Warm laughter broke through Hermione’s chest and into the air surround them as she leaned into Bella’s projected nonchalance. Even if her calm at their situation was manufactured, it was for her own ease and she appreciated the effort.

“Soon as we get back I think,” she turned back towards the Manor with a scowl painted across her face. “Right, I need to get back inside then. Much as I hate your cunt of a father, I’d prefer not to piss him off too much. He might try and up the price again.”

“We could save ourselves some frustration and just kill him. I know a few old family plots that could use some new bones.” Bella’s deadpanned response was so apathetic and honest that Hermione could do nothing more than slowly narrow her eyes and remind herself exactly who she was courting.


The pale smile on Bella’s face downturned into a pout as she leaned back, puppy dog eyes making an appearance.

“Not without a good reason at least,” Hermione acquiesced before rolling her eyes at the immediate smile that Bella broke into.

“I can think of at least-”

“Bellatrix,” her voice broke in with a stern tone that brought Bella to a halt, “We’re not killing anyone right now. We need to stay below Dumbledore’s and the Ministry’s radar, and while I’m pretty sure Voldemort might not care except in that we follow him, I’d rather not end up in a position where he needs to bail us out. I don’t want him to intercede on our behalf and end up owing him a life debt or something. Which is something that might happen if we suddenly off a prominent member of a Noble House.”

Bella looked at her with a thoughtful expression and questioning eyes before she inhaled slowly and responded. Her hand was still raised while she still held one finger out to point off where she’d begun to count reasons.

“What’s radar?”

‘Bloody buggering hell.’

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 7df58e666a2d0a2c35cbf760b19ff1ccdad7d4c2 ) [43] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 22. Book 1: Recrimination [timestamp] => 1558821600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 22: Book 1: Recrimination

Chapter Text

Instead of a brooding and tense affair that Hermione had been dreading since the moment of her arrival, dinner was instead… Relaxing.

She’d known distantly that there was nothing for her to worry over but doubts had still crept their way into the back of her mind. She had been dining with at least one member of the Black trio at every meal for months at this point and with Cygnus not in attendance there was no one around for her to impress. If the schedule that Bella had provided her held up, Cygnus wouldn’t be arriving for at least another sixteen hours.

Despite the assurances Hermione had still started the dinner off by watching her manners as if she had been invited to eat a five star restaurant that had a waiting list almost as long as her last midterm scroll, and not a simple affair at her girlfriend’s home.

From end to end the table was stocked with enough food to feed a small army, or a complement of Weasley’s. Plate after plate of vegetables and sides were spread across the outside rim of the table, only giving way for the utensils and place settings for the individual diners. The main courses had been piled into the middle of the table in a crowded lump of delicacies ranging from fowl and unidentified sea creatures to more terrestrial meats that Hermione wouldn’t have chosen to eat on her own but could at least identify. Boats of sauces and gravies were interspersed amidst the chaos along with pitchers of juice and other drinks that tasted just as heavenly as the scents slowly wafting off from them.

No pumpkin juice here, though Hermione couldn’t tell what exactly it was she was drinking instead of that more common item. She’d allowed an elf to pour her a flute of something crisp and fruity that snapped at her tongue like a lemon but lingered with a hearty aftertaste of something altogether magical.

Between the drink and forkfuls of white and dark meat she made a surprising dent into the edible cacophony before realizing that maybe eating herself into a coma wasn’t the best impression that she could give. But the sight of little Narcissa, scarfing down something that suspiciously looked like green ham in mouthfuls that some adults couldn’t reach was enough to calm her senses.

In a word, it was all delicious. All the more so for the company provided.

Bella had seated herself from her at the table, her long dark hair pulled back into a rather messy looking bun that was as neat as Hermione knew she could get it. Only a few errant strands and curls peaked out from the sides to frame her face and serve as a contrast that highlighted the vast difference between her raven hair and porcelain skin. Despite arguing with the witch that she should go outside more (being that pale couldn’t certainly be healthy) she was perfect looking as she was.

Admitting her attraction to Bella’s beauty was a fact that Hermione was more than comfortable with making now that they were more than a week into their newly minted relationship. The witch across from her was wearing a rather loose assortment of clothes; long sleeved blouse (black, of course) rolled up to her elbows and a pair of dress slacks (black, again) that served to highlight the length of her legs and toned muscle of her body. She was beautiful and Hermione wouldn’t have wanted the witch any other way.

Hermione herself was dressed down into something closer to an outfit from her own time, a short sleeved blouse and comfortable, if overly long and cuffed at the ends, pair of denim jeans. It wasn’t high fashion, or even the outdated ‘normal’ fashion that Wizarding Britain always seemed to lag behind in, but it was acceptable and reserved enough to pass in polite company.

The younger portion of the trio was similarly dressed down; not a single long dress, frills, or robe in sight. It seemed that casual meals and time away from parental figures lended themselves nicely to the trio indulging in comfort over presentation and Hermione couldn’t enjoy it any more.

Andy was, however, the one to take her freedom right off the edge of casual and straight on into the extreme. Dressed down in a pair gray sweatpants and a wide necked mens t-shirt that looked suspiciously like she had stolen the ensemble off of Ted, if the size was anything to go by at least. Her hair was thrown up in a haphazard mess of brown curls that seemed content enough to stick behind her ears until the earliest possible inconvenience.

Usually meaning right before the younger witch leaned forward to take a bite of food or grab something else off the bottomless dishes before them.

Narcissa seemed the most determined to maintain some form of societal standards out of all them. Or as much as a twelve year old could, at least. She sported a high buttoned blouse in a light blue coloration that complemented the color of her eyes and lent her a look that seemed far older than her diminutive size would betray. The facade was only broken by the near constant shifting of her eyes from Hermione to Bella while she giggled to herself at some unspoken joke in random intervals. Bella’s side eye once she’d noticed her youngest sister had done absolutely nothing as of yet to deter whatever was fueling her mirth and seemed in fact to instead be increasing it.

Hermione, for her part, was just happy that the three of them seemed happy.

The Cissa that she knew now was so different from the Narcissa that she had known that it was becoming harder and harder to reconcile that at one point both had been one and the same person. One, Cissa, deeply motivated to protect and enjoy her family. Two, Narcissa, the Ice Queen and Death Eater sympathizer that had ended up becoming the savior of Harry Potter, if only by chance.

‘I won’t let her become that person, not if I can help it.’

“Well,” Andy spoke up from her set beside Hermione, “That was a lovely meal.” The empty dish sitting in front of her disappeared when she laid her fork down upon it, popping into nonexistence as the elves hidden throughout the house worked their magic.

“I’m going to go and spend the night with Ted, so don’t wait up for me.” She pushed herself back from the table while she spoke, leaving her seat and pushing it back underneath the table with a flourish and sarcastic salute.

“Make sure you get back here on time or Cygnus will be pissed if you’re not around,” Bella reminded her in her bored, mother-hen tone.

“Cygnus can hang. I’ll be back before he is tomorrow, and he’ll never know I left. I already swore the elves to secrecy before we left for start of term.”

With that the witch left the dining room leaving the soft sounds of her feet on hardwood floor the only thing to follow her out as she exited.

“You going to leave too, Cissa?” Bella asked and glanced over to the youngest Black.

“No,” she snorted, “Lucius would have a panic attack if I showed up out of the blue like that. It’s ‘improper behavior’ to have a rendezvous without familial approval. I love him, but sometimes he can be such a stickler for propriety that it’s bloody maddening.”

Hermione grinned in commiseration with Cissa when she finished her sarcastic explanation with a sigh that was as full of exasperation as it was endearingly cute coming from the pint sized Black. Cissa had no equal in being able to seem so utterly boring or by the book and then opening up with some distaste or bemusement at the chivalry that pureblood etiquette imposed that Hermione couldn’t help but find herself amused.

“Also, if I left too, I’m sure you two would ‘do it’ in every corner of the manor.”

Bella erupted into a coughing fit, choking on her drink before she finally managed to croak out a painful sounding, “Cissa!”

Hermione simply snorted and laughed silently to herself while her face reddened as she stared down into her plate.


The conclusion of dinner brought with it an insistence from Bella that she be allowed to give her the grand tour of the Manor. The witch looked both so excited and nervous that Hermione had quickly agreed and latched onto her tour guides arm as they began wandering the halls.

One room after another were filled with treasures and more antiques than Hermione could ever hope to catalog or closely inspect. From the decor alone it was a world away from Grimmauld Place, the entire atmosphere that surrounded her painted such a starkly different picture that she couldn’t understand how the two branches of the Black family could be in any manner related. It was just so… different.

Grimmauld had been dark, bleak, gothic, and so steeped in obvious Dark Magic that it was a wonder it had let her inside at all. Pureblood snobbishness had practically oozed off the walls of that broken home. Black Manor however was, while still snobby and reeking at the edges magic darker than Hermione was used to, far more inviting to the point where she almost couldn’t tell that it wasn’t inhabited by a Light family.

“Why is Black Manor so different? From your Aunt’s place, I mean.”

Hermione’s question hung in the air while Bella led her through another set of double doors and into yet another, out of five, perfectly arranged sitting room. In the corner was a quaint little fireplace and against the far walls were softly inviting couches and end tables that dripped with so much evidence of wealth that Hermione was almost certain she would break it all apart if she did anything at all other than breathe.

“Well it’s mostly because Auntie Wal is crazy as they come.” Bella grasped her gently by the hand before leading them both forward and over to the larger of the two couches that sat quietly in the room. The bay window looking out onto the Manor grounds was letting in just enough light with the sun still hanging above the trees that the entire room was glowing in oranges and reds.

“This is the Ancestral Home. First of our acquired lands in Britain. It has to look nice for a number of reasons, though that’s the most particular one. We entertain guests and dignitaries here during any Ball or Gala that we host. Can’t have someone walking around and accidentally find their way into a hallway decorated with severed heads. I admit it would be fun to see their reaction but it would also ruin the festive mood. And I’m certain it would ruin some guest’s stomachs as well. Unless it’s Samhain. It might be appealing round about that time but we haven’t hosted a Samhain ball in ages.”

She turned to pull Hermione into her side before twisting and directing her fall until Hermione was practically laying down on top of her, trapped from escaping with an arm wrapped tightly around her body. Hermione notched her head into the crook of Bella’s neck while her body rose and fell with the rhythm of her breathing.

“Technically Orion is the Head of House Black and should be installed here. Cygnus is from the offshoot branch but he’s in better standing with the pureblood community at large and not married to his own relative, no matter how crazy Druella is. Purebloods might put up a strong talk about purity and marrying only the worthy but most of them still frown at incest.”

“Mhmm,” Hermione murmured her understanding in a contented sigh while Bella’s free hand began to pet at her short hair.

“So rather than flaunt the indecency of their incestuous relationship or allow anyone else to see the absolute madness that is my Aunt, he’s taken up Grimmauld and pretty much lives his life as a loner. Cygnus is free to do as he wishes so long as he refrains from letting anyone get away with the notion that he’s the Head. Orion will issue a familial decree every now and again but it’s usually over mundane issues and nothing that would ever interfere with any of Cygnus’s long term plans to enrich himself to the point of engorgement.”

“So Cygnus gets to parade around like he’s the top Black but had none of the benefits of actually being the Head and having an heir?”

“Effectively. Besides the fact that all he’s got are my sisters and I, even if he had a boy at some point they wouldn’t be in line or anywhere near close to the line of inheritance. That’s counting on Sirius and Regulus not dying, anyways. We’ve no other cousins that could sit as Head, and if they both die it’s going to come to me until I marry an esteemed Husband or deliver a male child. Whichever comes first. Theoretically Walburga might have another child but seeing as she’s supposedly barren after Regulus, it likely will never happen.”

“That doesn’t exactly sound like something that would come up in polite conversation.”

“Oh, it’s not. Great-Aunt Cass told me last year. She’s the family gossip and blackmail extraordinaire.”

Hermione’s eyes peered down to Bella in a wordless request to continue explaining the ridiculousness that seemed to exemplify House Black. Bella shifted her hand to run soothing patterns into Hermione’s scalp with her sharp nails before continuing.

“Aunt Cass is my Grandfather’s sister, the only Black left besides my family, Orion’s, and Alphard. Though there isn’t really anybody that considers Alphard as a Black anymore. He’s almost never in England and couldn’t give a single knut about what the rest of us do so long as we leave him alone and away from all of it. Great-Aunt’s Dorea and Lucretia effectively swore off the family as a whole once they married out, so we’re unlikely to ever see them again unless it’s a major function and they deign to grace us with their presence.”

“I see. Will any of the rest of your family be joining us for the gala or just your branch?”

Bella shuffled underneath Hermione and began to mirthlessly chuckle before turning her head to stare out the window.

“Yes, unfortunately. Both Orion and Walburga will be joining us, and likely dragging Sirius and Regulus along with them. If Uncle Alphard’s track record holds then he won’t be joining us but if he does put in an appearance it’ll just be a token one. Probably show right before midnight and dash right off again so he can say he showed his face to ‘polite society’. If no one actually remembers him being there then that’ll be all the better in his mind. Aunt Cass will likely make an appearance if only to observe the families and dig up more dirt on whoever caught her ire this year. She’s absolutely bloody terrifying but isn’t crazy enough to mount elf heads on pikes, so I think you’ll get along with her just fine. Practice your background before she arrives though, she’ll definitely interrogate you if she can catch you alone.”

Hermione huffed into the side of Bella’s neck while she absorbed the information. While it was nice to know that she wouldn’t be dealing with many of Bella’s relatives it was the rest of the guests that would likely be the real problem. Beyond being shy of large gatherings since the War had ended, Gala’s, dances, and fancy parties had never been her cup of tea. Barring her fourth year Yule Ball that she’d spent with Viktor, that was. And the coming event was looking to be as opposite of that night as it could be. Her occlumency brands would help with keeping her emotionally grounded and prepared for the rush of people and ensure no one could take an uninvited look into her mindscape but it would still be an exhausting event but it would be a harrowing experience nonetheless.

Biting back a sigh she settled instead for biting the warm skin of Bella’s neck.


Both witches ended up leaving the sitting room and retiring for the night before the light outside had fully drained off and hidden beyond the horizon. Once they’d arrived in the room Bella had carried her off her feet and dropped her into the overly comfortable, plush bed that took up the majority of the space in Hermione’s guest room.

The room itself was beautiful in all the same ways that Bella’s had been; comfortable furniture, exquisite decoration, even the ensuite bathroom was gorgeous. Just all a little bit smaller and more cramped together. A fire burned cheerily in the corner of the room while a massive comforter and silken sheets were as inviting as a bed could ever be. The inclusion of Bella’s lithe form, nude and warm beyond measure, only served to enhance the feeling of comfort that Hermione found herself soaking in.

“A little tight,” Bella squeaked out as Hermione contracted her muscles further, pulling Bella deeper into a tight embrace.

“Oh hush. You’re warm, and you’ll live. I’m not that strong.”

“You’re not that weak either,” she shifted her body to better accommodate Hermione’s clingy form. “How are you still cold anyways? It’s burning up in here.”

It was a valid question. The past few weeks of winter had been unusually unkind to Hermione, brining with it a cold chill and shiver that blend through her even when under the effect of warming charms. She would have attributed it to a sickness picked up from their late night excursions outside of the castle but scanning charms hadn’t picked up anything out of the ordinary. The idea of working warming runes into her clothing was a brief thought that had met her fancy before she’d worked out exactly how many individual items she would need to work a rune into to even make it effective.

The amount wouldn’t be extravagant by any means but her recent wealth (and accompanying shopping trips) meant she could take all the time in the world and still not finish all the items she owned. Winter would likely conclude far before she could get close to finishing her new wardrobe. No, it would likely be far quicker and easier to simply brand a rune into her body that could be called upon whenever she found it necessary. The inner conversation slowly led her to considering what other brands she would like to acquire, especially those that would be a boon right before a war was set to begin.

“What else should we brand? I’d say we go with tattoo’s for the ones that don’t draw a lot of power but that would leave us susceptible to having them removed. I’m thinking we should at least add heating and cooling for one, and at least some mild potion resistances.”

“Odd turn of topics, but okay,” Bella turned into her side to rest her forehead against Hermione’s, chips of cold onyx locking onto golden hazel. The lack of clothing expedited the transfer of heat between the two witches as Hermione pressed herself closer to Bella. “We need something to block poisons for sure, though something that could block mild potions like Amortentia would also be useful. Or a blanket rune to negate anything we imbibe.”

“General would also mean blocking helpful potions too unless we figure out the runework to turn it off and on. And even then we’d be unable to control it when unconscious. It’d be inefficient. If we block potions we’ll need specific runes for specific maladies.”

The discussion continued between the witches while the fire at their back crackled and consumed the enchanted logs that the elves popped into existence. Their conversation wormed and winded itself through various benefits that more runes would allow them and the possible negative effects that could also arise. Among their eventual planning was a heated debate between the merits of branding a rune that could grant control of Fiendfyre into their palms and covering the existence of it with a secondary glamour rune.

While Bella’s points to the benefits of the brand were legitimate, in that it would grant them easy access to destroy any horcrux they came upon or help them escape a losing situation, it was lessened by her expressed desire for, as she put it, ‘Exquisite mayhem and destruction at a moment's notice. And it looks fucking amazing.’

The conversation was exactly what Hermione was expecting, dreading, and looking forward to. Equal parts smart, and crazy.

Eventually she had begrudgingly acquiesced upon getting Bella to agree to only having a single brand for Fiendfyre and a complimentary brand that supplied the suppression charm. That her limited experiences with the cursed fire were dangerous and nearly deadly was left unsaid. All of that was something that Bella knew and had seen through Hermione’s memories. Her experience did however leave her able to agree that it could be breathtakingly beautiful, and in the hands of someone with precise control it could be a literal game changer that might save their lives.

The moral scruple about the spell being dark was a wasted argument as far as Hermione was concerned as she knew that the fight to come would require every trick that they could think of to help them survive it. She’d take every advantage that she could get.

The remainder of their conversation was an agreement to find runes to strengthen their bones, prevent damage from fire (itself another concession to Hermione’s agreement of Fiendfyre), and a handful of other useful if not incredibly taxing runes.

When the conversation wound down it was nearing the dead of night and Hermione could barely keep herself awake. Bella had buried herself deep into Hermione’s side while soft fingers drew lazy patterns across her neck and chest with a sharp tipped fingernail, humming quietly to herself as the crackle of the fire filled the background.

Hermione’s eyes were closed shut as she relaxed into the witch when, without warning or preamble, Bella’s warm lips and tongue surrounded the warm skin of her breast. She inhaled deeply without conscious effort, pushing her body backwards into the bed beneath her while turning slightly to ease the angle that Bella was meeting her at.

Her eyes remained shut as she brought the arm draped across Bella up until she could tangle her fingers in the curls of the witch’s hair, holding and incessantly pressing the witch further against her. Bella’s left hand found its place on the plane of Hermione’s stomach before gliding every so slowly upwards until her fingers were pinching at the hard nub of Hermione’s nipple, not sharply, but not without pressure.

“Bella…” Hermione’s words passed her lips with all the candor of a moan, as warm and expressive as an open invitation to the witch at her side to search for more. Her skin practically glowed at the heavenly feeling that Bella’s touch alighted in her while her lips left their post and marched, open-mouthed, up the trail of her collarbone and then onto the curve of her throat.

Her position shifted as she rose to slide her body across Hermione’s, settling in to straddle the witch beneath her. The hand that was left teasing a nipple slipped down lower to rub smooth circles above the strong muscles guarding her pelvis, fingernails digging in lightly at intervals that pulsed along with her heartbeat.

Warmth slid down Hermione’s chest and into her core as she weathered Bella’s ministrations, gasps and moans and a heady whine strangling forth whenever the witch pulled back to shift her position and kiss her elsewhere.

The body above her was warm and keeping her pressed down into the comfort of the mattress while a steady piercing heat pulsed against her where Bella was positioned. Bella’s hand had abandoned her stomach to reach up and grasp a free wrist, her other hand pulling away to mirror and press her down further, keeping Hermione still as Bella began to rock her body, her core, back and forth on the strong muscle beneath her. Bella’s legs were splayed out widely to allow herself a position to touch Hermione with all of herself, the heat in the stifling room furthering a sheen to build upon her skin as she worked herself back and forth, again and again.

Hermione was lost to herself amidst the thrall of Bella’s desire and touch. The familiar weight upon her midsection as the witch dropped herself lower and squeezed her thighs together was striking in its clarity. A building ache was budding between her legs and thumping in tune with her quickly beating heart, leaving her shifting her thighs together in desperate search for any form of friction.

As seconds dragged to minutes she could smell pine and ash and the remnants of smoke lifting out over a fire, the body above her pressing down -familiar- to unlock something she’d felt and wanted and known for months now.

Nails scratched gently -incessantly- into the flesh of her wrists.

The weight pressing down into her settled -grew- as her own body sought out more contact -freedom- .

Her chest grew tight as fought to breathe through her own arousal -fear- , in, out, in, out.




Her eyes opened up onto chips of onyx looking -leering- down on her, filled with love -hate- , Bella -trix- ’s nails scratching down her arm, forearm, a hollow pit filled with heat -ice- opening up inside her as she looked upwards through a thick trestle of black hair.

The scar etched into her arm burned bright with passion -pain- as the old -new- wound blend it’s particular brand of poison deep under her skin to seep like dust, dirt, -mud- into her veins and light her body on fire. Her chest burned as she breathed -begged- .

Rapidly pushing air from her ribcage she stole a glance at her arm, seeing nothing different as she stared at the closed -opened- wound.

Her eyes looked back up.

Bellatrix looked back down.

She screamed.


She awoke. Or more accurately, was awoken. Soft words amidst even softer caresses. The warmth of a body pressing down into her side while her own legs and knees were pulled up for her to curl into the covers below her and body beside her. A thin and pale arm wrapped its way around her back to grip tightly onto her shoulder, pulling her closer still. It served to prevent her from falling or otherwise escaping into nothingness as the other hand rubbed soothing patterns against her scalp. Fingers ran through her short hair, tugging gently against curls and proving she was physically there. She felt soiled and tired and ached with sadness and incompleteness at the turn from horror to waking up protected.

It was comfort. It was soothing. And eventually it counteracted the last memory of a pained and broken face peering down at her with a maniacal grin and blood painted on her lips and teeth. The body holding her tight was mumbling into the side of her head, soft and quiet enough that she wasn’t even sure she had heard it before it began again.

“What?” Her throat was torn and strained while her voice sounded hollow and hoarse, chafing against the feeling of being parched beyond belief. She pulled her head up and away, trying to catch a better glimpse of Bella.

The witch had been crying, that much was obvious. And likely a long time as well if the salty streaks that bled downwards across her cheeks were anything to go by. Pin pricked lines of veins clouded the usual whites of her eyes as she directed her gaze to avoid Hermione’s entirely.

“I’m sorry.” Bella’s voice was no better than her own and came across as a whisper that she almost missed even in the preternatural silence of the room. “I’m so sorry…”

Hermione closed her eyes and clamped down on the emotions beginning to run rampant through her chest while she buried herself forward in Bella’s embrace. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”

“Yes I do. What she - I - did to you, would have done to you… I’m sorry.”

Hermione knew this wasn’t an argument that she could win, at least not at the moment. She chose instead to bury herself even further forward and snaked an arm around Bella’s body before pulling her closer into a warm embrace.


The chatter of morning songbirds lulled Hermione out of a languid sleep and back into the world of the living. Two, if she guessed right, going back and forth outside the window of the room. Each call was a further tug back into wakefulness and eventually she couldn’t find it within herself to fight it anymore.

Sunlight streamed in through cracks between curtains to light the interior of the room into warm streaks of fiery white and gold, glittering off the mirror of the vanity and sparkling into patterns across the walls. Her head was clear and her throat no longer burned as if she had swallowed embers while the scar on her arm was busily pulsing a soothing tingle throughout her body. The sensation was no longer painful and for that she set to thanking as many gods as she could think of. It was a small blessing, but one she would take with no complaint.

A warm arm was wound and wrapped around her midsection, pressing comfortingly against her stomach and pulling her backwards into the close heat of Bella’s skin. The witch behind her was still snoring softly into a pillow, in and out, as she laid asleep behind Hermione. Long black curls spilled out and across both the pillow and her shoulder to tickle softly against her cheek. A patch of skin on her neck alternatively cooled and warmed from each inhale and exhale from Bella.

‘This,’ Hermione decided, ‘Is the best way to wake up.’

After a few short seconds of shifting limbs and positions she turned to lay on her side while facing Bella, her chin in her palm and free hand weaving patterns into Bella’s cream colored skin. The contrast in colors combined with the incoming sunlight made the soft body beneath her practically glow against the backdrop of black sheets. Within a short order she had the witch stirring and yawning as sleep fled from her, joints popping loudly as she stretched herself outwards in every direction.

“Morning…” Hermione laid a soft kiss on Bella’s temple before turning and pushing herself up and against the headboard. The dark witch was, as she predicted, just as against waking up during a holiday as she was during a normal school-day. Protestations and lazily moving limbs characterized her morning routine, something that Hermione had felt readily comforting as the months had passed.

With the absence of being able to wrap her arms around Hermione, Bella opted instead to burrow into the pillows and comforter until she made the pile into her own little nest. Poofs of curly hair and distorted words mumbled up beneath a mountain of pillows as she sought to evade waking entirely.

Hermione, however, wasn’t having any of it.

With a quick flicking of her wrist she pulled the comforter and sheets that had so far kept Bella from fresh morning air and tossed them off into jumbled mess of silver and black on the floor.

Bella’s response was to curl around herself and wrap a pillow into a tight embrace that hid her face before Hermione had the chance to rip it out of her clutches. Her quick reactions worked, and when Hermione went to send the pillows off the bed she only received a low growl in warning for her efforts. Both witches ended up holding onto the pillow and while Bella gave as much of a fight as she could, naked and cold and awake far, far too early, she lost her grip eventually when Hermione leveraged her nearly standing angle.

The pillow ended up flying across the room and Bella was now bared to the world.

“Fuck you.”

“Maybe later, I’m hungry right now.”

The eyes peering back up at Hermione through a thick curtain of black were positively murderous. At least, until Hermione leaned forward to leave a kiss against the tip of Bella’s nose.

“Come on, get up. Cygnus is supposed to be back later and I have literally no desire to meet him wearing anything less than my Sunday best.”

“The hell does that even mean?”

“Muggle saying.” Hermione dropped herself off the bed to grab a hold of one of Bella’s ankles and tugged at the still curled up witch.

“You can be a complete arse, you know that, right?” Bella’s voice was laced with faux anger that was belied by her slowly, petulantly really, allowing herself to be dragged to the edge of the bed. Right before she was set to fall off entirely she turned to the side and slid off to crumple into a heap atop the mountain of bedding.

“Yes, I know. It’s all part of my charm. Incessant nagging until I get the results I want. Seems to be working just fine. Now, get up. I need a shower and if you’re late there won’t be any room left for you to join me.”

The threat finally did the trick, prompting the dark haired witch into practically tripping over herself to trail off after Hermione while she padded into the ensuite.

When Bella finally disentangled herself from the coil of traitorous bedsheets, Hermione was already running the shower at full blast. Warm waves of steam and heat poured out and over the lip of the shower stall to fulfill Hermione’s silent wish for warmth and comfort.

The bathroom had been renovated recently, which to Bella’s knowledge could mean anywhere from last year to thirty years ago. She tried to not keep up on the constant need for improvement that her father was almost always trying to push for. Regardless of when it had been accomplished the room now sported a rather ostentatious touch up.

Instead of what could loosely be described as a regular shower the space had been fitted with piping that wound up and around to the ceiling before breaking into multiple shower heads. As a consequence, instead of water dropping down at an angle and needing to be repositioned to get anything washed up, the ceiling practically rained at a soothing but steady pressure.

A long ledge had been built into the side of the stall to allow someone to sit and soak in comfort while the shower door had been enchanted to turn into a wall whenever someone felt the need for a bath instead. The space was tiled all in black with the grouting done in a glittering gold color to bring some much-needed brightness back into the room. Enchanted glass containers of Bluebell Flames sat at in the high corners of the stall to provide a constant light source and illuminated the space in dancing whites and blues.

It wasn’t what Hermione would call normal. Even after all the years she had lived at Hogwarts and used their rather large version of bathtubs their showers had been at least slightly reminiscent of the standard Muggle version. Here though, in Bella’s home, luxury and presentation mattered far more than simple ease of use and functionality.

Not that she would be complaining.

It was luxurious, after all.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 40c40869d73425a03490a8016dfdf14510e75eda ) [44] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 21. Book 1: More Money, Less Dragons [timestamp] => 1558216800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 21: Book 1: More Money, Less Dragons

Chapter Text

Hermione’s first morning of freedom from Hogwarts found her hurriedly rushing back and forth across Diagon and Knockturn Alley like a woman possessed. Her one day shopping trip with Minerva before the start of term had been quick and to the point, shopping for the minimum amount of clothing necessary and required class items had left her little time for personal shopping. That wasn’t to say that that day hadn’t been an adventure in and of itself. Between almost being floored at finding the duplicate to the wand in her holster and being literally floored by the frightening appearance of her now girlfriend, she’d had quite the experience.

Today was supposed to be not much different. Between shopping for presents for the Black trio and her meager friends and associates back at the castle, her only hope was to procure the documents necessary for Cygnus and get an appropriate accounting of the Grenier estate. Instead, she was now nursing a headache and foot ache at the pace with which Bella dragged her from shop to shop. The witch was a pro at absorbing all the information on pricing and quality that she could before darting out to another store to find a better version of whatever they had been searching for. Frugality seemed to be a foreign concept to the dark haired witch.

Bella also seemed to have a rather discerning eye turned towards fashion regardless of how much she pretended to be disinterested. Bella had made it her personal mission to throw Hermione into as many changing booths and hidden corner shops as she could before night fell over the shopping district. Hermione’s arms and several levitating bags were filled to the brim before the first hour of their shopping had even come to an end. The constant zipping sound of tape measures unrolling in the hands of old women seeking to squeeze her for every sickle left to her name was quickly becoming Hermione’s least favorite sound. Bella, for her part, continued to simply laugh and act bemused at Hermione’s constant lack of patience for period appropriate dress wear.

When the last in a long string of matronly old witch had set themselves upon her bust with cinching tapes and pointed glances at the closeness shared between Hermione and Bella, she’d simply lost it. Terse words and pointedly angry glares in Bella’s direction had ended up resulting in a murderous glint occupying the dark eyes peering back at her. Hermione had shrunk back at the sheer emotion bottled up in the glass of Bella’s eyes before the witch launched into a heavy and hushed discussion about pureblood etiquette and the formal wear necessary to portray someone as a productive member of the aristocracy. By the end of her tirade any of Hermione’s complaints had been addressed and a rather flush appearance had run into her cheeks and neck at the intensity that Bella had spoken. Bella was a dark witch after all, and even a simple but terrifying conversation was enough to warn Hermione into accepting her current predicament and acquiesce to Bella’s demands.

The only condition that Hermione had been able to bring up was a request to also find a good few pairs of muggle clothing. Her statement had caused Bella to roll her eyes but in the end she’d agreed, on the acceptance that she would be the one to decide colors and styles.

A few minutes spent in Madam Malkin’s and Twilfitts had resulted in a rather odd assortment of out of date muggle clothing that took Hermione only a few minutes of permanent transfiguration later to update into a presentable, but comfortable, wardrobe. Bella’s main contribution to that particular shopping spree had been the colors; black, black, and yet more black. It had only taken a pouty expression that would put puppies to shame before Hermione agreed and accepted the rather gothic tint to her wardrobe.

She was nothing if not true to her name.


The last stop for the afternoon was the one she was both dreading the most and anticipating in equal measure.

The central London location was an institution.

If not for the massive banking installation and vault system that it housed it would be known as a silver and gold mine of massive proportions, well beyond any such location in the Muggle world. Its location at Diagon Alley was only the first of many as over the centuries the bank had branched out, literally. Locations had opened on mainland Europe in France and Sweden, Russia had an ancient branch as well as China and Japan. The newest addition had been in North and South America, split in New York as well as Rio de Janeiro. A tentative opening for Australia was projected to be complete within the next decade, but only time would tell how long it would take to be operational.

The branches were steeped in Goblin magic, and it was for this reason that Hermione found herself entering the pristine building with Bella in tow. A rather complicated series of portals had been produced by Goblin magic-smiths that allowed instantaneous admission into one's vaults, no matter their originating location. Without this feature Hermione would have had to travel by international portkey and wander into New York for a proper accounting, a fate she had desperately wanted to avoid.

The mass of wizards and witches that herded themselves through the massive doors to Gringotts was a near crush that captured and dragged Hermione and Bella along with it as one organism. Groups and throngs split off at irregular intervals and headed towards different levels and wings of the massive bank, some shearing off to the Investment Center while others headed towards tellers for requests and back rooms for more specific help. Hermione and Bella both forced themselves through the crowds and into the massive middle chamber that held access to vaults and House related requests. High walls that disappeared into a ceiling far above their heads capped off the room while witches and wizards lined up at the massive desks that Goblin tellers worked behind.

Luck managed to place them both behind an old man that was only just finishing his business as the Goblin high above them called out a gruff “Next!” while peering down into the throngs below him with an obvious distaste.

The teller looking down at them was a ruddy fellow, his complexion mixed between extravagant red clay and deep earthy green. His cheeks and nose were tinged with the telltale sign of alcoholism, burst and burst blood vessels spider webbing across his rather sharp nose. Two large and bushy eyebrows topped his rather expressive blue eyes, each with a pupil that tilted and sharpened to the shape of a cats eye. He wore a rather plain business suit, pinstriped in gray and black with the Gringotts logo embossed onto his breast pocket.

His visage was altogether both grandfatherly as well as incredibly intimidating in a blend that left Hermione unsure of how to act. Her prior interactions with Goblins had been during her school years had been simple visits that were completed in less than five minutes. She wasn’t counting the final explosive visit to Gringotts as the war had thrown off all sense of standard protocol during that visit anyways.

“Master Grindhelm, at your service. How can I…,” he looked down at her, squinting his eyes, “Help you today?”

“Hello, I’d like to get some forms signed out, specifically an accounting report.” Hermione’s voice was loud to carry over the hustle and bustle of the throngs at her back.

“Well give it here girl,” Grindhelm spoke up with an aggravated gravel, one hand reaching over the lip of his desk with his fingers outstretched. Hermione extended herself as much as she could, standing on tiptoes to deliver a sheaf of papers to his waiting hand.

The sheaf of papers was appropriately thin for ease of transport but was only held into that shape by a strong compression charm that held all of intricate paperwork together while a charmed piece of twine was wrapped around it. When Grindhelm undid the loop with rather shaky fingers it exploded into full existence, decompressing and expanding outwards into a multilayered packet nearly the size of a small tome.

“Anything else?” Grindhelm’s voice dropped a few octaves lower into a valley even more gravely than before.

“Inheritance test for any other relations, and I’d like to visit my vault.”

Hermione had only undergone an inheritance test once before at the specific behest of the Canadian Ministry to confirm her relation and blood status as a Grenier. That test had been a simple, single, drop of blood. Easy, quick, and over far faster than she’d wished to observe. The blood magic that Dumbledore and Minerva had performed was proved out at that test but the testing was too simple to determine her new lineage or reveal exactly who she’d become magically related to. Her request to Gringotts was mainly to determine if she held any other relations to Houses through squib ancestors. She personally wasn’t expecting anything to come of the request but was interested nonetheless. Any relation, however distant, could potentially be advantageous in the future she was now working towards.

Grindhelm peered down to give both witches a clear look of disdain that spoke volumes for his attitude against the Wizarding community. Whatever the reason, inscrutable as it was, Hermione was determined to not back down. The Goblin race was a warrior race that she refused to appear meek or weak to them. Her own glare back up at Grindhelm seemed to trigger something in his demeanor as he nodded once before tapping his finger against the pile of documents and shrinking them back down into their compressed state.

Leaning backwards from the lip of the desk he disappeared from sight while the sound of a ladder and quick steps passed over and around the desk while he made his way down. A small half door opened to the right of the podium as Grindhelm stepped halfway out before motioning for Hermione and Bella to follow him. Their steps behind the podium led them away from the throngs behind them, steps beginning to echo in the enchanted quietude of the staff area.

Even in Hermione’s last disastrous trip to Gringotts she hadn’t seen this area. Grindhelm led them between the marble wall and the tall desks of Goblin tellers and off through a hidden door. They opened into a long hallway with row upon row of gleaming white doors on either side, each inscribed with a beautiful golden scrawl that listed the name of the Goblin who held the office.

They passed multiple sets of doors before Grindhelm turned a door on his right with a name inscribed in Gobbledegook before placing his palm flat against the space where a door handle would usually be placed. After a second of this the door opened inwards with a sharp click as Grindhelm entered and motioned impatiently for Hermione and Bella to follow him in.

The room was at once ostentatious yet unremarkable. A single large desk took up the majority of the space, built with dark mahogany wood and simple in sweeping lines and curves. Behind the desk sat a plush leather chair that Grindhelm climbed into. Behind him was a line of filing cabinets built from some soft colored wood that Hermione couldn’t place and festooned with golden identifying tags in Gobbledegook. A single enchanted window looked out from the right side of the office and onto the sprawl of Diagon Alley in front of Gringotts where witches and wizards milled about their business without any knowledge that they within line of sight to the suspicious eyes of the Goblins within the bank. Two soft leather chairs sat together in front of Grindhelms desk that he invited them to settle into with a wave of his hand.

As the witches settled into the chairs Grindhelm opened back up the enchanted packet before shuffling through documents and arriving at a piece of parchment that Hermione couldn’t immediately recall.

“First to start will be the Inheritance test. Please lay your hand palm up on the desk,” Hermione moved to obey his request, “ Right hand, please.”

Hermione quickly pulled her left hand back and off the table at his brusque tone as she shot our her right hand and laid it down on the desk. Grindhelm seemed satisfied at her quick movements and began to search and shuffle through the drawers on his side of the desk before pulling out a rather large and ornate dagger and accompanying golden dish. The dagger was clearly expensive and one of a kind with the handle made from gold and the spine of the blade gold as well. The pommel was inlaid with multiple rubies and diamonds in a way that reminded Hermione all too much of the Sword of Gryffindor.

Grindhelm placed the plate onto the desk and moved Hermione’s hand above it with her palm still facing upwards. Laying the sharp blade against her palm he drew it back quickly in one swift motion. Blood welled up before Hermione even felt the sting of the blade, sharp as it was, whereupon Grindhelm turned her hand perpendicular to the desk and allowed blood to run off her hand and collect into the shallow dish beneath it. Rivulets continued to softly drip onto the plate until Grindhelm was satisfied and turned her hand back to parallel with the desk. Tapping his finger softly against the flesh of her palm the blood staining her hand withdrew into the cut before zipping shut with a cold feeling as if she’d dipped her hand into ice. Only a silvery white scar remained from where the blade had touched her skin as the minute pain that had accompanied the cut evaporated into nothing but a lingering sensation of cold.

The shallow pool of blood that had collected into the dish beneath Hermione’s hand was shuddering wildly as some form of Goblin magic took hold. Ripples began to spread out at evenly spaced intervals from the center of the dish, rising and lapping up against the edge of the dish before withdrawing and settling back down.

Grindhelm grabbed up a blank piece of parchment and a golden quill before looking at the dish with a fiercely concentrated expression and began to write. The blood within the dish slowly began to dissipate as Grindhelm wrote in large and whirling loops upon the parchment while he never once took his eyes from the blood in the dish. When the last of the blood in the dish had disappeared Grindhelm shoved himself away from the desk and left his chair, stepping around the desk to move to Hermione’s side. Holding out the parchment he stared into her eyes expectantly. When Hermione only continued to stare he rolled his eyes and placed the parchment and quill down upon the desk in front of her.

SIGN this please, some of us have far more important matters to attend to.”

Hermione hastily grabbed up the quill and signed her name at the bottom of the parchment as her eyes roved over the looping cursive paragraph that Grindhelm had written. Unfortunately it was all in Gobbledegook and Hermione simply had to content herself with finishing her signature and passing the parchment back to Grindhelm’s awaiting hands.

As the goblin all but tore the paperwork from her hands he belted out a low and dangerously brusque “Please remain here, I’ll return shortly,” and heading out into the hallway behind them.

Bella leaned over into Hermione as the door behind them closed shut with a sharp snap and pressed a surprisingly chaste kiss to Hermione’s cheek.

“Don’t worry about the rest, it’s all just to check, right?”

Hermione turned her head to capture Bella’s bottom lip in her teeth before releasing and leaning back heavily into her chair.

“Yes, I just want to have everything covered and accounted for.”

“It’ll be interesting to find out what other houses that ritual attached you to. Did Dumble ever tell you specifically whose blood he used?”

Now that Hermione thought back on it, no, he hadn’t. She’d just assumed he’d found a recent corpse and duplicated some cells before transfiguring them into blood.

“No, with a cover of being orphaned he just left it at that, and the test for the Canadian Ministry only tested to see if I was the heir.”

“Well, you’ll know soon enough then. Wonder if you’ll have any cousins running about.” Bella turned to look out the enchanted window while propping up her chin on a raised fist.

Bella’s comment about cousins brought Hermione’s mind back to the massive family tapestry that hung in Grimmauld place while a specific name she’d seen rang bells in the back of her mind.

“Hey, aren’t Molly and the Twins your cousins?” Hermione’s unprompted question caught Bella by surprise.

“Um, I think? Third or fourth removed or something to that degree. I tend to get a little bit fuzzy whenever it’s anything other than immediate sibling and cousin.”

Hermione’s expression hardened into a sharp gaze as she stared at Bella.

“And why, pray tell, do they hate you? And by extension, me?”

“Well,” Bella shuffled in her seat, “Their mother is the sister of Ignatius Prewett, who married my distantly related grand aunt? I think that’s the term, she’s from the other branch of the Black family anyways, and she hates us. Something must have happened when she was younger but regardless as soon as she married Ignatius she closed herself off from us completely and seems to have drip fed her hate for the family to her niece and nephews. And now that ire is directed back towards me and my sisters. I mean, I may have terrorized them when we first all arrived to Hogwarts but some silly pranks aren’t enough to-”

Hermione held up a hand to still Bella’s musings in their track.

“Okay, well. That answers that I suppose.”

Before they could continue talking about Bella’s rather tense relationship with anyone not of her own blood, Grindhelm returned to the room in a rather uplifted mood.

“Madam Grenier, here is your paperwork. Please take a moment to review.

“Thank you,” Hermione replied as she began digging into the sheaf of parchments that he handed her with gusto.

The first sheet held the results of her test, written out in barely legible calligraphy.

Emelia Grenier, Born February 19, 1951

Father: Antoine Grenier

Mother: Rosalie Grenier née Gaudreau

Paternal Grandfather: Dimitri Grenier

Paternal Grandmother: Fleur Grenier née Hamel

Maternal Grandfather: Atticus Gaudreau

Maternal Grandmother: Unknown

Living Relatives through Paternal and Maternal Lines: None

House Status: Head of House Grenier, Lady Grenier

House Title: Madame la Vicomtesse de Grenier

Distant House Relations: Gaudreau, Hamel, Nadeau

Bella snorted as she read over Hermione’s shoulder before piping up, “I should have known you were nobility, too snooty and well-read to be one of the common folk.”

She threw Hermione a grin while the witch beside her landed a lazy punch on her shoulder.

“Sod off, brat.” Despite her words Hermione’s tone was jovial. “No further information could be gathered?” She directed her question to Grindhelm, eyes leaving the parchment in her hand.

“None. You have distant blood through House Nadeau, but we’re uncertain from who or when it was introduced. Through your Maternal Line you’re the last surviving member of House Gaudreau, though honestly that doesn’t amount to much beyond a quaint bit of trivia. The Maternal Line of that House was left out of any and all wills, statements, and titles. Anything left by the House has already been absorbed or passed onto other Houses or entities. The same is applied by House Hamel, though you aren’t the last of that line specifically.

“You, as Head of House Grenier, have unfettered access to the lands, houses, and vaults left in Grenier control. Further in that packet you will find a list of such items. The vast estate was left in Gringotts control throughout the past years and has been accruing interest at a steady rate. It will be up to you whether you allow Gringotts to continue managing your accounts, but we can discuss that at a later date. I’ve had your other paperwork prepared, you can collect it before leaving.”

Hermione nodded her approval at his words before shuffling through the packet to another page. The parchment contained a list of the properties currently in her control, the sight of which widened her eyes considerably.

Three chateau’s amounting to over one hundred and twenty hectares were free for her to do with as she pleased. The homes had been placed into stasis when the last legitimate Grenier that Gringotts had contact with died, and would be awaiting her eventual use or sale. Taxes against the land had been taken from the vast interest that the coffers had accrued over the years and left her confident that leaving the Grenier finances to Gringotts would be the best course of action. They could always be trusted to act and invest in such a manner as to accrue as much wealth as possible, leaving Hermione mainly free to divorce herself from the financial duties of being a Head of House.

The nagging feeling in the back of her mind that reminded her that this was all ill-gotten gains was being quashed at her elation of finally having something to her name.

Her family had never been poor by any means but true wealth and privilege had eluded the Granger family even after her parent’s practice had become well-established. The last two years of her life spent sliced between preparing and living through and after a war had shattered her preconceived notions of security, both of the financial and familial variety. When she’d removed her parent’s memories and sent them off to another land she’d effectively cut herself off completely from any sense of stability.

Memories were one thing, but her spell and subsequent clean up efforts had removed any trace of her existence that could link her back to her parents. Physical documents that would have been necessary to prove she was alive were effectively lost forever and left her vulnerable in a way that she hadn’t immediately been able to deal with until after the war had been won. There were reasons she’d taken to residing in a half demolished school, and the comfort of warm memories were only one of them.

Seeing the sudden wealth and financial stability at her fingertips was a miracle she’d never anticipated, let alone planned for.

She felt very little against being selfish. Just this once.

The list of accumulated assets, beyond property, was enormous. Between physical goods worth their weight in galleons and currency placed into the care of Gringotts, she was able to get the view that the Grenier family had been shrewd in their efforts to carve out a fortune. The oldest parts of the family had thrown themselves into building and maintaining a shipping empire in Canada during the early twentieth century. Over a relatively short period of time they had quickly and efficiently established themselves as the premier company one should turn to when needing to ship or receive goods throughout the sparsely populated land.

The company itself had long been dissolved at the death of Raphael Grenier, last living son of Dimitri Grenier. The offshoot of the family that she’d been spliced into had consisted of a devoted husband and wife that had left Canada for greener pastures in pre-war America before disappearing into obscurity somewhere along the west coast. That they had regularly eschewed the company of both Muggles and Wizardkind alike had left enough openings and holes in their history for Dumbledore to slot her into without too much trouble.

No one would be able to check up on records that didn’t exist and would have in all likelihood been lost in the past forty years. The blood ritual that she had been a part of was her ticket to this estate, as the dark magic contained within had truly altered her genetics to relate back to Antoine and Rosalie. No one could question the inheritance tests as there was effectively nothing that could be discussed or questioned. Down to her base genetics she was their daughter.

“Here is your signet, a rather odd design but I assure you it’s the correct ring,” Grindhelm leaned over his desk to pass a rather plain wooden box to Hermione’s waiting hands. It was about the size of two decks of cards stacked on top of one another, minimalist in a way that understated the important item contained within. Rounded corners, barely any discernible wood grain, and polished silver hinges inset to not protrude above the level of the wood were the only distinguishing features of the box. With slightly trembling fingers Hermione opened the box by its middle and it snapped open to completion at the slightest touch of her fingertips. The ring sitting securely within a soft velvet cushion was magnificent to look at, regardless of how different it looked to other signets she’d seen before.

The ring was made of silver, with a band nearly two centimeters wide that curved up gently to house a simple green gem that Hermione could see cleanly through. The top of the gem had been faceted to project as much of a flat plane as possible with a single stylized G inlaid and protruding slightly from the stone. The remainder of the ring was blank and without adornment. Simple, elegant, and understated in its beauty. Just the kind of ring that Hermione would feel alright with wearing, not too flashy but strong enough to stand out on its own.

Bella was leaned up fully against Hermione as she inspected the ring in a quiet mood that reflected her own. Hermione plucked the ring from its cushion and holding it up to the light beaming in from the enchanted window to her right. The silver sparkled and presented a funhouse mirror style reflection of the world as she turned it back and forth to view it at all angles.

As she gently set the box down on Grindhelms desk she turned the ring so the G was facing inwards and slid it onto the pinky finger of her left hand. The band flashed from cold metal to soothing warmth as it settled about her skin and resized itself to fit securely.

“The House Ring is traditionally passed down through the patrilineal line in Grenier history, though there are allowances in the family charter to pass matrilineally in the event that no male descendants are alive to claim it. In the event of marriage you will still remain the Head of House Grenier until such a time as you have children. You will revert to Lady Grenier, and once the child comes of age the ring and title of Head of House will pass to them.”

Grindhelm’s eyes shifted expectantly between Hermione and Bella as he revealed that last lesson and internally all she could do was laugh. Here she was, muggleborn daughter to a pair of dentists , suddenly the Head of House to a Noble and Ancient lineage of purebloods. It was all just a little bit mad and Hermione felt that she couldn’t and shouldn’t need to be bothered by the worrying scowl that Grindhelm shot her as she shifted back and forth with laughter bubbling up her throat. Bella seemed to be enjoying the moment, in on the joke as she was, revealing her sharp smile and equally sharp teeth as she appreciated the irony of Hermione’s situation.

That Grindhelm had hinted that she of all people would have children one day was just the icing on her rather precariously placed cake.

When her outpouring of random mirth was back down to a manageable level she requested to view the main Grenier vault as soon as possible and have any paperwork written up today made into copies for future use. Grindhelm had acquiesced immediately, his fee already having been set to be taken from her vaults as soon as their business for the day was concluded. His congeniality, or rather punctuality, would only impact his personal commission through helping her.


Only minutes had passed before Hermione and Bella found themselves being ferried off along the demented mine carts of Gringotts. Hermione’s only consolation on the wild and turbulent ride was that instead of being Bella, as was her last trip, she instead now had Bella securely pressed against her side. The odd synchronicity of the situation brought more laughter to escape her throat as the witch beside her wrapped an arm around her to stabilize against the twists and sharp turns that the cart took.

“Better than your last trip?” Bella asked with an amused smile turning up the corners of her lips.

“Oh for sure. At least this time there won’t be any dragons awaiting me at the end of this ride. And I’m not stuck in that gods awful corset.

Bella’s eyes turned on her with a feigned crossness as a pout took over her features.

“Nothing wrong with corsets, they’re highly fashionable in any time period.”

“No, there’s everything wrong with corsets. I about died, my breathing was so constricted!”

“Never said they were comfortable, beauty is pain and all that.” Bella once again adopted a smirk, clearly enjoying needling Hermione.

Within a few more minutes they arrived at their destination, a large and open platform that was deep within the bowels of Gringotts, as far into the earth as Hermione had ever been.

Her consolation at the crushing realization that there was so much earth above her was that there wasn’t a single dragon within sight.

Grindhelm left the cart with Hermione and Bella obediently following along behind him as neither witch was keen on getting separated from their guide and only hope of escape. The ground beneath their feet was stone with a light dusting of sand and broken gravel that spread out to form a large enough space to house a two story abode, or another such structure. The ceiling was dotted with stalactites that looked loose and close enough to falling that she visibly shuddered as her eyes roamed above her. She knew that Gringotts would never allow their customers to come to harm unless they searched it out themselves, unwarranted deaths being bad for business and all that, but still she found herself wary.

In the middle of the open room was a single large archway made from stone blocks and nearly as tall as Hermione and Bella standing on one another's shoulders. The individual stone pieces appeared to be granite but with a strange iridescent green vein that sparkled in the irregular light coming off Grindhelms torch.

Grindhelm walked to the left side of the archway before pressing his open palm flat against the stone and wiping his hand upwards in a short jerking motion. With that complete he removed his palm and began tracing delicate and intricate patterns against the stone that were soon lost to Hermione as she attempted to follow his fingers movements. Grabbing onto Bella’s arm she leaned into the witch and steadied her weight. She could admit that today had been tiring, between the shopping spree and realization that she was essentially set up for the remainder of her life even if she never found a way to return to her own time.

‘Do I even want to-’

Her musing was cut off as a low grinding sound caught her attention and seemed to be emanating from the archway before her. Grindhelm was backing away from the arch and pushing both Hermione and Bella backwards with his outstretched palm and seemed only content that they were safe after she’d moved back several paces. The iridescent green pattern veined up through the stone began to emit a strong light that pulsed in regular intervals. The archway itself seemed to be filling up with a mist that materialized out of nowhere. The light began pulsing stronger and faster as the seconds ticked onward until the entire inside of the arch was completely obscured from view.

After a few more seconds of the strobing effect the mist and light disappeared in a blinding flash before Hermione’s eyes were able to readjust to the sudden limited light of Grindhelm’s torch. The mist was gone completely and in its stead was a large metal wall that connected at all sides to the floor and the archway surrounding it. A single oval door was slotted into the center of the metal wall, unadorned and with only a single small keyhole in the center of it.

Hermione’s curious mind was pushing her to walk around the arch to find out whether or not the door would appear from the other direction but the knowing look that Grindhelm shot her as her feet moved forward was enough to still her inquisitive mind. She instead patiently waited as the goblin waddled forward and placed his torch onto the ground before placing his now empty palm against the metal. The spot he touched appeared to glow as he fished with his free hand in his pocket to retrieve a relatively plain looking key and slotted it into the hole in the center of the door.

A wild popping and clicking sound kicked up from behind the door as tumblers and unknown devices began to unlock the door for passage. In only a few seconds the door was quiet again and Grindhelm stepped backwards to pick his torch up off of the ground. The door before him swung inwards on silent hinges as a look of wonder and dread painted Hermione’s face.

‘This… This is-’

“Merlin’s bloody fucking balls!” Bella exclaimed as she caught sight of the interior of the vault. Hermione couldn’t help but agree with Bella as the sentiment behind her words was true enough.

“Well said,” Grindhelm piped up from beside them.

If the Lestrange vault had been a cavern filled with treasures, the Grenier vault made it appear closer to a broom closet stuffed with old trinkets.

Piles of galleons and sickles, both old and newer designs, flowed around the room as rivers and oceans. Interspersed as islands were mounds of priceless treasures and artifacts. She’d researched the Grenier family and even knowing that the lineage was old still hadn’t been enough to prepare her. Sixteen centuries worth of heirlooms and wealth had been accumulated into a treasure that surpassed the wealth of several small countries. Land holdings and physical objects of worth might have made up the bulk of Grenier wealth but the sheer amount of glittering gold and silver in the form of currency was eye-popping.

Bella placed her hand onto Hermione’s back and slowly pushed her further into the vault before leaning in and placing her lips against Hermione’s ear.

“I was right. You’re rich .”


It took nearly two hours before Hermione and Bella finally left Gringotts behind and stood once again among the crowds of Diagon Alley. Daylight would be on its way out soon but it seemed that nothing would be stopping the massive throngs of shoppers. Though both witches were of age and perfectly fine with taking care of themselves while on Yule vacation, neither wished to remain outside any longer. The rather unobtrusive Pop! of apparition was lost amidst the hustle and bustle of evening shoppers as Bella brought them both to the front gates of Black Manor. The sheaf of paperwork tucked securely against Hermione’s side was ruffled slightly at the speed with which they rematerialized and the satchel hooked over her shoulder swung painfully into her side while she fought to control her footing.

The ring on Hermione’s finger was slowly releasing a pleasing hum and warmth into the digit it sat on that traveled up to mingle in with the warmth emanating from the scar on her arm. The twisted warmth that flowed across her body brought a measure of peace and comfort to her as she strode arm in arm with Bella towards the front door.

She’d only been inside the actual Manor a handful of times and each had been only to travel through the front and out to the back. She’d never once gone past the main sitting room or to any of the other levels of the house, leaving Hermione to stare in wonder at the opulence on display.

Her host, Cygnus, was currently occupied elsewhere for the night and had left Bella a terse note stating that he’d return at some point the next afternoon. As it was the building only held Hermione and the Black trio, along with a few odd elves that seemed fit to burst with joy at having the sisters all under one roof again. When the front door swung inwards to allow entry the documents under her arm and the satchel on her shoulder popped out of existence as an elf sent them off to her waiting guest room.

“Belle?” A voice hesitantly called out from beyond the foyer.

Bella strode off without answering to the unseen voice and Hermione dutifully followed behind as she let her eyes rove over each room as it opened up.

The interior was highly reminiscent of Malfoy Manor but far more personable than the stark designs that Hermione had witnessed during the war. No matter the horror stories that she’d been told about Cygnus and Druella, she had to admit that they kept a spotless and presentable home.

‘Likely all through the work of the elves though…’

Following Bella eventually led her to a long hallway that seemed to run the length of the home and stretched out far further than it would appear to do so from the outside. Decorations adorned the hall on all sides from large and ornate portraits of Black family members to paintings of still life and landscapes that reminded her of artwork in the Louvre. As they walked it became easier for Hermione to see where Narcissa had inherited her decorative senses.

Gentle talks with Draco as he pitched in to help the restoration of Hogwarts had revealed that Narcissa had taken to immediately making Malfoy Manor her own when she married Lucius. Apparently the man didn’t give a single thought towards presentation and his attitude towards the look of the manor had been so lackadaisical that his wife and son had come to think that the task was left to them either from some form of antagonism or some deep-seated spite against his own family name. Hermione had never been able to delve further into the subject with Draco as she’d disappeared before he returned from the trial of his family at the Ministry.

Several small tables holding candles and antique vases were interspersed at regular intervals between the tall doorways that lined the hallway. Each spot had an air of history and authenticity that had Hermione questioning whether she even deserved to be near such obviously priceless artifacts.

She mentally kicked herself once she realized that she had far more access to a larger degree of wealth and heirlooms than Black Manor had ever, or would ever, see. It was both a comforting and disturbing thought all in one breath.

Their long walk was brought to an end as they reached the end of the hallway, with Bella turning to the right and immediately being confronted with a sprinting Narcissa. The young witch launched herself up and at Bella in a running jump, grabbing onto her sister’s shoulders while Bella swung her around. Hermione stepped backwards from the two as Narcissa’s feet threatened to swipe her body as she twirled around in Bella’s arms.

“I was only out for a few hours Cissa,” Bella laughed out as she continued hugging the young witch in her arms.

“Yeah,” Cissa released her hold and landed gracefully on her feet, “But still, I missed you. Andy’s got the elves making dinner, it’ll be ready soon.”

With the last word spoken Cissa was off once again at a breakneck speed, sprinting down the hallway and off to an adjoining room near the end. Bella stared off after her sister before turning towards Hermione and offering up her arm.

“Shall we?”

Nodding and taking the proffered arm, Hermione allowed Bella to lead her to a stairway located further down the hall.

The next floor was much the same as the ground floor. A long hallway split into three directions and centered in on the stairs they had just climbed up. One portion branched off the middle of the manor while the others ran perpendicular to the front and back of the home. Bella brought her down the middle hall and stopped before each doorway to show her the contents within and provide a reason for its use. Among the doors they passed was the entrance to a study that the Black trio had claimed for themselves as well as their individual bedrooms.

Bella remained quiet as she swung the door open to her own room and let Hermione walk past her into the dark space.

Deep black curtains kept all light from being able to penetrate through the wide bay windows on the wall while the floor was hardwood, ebony if she was right. A large four-poster bed took up an enormous portion of her floor-space and was decked in black and green, Slytherin all the way. A fireplace roared forth from a free wall and was nearly as large as Hermione was tall. The remaining portion of the room was devoted to a large table and accompanying vanity mirror that wouldn’t have looked out of place but for the mass of pictures securely spellotaped onto it.

Each picture involved at least two of the Black trio, most commonly Bella and Andy, while Cissa seemed to content enough to be pictured by herself in the several that were pasted to the mirror. Hermione hummed slightly to herself as she took in the happy smiles and sisterly affection clearly on display in each and every one, while the thoughts in the back of her mind focused on wondering how such a tightly-knit group of sisters could fracture so badly. She swore to herself that no matter how the timeline progressed from here she would do as much as was within her power to help Bella keep those bonds alive.

The last bit of Bella’s room for her to explore was the ensuite bathroom and an accompanying walk in closet that Hermione was instantaneously jealous of. The whole ensemble reminded her of a four star hotel that she’d stayed with her parents in once when she was little, but still managed to outdo even that memory.

Even Grimmauld place, expansive as it was, had little in the way of similarities as the lap of luxury she now found herself in.

“There’s a passageway through the back of the closet that connects to the same spot in the room next door. It’s just a guest room, empty most of the time, so I never really use it. Just leave it locked instead. But, since you can’t officially stay in mine, I figure we’ll drop your things off there and just share this one.”

Hermione perked at Bella’s words and stepped closer to the dark haired witch before peppering her face and neck with soft kisses, her lips tasting the warmth of Bella’s skin.

“Thank you, Bella”

“Hmm,” the witch hummed as she leaned into Hermione’s affections, “I should be the one giving thanks here. Without you breaking me out of this arranged marriage I don’t know what I would have done. It’s a debt I don’t know how to repay.

“We can worry about that once it’s all said and done, okay?”

After nodding her assent Bella pulled her towards the closet and snapped her fingers to bring a soft light to life. The inside fit about what Hermione had been expecting. Black, black, and yet more black. The only thing out of place was an odd assortment of colored items that Hermione was sure only had a place in the closet due to familial obligations and threats from her parents. In the far back of the closet was a wall that had been embossed with intricate designs and patterns, vines crawling over a tableau of bones and skulls in a distressingly real to life depiction.

Bella tapped against the center of the wall with her wand in three successive movements before the wood audibly clicked and settled backwards into the space of the wall. Within a second the panel had slid further away until it revealed a low passage into an empty closet on the other side. Bella grabbed Hermione’s hand firmly before tugging her along after herself as she entered the closet. As they reached the door her hand paused upon the knob before she turned to Hermione with a grin on her face.

“Madame La Vicomtesse de Grenier, allow me to show you your room.”

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Chapter 20: Book 1: A Recent Development

Chapter Text

Hermione only needed to listen to a few minutes of bickering and questioning between the sisters before both she and Bella determined that no, Narcissa could not keep a secret to save her life. Or theirs.

The little witch had summoned up a put out expression, haphazardly throwing out guesses and questions when she realized that she wouldn’t get all the answers that night. She practically vibrated with nervous energy as she shifted back and forth on the duvet, eyes shooting back and forth from Hermione to Bella. One could be forgiven for forgetting that she’d almost drowned earlier that night.

Hermione found it cute. Bella found it annoying. And Narcissa, she just found it frustrating that she wasn’t going to be told anything of actual importance.

“So. You’re from the future.” The twelve-year old stated, more than questioned. Her voice was deadpanned and as frigid as the weather enveloping the castle.

“Yes, since you’ve already figured that all out, I can confirm that yes, I am from the future.”

“How far?”

“Far enough,” Hermione replied.

“And your name isn’t Emelia?” Narcissa questioned while rolling and pinching the duvet between her fingers. Anyone else might have thought she was fidgeting but Bella knew that her younger sister was more nervous than anything. She likely still wasn’t sure that she’d walk away from the room with all these memories intact.

“No, it’s not.”

“Your real name is Hermione.”

“Again, yes-”

“Why does Bella know all this?” She interrupted the older witch with her question, throwing her sister a scathing look. Bella merely leaned her head back and let out a long groan of exasperation.

“Because she deserved to know. She was also already proficient at keeping it all a secret.”

“And I can’t?”

“Not yet.” Hermione’s reply was subdued. She’d have no way to truly placate Cissa for tonight and was hoping to not offend her too much before she left.

“You’re a lying snake-”

“Exactly what I said!” Bella broke into the conversation, a wild grin thrown at Cissa while a finger pointedly poked into Hermione’s shoulder.

The witches danced around the topic of not telling Cissa or Andy anything about Hermione’s real reason for being in their time, but mostly they focused on forestalling any further questions that Cissa could rush to ask. Bella knew that the conversation tonight would likely end nowhere, Cissa had no training in deflecting someone from her mind or hiding her true thoughts or feelings from intrusion. The icy facade and emotional unavailability she would occasionally act was just that, an act. The fewer questions they could let her get away with the better. It would take time to get her ability at occlumency up to a level that Hermione and herself were comfortable with and none of that would be happening late at night after saving her sister from a freezing lake.

“Well then, enough about Em’ lying. Let’s get back to the main topic. How do we keep this all hushed up?” Bella asked quietly once her mirth had fallen back to her current tired levels.

“I can learn occlumency! I swear, just tell me what to do and I’ll keep it all quiet,” Cissa spoke up eagerly.

Bella and Hermione patiently began to explain in no uncertain terms that there was simply no way to go about training her in occlumency in one single sitting, until finally the younger witch relented and dropped the subject. Leaving her with just Hermione’s real name and the assurance that she truly was from the future would have to be enough for one night. Especially one as short as theirs had been.

A quick Tempus charm that Hermione had thrown out had revealed that it was closing in on two AM. To top it all off all three of the witches still had a full class load tomorrow, which technically started in less than five hours. Hermione wasn’t looking forward to working all day long with little to no sleep and a precocious pre-teen bounding after her heels.

They ended up settling for telling Narcissa that she should avoid any eye contact with her professors throughout the day and to keep her emotions to a minimum. That little bit of advice would have to suffice until she was able to meet with them in the Room of Requirement after dinner finished the next, current?, day. The promises of answers and the training to come had luckily been just enough to get the little witch to settle down and return to her own dorm room.

Neither Bella nor Hermione knew exactly how to handle the situation they now found themselves in but knew that they’d need to get a hold on it all quite fast. Andromeda would have to be told to meet with them as well, and oaths needed to be made that would keep the witches tongue-tied so that they wouldn’t accidentally reveal the secret to the whole student body. The fact that obliviation was now off the table meant that their training would have to advance quickly unless they were willing to believe that neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort, should they see him over break, would attempt to learn anything from the sisters. And Hermione just wasn’t willing to take that risk.

When the last echoes of Narcissa’s footfalls faded away behind the now locked door to Hermione’s room both witches turned to change out into sleeping clothes, ready to set the excitement of the night behind them. Sleep beckoned to both witches in equal measure and Hermione was nearly one hundred percent sure that she would fall asleep on her feet if she didn’t fall into the bed right away. Her muscles ached from yanking the rather waterlogged Cissa from the icy water and her eyes burned from being awake for nearly twenty hours.

Hermione’s face flushed, and she awkwardly turned around when Bella began removing her shirt and pulling it up above her head. The quick flash of a toned stomach had Hermione’s face and next flushing with heat, a feeling that spread to the rest of her body in a not unwanted fashion. The soft thump of clothing filled the room as Bella dropped her day wear into a pile at the foot of Hermione’s wardrobe.

Hermione knew that the dark haired witch would never ask her to give her privacy when they were changing together but nonetheless she still preferred to turn away and not reveal exactly how Bella made her feel.

In a few seconds, breath heavy with the warmth still flooding her body, Hermione had also begun to strip and change into warm clothes for sleeping. The routine shared between them had become a normal and steady comfort after the past few weeks of sharing the same bed, but each time she still felt a flutter fill her body and a warmth to her cheeks when they actually returned here for sleep. It was a feeling she both loathed for how wanton she believed it made her look and how much she still craved it.

An old undershirt had been the first item she’d transfigured into something specifically for sleeping, far too long and ridiculous for anything other than laying in bed, the item ran down her thin frame to ride up about her mid thigh. The memories of wearing the same style of clothing, usually a present for Christmas or sometimes a birthday, whenever she was home during summer or winter months was a comfort she sorely needed. It wasn’t the same but it did allow her some feeling of normalcy.

When the room was quiet again she turned towards the bed and slipped beneath the duvet, soft silk sheets engulfing her form in a chilly embrace. She shivered at the change in temperature before curling up and hugging her knees to her chest.

When the mattress dipped down on the side opposite to her she knew Bella had finally joined her. She’d found out quite quickly that the witch was fond of short nightshirts, a style that pulled taut against her lanky frame and defined the muscles beneath her skin in a manner that Hermione simply adored. And if it accentuated her ‘asset’s, well, Hermione wasn’t one to complain.

A quick flick of her wand brought the still roaring fire down a barely lit pile of embers that glowed softly in the darkness of the room. Pale luminescence filtered in through the large window pressed coldly up against the Black Lake. The body laying next to her was stretching back and forth as the witch sought out a comfortable position before she exhaled loudly in exasperation.

Hermione’s first thoughts had turned to wondering if the witch would leave the bed or perhaps continue tossing and turning, but the witch surprised her. Bella turned onto her side to face the still balled up form of Hermione and gently began to push her knees away from her chest until she was pressed close into Hermione’s space, stomach and chests practically touching and noses nearly tip to tip.

‘This is new…’

Warm puffs of air that carried the sweet scent of peppermint brushed over Hermione’s lips as she stared into the deep black pools of Bella’s eyes. The flush that she’d first felt while changing had returned with force, heating her chest and rising up through her body until the tips of her ears burned. She was suddenly so hot that it seemed as if someone had lit the fire behind them and turned it into a roaring inferno.

“Thanks Hermione,” the witch across from her spoke. Hermione’s eyes had drifted lower to watch her lips move as she spoke, lips firm and tilted into a slight smile.

“Uh… It’s fine Bella.” Hermione’s mind came back to her as she suddenly remembered how to make words. “She would have been okay regardless of my actions. We were still a way off from the drop off, she’d have been alright.”

Bella shifted her body closer to Hermione until their noses were touching and locks of thick black hair covered Hermione’s cheeks and pillow.

“Still though, thank you for going after her like that. I don’t know what I’d’ve done if things had gone differently, if we were further out…”

A sense of closeness had been growing between the duo over the past few months. Within only the past weeks that feeling had blossomed into something that made Hermione’s chest tighten and warm whenever she found herself even a second alone with the witch. Their actions were automatic now. Sleeping together, eating together, studying and training as though they were both only halves of a whole.  As though they were one and the same. Nearly every day found them in a position where they were physically touching, regardless of whether the situation called for it or not.

Seeking comfort from one another had become a second nature, but to Hermione’s chagrin the closeness had yet to develop to anything more than that. She knew she was partially to blame for it, if she wanted more she would have to take some form of initiative with it. Still though, her Gryffindor courage abandoned her whenever it came to Bella. Neither one of them had yet to comment or truly question their new quasi-relationship or the shared desire that seemed to be flowing through them both.

The simple rationalization that Hermione had settled for as an explanation to their actions had been that she’d simply become a more physical person over the past few years. Physical contact and emotional assurances had been at a minimum while she’d been on the run, lost and torn from all but two and then one. Being touched and held had become a ground for her in a way that simple conversation simply could no longer achieve.

Bella brought down the carefully constructed rationalizations like a house of cards when her lips tentatively pressed against Hermione’s. A warmth bloomed from her that led her to an immediate reciprocation, pressing forward into the heat that was Bella.

It was chaste, short, and to the point. Still, she could hardly contain the thumping in her heart. The taste of mint carried over from Bella’s lips, Hermione’s tongue darting out to taste the remnants on her own.

All too soon for Hermione’s liking, Bella pulled herself back and shuffled their bodies closer until she could throw an arm comfortably around Hermione’s waist.

“Night Em’.”

“Night Bella…”


Friday morning came too abruptly for Hermione’s liking but carried with it no sense of awkwardness of the actions of the two witches the night before. She’d awoken with her face buried into the crook of Bella’s neck, thick black locks spilled across her face and warm arms wrapped around her waist. Bella’s body pressed tightly to her own and their shared body heat making the need for a duvet almost insignificant.

The little tinkling bell that sat across the room on Hermione’s vanity had begun to chime in an effort to wake them up. A short movement from Bella’s arm shot the bell off of its perch and onto the floor before Hermione could even think about lifting herself from the bed to turn it off.

“You need a new alarm…,” Bella groggily spoke up, sleep heavy in her voice.

Warm laughter bubbled up through Hermione’s throat and fought against her control to keep it in. In response to Bella’s take on turning off the alarm she threw an arm across the witch’s back and squeezed her tighter against her body.

She’d hesitantly expected that the moment that they’d shared last night would dissolve into an unspoken occurrence, a one time action that she’d never be able to repeat. To her pleasant surprise Bella shot forward into a searing kiss once their eyes locked on one another. When she finally pulled back a sleepy cheshire grin was plastered across her face while her eyelids were till half closed. Bella’s cheeks were burning bright red against the paleness of her skin, highlighting the blush as it moved across her neck and chest.

“Morning, Hermione.”


Hermione’s face glowed as she shot forward to initiate a kiss of her own, hand moving from Bella’s back to rest in the mass of curls that defined Bella’s bed head. When the kiss ended both witches leaned back and eyed each other warmly.

“Well, I don’t know about you but I could get used to waking up like that. Shall we?” Bella quietly asked, an undercurrent of excitement in her voice that was tempered when she brought up leaving the bed.

“Do we have to?” Hermione knew she was being petulant and whining but abandoning all of her classes for the day was becoming a very tempting thought.

“Yes, now come on, up. Before we resign ourselves to live and die in here. Much as I’d love to stay hidden away, I plan on dying in a bit more of a climactic fashion.”

Rolling her eyes at the witch’s exaggerations, Hermione pulled herself up and prepared to leave the bed, a deep groan of displeasure ringing out from her chest. Bella’s only response was short and clipped laughter before Hermione turned around and smacked her face with one of the soft green pillows.

Their morning preparations passed quickly, despite the frequent breaks in getting dressed that led to kisses and tight hugs. Against her more frivolous wishes Hermione soon found herself fully dressed and heading from the room to grab breakfast.


The rest of their Friday passed in what could best be described as normalcy. They both struggled to stay awake during History of Magic, Arithmancy dragged on in much the same way as it always had, but overall it was just bland. Another normal day, despite all that had grown between them in less than twenty-four hours.

A brief respite came from the Yuletide cheer that had begun to wrap Hermione, and many other students, with its infectious charm. A smile framed her face and a spring entered into her step that rivaled the giddiness at her happily evolving relationship with Bella. Despite knowing that she would be unable to go home to her own family, she was still ready for the freedom that the vacation would provide.

She was certain that no matter how the next two weeks turned out they would be better than the last two years. One had been spent on the run and the other had been spent in a hardly lived in castle still healing from a massive battle. Anything would be better than that in her book.

She couldn’t, however, say that she wasn’t somewhat nervous. The looming eventuality of her meeting with Cygnus had become a constant thought rolling in the back of her mind. Ever since she’d offered herself as a way to save Bella from her arranged marriage she’d been worried and constantly overthinking it. Their plan had already been put into motion and the first signs were promising, but she knew it could blow up at any moment.

A letter to Cygnus asking for a meeting and a discussion about Bella’s hand in marriage had earned her a prompt response where the old wizard was obviously champing at the bit to merge his line in with someone of such a renowned heritage as the Greniers. He’d politely, if tactlessly, asked that she join Bella for her return to Black Manor. The promise to host her over the break had coincided with a request for stacks and reams of parchment from Gringotts that would prove both her legitimacy and her monetary worth. She was left with a first impression that matched Andy’s perception that he was an incredibly greedy man, always looking for a way to up his station.

Wandering through the halls of Hogwarts had become sort of a walk through a winter wonderland. Yule decorations had been strung out all over the castle halls and corridors.

Hallways had been enchanted to hold clouds that snowed, garlands of tinsel were set out across archways and meandered along like snakes as they sought out different homes from where they’d been placed. Rare flowers from northern lands had been planted into pots carved out from ice, their eerie blue and green iridescence reminiscent of sparkling crystals of snow and ice. Even Filch was seen with a smile on his face and something akin to a holiday cheer.

The festivities were a soothing balm to Hermione’s nervous heart. It didn’t make up for the lack of family but it did bring her a measure of enjoyment that she hadn’t thought she’d ever feel, stuck in the past as she was.

Their last class of the day was Ancient Runes, and as Hermione left the room she caught sight of Bella waiting for her down a corridor at a junction point. Raising her hand in silent greeting she smiled brightly and quickened her steps. As she reached Bella, no more than a few paces away, she heard a rush of words call out from behind her before the suddenly found that her shoes had no grip on the floor.

An ice sheet had sprung up from nowhere, and she was stuck right on top of it. She skidded to the right and held her balance as best she could before catching an earful of a second spell, a hastily muttered ‘Damnum de Libra,’ had her feet flying out from under her body and toppling her in a second.

Bella’s eyes had widened and her gaze was firmly planted behind Hermione as she fell flat onto her backside, stars twinkling into existence as her head cracked painfully against the layer of ice and stone beneath her.

Bella cast a quick banishing spell that removed the ice from under Hermione before striding forward purposefully and roaring out “Incarcerous!” towards whoever had dared to prank Hermione. Dark ropes of hemp spewed forth from her wand tip only to fly forward and wrap painfully around, to Hermione’s surprise, Fabian Prewett. The young man’s face was suddenly as red as his hair as Bella’s spell dug painfully into his neck as a loop curved down to wrap around his leg, effectively hobbling him.

Hermione threw herself up from her seated position, pain in her head thrown to the back of her mind, fury lancing through her features.

When she reached Fabian her hand shot forward like lightning. The crack of her hand slapping his cheek carried out across the empty corridor before a lovely pain burned into her fingertips.

“You prick,” her voice shook with anger while spikes of heat lanced up her arm in near debilitating bursts, “Are you the idiot who's been coordinating all these pranks?”

Angry brown eyes peered up at her through a pained squint, fury and embarrassment dueling in his look.

“Answer me!” Hermione’s hand gripped tighter on her wand as the ropes from Bella’s spell began to constrict. The material bit down into his skin and tightened across his neck and leg, a short groan of pain escaping him. She could feel Bella’s eyes on her as she tightened the spell even further but found that she didn’t care. The heat in her arm was dying rapidly but flames still licked up her throat.

“It’s the least you deserve, now you’ve made yourself known as Black’s little whore,” Fabian spat out in pained gasps while fighting against his bonds.

“Oh, I am so going to-”

Bella’s hand clamped down onto her own, her eyes shooting Hermione a genuine look of concern and worry. Hermione was brought back to herself when her train of thought was broken, fully able to evaluate the rather ominous position she was currently standing in.

A student was at her feet with his leg hobbled, neck throttled, and sporting a massive red mark on his cheeks while blood slowly dripped down a split in his lip. She could suddenly appreciate how horrendous it all looked, especially if someone suddenly game upon them now that the ice he’d initially struck with had been banished.

With a start she pulled herself away and out of Bella’s grasp, wand falling to her side and teeth clenching as she hissed out her discomfort.

Gulping in a large breath of air she released the bonds holding Fabian in place while she stepped backwards and out of his immediate reach. She couldn’t tell if she did that for her protection or his own. The boy leaned forward and cradled his neck with a free hand once the ropes disintegrated off of his body, fingers rubbing the obvious marks that the rope had left.

Understanding that they’d overstayed their welcome, Hermione continued stepping backwards until Bella impatiently grabbed at her hand and hissed a low, ::Let’s go ::

Bella led her off by the hand as they shot towards the entrance as fast as their feet could carry them, the courtyard and fresh air their only objective.

‘Why the hell did I do that, I could have-’

“That was not normal,” Bella parroted back her own thoughts. “I’ve dueled you over and over so many times now and I’ve you’ve never once lost your cool like that before.”

A cold gust of wind knocked into the witches and threw their robes into disarray. It was a sobering feeling for Hermione, being brought back to herself by Bellatrix of all people.

“No. I’ve done it once before.”

“When?” Bella hauled Hermione to a low wall on the edge of the courtyard before lifting herself to sit atop it and pulling Hermione right up after her.

“Those first weeks back, when you were going after me mercilessly. I kept it all bottled up until I finally cracked back at you.”

Bella grasped Hermione’s hand lightly and brought it to rest on her lap. With her free hand she began to rub soothing circles into the skin, fingers and palm ghosting over Hermione’s knuckles and tendons.

“So what, you just finally snapped when you realized who was targeting you?”

A shudder wracked its way through Hermione’s body as she thought back to the immense hatred and anger that had begun coursing through her body right before she strode up to Fabian and slapped him. It had felt so good to fight back that even now she had trouble bringing herself to regret the action.

“I just… I just felt so angry. He must have been doing this for weeks now, inconsequential little things but still… It’s grating. This is just the first time we’ve caught him in the act. I just felt this anger well up and suddenly all I wanted to do was break him for it. And now I have to be on the lookout for his retaliation...”

Hermione’s free hand traced up and down the length of the scar on her forearm.

“Does it hurt?” Bella asked, trying not to stare at Hermione’s arm while she continued soothing the wound.

A quick flex to the muscle below the scar found no residual pain. It just felt… normal. Calming and warm instead of painful and burning.

“No, but it did. Right as I looked up and you saw…”

As her words trailed off Bella’s eyebrows raised in a rare showing of concern. Hermione knew without asking that the witch was on the same train of thought as she was.

“So,” Bella’s voice was barely a whisper, “The scar.”

“The scar.” Hermione’s eyes hardened along with her curt reply.

“What did Mayweather say it could be?”

“He didn’t, at least he didn’t say it could be anything but a cursed would.” She shook her head before sighing tiredly. “He’d never seen anything like it before. During all of his testing it never reacted like a normal cursed wound would. He even consulted a curse-breaker and even they couldn’t make sense of it.”

“Well,” Bella began, an odd note of pride to her voice, “Nice to know that even if I went crazy I’d still be smart…” Bella shot her a tight-lipped smirk before frowning as Hermione punched her friend, ‘Girlfriend?’, in the arm.

“Yes, yes. Nice to know that Lestrange was smart and truly sadistic.”

“What if it’s an empathic curse?”

“That seems pretty likely to be part of it, seeing as whenever you get angry I end up hurting.”

“So, she cuts the word into you and curses it so you’ll always feel her hatred.”

Hermione looked outwards and over the courtyard before replying, the free second allowing her a quick moment to think.

“Could be. But it wouldn’t explain why this never happened before meeting you here.”

“Well maybe you were too far away? Or what if it hadn’t fully set in yet by the time she died. You said she died not long after inflicting it?”


“Okay,” Bella’s voice rose as she spoke, “What if she hadn’t died? She’d’ve been able to inflict pain on you just by being near you. I mean, I doubt she intended to die that day and if she hadn’t maybe she thought that it would be a fitting punishment. I doubt she’d have ever had a happy thought about you. She might not even have been aware that it could be neutral, or pleasurable.”

“That would make sense, but it only reacts to you being happy or angry, what about every emotion in the middle?”

“If future me was as crazy as you say then she’d have no chance to experience any other emotion for you other than hate.”

Hermione exhaled a tired breath before pulling herself closer to Bella and leaning up against her torso. The whole thing made a sick sort of sense. Lestrange hadn’t been one to have all her marbles in one place and a blanket curse that caused unbearable agony as a response to her own hatred seemed to be something that would fit right up her alley.

“Guess that would explain the protection elements as well.”

“What do you mean?” Bella questioned, while slowly running her fingers up and through Hermione’s short hair. Her nails scratched pleasantly against her scalp in a soothing motion that helped to ground her still risen temper. She was sure that if she was still her second year self, she’d be purring.

“Well, I mean that I can’t hurt you. Or rather that I can but I’ll receive some sort of backlash. That’s why I passed out after hitting you. Dumble and company seem to think it’s a clause built in so that I couldn’t hurt Lestrange. I guess this just means it’s passed to you as well. But it does seem to be a two-way street.”

“You mean how I can’t seem to land a single hit on you cleanly when we duel?” Bella looked down at her nearly closed eyes.

“Yes. I think that’s part of it.”

Their conversation continued in speculation about the exact properties of the curse. When they were done, it was clear that another talk with Mayweather was likely in order. If he hadn’t died or resigned before the year was up that is.

Before Hermione knew it, she was once again pressed against Bella’s front, lip-locked and warmer than the meager cloak she was wearing could account for.

Unfortunately the bliss she found herself in didn’t last very long, as a rather stern sounding cough startled them both apart from each other.

Standing before them was a stone faced McGonagall, her pointed hat tipped from the force of the wind blustering about them. Her lips were pursed down tight into a sliver of a frown while she held her arms crossed above her chest. All in all it was enough to bring Hermione back to the fear she’d felt when she first attended Hogwarts, always scared that someone would find a reason to be upset at her or call her out.

The professor was leaning backwards on one leg while she impatiently tapped her foot on the other, timing out a rhythm that only she knew. Her piercing green eyes were swapping back and forth between the two witches, leaving both with a feeling of suspended dread. Bella might not have liked McGonagall very much, but she was strongly aware of how intimidating the old woman could be.

Hermione’s face flushed out with warmth at realizing she’d been caught before McGonagall began to speak.

“Ladies,” her tone was cold and sharp, heavy with disapproval, “I shouldn’t have to remind two overachievers such as yourself that there are rules at this institution. Specifically, rules against P.D.A. As such, five points from Slytherin for the both of you.”

“Sorry Professor,” Bella replied in a tone much gentler and subdued than usual.

“Now, I believe that you’re both about to be late to dinner. Off with you.”

As the two witches started off in the direction of the Great Hall, McGonagall called out to them, “Next time ladies, just keep it somewhere private.”

A warm smile turned up Minerva’s lips in amusement as she watched the pair leave.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 150032f20a8bacdf3d6f366553b59d50835d989f ) [46] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 19. Book 1: Taking the Plunge [timestamp] => 1557180000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 19: Book 1: Taking the Plunge

Chapter Text

If someone had sat Narcissa down and forced her to really reflect on how she’d lived her life she’d quickly and readily come to the conclusion that it had been relatively easy up until this point.

Throughout multiple instances in her life the fact that she was both the youngest and the smallest of the Black siblings had had its advantages. The biggest in her estimation was that she was consistently underestimated by both her peers and elders alike.

Where Bellatrix was, in general, quick to curse or bully for any slight brought up against her no matter how imagined it was, Narcissa simply tallied the infraction. She’d make grand and sweeping gestures of wiping it under the rug while retaining a picture perfect clarity of what had happened. Insults and tricks and pranks of all manner and nature were, to the outside observer, simply water that ran of her back. But they were never truly forgotten.

While Bella was the sister who got even, Narcissa only got revenge.

Her eldest sister’s moods and opinions were mercurial by nature whereas her own were stable and well projected. If she said she didn’t appreciate magenta earrings on Monday, you could be assured that come Friday she’d plot your murder if you gave her a magenta earrings on a Friday.

Andy was much the same as Bella though she spun out in a more positive direction. The base behind the actions were close enough though. There were reasons after all for why people constantly wondered if they were actually twins. Visuals were only the half of it. The two thought so much alike that it seemed they shared one mind, more often than not. Andy was smart with books and quick with a wand, her prowess and skill with schooling and spells only second to Bella’s achievements.

They differed where the matter of personal drive was involved. Andy lacked the conviction and hard fought assurance that she was right in all manners while Bella’s were rock solid. Her middle sister only excelled because it was the minimum amount of effort that was expected of her whereas Bella excelled simply because she chose to do so.

Narcissa’s own temperament kept her more in line with Andy than Bella. The eldest Black was loud and brash and as prone to wear her heart on her sleeve as she was to clam up into a sullen mess. Her sister was somewhat of an emotional train wreck. Though she’d never state that fact to Bella.

Andy was much more like herself. Quiet. Manipulative. Hard to read in any situation and ready to save her own skin whenever possible. A consummate Slytherin. She’d glow with pride at each and every personal achievement and was cunning beyond measure. Narcissa had learned more from watching her middle sister than she ever had from imitating Bella’s brash and uncouth nature. Andy was warm and ingratiating. She broke through pureblood rhetoric to reach across the aisle that separated the Houses from one another. Bella was cold and callous, perfectly happy to spend her school years avoiding anyone outside of Slytherin. Andy was the shoulder to cry on while Bella had been the one who caused the crying in the first place. Andy was the scalpel where Bella was a hammer. Or at least she had, until a certain short haired witch with soft brown eyes that spoke of years beyond her age had arrived.

But Narcissa herself?

She wasn’t sure exactly where she fit in among her sisters. She knew she’d never be a true master of manipulation like her middle sibling could sometimes be. She’d never be strong enough to openly disdain anyone or treat them with cold unfiltered contempt. Her schoolwork and knowledge set weren’t well-rounded and the actions of comforting someone else were alien and unnatural to her.

She didn’t know what she was. But she knew what she wasn’t.

When she was younger and had only just received her letter to Hogwarts her Mother had sat back in a high backed chair while sipping from an ornate crystal glass and announced that she was different. That she rarely could tell what was happening behind those eyes, so different from her own. She’d called Narcissa cold as ice and instead of the inscrutable backhand it had really been she’d taken it instead as a compliment. It was so out of the blue and striking that she’d sought to embody it. If her own Mother couldn't tell what she was thinking or what her emotions were then it only stood to reason that no one else should be able to as well.

One of the few things that could break through her facade were her own emotions. Parental guidance was… lacking, if she was honest, and the job of teaching her how to manage her emotions had fallen instead to her sisters. Bella, who lashed out at anyone and anything that rubbed her the wrong way, and Andy, who bottled everything up inside until she walked around with a little smirk that said someone is going to die. They hadn’t been useful teachers.

Control of her own emotions had become forcing them behind a wall until it was too much, and she cracked. Though she was twelve and young and far too small for it, her tantrums could thrash rooms and her ire had no bounds. She’d learned from the best after all and Bella was truly the best at unmitigated destruction. The emotions were still hard and scratched at her in uneven ways, but she could cope now. So long as someone was there to help.

When Lucius had begun to pay attention to her at the beginning of the year it had startled her from her icy facade so much that she’d had no idea how to deal with it. Blowing up wasn’t the right response and neither was hiding away her own interest in him. It was hard to come to grips with the fact that despite their prearranged marriage, years away, Lucius was interested in her. Her! Of all people!

Not a single bit of that development was helped by the fact that she’d harbored her own little crush on him throughout the previous year.

In the end she’d been forced to seek out help from a third party. Emelia was familiar enough through her eldest sister that asking for help didn’t seem too outlandish and divorced enough from both herself and Lucius that she could trust she’d not try to twist or turn them in any particular direction. When all was said and done her advice was less helpful than it was merely reassuring but it had served its purpose.

And throughout it all she’d still remained on the peripheries of both her classmates and family’s thoughts. The few topics and opinions she’d show a bright-eyed interest towards had been potions, healing arts, and Lucius. Lucius, for the obvious affection they shared between each other. Potions and Healing for the demanding skill set necessary to master them. Both arts needed a mastery of emotion and reasoning to understand and acquire anything more than a base level understanding.

Potion work require a no-nonsense approach. The slightest mistake could be the difference between melting a cauldron and dying or perfectly crafted draught. Healing demanded a precise control and application of her magic so as to help the subject instead of hurt them. She’d learned over time and countless books how one could twist into the other if she didn’t remain calm and calculated. An errant thought or misplaced emotion could mean the difference between a spell meant to heal a cut building painful scar tissue instead. A regrown bone could become arthritic and painful for life. Simply attempting to heal a flesh wound could turn the site cancerous.

The intricacy and precision necessary to excel was fascinating to her.

Lucius had quickly become an extension of herself. Their tentative relationship had blossomed quickly and he’d become one of the few people besides her sisters that she’d never tire of being around. She allowed herself to be open with him, dropping the icy exterior she’d built up. Thoughts, emotions, ideas and aspirations. He took all of it in and gave back in equal measure.

He had grown up in much the same manner as she had, siblings notwithstanding. The lap of luxury and a society that nearly worshiped the ground he walked on was his birthright. He was honest with his intents and smart beyond his years. Being the sole focus of his Father had forced him to elevate beyond his peers in order to impress. Determination that he would amount to something worthy of his Father was his driving force. Abraxas only ever expected the best of him as the only heir to House Malfoy. And when the best wasn’t present or he slacked in any manner he would gamely show Lucius exactly why he needed to improve. Bruises, cuts, sharp words and scars motivated Lucius beyond the capabilities of his peers.

The arrangement between their families only fueled the burgeoning feelings between them. Narcissa wasn’t scared of her eventual marriage like Bellatrix or angered by the mere existence of her intended like Andromeda.

Narcissa could understand the rationality behind Bellatrix’s disdain for Rodolphus. He was an enormous git with a brain the size of a pea and a body sculpted for mayhem and pain. He was an unrepentant bully who got rewarded for his childhood sadism. She could even understand her reasonings behind escaping anyone's attempts to shackle or control her.

She was twelve, not daft. Sexism in the Wizarding world was taught young and the lessons were hard learned.

Even Andy’s secret was reasonable in her eyes once she’d finally determined what it was.

Not that she could get herself to care about said secret one way or another. Bella certainly seemed to be bucking conventions and if her middle sister was also going to do so she’d support them both. It honestly had bothered her more that she’d found Ted lip-locked with her sister rather than hear about their relationship directly.

Cygnus and Druella had drilled it into their heads from an early age that being pureblood meant something in their world. That someone being impure meant that they weren’t respectable. Weren’t worthy of the gift of magic. That they were a stain on the whole of Wizardkind itself. She’d been bathed in that pervasive supremacy since she’d been born and it had only been reinforced under the watchful eyes of her Aunt and Uncles. But still, she was twelve.

Young, and far too smart for her age. She’d made friends in secret with those of lesser blood and been able to formulate questions of why they were below her since she’d been able to comprehend that they were treated differently. Her sisters continued success at going behind her parents back was a sign that if she wanted to she could do it as well. She only lacked a reason.

Why should she stand out? Why make so many influential people aware of her inner thoughts and turn them to possible enemies? Bell and Andy might have been smart enough and strong enough to take care of themselves, but she was under no illusion that she could do the same. In the end it was better to not strain her already tense relationships or bring attention to herself. Rather let them think she was complacent and unknowing rather than capable of reading the landscape and choosing what would keep her safest.

And even with all this, this crystallized knowledge of where she fit in and her own capabilities for keeping herself safe and away from any suspicion, here she was. Outside her dorm. Past curfew, at night. Looking for Emelia of all people.

The girl had been an enigma from the first day she’d seen her. A pureblood from across the Atlantic who spoke with a similar accent despite telling them all that she’d only just arrived to the country. The heir to a well respected and Noble House that had seemed extinct until only just recently. She could be prim and proper while still bucking all conventions of normalized high society. Short hair, coarse language. She even wore Muggle clothing when not in class or when lounging around on weekends. Even her Muggle clothes were strange, out of place among the other students.

When the days passed into weeks into months and it became clear that Bella had become rather attached, romantically if she was correct, she’d resolved to figure out whatever she could on the rather intriguing witch.

Narcissa had waited until nearly eleven, well past lights out and safe from most of the Prefect’s patrolling the halls and their respective common-rooms before sneaking from her dorm and sleeping roommates. She’d wedged herself in tight between a large couch that was pressed tightly up against a wall. The gap it left was just enough room for her to hide behind while allowing her an unobstructed view of the rest of the room. Both doorways to the boys and girls dorms were clear to see as well as the pathway out to the entrance.

The room had been nearly silent and empty for an hour before anything remotely interesting occurred. A dark form had peeked out at an angle from the doorway of the girl's hallway before the form suddenly rushed out into the weak firelight. A second form had followed soon after and Narcissa had been able to get a better look. Bella had been in the lead while Emelia was dragged along silently, her hand secured in Bella’s.

Neither of the witches spoke a word as they sneaked about and headed towards the entrance. Narcissa had crawled out of her hiding place once they stepped into the passage and began to follow as close and as quickly as she dared. Her small frame was an advantage here as she kept to corners and hid behind armored statues whenever Bella or Emelia stopped to scan their surroundings.

They had slowly made their way down to the first floor via disused and out of the way staircases instead of heading towards the main Hall as Narcissa had been expecting them to do. Once or twice she’d needed to duck behind cover as Emelia or Bella would stop and turn about to check if they were being followed.

‘Honestly, if they can’t spot me I don’t know how they’d expect to see anyone else coming.’

A single candle lit their way, one that Bella had only pulled out once they reached the south side of the castle. A familiar eerie blue glow had sprung up from Bella’s hand as she kept it out in front of herself in search of anyone else. The enchanted item she was using had been specifically tuned to the Black trio and would only emit visible light to their eyes. It had been a rather eccentric gift from their far more eccentric Uncle Alphard.

The only unexpected hitch in their late night excursion had been an unexpected showing of Filch, the Caretaker. He’d nearly cornered them all as they reached a turn in a corridor and it had only been the untimely mewl of a kitten at his heels that had alerted them to his arrival. Bella and Emelia had ducked into a corner she couldn’t see while she herself had thrown herself behind an overlong tapestry that stood off the wall and hung down until it pooled on the ground.

After the old gump had wandered off she’d waited a few moments before peeking her head outside the cover of the tapestry and stared down the hallway. When the familiar blue glow reappeared she’d left her hiding spot behind and crept closer until she could make out the figures of the two witches.

After only a few more twists and turns the duo had stopped again and stood before a large and imposing statue. The design was medieval, depicting a rather frightening old woman huddled and shrouded with a stone cloak, her hands clasped in front of her face with a jeweled butterfly resting on her knuckles. Emelia had stepped forward then, hauntingly thin and ethereal in the blue glow, to grasp the clasped hands of the statue and pull down with all her might. When it looked like her feet were off the ground the hands she held onto jerked downwards as something gave way.

A shuffling and grinding of stone on stone, muffled as if with a spell, reached her ears and she watched in amazement as a hidden passage began to open up. Within the span of a few seconds the statue had receded entirely to only leave a black pit of an open doorway. Emelia and Bella had immediately stepped through the passage and into the inky blackness where even the enchanted blue glow wouldn’t pierce.

Narcissa had looked side to side down the hallway before power walking with all the speed her tiny body could muster and slipped past the statue as it began to move back into position. The tunnel she found herself in extended forwards and at a downward angle off into the distance. A slowly bobbing blue glow came from the very far end and Narcissa crept forward slowly to follow.

The rather eerie walk continued on for quite a few minutes before the pair in front of her appeared to reach a dead end. The smaller witch, Emelia , appeared to wave her hand up and down in front of herself and against the stone wall in front of her until a glowing pattern began to emerge. A green glowing glyph of some fashion began to stand out starkly against the darkness and before Narcissa had a chance to guess what it was the wall faded out of existence. A cold wind immediately flowed into the passageway and Narcissa could see the thin cloak that Bella had on billowing in the wind. When the two witches disappeared suddenly from her view Narcissa shot forward to follow them through before the passage could close back up.

A cold wind buffeted her against the opening and snow drifted up in billows against her shins as she entered open air. The rather stifling passage had been left behind as it opened up into the back of the castle grounds against a large stone outcropping near the Black Lake. She’d known that there were multiple secret or hidden passages throughout the school but had never dreamed of finding any of them. She knew once this was over she’d ask Emelia or Bella for any more that they knew of, having that information just seemed prudent to her somehow. The fact that it was Emelia who had seemed to know how to operate the passage was confusing and intriguing in equal measure as it only served to increase her desire to understand and uncover the mystery surrounding the witch.

The stony outcropping it had opened onto was surrounded on all sides by larger rocks and boulders that disguised the entrance. High in the sky the silver moon was a fuzzy ball of light as its rays filtered through wispy clouds. Fortunately enough the footprints that the witches had left were still visible in the poor light and allowed her an easy trail to follow.

Narcissa ventured further and further to the dense woods of the Forbidden Forest as the footprints ringed the outside of the Black Lake.

Most students would have balked at being anywhere near the woods so late at night but she knew Bella was more than likely drawn to them. Any danger housed within would have offended her to leave unexplored. For her part Narcissa was fairly sure that any of the large and dangerous beasts would have headed deeper into the woods to escape the oncoming cold and the numerous wards surrounding the grounds would keep out the rest.

Minutes passed in the cold as she trudged forward an a warming charm soon became necessary to keep her teeth from chattering painfully in her mouth. The winter weather had come down hard within the past few days as if making up for the rather large lack of precipitation that was usually more common during the warmer months. Each breath she took puffed up into a glittering cloud in front of her face as she dutifully trudged onward.

Soon enough the trail of winding footprints came to a halt before a towering assortment of rocks that jutted out into the Lake. It was a picturesque scene. Large boulders hewn from some ancient rock were settled into a line that extended out past where she knew the first drop-off to be. It was a stone knife thrust deep into something soft and malleable. The top of the rocks were covered in a thin dusting of snow that spilled off the edges and piled against the ice below. Emelia and Bella had ascended the rocks and were currently at the halfway point near the end. Voices drifted up and over the rocks to fall back down with the wind. Narcissa strained her ears in an attempt to catch any of the conversation.

As she stood still and quiet her muscles began to shiver as the cold made its way past the meager charm she’d placed. Inside herself she debated on whether it would be a smart move to stay away from them or move closer to the duo. If she didn’t swing wide in her attempt to get to the other side of the rocks they would observe her own footprints when they left. If she was unlucky they’d even catch her before she made her way back inside.

The building interest in their secret meeting won out and she began to trudge through the thicker snow between the rocks and the treeline. Her footsteps were muffled but she knew the illusion would break if she so much as made a misstep. She could only hope she’d be lucky enough to miss any branches or other detritus hidden up beneath the snow.

“...we don’t… enough time…”

A soft voice floated over the rock formation as she continued on her way, soft and clipped. She was still too far away to catch the full conversation or determine exactly who was speaking but the lack of bite to the words led her to believe it was Emelia. It seemed the witches were also doing their best to be quiet and hidden in the night.

A second voice came over clearer as she reached the base of the stones.

“You know how bloody fucking rich that is coming from you, a time traveler, right?”


She was sure of it, the tone was unmistakable. But the content she’d heard had her second guessing her ears.

‘Time Travel?... What?’

Narcissa placed her back against the stones and crouched lower before shuffling forward to creep closer to the witches. The lake had frozen over the earlier part of the week but she judged it safe enough to hold her weight.

“...He accepts it we can push a date out until we’ve... Once you’re free of him, we simply do what we want… have no claim over you.”

‘What’s Emelia talking about? What date? What claim?’

Narcissa closer her eyes and stilled her breathing in an attempt to catch the full conversation. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit this was what she’d come out for. Mysterious secrets. Still though, it left her no closer to understanding what was actually going on. Her feet shuffled further out as her weight pressed down on the clear ice.

“Did you get the last one?”

The tinkling and sharp touch of glass phials moving about carried over the edge as the witches above her began to rummage around something.

Narcissa was even more thoroughly confused than she had been only moments ago. Honestly thought she couldn’t get any more after hearing time travel uttered by someone she considered sane.

Footsteps from above and behind her stood out as the witches moved further up the rock. Narcissa mirrored their actions, gently sliding further to the side so as to not lose their voices.


Her eyes lurched open and her mouth ran dry.

The ice below her gave a rather unsettling lurch downwards.


Hermione caught the sound first.

They had been busy packing up their now filled phials of Ice Wisps and prepping to head back to the castle. Their late night ingredient excursion had been a resounding success and they’d been prepared for a nice warm end to the evening. The sound of shifting and breaking ice had put a stop to those thoughts. Bella’s fingers lost their hold on the last phial and it clattered loudly into the satchel at her feet.

“The bloody hell was that?” Bella asked, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with surprise.


Hermione’s reply was cut short as a second loud CRACK filled the air. As the sound faded into an echo a cray rang out at the side of the rock they were on. She immediately dove down onto her hands and knees, peering over the edge to assess the danger. Her quick movement gave her a glimpse of whomever it was that had decided to eavesdrop their conversation, blond hair and coal-black outerwear.

The moon above shifted out from behind cloud cover and the figure was revealed. Before Hermione’s very eyes the person below her lurched precariously as the ice beneath them gave way completely. Her immediate response was to lay down on her front completely, throwing her arm down and forgetting her wand entirely.

“Grab onto my hand!” She shouted, hand and arm waving frantically above the person below her. Stretching her body and arm out fully she finally felt a small fist close around her fingers before a tug at her midsection began dragging her backwards. Bella held on tightly to Hermione’s midriff as she backed up and slowly pulled them both upwards.

“I got you, I got you,” the dark haired witch repeated into her side like a mantra. Within a few seconds she was free of the edge and the person holding onto her came next. Water splashed onto the stone and Hermione’s grip tightened when she realized it was Narcissa clutching onto her hand.


Narcissa was cold. A deep-seated, bone chilling, teeth chattering, cold. The bottom portion of her robes had soaked through when the ice below her finally gave way and the bottom fell out of her world. Now water was dripping off her in rivulets and freezing on contact with the air around her and stone beneath her. Her wand was still tightly secured to the holster on her arm, having fallen through so quickly that she’d missed even a chance to react.

One of the two bodies above her was waving their own wand in frantic motions while hissing warming and drying spells as fast as they could. The other person was seated above her, knees on either side of her shoulders to support her head. A warm hand swept up and down her hair while they murmured soothing words to keep her awake.

She realized belatedly that the witch casting the spells was Bella and that the witch holding her head in her lap had to be Emelia. The air surrounding her body began to warm as the heating spells began to take effect. Her soaking robes and freezing skin warmed up to a fluffy heat as though she was seated in front of a fire.

Still the new heat did nothing to correct her internal temperature as her muscles shivered and her teeth chattered painfully. Breathing was painful as her lungs attempted to only take as short of breaths as possible.

‘This was a bad idea…’

Minutes passed before she finally felt secure enough and warm enough to try breathing regularly. Bella noticed immediately once her body regained some of its composure.

“Cissa, what in the name of Morrigan are you doing out here? Why’d you follow us? You could have died!” Bella hissed angrily at her as she transfigured a warm blanket from what appeared to have been a handkerchief.

“I Just… Just wanted to see what you were doing.” Her voice still shivered and stuttered from the cold as she replied.

“Come on Bella, you can interrogate her later. Let’s just get her inside before someone comes out and investigates.”

Emelia moved her head off her knees before placing her onto the stone gently. Standing up from her kneeling position she cast a featherweight charm and lifted her up, one arm wrapped around her back and the other supporting the underside of her knees.


The walk back to the dorms was silent between the three witches as Narcissa hoped and prayed that Bella wouldn’t be too harsh on her for following them out. And nearly dying.

They retraced the earlier path led out by their footprints until they reached the entrance to the secret passage back into the castle. The wall had closed up sometime after they had exited, but Bella made quick work with another glowing glyph to allow them entrance.

The return was quick and uneventful from there on out. No ghosts blocked their path and Filch never once neared them as they kept to the shadows. When they entered into the common-room, instead of heading into the dorms as Narcissa had been expecting, Emelia carried her into her own room.

The trio remained silent as Emelia set her down gently onto the bed, releasing her with a sigh as the weight left her arms. The cold had fully fled Narcissa by the time they’d reached the dungeons but she still curled herself against the headboard and grabbed onto one of Emelia’s large stuffed pillows to hold against her body. Her small arms grasped tightly as if she was holding onto it for dear life.

“Cissa, look at me.”

Bella’s voice brokered no disobedience and Narcissa slowly looked up to meet her gaze.

“What were you thinking Cissa?” Bella’s voice was tired with the lack of sleep and energy. It left her flat and emotionless to the point where Narcissa couldn’t get a read on what she might have been thinking.

“I… I just wanted to know what you two were keeping secret. You spend all your time together, I just wanted to know why,” she replied weakly. She knew there was no use lying. She’d been caught red-handed and barely saved. She felt no compunction to obfuscate her reasons for following them out into the night.

“What did you hear? Before you fell through the ice?” Emelia was sitting to the side of the bed with a worried look painted on her face. Her short hair was twisted into short curls and damp clumps from the melted snow and cold wind.

“Not much. I was never really able to hear you fully. The wind would only carry your voices a little. You said something about time? And time travel…?” It still didn’t make any sense to the witch and she had a sense she’d not gotten anywhere near the full conversation.

“Oh…” Emelia’s face lowered into a crestfallen grimace while her eyes shot up to stare intently at Bella.

“Is that all you heard Narcissa?” Bella tensed visibly.

“Yes!” she exclaimed, “I don’t know why you were talking about time travel but that’s all I heard. I just thought you going off somewhere secret to snog or something. Not wander about the lake and talk about bloody time travel.” Her heartbeat began to quicken its pace in her chest. Why were they worried about her overhearing them? Everyone knew that the Ministry had Time Turners. If Emelia or Bella were using one it wasn’t much of a shock. It was just unusual. What did it matter?


Narcissa’s eyes widened dramatically when the thought hit her. And once it did she knew she’d never let it go.

It lined up.

Suspicious witch shows up unexpectedly with a story of coming from another country?


Said witch doesn’t conform the societal standards for the time and appears to have only a limited awareness of them?


Little inconsistencies built up into big inconsistencies. Emelia’s eyes seemed to widen just as much as her own once she realized how hard she was staring at her.

Could she…?’

“Are… Are you from…?” She couldn’t even finish the question when Emelia tilted her head backwards to stare at the ceiling and let out a long and exasperated sigh.

“We could Obliviate her,” Emelia’s voice was quiet, as if she hadn’t really wanted to voice that.

Narcissa, for her part, was just confused.

‘What’s Obliviate do?’

Whatever it was in particular, it didn’t sound nice.

“No, full stop. We’re not Obliviating my sister.” Bella spoke from her side of the room. Narcissa’s eyes were drawn to her immediately in suspicion. Bella’s immediate dismissal of the action seemed to clarify that it was something she should avoid, if at all possible.

“Then what do we do? She’s already guessed it. How do we get a handle on this?”

“We don’t. We tell her.”

“We haven’t told Andy. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes,” Bella’s voice was hard and offered no chance for a rebuttal. “We’re not Obliviating my sister. Either of them. At any point. She’s figured it out now, she’d just figure it out again at some point. And that’s besides the fact that we’ve no idea if it would negatively affect her at this age.”

“Good point. And I wouldn’t feel that comfortable with it either. Using it once was… more than enough times.” Emelia’s eyes softened as she peered down at Narcissa, who simply tugged the pillow closer to her chest.

“So, Cissa,” Bella spoke up, “How well can you keep a secret?”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 5a19926ea560927ea393978dd84ec8e19591da6c ) [47] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 18. Book 1: Til Death Do Us Part [timestamp] => 1556920800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 18: Book 1: Til Death Do Us Part


Mostly AU world-building and talking. Apologies for missed mistakes, and tardiness in getting this chapter out.

Chapter Text

The first true blizzard of December brought with it heaps of snow and a blustery chill that pervaded every corner of the castle from the highest tower to the lowest portion of the dungeon. It also brought with it the second major intervention to Hermione’s new timeline.

The past two weeks had seen Bella follow Hermione back into her room like a lost puppy almost every night. At some point she simply ceased returning to her own bed unless there was an inspection by Slughorn or another Professor. The two other girls that Bella had shared the dorm with hadn’t commented on her lack of appearance at night and seemed willing to leave it as it was. Andy and Narcissa had both learned about her new sleeping arrangements but had yet to comment or question about it specifically. Andy gave them knowing looks while Narcissa simply acknowledged it and moved on.

It helped that they both kept their individual Animagus potions in Hermione’s room, both witches beginning each day and ending each night with wands pointed to their heart and incantations on their lips. Bella had cracked once that it was only efficient to simply stay in the same room as to ensure they both completed it at the same time and Hermione wasn’t one to knock efficiency. If her sleeping partner was as beautiful and alluring as a poisonous flower, then all the better.

The workload for classes had increased before they reached the halfway point to the N.E.W.T.'s and the seventh years were starting to feel the heat. Bella and Hermione’s afternoons after class had become infested with study sessions that could last well into the night unless they were absconding to train under Voldemort instead. Contrary to Hermione’s initial estimation of the man, admittedly stained with her own preconceived notions from her original timeline, he’d proven to be a capable instructor and had weaseled out a course list from both of them.

When he wasn’t pitting them against one another in a duel or teaching them Dark Magic he’d instead quiz and instruct them on deeper portions of their classes that most teachers had deferred and left alone. The knowledge they gleaned from him might not have been intended to end up on their exams but Hermione and Bella at it up regardless. The man might have been a genocidal maniac, but he was also incredibly well read and competent in multiple disciplines. The urge to pick his brain was one that Hermione could never quite complete, always finding he held more knowledge back than what he’d offer. To say it left her frustrated was an understatement.

When spending time along the edges of the Black Lake had become boring they’d moved to diving into the trails and hidden pathways that meandered under the thick canopy of the Forbidden Forest. Though Hagrid wasn’t her direct friend in this timeline he’d still become acquainted enough with the sight of the duo that he simply waved to them in passing let them go on about their way.

The Wednesday before Yule break found both witches tired and irritable, lounging in Hermione’s room while no words passed between them. Their afternoon had been filled with a particularly grueling slog through the Forest and both were happy to finally recuperate from it. Bella had lead them into searching for a particular form of lichen that only grew in the shade of trees where blood had been spilled and for all the hours searching they’d not even gotten half of what they’d hoped. Cuts, bruises, and scraped had been their reward for the effort and all Hermione hoped to do that evening was relax and study for the upcoming Ancient Runes mid-term exam. She knew she needn’t study as hard as she was, having made herself into a miniature expert in order to map out the runes now gracing their backs, but the thought of Bella getting higher marks had won out. The rivalry to exceed one another in all things scholastic or magic related had yet to abate despite the new closeness between them.

Bella lay at an angle to Hermione’s bed while her head and upper torso were left hanging off the side of the soft mattress. Long drapes of black curls lay in a puddle on the floor and for once a good deal of color had seeped into her cheeks as blood rushed to pool at the lowest point. Flash cards hovered at her eye level and swapped back and forth while she quizzed herself. The faint rustle of the cards, flipping pages in a book, and soft breathing were the only sounds in the room. Beyond early grumbling from Bella that Hermione had a striking lack of future knowledge, complete with Hermione’s equally sarcastic responses, no words were spoken.

A warm throw was wrapped around Hermione while she leaned into the headboard and draped her legs across Bella’s thighs. A pair of green woolen socks with multiple moving snakes embroidered upon them were keeping her feet warm while black cotton sweatpants that she’d permanently transfigured from a pair of ratty old jeans kept the rest of her body at a comfortable temperature. The chill of the dungeon had pressed into the room and recent days had proven how hard it was to shirk it.

A rapid and disjointed knocking on the door that led into a familiar voice had both witches startling from their respective studies and glaring at the door.

“Bella? Em’? I know you’re in there. Can I come in?” Andy’s voice filtered in, sounding muffled through the door.

Bella raised herself up until she was seated cross-legged on the bed before looking towards Hermione for her decision. When the short haired witch nodded at her she left the bed and silently padded over to the door.

Andromeda stood in the doorway, the perfect picture of nervous energy. The top buttons of her uniform shirt were undone while her heavy brown curls were frizzed and in disarray, almost as if she’d been running to reach them. Clutched in one hand she held an object about the size of a thin book that was wrapped in brown parchment. Shooting them both a harried smile she stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind her. As the latch clicked shut she pulled a small chair out from Hermione’s vanity and sat down.

As Bella returned to her seat upon the bed Andromeda shoved the brown item into Bella’s chest as she passed.

“That,” she pointed a finger at the item, “Arrived with Harmonica at dinner just a bit ago. She would have delivered it to you but, seeing as you’ve both yet to grace the rest of us with your presence, Narcissa got it instead. When she realized it was for you we both took a look at it.”

“Why are you reading my mail?” Bella’s eyes hardened as she questioned her sister.

“Because you weren’t there. Oh come on,” Bella’s eyes practically spat fire, “It’s not as if you don’t read my mail.”

Bella pulled herself backwards to sit next to Hermione against the headboard while mumbling lowly to herself in a voice that neither Hermione nor Andy could properly hear. The brown paper split down the middle as Bella dragged a sharp fingernail down the front, forgoing unwrapping it in its entirety. A piece of starched white parchment fell into her lap as she grasped for it quickly and began to read it aloud.


Your engagement to Rodolphus Lestrange will be officially announced before midnight at the New Years Gala. Enclosed within you will find a magazine which includes styles of dresses that I have pre-approved for you. Pick two, one for the Gala and one for the wedding. The date will be revealed at the Gala. I expect you to return this magazine along with your indicated choices no later than Friday the 13 th .

-Cygnus Black III”

Despite Hermione thinking it was impossible, Bella’s face continued to pale as she read the letter. Both Bella and herself had been aware that the impending engagement was a task that they needed to conquer within short order but had still managed to let it sink to the back of their mind. The fingers holding the parchment began to shake and shiver while the witch herself started hyperventilating. In a single movement Hermione brought an arm around Bella’s waist to pull her bodily into sitting in her lap and used her free hand to begin rubbing soothing circles into her tensed back. The witch’s eyes had never left the parchment, and she appeared to still be mouthing out the words to herself.

::Fuck! ::, Bella hissed out, anger and venom lacing her tone. Andy was simply nodding her head up and down while staring at a point on Hermione’s wall.

“Well,” Hermione attempted to inject some levity into her voice, “I don’t suppose there're any options as simple as telling him ‘No’, is there?”

Bella groaned heavily before leaning forwards and dropping her head into her hands as the letter and magazine fell to the ground in a heap.

“He’d rather see me dead.”

Hermione knew of Cygnus being… None too pleasant, from her earlier interactions with Andy and Narcissa. She had still vainly hoped that they were over exaggerating his stances. Surely he was just a racist blood supremacist, not someone capable of filicide if his children stood against him. The haunting look in Andy’s eyes and continued tremor running through Bella put that hope to rest.

“Okay, sorry for not being up to snuff but how exactly do arranged pureblood marriages work?” For all her reading in this timeline and the last, pureblood traditions had eluded her. When Andy shot her a confused glance she piped up to cover her lack of knowledge. “In Britain that is. It’s… Different in Canada.”

Andy shifted and the chair she was sitting on creaked while she leaned backwards into the wooden vanity at her back. Hermione counted it a win for her cover as the suspicious glance fell from Andy’s face.

“Well, it’s a huge insult to refuse a marriage proposal, specifically if it’s already been arranged by both individuals parents. Usually there’s a dowry involved. Muggles call it ‘Bride Price’ or something inane like that. Pureblood etiquette maintains that marriages need be between pure lines. In cases where that’s not possible though, second or third cousin incest is generally practiced. Outright sibling incest is frowned upon. The Gaunts practiced it quite a bit, and they’ve all kind of gone… Crazy. Makes for a great display of why not to marry your sis. Second and third cousins are usually okay after proper vetting or no one else turning up that’ll accept you.

“Arranged marriage outside the family is used, generally, to increase one family’s station. There are only twenty-eight pureblood lineages remaining, and each exists on strata. And with each generation having less and less children, well, potency is a driver of marriage. The groom pays the bride’s family both for the benefit to his station and the chance of ensuring his line continues. In this case Rodolphus. Or well, they tried anyways.”

“What do you mean by ‘tried’?” Hermione questioned.

“Well, yeah, tried. Sure doesn’t look like Bella is going to marry that git.”

Bella meekly nodded her head, still cradled as it was in her hands.

“What about you then?” Hermione watched as Andy’s eyes widened. “Who’re they setting you up with?”

“Oh, um. Vance Mulciber. But it’ll be a frozen summer in Hell before I marry that righteous cunt.”

“Who’s he?” Hermione’s gaze swapped between the two witches.

“He left last year. Chose not to pursue a seventh year. Thought he was too good for another year around blood-traitors and mudbloods.” Andy’s voice dripped with contempt as she replied.

“So tell me Andy,” Bella looked up at her sister and pierced her with her eyes. “How’re you going to find a way out of your arrangement if I can’t find one out of mine?”

The unspoken knowledge that Bella had of exactly how Andy would escape her marriage sat heavy between herself and Hermione.

“Well… I don’t know how exactly but I’m not going to marry him. I don’t care if Cygnus decides to disown me or not.”

“I know about Ted, Andy. You don’t need to hide that.”

Andromeda’s eyes widened comically as she stilled at Bella’s statement.

“I’d think I’d need to hide it more, seeing as you eat up Mother and Father’s rubbish.”

“I don’t care that he’s a mudblood-”

“There you go with the slander again.” Andy interjected.

“Oh piss off. I’m not Cygnus, and I’m certainly not Druella. I don’t care that he’s muggleborn . I’m just happy you found someone you want.”

Seconds began to pass while Bella and Andy stared at each other, gazes flickering between blank nothingness and angry heat.

Andy was first to break the silence.

“Who are you. And what’ve you done with my sister?”

Bella rolled her eyes and leaned back heavily into Hermione before letting her head loll back onto Hermione’s shoulder.

“Sod off. I’m still me. Em’s just been… Educating me in all the manners that pureblood society is, quite frankly, complete and utter shite. Besides, you’re family. Family comes first.”

“Really?” Andy’s eyes shifted between Hermione and Bella while she sat still and chewed on her lower lip. “I’ve been dating him for two years now. We’re not planning on breaking it up. I still have at least one year before Cygnus tries to sell me off and I plan on leaving with him before that happens. But,” she held her gaze against Bella again, “We weren’t talking about that. We were talking about you. What are you planning on doing?”

“Um,” Hermione broke into their conversation, “If someone offered him a higher price, would he accept that? Or at least hold off on the engagement?”

“Yes,” the Black duo piped up at the same time, before Bella took the lead.

“It’s likely he would. I’m not the highest catch on House Black, regardless of how Ancient or Noble we are. It’d be a slight to the Lestrange family, but it’s not unheard-of for someone to swoop in at the last second with the promise of a higher price and better status.”

Bella turned to lean her side against Hermione, drawing her legs up and supporting her body with an arm splayed out to the side.

::Are you hinting what I’m thinking you are? :: Bella hissed quietly. Hermione only nodded her head slowly in response.

“You know, it’s highly disconcerting to hear you two talking like that. Like, I know no one else is going to give you anything for it but you sound like a snake. It’s kind of creepy. You know.” Andy sat back with a sarcastic expression painted on her face.

“If I offer your Father a higher price, do you think he would accept and cancel his current arrangement with Lestrange?” Hermione directed her question towards Andy.

During Andy’s explanation the thought had lodged itself into her head and wouldn’t leave. It beat out their previous plan of just ignoring the impending engagement, and would be easy enough to handle if Cygnus accepted. She’d pay him from a vault of money she didn’t really have a stake in, and once Bella was free to leave from Cygnus’s guardianship she could simply cease contact and she’d be free. She didn’t voice her opinion that it would make her feel better as well, to have Rodolphus no longer leering at Bella like he already owned her.

“Maybe? I mean if all you're aiming to do is waste his time it might work. But most of the old families don’t have much of a tolerant view on homosexuality. To put it mildly. Something or other about it being proof that the individual couldn’t bear children or further the line. But at a high enough price? He might just bite.”

“How would Cissa take it?” Hermione shifted Bella until she was seated between her legs again, arms wrapped tightly around her torso. “She’s still arranged for Malfoy, right? Would she be okay with you both getting out like that?”

“Oh bloody Merlin, she loves that dunderhead to hell and back. It’s always, ‘Lucius this, Lucius that’, with her. Even if they weren’t already in an arrangement she’d be head over heels for him.”


Nearly two hours passed while the witches cooked up a plan for Cygnus to meet with Hermione. Since the onset of Yule break was only in a week, they planned to send a return letter along with a note of interest from Hermione. They also planned on letting him know none too gently that Hermione would be accompanying Bella to their home over the break. Their time was also spent determining how they would word her letter of interest. They knew they would have to be specific and clarify that she was from a Great House in the America’s. Andy and Bella were sure that If they could trump Hermione up enough and hint to her wealth in a sufficient manner that Cygnus would have almost no choice but to accept.

Neither Bella nor Hermione felt the need to ruminate on the fact that it wasn’t really her name or heritage, so long as it accomplished their mission.

The weeks having passed had clued Hermione into how much of a benefit it was to have a name that could work to her advantage. Using their gold and influence was slowly becoming second nature whenever it could benefit her.

After a particularly long lull in the conversation Hermione sat up slightly against the headboard before broaching another topic.

“If he does decline the offer, how will that go? Especially if you still attempt to call it all off?”

“Well,” the warm body in her lap began, “He can do one of a few different things. Firstly he could decline your offer, hold me against my will, and murder me. Putting the whole ordeal behind him.”

“Would he really do that? Murder one of his own children for declining a marriage?” Hermione’s face grew angry and flushed with righteous heat.

“I wouldn’t put it past him. It’s definitely happened in pureblood families in the past. Easier to deal with a death in the family than a shame that could taint their name for generations. Especially easy considering how many of the right people they usually have in their pockets. Old money and prestige buys you a lot of leeway with Aurors and courts.” Bella took a deep breath before continuing.

“As I was saying, he could murder me. Secondly, he could just Imperius me into accepting my fate. Probably he’d have to move up the ceremony, or at least had me sign the marriage certificate. Once that’s done, the magic binding it would hold me. I’d be screwed, with no way out. Divorce needs the husband’s approval and a reason that’s agreed to be legitimate by an impartial third party. And since almost no third party is impartial where a pureblood is concerned, well suffice to say that'll never happen. Lastly he could just attempt to hurt me physically or mentally enough that sequestering me in St. Mungo’s forever would be my only option. I’d never be seen again, and it’d save face with the other families if he could give them fake reason for my disappearance.”

“Our more likely scenario is that he bites at the upped price and prestige. He’s greedy beyond belief,” Andy broke in.

“So, Em’ , will you marry me?” Bella looked up at Hermione through her raven locks and attempted a look of pure innocence. It served to only get Hermione giggling.

::Yes, :: the witch leaned down to press a chaste kiss to Bella’s forehead.

“Aw, you two are so adorable for not being a couple.” Andy shot them both a cheeky grin before rocking side to side in delight.


Before Andy left them alone for the night the trio went over the plan again. When they finally finished Bella was exhausted beyond belief and Hermione was right beside her in that. Neither had thought that planning an escape from the shackles of marriage would be so tiring.

Without any words spoken both witches grabbed what they needed and headed towards the lonely Prefect’s bathroom to soak themselves and unwind. Fluffy towels, warm humid air, and blessed silence met them as they entered.

Hermione left her bag against the alcove built into the room before making her way to the side of the bath and flicking her wrist to fill it with warm water and a cascade of bubbles. The room slowly filled with steam and the warm scent of fresh pine. As she waited for the bath to fill she stripped and turned to throw her clothing back into the alcove and nearly choked on her tongue.

Bella was turned away from her, naked but for the ringlets of black that spilled over her shoulder and down her back. The bright red runemarks were overlaid on her porcelain skin, the only thing to give a color to her otherwise ethereal look. Warmth dropped through her core to leave a heated mess where once stood a stoic and level-headed witch.

She only began to move again once her mind came out of its haze as she realized she’d been staring for an ungodly amount of time at the pale and athletic body in front of her. Turning on her heel she nearly dived into the water and pointedly made her way to a corner to sit and stare at a wall, away from Bella.

Within short order Bella turned and meandered her way to the edge of the batch, hips purposefully swaying and slyly grinning at Hermione. Hermione was quite sure she’d never been so warm before in her entire life and for a single moment she felt like slipping from her skin and disappearing would be a better fate than continuing on in this daze. The water was so warm it nearly burned her skin, the scar on her arm sent out pulsing heat deep into her muscle and up across her arm and shoulder, her cheeks were burning with a flush and this beautiful catastrophe of a witch was the cause of it all.

“So, what do you want in return for helping me with this?”

The question caught Hermione off guard.

‘What do I want? Why would I want anything?’

“Nothing? I don’t need anything in return.” She settled for voicing her thoughts directly instead of asking Bella to clarify or side step the question.

“Well what’s your trade? You’re getting me out of this marriage, what do you want in return?”

“Bella,” an exasperated tone bled into her words, “I don’t want anything. I just want to help you.”

The dark haired witch before her dunked her whole body beneath the water before returning to the surface and settling her hair out of her face to lay down her back. Her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to pierce Hermione.

“Nothing is free. Everyone wants something.”

“Not me.” Hermione leaned back into the tile behind her, drawing her legs up onto the ledge she sat upon and wrapping her arms around them.

“Bull. Everyone does. I’m beset on all sides by those I hate, those who want to control me. Cygnus, for what I’m worth in coin to him. Voldemort, for my use as a weapon. Rodolphus for his ownership of my soul and body. And now Dumbledore, for my worth as a potential spy or piece on his chessboard. So what do you want? What am I worth to you?”

The scar on her arm had abruptly turned from soothing to scathing as pain lanced up the muscle. Her free hand instinctively found its way to massaging the skin in loose grasping motions. Fighting through the pain threatening to break through she stilled her breath while her heart began beating furiously in her chest.

‘Is this how he trapped her? Fueling her broken worldview that any kindness only came in expectation of some trade?’

In a single movement she lunged forward until she was standing toe to toe with Bella, arms wrapped tightly around the witch and body pressed firmly against her own. Resting her forehead against Bella breathed deeply and pressed her forehead lightly against the witch.

::I told you already, I want nothing back. I want to help you. ::

Where Bella had previously stilled within her arms she suddenly reciprocated the position Hermione was in, wrapping her arms around her and pressing her body forwards.

::Okay. ::

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 1c659b186a4910c6c5860e7ef5af55047d65553f ) [48] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 17. Book 1: Heated Passion [timestamp] => 1556316000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 17: Book 1: Heated Passion

Chapter Text

Hermione’s skin prickled as a slow breeze passed through the Room of Requirement. Naked from the waist up, she pressed her torso further into the warm sand beneath her to escape the oncoming chill.

“So… How bad do you think this’ll hurt exactly?” A tremor ran through her voice as her nervousness mounted.

Across the pit a hand reached out to a long metal rod sitting headfirst into a fire. The branding iron was removed with a flourish as Bella brought the red-hot end close to her face to inspect it.

“Probably a lot. It is a branding after all. Can’t imagine it’ll be a walk in the park. Just bite down and think of Merlin. Or the Queen. Whatever it is mudbloods do.”

The body laying at Bella’s feet chuffed in her direction at the casual slur. Bella might have become more aware of her prejudices after viewing all of Hermione’s memories but had yet to break free from most of her more prickly habits. For her part Hermione no longer minded it so long as it wasn’t directed at someone other than herself. The scrawl on her arm and accompanying curse had diluted the pain of it.

Hermione bit down experimentally after placing the soft leather bit into her mouth. Rolling her shoulders back she tensed up in expectation of the pain.

‘Ow, ow, ow!’

No period of anticipation was enough when the metal made contact with her skin. The lack of warning from Bella prevented her from shying away from the heat as it burned its mark in. Within a full second of it touching her body her back screamed hurt as loud as it could. Tears scattered her vision and all the muscles of her body contracted painfully as they tried to escape the torment. Before a short scream could fully wrangle its way from her throat the heat and pressure disappeared.

Her lungs burning cued her into how she had been holding her breath. Taking as full a breath as she could only ended in her coughing as bits of sand and spittle flew down her throat. Before she knew what hit her all the air was expelled from her as the brand reconnected with her back, just an inch below the first.

‘Fuck fuck fuck NO!’

Courage fled as her mind focused only on one thing, escape. The pain overrode any self control she’d started with and Hermione quickly found her body reacting without her input. Her arms dug into the sand at her sides in an attempt to push her body up and away while her legs tried to push her knees underneath her.

However, before she could fully escape, a quickly whispered spell from behind her zapped into the meat of her hip. With no warning her body fell face down into the sand, chin bumping painfully against tiny rocks, as her arms were pulled back and glued to her sides while her legs shot out ramrod straight before being stuck together.

The heat on her back ramped again as darkness began to tunnel around her vision. Unconsciousness swiftly followed. Her last thought was as to whether it was her body or Bella betraying her.


Sand fell down her cheeks when her eyelids finally began to flutter open. The stark brightness of the Room kept them squinted as she adjusted. A simulacrum of pale blue sky lay far above her. As her mind took stock and began ramping up she turned her head side to side to find her dark haired cohort.

When at last she could see with no ill effects she sat forward, stomach falling nauseatingly to the floor.

‘No clothes. No pain…’

When that realization washed over her she quickly covered her bare torso with her arms. Twisting her head about brought Bella into sight. The witch was seated to her left, legs crossed and elbow propped up on a knee to support her chin. She wore a bored smile but vigilant eyes. If Hermione had to guess, she almost looked relieved.

“What,” her throat burned, and she coughed before continuing, “What happened?”

Bella lowered her head and began running her fingers nervously through her hair before replying.

“Well you passed out. Obviously. Don’t know if it was the shock or what exactly, but I’d bound you right before. So I finished the rest of the brands.” The witch shivered in place before looking up to stare Hermione in the eyes. “Don’t think I’ll ever get that smell out of my head. Also don’t think I want any bacon anytime soon. You okay?”

Hermione rolled her shoulders out and twisted side to side to test the skin on her back. When she was satisfied there were no issues she nodded brusquely to her. A quick ‘ Accio’ brought her shirt over from the other side of the sandpit and she wasted no time in putting it back on. Once she was decent she stood and stretched properly.

Nothing had been ill met during her inspection. The tightening and tug of burned skin that followed the scarring around her neck wasn’t present in her back. If anything, she almost felt restored. No pain, limber muscles. A pleasant ache not unlike getting a back massage.

Internally she could understand that she shouldn’t be surprised. She knew that’s how the ritual was supposed to proceed. She’d developed the damn thing after all. Still, the self-satisfied part of her brain was purring in contentment at knowing it had left no lasting marks. Beyond the obvious that was. Or she hoped. Bella hadn’t exactly described how the marks now looked upon her skin.

“No pain at all. Don’t feel different at all really. Did they look okay?”

“Merlin’s balls. Do they look okay? They look bloody fucking awesome!” Bella glanced up at her with a toothy grin and a flash of delighted fire behind her eyes.

“Well then,” Hermione placed her hands upon her hips and widened her stance, “You ready?”

The witch at her feet groaned loudly before tilting her head back to stare up at the false sky.

“As I’ll ever be.”

Bella rose to her knees before turning away from Hermione. A quick flick of her fingers along with a whispered Dysovius and suddenly Bella was nude, her clothing banished to the other side of the sand pit. Her head turned side on to grin lasciviously back at Hermione.

Hermione could feel her face and chest brightening as her eyes lingered. However she’d imagined Bella might disrobe, this hadn’t been it.

‘Bloody hell.’

Bella settled herself face down onto the sand beneath her once she was sure that Hermione had been teased enough. She was sure that if she had one favorite perk that came with knowing this time-hopping mudblood, it was all the beautiful ways in which she could get a rise from her. Short and breathy chuckles blew dust away from her face as she settled in.

Hermione rolled her eyes and bit her lip as Bella quietly took her place in the sand. Striding to the rack holding the numerous brands they needed took only a few paces. She ran her finger to follow the curves of the rune after pulling the first in line from its place. Gleaming silver metal reflected a portion of her face back at her. Each brand had cost her enormously, but it wasn’t like the Grenier’s were spending their vast fortune anymore. And prudent investments would mean the interest would cover her spending in only a few months.

She switched her grip to hold the metal rod by the end before placing it directly into the fire. The heat rose about her wrist but never once touched her fingers. She silently thanked Bella again for planning ahead and casting a quick charm to dispel the heat off and into the air before it could make its way to the grip.

Moving quickly she placed the remaining rods into the fire beside the first. As the minutes passed quick sparks would shoot off the heads of the metal, black, pink, green and amber shot off into the air above the fire as they reached the correct temperature. When each in turn had acclimated she reached over to pull the first from the flames.

Turning about to face the prostrated form of her… Confidant? Lover? … Friend? None of those terms accurately depicted their relationship. They were confidants, but only one way. Bella had yet to truly forgive her lying and had yet to allow her access to her own memories. As for lovers, well, they had yet to do much else beyond tease one another and bond through touching and physical connection. No kissing, no awkward midnight professions of love or adoration. Friend? They were obviously beyond that point, if the naked bodies and secret blood branding ritual didn’t make it clear enough.

The past few weeks had been eye-opening. Hermione was bound to Bella in some form or another due to Lestrange’s curse, but she could feel that same magic flexing and changing in the presence of Bella. Her eyes raked up and down Bella’s naked form, drinking in the sight to stir at something warm and heady in her core.

Their bodies were markedly different. Where Hermione had filled out the last three years, Bella was lithe and compact. Hermione’s body showed off what her experiences had given her whereas Bella hid her abilities from the world. Hermione’s skin was permanently suntanned in a manner that only accentuated the instances when she blushed, freckles dotted her skin in patches with no discernible order while stretchmarks and scars told a story of her history.

The only marking on Bella’s alabaster skin was a single small birthmark in the shape of a squiggling S near her right thigh. The rest of her skin was an expanse that seemed chiseled from marble. Warm and soft, but still marble. If she was being honest with herself she was almost loathe to leave any mark upon her.

Both witches had initially assumed that simply tattooing the runes in a mixture of various enchanted inks would allow the symbols to work their magic upon their bodies. Further investigation however revealed that while it would confer some strengthening of ability to their occlumency, it wouldn’t make it unbreakable or always active unless they pulled the walls down. Instead, their research had led them in search of various dark magics outlined in several large volumes they’d purchased from the small, but ancient, bookstore in Hogsmeade.

The ritual would confer whatever magic that their runes intended directly into their bodies. One text had described it as ‘Branding the Soul’, rather than just the skin. Among the hefty purchase of the metal runes, they’d also needed to procure a rather large amount of their own blood to soak them in first.

Hermione had almost flat out refused when the discovered that bit of the procedure, but insistence on Bella’s part that this was necessary to their long term plans had won out. Their last bit of reading had informed them that although the process could be stopped it was not recommended. In the slightest. Half-assing the ritual and attempting to leave partly through could result in a severely compromised spell that might lash out at them in unexpected and potentially lethal ways.

To that end they’d promised one another that should they attempt to escape the ritual, the other one would cast a body-bind and ensure it was finished. Hermione was slightly dissatisfied in that she’d essentially ‘cheated’ out the ritual by means of unconsciousness, but didn’t let it weigh too heavily on her mind. It was over and done with, and she hadn’t exploded into bits of half formed magic.

Hermione shook herself from internal reflection when the witch below her coughed slightly and turned to look in her direction. Blushing again, this time with embarrassment, Hermione walked to Bella’s side and lined up the rod.

The sizzle and pop of the metal alerted Bella to her movements and the muscles beneath her skin began to tense. She may have held bravado when branding Hermione but internally it was as much of a struggle as it could be.

Hermione moved silently and with one motion, the brand hovering over her back one second and burning the skin in another. It was horrific, both ways. She could see how the skin to the sides of the metal blistered and reddened, darkening against the pale of her skin. When it was ready to be released and she pulled away from Bella a smell rose up and nearly turned her stomach out entirely. There was nothing to be done though as she’d begun the process.

Hermione fought to settle her resolve as she turned the branding into a rote action and quickly moved into a rhythm.

Grab rod.




A keening hiss from Bella was brought louder and louder with every brand. Her muscles were shaking so badly from the pain that Hermione was certain she would miss her mark more than once. Somehow she persevered and landed all the correct positions.

Two lines of brands, four runes each, lay side by side in parallel with Bella’s spine. Each were an ugly raised mound of burnt and scarred flesh, red and bubbling as the heat continued to dissipate into the surrounding skin. As she continued watching the burns seemed to halt. Within seconds it was as if she was watching them come undone. Skin knitted back together, boils sank back down and slowly disappeared. The red of the inflamed skin crystallized into stylized runemarks of a deep and bloody red.

As she knelt down she placed her hands onto Bella’s warm skin. One hand soothed her back, rubbing up and down the new marks, while the other gripped her shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circles into the skin. Bella’s strength of will was impressive. Beyond her body shaking automatically at the pain she hadn’t attempted to get up or resist in any manner. By the looks of the leather bit sitting in front of her she had hardly used that either.

“Em’,” a voice rough as parchment floated up from the unmoving witch, “I am never letting you talk me into anything like that. Ever. Again.”

The body in her hands lifted to roll onto her side before bringing her knees to her chest and attempting to sit up. Hermione kept her hold and helped Bella into a stable position, keeping her from falling back over. Only when she realized she was staring did Hermione avert her wandering eyes.

‘Don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down.’

“Did it work?” Bella inquired before shifting her arms across her chest.

“The runes took hold. Haven’t checked the spell though.”

Hermione tilted Bella’s head back to look directly into her eyes and began the spell. She could feel herself pull forward as she attempted to break through Bella’s defenses. In contrast to their previous training, a single great wall blocked her ability to read the witch instead of the large and near endless castle of mirrors that Bella had chosen as her main defense. Strong and thick, the wall proffered no access either through or around. A few more seconds of effort, and she was satisfied that it had worked. As she ended the legilimency she sat back onto the sand and broke eye contact.

“Seems like it worked. No entrance. Open up?”

When Bella nodded in acknowledgement Hermione reached out again with her mind. Instead of the wall she found instead a vast field filled with memories and the emotions attached to them. She pulled her mind back quickly before she could get a proper view of anything on display. Bella hadn’t indicated that she was free to peruse and she intended to abide by her wishes, unspoken or not. She hoped Bella would let her in fully someday soon but that trust was more important than trying to take a peak without asking.

“Open and closed on command! Changed your defense out a bit, but solid as it could possibly be. We actually did it!” Hermione raised her arms in triumph at weeks of work finally paying off.

An answering shout of happiness met her ears right before Bella shot herself forward off her seated position. Warm arms wrapped around Hermione’s torso as the impact from Bella pushed her off balance and she fell backwards into the sand. The arms around her midriff squeezed tighter as the witch on top of her let out peals of joyous laughter.

Bella pressed her warm cheek against Hermione’s own as outward enthusiasm died down somewhat. Curly black hair splayed out around Hermione’s head and soothing warmth flowed from her forearm.

“Um, Bella,” Hermione could feel her cheeks and chest warming frighteningly fast once again, “Your uh, your clothes are still over there.”

“True,” the witch whispered in answer, “But do you really want me to let go?”

Hermione’s voice escaped her for a second before she increased her grip on the warm body atop her and whispered, “No.”

Minutes passed quietly between them as their bodies settled in against one another before Hermione quietly spoke up again.

“As much as I’d like to stay likes this, and please believe me when I say I do, we need to head back out at some point.”

Bella pulled herself upwards and off of the witch until she was able to look Hermione in the eyes. Dark curls fell down in a heavy curtain to close them off from the rest of the world. Warm air buffeted Hermione’s lips as Bella softly asked, “Why?” Her eyes burned soulfully into Hermione’s, full of warmth and desire behind the inky darkness.

Neurons were firing in Hermione’s brain, she was sure of it. There were reasons , and perfectly good ones at that, that they needed to leave at some point. But all that came forward in her mind were thoughts of how perfect the face above her looked. Half of her wanted to say screw the consequences and soil this little ritual space that the Room had cooked up for them. And it was a very insistent half. Fiercely insistent even.

The other half, and the part of her will that usually won out, was terrified of being caught. And in this instance her Gryffindor courage wasn’t enough to break free from the mindset of a goody two shoes student that followed the rules and never played around with anything dangerous. Even if the danger in this case was wonderfully beautiful.

“Someone will notice we’re gone,” she replied when she realized what speech was again. “Someone will ask questions we don’t want asked. At best, it’ll just be one of your sisters. At worst, it’ll be Slughorn. Which means Dumbledore will know we’re up to something.”

“Well,” Bella’s head dropped heavily onto Hermione’s chest, “Now that you’ve completely ruined the mood by bringing the old cunts into this…”

Bella slowly released her hold on Hermione’s body and pushed herself up and off of the witch. Hermione wasn’t proud to note that her eyes waited until the very last second to divert their gaze and afford the witch some modesty.

Bella stood and brushed off the loose sand still covering parts of her body as she walked towards the pile of clothes at the edge of the pit. When Hermione felt that enough time had passed for Bella to be decent she turned to look at the witch and stood up.

Breaking down the little bit of equipment they had brought with them was simple enough. The books remained in the Room, as it had supplied them, while the only item they needed to take with them were the long branding irons and Hermione’s own written notes. Each piece of metal had cooled sufficiently enough to be placed inside of a satchel that Hermione had enchanted to be near weightless and bottomless.

When they were finished both witches took their leave and carefully began to make their way back towards the dungeons. The walk was silent and beyond a few seventh years still milling about before curfew, no one noticed or accosted them. As they gave the password to enter the common-room, neither witch noticed a pair of angry brown eyes that watched them from the shadows.


The change into November brought cold winds and the beginning of snowfall to Hogwarts. It also signaled the halfway point on their quest to become Animagi.

The first Monday night of November found both Hermione and Bellatrix seated together atop a flat rock near the far edge of the Black Lake. The school-day had been aggravating for both witches and they relished this free moment with each other. Hermione had been run nearly ragged between her mounting classwork and another prankster taking great pains to ruin her day.

As if in repeat of her second week, she found her ink had been switched for disappearing ink, door handles had been hexed to shock her and her alone with nearly painful electricity, and her notes and homework had mysteriously shredded themselves into tiny pieces whenever she looked away. Rodolphus currently topped their short list of suspects as he was the only person to openly show any disdain for the witch. No one else came close in their animosity to Hermione as most had been spurred onward when Bella had been mad at her. Her good graces with Bella had calmed her prior tormentors into leaving her alone and attempting to befriend her.

The only problem with their current theory was that Rodolphus had been actively ignoring her for almost a week before the problems began to arise. He still gave her angry glares but had mostly kept out of her hair after Bella had the fortune of cornering him and persuading him to leave her the hell alone. That her method of persuasion had involved a wand point threat of lopping off his manhood hadn’t seemed to make him any angrier, and now neither witch could pinpoint any particular reason that would have caught his ire.

Bella had steadfastly stood by Hermione’s side once the witches realized that someone was targeting her specifically. Even then she still had no hint of who it might be. By the evening meal Hermione had been near ready to pull out her hair in frustration. In a last ditch effort Bella had poured herself into providing reassurances against the torment and reminders that that night they could finally take the blasted leaves from their mouths.

Bella’s method had worked as the witches now found themselves outside, waiting for the moon to show. Hermione kept a vigilant eye and ear out for any interlopers trying to intrude upon their admittedly illegal activity. Whenever a leaf or a twig would rustle in the wind her eyes would dart in the direction and her breath would still in her throat. Bella found it placed upon herself to ground Hermione and reassure her that everything was alright. In her estimation it was a role she was well suited for and Hermione’s praise was payment enough.

Across the distant expanse of the Lake, candlelight flickered in the high towers of Hogwarts. Cold and persistent winds flew in across the lake at high speed to buffet them and pull at their clothes. Even the warm cloaks they wore and the few heating spells that Hermione had cast before they set out weren’t enough to keep the chill of November at bay.

In search of warmth, Hermione had seated herself into Bella’s lap. Facing the witch, legs wrapped around her torso and handles clutched to rest against Bella’s chest, it was as perfect a position as she could get. Warmth rolled off the witch to keep her front from freezing, though it did little to nothing for the wind at her back. Bella threw numerous heating charms and warming spells around the duo after a particularly violent shiver erupted from Hermione and her teeth chattered together audibly.

Once she was satisfied that the wind would no longer bother them, Bella set her wand back into its holster and began to dig around in a pocket of her cloak. After a moment or two of searching she pulled her hand out to reveal two medium-sized potion phials. Inside of each was a swirling silver liquid and a small hard object tinkling softly against the glass as it sloshed about. Bella passed Hermione a phial before tilting her head to the sky and looking towards the moon.

High above them clouds made from gray puffs of smoke and translucent white wisps passed between the ground and the moon. Silvery shadows slid along the ground at high speeds as the furious wind high above moved their makers. When Bella popped the top off of her phial, Hermione mirrored the action, readier than ever to get this portion of the process over with.

Only a few minutes later the clouds above them dipped away from the moon, lighting the small area they sat in as well as the lake beside them in silver white. Bella tilted her head back towards Hermione and nodded slightly. In tandem, both witches reached to their mouth and removed the bitter leaf still under their tongue. After placing the leaf inside of the vial they stoppered the potions and set down on the rock.

Hermione and Bella mirrored each other as they brought their wands out and placed the tip against their heart. As they recited the incantation, the potion within the bottles began to give off a luminescent aura. On the last word the containers flashed a bright and brilliant neon green before settling back to a dark color beneath the night sky. Bella flicked her wand towards the bottles and with a sizzling sound they were banished to a small drawer inside of the vanity in Hermione’s room.

Hermione practically glowed as she smiled up at the witch she was pressed against.

“Well, now all we need is a lightning storm.”

Bella ran her tongue around her mouth, fidgeting at the feeling of no longer having the leaf inside her mouth.

“Sorry to break it to you,” she tilted her head back towards the sky before shooting Hermione a sarcastic grin, “But I really don’t think that there’s a chance of that happening anytime soon. Winter means snow, not storms.”

As if nature herself wanted to agree with Bella, a strong gust of wind blew in off the lake, carrying snow and chill. As Hermione began to shiver again she huddled her body closer to Bella, who placed a strong arm around her back and shoulder to pull her in closer. Bella rested her head between Hermione’s shoulder and neck once the witch in her lap had settled. The chill of Bella’s nose caused Hermione to flinch before the witch began to nibble at the skin of her neck. Tilting her head slightly to the side she allowed the witch more access to her skin, murmuring happily to herself.

Hermione spent a few minutes relaxing under the witch’s attentions before the analytical side of her brain started up again.

“Do you think that the spell could be tied to a specific location? Like, in the general region where the potion was made?”

“Don’t know,” Bella’s lips tickled at her neck, “Why?”

“Well,” Hermione’s tone adopted a familiar ‘bookworm’ note, “Nothing in any of the literature that we’ve read mentions location as being tied to the spell. Just that you have to wait, however long, for a storm. It’s like everyone who ever tried to become an Animagus just decide to stay in one spot. None ever decided to, I don’t know, go to where a storm could be. They just wait. Gods, some of them must have waited years for a proper storm. Anyone living where it’s drought stricken? Or always too cold? That’s insane.”

“Well maybe they all ended up dead if they tried it somewhere else. Have you thought about that? Maybe no one was able to report on it because they all died, half animal monstrosities left with no way to document it.”

“Why is it every time I try to have a mature conversation with you it somehow ends up being about death?”

“I have to maintain my Gothic image. It enhances the whole, mysterious dark witch dabbling in forbidden magic thing, that I have going on.” Bella leaned back and waved a hand in front of herself, as if that explained everything.

“Sure...” Hermione’s carefully manufactured look of stern seriousness lasted all of two seconds before she fell into laughter.

Bella simply rolled her eyes and nuzzled back against Hermione’s neck once she realized that the witch’s laughter wouldn’t be ending anytime soon. “Just admit it, you love my little eccentricities.”

The witches settled in against one another as the night wore on. Hermione's heart pounded with a feeling of warmth and safety she wouldn’t have thought possible within the arms of Bellatrix.

Eventually though the looming threat of curfew had them both shuffling off the rock and starting the meandering walk back inside.

“What do you think our next lesson is?” Hermione asked as the silence pressed in between them.

“Potions, if I’m remembering our time sheet right.” Bella cheekily knocked her elbow against Hermione after replying.

“Ass,” Hermione softly pushed back against Bella, “I meant with Voldemort.”

“Hopefully that whole, flying as a cloud of mist thing. Merlin’s beard I want that spell.”

“How would we even ask him about that? ‘Hello Mr. Dark Lord, Sir, could you please explain to us the particulars of a magic that we know about from the future? ’”

A snort of laughter escaped Bella at Hermione’s faux innocent tone. She could just about imagine the response they would get with a question like that.

“No, just ask if he knows about any spells that could lead to unsupported flight. If he knows or has made it yet, he’ll tell us. I’ve never met a man so in love with his own voice or lessons. Even more than Slughorn’s droning.”

Linking arm in arm, Bella and Hermione continued up to the Castle proper as laughter flitted between them.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 07393590c1eaff6cc318a84308671d381ba5bc57 ) [49] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 16. Book 1: Opening Move [timestamp] => 1555797600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 16: Book 1: Opening Move

Chapter Text

The first faint stirrings of consciousness brought with it the reminder of how unpleasant a lack of sleep could be. Her head was pounding and her throat and mouth were dry as bone. She’d had her fair share of late nights studying during her early years and her time on the run with Harry and Ron had been filled with a lack of sleep. But it never did seem to get easier. Promising herself to get at least eight hours of sleep going forward she collected the feeling of her limbs and assessed the foreign weight on her body.

She was surrounded by warmth in a tight grip. She dimly registered lying flat against the mattress while her head was pressed into a corner beneath a soft pillow. The grip on her tightened in reaction to her mild movement, crushing her more in security than a threat. Scents of pine and fresh ground after a rain floated through her head. Soft black curls were splayed out against her face to tickle her nose and cheeks. Rounding it all up she decided it was heaven even with the lack of proper rest.

The gears in her sleep addled mind began to turn.

‘Long hair?’

Her mind shot to full consciousness as she finally recognized the other presence that had become tightly wound around her. Brown eyes fluttered open in short bursts as she brought her free hand up to brush away the hair covering her face. The curls fell softly to the side before stopping against the sleeping form on top of her. Her cheeks flushed with warmth and heat as she looked down upon the snoring form of Bellatrix. At some point in the night the witch had abandoned her chosen side of the bed and instead found Hermione to be a much more comfortable spot. Not that Hermione was complaining in the slightest. It wasn’t every day she’d wake with a beauty nestled against her.

Across the room an enchanted silver bell began to ring as it sat upon her vanity. The soft tinkling sound was usually all she’d need as an alarm. Unfortunately she’d placed it across the room so it would force her to get up. And now it would force her from this wonderful heat.

Cursing her eternally too rational mind she twisted herself sideways until her head and neck were hanging off the bed. Scooting forward and pushing back against Bella’s shoulder she slowly slid away from her clutches and off the bed. When her grip gave way she landed unceremoniously onto the cold floor, shivering at the sudden loss of heat. Once she regained control of her limbs she stumbled over to the bell and reset it with two gentle taps.

Once free of the sound she stood to her tiptoes and stretched her body out. Kinks rolled out of her shoulders and her back popped while a deep yawn came out. Her eyes wandered helplessly to the witch currently snoring into her bed.

‘She’s beautiful.’

Hermione found that no other words could quite encompass her thoughts. Bella’s wild and untamed curls framed her face in a dark halo. Her body rose gently as she snored and occasionally her eyes darted back and forth beneath heavy lids. Her bathrobe had ridden down her body at some point in the night to leave her cream colored shoulders and part of her back exposed. Hermione’s chest warmed at the contrasting sight of the soft skin against her dark bedspread. Gathering her courage she stepped lightly to the side of the bed and laid a hand against the witches bare shoulder. Shaking her lightly she began calling her name.

“Bella, classes start in two hours. Time to wake up.”

After a few more moments of pestering the witch began to stir beneath her hand. An unintelligible grunt met her ears and the witch attempted to burrow further into the bed.

“Come on Bella.”

Planting her hand more firmly against her should she continued shaking her until dark black eyes opened up beneath a wave of curls and stared her down.

“Sod off.”

“Can’t,” Hermione smiled to herself, “You’re in my bed. In my room.”

“Well, that’s stupid. It’s mine now,” Bellatrix grumbled as she twisted among the sheets to look at Hermione head on.

Squinting her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest, Hermione sat down on the edge of the bed and pinned the witch with a stare.

“And how does that work exactly? This now being your room?”

“Because I’m in it. Possession is nine tenths and all that. And I was born this generation. I’ve the stronger claim to it. Time traveling mudbloods not allowed.”

Hermione’s face and neck heated up in warm indignation at the slur and dismissive comment. Letting the silence between them deepened she fought to maintain control of her usual reaction. When calming breaths eventually helped her relax Bella finally realized she wasn’t going to get the reaction she’d been looking for. Pulling herself up to sit against the headboard she shifted her robe back on properly to hide her shoulders and chest.


“I won’t stoop to reply to that. On other topics, do you have any input? From last night?”

“Not particularly,” Bella turned an empty stare towards the door to the room. “Nothing formed anyways. I mean you did kind of just like, throw me into an existential crisis. I haven’t even begun to wrap myself around it. Not to mention the additional benefit of having to deal with the few things that actually involve me now, here, and not in twenty odd years. I’m being used by Cygnus for a dowry to Rodolphus, by Voldemort until he can train me into a good obedient slave to his ideals. My sister is dating a mudblood that she'll marry sometime soon only to be chased off the family name. Oh, and before I forget under the mountain of a million other things, you’ve been lying to me for weeks and come from a future where I tortured you and then died. Forgive me to taking some time to reassess the entirety of my reality.”

When she finished Hermione’s face had gone pale and blank as a white sheet. She inwardly thanked the gods she’d set up dozens of silencing charms to stop any errant eavesdroppers.

“Well, if it helps at all…,” Hermione settled into the bed to lean against Bella, “ You didn’t torture me. Sorry for being a pest about it. I’ll give you as much time as you need to adjust.”

“Thank you. Just, for the moment, leave it. Give me some space to reorient myself. We’ll meet back up in the Room after classes.”

“Alright,” she replied softly, eyes downcast.

Bella nodded in her direction before standing from the bed and transfiguring her robe into a less revealing matching pair of soft long pants and black shirt. Heading towards the door she took hold of the knob and turned back to face Hermione. Her mouth opened and closed before she simply slipped through the door and out to the hallway.

The lack of any pain in her scar was small comfort as the pounding in her head continued unabated.


One large sized Pepper-Up Potion later and Hermione was comfortably, if a bit jittery, walking into the Great Hall for a late breakfast. She strode over to the Slytherin tables and took an open seat near the entrance. After setting her satchel underneath the bench she began to pile a plate high with soft and easy to chew food. Her mandrake leaf was still in place and the few days she’d had it in had given her ample time to figure out how to eat somewhat normally. Most students at the table ignored her with the exception of Narcissa who waved and smiled politely in greeting before delving back into an animated discussion with Lucius.

Andy was absent and though she’d correctly assumed that Bella would be as well it was still sore not to have the company of her friend. She knew it was pointless to try and imagine how Bella might change their day to day interactions after she digested all the new information and consoled herself by focusing on telling herself that she’d done the right thing. After a few quiet moments of eating the bench besides her dipped lower as the weight of a student settled.

“Heya Em’,” the gravelly voice of Rabastan rumbled up from beside her.

“Hey Rab,” she flashed him a smile, “How’re you?” She resumed eating while he set his own plate and replied.

“I’m alright. Beautiful morning n’ all that. I’d stay away from Rod though, I was you.”

She shot him a quizzical look. She already made her best efforts to avoid the bastard whenever she could.

“Some Ravenclaw with a death wish hexed his shoes. Made the laces turn into tiny snakes that slither undone afore going back to being laces. Apparently in places far from his shoes. Happens every time he finds em’ and laces back up.”

Hermione couldn’t help the laughter that she belted out nor the crooked grin that took up most her face. The look on Rab indicated he didn’t appreciate it, but the thought of the horrid boy running around searching for laces that constantly disappeared from him was too much.

“What,” she asked between giggles, “You have to admit it’s pretty funny.”

His gaze remained expressionless and unreadable until a small smile crooked the corner of his mouth and he shook his head in exasperation.

“Yeah, I’ll admit it’s a hoot of a situation. And he’d have more luck finding the bloke who did it if he could finish countering the hex. He gets about ten meters before the buggers slither off again.”

At that Hermione was fully set off and couldn’t contain any of the loud laughter that shook its way out of her. The exhaustion she was under, even after liberal application of a potion and coffee, was more than enough to loosen up some of her inhibitions against acting too jovially around her new schoolmates.

After a few more minutes of peaceful eating with Rab as company a uniformed body sat down primly across from her. Andy’s face jovial and warm in a way that reminded her again of Bellatrix.

“Mornin’ Andy. How’re you?”

“Oh, I’m fine Em’. Was wondering if I could talk to you.”

“Sure thing,” Hermione took a last sip of her coffee before setting it down and settling her full attention upon the younger witch in front of her.

“Um, alone?” The witch wrung her fingers together before shifting her eyes nervously between Rabastan and Hermione. To her credit Hermione didn’t immediately react out of the norm despite the now incessant worry that Bella had told Andy something of what she’d seen.

“Yeah, give me a sec, I'll meet you in the courtyard.”

As Andy took off Hermione gulped down her last fried egg and gulped the last of her too hot coffee. Pushing herself from the bench she leaned down to pick up her satchel before shooting Rab a small wave.

“See you later Rab!”

His only response was a small wave goodbye as he returned to his food.

The heels of her shoes clicked sharply against the stone floor as she exited the Great Hall. Numerous students of other Houses moved to the opposite side of the hall as she approached. A few brave, or more likely bravely stupid, Gryffindor students would shoot her wide-eyed angry glares when she passed them. It seemed that her association with the Black trio and Rabastan had begun to make its way through the rumor mill.

It was one of the few instances where she could empathize with the other Houses that were perennially unamused with the Gryffindor style of ‘bravery’, and the adjoining tendency to judge first and ask questions later if at all.

As she exited to the courtyard she filled her lungs and reveled in the clean autumnal air. She spotted Andy sitting alone on a far mid height wall as her feet dangled off and her wand intermittently twirled about her fingers.

“Hey Andy. What’s up?”

The young witch swung her head back and forth to check that no one was near them before casting a far too neutral expression as Hermione.

“Are you and Bella dating?”

“What…?” The sudden question threw Hermione off her loop. It was the last question she would have expected from her.

“Look, I’ve seen how you two look at each other. All, furtive glance here, furtive glance there. Neither of you are as subtle as you seem to think. Not to mention you both hide away for hours after classes end. And I know she didn’t come back to the dorms to sleep last night. She only showed up around seven, and she looked exhausted as hell.

“I mean, I’m not going to complain if you are. She’s been loads more calm and well-behaved since meeting you. Not to mention she only hexes people that really annoy her now. And don’t think I have anything against you two being ladies, no judgment here. But so help me Salazar, if you hurt her whatsoever they’ll never find the pieces of your body. So do right by her, yeah?”

Hermione could only continue staring at the witch with a deeply confused expression on her startled face as she continued gaping and trying to form words.

“So, whatever you did to make her all melancholy last night, fix it. Before it becomes my, and by extension your, problem. Yeah?”

Hermione continued practicing her ‘startled fish’ routine.

Andy hopped off the wall and clapped her twice about the shoulder before heading back towards the castle interior.

“Well then, good talk Em’. And good luck. She could use someone like you in her life.”


Rather than cut into any time after classes had ended that she could spend with Bella, Hermione opted instead to visit Dumbledore as soon as she had her first free period. She knew he expected a debriefing on her lesson with Voldemort and though she felt like indulging him some information she was wary about the full story. She couldn’t be sure whether he would stop her if he knew exactly what had happened. The free time and doubts she’d started having about his morality in the face of the ‘Greater Good’ led her to feel even more cautious than she already was. She could review in her own memories how her life had progressed from being a First Year to now and in her estimation it hadn’t painted a very rosy picture of his methodology in achieving his objectives.

No longer did she look at him as the kindly old teacher that had given her friends and herself answers and help with their adventures. He had been reduced to a manipulative wizard, incredibly powerful in his position and with no qualms against using people as his pawn. As she entered the room she resolved to get this over with as fast as possible.

“Ah, Ms. Grenier. How lovely it is to see you on this fine morning. I trust your outing yesterday went well?” He ambled over to behind his desk. After he’d taken his seat Fawkes flew down from his normal perch to sit upon his shoulder.

Hermione couldn’t help a small laugh when the image reminded her of pirates with parrots on their shoulders. When her laughter finally subsided she settled deeply into a plush armchair that had taken residence in front of his massive desk.

“Yes Headmaster. Bellatrix and I arrived on time and Voldemort was there to greet us. He ran us both through some rather simple spellwork for most of the afternoon, stupefy and protego mostly.”

“Mostly?” His eyes sharpened questioningly.

“We also went over Rennervate. He assessed how proficient I was and then extended an offer to continue tutelage under him, alongside Bellatrix.”

As the old wizard sat backwards in his chair a distinct creaking filled the room and Fawkes flapped his wide wings in annoyance. He sat and began stroking his beard while looking off towards the fireplace, face unreadable. When he finally deigned to reply to her after almost a minute of silence his eyes held a conspiratorial twinkle and the corner of his mouth was upturned in a smirk.

“Well, I must say that’s wonderful. Learning under him will give you ample opportunity to ingratiate yourself to his cause. It will be all the easier for our next steps to take place if we already have you on the inside.”

His immediate jump at using her as a spy was slightly disconcerting. She’d assumed he would ask her eventually after she struck up a friendship with Bellatrix but hadn’t dreamt he would go after it so soon.

“Are you sure sir,” she put as much worry into her face as she dared, hoping he would believe her reluctance. “If he finds out…”

“Yes, yes. You’ll be fine Emelia, he won’t dare suspect anything untoward from you. You’ll be well-placed to observe and report if he brings you into the fold. Now mind you, I didn’t see into the full depths of the future but this is the best chance we could get, unless we want to wait many more years and waste many more lives.”

She had to hand it to him. If she wasn’t already nervous and suspicious of his machinations she’d be jumping at the bit at that last line.

“I’ll inform Horace that you’ll be accompanying Bellatrix on her tutoring sessions for the foreseeable future. Speaking of Ms. Black, how has she been, by the by?”

The sudden change of direction had her shoring up her mind even further. She was eminently grateful that Bella had picked up on their occlumency lessons so quickly. She couldn’t help but feel he’d be after Bella as soon as it was convenient for him.

‘I need to finish those runes.’

“She’s quite fine Headmaster. We’re getting along well and I’m sure the lessons together will help enforce that. We’re no longer at one another’s throat, and she seems relaxed and comfortable in my presence.”

A clock hidden away somewhere amidst the clutter of the office began to chime off tune to signal the turn of the hour. Grateful for the distraction Hermione stood from her chair and picked up her satchel.

“If that’s all Headmaster, I’ll inform Bellatrix of my desire to continue the lessons and go from there. I’ll keep you informed of any relevant information.”

He merely nodded his acquiescence and limply waved her out. Fawkes took to squawking lowly as she made her exit. Before the door shut behind her she could swear she felt eyes boring into her back.


As Hermione shut the door behind her Albus let out a loud sigh and stood sharply from his chair. Meandering to the large fireplace he grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and made his way to his secure connection in the Department of Mysteries. He loosened his shoulders and reminded himself to relax now that his revamped plans were now in motion. As he stepped from the fireplace a pair of sharp eyes glanced over at him from across a wide wooden table.

“Mr. Bode. How good to see you.” He walked sharply to stand opposite the seated Unspeakable.

Bode was sitting on a thin wooden folding chair and leaning over what looked to be a larger version of a Time Turner. He had on a single monocle that worked as an enchanted magnifying glass and a pair of white silken gloves. The device set in front of him was plated in silver instead of the usual gold and the sand instead was a deep scarlet color. Incredibly thin strands of silver wire wrapped around the twin bases of the device and a long silver chain made of individual interlocking silver blocks only a centimeter in length and thickness were clamped onto both ends. The individual blocks of the chain were all engraved with runes that Albus had trouble making out as they sat loosely. The whole device hummed with energy and Albus was almost sure he could see a shimmering mirage effect roiling off of it.

“Albus. Glad you stopped by so quickly. Minister Leach is beginning to ask questions that I’d rather avoid. The sooner the girl is gone, the better.”

Albus picked up the Time Turner by the chained loop and left it to dangle from his fingertips, swinging back and forth slightly from the movement. He watched interestedly as the sand within remained motionless to the movement.

“You’re sure that this will work?”

“Not completely but it’s the best that you’ll get. I based it off of the information she gave us about the original and a few schematics and prototypes that we picked up during a raid a few years ago. Of course, my standard contract rules will apply. Give it to her but explain nothing about origin or design. Set the turns, loop her, and it’ll send her back. Or forward, however you like to see it. For the highest chance of recover she’ll need to leave from wherever it was she arrived. Once she makes it back the chain will break and the Turner will automatically return. I expect it back as soon as it’s done.”

The light from multiple well enchanted candles made the individual rune work on the chain stand out brilliantly. Taking a prim nail Albus followed the designs upon the chain and wracked his mind to see if he recognized them. Some were familiar but twisted so far as to be unreadable. After a minute or two to see if his memory jogged he sighed and wrapped the chain tightly around the glass before setting the whole device into one of his voluminous pockets.

“If you don’t mind me asking,” he kept his voice even and wizened, “Who else knows about this?”

Bode scoffed at him before lifting his legs to settle on the table and crossing his ankles.

“No one. My superiors know I’ve been working on a private matter, the Minister believes I’m fulfilling a favor to you. Anyone involved in the research process or initial prototyping has been obliviated after each stage. Standard operating protocol. Some of my colleagues might be lax, but I like to do things by the book around here.”

A warm and throaty chuckle left Albus’s chest at the clear pride that Bode put into his work. The young man’s work ethic would be needed across the board once his plans were in place.

“Well then,” Albus brought his wand from its holster with surprising speed, “Imperio, Obliviate.”

The twin spells shot soundlessly from his wand and pounded Bode straight into his chest. Remaining unmoving his eyes clouded with a dusty film as the twin spells took hold. Albus settled himself into taking a seat upon the large table and languidly placed his wand back.

“Mr. Bode, you tried your very hardest but in the end the Turner didn’t work out. You will, however, inform any who ask that your independent experiment has been completed. You will destroy the remaining evidence that you hold of the device and prevent any others from duplicating it. You have never met Ms. Grenier. Any correspondence you may have from her is to be destroyed, and any future correspondence is to be destroyed without opening. You shall treat the matter as though you were receiving correspondence that was sent to the wrong recipient. After I leave this room you will go back to your normal work schedule.”

After giving the spells a minute or two to sink in Albus determined that they had taken hold and were more than strong enough to hold his chain. He wandered back into the fireplace to return to his office all the while chuckling merrily to himself.


Upon Hermione’s arrival in the Room she found Bella relaxedly awaiting her. Instead of the study space that she had become used to over the past weeks the room had been cleared of all bookcases and now only held a few minor furniture settings, a couch, and a rather large fireplace.

The floor had been replaced with a rich mahogany that stretched from wall to wall except in a semi-circle around the fireplace that was built from white marble. The large couch was settled into the middle of the room and facing the fireplace. It was some form of soft leather or something similar that Hermione couldn’t identify. The color was all Bella though, black from the fabric to the legs and stitching. Bella was laying crookedly in the couch with her head and neck propped up by the arm and her arms crossed against her chest. She didn’t stir as Hermione entered and instead stared off into nothing silently.

Hermione dropped her satchel onto the floor behind the couch before strolling over to the fireplace and stoking it higher with a bit of wordless magic. She’d felt herself unusually cold the past few days and wasn’t yet sure as to if it was illness coming down or the onset of Autumn. She stood before the flames for a minute before gathering the courage to turn around and face Bella. The witch’s eyes followed her as she walked to the couch and lifted her legs to sit down. Resituating Bella’s legs onto her lap she counted a victory when the witch didn’t pull away. Letting out an over dramatic sigh she turned towards her friend.

“So. What’s on your mind?” Her voice come out far closer to a whisper than the confident tone she’d intended.

“Oh,” the witch started up, “Not much. Just wondering what to do about a particular not-yet-Dark-Lord Dark Lord. And my impending sale to the Lestrange family. And my sisters. And the Headmaster. So, you know. The usual.”

Bella’s flippant attitude brought Hermione a small laugh as she began passing her hand along the warmth of Bella’s leg.

“Yeah, the usual… I met with Dumbledore earlier. I’ll be joining you for your tutoring going forward. He thinks it’s a good idea to keep an eye on Him. And probably you, now that I think about it.”

Bella shifted her body lower into the couch as her neck and head slid off the arm.

“When are Dumble’s ideas good? Here,” she sat up at the waist and leaned up against Hermione, “Let me see it again, please. There are some things I’d like to check.”

Soft air puffed warmly against Hermione’s cheek as the witch spoke. Their eyes locked together and she tried to pierce the dark depths. When no answers were forthcoming she took ahold of Bella’s proffered hand and led her index finger up until it was pressing against her temple. Dropping her walls she smiled at the witch on her lap.

“Go ahead.”

Again the feeling of Bella’s entrance into her mind was pleasant and calming. She could feel herself relax as the witch began to steer herself around. She relaxed into the couch and let her own thoughts wander as the witch on her thighs murmured softly to herself. Occasionally she would ask questions and Hermione would pull up from her internal reverie to answer, but mostly the witch refrained from speaking.

When an hour had passed and Bella slowly pulled away from her mind she felt the loss like a warm hand leaving her own. Her breath was steady and deep from where she’d nearly relaxed into a stupor.

“Well,” the dark haired witch began, “We can’t trust Dumble. I think that much is pretty clear. I’ve no desire to be used as a pawn.”

“Yeah,” Hermione started hesitantly, “I’d come to that conclusion as well.”

:He’s scheming something. :

The warm hiss from Bella flitted against her ear as the witch entwined herself around Hermione is a loose hug.

:I’m worried. I don’t know yet if I can forgive you for lying to me, but I know why you did it. I want to forgive you. :

Hermione shivered against the closeness of the witch, wrapping her arms around Bella’s back and holding her tightly to her body.

:I’m sorry Bella. :

Pulling away Bella moved her hands until they were holding onto Hermione’s shoulders.

“What do we do?” Her voice came out in more of a hushed whisper that Hermione suspected was close to her true state of mind on all that now lay before them. Hushed, worried, and hurt for the future she’d seen and Hermione had lived.

Her question was honest and Hermione took her time to formulate an answer. There wasn't much they could do right away, as far as she could see. Dumbledore and Voldemort were both powerful Kings on their respective sides of a chessboard. Neither had qualms about sacrificing pawns if it furthered their agenda. Bellatrix Lestrange’s mental deterioration and Sirius’s illegal imprisonment were testaments to that. As well as Dumbledore’s grooming of Harry into a figure that would rush to kill himself at the slightest mention of it helping a greater cause.

Her mind spun round in circles until she finally centered on a reply. If both Kings were already set and chosen, then they would be the Queens.

“What do you know about Wizard’s Chess?”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 18abb5621cde9dce47d88205b5ec13294ad5703e ) [50] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 15. Book 1: Exposure [timestamp] => 1555538400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 15: Book 1: Exposure

Chapter Text

‘I can do it. I know I can. End it all right now.’

Hermione followed behind the long strides of Voldemort with Bellatrix at her side. They were making their way off the veranda and out to a large open field that had been trimmed down and free of all plant life besides the well manicured lawn.

‘Just two words and I can end the wars before they even have a chance to begin.’

She couldn’t deny that the thoughts were tempting. It would all just be so easy. Voldemort remained ahead of them and unaware of the danger lurking at his back. Her wand hung loosely in a grip while her thoughts ran double-time.

A small part of her was ready for this. Had promised herself that if some crazy situation like this ever came up she’d be the first to strike. Ruthless and efficient she was ready. The rest of her was roiling with indecision. She wasn’t sure if now was the time to take his life. Certainly not while lacking so much information about his current power structure and definitely not with so many other variables unaccounted for. She knew the location of one Horcrux and could get to it fairly simply through the Room of Requirement. But she was aware that at least three more existed, and she had no idea where they were currently hidden. And so long as they remained intact he would return, in one form or another. She couldn’t be one hundred percent certain that a quick death now would result in any less of a bloody future than they one she’d already lived through.

The small fact that the act of actually killing wasn’t what she was hung up on was a slightly bothersome realization. He deserved a painful death and so much more for all the horror that he’d caused throughout his twin reigns of terror but even that fact wasn’t the main part what made her comfortable with the act. She understood that the half of her that didn’t agree with violence as an answer to conflict, physical or otherwise, was a hypocrite.

A well-placed bombarda could kill someone just as easily as a killing curse and Merlin knew how many of those she’d thrown by the war’s end. She’d almost certainly killed before even if it was unintentional. Any part of her that hung onto the pure visage of a merciful Gryffindor that refrained from forcing death upon another was fighting a battle that was already lost. A decision to run arithmantic lines as soon as she could to determine the impact of killing him this early was the only thing that quieted the turmoil in her mind.

As they reached the edge of the wide open field Voldemort stopped short and clasped his long spindly fingers behind his back before turning about to face them. Even in the warm evening sunlight he glowed with unnatural paleness while his milky skin shined bright as alabaster against the contrast of his cloak.

“I assume you know at least the basics of proper dueling Madam Grenier?”

She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face fast enough when Voldemort referred to her as Madam Grenier. There was something just so satisfying about lying right to the smug bastards face that she couldn’t turn it off easily. A lower part of her personality found it was hard to deny the thrill of being addressed in such an aristocratic manner after so many years of being seen as a lower class citizen by most of wizarding society. Luckily he appeared to take her smile as anticipation of what was to come rather than what it really was.

“Yes, my Lord. I know the basics well enough.”


It didn’t come as a very surprising test to her. Setting her against Bellatrix to see how she’d stack up was probably one of the few reasons he’d acquiesced and allowed her to attend. She reasoned that If the war was set to begin in earnest in the next two years he must be in the middle of gathering forces. If he was impressed he’d probably move onto active recruiting if he could figure out where she stood on blood purity. She found his method simple, if blunt.

When he sent a nod in their direction they left his side and diverged to head towards opposite ends of the small clearing. Voldemort raised his wand to his throat and began to thunder out the rules of their duel.

“Stun and disarm only. I don’t want to have to heal either of you when you’re finished. The bout ends with the first hit. Begin.”

As the last of his words faded into the open air the witches saluted with their wands before bowing deeply towards each other. As they raised back up their dance began.

Bellatrix rushed forward to push Hermione back with a lightning fast series of feints. Each lasted just long enough to begin feeling out where Hermione’s defenses began. Pacing left steadily before throwing herself bodily to the right and down to the ground she sent out a wordless stupefy. Hermione’s reaction was immediate as she threw herself forward to dodge the bolt, throwing a protego around herself that ricocheted the off kilter spell. As it shot off into the distance away from them she pressed herself forward into the dark witch’s space.

Strafe left, expelliarmus. Block. Strafe right, stupefy. Block. Close the distance, stupefy. Block. Rinse and repeat. Her body hummed as she flowed back against Bellatrix, driven by instinct honed in war. As Bellatrix continued backing and strafing in tandem with her she pressed the final gap and upped her assault. When she was finally close enough that Bellatrix might falter her protection she sent a stupefy low and leading in the direction that the witch was strafing.

It flew over Bellatrix’s head, making it obvious that the witch had been waiting for Hermione to close up and fall into a routine. She ducked under the incoming spell to slide forward onto her knees and dip beneath the arc of Hermione’s outstretched arm. A hasty and wordless protego was the only thing to save her from the hit.

At that their bout turned. Bellatrix would hop and lunge forward with every spell she cast until it forced Hermione into a tight circle as she fled the incoming spells. Hermione’s movements were by the book; short, quick, devoid of any wasted momentum or energy. Meanwhile Bellatrix had apparently thrown the book out entirely. She’d hop back and forth on her feet as she reached out to her sides in an effort to catch her opponent off guard. Hermione was continually pressed into circling as she lost what little ground she’d made up in her initial defense.

Within minutes her breath rattled her chest in ragged and pained gasps while her shoulder and bicep began to burn with the exertion of blocking against Bellatrix’s ferocity. Any pretense she’d had of mounting a solid defense were thrown off as tried to maintain at least two arm lengths from the incoming fury. As their bout dragged on it took her nearly ending up pressed against the witch to notice the sound she was making. It had almost reached a crescendo before she realized with a grimace of fear what it was.

Bellatrix was laughing.


She couldn’t help it. Within only a minute of their duel she’d decided it was some of the most fun she’d had in ages. The speed that Emelia fought back against her was delightful. Her guard was second to none. Even despite her consistent attacks and forward momentum she knew she wasn’t really gaining ground in this. Her body thrummed with energy and harsh inhale was intoxicating.

The laughing was a natural consequence. Any time she found herself in a position where she could truly show off what she knew, the laughing would start. That it seemed to unnerve opponents was a beneficial, if secondary, concern. Emelia’s defense was practiced and straight from what classic duelists were taught. Maintain distance, keep your silhouette small to make targeting harder. Protect yourself above all else and wear the opponent down until an opening presented itself.

Bella knew she would lose this in the long game. Her only active counter was to push through it full steam ahead and force a crack in her defense. She forced her body to work harder as she threw herself from side to side in a random fashion, dipping low and skinning her knees in attempts to flank Emelia before popping to her feet and launching forward into an assault.

Sweat slid down her face and burned her eyes while her hair knotted and clung to her burning neck. She knew she looked insane. A madwoman with a single intent. She’d seen herself reflected in a pensive whenever Lord Voldemort would have her review her movements and training. In the end the thought of how she looked just fed into her laughter. Harsh giggles turned into full-blown bellows as she descended into her role. Her mother would be so displeased to see her darling firstborn lower herself to such unladylike actions. Her body held no sense of regal posture and she portrayed no soft femininity when she fought. Her clothes would be ruined during training and her skin would bear the brunt of cuts, scrapes, and bruises. She’d pay good money to see the look on Druella’s face if she could see her now.

As their bout continued she could feel the reserved energy beginning to fade from the high exertion. She’d only be able to sustain one final assault.

WIth all the force she could muster she threw herself forward and directly at Emelia until she was close enough to see her terror filled eyes. With her wand practically touching Emelia’s chest she let out a furious roar as the unblocked stupefy released from her wand.

‘I win-’

With all the grace of a swatted bludger she flew back and to the side of Emelia as her own spell was redirected straight back into her chest. Her solar plexus crumpled and all the air was forced from her lungs in a single breath. Darkness followed after.


As their bout had continued and Bella’s cackles had grown louder Hermione had begun to feel her already short breath grow shallower still. With a pained inhale she realized that Bella’s eyes mirrored Lestrange’s. Wide and nearly black they pierced at her with a maddening intensity. Her grin was reduced to a monstrous snarl that stretched tightly against her face.

Hermione could rationalize that this was Bellatrix, her Bella, as much as she’d like and still only see the face of a murderess staring back at her. She knew this was the woman who’d shared a peaceful and intimate moment with her at the lakeside yet the image was being overpowered by the fear of her memories. She could only continue to see more of her . Her torturer. Her foil. The broken and insane caricature of the woman she’d once been. And it was terrifying beyond belief. Her wand felt clammy in her grip and the scar on her arm had begun to burn with the intensity of Bellatrix’s assault.

She’ll cut me again she’ll cut me again she’ll cut me again-’

Bella thrust her body forward for a final shot, dipping beneath Hermione and bypassing her guard.

Her dagger she’ll use the dagger please no please no no no no-’


She could feel the impact of the spell as it slammed into her chest and rebounded back towards Bellatrix. Her thoughts broke at the same moment that Bella fell bodily onto the ground. The force of the impact had pushed her back and to her knees as the terror disappeared.

She held herself up by a single open palm and trembled with the exertion of not falling forward onto her face. The pain that had sat so deeply below her scarred arm had vanished into the dull throbbing warmth she’d come to crave whenever Bella was near. Scrambling forward she fell to the side of the downed witch and placed her wand tip at Bella’s chest before muttering a soft ‘Enervate’ to revive her.

As she waited for Bella to come around form her stupor she felt sharp nails and cold fingers attempt to access her mind. Her walls held, and she shot Voldemort a short glare before realizing exactly who she was dealing with. Letting him know she was displeased at his attempts to gain access was probably not the best choice. Ignoring him for the moment she sat back on her haunches and gently rubbed at her scar while the witch below her began to stir.

“You alright Bella?” She offered her hand out to the still recovering witch, pulling her to her feet once she’d come around completely.

“Yeah, nice hit,” Bella replied in a wheeze, “Didn’t even see your shield come up.” Hermione’s heart warmed at the sincere smile that graced Bella’s lips.

The sound of heavy steps alerted them to Voldemort’s approach.

“Well done Madam Grenier,” his nasal tone reached them first. “But you’ll need work. Your defense was solid but in a real duel you won’t have the pleasure of retreating forever. Your offense needs work as well, far too regimented for any real application. We’ll work on it though. I’m sure Bellatrix could help.”

His phrasing brought Hermione’s brain to a standstill as she went over his statement.

“My Lord…?”

“How would you like to join Bellatrix as my pupil? I’ve been on the lookout for talented witches and wizards to pass my knowledge onto. I only have a few under my tutelage at the moment but you’d be a welcome addition.”


When the left the manor later that evening Hermione’s head was swirling with half formed ideas and schemes. Voldemort had extended his tutelage and the prestige that his name held among pureblood circles with no request for reciprocation or favor on her part. It wasn’t hard for her to see why the Bellatrix of her time had become so deeply enamored with him. Not only was he a perfect orator, his natural charisma was an extremely strong draw. The man could talk a broomstick into working for him.

She was however deeply unnerved by the attention that Bellatrix gave to him. The way her eyes had followed every single one of his movements was disconcerting. She knew she’d need to do something soon to stop that before he became her permanent obsession. Her only immediately viable method was to tell her the truth and allow her into her mind. It also would sidestep the guilt she felt at hiding all of who she was from her new friend. Hiding all that had happened to her was beginning to become a grating prospect.

No one had been there for her in her time, no one was here for her in this one either. If anything it might help the nightmares and yawning chasm that opened whenever she lied to Bellatrix. The terror she’d felt near the end of their duel was only more proof she wasn’t handling the pressure well.

As they left the grounds of the manor she held weakly onto Bella’s arm and allowed the witch to apparate them back to the front gates of Hogwarts. The moon hung by a sliver in between lazily drifting cloud formations. The wind blew up from behind them and a chill pressed through her clothes and ran up her spine. Her body leaned over automatically into Bella in an attempt to gather warmth.

Her thoughts turned back towards telling Bella the truth. Guilt flowed up her throat and she despaired that it felt like now or never. Risk incurring the wrath and possible abandonment of her friend or wait in a vain hope that Bella’s anger wouldn’t be even worse at being lied to for even longer.

If it goes bad I could always obliviate her…’

Even as the thought crept into her mind she shunned it. She’d never be able to follow through on removing any moments from Bella. The witch didn’t deserve to be lied to and she definitely didn’t deserve to have her memories stolen, regardless of her reaction to the news.

“Bella,” her breath hitched as she said the witch’s name, “Would you mind coming by my room before you head off to sleep? There’s some… things, I’d like to tell you.”

The witch at her side shot her an inquisitive look before nodding her head in acknowledgement. The remainder of their walk back to the school was silent as each witch was lost in their own heads.

After they checked in with Professor Slughorn to announce their arrival both witches went their separate ways. Bella off to the shared dormitories and Hermione off to her single.

After dropping off her cloak she grabbed a small canvas bag filled with a towel and night clothes before heading off the lonely Prefects bathroom. As she arrived she began flicking her wrist and fingers to get the taps opened up and filling the room with warm water, ensconcing the room in pine scented humidity from one of the scented taps she’d chosen.

She’d decided that a long relaxing bath was just what she needed and the immediate relaxation she felt at dipping beneath the surface was proof of being right. Her sore and strained muscles warmed up and began to unknot themselves. A few minutes into her soak and she could feel the scar begin to tingle and warm as Bella made her way towards the room. She threw a look at the door and wondered if Bella would continue on to wait at her room or enter.

The sight and sound of the door slowly creaking inwards was her answer. As Bella began to move into the room Hermione slinked to a far corner of the bath and submerged herself further into the water until she was only visible from the top of her chin upwards. Bella’s feet padded on the wet tiles until she saw Hermione.

“You said to meet you in your room but… I really really needed a soak. Hope you don’t mind?” She shot Hermione a cheeky grin did her best to look diminutive and innocent.

Of course I mind, this was a private place!’

“Not at all.”

‘She shouldn’t even know the password- Wait, what did I say?!’

The words had escaped her lips before her mind had even caught up to them. The thought of rescinding the offer after agreeing so quickly felt so rude to her that it stilled her lips and mind entirely. She turned to face the far wall so as to give Bella the privacy to undress and tried, and failed, to still the sharp and shallow breaths that had suddenly come upon her. After what felt to her like a minute or two the sound of gently displaced water reached her ears and slowly moving waves began to lap against her skin. Turning her head she caught the slightest hint of twin peaks capped with dark tanned skin before Bella fully submerged. The blush that immediately raced up her neck and face burned as a small squeak of surprise left her lips.

Bella uttered a short staccato laugh at Hermione’s shade of pink.

“See something you like Em’?” The witch laid on a feral grin and bit her lip, giggling gently at Hermione’s continued reddening.

Hermione couldn’t help the unspoken and unbidden ‘Yes’ that drifted through her thoughts. When Hermione didn’t reply Bella smirked and laughed again before ducking under the water completely before emerging quickly and throwing her long black hair behind herself in a cascade of water. The smile she threw Hermione’s way before half swimming and half walking towards her drove a knife directly into Hermione’s heart.

‘Now or never.’

“Bella I haven’t been entirely truthful with you.”

The witch in question lolled her head to the side and sank lower into the water to peer up at Hermione.

“Bout’ what?”

“About…” Hermione’s heart clenched painfully as she fought to steady herself. “About who I am. You need to listen to this but Bella, please, you cannot tell anyone about this. Not Andy, not Cissa, no one. It’ll sound crazy but please listen and trust that I’m telling you the truth.”

Bella sat up in the water before muttering a soft “Okay” and locking eyes with her.

Hermione calmed her breathing and began.

“My name isn’t Emelia Grenier, it’s Hermione Granger. I wasn’t born in Canada. I was born here, in the UK. I’m from the year 1998. I traveled back in time by accident. And I’m a muggleborn.”

It all came out in a rush more reminiscent of a single long word than the eloquent explanation she’d imagined. When she was done speaking Bellatrix continued staring at her with wide eyes, silence filling the void between them.

When the lack of response continued for almost a minute Hermione finally broke it.


The silence continued.

“Bella?” Hermione raised her voice and pinned the witch with a stare. “Say something damn it!”

Bella finally reacted by lowering herself into the water until only her eyes and the top of her head were left above the surface.

“Bellatrix Black. I am not joking or pulling your leg or anything like that. Please. Say something. Curse me, scream, anything!”

As she finished speaking Bella stood to her full height in the bath while muttering lowly beneath her breath and moved to close the distance between them.


Bella’s hand moved faster than Hermione could focus on before painfully biting into her cheek. The force sent her stumbling backwards until her shoulders and back painfully dug into the lip of the bath. She brought her palm to her face and rubbed at the stinging cheek as she attempted to get her bearings back.

‘She hits harder than Andy. Noted.’

“That’s for being a lying snake.” Bella’s harsh voice brought her back to reality. Closing her eyes she sank back into the water and began to palm the mildly stinging scar upon her arm.

“I’m sorry-”

“Why do you do that?” Bellatrix interrupted her. When Hermione looked at her questioningly the witch simply pointed a trimmed nail at her left arm.

“The rubbing thing. You do it whenever I’m around, and Andy’s caught you doing it too. Why?”

Hermione took a moment to ready herself before pulling her arm out from the water. Placing her pointer and middle finger against the hidden ‘M’ she prepared to let the glamour fall. She hadn’t even noticed that the action of soothing it had become second nature. It had simply become a comforting action to work the heat from it into her muscle whenever Bella was nearby and in a good mood.

“Here,” she released the glamour by drawing her fingertips down the length of it, each letter appearing after they passed it over. When it was fully uncovered she held her arm out towards Bella to allow her to read it. A sharp gasp from the other witch penetrated the silence between them.

“So you really are a mudblood.”

Hermione could feel a small angry flame begin to burn in her chest at hearing the word out loud.

“Muggleborn, yes. And I was being truthful about the rest. I really did travel back in time.”

“What about the scar on your neck?” Bella poked the scar with a sharp finger before running her nail up the curve of it.

“I got it after being sent back here. I was using a time turner and it freaked out. Melted completely, chain and all.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Hermione’s voice stilled in her throat before her mind went inwards. After a short silence she answered.

“Because I was afraid. I didn’t know anyone here and didn’t know if anything I said would have an impact on my future, especially if I said it around anyone I’d eventually know. And as you pointed out again, yes, I’m muggleborn. Second class. Acceptance is hardly good in my time, I can only imagine how shit it is outside of Hogwarts in this time. Not to mention the version of you that I knew was a hardline-”

“Version? This version of me?! You knew me in the future?”

Oh gods. No going back now.’

“I knew a version of you, yes. Bellatrix Lestrange. She was insane, a hard line blood purist who did more than bully a few students in a boarding school. I didn’t know if you would be like her or not. Now that I’ve gotten to know you I know you’re not the same.”

Hermione’s scar began throbbing back and forth between painful and soothing as Bella’s state of emotion rocked back and forth. After a few seconds of the indecisive pain the scar suddenly burned on her skin. Hissing back her surprise and pain Hermione cradled it to her chest and winced away from Bella.

At the sudden movement Bella’s eyes widened and she began to slowly walk over to her, shoving islands of bubbles and foam out of her way. When she was standing directly in front of Hermione she reached a hand out and pulled the arm away from her chest before rotating it and viewing the scrawl under the light. The pain flew out from Hermione’s arm in an instant.

“So. Hermione. We’re not dropping the subject of you knowing me in your future past thing. But,” she leaned closer and traced the jagged script with a sharp finger, “Who did this to you? Why does it hurt you like that?”

“You did.”

Bella’s finger stilled as she shot Hermione a look of surprise.

“A different version of you anyways. Lestrange. That’s what I call her. Believe me when I say that any prejudices you hold against muggleborn or half-blood’s now pales in comparison to her. She’s cranked to eleven, all the time.” Hermione felt rather than heard her voice drop to a near whisper as she continued. “She carved that into my arm with a cursed blade. She tortured me.”

“And that’s why you were afraid?”

“When we first met in Diagon alley it was only because you bowled me over and were ready to hex me into next week. All I saw at that moment was Lestrange. Over the past few weeks though I’ve gotten to know you. Bellatrix Black. You’re not her,” Hermione withdrew her arm from Bella’s hold. “Not yet anyways.”

Bella’s eyes turned towards the water as she crossed an arm over her body in an imitation of shrinking in on herself.

“Cygnus and my mother beat blood purity into us since we were born. I won’t say some of it didn’t stick in us but I’m not a torturer. I'm not my parents. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I know you’re not. You’ve been… well you’ve been a right prick to the few muggleborn students here but it’s nothing compared to Lestrange, or some of the gits I knew from my time. They’d rather kill me than touch me.”

Dark eyes peered back at Hermione before Bella backed up against the far edge of the bath and leaned back into the water, only her face visible amidst the bubbles.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m still pissed as hell at you. You lied to my face and I don’t forgive easy. But you also risked telling me all that. And been nice to my sisters and I. And… forget it. I don’t really know what to think right now.”

The witch turned her back on Hermione and grasped the lip of the bath before hauling herself up and out. Hermione’s face reddened again and she turned away from the naked witch. When all sounds from the other side ceased she turned back. Bella stood near the entrance, wrapped up in a large black bathrobe as she waved her wand about her hair in an effort to dry it.

“Can we go back to your room to talk about this? I don’t feel like sitting here anymore.”



The young witches finally returned to Hermione’s room before the first strike of midnight. Hermione threw her clothing into a pile near the foot of her bed and climbed on top of the covers, wrapping herself in a bathrobe and leaning back against the headboard. To her surprise Bella followed her onto the bed, laying back heavily into the pile of pillows behind her and leaning into Hermione’s side. Neither witch was eager to be the first to break the silence. Hermione traced the contours of her multiple scars while Bellatrix ran meshed her fingers together and settled them upon her lap.

Before the silence could become unbearable Bella spoke up.

“So. You traveled back through time.”

“Yes,” Hermione sighed, “Thirty years of it.”

“Is that why you’re so good at occlumency? Hiding all that future knowledge?”

“Only part of it. Mostly I honed it so no one could see in without me letting them. It’ll be easier to show you though.

Hermione reached across and took hold of Bella’s left hand. When the witch allowed her to move it she brought the index finger to her temple and whispered quietly.

“Use legilimency. It’ll be easier to show you.”

Bella complied without a single hesitation.

The sensation of Bella entering her thoughts and memories was… Exhilarating. She slipped in easily with no untoward force or pain. She’d kept so many fears and memories locked away, bottled up in service to her friends and family. She forced her mind back and ran Bella through it all, from that first day at the train station to the moment she’d arrived in 1968.

Directing Bellatrix through her mind brought back all the things she’d kept buried within herself. The experience of being trapped in another body from the polyjuice incident, the experience of being literally trapped within herself when the Basilisk had petrified her. The terror of Lupin turning into an unrestrained beast, the horror and revulsion when Ronald’s ‘pet’ was revealed as Wormtail. The horror and exhilaration of the fight within the Department of Mysteries. The pain of leaving her family behind.

Throughout it all she kept herself calm and kept a constant pace. Her mind slipped up when she returned to her captivity within Malfoy Manor. Her scar began to burn and her body began to tremble. Bella’s only comment was a murmured ‘Cissa’ at the realization that her younger sister had stood over and left her to be tortured.

Eventually the memories ended. Bellatrix was caught up to Hermione’s present. The speed with which she’d been forced to view the memories left her dazed and exhausted beyond measure. Bella’s fingers grasped Hermione’s scarred arm and she lightly traced over the word. A quick ‘Tempus’ from Hermione revealed it was almost three AM. She groaned at the realization that she had classes in less than five hours. And a meeting with Dumbledore. Bellatrix collapsed against Hermione and proceeded to bury her head between the witch’s body and the soft pillows beneath her. When she pulled her head back her eyes were squeezed shut and a grimace sat on her face.

“I believe you Em’. Hermione. Whatever.”

“This needs to stay between us Bella. No one else can know. And we can’t let on to Dumbledore or McGonagall  that I showed you all that.”

Bella laughed in her direction before throwing an arm over her face in exhaustion.

“I won’t let anyone in on your secret.” As she finished speaking she buried herself deeper into the bed and sprawled out onto her side. “Mind if I say here tonight?”

Hermione couldn’t help the brief flutter in her heart nor the surge of calming heat washing over her body.

“Sure.” Flicking her wrist she blew the few candles dotting her room into pillars of gently waving smoke and slid down the bed until she was comfortable.

“Doesn’t get you off the hook. All that stuff you showed me. You’re still a lying snake.”

“That’s fine Bella. Goodnight.”

Bella’s voice quieted to a whisper as she began drifting off.

“Goodnight Hermione.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 1ddf7759cf10d766058dec354047485989f14268 ) [51] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 14. Book 1: The Belly of the Beast [timestamp] => 1555279200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 14: Book 1: The Belly of the Beast

Chapter Text

Jittering flashes of nervous energy ran up and down Hermione’s splayed limbs. Neither witch had yet to comment on their shared moment beside the lake but it was all she could focus on. They hadn’t exchanged vows. Hadn’t pledged love or fealty to the other. Hadn’t even kissed. But she couldn’t help but recognize it as a more intimate moment than she’d ever shared with a previous lover.

It just… had happened. Nothing to look too deeply into.’

She could relax herself by repeating to herself that the jitters and nerves and flutter deep in her abdomen came only from the act of defying rules. Doing something illegal but new and different. That they didn’t stem from the beautiful witch who’d worked her into action with a single word. Bellatrix inspired emotion, she wouldn’t deny that. The witch was gorgeous and smart, witty enough to hold banter and cleverer than their peers by leaps and bounds. She was also conniving, ruthless, and temperamental. Bound by strange familial abuses she wouldn’t share and fed on pure-blood fanaticism and affluence.

She’d never want someone like me.’

The sidelong glances Bellatrix was giving her had to be innocent. She couldn't deny that to an outsider it must have looked intimate. She was laid half on top of Bellatrix as the witch leaned back against the headboard of Hermione's bed, Bella’s fingers and sharp nails rubbing soothing patterns against her scalp and neck. But she was just tired and the mad dash they'd made from the edge of the lake and back to her dormitory had surely worn out Bella as well. Nothing to worry about here. They were clearly just grounding themselves back in reality.

“Em’?” The witch beneath her questioned softly. Her warm voice was still somewhat stilted as she adjusted to speaking around the leaf in her mouth. Before they’d left for the dorms both of them had determined that parseltongue was far easier to speak than English right now but had decided that they’d need to force themselves to speak normally as soon as possible. It wouldn’t do to be found out so early into their trial or risk losing the leaf and needing to restart the entire venture.

Hermione twisted her neck and upper torso around to look the witch in the eyes.

“Yeah Bella?”

“I know what I want. For your half of the trade.” She looked away from Hermione’s eyes before continuing. “Come with me to one of my tutoring sessions. Just one at least.”


Hermione’s face betrayed the depth of the surprise she found herself awash in at the request. She’d  imagined a multitude of things the witch could request of her but a request to join her hadn’t even crossed her mind.

Bellatrix’s eyes found her again as she continued staring expectantly, clearly awaiting a verbal assent. Screwing up her courage Hermione looked her dead on and nodded her head.

“Sure thing. Just let me know when. I’ll let Slughorn know where I’ll be. He shouldn’t have a reason to disagree with it.”

She was fairly sure she knew exactly who Bella’s tutor actually was. The witch had fought hard to keep any memories pertaining to her lessons away from the school hidden deep and obscured by switchbacks. But it didn’t make much sense for it to be anyone else and the few minuscule peaks she’d gotten in Bella’s head made it clear enough. She knew she’d need to speak with Dumbledore before she left. It was something that he ought to know if for nothing else than to know where she might be if she didn’t return.

“Wicked. You’ll like him, I promise. He’s like an open book. He knows about like, hundreds of topics, all different kinds of magic.” She flashed Hermione a sharp toothed smile. “If you like it I can ask him if you can stick on. I’m sure I could get my father to agree as well.”

When she finished speaking she pushed herself further back into the soft mattress and pillows beneath them. When she’d slid far enough into them Hermione’s body shifted further back into the witch. One arm wrapped around Hermione’s midsection while the other curled protectively across her chest to leave her hand curled around her neck.

“Thanks for agreeing to this Em’. Thank you for doing this with me.”

“No problem Bella... I should be the one thanking you”

Quite against her own wishes Hermione's eyes began to close. Wrapped into the warmth behind her and soothed by the burn in her arm. Her last thoughts before drifting off were loud and clear before dissipating into a soft murmur.

This is definitely not innocent…’


“Orange Dragonpop.”

As she spoke the password the gargoyle began to grind and swivel its way clear of the hidden staircase. Soft light drifted down from above as she ascended.

Waking up alone in her bed had been disappointing to say the least. She’d been wrapped up in blankets with a pillow clutched tightly between her legs and arms. No soft witch waiting to greet her. She’d buried her head into the pillows behind her and concentrated until she could still focus on the faintest scent of the witch. As the feelings of safety and security evaporated she’d finally determined that she couldn’t put off meeting with the Headmaster.

And so she found herself here, knocking at his door and hoping he’d have enough time and patience to see her. Even though she didn’t completely trust the manipulative old man she’d felt compelled to make sure he was aware of her situation. The soft sound of slippered feet reached out beyond the door to his office. With a creak and a groan it opened inward until the sleepy face of the Headmaster peeked out. Hermione was surprised at the change in his appearance. He looked far better than when she’d seen him last.

His beard and hair were no longer unkempt and unruly. The bags beneath his eyes had disappeared, and he seemed full of energy. As he smiled down on her he pulled the door until it was fully opened to her. Stepping aside he raised out an arm and directed her towards an open chair facing his oversized desk. Following his direction she took a seat in a plush chair. He followed her closely behind, walking around the desk and sinking languidly into his seat.

“Good morning to you Ms. Grenier.” He smiled gently at her. “I would offer you a lemon drop, but I believe it’s too early for sweets. Now, how can I help you today?”

She took a moment to breathe deeply and settle her nervous jitters.

“Headmaster, how much of the future did you see when you viewed my mind?”

It made her uncomfortable to start off their talk this way but knew that putting it off wouldn’t make it any easier. At least this way she had control of the conversation.

“Hmm…,” Dumble mumbled to himself before leaning back in his chair and tapping his fingers. “To put it bluntly Ms. Grenier I saw enough. Not everything mind you, but the gist of it and some moments that held emotional weight for you. Enough of the broad strokes to give me an inkling of the trials to come.”

“So you’re aware of Voldemort?”

Calm, keep calm…’

“Yes Ms. Grenier. I am aware of the threat that Tom poses to our way of life. If I may ask, why bring this up now?”

Now or never.’

“I’ve struck up a friendship with Bellatrix Black. Not because you brought it to my attention sir. I fell into it quite on accident. Yesterday she asked me to join her for one of her tutoring sessions. I’m not one hundred percent sure but I believe her tutor is Voldemort.”

Later she couldn’t be sure of it but at the moment she finished speaking she could have sworn that his eyes swam with a predatory gleam.

“I’m had suspected as much myself Ms. Grenier. I’ve heard stirrings he had returned to the UK. If it is him, Ms. Black isn’t the only student receiving attention from Tom. But why bring this up to me now? You could have gone to see him without my knowledge or input whatsoever so long as Horace agreed to your leave.”

She knew it was a valid question. She held no allegiance to him beyond what he’d given her since her arrival, and if she’d been someone else she could have brushed the debt off as paid and gone her own way. She broke eye contact with the Headmaster and instead focused her gaze upon the fire blazing cheerily in its hearth at her side. Fawkes was leisurely perched above the fire, preening himself and taking looks at the two of them intermittently.

She didn’t have any better answer than the truth.

“I don’t know. It just figured to be the sort of thing I should bring up.”

The Headmaster looked down at his lap and shifted back and forth before a great sigh made its way through him. She couldn’t help but sheepishly look back at him while he digested her answer.

“Thank you for bring it to my attention Emelia.”

Hermione felt a shiver run unpleasantly down her spine. No matter who called her that name it never truly felt real. She was resigned to never feeling comfortable with it. Bellatrix was the only person that could make it sound natural.

“If you would indulge me, I think attending would be a good idea. I’m not saying you would have to, but quite frankly it could be useful to our cause.”

Our cause? Whose cause? Since bloody when is this our cause?’ It infuriated her that he would just add her to his army like a pawn chessboard. She wouldn’t be his little soldier just because he said it was so. He’d done that with Harry and nearly killed him.

He continued on speaking, not noticing or choosing to ignore the little scowl that she threw his way.

“Any information you glean from the meeting would be beneficial. If nothing else you could get a sense of him in this time. He is a man to be feared, and rightly so. But likely not in the way you might be used to. He is a free man with no accusations against his name. Perfectly willing and able to walk down a street in broad daylight. People may flee from the darkness they feel reaching out from him but there’s currently nothing we can do about it. Learn what you can, and maybe we can change that.”

In the end his request amounted to about what she’d expected. Meet him, satisfy Bellatrix’s request, report back any interesting information she managed to learn. Simple enough. Even if she didn’t enjoy the idea of being conscripted into his cause.

“Thank you Headmaster. Her next session is Tuesday, I’ll report back Wednesday afternoon.”

“Good, good. Now since that’s settled, I have something else I’d like to discuss with you.”

Oh no.’ Her first reaction was worry that he knew about their attempt to become Animagi. Her second was to wonder at how he could even know.

“One of my contacts in the Canadian Ministry has been in touch. When he found out that the last descendant of the Grenier line had shown up here, he requested a quick test to determine your true lineage.”

“But,” she broke in, “I’m not related to them. You’ve told them no, right?”

“Oh Merlin no. I’ve told him we’ll have a sample sent off by this Thursday at the latest.”

Hermione felt herself pale at his nonchalant statement.

“Headmaster I-”

“Don’t worry dear, we’ve got just the thing to take care of it. We’ll just need to perform a small blood ritual,” Hermione wasn’t sure it was possible but her face paled even further at his suggestion. “Once the ritual is completed you’ll show as a true Grenier to any inheritance checks that might come up in the future.”

“But Headmaster, blood magic is-”

“Dark? Well, usually yes. And when used for less savory needs, it’s even more so.”

Hermione let the thought roll around in her head. It was technically Dark magic. But then again, all the literature said that parseltongue was too. And she’d effectively jumped head first into learning that. The more she thought on it the more she was okay with the magic behind it. It was the use case though that bothered her. She would be defrauding whoever administered the test. She’d be lying in the strongest way possible. Permanently altering herself to fit a lie. It wasn’t something she was sure she could handle. Then again when she'd first arrived she wasn't sure she'd handle that transition either.

In the end her fracturing qualms on the subject didn’t matter. It was a protection she was being freely given and a knowledge set she’d yet to acquire. And she couldn’t really complain about the legality of it while going behind both the school and the Ministry to become an Animagus.

“Okay. What do I need to do?”


The conversed at length about the magic behind the ritual and the mechanics of what was going to occur. By the time they’d finished and Hermione felt comfortable with it the morning had passed into noon and they adjourned for a quick lunch supplied by house elves. Dumbledore called up Minerva once they were ready to begin and placed her in a position to oversee the ritual. The inclusion of the professor helped settle any remaining nerves she had.

She stood in a runic hexagram painted out of the floor of Dumbledore’s office. The hexagram was stretched out further from top to bottom than side to side, with the inside of each triangular edge portion was filled with a glyph. She assumed it was written in blood, human or otherwise, but declined to ask. Some questions were better left unanswered and blood magic was considered Dark for a reason.

Runes marked the top and bottom portion of the hexagram and matching symbols were painted onto her palms. Minerva began a low chant in a language that Hermione couldn’t recognize once Dumbledore proclaimed them ready to begin. He handed her two ruby colored stones that were nearly the size of golf balls.Their surface felt coarse and grainy as she held onto them tightly. Within a few minutes of taking hold of them a burning sensation began to worm its way through her palms, though the stones remained cool to the touch. The heat traveled her arms and she could swear she felt her own blood singing in the magic.

After a brief flash of amber light it was all over. The stones turned to piles of ash in her hands and the heat was quickly swept away. Her first action was to palm the scar on her arm and feel out if it was altered in any way. After a second or two of not detecting anything different she let go. She could still feel the distant presence of Bella, through a faint pulse.

“Well,” Dumbledore started as cheery as ever, “Now then. WIth that out of the way, who’d like a sweet?”


Tuesday came upon her before she had a chance to question the wisdom of her decision. Monday had been quiet, easy classes and nothing to distract them. Neither Bellatrix nor herself had sought to talk about the intimacy they’d shared over the weekend. Hermione couldn’t help but be somewhat disappointed at that.

Up until her last class on Tuesday she felt herself in a rut. Nothing held her attention, and she constantly felt racked by nervous energy that she could feel building up with no release. To appease her overactive mind she’d spent free time drawing out the final look of the runes for their revamped occlumency enchantment.

When the last class of the day was dismissed she grabbed up her parchments and supplies before stuffing them into a satchel and nearly sprinting out the door. A mop of long black curls awaited her outside, leaning up against the opposite wall.


“As I'll ever be.”

“Good,” Bellatrix left the wall and started walking to the entrance. Hermione glued herself to her side as they passed through the entrance doors and out into the courtyard. No one chose to interrupt them but the few glances she got from the Gryffindor students that saw them were scathing and suspicious.

Bellatrix was unusually quiet as they walked. Her steps were filled with energy and her movements were sharp and quick but nothing was said. As they walked beyond the wards that covered the front gates she turned towards Hermione and held her arm out for her to hold on to.

“So when we get there it'll just be us and my tutor. Cygnus has been barred from attending.” Her eyes gained a distant glean as she informed Hermione. “Don't look him in the eyes, and don't give him lip. He's more temperamental than me.”

Grabbing hold of Bellatrix proffered arm she braced her core muscles as she felt the pull of apparition. One nauseas moment later and she was standing outside of a large wrought iron gate, tall and spiked. In the distance an imposing mansion stood gleaming against the mid-afternoon light. Tall and gleaming white it put the Malfoy estate to shame.

It sat at the end of a hard packed earthen road. The building itself was buttressed on the sides by a deep evergreen forest. Tall oaks and pines stood sentinel amidst shrubs and saplings licking at their heels. The front promenade that led to the entrance was walled in by pear trees, magically enhanced to bear fruit throughout the year. A sparkling fountain stood front and center before gleaming white steps that led into the manor proper. On either side tall columns of marble rose from the first step to support the overhang of the roof.

“Welcome to the Chateau de Mort,” Bellatrix commented dryly as Hermione soaked the view in. “Seat of the Noble and most Ancient House of Black.” As she finished Bellatrix waved her arm in an exaggerated fashion towards the manor.

Hermione couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her at Bellatrix's antics.

“Less than a year and I'll be free of this hellhole. And off to another.”

Hermione observed a dark look that gathered on the witch’s features before she shook it off and offered her arm to Hermione.

“We've dallied enough, best not to keep the Lord waiting. Shall we? ”

With a split-second of hesitation Hermione took hold of the proffered arm and walked with Bellatrix along the winding drive to the manor proper. She could almost convince herself it would be a lovely place to live in, if it wasn't for the heavy presence of Dark magic that lay upon them like summer humidity. No bugs or birds sang with the exception of the ravens flying to and from a corner window of the manor and the further they walked the heaviness increased. How Bellatrix and her sisters could have managed to live here for any length of time was beyond her. Calling the atmosphere oppressive would have been an understatement.

As they reached the front door, ancient looking and massive, they swung upon on their own accord and a diminutive house elf apparated into appearance just beyond the threshold.

“Mistress Bellatrix, the Lord is most displeased. He requests your presence in the back gardens.” The small creature was dressed in what Hermione thought might have once been a potato sack, though it was so old and threadbare it barely covered it. The poor thing was trembling in fright and Hermione couldn't help but feel her heart go out to the poor elf.

“Thank you Naya, please inform Lord Voldemort that we'll be right there, and offer him our apologies.”

The elf began elaborately bowing as it shuffled backwards before mumbling a quick “Yes Mistress” and disapparating.

If Bella noticed the stiffness that Hermione moved with she didn't comment on it. Or maybe she just mistook it for nervousness at meeting someone so narcissistic and we'll bred enough to adopt the title of Lord.

On their way to the back of the manor Hermione took quick but stilted looks around the area. Two winding staircases on either side of the entrance hall wrapped up against the left and right walls to meet at a landing that built the mezzanine for the first floor. The ground floor entrance was otherwise undecorated, hardwood floors and unblemished white paint with a black and gold trim. A double door beneath the stairway landing was opened out to a magnificent parlor room that was larger than the ground floor of Hermione's own home.

Hermione was no stranger to the comforts of a wealthy life, having two dentists as parent’s had ensured that. But still the opulence within view was staggering.

High backed armchairs and plush couches sat ringed around ornate tables that held empty crystal glasses and tumblers. A row of mid height bookshelves lined the walls and held various trinkets and liquors in ornately carved decanters. A single large fireplace held dominance of the right side wall, above which the mantel held a large slate gray broadsword supported on iron hooks. Stuffed heads from a multitude of magical and mundane creatures lined the walls. Rare, endangered, and extinct creatures were all on morbid display.

The only oddity that she'd noticed right off was the lack of portraits or paintings of any kind. Both this parlor and the entrance hall held no pictures, no family portraits. Nothing.

Before she could delve into questioning that discrepancy they reached a pair of glass doors that led to a veranda that wrapped around the backside of the manor. A tall man in a slim black robe was standing beyond the doors, leaning against the short railing that fenced the raised area in.

Almost immediately she could feel something scrabbling around the outside of her mind, seeking entrance. The brazen attempt at reading her with legilimency was more aggravating than terrifying.

The hell does he think he is?’

As they stepped towards him after passing through the doorway he turned around. Hermione's eyes widened in shock, though she schooled her features as soon as she could. He looked normal. Almost.

The pre-death Voldemort stood tall and thin. A gaunt and sickly pallor lent an ethereal look to his complexion. His hair shined with oil, slicked back flat against his pate. His cheeks were sunken in and his nose hooked forward to lend definition to a crooked sneer. His eyes were small and black, his pupils ringed in by bloodshot capillaries. She felt a shiver as they bored into her.

When they came within a few feet of him Bellatrix halted and performed a low curtsy that Hermione had trouble replicating in her haste.

“My lord, apologies for our tardiness. We were delayed in setting out.” Bellatrix kept her eyes firmly forward on Voldemort’s chest as she spoke in a subdued and deferential tone.

“No matter,” he spoke before running his eyes up and down Hermione. “Now that you’re both here, let’s begin.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 051d4d130a61e4f27aac21c9e789ea7a97349d89 ) [52] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 13. Book 1: A Leap of Faith [timestamp] => 1555106400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 13: Book 1: A Leap of Faith


Parseltongue is :bolded:

Chapter Text

The evening of the first Saturday of October found Hermione seated alone on the bank of the Black Lake. The first true hints of winter winds drifted out across the lake. Seated upon a large craggy outcropping Hermione drifted her bare feet back and forth through the cold water. Whatever warmth the stone she was sat upon had absorbed throughout the sunny day had disappeared by the time she’d arrived. As she sat still a deep cold began to seep up through her body, sending her muscles to shiver.

It amazed her somewhat, how different the world was before Voldemort’s first rise. Even in the microcosm of Hogwarts she could see the difference all over. Six and Seventh year students had a late curfew at 11pm and were otherwise allowed to wander the castle grounds and Hogsmeade freely. Third years and up could visit Hogsmeade whenever necessary, so long as they returned by the dinner hour. Children didn't walk the corridors in fear of the other houses and professors didn't talk of Dark Lords in hushed tones and frightened whispers. Grindelwald was but a distant memory of an unpleasant time and Voldemort had yet to declare his intent to control the wizarding world.

Everything else felt constant. Fashions were different but of a similar enough variety that she could recognize their eventual forms. Buildings and shops were helmed by many of the same proprietors as in her own time. Witches and Wizards lived longer than Muggles and for the majority she’d interacted with since arriving it appeared that those she didn’t recognize were those who had died in the war. Magical creatures and half-breeds were still treated disdainfully and muggleborn students were still entering a world that seemed ambivalent to their talents, if not downright hostile. On the whole it all felt stale . She knew how advanced the muggle world had gotten in a thirty year time span and it seemed the wizarding world had only moved five.

And so she sat, alone, next to an expansive forest filled with creatures that would rather see her dead rather than offer her safe passage, and a lake so deep it held countless lost mysteries. And a squid. One mustn’t forget the squid. She passed her time on thought exercises, working through the issues of the wizarding world that stemmed from the stagnation between here and her past. If she was stuck here she would at least be in a position to make changes. She could only hope it would one day be enough.

The days passing between Bellatrix first teaching her parseltongue and now had been well spent, all things considered. She’d had no more news from Mr. Bode, and he had yet to respond to any of the multitude of letters she’d sent him. A part of her couldn’t help but wonder if their correspondence was being intercepted, but she’d only be able to prove or disprove it at their next meeting. And until Dumbledore let her know about it she’d no idea when that might be.

She was on more than generous terms with the Black trio, Narcissa especially after their impromptu talk in the common-room. The little witch would come to her for help on her assignments or just simple small talk and Hermione had found herself enjoying their meetings. The witch was fast becoming the sister she'd never had. Narcissa was smart beyond her years but sought to keep it well hidden. Instead of being a know-it-all she kept her intelligence in the background, exceeding in her school work but never flouting her successes or pitching in to hound other students into improving themselves. That it served to reduce others expectations of her seemed to be a likely reason for her behavior. The girl was cunning, even at twelve. Every now and then, during evenings, she would catch Malfoy (she couldn’t yet bring herself to call or think of him as the Lucius she knew) sitting with her on a couch or propped against a wall or alcove to a window as they talked in hushed whispers or passed books and notes back and forth. She hadn't gotten much of an impression from him yet other than he was studious, quiet, and nearly ever present. The boy would appear out of the woodwork whenever more than two people congregated.

Andy remained friendly but sought out the company of other houses more often than not and seemed to limit herself to only Hermione and her sisters as Slytherin company. Hermione had caught her and the boy she assumed to be Ted Tonks a handful of times hidden throughout corridors and behind bookcases in the library. Each time she’d merely passed by, wanting to leave the couple alone. She wasn’t sure when that situation would shatter the trio’s familial bonds and was in no mood to hasten it.

Her time spent with Bellatrix was proving to be her favorite. On the evenings that Bellatrix was free from her tutoring sessions the duo would spend hours together in the Room of Requirement, working through legilimency and occlumency until they grew bored or tired of the mental strain. In between moments they would talk of their interests and wishes for the future, Bella pointedly refraining from mentioning her impending marriage, and Hermione abstaining from talking about her past. After that they would spend time mastering parseltongue, speaking only in those ethereal hisses and reading up on what little literature about the language existed. It was thrilling to finally have a friend in someone with the same intellectual voraciousness that she valued in herself.

Bellatrix was a broad reader and sought knowledge at every turn. Though her intentions with the information she learned were geared towards advancing or protecting herself above all else Hermione still found herself impressed. Bellatrix had no desire to learn anything just for knowledge's sake, but sought instead to amass a sense of power and autonomy. Over the past few weeks Hermione had gotten the distinct sense that Bellatrix felt she lacked any form of it. She railed against pure blooded marriage rituals and marital submissiveness while on the next sentence speaking of muggleborns and half-bloods as if they were an different species. She would cry out against the injustices of witches discoveries and female authored spells being attributed to husbands or male relatives and in the next breath say that magical creatures held no worth in society. The distilled anger of blood supremacy was clearly visible within Bellatrix, but she’d yet to take on the truly ardent fanaticism that Voldemort inspired.  It was the one thing Hermione held onto and wanted to change. If her sister could escape that toxic mindset, so too could Bellatrix.

She’d managed a few glimpses into Bellatrix’s mind throughout their training with legilimency and what she’d seen had horrified her. Beyond the brutal physicality that Cygnus delt his children, she’d also seen how Bellatrix had been indoctrinated into a belief of pure-blood supremacy since childhood. The young woman was hounded on all sides by her parents and older relatives with no real respite. She could tell though that Bellatrix was hiding particular memories as much as she could, and Hermione had respectfully left those alone no matter how much her rather inquisitive nature implored her to uncover them. She’d consider herself quite the hypocrite if she forced through Bella’s comparatively few blocks while she herself hid everything that had happened prior to the beginning of August, and multiple pieces throughout that time.

Rodolphus had backed off and in a strange twist Rabastan had sought her out for specific help in potions and transfiguration. The boy was in his Fifth year and looked wildly different from his brother. Where Rodolphus was tall and muscular, Rabastan was short and wiry. His tanned skin and sleek muscles attested to an athleticism that his brother lacked. He was soft-spoken and somewhat kind-hearted so long as matters of his brother were not the concerning topic. Where he was though, Rabastan would work himself into a fervor to champion his brother. It left Hermione slightly disconcerted at the viciousness he displayed in his support, but she was grateful enough that she didn’t have to worry about both the Lestrange brothers at once.

Molly and her twin brothers were another matter entirely. Once they’d realized she’d made up in some form with Bellatrix they’d resumed watching from afar while giving her stubborn and angry looks. Molly took great pains to force herself into shouldering roughly against Hermione whenever they passed in the halls. The twins were more respectful, though no less annoying. The few pranks that they played on her felt likely be attributed to the duo. Where Molly was direct and physical her brothers were devious and patient. Whether it was the association, or perceived reversal on her stance with Bellatrix, she wasn’t sure. So long as they left her mostly alone and refrained from truly harming either her or the Black trio she would keep their fragile peace. She'd already received worse torment from the Slytherin students in her time and was unwilling to repeat it here.

The past week she’d spent with Bellatrix had been focused on working around the limitations of their occlumency. She knew from experience that though she could keep her blocks up indefinitely while awake or asleep, they would crumble as soon as she was unconscious. She remained worried at not knowing exactly what Dumbledore had gleaned from her mind and was determined to never let herself be that vulnerable again.

Once she’d let Bellatrix know that their protections could fall they had set to work on how to counter it. Their most promising theory so far relied on the use of permanent rune marks etched onto their bodies that would act to keep the magic fueled during any bouts of unconsciousness. Bellatrix's proficiency with runework found them ways to that kept the protection up without concentration while still allowing them the ability to drop the blocks on command. Hermione was loath to get what was effectively a tattoo but when Bellatrix had pointed out that any other options could be removed from their persons or shut off without their permission she’d been won over. Now it was only a matter of designing the final runes and determining a method for applying them.

Across the lake a mournful howl rose up from deep within the forest. Shaken from her inner reverie she cast a simple warming charm to dispel the chills racing up and down her spine. If she closed her eyes and cocked her head to really listen in she could almost hear the pain accompanying the howl.

Bellatrix was late, again. That was twice now that she'd been held back from her 'tutoring'. And it had been her idea in the first place to meet outside in the cold, away from prying eyes. Now it seemed she would have to return inside and hope her scar would alert her to the witch’s arrival. Shaking her head and scoffing Hermione turned her face up towards the sky. A brilliant full moon would peak intermittently out from behind cloud cover while stars twinkled like jewels against the inky sky.

The distant crack of apparition caught her attention as the wind shifted down from Hogwarts and towards her secluded spot.

About time.’

As she waited for the witch to join her she scanned the far side of the lake and the top of the hill that hid the entrance to Hogwarts from her eyes. Against the dark blue-black ink of the sky she watched as something raced up from the ground. The silhouette blocked out the stars behind it and churned about itself before rocketing off towards her as a stream of black smoke was left in its wake.

Her eyes widened as fear overtook her. She’d recognize that modified form of apparition anywhere. A Death Eater was headed towards her at a frightening pace.


There weren’t supposed to be open hostilities for another two years. Voldemort hadn't even crowned himself a Dark Lord yet. She knew that. It was one of the few things she was readying herself for in this new world. But how did they find her? She was a nothing, a nobody here. She ran her fingers through her short hair and willed her body into movement. Standing up on the rock she dropped her wand into her hand from its holster and assumed a dueling stance.

She never even got the chance to fight back.

As she stood shivering her body locked up again and the scar on her arm screamed out in pain and heat. Her wand dropped loosely from her fingers as her now freed hand shot out to grasp her forearm. In the time it took her to drop her wand and grab her arm the black swirling mass of a Death Eater had reached her. Billowing around her body the smoke churned and whipped at her like a concentrated cyclone. No light penetrated the darkness surrounding her, but she could still catch glimpses of pale skin and wide eyes amidst the turmoil.

A sharp laugh started up all around her as she was forced to brace her stance. The sound continued rising into a crescendo until it devolved into a mad cackle. The pain in her arm bloomed again as air was sucked from her lungs and a pale hand shot out from the swirling mass to grab at her arms and clothes. As the last bit of air left her lungs the mist evaporated, leaving behind a pale figure in skirts and lace. The hair was still unkempt. The corset still laced tightly.

The mad face of Bellatrix Lestrange peered back at her, mouth twisted in a wild grin filled with rotten teeth. Her eyes were bloodshot and desperate with madness.

“What else did you take,” the hoarse voice of the madwoman leaked out. “What else did you take!? ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!!

At the spells' utterance Hermione’s body gave in to the pain of the curse. Falling forward her knees took the brunt of the fall as her balance inverted and her ears popped, Lestrange still cackling madly all around her.


“Em’? Emelia!”

A sharp voice tinged in fear pierced the darkness covering her mind.

As feeling returned to her body she shot forward off her back, into a seated position, shivering and taking enormous gulps of air. The young face of Lestrange, ‘Bella it’s just Bella’ , shot away from her in shock. She reached over and clasped her scarred forearm, waiting for the intense pain to build again. After a few seconds of waiting and controlling her breathing she realized no pain was coming. Her arm was emitting the warmth she’d come to associate with Bella. Deep pulses of soothing heat shot from the scar into the surrounding tissue and pulsed in time with her heartbeat.

Bellatrix seemed to have regained her courage and was slowly crawling towards her on her hands and knees, eyes glued to Hermione’s forearm and a hand raised out in a calming gesture.

“Emelia, Em', you okay?” Bellatrix reached her and placed her hand over Hermione’s own in a tender gesture. As the wind ate up her words Hermione realized how scared Bellatrix sounded.

“I’m fine,” she gaped out in response, “I’m fine. Just… Just a nightmare. I’m okay now.”

You’re not good at all Muddy, not one bit…’

Hermione grit her teeth and willed the angry stowaway in her mind to disappear.

The eyes of the witch in front of her betrayed that the witch didn’t fully believe her, but she seemed unready to push the matter.

“Okay,” Bellatrix replied as she sat backwards, releasing her hand and bringing her legs to cross together underneath her. “You were mumbling up here, asleep. When I touched you, you started screaming bloody murder. Sounded like a fucking banshee.”

Hermione’s head tilted down and her eyes stayed put on the clasped forearm resting in her lap. Pulling in a shuddering breath she lifted her head and stared up at the sky.

“I’m fine Bella, it was just a nightmare. When did you get here?” She brought her gaze back down and stared at the witch with soft eyes.

“A few minutes ago, I got released late by my tutor. He had some questions for me to go over before leaving. Sorry about that. I thought I'd make it up to you though, if you'd like.”

Hermione peered at the witch inquisitively, “How so?”

As she finished her question Bellatrix simply looked up into the night sky and Hermione followed her gaze. Peering out behind clouds was the same moon she’d been looking at earlier, and in her dream. Full and shining it reflected its light back down on them in silver rays. Bellatrix dropped her gaze back down to Hermione while simultaneously reaching into a satchel sitting on the rock beside her. After a second or two she brought her hand back out. Clutched within it was a glass container with a metal lid. Inside the container were multiple thin green-brown leaves of a similar size. As Hermione’s eyes went from the container and back to Bellatrix, the witch in question smirked gently and cocked her head to the side.

“You in?”

The nightmare and time spent waiting on Bella to arrive passed out of the witch’s psyche. Her eyes squinted conspiratorially and she smirked back at Bellatrix.

We're really doing this. I'm really doing this.’

Pushing thoughts of any possible negative repercussions from her mind she steadied herself.

“Yes,” her voice was stern but dripping with anticipation. “But you still haven't told me what you want in return. You did say this was a trade after all.”

Bella’s grin widened further as Hermione agreed. She began to rock back and forth in her seated position, barely holding back the excitement racing through her body. Unclasping the container she pulled two leaves from it before closing and placing it back in her satchel.

She held the leaves out perpendicular to each other with her fingers and locked eyes with Hermione.

“I’ll let you know your half of the trade soon. But if you take this,” she waved the leaves back and forth, “You agree to it no matter what. Is that acceptable?”

Thoughts of what Bella could ask for ran through her mind at a breakneck pace before she finally stilled them all and focused on the present. She’d do what Bella asked for, it was worth this.


“Good!” Bellatrix sat up straight and placed her free hand onto her knee. “For now, I just want you to listen to me. Okay?”

Hermione nodded her acceptance to the terms, some of Bellatrix’s infectious energy leeching over into her own movements.

Bellatrix sat forward and shuffled closer to Hermione, leaving her seated position and resting on her knees, body leaning forward and supported by her free hand.

“Now, we can’t use magic to keep these in our mouths, so be careful, got it? I have some more leaves in case we screw up but I don’t have an unlimited supply. And Professor Bract is sure to notice if I steal from his stores.”

Her warning stated, she raised the leaves to her mouth and sat one underneath her tongue, closing and rolling her jaw to keep it secure. Once it was situated she moved forward slowly to sit on Hermione’s lap, drawing her legs up to straddle the short haired witch. Hermione let out an indignant little squeak at the surprise closeness while Bella trapped her legs together with her thighs and squeezed.

Hermione let her body lean backward, splaying her arms out behind herself to keep from falling. The dark haired witch in her lap brought her free hand up to Hermione’s face, fingers tucked up under her chin and thumb planted securely on her lips, rubbing the warm skin gently.

:Open. :

To Bellatrix’s own amusement Hermione opened her mouth immediately after the request and pinned her down with her eyes. Hermione’s heart was racing in time with a familiar warmth settling down into her abdomen. The scar on her arm throbbed soothingly along with her pulse. As she lifted her tongue Bella reached forward and placed the leaf securely against the bottom of her mouth, index finger pointedly tapping at the tip of her tongue before she withdrew her fingers.

:Good? : Bella hissed out, looking for any sign of discomfort in the witch beneath her.

Hermione’s only reply was a quick nod of her head and a lascivious grin.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 5d23c467a062254e56b4fab3febefc7e97fd11d3 ) [53] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 12. Book 1: Fast Learner [timestamp] => 1554847200 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 12: Book 1: Fast Learner


Short, mostly dialogue chapter. I have an overall plot outlined now, so expect chapters at a steady rate. Consider this setup for future chapters, time skips coming soon. Sorry for the butchered latin, I'm no scholar and google translate only helps so much.
Parseltongue will be ::bolded::

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I have to read all of this?”


“I can’t. I’ll die.”

Hermione couldn't take it. This witch was supposed to become the most feared Death Eater of all time. And she was whining. About reading.

“No you won’t. It’s not even a lot.”

“Yes it is. Do you really hate me this much? Is this your plan? Death by paper-cut? Andy will avenge me. You'll be hounded into oblivion.”

“Argh,” Hermione grumbled out. “Are you trying to annoy me into canceling our arrangement?”

“No. Guess not. Teaching you parseltongue will be fun. I'll be a great teacher. Unlike you. You’re not a good teacher.”

“I haven’t even started teaching you yet!”

“And yet you’re giving me homework. Tsk Tsk. I think your lesson plan needs a rework.”

Exasperated to the point of near fuming, Hermione attempted to rein in her temper.

One, two, three, don't hex her, one, two, three…’

Grabbing the books from her hands she stood up from the bed and dropped them back onto the vanity. Turning around she glared the dark haired witch down with an icy stare.

“What would you suggest then?”

Bellatrix’s eyebrow shot up at the suggestion before she turned to observe the never changing view out into the Black Lake.

“Tell me how you do it,” she turned back, a genuine look of interest on her face. “Tell me what you do to keep people out. I don’t want the books, I want to try your methods. Besides, I’ve already read those books. And given my current state, they haven’t helped a bit.”

A frown graced Hermione’s lips at that. She hadn’t been aware the witch had tried on her own already, she’d just assumed Bellatrix knew nothing about the subject and had started her the same way she’d initially learned. It was… arrogant, she realized. She hadn't bothered to ask anything about her knowledge of the subject. Relaxing her posture she leaned back against the wall next to the vanity and sucked in air. Arrogance just wouldn't do.

“Well, if you're familiar on the theory we can run a refresher and I'll go through my variant. There’s a few ways counter legilimens but the most effective are built from three main avenues. One,” she ticked off a finger, “Empty your mind and make it so no one can see anything. Your emotions have to be under absolute control. You’re basically ceding the ability to feel in favor of calm, blank, openness. Personally it’s the hardest one for me.”

“Second,” she ticked off another finger, “Make a wall to keep them away from your mind, like a physical barrier in your mindscape that's high enough to ensure no one could scale it or see over. Or something like a fortification to hide your memories in. It’s a strong method but there are ways around it, and every memory or thought is still in some way available if your defenses are breached.

“Third,” she ticked off a final finger, “Redirection. Split apart or mix and muddle your mind to where no one can piece any of it together. One bit of a memory leads into another, into another, ad infinitum, always keeping what you want to hide unconnected or so pulled apart that it’s unrecognizable. Fabricating memories or hiding them with others of a similar emotional state falls under that. I mainly use a mix of the second and third methods. The easiest way to describe it is a castle made of mirrors. There might be a door or it might be a reflection. No way to know without checking them all, and there's infinite reflections.”

When she finished her explanation she waited for Bellatrix to say something. Anything. Instead, the witch was just staring at her with an inscrutable expression etched into her face.



‘She’s not comatose. Thank Merlin .’

“Do you want to try any of the methods in particular?”

“I should have brought a quill. And parchment. I can’t remember a bloody thing you said.”

Oh gods.’


The afternoon had continued well enough from there as Hermione described the individual styles in more depth and the blending that could be used to more effectively hide things. Bellatrix adopted a rather attentive mood and seemed more invested. They hadn’t gone far but by the end of their study session she’d gotten Bellatrix to agree to making an honest attempt at meditation and a promise to reread the texts she’d tried giving her earlier.

After they’d exhausted all training both witches had ended up sitting side by side against Hermione’s headboard in a companionable silence. Hermione’s hand moved back and forth as she gently massaged her scarred forearm at intervals, trying to work the warmth rolling off her scar into the muscle beneath it. Despite the objectively poor start to her day it had ended well. She’d gained some trust with Narcissa and by all accounts Bellatrix was committed to keeping friendly relations with her.

She’s nothing like Lestrange. Yet…’

She couldn’t deny that it would be an interesting mystery to uncover. Was it all to do with Voldemort? Had his influence really shaped her that much? The unhappy union with Rodolphus? Or was it the loss of Andy? It wouldn’t take a half-kneazle a minute to see the strength and camaraderie the two near-twins shared.

She remained carefully ensconced in her reverie until a thin hand was laid upon her clenching fist. Turning to look at Bellatrix she relaxed her grip and released her forearm.

Merlin’s beard her hand is warm.’

“What’s up?”

The witch’s hand left her own and she tried to pretend the lost of contact didn’t sting.

“You get lost in your head easy, don’t you?”

“I,” Hermione’s face and throat tinged at an unexpected blush, “Yeah… I guess. It’s a habit I suppose.”

“Well as much as I love sitting in silence while staring at nothing, I can do that in my own bed. So let’s talk.”

“Okay. About…?”

The witch beside her brought her knees-up and hugged them to her chest.

“Why do you have a prefect’s single?”

“No female Slytherin prefects this year, and I got here early. Slughorn didn’t mind.”

“Why’d you get here early?”

“Family issues.”

“Like…?” Bellatrix asked, letting her head loll to the side to look up at Hermione.

“Rather not talk about it if that’s alright.”

Bellatrix squinted her eyes and looked ready to press the question before turning away again and letting out a sigh.

“Favorite animal?”

“Otter. You?”

Bellatrix eyed her again with a warm smile on her face.

“Ravens. Like Harmonia.”

Fitting,’ she thought. ‘ Guess that explains the pendant.’

“Would you want to be an animagus?”

The question caught her off guard, and she took a minute to think it over.

“It would be, I mean… I'd like to but the hassle isn't worth it.”

Bellatrix took the moment after her reply to stretch out on the bed and prop herself up on her elbow.

“Well why not do it as unregistered?”

“Because,” she sputtered, “It's illegal. You could get thrown in Azkaban. And not to mention getting ahold of the ingredients for the potion. And what if it went wrong? You'd be a half animal freak for the rest of your life.”

Bellatrix stared at her with a bemused smile on her face while Hermione listed her reasons.

“You're looking at it too critically. Any git who gets an O in Transfiguration should be able to do it. It's not that dangerous as long as you follow the instructions.”

“But it is illegal,” she replied as sternly as she could. Truth be told she was interested in it. Just not interested in the time investment, privacy loss and possible complications.

“Only if you get caught,” Bellatrix stated plainly.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bellatrix and crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

“Okay, so even if we had a way around getting caught there's still the ingredients to think of. I don't even know how much it'd all cost, and finding unspoiled dew would be a nightmare in preparation.”

“We, huh?” Bella's eyebrow quirked up in amusement.” Well, since it's we now, I guess we can have another trade. So long as you swear to not speak a word of this to anyone besides Andy or myself.“

“What's Andy have to do with this?”

Bellatrix sat up on the bed and leaned into Hermione, dropping her voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

“Vow to not talk about this to another soul besides Andy and I, then I'll tell you.”

Hermione gave her a once over, wondering if this was in some way or form a trick intended to catch her out for… Something.

‘Gryffindor courage, right?’

She placed her right hand forward, palm up, and waited for Bellatrix to grasp her arm. When she did she gripped down and steeled her gaze.

“I, Emelia Grenier, vow to not speak of this with anyone besides Andromeda Black and yourself.”

With a knowing smile Bellatrix released their linked hands after a warm sensation flowed between the two of them at the contact point.

“Good. Not as good as an Unbreakable, but I'll know if you tell anyone. And with your head so locked up I doubt anyone'll read it off you.” Leaning back against the headboard but still leaning into Hermione, she began. “Andy got me some ingredients for the potion before we returned this year. She got me enough extra that we could both do it. Though I think she just thought I’d fail it a few times first.”

“Andy approves of this?” Hermione interrupted.

“Yep,” the witch replied, popping the ‘P’.” She's known I wanted to do this for awhile now. But she's not interested enough to do it herself.”

The thought was intriguing. Cut through the meters thick red tape. Apply her knowledge. Hide it all from teachers.

“I'm in. One last question. Why me?”

“Like I said, she got me extra. And odd as it sounds coming from me, I think we'd be good friends. It doesn't hurt that we're neck n’ neck in Transfig. And to be honest it would be safer to do this with someone else. I’m not saying that the danger is as bad as we're told, but, yeah. That’s why.”


The following week and a half was a relaxing change of pace. No one besides Rodolphus seemed to be actively pitting themselves against her and the monotony of classwork was easy to sink back into. Her afternoons were consumed with helping Bellatrix master Occlumency, ensconced safely in the Room of Requirement. Though her own Legilimency skills were subpar at best she still took pains to test Bellatrix as much as possible. The time and practice allowed both witches to improve significantly in occlumency and legilimency as the days progressed.

Outside of the room she’d attempt to breach her defenses while in classes or eating meals, looking for any and every opportunity to put her new student to the test. The results were surprising. By the end of the week and a half Hermione was completely unable to breach Bellatrix’s walls, regardless of her own increase in legilimency. After some time Bellatrix had finally decided to model her defense after Hermione’s own. A funhouse in the shape of a mansion, tall and imposing, constructed of mirrored thoughts and emotions that drew her in and held her lost, unable to look for anything substantial.

Checking that the coast was clear Hermione entered the seventh floor hallway and silently made her way to the entrance for the Room of Requirement. Focusing on her need she opened the door and walked into the perfect study room.

Tall bookshelves lined the walls flanking her, mahogany and multi tiered they held hundreds of books. It had only taken a little specificity and the contents were now made up of legilimency, occlumency, and other mental magic related works. Two shelves had been devoted to varied language dictionaries, parseltongue, and xenoglossia. A final shelf was filled with information on Animagus related topics from theory to application. Hermione loved it. The rest of the room was furnished according to Bellatrix’s wishes, a single large worn leather couch with an accompanying ottoman and a fireplace taking up nearly three quarters of the far wall. The walls were a rich burgundy color that was devoid of ornamentation.

Dropping her bag she reached the shelf on Xenoglossia and brought out one she’d been reading yesterday. Settling into the far end of the couch her bookmark floated out as she continued on from her last place.

It wasn’t long before Bellatrix flung open the door. Hurrying over to the couch she dropped a large leather satchel onto it and hopped over the back, landing in a heap next to Hermione. Blowing errant curls from her face she looked up at her and grinned.

“You’re unusually chipper today,” Hermione noted.


Hermione snatched her bookmark from the air in front of her and placed it between pages.

“Any particular reason why?” Hermione questioned, a smile gracing her features at the dark haired witch’s enthusiasm. Bellatrix nodded vigorously, wild black curls flying around her head. “Are you going to tell me the reason or…?”

With an exaggerated sigh Bellatrix stilled and brought her satchel to her lap. Reaching inside she brought out a thin phial that was no taller than her pinky fingers length. Inside was a swirling liquid, deep green with flecks of silver sparkling into and out of existence. The top was shut with a dark black cork and sealed with a wax ring along the edges.

“Is that what I think it is?” She asked.

“Yes!” Bellatrix nearly screamed at the top of her lungs. “I got it two days early! Turns out repeatedly threatening someone when you know they’re futzing about can lead to them magically finding the last ingredient. Lucky me, eh?”

While Hermione wasn’t thrilled with the manner in which Bellatrix had gotten the potion finished she was excited that it was finally here.

“Lucky us you mean. So, what do we do?”

Bellatrix hopped off the couch, a small oval coffee table popping into appearance in front of the fireplace. She dropped her satchel down heavily on the surface and pulled her wand from its holster on her wrist.

“Honestly not much Em’. You down this here little potion, I say some magic words, and then we practice speaking to one another. It shouldn’t take long! Least it didn’t for me. We’ll just have to see how you do.”

Indignant at the veiled bragging, Hermione leaned back into the couch and narrowed her eyes at the witch.

“If it only took you a short while, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it in half the time.”

Smirking at Hermione the dark witch passed the potion over after breaking the seal.

“Bottoms up,” Hermione whispered, downing the potion immediately after in one gulp. It had a smooth taste that hinted at something  tangy like a fruit but masked by a delightfully earthy aftertaste. Once she’d finished and stoppered the phial Bellatrix placed her wands tip at Hermione’s temple, a look of concentration etched into her face.

Ad Serpentes Dedit Lingua

The words came out almost as a single breath, flitting one right into the other. Hermione felt a warmth settle through her temple. It was almost a headache but filled with warmth instead of pain. The feeling took a minute to settle and Hermione looked up at Bellatrix as the witch placed her wand back and sat down. After a minute of silence between them Hermione became restless.

“Well? How do we know it worked?”

“I’ll try talking to you, let me know if you understand any of it.”

Hermione shifted on the couch to face Bellatrix as the witch began murmuring in a soft hissing tone. She could almost make out syllables in the sound, becoming stronger as Bellatrix continued. After a half hour of the continued hissing Hermione could catch the bare hint of true words. Pulling her legs up on the couch she pulled them cross-legged and propped her chin in her hands to allow her elbows to rest on her knees. Concentration overtook her features as her ears settled into the sounds.

::You definitely…. In the amount…. Me::

“I heard you!” She shouted, throwing up her arms in triumph as Bellatrix jumped back with a flinch.

::So you can… me now?:: Bellatrix mouthed slowly, recovering from her shock. She was smiling as she spoke, clearly pleased her potion and spell had worked appropriately.

“I can mostly understand you. Some parts still come through as more of a ‘hiss’ than anything, but I almost fully understood that last sentence.” She replied, leaning back against the arm of the couch. “How do I speak it? Is it just like ::talking normally?::”

This time it was Bellatrix’s turn to yell excitedly, understanding the last bit of Hermione’s reply.




Hope you enjoyed

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => a3d57678673f7492914fc814d66cd4da71b49f8c ) [54] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 11. Book 1: Up and Down [timestamp] => 1554588000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 11: Book 1: Up and Down

Chapter Text

Being summoned to the Headmaster’s office wasn’t unusual. She’d been summoned there enough times in her original timeline and being thrust back had only warranted even more visits. If she was charitable with herself she’d even say she was quite used to it by now. Secret meetings. Worried tones. The damned gargoyle. Those gentle eyes that held just the hint of something more.

But this time was different. No owl, no summons through a professor. Just a house elf, popping into existence on a Tuesday morning after her first lesson, and popping out without so much as a word and Hermione flung along for the ride. Whatever necessitated the urgent transport was unknown.

“Ah, Ms. Grenier. Apologies for the rush, but we had no time to waste,” Dumbledore spoke from behind his desk. As her eyes adjusted to the shift in light she took the room in. It would be gracious to call disorderly. A more fitting but rude description would have been a mess. Stacks of parchments littered his desk and all other available seating. Scrolls stacked in rough pyramids were bookended by tomes and half-gone candles. A flurry of candy wrapping papers littered the tiny undersized wastebasket he kept on the floor, spilling out into an ungainly pile.

The man himself looked remarkably well suited to the chaos. Bushy beard and hair a mess of tangles and split ends. Eyes ringed and pouchy with an obvious lack of sleep. Even his voice had been off. It carried the weight someone who hadn’t slept properly in weeks, quiet and cracking at every word.

“Hello Headmaster. You wanted to see me?” she ventured.

“Yes, yes. I hope you haven’t forgotten our last talk. In the interim I’ve continued looking for avenues to replace you to your timeline,” he said as he pushed up from his desk, arms clearly shaking from the effort to stand. “I would truly like to apologize for the rush but my contact here only has limited time for us.”

When he finished he pointed an upturned hand towards the far wall of bookshelves. Before her eyes a disillusionment charm was removed and a person took shape.

He was… Unremarkable, she finally decided on. Only a few inches taller than her and built in a way that suggested almost nothing. His face was young, maybe only a few years older than her, and lightly tanned, skin smooth and unblemished. No mustache, short cropped brown hair, brown eyes. If anything his dress was the only discrepancy that one could pinpoint as standing out. He filled out a mute gray muggle business suit with a black tie and polished black shoes.

“Ms. Granger,” he spoke, his voice calm and smooth, “I’m Broderick Bode, Unspeakable for the Department of Mysteries.”

“Mr. Bode,” Dumbledore broke in, “Has been assisting us since you first arrived. And you needn’t worry, the Ministry at large is unaware of the services he’s rendering us. We’ve made an Unbreakable Vow to not discuss the particulars of your case with anyone not in this room. He’s been immensely helpful.”

That’s comforting. I guess.’ Knowing she wouldn’t be poked and prodded like a common lab rat by the Ministry was reassuring. It was still rather worrisome with not knowing his reason for showing up here however.

“I suppose you have questions, but I need you to understand you’ll get few, if any, answers. I’m on a time limit right now, so I’m not sure I can get to them today. If you have any afterwards, feel free to write letters, Dumbledore has a secure way of contacting me.”

“Alright,” she replied before moving a stack of parchments from a chair with a flick of her wrist and sitting down.

“Now, Ms. Granger, you have to understand that your case is… special. You’re not like Eloise. The device that sent her back was wholly different from the one that sent you here.”

Wow. Such an incredible epiphany,’ the angry little voice whispered out from the back of her mind.

“We can replicate sending someone back but the journey would kill them. When Eloise was sent back it was only her extensive training that allowed her to live. You surviving however seems to have been a fluke provided by your version of the device. We’ve placed secure time-capsules with information regarding your case within the Department. They’re all time locked to the date you traveled from. No one can open them regardless of magical ability or physical force applied. However, no one has come back for you.”

Way to rub that in, yeah?’

“We can assume a few options here. One, no one from your own time period can travel back to safely retrieve you. Two, you’re being purposefully left here. It could be that the negatives of a retrieval would outweigh saving you. Given what we know about what occurred when Eloise was returned to her timeline, well, they may believe it safer to leave you. Third, they cannot retrieve you because the question we’re all presupposing is wrong. What if it’s not a question of when you traveled to, but where. We’ve been going about this assuming that your version of the time turner kept you on the same timeline. What if it branched? What if your arrival caused a split?”

She had to admit it was a shocking implication. That there was literally no hope of ever returning to her friends, her family. She’d thought she’d resigned herself when Dumbledore first told her of the trouble of returning her. But from a third party it held more weight. That it was an Unspeakable was even worse.

He must have noticed the dejected look on her because for once his neutral face was overwritten by sorrow conveyed through a minute frown. It was the most emotion he’d shown since she’d arrived.

“Now, like Albus and I have said, we can’t send you back to your time. But we can work on the problem by assuming case three. We’ll work to send you back to your where.

At that he headed towards the fireplace and turned back to them before reaching for some Floo powder.

“That’s all I can give you for now Ms. Granger. I’ll be in touch again as soon as I can.”

“Thank you,” she replied in a quiet voice while silent tears fell down her face.

After he left the room Fawkes flew down from his perch above the fireplace and landed on the arm of the chair she was in. Seeming to detect her distress he set about gently nudging his head onto her fingers and vocalizing lowly.

Dumbledore leaned back against the edge of his desk and clasped his hands together, the hint of a smirk turning up his lips.


The remainder of Hermione’s Tuesday fared similarly. A test in Arithmancy she suddenly felt unprepared for, unkind words spoken quietly but with intent for her to hear them from a table of Gryffindors in a particularly droll History of Magic lecture and murderous glances from Rodolphus throughout the halls.

She had to give it to him. The sheer amount of hatred lacing his body language was impressive. Any sight of him was liable to give her shivers, and he hadn’t even spoken a word.

It all culminated to leaving her feeling restless and emotionally off balance. End of the schoolday couldn’t come soon enough, and once they were released from their last lecture she was first out the door and headed straight for the dungeons. She’d gone there with the intent of locking herself away in her dorm and pretending the outside world didn’t exist. It could screw off for all she cared. Fate, however, wasn’t feeling generous that afternoon.


A young voice pulled her from her inattention as soon as she walked into the common room. Glancing against the far wall she caught sight of Narcissa tucked into a leather armchair, holding her wand in her lap and idly rolling it around her fingers. Wondering what the young witch wanted with her she headed over once their eyes met.

“Hey Narcissa,” she slung her bag off her shoulder to drop it at her feet and sat in the adjacent chair. “What’s up?”

The little girl was unusually emotive. Their general interactions so far had been so-so, with Narcissa either remaining aloof and distant or precocious and energetic when her sisters were around. Today she was sat up with her blonde hair pinned back, school uniforms ruffled and loose. Her eyes flitted back and forth nervously and she was wearing tiny black earrings in the shape of some corvid or another that moved and flapped its wings intermittently. It was probably the most expressive look she’d ever seen her wearing.

“I was wondering if you’d help me with something?”

Me? Help her? What universe is this? Oh, wait. Probably not the right one.’

Never once had she thought she’d willingly help a Death Eater or an accomplice to one. That they had yet to become those people was irrelevant. And yet here she sat. Ready to say yes.

“Sure. What can I do for you,” she leaned back and waited.

Narcissa took a deep breath and looked around to make sure they weren’t observed before throwing up a small silencing charm to keep prying ears away.

“So… You know about, like… Okay, so it’s, well, my question is,” she began, while Hermione tilted her head and squinted her eyes.

“Doyouknowabouthowtodealwithboysandlikewhentheylikeyou?” She spat out in a rush, Hermione’s eyes widening in surprise at the little she understood from the flustered twelve year old.

“Okay… So I caught part of that Narcissa. Can you slow down and ask again?”

“Do you know how to deal with boys? When they’re trying to court you? Stuff like that?”


That stopped her thoughts dead. Why in the world was Narcissa asking her of all people?

“Narcissa, first, can I ask why you’re coming to me instead of your sisters?”

The young girl looked away and trained her eyes on a spot on the floor in front of her while increasing the rate that she twirled the wand in her fingers.

“Because they are my sisters. I know, or at least I think I know, what they’d say. And they both haven’t dated here.”

I guess Andy hasn’t let them in on Ted yet.’

“And Bella’s already taken. I don’t feel like it would be good to ask them. But they consider you a good friend, and you’re a neutral third party. I don’t have many friends I can talk to about this stuff. Everyone walks on glass around me. Andy is overprotective of anyone that wants to get close and Bella just scares them all away.”

Hermione could see the thread of logic the young witch was on. It didn’t distract her from her statement that Andromeda and Bellatrix considered her a friend, but she shoved that to the back of her mind for later.

Do I know how to deal with that?’

Sure there had been Ron and Viktor, and a handful of guys and girls she’d ‘studied’ with throughout her six years at Hogwarts, but really deal with them? Viktor had swooped in, a vision of strength and perfectly chiseled masculinity. She’d mainly let herself be swept up by his presence, refusing to fight it and instead just following the alluring uniqueness of it all. And it had been a short term involvement. Something to wet a growing appetite. By the time they were done she was able to recognize that it was the novelty of the situation more than the individual she’d been attracted to.

The few other students she’d been with were explorations of herself and her appetite. A sampling to feel out what and who she found attractive. The knowledge she had gleaned off those encounters had been invaluable once she’d come to terms with how she skewed towards women but it hadn’t led to emotional realizations on how to deal with love. And that was all she’d been for them as well, exploratory missions and self-satisfaction.

Ron was.... Complicated. A relationship forged under seven years of constant adrenaline and death defying adventures. There had never been any real ‘courting’, just the forced bonding of being in the Trio. As soon as the constant fear that she wouldn’t wake up in the morning had worn off she’d realized it for what it was. Temporary comfort in what she’d come to think of as a temporary world. It’d fallen apart as soon as the last body was buried and the kiss wore off her lips.

“Well, do you like them back?”

“Yes, Lucius is perfect-” She halted when she realized she’d said his name out loud, eyes widening in fright as her voice dropped to a whisper. “Don’t tell Bella or Andy, please Em’, please don’t. They’ll push him away-”

Hermione held up her hand to still the worried witch.

“I won’t say anything.”

She chose Lucius? I thought it was arranged?’

“I really, really like him. He’s smart and funny and handsome and his hair is beautiful. Our kids would be blonde goddesses.”

Well, she wasn’t wrong about hair color…’

“Woah, hold up on the ‘kids’ part for now.”

Narcissa threw her a twelve year old’s version of a scathing glance.

“I know about sex , I’m not a little kid anymore.”

“Didn’t mean it like that Cissa,” Hermione replied while trying to placate the witch. “Just that you don’t need to worry about that now. If you like him, and he likes you, just… See where it goes. I don’t have much experience with actual courting myself. Never really got around to it back home.”

Narcissa relaxed back into her seat and stilled the wand in her fingers.

“So your advice is just see what happens?”

“Yes,” Hermione stood from the armchair and lifted her bag back up off the floor. “You’re both young. Just see where it goes and enjoy it. And you should really think about bringing it up to one of your sisters. Andy at least, I’m sure if you explained your side of it to her she’d be fine with it.”

“Alright,” the young with replied and smiled up at Hermione. “Thanks Em’.”

“Not a problem Cissa, I’ll see you later.”

With that Hermione set off towards her room, wondering at the oddities of her new life.


Knock Knock Knock

Hermione shifted on her bed.

Knock Knock Knock

“Go away,” she mumbled into her pillow.


“Open up Em’! Before I have to tear down the door!”

Gods, Bellatrix was loud. Enough to wake the dead. But the threat did serve its purpose. Rather than lose her door Hermione slipped off the top covers of her bed and shuffled to the door.


Before Bellatrix could complete bashing down the door she opened it, allowing the dark haired witch to fall forward into the room with her momentum. Throwing her hand out she deftly caught the falling witch and held her still until she could get her feet back under herself. Once she’d been righted she giggled under her breath at the sight of the flustered witch and headed back towards her bed. Plopping down she resumed her position on the bed and waited to see if Bellatrix would tell her what she was here for.

Instead of the answer she expected a weight settled onto the opposite side of the bed instead. Turning to look behind herself she caught Bellatrix’s gaze and frowned at her sudden quietude.

“What do you want Bellatrix?”

The witch sat back against the headboard and draped her feet off the bed before replying.

“Well, we did make an agreement yesterday. What better time to start?”

Agreement? Oh. Right.’

“Well, how do you propose we begin? We can start Occlumency training, but you’ll need to read up on it when we’re not training. It’s not something to learn overnight.”

“Watch me.” Bellatrix smirked as a response.

“Well… we’ll see. We can start that though. What about your end of the bargain?”

Bellatrix lowered her head until her wild curls draped down and hid her face from view.

“Give me two weeks. Takes a bit of time to brew the potion and I have to get the ingredients. But once I have it we can start.”

Nodding in acceptance Hermione stood up from her bed and started pulling books from the pile on the vanity.

“Alright, let’s get started.”

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 6690be85239133d1aadf11c5845e2ef64051ffdf ) [55] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 10. Book 1: I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine [timestamp] => 1554588000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 10: Book 1: I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine

Chapter Text

Almost immediately after Bellatrix had left two heavy bodies had sat down on her bench, flanking and bumping her shoulders. A redheaded girl as stockily built as a rugby player sat down with manufactured ease across from her at the same time.

"Um... Hello?" Hermione squinted at the interlopers before taking only a second to ponder out their identities. Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Ronald’s highly spoken of, and thoroughly deceased, uncles. Though which was which she couldn't tell.

"Hello Emelia," the twins started speaking in parallel.

"I'm Fabian-"

"I'm Gideon-"

‘That tells me nothing.’

Both had started off talking together, and she'd been staring at Molly when she’d arrived. It didn’t help that both had the same voice, filled with thinly veiled amusement and cheer.

"That's Molly, our lovely little Sister-"

"Not so lovely if you piss 'er off though,' eh?" The twin on the right finished for the left and Hermione leaned back slightly as she let her eyes unfocus. Molly just continued smiling gently as her gaze swung back and forth between the twins while they bantered.

"So we heard an interesting rumor Em'-"

"We can call you Em', yeah?"

"Sure-" she couldn't even finish a sentence before they began talking over her again.

"Well Em', ya see, we heard that-"

"You and a black snake got inna row-"

"During Tabby Cats class, and we was wonderin'-"

Oh bloody hell.’

"STOP," she finally managed to fit the word edgewise into their split conversation.

‘Merlin's arse, do they think with the same brain?’

Closing her eyes she took a deep breath in and steadied herself. She'd always thought dealing with Fred and George could be stressful but these two had them beat by an order of magnitude she hadn’t thought possible. Less than a full minute into a conversation with them and it felt like her brain was going to explode.

When she felt like she could continue conversing with them without the deep-seated desire to hex them into quietude she raised her eyelids and huffed.

"Alright. Molly,” she pointedly stared at the ginger witch, “Which one is which one. I haven’t caught a bit of what they’re on about.”

Molly smiled wide and deep at Hermione before moving to address her brothers.

“The one on your right is Fabian, left is Gideon. To distill what they’re on about, we heard you and Black got inna row a few days ago. You ask me, it’s about time.”


“Well, for one she’s a terrible person. Come end of next semester it’ll be seven years she had run of the roost, terrorizing muggleborns and anyone not Slytherin. She was a right terror, even as a first year. Ya’ ask me, the git needs a kick up the arse least once before she leaves.”

“That she does,” the twins echoed.

“Uh huh. Well,” Hermione got up from the long bench, “I have some work to finish up, so I’ll see you all around. Have a good day.”

As she left the Prewetts gave their goodbyes to Hermione’s turned back. She hadn’t intended to earn some form of notoriety from attacking Bellatrix. The weird offshoot that Bellatrix was somewhat impressed with her ability was startling enough even if it made her feel quite good about herself and her abilities. But now that other Houses were looking up to her action as a good thing it was starting to feel somewhat weird. She hadn’t gone at Bellatrix for interfering with the other Houses, just herself. The last thing she felt she needed was untoward praise for acting selfishly. She’d been wronged, gotten frustrated, and then done something about it. Lofty ideals of sticking up for the oppressed never entered the equation.

Lost in her own mind and surrounded by the echoes of her boots on the stone floor she never noticed the body planted like a tree in front of her. At least, not until she walked full tilt into it.

As her body collided and the force caused her to stumble she let out a quiet “Oof”, before reeling back and to the side to apologize.

“Sorry about that, didn’t-”

The words died on her lips as a large hand reached out and wrapped around her bicep before pulling her in close. The hand was like iron, strong and painful in all the ways that unjust captivity could produce. Startled at the sudden grip she looked up into the face of the individual and froze at seeing the malice behind his eyes.

“If you ever, and I mean ever, touch or attack Bellatrix again, you’ll lose your wand hand. You understand me?”

It didn’t take a genius to figure out who had interrupted her even if it was the first time she’d met him.

Rodolphus Lestrange was a tall, thin man. Lanky and muscular he stood almost a full head and a half taller than her. Bare fringes of stubble stood out on his face and his hair was a mop of greasy black stands haphazardly pushed in some semblance of direction. It was his eyes though that struck her the most. Such deep dark pools of inky blackness that she could hardly differentiate the pupil, they were filled with so much malice and hate that she was sure his gaze alone would light her on fire.

He shook her bicep roughly before repeating his question.

“I asked you a question, peasant. Or are you too dense to understand that.?”

Peasant? Really?’ Her brows furrowed as she digested his insult. ‘ Where the bloody hell’d that come from?’

Pulling her arm from his grip she swiftly stepped to the side and backed up to the edge of the hallway. She steeled him with a glare before turning to leave him behind and began heading towards the dungeons. When he didn’t move to call out to her she headed down the nearest staircase while trying to listen and discern if he was following her. It was only their first interaction, but she could already start to see the reasons why Bellatrix hated her soon to be betrothed.



That’s what she suspected. Any detention with Hagrid was bound to be hell. She’d heard enough stories from Harry and her other classmates to know he had a penchant for underestimating the danger of whatever task they would be assigned to. And Slughorn’s constant muttering that if it had been his decision they’d be copying lines, or preparing potions ingredients or something else similarly droll and monotonous wasn’t helping. But it hadn’t been up to him, as he was so keen on reminding them.

It all came together to appear that rather than come to an agreement on their punishments Dumbledore had instead strongly made Slughorn agree with his idea for punishment. The minute their Transfiguration class had ended McGonagall had shepherded them both to Slughorn’s office and left them to their fate without even a backward glance. From there he had hemmed and hawed until one of the resident ghosts floated through his ceiling with an urgent request from Hagrid that they arrive posthaste.

And now here she was, standing outside of his squat little cottage with the dark haired witch for company. Bellatrix had been an absolute terror since coming back from her tutoring session the day before and while she hadn’t gone after Hermione at all she had instead taken to tormenting younger students and grumbling under her breath at every available moment. Her eyes were ringed with lack of sleep and her hair was even more unkempt that usual. She distressingly reminded Hermione of the Bellatrix she would become rather than the kind and apologetic version who had helped her search the Room of Requirement the day before.

While Bellatrix continued grumbling lowly under her breath about ‘ Half-breeds’, Slughorn and Hagrid argued loudly inside the cottage over the definition of safe. For her part Hermione was a bundle of nerves imagining all the sorts of danger Hagrid could place them in.

Work on building relations with the pack of Centaurs living in the Forest? Not out of the picture. Finding Unicorns and hoping they weren’t impaled if they disliked them? Probable. Feeding a giant hive of Acromantula’s? Well within reason. Anything involving the forest or mystical beasts was a target for his hair-brained ideas of detention.

When Bellatrix let out a particularly loud slur against giant-kind Hermione elbowed the witch in her ribs.


“Can you stop with the insults,” she asked quietly, “They’re getting tiresome.”

For a second it looked like Bellatrix would fight back against that. It wouldn’t be the first time and Hermione supposed it wouldn’t be the last. It passed however, and a reluctant frown filled her features.

“Sorry. Just… I’m really not enjoying spending an entire evening out here. Any idea what he’ll have us do?”

“Probably something-”

Not dangerous,” boomed Hagrid’s loud voice as he pushed his way out of the tiny door of the cottage. “Ello you two. Ya’ needn’t worry about danger, we’ll just be cleaning up after the D.A.D.A lesson from earlier.”

Hermione couldn’t help the smile that the sight of her old, young, friend brought out. He looked much the same, taller by far than any human and built in a way that suggested fat but really hid muscle. His beard was shorter and his hair closely cropped to his scalp, with no signs of gray to mar it yet. His eyes were kind and a jovial smile lit up his face.

Upon his shoulder sat a large coal-black cat with a single white patch of fur the size of a tennis ball on its chest. The eyes of the feline regarded the two witches with intense curiosity and a strong hint of dark intelligence. Seemingly having finished inspecting the two witches it hopped off his shoulder and trotted back into the cottage through the door that Slughorn was holding open.

“Ms. Black, good to see you again. And Ms. Grenier, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He bowed slightly in their direction, as much his large bulk would let him.

“Pleasure to meet you too Hagrid,” Hermione replied as she stuck out her hand for a shake.

When the pleasantries were completed Slughorn bid them well and reminded Hagrid that they were to return to the castle before 10pm.

“Alright ladies, follow me please.”


Hagrid had taken them on a winding route from his cottage to the far side of the forest nearest the quidditch pitch. Before they could see the area they could smell the smoke of burned wood wafting over the gentle breeze.

“Now, today you’ll be helpin’ me with something simple. Professor Mayweather went through methods of combatin’ Fiendfyre with the fifth years today and we’ll be locating any Ashwinders and their eggs that we can find.”

At the mention of the creature Hermione racked her brain for mention of them. Nothing came to light. Care of Magical Creatures had never been a course she’d been truly invested in, and the intervening years she’d spent away from it hadn’t helped.

“What are those?”

To her surprise it was Bellatrix who turned to inform her.

“They’re an all female species of snake. They form up from the ash of magical fires that’s been left to sit. They rise up, lay some eggs, and return to ash. The eggs are rare and used in all kinds of potions.”

Hermione couldn’t help but be impressed by her quick answer. Eventually she’d have to get over the fact that this version of Bellatrix was her equal, if not her better in certain subjects.

“Ms. Black is correct. Though generally only used in Dark potions, they have applications elsewhere that makes it worth saving em’. Since Mayweather’s just been piling on wood to demonstrate on we’ve let it all accumulate throughout the day. And the breeze hasn’t done much to  disperse it,” his booming voice rose in response.

Slowly they came upon fire blackened grass that led into a large open field similar in size to the quidditch pitch that was flanked by large stones that had been levitated into forming a perimeter wall. All throughout the space were piles of charcoal and ash in unrecognizable heaps. Three large wicker baskets sat sitting upon one another on the edge of the burned field. Hagrid walked up to them and handed one to each of the witches.

“Now, first things first. They bite but it’s non-venomous, so if you take a hit just run a quick heal on it and you’ll be fine,” he stopped to pointedly look at Bellatrix as the witch let the basket hang from one hand and leaned back to stare at the sky in an apparent show of boredom. “You’ll be ferreting em’ out if you see them. They hide to lay eggs and return to ash a bit after that. So you’ll be wantin’ to move em’ off if they’re still here and search for any eggs below a layer of ash or unburnt material. The eggs are hot so don’t burn yourself. Just hit em’ with a quick freeze and pick them up. If your basket gets filled just drop it off at the edge here and we’ll get you another.”

He clasped his hands together and grinned at the two of them.

“Any questions?”

“Nope!” Bellatrix was first to respond and immediately headed off into the ashes, wand out and eyes down.

“I think I’m good Hagrid, but if I think of any I’ll ask.”

“Right then,” he looked off to follow the path Bellatrix was taking, “Good luck!”

With that she was off. It was relaxing work to say the least. And so much less dangerous than she’d been dreading. She’d poke around with a foot or move burnt wooden logs out of the way and gently shoo off the little snakes before reciting an instant freeze spell and picking up the eggs. After all the time spent dealing with serpents in her original timeline she’d initially thought she’d have an aversion to even these but had instead found them to be quite… cute. Little beady red eyes sat into an oval head on a thin, small body. They almost looked albino if not for the reddish brown stripes down their back at even intervals.

They didn’t hiss or bite back at her and most only took a small nudge before leaving their clutch. It did leave her feeling somewhat sad though as she watched them slither a few feet before falling apart back into ash.


After nearly two hours of combing through the field and as many full baskets she came upon a problem.

A particularly obstinate ashwinder was wedged underneath the charcoal remains of a wooden plank and a partially melted rock. Every time she attempted to nudge it out it would hiss fervently and back further into its little hiding place. Not wanting to damage the snake she’d refrained from lifting the pile of charcoal or moving the rock that was shielding it. She didn’t want to harm it if it was wedged in there tightly.

Eventually though she was sighing in frustration and anger. Nothing would get her to budge, and she’d bitten at her shoe enough to leave heavily noticeable marks. Just as her mounting frustration was about to tip over into anger a warm hand gently grasped her scarred forearm, breaking her concentration as she jumped back in shock.


“Calm down Em’. Just me.”

She hadn’t even noticed the mounting warmth from her scar when Bellatrix had made her way over. Not that she thought she would have noticed even if she was looking. Being as near as she’d been to Bellatrix all afternoon had meant the scar had been active the whole time and had slowly faded into the back of her senses.

“This one not getting up?” the dark witch asked.

“No, she’s just wedged down in there and I’m afraid to just move everything. I don’t want to hurt her or the eggs.”

“Well,” Bellatrix crouched down and leaned towards the angry little eyes peering up at them, “Let’s see what her problem is.”

When Bellatrix began to speak Hermione’s eyes widened in disbelief. Surely she wasn’t hearing right, the snake must have put up a fuss again-

‘Nope. Not the snake.’

She huffed in indignation at the ease of it all. Bellatrix Black, on her knees getting her clothing covered in soot, speaking Parseltongue of all things, to a little snake that appeared to be conversing right back at her. The long-winded hisses and whispers of the language was something she hadn’t forgotten but truly hadn’t thought she’d ever hear again.

“How’re you-”

“Not now,” Bellatrix interrupted, before turning her attention back towards the snake.

After a few more seconds conversing in the odd language Bellatrix sat back on her haunches and rested her arms on her knees.

“She’s egg bound. We’ll need to pull her out of there and get the giant over here to help.”

Deciding that helping the snake should come before answers Hermione turned away and put her wand to her throat as she called out for Hagrid.

By the time he’d arrived Bellatrix had the poor snake out of its little den and was massaging the length of her back with soft fingers, hissing intermittently in quiet soothing tones.

“What’s up?”

“Hagrid, we found one holed up, I couldn’t get it out. Bella did,” Hermione informed him, not noticing the little glance Bellatrix shot her way at the nickname, “She says it’s-”

“She’s egg bound. It’s why she was so loathe to come out. Can you help her?”

Hagrid knelt next to Bellatrix and gently laid a finger almost twice as thick as the snake itself on her back, muttering below his breath as he observed her.

“Not good, not good at all. S’good you caught her here. I can take care of this, just need a mo’.”

Hagrid sat down cross-legged into the ash and stretched his hand out for the snake to lay on. Pulling her up he began massaging the little creature and speaking to himself. As he took care of the little snake Bellatrix stood back up and walked over to Hermione, crossing her arms and leaning against the witch’s shoulder as she watched Hagrid work.

“Ask your questions now Em’. I might not feel so inclined to answer later.”

Glancing to the witch on her right Hermione narrowed her eyes before replying in whispered tones.

“You know parseltongue.”


“How? Isn’t it hereditary?"

Bellatrix looked at her softly before turning her gaze back to Hagrid and the little snake.

“Yes. But it’s also a language. And languages can be learned. All you need is a potion, a spell, and someone to teach you.”

“Well,” Hermione shifted uneasily, “Who taught you?”

“If I tell you, I want something in return.”

Well, now this was interesting. Her mind spun with questions of what the witch would want. A favor? Information? She had no unique physical items that could entice the witch, at least none that she knew of.

“What do you want?”

Now it was Bellatrix’s turn to narrow her eyes and mask her emotions.

“Occlumency. I know you’re good at it. Work with me on it til I’m as good as you,” Hermione opened her mouth to protest that, and question how Bellatrix knew she was even proficient at it.

“No, no questions on why. I know you’re good ‘cause I can practice mild legilimency. And you’re a wall. If you knew nothing I should at least be able to see something. Teach me occlumency, and I’ll do you one better than telling you who taught me. I’ll teach it to you.”


Was learning something so often associated with the dark worth it? Would the hours of studying, and in turn teaching, be worth that?

‘Yes,’ she decided.

It was just a skill. That it was associated with dark wizards and witches was incidental. Almost all magic and knowledge were inherently middle of the road. It was what was done with that knowledge or magic that led it to be dark or light. And beyond that it was just intriguing. A skill and knowledge set she’d never have the chance to learn otherwise. She couldn’t certainly think of herself as The Smartest Witch of Her Age without striving to back that up.

Letting her eyes wander up and down her semi-friend before turning away and watching Hagrid gently place down the now spent snake she leaned over into Bellatrix.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 52ba2f0651e02e17d9776e6862e67320ca3c359e ) [56] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 9. Book 1: The Lost and Found [timestamp] => 1554328800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 9: Book 1: The Lost and Found

Chapter Text

Bellatrix began her Sunday in what she could best sum up as a ‘gray’ mood. She wasn’t happy, she wasn’t angry, she was just… Floating on a sea of flat emotion. Ever since she returned from her tutoring on Thursday she’d had almost no enthusiasm. It was a mood that her sisters didn’t miss. Narcissa could tell something was bothering her older sister but not pinpoint a cause. Andromeda however knew something was up, and the approximate reason for why. Knowing her sister could tell led Bellatrix towards attempting something of a chipper attitude and even went out of her way to terrorize some Gryffindor first years as a way of throwing Andromeda off.

The result was mediocre at best. If anything Andromeda was more agitated at her forced attitude than her lack of one at all. She’d always been able to sense and work around her moods more than Narcissa. Narcissa was liable to get frustrated at her sister and wander off until she calmed down, whereas Andromeda would glue herself to her sisters side. Generally it led to her stepping in before Bellatrix could blow her top at someone who didn’t deserve it, though now it was just making her feel smothered.

Throughout breakfast in the Great Hall Andromeda had been no more than a few feet away and had taken it upon herself to guard her sister, fending off the Lestrange brothers and other Slytherin’s who seemed to want her attention.

Bellatrix could feel her mood souring further when Emelia never showed up for breakfast. She’d been looking forward to conversing with the witch and explaining her actions. Maybe even apologize if she felt generous enough. But no one had seen her except in classes on Friday. She hadn’t shown up for meals and had seemed to disappear as soon as they were released. Saturday had droned on the same, no sight and no word. Bellatrix felt loathe to lower herself to knocking on the girl's door to get her attention but at this rate it didn’t seem like she would have a choice.


While her sister was engrossed in a hushed discussion a boy from Ravenclaw, Bellatrix took her leave. Pushing her cold plate of eggs and toast away from herself she left the Hall and headed up one of the main staircases. Her mood had soured enough to the point where she felt like blowing off steam and the only safe location to do so in the castle was the Come and Go Room. Ever since she’d been made aware of its existence in her fifth year she’d used it as a safe haven for venting frustrations or spending time studying without the incessant distractions of other students. Even her sisters were unaware of its location and had learned that she would only be found when she wanted to be.

Her time with the room had aided her when studying for exams and OWL's, giving her a large open space work. It would pull up a near copy of the library whenever she needed time and space to leave, well-built laboratories for potions experiments containing beautiful brand-new equipment, and practice targets for when spellwork was on her mind. It had even come in handy whenever she was feeling worn down or numb to her existence by offering her a replica of the Forbidden Forest to exhaust and recuperate in.

She understood most of the logistics of the room. The seventh year who showed it to her made explicit mention that she’d need to be specific when requesting space. However over time it had been made apparent that whatever entity or consciousness controlled the room had become somewhat familiar to her. Now it seemed all she needed was a vague notion of what she needed it for and it would furnish out the rest. It had come in handy more often than not, and she hoped it would serve that purpose today. She wasn’t sure if anyone could find the room when she was inside of it but it had kept Andromeda and Narcissa away from her enough that she felt safe going to it now. If anything they would admonish her later when she reappeared. A worry for later.

After what felt like ages she reached the seventh floor. As she rounded a corner to the hallway she wanted her feet fell flat and her body stood rigid. There in front her was the door to the room, already standing stock still against the wall. It was… Unusual to put it mildly. As far as she was aware the presence of the door meant someone else was already inside. But who? Her feet carried her forward slowly until she stood right before the tall oaken door. Turning her head to the side she placed her ear against it and focused her hearing. Nothing. No sounds whatsoever to indicate it was in use. Regardless of who the occupant was the room hadn’t thought it necessary enough to close the entrance.

Placing a palm flat against the doorknob she wrapped her fingers around it and gently twisted. The knob turned easily in her grip and the door swung upon on silent hinges. Looking back to check she was alone Bellatrix opened it fully and strode quietly into the room, pulling the door shut behind her. When it closed with an audible click she winced and held her breath. When no sound met her ears she walked forward into the eerily lit space.

It was… Huge. Her eyes opened wide in wonder at the vastness of it all. Space stretched out in almost every direction. She was awed at the massive extension charm that must have allowed it to spawn a room this massive. All up and around her were piles and piles of curios and junk. Dressers, vanities, mirror and bookshelves. Piles and piles of books, jewelry, paper, chandeliers and chairs. Even a bed frame or two peaked out from the bottom of the walls of junk. A thin pathway existed between it all that led further into the space while twisting out of sight a few feet beyond her.

Stepping forward she observed the area for signs of whoever had conjured this version of the room. For minutes she continued silently with no noise except her own breathing to accompany her. Slowly however she could pick something up in the distance. It was far away and it only seemed to come to her if she held her head just right. Drawing her wand from the hidden sheathe against her forearm she continued cautiously.

Eventually the path led to a ‘Y’ shaped fork, and she chose this spot to wait and see if she could pinpoint the far off sound. As she stood craning her neck back and forth and turning in circles a thin green item at the bottom of a pile of books caught her attention. It was thin but moving ever so slightly. Ignoring the far off sound and stepping forward slowly she kept her wand aimed at the item and steeled herself to use force on whatever it was. As she got close enough her breath caught in her throat.


Memories flashed back as she recognized the item for what it was. Sitting only feet from her while curling itself around a stack of notebooks was a small toy fashioned in the shape of the Slytherin mascot, a green snake. It had been enchanted to move and act like a real one. Beady little eyes and a felt serpents tongue regarded her warily before it suddenly surged forward to wrap softly around her leg.

Heedless to the other occupant of the room she laughed loudly in open delight as the snake wound its way up to her proffered palm. She hadn’t seen the toy in the interim since she’d enchanted it to perform a prank on a Hufflepuff student. For five years she had been wondering about what had happened to it. The Hufflepuff in question never retaliated against her and eventually she had assumed the student had destroyed it in distress.

Pulling up the wriggling toy to wrap around her neck she froze as her ears acclimated to the new silence. The sound she’d heard in the distance was gone. Her reckless laughing had alerted the other occupant to her presence. She began to continue up the right side of the fork and brought her wand to bear, her footfalls the only sound echoing around her. Continuing on she came to a break in the path that opened into a large semicircle cleared of junk and detritus.


Without realizing it she had found the subject of her poor mood. The girl was outfitted in muggle style clothes. She wore a large gray sweater swamping her by a size or two and a pair of tight-fitting muggle style jeans that were black as night. Black boots with a short heel completed her ensemble. She was sat upon a large high backed chair with her head in her hands while her fingers scratched patterns idly into her short hair. At the sound of Bellatrix’s footfalls entering the open space she looked up and brought her arm forward swiftly to brandish her wand.

"Bellatrix. Of course it’s you," Emelia spoke in a tight voice as she wiped away obvious tears from her eyes. "What do you want?"

This was... different, she finally decided on. She hadn't come here to cause any issues with Emelia and hadn’t expected to find the witch crying all alone. It unsettled her in a way she wasn't sure she was comfortable with.

"Didn't mean to interrupt," she finally settled on, "I didn't know anyone else knew about this place."

She walked towards her Housemate while Jörmun wiggled around her neck to peak out through her hair. The silence settled in as Emelia's eyes tracked Jörmun. When his fake tongue lifted back and forth in obvious interest a small smile came to her lips.

"Bellatrix, uh, what is... That ?"

The question broke Bellatrix out of her self-imposed silence as a warm grin rose up. Settling down onto the cold wooden floor next to Emelia’s feet she held out her arm towards the witch. Jörmun began to slide from her neck and across her shoulder to stretch over on to Emelia’s open palm.

"His name is Jörmun, for the World Serpent. I made him for a prank five years ago but lost him after it. Honestly never thought I'd find him again but he was just sliding around some books as I was walking up."

"Uh huh," Emelia replied, a light giggle starting up her as Jörmun flicked his soft felt tongue against her finger.

This is... Nice,’ she thought to herself. Her morning was no longer numb or dreary, regardless of the awkwardness still lurking between Emelia and herself.

"I'm sorry," Emelia spoke up suddenly. "About... About what I called you last week. I didn't say it to upset you. I didn’t even know it was a secret. But I shouldn’t have responded to you like that."

Bellatrix could feel her breath freeze.

‘She's... Sorry?’

Bellatrix almost couldn't remember the last time someone who wasn't one of her sisters had apologized to her in an honest manner. Whenever her peers apologized it was almost always at the end of a threat. And her immediate family never apologized. She had a strong suspicion that her parents were physically incapable of apologizing in any manner. They always had sought to instill in her and her sisters that to apologize was to allow weakness. And weakness was something that just couldn't be afforded for those of her station. You said what you meant and you meant what you said, damn the consequences.

She was pulled from being lost in her head when the short hair witch in front of her sat back in her chair and sighed.

"Oh, uh...," she brought a hand to rifle through the black locks of hair laying in front of her face. "Thank you. I forgive you. I took the whole thing out of proportion. I kind of have that issue sometimes. And I'm sorry for retaliating like that. It wasn't deserved. I treated you like a common mudblood. That was wrong of me." Bellatrix failed to see the slight wince as she finished as Emelia reached down to rub at her arm.

"Thank you for saying that Bellatrix. I appreciate it. And while we're on the subject of apologies, I'm also sorry for attacking you in class. That was just-"

"Awesome!" Bellatrix broke in, her face etched in amusement and excitement in equal measure.

"No one's beaten me yet except some dueling teachers. No one's ever been fast enough, whether I was looking at em’ or not. Where'd you learn to move so bloody quick?"

Emelia stretched out her arm to pass back Jörmun and looked off into the distant piles of random items.

"I was taught a few years ago. I Had to learn quick and It just kind of... Stuck."

"Well, that’s pretty cool. We should spar sometime," Bella stood up and brushed off her robes. What were you doing in here anyways? I've never been in this version of the room before. Plenty of other versions I’d needed but not this junk pile."

Emelia stood and stretched her body, gazing briefly around them before responding.

"I heard about the room from a friend before coming here. Heard about an item in it as well. Just wanted to see if I could find it. I got kind of… Emotional, when I couldn’t."

It only took Bellatrix a second to decide to help her rival.

"Well, what was it? I can help you look if you'd like. Certainly have an easier time exploring it all with two people at it, yeah?”

Emelie held herself rigid for a moment, crossing her arms and biting her lip before replying.

Unbidden a thought rushed through Bellatrix’s mind.

‘She's quite... Pretty.'

As the moment dragged on Bellatrix was about to wave the offer off and leave when Emelia finally replied.

"Sure. It's a tall mirror that arches at the top. The frame is made from bright gold. It should be as tall as us if not more. Trust me, you'll know it when you see it. There’s nothing else like it in here."

With the description given and a warmth flooding her cheeks, Bellatrix set off in search of the mysterious mirror. Jörmun coiled himself around her bicep and held on tightly as she raced around the available pathways. The room truly was a maze. Every so often she would need to double back when her current route would terminate in an insurmountable pile of junk. Once or twice she was sure she'd located the mirror only to find it was part of a vanity or cracked and broken. Nothing stood out in a way that said it was special .


After wandering for what felt like forever but must have been only an hour or two at most she came across another dead end. When she went to turn around her eyes caught on a sliver of gold against the far wall. Halting her turn she walked forwards and approached the item side on. Looking on it side to side she realized it was mostly buried beneath a pile of moth-eaten robes that stood almost twice as tall as she was. Grasping the side of the object she held it steady while pulling out her wand and beginning to levitate the piles of robes into a far corner.

When the robes had finally been pulled away she placed her wand back into its holster and began to drag the item into the middle of the clearing. Once it was fully in place she let go and stepped around to what she assumed was it’s front. The sight of it all led her to know it was definitely what Emelia was looking for. It was just different from the rest of the junk in this place. A bright gold frame buttressed a flat perfect mirror that shone with the intensity only silver backing could give it.

As she viewed her reflection she came to a stop and gasped at the new sight in the mirror. Her reflection was being wrapped up in black and gray mist that only seemed to exist within the mirror space. It built up until she couldn’t even see herself reflected back before it slowly began to recede. When it had gone fully she was left staring at an oddly heartbreaking sight. The room was no longer reflected back along with her and instead it appeared she stood on a grassy field, flanked on both sides by two women. Slowly she came to realize it was her sisters that stood there. Taller and older it was still recognizably Andy and Cissa.

Cissa was taller and her hair was pinned up in regal elegance. She was dressed in a thin black dress and mourning veil. In contrast to the outfit she was smiling broadly. Andy was also taller, nearly a half foot more than Bellatrix. She was dressed in much the same as Narcissa. The only color to her was a bright gold ring hanging from a similarly colored chain around her neck. In the background of the trio were two gravestones hidden by their bodies so that she couldn't read the names engraved upon them. As she stared at the older versions of her sisters the mist swept back in and dissolved them both.

When it retreated again she was left staring back at herself in a floor length black dress and a black leather corset combination. She was wearing a ring on her left hand and if she squinted enough she could make out the Black family crest upon the face of it. In her other hand she held her wand with a white knuckled grip. A smaller ring that she guessed to be an engagement ring of some sort was sitting upon the floor by her feet. Behind her and to the right stood a man almost a foot taller than her, turned away from the mirror. His head was hanging in some emotion she couldn’t decipher while greasy black hair whipped back and forth from unfelt wind.

The more she looked the more she was sure that it was Rodolphus. Intrigued by the sight she walked forward and brought her fingertips to the mirror surface. She could see someone else standing in the distance behind them with a hood up but they remained far enough away that she couldn’t make out who it was. As she stared the gray mist swirled in again. It pulled the scene away and left the scene with her sisters behind. Mind racing and heart pounding Bellatrix stood entranced as the scene presented by the mirror switched back and forth.

After a few minutes where she began to feel lightheaded she caught herself and raised her wand in the air to wordlessly send out her patronus to find Emelia and lead her over. The small blue white crow flew from her wand tip and out over the walls of the aisle. While waiting she shifted from foot to foot while observing the mirror shift back and forth. The sound of shoes slapping against the floor finally alerted her to the arrival of Emelia.


As Hermione rounded the corner she came upon Bellatrix shifting awkwardly. Bellatrix barely spared her a glance as she came to a stop beside her. The little crow patronus had led most of the way and the warmth of her scar had led the rest. Bellatrix still stood quietly entranced by the mirror and paid her no mind. It was as she'd last seen it, tall and imposing, arched at the head while twin golden spikes flanked the top. Even the engraving along the curving top was the same as the last time she'd found it. The mirror finish was clear and the gold surround it spotless and polished. She couldn’t help but wonder if Dumbledore had yet to ‘find’ the mirror back here or had placed it here himself.

"Bellatrix? What do you see?" That seemed to catch the witch from her stupor as she jerked to the side and threw a glance at Hermione.

"I see my sisters and I. And a pair of graves in the background. They're... Happy. Seeing this makes me happy. Em', what is this thing?" Bellatrix stepped backwards and turned with some reluctance to look at Hermione.

"The Mirror of Erised. It's enchanted to show you what your heart most desires, even if you don't know what that is before you see it. I'd heard it was here but wasn't really sure. Thank you for finding it Bella."

If Bellatrix was displeased by the nickname and tone of familiarity she didn't show it.

"So... What do you see Em'?"

Hermione watched as gray mist swaddled her mirrored form. As it withdrew it left behind Hermione standing in a patch of sunlight with her Father and Mother standing to her side, each with a warm smile upon their face.

"My family."

Bellatrix seemed appeased with that answer and took a few more steps backwards until she was at the far edge of the little dead-end they were ensconced in.

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Don't know," Hermione replied, "Hadn’t really thought I’d find it. I suppose I'll leave it. Let someone else find it in time. Maybe come back in a few months and see if its changed."


"Come on, we should get out of here. Slughorn will have our heads if no one can find us. And I'm starving. Want to grab lunch? Or I guess an early dinner at this point."


With that Hermione turned and led the dark haired witch down the path they'd arrived from. The silence as they walked was a strange comfort, as was the warm pain emanating from her scar. It had settled into a pulsing heat that beat in time with her heart. The only sounds were their feet upon the floor and the quiet sound of breathing.

"Hey Em," Bellatrix broke the quietude, "How'd you get that scar?"

Hermione's feet failed her and her body came to an graceless halt.

"What scar?" Her voice broke as she replied and her eyes widened painfully in shock.

"The one on your neck. It's peaking out your sweater. If you don't want to talk about it that's alright. I didn't mean to upset you."

Hermione's breath released in a rush as her heart slowed its breakneck pace.

She hasn't seen it, thank Merlin.

For now,’ the voice in the back of her head replied.

Beginning to walk again Hermione threw Bellatrix a soft look and shrugged her shoulders.

"I had a necklace on. I had an accident a few weeks ago. A piece of accidental magic heated it up until it burned me." Bellatrix gave her a sympathetic frown.


"Yeah. But apparently I passed out, so I didn't even have to experience the worst of it. It's stiff sometimes and... Unsightly. But other than that it's just a mark."

Bellatrix nodded in affirmation as they continued the rest of the walk in silence. During the walk they took turns passing off Jörmun between them as the imitation snake wandered and explored. When they reached the entrance Hermione looked back towards the massive room scanned the piles of junk. Sitting far away but high enough to be seen upon a pile of old wooden chairs was a gleaming crown, a jewel among the detritus. Her heart panged in her chest and her breath quickened.

I'll deal with it later. I know where it is now.’


Walking into the great hall with Emelia in tow was an interesting experience to say the least. Students of different houses gave them both a wide berth and questioning looks as they strode past while hushed whispers followed behind them. Whatever animosity the pair had shown towards one another was fueling the new speculation about why they were being seen together. For her part Emelia seemed to bare it well. Her head was held high and she spared nothing but disdainful gazes for those around them.

Bellatrix couldn't help but admire the regal manner in which she held herself. She didn't know much about the short haired witch's backstory and their shared time in the come and go room had left more questions than answers. Still she was more than content to wait and learn what she could. It didn’t help that the witch was beautiful. She wouldn't deny that. The close-cropped masculine hairstyle blended seamlessly into her facial features and choice of clothes in a way that brought a warm heat to Bellatrix's core.

As she shook her head loose of those thoughts they entered the Great Hall and picked a spot on a bench nearest the entryway. Their shared lunch was quiet and only interspersed every so often with vague personal small-talk and discussion over class work.

As they were preparing to leave the table Harmonia came swooping in above their heads while taking a swipe at a ragged looking owl before she landed.

Laughing quietly to herself at Harmonia's antics Bellatrix plucked the small scroll attached to her leg while Harmonia tapped at Emelia's fingers with her beak.

Her smile is beautiful ,’ thought Bellatrix as she worked to open the wax seal on the scroll, catching glimpses of Emelia as she fed strips of meat from her leftovers to Harmonia.

‘Your tutoring session has been moved to Sunday, 5pm. Your Head of House has been made aware of the time change. Do NOT be late.


Her heart dropped down into her stomach and she cursed lowly beneath her breath as she reread the scroll. Pocketing the parchment she stood from the table after scratching Harmonia on her neck and excused herself.

As she left she almost managed to convince herself that Emelia wasn’t wearing a crestfallen face at her departure.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => aeee6eb54b1e28d9d115dffcbf5dce7192d6efd8 ) [57] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 8. Book 1: I Burn For You [timestamp] => 1554069600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 8: Book 1: I Burn For You


Revised/Edited 5-21-2019

Chapter Text

The harsh white light of the infirmary blinded Hermione as she finally awoke from her impromptu sleeping session. Her body had been laid out and stretched beneath a thin and coarsely woven white sheet, same as when she had first awoken in the past. Her head and neck were supported by the lump of down that the school chose to call a pillow and a steady ache from the odd angle was straining in pain as she moved about. Her body shifted and a loud groan escaped her chest before she could help herself, right arm throwing out at unbending the stuff joint as she threw the offending sheet off of her body.

Someone had changed her out of her school uniform and into the standard white hospital gown at some point while she’d been unconscious and the thought of someone openly seeing her scars was sending her heartbeat into a frenzy. The length of her body from her toes to her head were burning as if a fire had been lit beneath her skin, cooled only by the thin sheen of sweat that clung to her body. The nearly paper thin gown that she was wearing was plastered directly to her skin as sweat ran through, every harsh outline and soft curve visible to the eye. She couldn’t tell if the shudders wracking her body were from pain and heat or revulsion at the state of herself.

The worst feeling by far though was the pain lancing throughout her scarred arm. It was bone deep and stifling, both a heat and an itch that commanded she scratch and dig and remove the offending flesh. The dull pressure on the forearm was foreign though and as loathe as she was to even look at it she still pushed herself further up the bed to figure out exactly what was going on with it.

Pure, white gauze was wrapped tightly around the arm and held on by either magic or spellotape, she couldn’t see the edge of the wrap enough to tell, and ran the full length of her arm from the wrist to the crook of her elbow. As comforting as it was to her that someone, Pomfrey most likely, had thought to bandage that particular issue right up, it did nothing to hide the shock and fair bit of horror at seeing exactly why they had done so.

Crimson, bright and strong, definitely not mud, had stained the portion of gauze directly above her scar. It was still colorful enough that she could tell it had only finished bleeding recently, the gauze not the rusty color of blood left to settle. The flesh beneath the gauze was still ringing out in pain and hurt as if the words had only just been etched into her.

Releasing her gaze she dropped her body back down and forced herself to still as she sank back into the mercifully soft bed beneath her. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if even that had some unwelcome edge to it, though screaming in rage and frustration was what came to mind.

All told her mind and body felt like she’d been trampled by several centaurs and lit up with Fiendfyre for good measure. The distant acknowledgement that she would be the one held accountable for attacking another student was also weighing heavily upon her mind, the final unwelcome addition to everything that she was going through.

‘Two weeks. I didn’t even last two bloody weeks!’

The agitated sound of Hermione shuffling on the bed finally caught the attention of Madam Pomfrey, who to this point, had still been ensconced in her work at her desk. Hermione’s attention was brought to her approach as the medi-witch’s heels echoed off the floor, her head swiveling to view her as much as the pain in her neck would allow.

‘Circe’s tits, that smarts.’

The movement also brought into view the lined up forms of her Professors sitting silently against the far wall. Slughorn was sleeping in a high backed chair with his head lolling off to the side and a thin line of drool shining in the harsh lighting. Minerva was off and to the side of Slughorn, embroiled in what looked to be quite the heated discussion with Albus.

In one swift movement Pomfrey reached down into her robes and brought out a small phial as she came to a stop beside Hermione’s prone form while her other arm shot out to rest the back of her hand against Hermione’s forehead. Hermione’s eyes tracked the phial as Pomfrey held it out for her, seafoam green swirling around the tube while specks of silver intermittently appeared and disappeared.

“Emelia, it’s good to see you awake. Here,” she uncorked the phial after removing her other hand from Hermione’s forehead and brought the rim of the glass to her lips. “Take this, it will help the residual pain and unpleasantness. I’m sorry about the temperature but it’s a side effect of the treatment we were using to stabilize you.”

Hermione sat up further in the bed before taking hold of the phial and tilting it back to down the potion in one go. The taste of honey and something smokey coated the inside of her mouth as a tingle started up as the liquid traveled down her throat. Almost immediately the sensation of cold menthol shot through her body, filling her up and caressing every muscle and nerve ending. She could feel the tension in her muscles release, the crick in her neck evaporating, and the scar on her arm losing much of its near paralyzing potency.

“Ms. Grenier,” Albus approached her swiftly, his robes sashaying back and forth in his hurry, with Minerva following directly on his heels. Slughorn was, however, still asleep and had begun to snore softly in his chair.

“It’s so good to see you doing better dear,” Minerva spoke up as she silently accio’d a chair to Hermione’s bedside and sat down. “You wouldn’t believe the scare you gave us with that little stunt against Ms. Black.”

The color in Hermione’s cheeks drained out as bile rose up the back of her throat, the enormity of exactly what she’d done finally crashing down onto her.

“Bellatrix!, Is Bellatrix alright?” Hermione pushed herself forwards and into a sitting position as Pomfrey moved an arm across her chest and back to steady her. “I didn’t hurt her to badly, did I?”

Albus shook his head and turned around to eye the still sleeping form of Slughorn.

“Ms. Black is fine my dear. You simply sent her a well aimed stupefy. She was released from Poppy’s care quite some time ago. But, as you’ve brought it up, would you mind enlightening us as to exactly what happened, and why? Ms. Black has been quite terribly tight-lipped about the whole incident.”

Hermione stilled her movement and leaned forward to prop herself up with her elbows on her knees. A sheepish look was all she could muster as she eyed the sleeping form of Slughorn to keep her eyes as far from the worried stare of Pomfrey as she could.

“It, um…” Hermione looked up to Albus and looked him in the eyes before nodding slightly to snoring lump of a professor, “It might better if we had this conversation in private, Headmaster.”

“Oh,” He turned to look behind himself, “Don’t worry about Horace my dear. I’ve slipped him a sleeping draught. We won’t be disturbed, he’ll have a good night’s rest, and I’ll inform him tomorrow of any relevant information.”

Hermione could have sworn his eyes twinkled in delight as he revealed he’d dosed her Head of House. As she conceded his point she still nervously eyed Pomfrey before turning her eyes back towards Albus. Pomfrey got the hint though, and politely left the group before anyone else spoke up.

“Okay,” she turned towards Minerva, “I accidentally referred to Bellatrix as ‘Lestrange’, last Friday. The whole week prior we’d been sort of trying to outdo one another during classes and with our assigned work. She wanted help on a paper but insulted me even as she asked. I shot back, but I used her last name. Future last name. I think she assumed that I was mocking her. She hates Rodolphus and I wasn’t aware of that. Or that no one else was supposed to know that they were set to be engaged. Since then, well, she’s up and rallied most of the other Slytherin’s into agitating against me and tried to turn our shared classes into her own personal brand of hell.”

“Emelia dear,” Minerva interjected, “If this was going on, why didn’t you come to Horace or one of us when this began?”

“I didn’t think-”

“You must understand Ms. Grenier, this was absolutely not the way to handle this situation. It was in no way appropriate.”

‘How was I supposed to handle it then?!’

“I know that, Professor. But-”

“And did you take the time to even try explaining your miswording to Bellatrix?”

‘Let me finish!’

“I tried to, Professor. And I spoke to Andromeda-”

“Why does Andromeda know about this incident? How did you explain your apparent knowledge about her engagement with Rodolphus?

“She knows because I-”

“Ms. Grenier, you simply could have had-”


The bedspread pooled around Hermione’s waist ruffled under the force of Hermione’s inner anger coming unleashed. She could taste ozone and iron as her frustration finally boiled over and the dam inside her broke.

“I didn’t know what to do! I tried to explain it to her,” ragged breaths shook Hermione as her face and neck flushed red, the volume of her voice suddenly hard to control. “I didn’t know how to handle it at the time, I don’t know how to handle any of this! I just finished living through a war to having to live right before another! I’M STUCK HERE!! I have no friends, I have no family, I have no idea when or even if I’m ever going to be able to go home. This past week has been hell and it’s all because I insulted her on accident!”

When she finally ran out of breath and finished her tirade the room had begun to spin before her eyes.

‘I’m hyperventilating,’ she realized abstractly, unsure if it was really herself that she was feeling. The muscles al throughout her body were shaking with exertion and distantly she could feel the scar on her forearm pulsing again, brought back to life with heat and pain and venom. Minerva’s face was openly shocked, her mouth hanging agape and an embarrassed flush in her cheeks. Albus for his part seemed to have turned away some time ago and appeared to be doing his level best to not look down at her. She wasn’t sure why but his refusal to meet her gaze was bringing life back into her residual rage. Her lungs burned as she fought to regain control of her breathing.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted,” she grit out, teeth clamped so hard she could practically hear her parents scolding from all the way in the future. “I didn’t mean, or want, to hurt Bellatrix. I had even thought we might be able to get along together with no issues. I tried, I did, it’s just that this is all so…” Hermione trailed off as wet hot tears began to well up and over the lip of her eyes to run down over her face. She pulled herself inwards and curled in on herself, arms wrapped tightly over her knees as she let heavy sobs shake their way through her body.

In a flash Minerva hid her distraught look and shuffled over to Hermione’s bedside to comfort the distraught witch, murmuring soothing words and rubbing a warm spot into Hermione’s back with her hand. Albus took his eyes off the pair to give Poppy an emphatic look before nodding his head. At his wordless request Poppy strode over from her desk with another phial clutched tightly between her fingers. When she arrived she took ahold of Hermione’s left hand and gently pried it off of her knee before slipping the phial into her grasp. After she was sure that her charge wouldn’t drop or let go of the phial she let her know it was a calming draught before helping to guide it up to her lips to tip over and down her throat.


It took nearly a half an hour for Hermione to finally calm down enough and open back up to continuing the conversation. Minerva had sat down at some point, content to stew in her shame and allow Albus the chance to steer the conversation from there on out.

“Emelia, we’ve spoken to Bellatrix. While she’s been reticent to talk about the incident when you stupified her, she has instead admitted to burning your parchment and generally conspiring to spoil the week for you. She’s also asked us to apologize on her behalf for the rude behavior that she engaged in. She would have admitted that herself, but felt you would prefer it better if she wasn’t present. Undoubtedly she will make that up to you the next time she sees you but for now please rest assured that she bears you no ill will. She, of course, will be punished for the transgressions she’s admitted to. Unfortunately I must now also look to administer punishment for your own. I understand the stresses that you’ve been laboring under-”

‘No you don’t,’ Hermione thought darkly as she awaited his sentencing.

“-But regardless, rules are rules. You will have an afternoon of detention that will be doled out as Horace and I see fit. In this particular instance we have both come to an agreement that both Ms. Black and yourself will accompany our Gameskeeper, Mr. Rubeus Hagrid, in his duties on the coming Monday afternoon. You will both report to him immediately following the end of your classes that day.”

‘Hagrid? And Bellatrix? Well. My death will be interesting at least.’

“I understand, Headmaster. I’ll report to him right away on Monday.”

“Good, good. Now, onto the real reason for my inclusion in this incident as well as the real reason for your visit to the infirmary today.”

“I believe I can help explain at least a part of that, if you wouldn’t mind, Albus.” Pomfrey stood from her desk and walked over to Hermione’s left side. Leaning down she gently grabbed ahold of Hermione’s arm and began to unwrap the bandages tightly bound around it.

“Over the afternoon, while you were unconscious, I managed to sidle some information out of Professor Mayweather. In particular, the information was about cursed wounds. After comparing it with the limited information that we’ve been able to note, well, we have a theory.”

The scar was still such an ugly sight that Hermione couldn’t bring herself to stare at it for any length of time. The rawness of the wound gave it the appearance that it had only just been inflicted and Hermione could swear that it felt like that too.

“Before now we’ve been operating under the assumption that the wound was cursed, but we couldn’t tell the extent of it. We knew that it wouldn’t heal with potions, time, or magic. Have you been having any pains in it before this afternoon?”

Hermione looked down at her lap bashfully before responding.

“Yes. It would start to hurt whenever I was near Bellatrix. It lessened though as the first week of classes went on. It only started to hurt again after she was angry at me. And it hurt more, this time, if that makes sense.”

“It would appear that the curse is tied directly with Bellatrix, even if it’s only reacting to a version of her younger self. In that manner, it might be soul tied. It would also appear that it’s connected directly with her mood state and whether you’re attempting to harm her. From what we’ve gathered it would appear that the moment you knocked her with the stupefy it sent a delayed reaction out and knocked you out as well. Almost like a punishment for the action. You knocked her out, it knocked you out.

“However, that’s really the extent of our knowledge. We won’t know more unless we take the time to actively test,” Minerva short the inquisitive medi-witch a glare that could peel paint, “Which we won’t attempt for fairly obvious reasons. Whether Bellatrix herself could remove the curse is also something that we’re not sure about.”

“Great,” Hermione spoke up in a cheerfully sarcastic tone, “Just one more reason to not get on her bad side.”


Hermione was only allowed to leave the infirmary and make her way back off to the common-room after a final check in with the medi-witch and a rather sleepy conversation with Professor Slughorn. Her path back to the dungeons had been mostly deserted and only a few Prefects had been hanging out in any of the hallways. Most seemed in more than a hurry to disappear as quickly as she found them, wanting clearly to avoid her as much as they could.

Weariness clung all around Hermione like a warm and heavy cloak as every movement and step felt heavier than normal. All she wanted to do was to curl herself up into an undisturbed ball of limbs and sadness and sleep for days. Eventually she found herself before the statue that guarded the common-room and blearily gave it the password while her mind remained elsewhere.

Halfway to the hall that would lead to the girls' dormitory section a loud cough that sounded muffled by a hand caught her attention. Her eyes shot off into the darkness of the common-room as she took in whoever was waiting around.

Sitting deeply into a leather couch that was pressed right up against the far wall were Andromeda and Narcissa, an open tome sandwiched between them. Two pairs of eyes looked up and spotted Hermione as her body came to an automatic halt. She could feel her heart freezing solid in her chest as Andromeda’s eyes bore down into her own. She had wanted to talk with Andy at a more neutral time but seeming to have lucked into the two witches and no one else was more than enough of an invitation for Hermione. Turning on her heel she strode over to the seated pair who still had their eyes glued to her and their mouths shut.

Before she could even begin talking, Andromeda was up and out from her seat on the cough and was striding towards her with long and sharp paces that seemed counter to the rather short stature of the witch. Her eyes were unreadable dark pools that brought a shiver to Hermione’s spine.



Andromeda had moved herself so quickly that Hermione hadn’t even seen her arm begin to move before the flat of Andy’s palm connected with her cheek. Her head was turned violently at the impact and pain flushed up immediately to take residence in her cheek.

“If you ever dare to attack or hurt my sister again, I will personally bury the little pieces of your body that remain. Is that understood?”

Shame flushed Hermione’s face and neck until the remaining cheek and hollow of her throat were the same color as the still stinging cheek. Her breath hitched as her mind came to terms with the fact that Andy, Andy of all people, had slapped her.

“Andromeda, I-”

“I asked. If you. UNDERSTOOD!” Andy’s voice was so loud that Hermione couldn’t help but wonder why there wasn’t a gaggle of students alerted to their altercation and swarming the common-room.

Hermione could do naught but stare into the pitch black orbs that reminded her so much of Bellatrix and tried to calm her breathing down enough to talk without stuttering or passing out.

“Y-Yes Andy. I understand. And for what it’s worth I’m sorry for attacking her like that.” Hermione inhaled deeply to settle the remaining tremors running through her body.


Before Hermione could reply or make any sense of what exactly had transpired, Andromeda rushed forward through the space between them and wrapped Hermione into a bone crushing hug.

“I’m sorry that Bella forced you into doing that. I just needed you to know that she’s my sister and I love her dearly. I know you’re sorry about what happened. It doesn’t change anything, you’re still our friend. And I’m sure that Bella is sorry too, even though you’ll have a hell of a time wringing that admission from her. She’s been under a ton of pressure lately and she took it all out on you. Doesn’t excuse her behavior, like, at all, but it wasn’t just a case of her not liking you.”

When Andromeda finally released her from the hug and air began flooding Hermione’s tightly wound chest, Narcissa silently walked up towards them. Narcissa finally caught Hermione’s eye after glancing worriedly between both witches and began to speak.

“Is it true that you managed to hit her before she even blocked?”

A frown tilted Hermione’s face at the oddness of the question. “Um… Yes?”

“Well,” Narcissa gave her the most piercing gaze that a twelve year old could, “That’s pretty cool. No one’s beat Bella in a duel yet, even when fighting underhanded.”

The young witch flashed Hermione an oddly warm smile before turning around and walking out towards to dormitories, leaving Hermione standing confusedly in her wake.

“So then,” Andy spoke up in a chipper tone, “That’s Cissa for you. I’ll let you go now. You probably won’t see Bella for a little while yet, she’s in a mood. Night Em’!”

Andy practically skipped past Hermione and left to the dorms after she finished speaking, leaving a confused and exhausted Hermione to parse her thoughts and attempt some sort of recovery.


Numbness was setting in all over Bella’s body. Coming out from a Cruciatus curse had always left her nerve endings empty and unfocused in the minutes after application. It was a bit like have every muscle in her body fall asleep, except spread across every single nerve and blanketing her.

When she had been finally allowed out of the castle to attend her private ‘Tutoring Lesson’ on Friday, she’d been expecting some harsh words. Cygnus and Lord Voldemort had supplied those in spades. She’d even been expecting some form of a physical punishment. A slap maybe, or if Cygnus was feeling particularly nasty that day, a punch to her gut and a swift kick to her ribs.

What had ended up awaiting her was worse. Cygnus had waited, hidden among the background of the manor, while her new tutor took it upon himself to admonish her lack of ability.

“To think,” he said in a snarled whisper that was raspy with rage, “That such a promising young witch would be bested by the last scion of an extinct House. I mean really, you must admit that it’s a disgrace.”

The disappointed tone riding up beneath his words was like a knife dug into her skin. He was supposed to be her ticket out from becoming a subservient house-witch to a man with more testicles than brain cells, even if Cygnus was loath to admit it. Voldemort wanted her, Her, and she’d failed a simple request. Do not lose.

The sting of the first crucio was an unexpected pain but entirely out of the spectrum of her experiences. It lashed at her body like knives tearing into flesh and pulling the muscle and gristle off her bones. Her body had cramped and she’d almost missed his soft but angered words when he released the curse.

“We will have to correct this deficiency. Get up, we’ll cover something simple, something even you can handle. Dueling agility. Up!”

And they had. Voldemort slung piercing hexes and stinging jinxes at a rate almost faster than her eyes could keep up with. Her chest burned with exertion as she fought for breath and the dizzying pace that she was forced to dodge at took a toll on her generally enormous stamina pool. She scraped her body raw against cold stone as she flung her body every which way in an effort to avoid him.

Whenever she was caught somewhere she knew she couldn’t dodge, she instead threw up simple Protego wards, taking the brunt of the attack in her arms and legs as she pushed against the incoming force.

Finally, a hex flew past her defenses and smashed its way into the meat of her thigh and sending her sprawling forward as the leg was blasted out from under her. Her nose collided painfully and stars washed out beneath her eyelids. She could taste blood sliding down her throat and her tongue burned painfully where she’d nearly bitten it off.

She wasn’t even able to get to her hands and knees before a roaring “Crucio!” reached her ears. The pain was again immediate, lasting several seconds before being relinquished.

“Get up. Reset, we go again.”

On trembling limbs she pushed herself up and squared her stance when she reached her feet. And then he was on her again.


And so they had sparred. Bellatrix pushing her body to its utter limits in an effort to dodge and protect herself. Every failure had meant suffering an increasingly long-lasting Cruciatus. It was more than enough of an incentive for her to try her absolute hardest. By the time she’d been allowed to apparate back to the gates of Hogwarts, she’d been a trembling mess.

Muscles were strained and unwieldy even if she couldn’t directly feel the pain settling in, numbness still blanketing most of her body. The walk back to the common-room had been fraught with moments when she was sure that she would just give in and collapse.

When she’d finally arrived back safely into her own bed she’d thrown herself forward without removing any of her blood and sweat stained clothing, preferring instead to curl into a ball and retreat into her mind as she waited for the pain to set in and overcome her.

For what felt like the first time in ages, tears accompanied her as she drifted off to a fitful and terrified sleep.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => d438d2f87e1bee9ef6808a8d84a93abb051a34a4 ) [58] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 7. Book 1: A Pair of Know-It-All's [timestamp] => 1553900400 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 7: Book 1: A Pair of Know-It-All's

Chapter Text

By the end of the week Hermione could proudly proclaim that it indeed could get worse. 

So much worse. 


That first Transfiguration lesson had proven a few things to Hermione. Sitting at the forefront was the knowledge that the label of ‘ Smartest Witch of her Age’ was unequivocally not an exaggeration. Order members in her time might have used the phrase to be condescending but it was accurate to a T. They weren’t exaggerations and Bellatrix seemed to revel in proving it. 

McGonagall would ask a question of the class and two hands were assured to rise as fast as humanly possible. They were evenly matched in terms of theory and both sought to outdo the other when it came to answering correctly. As the class had worn on it seemed apparent that the remainder of the students were willing to leave any and all questions up to them. A few Ravenclaw students would also attempt to answer but were never quite as fast or accurate as the duo. 

While McGonagall continued to drone on ad nauseam about proper wrist movement during wordless transfiguration Hermione would lean back into her chair and try to surreptitiously catch a glimpse of the dark haired witch. When she had finally got a clear enough view it was apparent that Bellatrix was doing much the same. She wore a small wry grin that looked to be part amusement and part surprise at how much Hermione knew. Her own face was lit up with a similar smirk. While the lesson continued a giddiness had begun to slowly infect Hermione as she came to the realization that Bellatrix, in this class at least, was her equal. 

Between the two of them they had managed to win 30 points for Slytherin by the time the practical application portion of the lesson was to begin. Though the effort wasn’t for the House she was familiar with it gave Hermione a sense of accomplishment to put her knowledge to work and have it recognized among her peers. The effort to outdo each other mounted as the class continued. By the end of the lesson they were silently racing one another to transfigure a wooden block into a rather fancifully colored wind chime with no words and minimal wand movement. 

They’d practically flown through the lesson and by the time McGonagall had released them the pain in Hermione’s scar had faded into the back of her mind. It was still present but no longer a focus of attention. As their class had filed out neither Bellatrix nor Hermione spoke of the obvious academic rivalry that seemed to have grown in just one class. As Bellatrix left with a group of seventh year Slytherin’s heading for the courtyard Hermione stared off after her and leaned back against the ancient stone walls flanking the hallway. A soft hand on her shoulder pulled her free from her thoughts. Glancing to her right she noticed Andromeda standing next to her with a hand out, a quizzical expression written on her face. 

“Hey Em’.” Hermione was struck by how quickly Andromeda had come to nickname her and offer some small measure of support.

“If you’re done for the day, want me to show you around now?” 

Reminded of the promised ‘tour’, Hermione smiled and nodded in return. 

“Sure. Just let me just drop off my bag, then we’ll head out.” 

Shoulder to shoulder they headed down to the Dungeons. 


The rest of the school week had consisted of Hermione excelling at her courses, walking the castle grounds after classes had finished with Andromeda, and trying to beat out Bellatrix whenever they had class together. They’d both settled into a routine where they would sit at the same table and work to beat each other at some arbitrary notion of ‘excellence’ in class. 

The dark witch seemed to acknowledge that they were on an even playing field in the theoretical portions of their classwork. To counter it she actively sought to work out problems, potions, new spells and other classwork at a pace that almost managed to leave Hermione choking on her dust. The unintentional gap that the war created in Hermione’s schooling was beginning to show. By the time she knew the answer to a question Bellatrix had already had her arm raised. To her teachers and classmates it would seem she had just as much of an edge as Bellatrix; but she knew she was lagging behind even if it was almost imperceptible to others.   

The smirks she received when Bellatrix was chosen to answer and not her were particularly grating. It wasn’t a mean smirk. It wasn’t ugly. Hermione wasn’t truly convinced that Bellatrix could even look anything other than radiantly smug. She could admit Bellatrix was pretty. She could admit she was beautiful, even. But her heart and head protested at thinking on that subject any further than skin deep. The angry voice in her head thought otherwise. 

You like how pretty she is…’ 

Hermione had been trying as hard as she could to keep that little voice quiet. But it wasn't working. 

The only edge up on Bellatrix that she had was in Arithmancy and even that was a hard won battle. If it hadn’t been her favorite subject she was sure she’d be behind instead. As the week progressed the scar on her arm became a constant source of sensation. After the second class together the pain had begun to fade into the background of her consciousness. It was just as warm and angry as before but rather than being distracting it was now mundane and easy to ignore, whereas before it had been a constant draw to her attention. 

As Friday came she was no longer hiding herself behind stacks of parchment and books in the library or spending the evenings holed up in her dorm room. She opted to instead join Andromeda in the common room to go work on her own homework and help Andromeda when asked. The young witch was bright but having trouble in multiple courses. Rather than filling her with annoyance as it had when Harry or Ron had asked for help, helping Andromeda was a welcome time sink. The witch waited with bated breath as Hermione would explain a concept or spell that she’d been stuck on. The open gratitude for helping was warming and the chance to repay Andromeda for taking the time to walk with her in the evening before dinner was welcomed. Though they were usually never the only ones present it seemed majority of students worked elsewhere. 

After walking the castle with Andromeda they would retire in the common room to work through classwork while waiting to leave for dinner and return to their books and work the moment they returned. Bellatrix seemed to be avoiding her when outside of classrooms and they hadn’t yet been together in the common room. Narcissa would occasionally break off from her young friend group and take time to sit with her sister and Hermione, absorbing their words with quiet contemplation and occasional questions. Hermione had decided early on that these moments were a good time to get to know Narcissa. 

The youngest Black sister was a welcome deviation from the older version Hermione had come to know all too well. Whereas Narcissa Malfoy constantly reeked of superiority and put off an air of hostility and veiled contempt, Cissa Black was as open and warm as any other twelve year old. Sometimes their conversations would leech over to the subject of blood-purity and the status of muggleborns and half-bloods. At the casual dropping of mudblood in conversation Hermione would be instantly reminded that the young girl was the daughter of an incredibly discriminatory pureblood house. 

Those moments would always coincide with Hermione distancing herself as she remembered exactly who Narcissa and Bellatrix would grow into. Andy and Cissa would quietly share a look with one another as Hermione retreated into her shell and move the topic of conversation elsewhere. Both witches seemed acutely attuned to the emotions of those around them and sought to keep things warm at best and neutral at worst. They might not have known the cause of Hermione’s distress but both wanted to lessen it whenever possible. 

It was during one of these introspective moments that Bellatrix found them all sitting on the warm leather couch in the common room. Narcissa occupied the far right corner of the couch and was sitting with her feet tucked beneath her and a Potions textbook open on her lap. Andromeda was propped up in the middle with a stack of parchments she’d been shuffling through and revising with Hermione’s help. Hermione herself sat staring off into the fireplace after getting lost in her own memories. Unnoticed the scar began to pulse with heat. The telltale warning sign that Bellatrix was near was only a blip in her mindscape as she lost herself in thought and reflection. Eventually the pain was at full strength and still Hermione was tuning out the world. 


Andromeda’s eyes flitted between Hermione and her older sister.


Bellatrix walked closer as Hermione remained lost and oblivious to the outside world. 

“Grenier!” Bellatrix finally shouted alarmingly close to Hermione’s ear. 

Shite,’ Hermione startled at the noise and jumped backwards in surprise, ‘That’s me. ’ 

“Yeah, yeah, sorry. What do you want Bellatrix?” Hermione shook her head and turned to stare the witch in the eyes. Bellatrix took a step back and crossed her arms around her front, shifting back onto her right foot. 

“I was going to ask you for help on the Arithmancy essay but if you’re so dense as to not notice your own name, I’m not so sure about asking you now.” 

The look of disdain etched into Bellatrix’s features could have withered stone. Hermione took a second to collect her scattered thoughts before responding to the insult. 

“If you’re so behind that you need help on that little thing, I’m not sure anyone can help you, LeStrange.” 

An intake of breath to her right was her only warning. 


The reaction was immediate. 

Did I just call her…’ 

Bella’s eyes widened in a mixture of fear and anger while her face settled into a mask of rage. 


“How dare you,” Bellatrix spat as her words dripped icy venom. Hermione’s scar burst forth in burning pain as a low growling sound began to emanate from Bellatrix. The air surrounding them took on a sudden cloying heat as a crystal goblet on a shelf near them shattered into thousands of shards. No one moved at the sudden spray of glass, too caught up in Bellatrix’s reaction. 

“I, I didn’t mean-” Hermione tried to stutter out an apology but before she could Bellatrix had turned heel and stormed off out the entrance to the common room. Mouth gaping like a fish Hermione turned towards Narcissa and Andromeda who were looking at her with a mixture of pity and confusion. Andromeda was the first to break the ongoing tension.

“Um, Em’. How’d you know about Rodolphus? I mean, they aren’t even engaged yet…?”

Cissa shared a look with Andy before standing up from the couch and heading out to follow Bellatrix. 

“I, I… I heard a rumor floating around from some of the boys. I didn’t mean to bring it up, I didn’t know she’d react like that.” 

Andy leaned back and shook her head slightly before looking back to Hermione. 

“Stupid git.” Hermione winced at her words and turned to stare at her hands in her lap. 

“Oh, no no, not you Emelia. Rodolphus. Bellatrix hates Rodolphus, and I doubt she thought it’d get out this soon. She’s only marrying because it was arranged.” 

Hermione relaxed at Andromeda’s words and tried to uncurl the shame that had wrapped around her stomach. She’d known the couple wasn’t particularly close in her timeline but wasn’t aware that Bellatrix had hated her intended. 

“If she doesn’t like him,” Hermione began, “Why doesn’t she just call it off? Marry someone she actually likes?” 

Andy physically scoffed at Hermione’s suggestion and wore a sad grin on her face. 

“Because, she’d be disowned. And maybe end up dead somewhere no one’d find…”

Hermione blanched at that. 

‘That’s horrible.” 

“Yeah,” Andy nodded, “Tell me about it.” 


After the unintended exchange Hermione’s days went down like a hippogriff plummeting from the sky. Bellatrix never outwardly said anything to Hermione but the disdain she now held for her was evident in her actions. The pair no longer sat near one another as Bellatrix opted to stay as far away as she physically could during lectures. She would find herself tripping in hallways while snickering laughter could be heard around corners. Inkpots would randomly spill onto her work. Her standard quills had been switched out for disappearing ink quills three times. At random intervals during the night loud blaring sirens would throw her from sleep while guilty footsteps ran away from her door. Water would leak and form a puddle in front of her dormitory door every morning. Her scar had been hurting more intensely all week, and she’d been unable to put it out of her mind. The prefect bathroom she’d taken too was almost constantly occupied by a certain witch who set her scar blazing. Stinging jinx’s would hit her whenever she seemed alone and the vast majority of Slytherin students were suddenly ignoring her. 

She wouldn’t have minded that last one as the likes of LeStrange brothers and their attending cronies never interested her, but now Narcissa was attempting to avoid her completely. The only person left in the dungeons who seemed to still have her back was Andromeda and even that friendship was increasingly strained as Bellatrix bore down and Hermione withdrew. 

It came to a head the Thursday after the incident with Bellatrix. Irritated and sleep deprived Hermione had sat in her chair only to find a sticking jinx applied to the seat. After muttering the counter-jinx and fuming for a few seconds she looked back and caught a glare from Bellatrix. Her History of Magic block for that day was devoted to a test, and she could hardly pay attention. 

Halfway through the period she’d felt the eyes of Bellatrix boring into her back as the pain in her arm spiked up a notch. When she stood up from her desk to turn in her parchment she could hear the scraping of another chair in the back of the classroom. Hurried footsteps followed up behind her and as they moved to pass Hermione looked to her left. 

Bellatrix was glaring her down with her eyes as black as night. It was a visceral change. Her eyes no longer held the hint of warm brown tones but were instead deep and black, filled with visible anger churning beneath the surface. As Bellatrix stepped to pass her she brought up her crooked wand unexpectedly and touched the parchment clutched within Hermione’s fingers. Hermione’s mouth opened in shock as it suddenly burst into flame and crumbled as she let go. 

“Ah!” Hermione screamed in alarm and stepped to the side as the entire class turned to look. Bellatrix continued walking on, her head turned slightly to glare down Hermione as she walked away with a savage grin on her face. It was the last straw. 

Screw this.’ 

As Bellatrix turned her head towards the front of the class Hermione drew her wand from its holster. She understood abstractly that there would be repercussions for this action but couldn’t seem to find it within herself to care. That tiny little angry voice had come into its own and was egging her on at a screaming volume in an effort to drown out her conscience. A rising gasp from the classmates around her alerted Bellatrix that danger was coming and she started to turn back around. 

Stupefy !” Hermione let out the spell as fast as she could, hoping to catch Bellatrix before she could notice the wand in her hand. 

It worked. Bellatrix dropped into a crouch and turned towards Hermione while throwing out a Protego , but it came too late. Hermione’s spell found its mark as Bellatrix bowled over backwards. At the same moment the scar on her arm flared up in pain so intense she was forced to double over and fall to her knees, wand dropping to the ground as she cried out in pain. 

All around her her classmates were tearing up from their desks in confusion and shock at the duel while Professor Binns looked on with a bored expression filled his ethereal face. Tears began clouding Hermione’s vision as the intensity of the pain notched up again. After what felt like hours she felt her world closing in as her vision tunneled. Her last waking thought rattled around her brain. 

Merlin, I am so fucked.’ 


“What are we going to do about this Albus?” Minerva’s questioning gaze sought out Albus as he peered at the parchment laying on his desk. 

“No need to worry Minerva. What they did can be rectified through internal punishment. Horace will have them in detention for a week, and we’ll all move on from this incident.” 

She walked up in front of his desk and lay her palms flat atop the table, a scowl breaking through her features. 

“Are you sure, Albus?” She needed to know. The troubling lack of surprise when he’d been told of the incident was honestly worrisome. 

He looked up at her through his glasses and sighed deeply. As the seconds ticked onward he leaned backwards in his chair and clasped his hands together while resting them on top of the desk. 

“Of course I am Minerva. It’s all for the greater good.” 

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => cdfb57d27930d03e53787beb1a3a389391795ba1 ) [59] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 6. Book 1: Painful Lessons [timestamp] => 1557525600 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 6: Book 1: Painful Lessons


Revised/Edited May 11th 2019

Chapter Text

Hermione lay awake and in a panic long before the sun had a chance to rise up and over the hills that surrounded Hogwarts. Her eyes burned with a lack of sleep that was born from nightmares. The air around her was still and quiet while her heartbeat thudded painfully, blood pounding like a drum in her ears.

The night had run long and her thoughts with it. Nothing had helped to quell her racing mind. Anxiety, worry, doubt; all rolling over and over at a pace she couldn’t keep up with. It all cascaded into loops that drew her further into her despair. She could hardly remember a time when she’d felt this off before.

The night that she’d spent worrying over their robbery of Gringotts might have been the closest. But even then she’d had Harry and Ron to buoy her spirits and calm her racing thoughts. Being a know-it-all who was nearly obsessed with perfection had been a curse as much as it was a gift. And now, left alone with her thoughts, she was overthinking every little thing that she could latch onto. The lull before the Final Battle might have been a close third. But even with death and despair very literally knocking at the door she’d been kept from running herself down. She’d made peace with the fact that at some point she could die. She’d made peace with the fact that she might go down, surrounded by friends as much as family. She’d known she would do whatever it took to keep her friends alive.

She had none of that now. Fear had engulfed her. A visceral fear and anxiety that had sprung up due to the time that it took place in. Not a single soul here truly knew her. No one was her friend. Not Minerva, not Dumbledore, not any single person. Minerva certainly had stepped up to provide some form of warm assurance and comfort but it wasn’t the true warmth of friendship. It was care that came from pity. Pity that arose from knowing that her future self had a hand in Hermione’s misery. Hermione couldn’t stand it, coddling and pity had never been her friends.

And Dumbledore was assuredly not a friend in this timeline. His scheming and maneuvering, for the greater good, was a constant threat. This was the man who had a child raised in an abusive home so that he would soften and latch to the first souls who showed him comfort. The man who pushed aside a proper investigation into who revealed the Potter’s so that it would serve a prophecy.

And she certainly had no friends around her. At least a third of the student body would gladly murder her if they knew the things she’d done, had yet to do. They only saw Emelia, the mask she was inhabiting.

She’d had a beautiful cover drawn up for her, a story so water tight even she could hardly see the cracks that built up the facade. Birth dates, travel dates, family members and friends. Reasons beyond reproach for why she’d left Canada behind. A fake family that was dust on the wind so that no one could look into her. She’d spent so much time studying it and pounding it into her mind that she could almost recite it better than her own actual history.

But now her story would be put to the test. It wouldn’t just be lone shopkeepers or goblins who cared more for paperwork than words. She would be tested by a full contingent of students, all curious as to who this latecomer was. Any one of them could ask a frivolous question that would unravel her whole lie.

When she came back to herself she realized she was close to hyperventilating. Her mind stilled as she fought to drag up some of that Gryffindor pride and courage that must have been somewhere in her chest. Her body moved before she realized she’d wanted to do so. Duvet thrown up from her body and to the side as she turned and dropped her legs off the bed. Soft and warm carpeting scratched at her toes and the soles of her feet, while the chill of the air wrapped around her bare legs. She rubbed morosely at the itch in her tired eyes while the other hand ran through her short hair. It was still something to get used to, sleeping with no errant puffs of hair against her cheek or falling uncomfortably into her eyes. It was a weight off of her that she hadn’t even thought about.

Standing silently she flicked her wrist to encourage the fire across the room to throw off more heat. Grabbing a towel and clean clothing she made up her mind to refresh in the lonesome Prefect’s bath before classes started. She hoped that the warmth and relaxation would loosen her body and mind before she had to directly face anyone.

Her feet padded silently out into the hallways while her ears remained open for a sign of any other early risers. If she was lucky then no one else would be awake yet, leaving her free to sneak in and out with no one to bother her.

The common-room remained as silent as ever but had been strewn with evidence of the other student's arrival. During the Feast last night she had remained by herself at the end of the Slytherin table, picking at food until the earliest opportunity to leave had presented itself. No one had bothered with her, much to her gratitude. Now though, now she would need to interact with others. Even if only at meal times and during classes. A ball of dread fell into her stomach and she hurried her walk in response.

The canvas bag on her shoulder swung lightly as she made her way out of the entrance-way and into the main hallways of the dungeons. The bathroom wasn’t too far off, but she’d still been as quiet and observant as she could.

When she finally arrived she stripped down quickly and set about preparing herself for the day to come. The warm water and succulent smells of soaps and conditioners were a balm to her fractured courage.


All too soon though her time was up.

With a heavy sigh she pulled herself from the grasp of the warm water and stood to stretch any remaining kinks from her body. She only began to redress when she was certain her body was limber and no chance of cramping remained in her muscles.

Her scarred arm began to burn as she pulled her white undershirt over her head. It started as a tingle in the writing, light at first, before morphing into an actual pulsing pain. Clenching her teeth and hissing lightly against the pain she brought her palm to the scar and began to massage the skin and muscle beneath it. Only when footfalls rang outside the entrance to the bath did she realize her position.

The pain in her arm increased as the sound of walking grew closer. Soon enough she was down on one knee when the pain reached a crescendo. It was like being carved into all over again.

Slowly backing herself into a corner Hermione alternated between staring at the ugly writing and keeping an eye on the door. Silent whispers for the person to move on without entering were the only sound in the room besides her pained breaths. A mumbling sound came from the door as the footsteps faltered. Her heart leaped into her chest and lodged while her chest froze. When it felt like she’d pass out from lack of oxygen the footsteps started again, this time heading down the opposite direction.

In time with the echoing footsteps the pain in her arm began to lessen. Only when the sound disappeared completely did the warmth and anger in her forearm abate.

Releasing her breath in great rush she bowed over her body, arms wrapping around her knees as she fought to regain her breathing pattern. Her mind swirled at what had happened, thoughts chasing themselves until a hypothesis began to form in her mind.

‘... Bellatrix?’


After the incident in the bathroom Hermione had slowly pieced herself back together and finished dressing. The walk from the bathroom had been tense; pulse hammering steadily, eyes swiveling about, fears creeping in on every thought.

She’d made it back safely though. A few of her Housemates had given her strange looks when she barged in, but she paid them no mind. When she entered her lone room she slammed the door shut behind herself and leaned back into the door while her arms and hands were splayed out to the sides. She rationally knew nothing was going to happen but the irrational part of her was just about thrown into a full panic attack. When the seconds turned into minutes her hammering heart and short breaths began to abate. When she’d returned to mastering her emotions she returned to dressing herself and preparing to head out for the day.

The scars across her neck and arm were hidden and shrouded behind her school uniform. The robe more than made up for the coverage that was lost with her hair now being so short, but still the fact that they were there was a bother. As was the likelihood that she would need to roll up her sleeves or remove her robe at some point during the day. She wasn’t sure what would happen if anyone caught sight of the slur and wasn’t in the mood to hurry up and find out.

The wand on her desk was quickly grabbed up as she weaved glamours all over her neck and left arm. The magic that sustained the glamour was small and nearly insignificant to the point where she shouldn’t need to check up on it until the next morning. It brought a measure of peace to her mind that she hadn’t truly thought she’d needed. It would also suffice until she found a way to remove or heal the scars entirely.

With her mind set and satchel packed for the start of term, she left the small dorm room behind and headed towards the common-room. Her feet sounded off loudly against the stone floor while only being slightly muffled from the sounds of talking coming in from the room at the end of the hallway. The closer she came to the entrance to the common-room the more a mild tingling sensation began to build up underneath the glamour on her arm. While it wasn’t painful yet, it also wasn’t exactly unnoticeable. It just was .

Her mind played at the strings of information being presented to her, curious as to the exact properties regarding the curse that seemed to bind her to Bellatrix. Her feet stilled right before she entered the room as she fought to compose herself. It would do her no good to have another panic attack right in the middle of other students. With a hesitant lurch she stepped into the room and slowly walked through.

Bellatrix sat upon one of the large couches that took up a great deal of room on the floor space. The tingling sensation in Hermione’s arm increased but didn’t come with any actual pain. Taking the risk, she stepped further into the room and aimed to walk right past Bellatrix on her way to the entrance-way.

A young girl with a mixture of brown and blonde hair was sitting next to Bellatrix, a book in her lap and an eager smile on her face. It seemed that the dark witch was fully absorbed with the witch sitting at her side and paid no immediate attention as Hermione approached to pass them. When she came up alongside witch she looked down at the same moment that Bellatrix looked up at her.

Brown eyes near the color of pitch stared back at her, no hint of recognition or hatred at all. Whether Bellatrix had forgiven the interaction they’d only recently had, or she’d just forgotten her, Hermione couldn’t tell. Neither spoke as she passed them by only to resume looking straight ahead again when she passed the couch. The scar hadn’t started to hurt once.

Her mind filled with questions as she walked outside the entrance-way and into the halls beyond. The tingling feeling had passed completely once she was away from the common-room, though she didn’t know exactly how far that really was. It had obviously been Bellatrix outside of the bathroom that had set the scar on her arm into a blazing fury. She was stumped however when it came to knowing why the interaction just now hadn’t brought her anything more than a feeling of not being alone.

The tingling had been noticeable to be sure but hadn’t gone anywhere else. She knew that puzzling out why the earlier passing brought pain but not this one would be a likely arduous process and determined that a trip to the library was in order as soon as she could spare the time or patience.


Students of all Houses kept out of Hermione’s path as she made her way up multiple staircases and under heavy archways on her path to the Great Hall. A few of the Slytherin’s surrounding her would mutter a quiet ‘Hello,’ or a wave, while the other Houses seemed content to pretend that she didn’t even exist.

Bits and pieces of conversations traveled gently to her ears as she walked past throngs of students with happy smiles and conspiratorially hushed voices. It appeared that rumors about the mystery transfer student were already in full swing. Her lack of interaction the night before and the odd circumstances surrounding her already having been living at the castle seemed to have become a wild tale.

She knew the power that words and rumors could hold over the masses but was unable to decide on any course of action. Harry’s insistence that he wasn’t the Heir of Slytherin had fallen on deaf ears. His pleading tone as he shouted down that he hadn’t entered himself into the Tri-Wizard Cup went unheeded. She could try to dispel them with her falsified history but she knew that that might just increase or warp the rumors further if she went with fervent denial.

Truth be told she was loath to even try, these things had a life of their own as soon as the first person opened their mouth and the time and energy that she’d need to expend working on buttoning it all up would be better served elsewhere.

‘Let them gossip, better lies than the truth.’

So long as the rumors kept people away from her, she would let them talk in peace.

The murmur and clatter of silverware and plates grew louder the closer she came to the Great Hall. Voices floated out, happy and joyous at the prospect of being with friends again while a vocal few railed against the classes they had yet to even start.

The volume dropped considerably as she walked into the Hall, heads swiveling to catch a glimpse of the mysterious witch with such a hush-hush past. The attention was nerve wracking but when she sat down at the far end of the Slytherin table it blocked out the questioning looks. After a solid minute where she played her breakfast and went about pouring juice into a goblet the voices and clatter of a normal morning picked back up again. It seemed the students were satisfied that she wasn’t going to attack or act in a ‘weird’ manner and had decided it was best to resume their breakfast. The sound of voices and clatter of the hungry masses soon picked up again while Hermione lost herself in her task.

It was nostalgic to a degree. Well, only so long as she ignored the odd placement of the table and the bright Slytherin green that that seemed to trim each of her classmates. She’d last sat comfortably at a House table in her sixth year. When the War was over and Hogwarts had just started to rebuild, the Great Hall had been reduced to one long table. So many had left it behind in the aftermath and so few had shown up to rebuild that even a single long table had felt far too empty whenever she sat down for a meal.

Hermione was startled out of her introspection when a student sat down next to her and began piling her plate high with toast and eggs, hands moving with practiced efficiency as the mound of food in front of her increased. Glancing towards the witch Hermione’s head started to pound alarm bells until the more rational side of her mind took over.

‘The scar doesn’t hurt. She’s not Bellatrix.’

A shiver crawled down her spine regardless of the mental assurances that said she wasn’t in any danger. The young witch seated next to her was a near carbon copy of Bellatrix Lestrange, albeit far younger. The major difference that set them apart was the color of her hair. Long brown curls fell in waves and ringlets over her shoulders and down her back. Pale skin that lacked blemishes or adornments were capped with warm cheeks that gave her looks a bit of life and the good-natured grin she wore was disarming and honest.

‘Andy?’ she thought to herself. She’d only met Mrs. Tonks once, and had almost had a panic attack at the sight of her. The witch had been Lestrange’s near twin, the only discernible difference she’d been able to point out at the time was the brown hair, slightly shorter and thinner build, and warmth behind her gestures.

It was a haunting feeling to meet the younger version of that woman, knowing what she did.

Hermione forced her thumping heart to relax and stilled her complexion when the young witch turned to her and began to speak. She belatedly realized it had been Andromeda who had saved her from being hexed by Bellatrix when she was knocked down outside of Ollivander’s shop.

“Hi,” the young witch spoke up with a pleasant air, “I'm Andromeda. You the new transfer from Canada?”

Hermione turned on the bench and faced the witch before replying, a piece of buttered toast going slack in her hands.

“Yes, Emelia Grenier,” Hermione dropped the toast and offered her hand for a shake, “Pleased to meet you Andromeda.”

Andromeda returned to her plate after their pleasantries were exchanged, piling up food onto a fork and struggling to down it all in one gulp. Seeing the rather uncouth action had Hermione internally giggling as she compared the woman she remembered with the new version at her side.

“You can call me Andy if you’d like. Usually people only call me Andromeda if I’m in trouble,” she tilted her head and shot Hermione a wry grin, “You might not have recognized me but I wanted to apologize for the way we met, in Diagon. I know it’s not my place to apologize for her but Bella likely won’t admit she was in the wrong. She is sorry though, just not used to expressing it. We’d both been having a shite day. Not sayin’ it as an excuse or anything but I wanted you to know she didn’t go at you for anything you’d done. Bella would have gone on to hex someone else if she hadn’t run into you.”

A mirthless laugh went off in Hermione’s head at the thought of Bellatrix Lestrange ever being sorry for anything. It was just such an absurd pronouncement that she nearly lost her composure and actually laughed out loud. When the amusement petered out she centered herself and slumped her shoulders, looking towards Andromeda before replying.

“It’s alright Andy, I understand. We’ve all been there, had those kinds of days. Just so you know though, I’ll probably try to avoid your sister. She struck me as being… intense.”

A sheepish look crossed over Andromeda’s features as she shook her head before looking her in the eyes and grinning.

“Believe me Emelia, you don’t even know the half of it. Intense is the understatement of the century when it comes to Bella. That said,” her grin faltered, “She isn’t too bad, once you get to know her. Oh, and if you want, since you’re new and all, come find me after classes. I’ll show you around a bit. Lots of hidden places and shortcuts running around through everything. I’ve been here six years, well starting on six technically, and I still don’t know em’ all.”

“I’d like that very much,” Hermione replied, her voice and smile filled with genuine emotion. “Thanks.”

Breakfast continued to drag on wards as the two witches sat in companionable silence. When it became clear to Hermione that she needed to leave now or risk missing the first Charms class of the term, she pushed her plates and silverware back before rising up from the bench and smiling warmly down at Andromeda.

A comfortable wave and promises to meet up again were their last interaction before she headed off and out of the Great Hall.


Hermione’s day continued to be far more successful than she’d imagined all the way up through the end of Charms and History of Magic. She’d been able to take advantage of the free periods between her classes to hole herself away in a corner of the library. A wall of books and shelves had shielded her off from the scrutiny of most students. Madam Mazur had simply given her a look as she wandered off and the few students that had already taken up residence didn’t even react to her presence. It had only been the first day of classes but already she was feeling swamped with the amount of work. It was clear she’d need to work and study diligently to finish the meager amount of homework that she’d already been given. It was enough to bring a smile to her face.

Transfiguration was her last block for the Monday afternoon. She was determined to come out on top of her classes and best her peers.

The room was empty and quiet when she finally arrived. Minerva seemed more surprised at her early arrival than anything else. The older woman smiled back at her as she took a seat in the middle of the room. Her mind was caught up in her thoughts as she set out a fresh quill and parchment, awaiting the arrival of the other students.

The rest of the class trickled in mere minutes later, filling up the empty desks around her. The stern faced Professor glared down students as they continued to trickle in, late comers and stragglers getting soft but disappointed chuffs and warnings that the behavior wouldn’t be tolerated past today.

When what appeared to be the last straggler entered into the room Minerva stood to begin roll call. With each ‘Here!’, the quill floating alongside her parchment. Hermione hesitated just a second longer than she wished she had once her new name was called out. An internal panic rippled out from her chest once she realized she’d been called and though the rest of the class roll continued normally from there she was startled nonetheless.

Midway through the remainder of the roll call her scar began to tingle. The telltale sensation grew as apprehension washed over her. She’d been so lost in her own head that she hadn’t even heard Bellatrix’s name being called out by Minerva. She eyed the door behind her and hoped against measure that the feeling would fade quickly.

Luck, however, seemed to have it out for her. The classroom door opened with a squeak on rusty hinges as the dark haired witch sauntered in. She wore a self-assured expression as if daring anyone to comment on her tardiness.

Hermione closed her eyes and rubbed lightly at the scar on her arm as it continued to alert her to the witch’s presence. When she opened her eyes she realized that Bellatrix had made her way to the only empty seat.

Next to her.

‘Oh Merlin, no.’

“How good of your to join us for class today Ms. Black,” McGonagall’s voice brokered no amusement at the witch’s tardiness and Hermione felt a stab of pain lance through her scar as the witch seemed to take offense to the Professor’s statement. “One would think that after six years of living and learning within these halls that you’d have memorized the locations of classrooms. After all, mine hasn’t switched in nearly twenty years. Ten points from Slytherin. Do not make this a habit.”

A groan of discontentment rolled through the half of the classroom that was occupied by the Slytherin students as McGonagall made her proclamation. The other half, Gryffindor, pumped their first lamely at the first hit of the year. Hermione would have normally been pleased at the infraction being addressed but had slightly bigger issues to contend with now.

The scar had settled into a constant heat and mild burning sensation that would pulse stronger in time with her heartbeat. And the cause of the pain was sitting right next to her. She could only hope that as the rest of the class continued onward that the pain would lessen as Bellatrix’s mood improved.

The witch, for her part, had simply muttered a retort under her breath and brought out the few supplies she needed for the class.

‘Well,’ Hermione thought wryly, ‘At least this can’t get any worse.’

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => d3aac9a8a1542933b6432fa5a310eac68e808fde ) [60] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 5. Book 1: Birds Of A Feather [timestamp] => 1557352800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 5: Book 1: Birds Of A Feather


Revised/Edited May 9th 2019

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Apparition pulled like a hook through her navel, squeezed and bent in unnatural directions until her body righted itself with a sickening POP!

As she stepped from Minerva’s side the nauseous feeling faded to be replaced with labored breathing and splayed hands on her knees as she fought to keep herself righted. A small house elf stood off to the side waiting for her settle down before announcing that he’d been ordered to drag them off to meet with Albus. With a weary sigh she collected her scattered thoughts and allowed the elf to whisk them off via apparition.

“Oh Gods…” Hermione’s world shook back and forth when she arrived in the Headmaster’s office. House elf apparition might have been different from the normal form but to her tired body it was too much of the same. In a manner of sympathy Minerva placed a hand gently on Hermione’s back and waited for her composure to settle before taking a seat in front of Albus’s desk.

“Headmaster,” Hermione shook her head in lieu of a more formal greeting as she sank down heavily into the padded chair to Minerva’s right. Her eyes roved his face in a questioning manner as the old man simply smiled back, seemingly oblivious to her earlier distress.

“Ms. Grenier. I hope your earlier tumble wasn’t enough to cause you any harm,” his eyes shone with some form of hidden amusement as he set aside a crystal tumbler and steepled his fingers on top of the desk. “How was your trip? I trust everything was in order at Gringotts?”

“Yes sir, everything was fine.” Her voice was level and tame but inside she burned with questions.

‘How did he know I fell? And why address it so coyly?’

“Good, good. I’d say that that was to be expected but the goblins can be so fickle when dealing with newcomers. But, I didn’t ask you here just to inquire about that.”

Hermione shot a look at her mentor when he finished speaking. Minerva was tight-lipped, looking down at her hands in her lap and seemed to be avoiding looking at either one of them. Whatever the cause was for this meeting she at least seemed to have some foreknowledge about it. A long and rumbled sigh from Albus brought her back to his presence in the room as a frown twisted his features.

“It is... Unfortunate, but I believe that I have no choice but to address this directly. I hope that it won’t add to your distress but skirting the issue will do no one any justice.”

Hermione’s eyes widened at his admission as her mind went to the unexpected encounter with Bellatrix Lestrange. She couldn’t help but wonder if Minerva had witnessed the confrontation and had gone ahead to let him know. She’d not seen anyone else looking at them in particular but she couldn’t put it out of mind entirely. With a man like him, who played chess with people’s lives, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that he had her under surveillance even when his right hand was with her. But even that made no sense, why would he bother bringing that up if Bellatrix had no idea who she even was?

Albus had been waiting while she looked at Minerva and coughed gently to bring her attention back on himself.

“After successive talks with, shall we say, knowledgeable, sources regarding the topic of Time Magic, we’ve come to a tentative conclusion regarding your current predicament.”

Hermione’s eyes widened as she leaned forward slightly, ears hanging on his weary old voice.

‘This isn’t good. Is it?’

“While it’s only been a few days we’ve still gone through a very large amount of theory and prior practical applications of Time Magic, Time Turners specifically.” He hesitated to continue as his mouth opened and closed like a drowning fish. It was one of the first times she’d ever seen him at a loss for words.

“Ms. Grenier, Hermione, what I’m trying to say is-”

‘No, this is not good at all.’

“-We don’t have a way to send you back. Not yet at least, though please don’t lose hope. We will continue to look-”

‘Oh Muddy. You’re stuck,’ the voice in the back of her mind spoke up. ‘You’re fucked.’

She could swear there was something funny about this, why else would someone be laughing? Cackling even? She hoped they’d let her in on whatever this joke was. It certainly wasn’t funny to her.

“-and I will be the first to let you know as soon as we find something. Please take this to mean your, hmm, vacation, will be extended slightly.”

‘Extended. Vacation. Oh. Lovely.’

Somewhere far away she was still aware that Albus hadn’t stopped talking. He’d apparently not seen her eyes dip down and shrink as she folded inwards. His voice droned on and one about not losing hope and maybe there was an answer or something of the sort that could help her. It all went in one ear and out Hermione’s other. Her vision had begun sharply tunneling, and she couldn’t help but squeak indignantly when she realized she hadn’t noticed it was happening.

She had a sudden and strange taste of ashes in her mouth before her body capitulated to the shock the day had brought and she pitched forward, limbs loose and mind receding.

‘I can’t go home.’

Her nose was only millimeters from crashing into the floor when Minerva finally caught her.


Unconsciousness raced forward into wakefulness in a rush. Deep lungfuls of air forced their way into her chest as she shot up from lying prone on her bed. Her eyes flicked from wall to wall as her mind tried to reorient herself in the haze of it all.

‘Green, cold, my room?’

Bits and pieces came back to her as her mind reorientated. When she could think without feeling her head was full of cotton she collapsed backwards into the soft pillows.

‘At least it’s not the infirmary…’

Truth be told she was ecstatic at finding herself in her own room. She’d practically lived inside that infirmary during her first six years and had had enough of it to last lifetimes over. Her eyes stilled their constant roaming and feeling of loneliness dug into her chest as she realized that no one else was here to greet her return from unconsciousness. At least that was, until she realized with a mildly perturbed feeling that Albus had tucked himself away into the corner to her right. Hidden in the angles and lack of firelight she’d first thought him just a shadow until he moved slightly.

The chair he sat in was more akin to a throne than a simple easy chair, or even the wooden boards that made up her own furniture. His eyes twinkled in the darkness, ‘Is that normal?’ , before he sat forward with an odd sort of smile on his face.

“It’s good to see you awake Ms. Grenier. You wouldn’t believe the fright that you gave Minerva. I thought for sure she was about to burst into hysterics.” He chuckled airily at whatever he found funny in her mentors distress. “I only just managed to calm her down and even then it only worked after I swore to keep watch until you awoke.”

He tilted his head to the side and that eerie smile seemed to grow as distant firelight illuminated him. Hermione took the pause in his speech to truly look at him.

He looked kindly enough, even with the odd form his grin had taken. No malice peeked out from his eyes and he wasn’t shaking in either tiredness nor rage. Even though he was thirty years younger than the old man she’d known before, he still wore the obvious signs of aging. Wrinkled skin, sunken eyes. Even the gray wisps of his beard seemed exhausted just by existing. His exhaustion was a cloak, one worn long and well adapted.

“I do however have an ulterior motive for being here, which I’m sure you’ve suspected.”

She honestly had. As soon as the feeling of being prey washed over her upon noticing him sitting there, she’d been wondering exactly why it was him that had pushed to stay with her. Surely Minerva could do just as fine a job. A faint feeling of itchiness and the sensation that someone had cradled her head was slowly building. When she brought her mind inwards she could feel the telltale signs that someone had either been in or that something had leaked out. Where once there was a flat wall was now a wall with what had at some point been a door.

Her chest tightened as she realized what had happened.

I don’t mean to pry Emelia-”

“Hermione,” she interrupted. The beginnings of warm embers were stirring up to flow through her chest. “For one more day at least. Headmaster Dumbledore, I don’t appreciate being read like that. At least not without explicit permission.”

When she finished she brought her eyes back to his as he looked down upon her and for a second she could swear she saw them harden in displeasure. It was like looking at angry animal before it was covered up almost immediately with grandfatherly concern.

“Of course Hermione,” his voice seemed to have aged years in the span it took him to begin talking again, “My apologies. You are such a unique case, one I’ve never had the pleasure of studying. My interest in your situation overcame my restraint. You’ve been so closed off since you arrived, even when you first got here. My mind outpaced my conscience.” He leaned back in his chair and stared distantly to the green tinted window.

While Hermione waited on him to continue speaking she began to finger and worry the looping scar lashed across her neck with scratching and irritating strokes.

Seemingly satisfied that he’d swept his intrusion under the rug he began to speak again.

“We’ve tried all we can for now. With the lack of anything or anyone from your own future reaching back for you, along with the woefully inadequate information we have on the specific Time Turner that you used, well, we’re in quite the predicament.”

“So what do you suggest Headmaster?” She stared off into the space above her door and the ceiling, refusing to let herself fall apart as she had back in his office.

“You live your life.”

Her eyes snapped back to his own. Whatever she’d imagined him saying, something to lift her spirits surely, it hadn’t been that.

“Live your new life. Embody Emelia Grenier. We won’t give up on searching for a way to send you back but you shouldn’t put your life on hold while waiting on an answer that may never come.”

Her skin prickled with anger as the fingers on her scar began to drive her nails down painfully into the skin.

‘I want to live my life, MY life! It’s just thirty bloody fucking years in the future!!’

“What… What about,” her jaw set painfully into a grimace as she stared into his eyes, “Wouldn’t that…” She took a breath to recenter herself before her anger could infect her voice. “You know. Wouldn’t that interfere with the future? Don’t I risk erasing myself? Or my friends? Family?”

‘I can’t wait to see how he spins this…’

“If I’m to be honest with you… The fact that you’re still here seems to disprove you ever doing anything that would remove yourself from the timeline. Whether accidentally or not. Some of those we’ve contacted on your behalf are tirelessly looking into that question specifically. The short of it is that we’re not sure if your case is special.” He spat the last word out as if it was something distasteful sticking to his tongue. “If it is different, you are different, you’ll be safe. And to be honest there’s a lot of good you could do here. For more people than just yourself.”

Her eyes narrowed down and anger flared through her again. The voice in her mind was practically giddy and breathless as it spat out There is the catch. Didn’t take him long…’

“Forgive my bluntness sir,” she leveled the most withering stare she was capable of, “But are you trying to recruit me?”

Dumbledore sighed deeply and fidgeted in his seat before replying.

“You are here. Right here, right now. In the right spot in history to do some honest good,” he steeled her with a piercing gaze all ice and strength. It only reminded her of a predator looking at dying prey. “You have the chance to influence a lot of people. People like Ms. Black. Someone thirty years from now may be spared the pain of your scars.”

‘He saw!’

Her face drained of color and her knuckles did the same as her fingers gripped the bedspread beneath her in a death grip. One of the absolute last memories she’d ever wanted anyone seeing, the one that had prompted her to begin Occlumency training to begin with, had been viewed so carelessly that the doddering fool now thought her could use it against her.

‘Against me!’

The realization infuriated and scared her in equal measure.

“If you won’t mind Headmaster,” she spoke, voice hoarse and clipped, “I’ve had a very long day and I’d very much like some privacy.” The last word was practically dripping with venom as she remained in her clenched position, heat flowing through her body in unbound measure.

With a nod and a sigh he stood from his spot and twirled a finger. The chair beneath him disappeared into nothingness as he headed towards the door to the room. Hermione could barely hear herself think with her mind so torn on anger sharpened thoughts. The pain from his attempted guilt trip and despair at the knowledge of being stuck in this time was an ache she wanted to peel out from her heart.

‘Oh Muddy…’

As Dumbledore reached the door he grasped the knob and turned around to look at her again. He seemed to pause, wondering whether it was worth it to speak again, before looking down at his slippered feet and simply wishing her a pleasant night.

The door clicked shut behind him and Hermione counted to fifty. When she was sure he was far enough away she practically leaped up from her position on the bed and began to cast layered and complex silencing charms all over the room. With the door bolted and secure she took aim with her wand and unleashed the full weight of the hurt locked inside her chest.

A flurry of spells tore at the room in a rising crescendo timed to the frustration leaking from her heart.


One of the few spots within Black Manor that Bellatrix could securely hide away from Cygnus with any surety in the matter was the rookery.

The large attic was unfinished, bare boards and slats lacking any form of insulation. Old trunks and broken furniture littered the room as much as bird droppings and dead animal carcasses. With the ferocity of the horde of ravens that had infested the room it was no wonder why the house elves simply let the place be and warded the smells and rot from encroaching into the Manor.

Once, when she was very little, this attic had been intended to house the Black Family owls. Now the owls were gone and the space had become Bellatrix’s sanctuary. Sawdust and straw littered the far end where the open bay windows lay uncovered. Birds roosted on every available surface, piling into huddled masses during winter and squawking and pecking during summer months.

The owls had eventually had a single shed built further out on the grounds that elves serviced, bring in mail and ensuring the owls were kept comfortable until their flight back out. Bellatrix was quite pleased that the black masses had taken the room, affording her two comforts in one.

Cycnus hated the incessant clawing and caws that entering the room would bring him and did his best to avoid the room at any and all costs. Bellatrix instead found their company pleasant, taking time from her day to wander among them and see to their needs, little as they were.

Over the years they had come to view her presence comfortably enough that they would bring her shiny trinkets and other bright things whenever she visited. The birds were cunning little thieves and she’d built a loyalty to them that couldn’t be faulted. Spending time to get to know each and every individual had taken hard effort on her part but was rewarded by their acceptance of her. She was even starting to amass a small fortune in silver buttons and lost sickles.

Each and every bird that roosted in the attic was given equal care and attention with the exception of one bird. The undeniable queen of the roost was Harmonia. She was both the largest raven that Bellatrix had ever seen as well as the smartest one she’d ever known. A familiarity had grown between the two until she was her unofficial familiar and mail carrier and silent friend. Well, silent except for the loud cawing.

The raven would dance upon her shoulder and tussle her curls with its beak while she spoke softly to it or played with its midnight black feathers. Harmonia was a silent companion as she spoke of her worries or troubles, and she’d spent many hours regaling the bird with tales of her physical and mental health whenever they were together.

She would describe the aches and pains of being the eldest Black. From living through Cygnus and Druella’s cruelty to painting a picture with words of her new baby cousins smiling face. The comfort she placed in the bird might have seemed odd to her if she hadn’t started trusting it so early in life.

At Hogwarts Harmonia would arrive long before she had even left for the Express. She would arrive to school to find the bird had cleared a corner of the owlery as her roost while staying to take care of any of her mail.

Bellatrix was keenly aware that Harmonia did not belong to her, not in the way that someone would own an owl. They kept to each other by choice. The raven was free and Bellatrix envied her for it. If the raven chose to leave she would be broken-hearted but not upset. The little relationship of theirs was unique, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

That night Bellatrix was far too absorbed into her time with Harmonia to notice the entrance of her sister into the room. When the witch snuck up behind her to poke her back with a sharp fingernail she nearly shrieked.

“Bloody Merlin!” She whirled around and brought her wand level to the intruders face at the same time. When her mind recognized it was only Andy she lowered the wand and rushed forward to embrace her younger sister in a bone-crushing hug.

“Okay, okay,” Andromeda pulled and pushed herself out of Bellatrix’s tight grip, “I can’t breathe when you do that.”

She stepped backwards and dropped her arms as her eyes slid over her sister to check for any sign of injury. When none made themselves readily apparent she brushed her wand lengthwise across the young witch and banished the multiple glamours.

Dark purple and yellow splotches blossomed onto her sister’s face and arms as she stepped backwards from her.

“Merlin I swear I’ll kill him,” Bellatrix said through clenched teeth as rage and hate boiled up inside her.

“No you won’t Bella. I won’t have you follow mother out to Azkaban. I can handle this,” Andy pulled her wand out and reapplied the glamours. “I convinced him I don’t need a personal tutor, so that’s what counts. You should do the same…”

“I can’t,” she replied, stepping backwards and turning towards the beam that Harmonia was perched on. “If it gets me out of marrying that walking pig Rodolphus I’ll take all the lessons I can.”

“It won’t and you know it.” Andy refused to give any ground, her eyes following Bellatrix’s nervous posture. “Just refuse. We’ll be at school tomorrow, he can’t get us there.”

With a practiced movement Bella turned towards her sister and poked a finger angrily into her sister’s chest. “I said I can’t, now drop it.”

When Andromeda shrank backwards from her sister she dropped her finger and bit back a frustrated sigh at her actions. Andy sighed to herself before walking forward to join her sister next to Harmonia and began running her fingers lightly down the bird’s neck feathers.

Andy reached down into a small pocket of her dress to remove a miniature box and enlarged it with a quick wave of her wand. When she was finished the box had enlarged to sit comfortably on her hand. Deep cherry and black walnut comprised the item while silver engraving in the shape of the Black Family crest sat inset upon the lid.

“These are for you Bella. I went shopping after I left that meeting,” she held the box out for her sister to take. “I figured you could use it more than me.”

Bella looked at her quizzically before accepting the box and lifting the lid. Reaching inside she pulled out two vials, one filled with dried leaves and the other holding preserved cocoons.

“You think I won’t get it right on the first try?” Bellatrix asked while throwing her sister a happy and lopsided grin.

“Well, ya never know.” Andy smiled back at the obvious giddiness that Bellatrix projected before throwing an arm around her sister in a light hug. “You’ll need to get the other ingredient, I couldn’t figure out a way to keep it fresh. But it’s all you’ll need.”

After hugging back at Andromeda she shrank the box back down before throwing a last look at Harmonia and heading back for the door.

The raven gave one last look as the witches left the room before flying out the window at a breakneck speed.


The morning after the outing to Diagon Alley left Hermione feeling strangely at ease. It seemed that the unleashing of her rage and frustration the night before had helped her come to terms with the situation. The abstract terror that she’d experienced while staring up at Bellatrix Lestrange’s face had faded into memory beneath the background anxiety of the prospect of the coming months. Even still, she couldn’t help but focus on the peculiarity of meeting here there.

Against her better judgment she released a long sigh and admitted that it was more than just the anxiety and terror that her mind was coming back to. This new version of the witch was beautiful. Even with her features having been twisted into a scowl of hate and tears hanging unshed in her eyes, she’d still been entrancing. Having experienced the woman she was to become she was a hard fact for Hermione to reconcile. Knowing they were one and the same just didn’t seem to want to click for her. The anger and the hate was the same but the witch had lacked the maniacal grin. Her body wasn’t worn down by years of constant malnutrition and neglect. Her hair wasn’t yet wispy and dry from constant exposure to the elements.

Thick black ringlets of hair had cascaded down the young witches shoulders and Hermione had found it beautiful. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of her reaction.

Resolving to deal with the matter at a later date she lazily dressed and headed out into the new morning.


Harmonia is a Greek goddess associated with peace and concord, featuring in some interesting myths.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 741c26ed204e5d269b7cfe02978cb4e24af12657 ) [61] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 4. Book 1: Familiar Faces [timestamp] => 1557180000 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 4: Book 1: Familiar Faces


Revised/Edited on May 7th 2019

Chapter Text

Hermione’s abrupt arrival in the past had been hellish for her dreams.

Each night was a toss up for whether it would be nightmares or sleep paralysis. Nightmares where she traveled back and found herself suddenly aged beyond all recognition. Nightmares where her friends and families aged to dust around while she could do nothing but stare. The worst dreams, which coincidentally were the most likely to lead to a bout of sleep paralysis, were of being alone in the Manor.

Lying on her back with an oppressively heavy weight draped across her abdomen. Limbs stuck to the floor and unable to move. An angry voice screaming repetitive questions at her in a tone as obviously filled with fear as it was with anger. Where a face that once was beautiful was now marred by pain and neglect, mouth filled with sharp and rotting teeth while cold, black eyes stared down at her with malice. A red grin painted with something other than lipstick.

Those dreams were scented with pine. Ashes. Iron. The sharp tang of fear laden sweat.

In the dreams she never stopped carving just her arm. MUDBLOOD was just the beginning. And each time, without fail, she would awaken into a locked body with her arms and legs pinned down. With her standing above her.

Eventually her body was always returned to her but each time the freedom was accompanied by screams and the remnants of maniacal laughter booming through her head.

This morning had been no different. She’d been forced far too early from sleep, long before the sun even moved the grace the horizon. Her small chamber was lit from the window in a pale bioluminescent green. Sharp edges and hard corners stuck out from every visible angle through the shadow. The only sound was her shallow breathing and blood pumping through her veins.

‘It wasn’t real. She’s dead. It wasn’t real…’

She knew that if she repeated the mantra enough that she could almost believe it to be true.

Bellatrix Lestrange was dead but her ghost lived on in Hermione’s nightmares.

Her body involuntarily forced her to take large gulping breaths of air when she first awoke. Her muscles and head pounded as if she’d been running kilometers. The minutes ticked onward until she was finally able to calm her mind enough to consciously control her breathing.

Swinging her legs off the side of the bed she stood in a huff and planted her palms flat against the cold stone wall that lined her room. Gooseflesh pricked out in a wave against her skin while a deep shiver ran up her spine. Her feet were securely planted while she leaned her weight forward, worried she might fall if given the chance.

It was cold in these quarters. She’d never truly noticed before how cold the dungeons could get, mainly only having to exist down these corridors and rooms for classwork and the odd errand for Minerva. The Slytherin common-room, hallways, and dormitories all radiated an aloof form and grace that was as off-putting as the temperature. For a shy girl grown up in the comforts of the middle class it had been as off-putting and foreign as it could get. Even the Gryffindor living quarters, despite the Victorian styling and poshness, hadn’t been so… oppressive.

Her personal quarters were practically no different. Bare stone walls made a ring around the room with only the door, large fireplace, and a single floor to ceiling window that looked out deep into the Black Lake to break up the monotony. A large green rug occupied most of the floor space, spread out as it was just past the initial step into the room and then pushing back to lay neatly alongside the bed and off to the sides. The side opposite the fireplace was devoted to a rather ornate looking wardrobe and attached vanity and chair, topped with a large floating mirror that looked to be honestly silver backed. A large queen sized four-poster bed with black and green drapes took up the center of the room. It was beautiful, she’d admit, if you were going for a drab and rather gothic look. Dark mahogany wood that fit neatly into the shadows made up the majority of the frame while inlaid silver glyphs sparkled in the firelight. The duvet and sheets were soft black silk while the large feather down pillows were decked in Slytherin Green to complete the look.

Still, it was far, far better than the pristine and glaringly white infirmary beds or the faux hospitality of a muggle hotel. And she did kind of like it. Not that anyone else ever needed to know that.

When she felt in enough control of her body to leave the spot against the wall she turned to the vanity and grabbed the cloak that was deposited into a heap on top of it. It was warm but thin and she’d needed to cast a small warming charm to bring it to a tolerable temperature.

Leaving her room behind she padded silently out into the corridor and headed towards the common-room. No one had yet to arrive for the start of the semester and the eerie silence was disturbing. With a flick of her wand she brought the large fireplace in the center of the common-room to life before sitting down onto a rather large padded leather sofa. Bringing her legs onto the couch she pressed her knees against her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs tightly in an effort to relax.

Today was the appointed date for her trip off to Diagon with Minerva. She was relishing the escape from the castle but at the same time dreading it as well. Crowds and throngs of people had never been her idea of a perfect outing regardless of who accompanied her. When she’d been with Harry or Ronald she’d let them take the lead, staying firmly to the side or behind them as they wandered. She preferred to only leave the safety of her close friends when she dove off to explore a book or curio shop. The knowledge that Minerva was to accompany her should have been comforting but instead was foreboding. It was Minerva, nearly the same, but different.

The witch wasn’t the mentor she had come to know and respect no matter how similarly they looked. She hadn’t been the head of her house for six years. She wasn’t privy to the countless escapades and adventures that the she’d been through. She hadn’t fought side by side with her against what felt like overwhelming odds.

She was simply a stranger wearing a familiar face and speaking with a nostalgic voice.

The warmth from the fire slowly rolled out and enveloped Hermione until it was more than she could stand. Her breathing and mind had settled minutes before and she wasted no time in leaving the dungeons to clean up in the nearest Prefect’s bathroom.

Although common knowledge would have lead her up a floor to where the Prefect’s bath was, she instead headed around a twisting corridor on the dungeons floor and towards a rather hidden room. Prefect’s before her, and when she’d been one herself, had all spoken of hidden rooms that would need specific passwords to allow entrance. Knowledge of these rooms was a closely guarded secret that seemed to pass from friend to friend over the years, rather than be found out naturally.

She’d recently gotten used to the bath on this floor with its door hidden from prying eyes behind a group of statues and a horrendous painting of some nightmare abomination being slain. Slughorn, in one of his rather rare moments of personability, had let her know if it’s location and password. The man was as aloof and unreadable as ever but seemed a generally affable fellow. If a bit short-sighted and for more focused on what prospective students could do for him, rather than what he could do for them.

The bath that he’d revealed to her was not only closer than the standard room but also much more cozy and likely to be hidden from the students who would arrive shortly.

When she reached the room proper the cold tiles beneath her feet brought a shiver to her spine before the warm and humid air had its intended effect. Warm mist swirled around even without the taps being opened and a window looking out into the lake was fogged over from condensation. Sconces lined each wall to provide light and a cubby hole beneath each of them allowed her ample room to drop her things.

When she’d stripped and readied herself she stood in front of a single floor to ceiling mirror and took stock of herself.

The days of rest had done wonders for both her complexion and the scar wrapped around her neck. Her cheeks were full and no bags lined the underside of her eyes. Her skin was naturally tan and even the long period spent inside the castle had been enough to dull it. Her brown eyes were still sharp as glass and harbored no secrets as she stared herself down. Her hair though…

Her curls were floundering and knotted from sweating in fear in the middle of the night, brown locks that twisted up and over in an ungainly heap and frizzed out maddeningly near the ends. Bushy haired had been a moniker that she’d never managed to rid herself of. Potions, creams, even spells weren’t enough to tame the birds nest that was her ungainly mane.

Pulling a curl taut between her fingers she inspected the length of it and pondered on a solution. She could leave it long and try to deal with it as best she could but that didn’t sit right with her. Every time she looked into the mirror it was like seeing a ghost staring back out. Someone who wore her features but was not herself. Feelings of stagnation and hollowness washed over her.

This Hermione had died, long before she was sent back in time. She’d died pinned to the ground while the last bits of innocence were carved out of her arm. She’d only lived a half-life at best since then.

Screwing up her inner Gryffindor she took a steadying breath and waved her wand tip near the base of the strands. The movement released an audible Snip into the silent room. Cold brown eyes followed the lock of hair as it drifted down to the ground.

This was a new world for her, and she a new person in it. Snip.

Her only option was to throw herself into this life until such a time as she could return to her own. Snip.

She would embody her new persona with all the courage and cunning of a Gryffindor turned Slytherin. Snip.

She was Hermione Granger. Snip.

She was Emelia Grenier. Snip.





Minerva was startled form her morning cup of tea when her new charge finally wandered into the Great Hall. Soft footsteps had led her to raise her eyes towards the entrance and the sight that greeted her caused an inhalation of warm tea that she’d thought would kill her.

Gone were the long locks and curls that had graced Hermione’s head and in its place was only a reminder. Close shorn on the sides and back, longer on the top in short looping curls, the hairstyle was so striking and divorced from the visage she’d seen yesterday that she could help but stare.

As the seconds turned to minutes her astonishment at the changer in the girl was slowly replaced with a begrudging respect. The witch held herself well, chest thrust out and chin held high. The perfect embodiment of a pureblood witch who knew she was better than everyone else. If the change in hairstyle allowed her some measure of control and helped her into her new role, all the better.

When she could breathe again and had finished her breakfast she made her way down from the staff table and sat next to Hermione. Conversation was quick and to the point, going over their shared itinerary for the day and hashing out a time to meet up at her office before eight.

After taking her leave of the young witch she headed back to her office and set about gathering the necessary documents for Gringotts and a list of necessary seventh year school items. Albus had been kind enough to hand deliver it all the night before after he’d finished his litany of meetings and had sat with her for an hour of pleasant conversation. His eyes had held a sparkle throughout their talk that was only punctuated by his reminded that what they were doing was both in Hermione’s best interest as well as for the betterment of Wizarding society as a whole. The whole comment had read as slightly off-putting when he spoke with an unusual amount of conviction, but she’d chalked it up to his rather paranoid interest in special cases and worry about some unspecified darkness gathering at their borders. Exactly what the darkness was or why it had him worried was never a topic he’d discuss, but it was an often enough epithet to not be unsurprising.

When eight o’clock finally rolled around a soft knocking had started at her door as Hermione announced her presence. They spent the next few minutes signing so many forms that Minerva was worried that Hermione’s fingers might fall off. When they finally were set she grabbed a handful of green Floo powder and ushered her charge to the fireplace, heading off with a roar into the cavernous halls of Gringotts.

A small goblin with an angry sneer was there to meet them as soon as they stepped out. Without bothering for their full titles he turned and led them into a marble and gold monstrosity of an office. High ceiling, alabaster walls and floors, gold and silver engravings in glyphs that only a goblin could read. It was a monument to excess and riches.

With the signing of a few more documents and a rather tense review period where he announced he would have to confirm her papers with the Canadian branch, he passed Hermione a slip with her estimated total inheritance as well as the merger value from the fund that Albus had gifted her. The witch beside Minerva gave an audible gasp when she saw the full total and could hardly squeak out a thank you as they were ushered out and into the streets of Diagon Alley.

“They have a dragon,” Hermione spoke up unexpectedly as they headed down the cobblestone street.

“I beg your pardon?” Minerva could only muster a quizzical look and wonder if she’d misheard her.

“It’s a security measure. They have an albino dragon deep beneath the main concourse. It’s dreadful really, they’ve got it guarding a few of the older pureblood vaults. Or, well,” she looked down sheepishly as if realizing the topic of their conversation for the first time, “They will have it. I’m not sure exactly it had been down there….” Her words trailed off into silence as she seemed to come back to herself.

“Ms. Grenier-”

“Emelia, Professor. We’re off school grounds and I need to get used to the name. If you wouldn’t mind, that is.”

“Of course not dear,” Minerva smiled at her charge. “Emelia, I believe our first stop should be robes and assorted clothing. Twilfitt and Tattings, I believe, should suffice.”

With that they set off.

In and out of shops they wandered, their lonely assemblage growing by the store. Boxes and bags filled with robes and quills, books and myriad other items floated along behind them. Each package was enchanted to follow their every move as they meandered their way through the streets. Noontime had brought about the end to their shopping and a quick stop with an elven delivery service had sent all of Hermione’s new belongings back to her room.

When the pair found themselves with extra time they took a meal in the Gilded Peacock. As Hermione entered into the establishment she couldn’t compare it in any way except to say it was the exact opposite of the Leaky Cauldron. Whereas the Cauldron was a shabby and dim establishment that served all manner of wizards, witches, and half-breed folk, the Peacock was the picture of refined elegance.

Cold marble walls and arches built the main structure while beautiful hardwood tables that were trimmed with gold inlay dotted the interior. Floating trays of hors d’oeuvres passed down the aisles in looping routes, magically refilling themselves every time an item was plucked from them.

The hostess of the establishment wouldn’t have looked out of place heading down a runway and after they were taken to their seats a waiter that matched her in every way arrived to take their orders. Hermione couldn’t help the way her eyes lingered on the retreating form of their hostess nor the tinge to her cheeks as the waiter smiled down at them and winked before he left.

The were both such pictures of pureblood grace and beauty that she couldn’t help but wonder if she’d died and gone to heaven.

And the food was pretty good too.


Hermione ran her fingers through her short hair as they left the Peacock, glancing back over her shoulder only once to cast a lingering look at the hostess behind them. She was entranced by the possible perks that being a pureblood could allow her. She was sure that if she’d come in looking disheveled or anything less than the image of aristocracy she’d have been sent packing with scornful words and angry looks. As far as she could recall it was the first time she’d ever been impressed and pleased with pureblood society. A sentiment that quickly fled once it crashed back into her how selective that society was.

“Ma’am,” Hermione asked quietly as they exited, “Do you mind if I spend some time wandering a few other shops? There are a few other items I’d like to check for, as well as try to acclimate somewhat.”

Minerva’s lips pursed as she considered the request.

“So long as you keep yourself out of danger and don’t dally for too long, I think that should be fine Emelia. I have some business to attend to as well. We might as well make the best of our time.”

After promising to meet back up in front of Gringotts within two hours the witches casted each other a nod and a wave before heading off in separate directions.

Hermione made the most of her time by wandering in and out of different shops and stalls while trying to observe as many differences as she could. Most places were the same, just newer looking and stocked with what she could recognize as outdated products from her own time. Some, however, were new to her entirely and she couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to have them run out of business by the time she’d first entered Diagon.

Her wandering eventually led her to the doors of Ollivanders establishment, just as grimy and run down looking as ever. As she stepped through the door a light tinkling above her sent her mind back to the first time she’d crossed that threshold. Searching for her wand at her parent’s side had been an adventure almost too good to be true. And now she was back, relatively speaking.

As the sound of footsteps started up behind the counter a smile graced her face and her spirits rose.

Ollivander looked much the same. He was still the old and wizened man she’d known but his hair was a fairly dark shade of gray, not yet turned white, and he held himself with a strength she’d never seen before. His eyes were still warm and his smile generous as he caught sight of her standing quietly.

“Hella young Madam, how can I be of service to you on such a fine day as this?” He placed his palms down securely on the counter as he greeted her.

“I’m just looking sir,” she said, temporarily forgetting her place within the timeline. “I’ve already got a wand, and no need to fix it.”

“Ah, yes, yes, well, let me see if I can guess it then, if you wouldn’t mind indulging an old man? Such a radiant young lass must have a radiant wand as well, eh?” His face turned up into a wide grin as he finished speaking and began to walk around the counter to join her out front.

“Let me see here…” He looked her up and down while stroking his chin, eyes moving quickly in his appraisal. “Hmm… A phoenix feather? No, I think not. Maybe if you’d come in yesterday though… Dragon heartstring would suit you better I suppose, but how to house it. Elm? No, no,” he moved to her side and fished a string tape measure from one of his many pockets before wrapping it around the length of her forearm. “Walnut? Maybe, but likely far too harsh.”

Hermione’s head swiveled to follow the old man as he made more random measurements in the air and mumbled cheerily under his breath. A small rattling sound reached the edges of her hearing but she paid it no mind as he continued his guesses.

“Vinewood! Ah, now that would make for a strong wand. All that energy, all that potential. A need to be used, to fulfill a greater purpose.” He stopped his continuous pacing and fished a monocle out before setting it up against his eye as he viewed her. “They say that dragon heartstring is tied to the dark, but in reality it’s quite gray. Strong, no matter how you use it. It’s able to ride the line or follow its master, or mistress, to one side or another. I believe that would suit you perfectly. But for length, however, I must admit that I’m stumped. If i had to hazard a guess, maybe twelve and three quarters.”

He stepped backwards and clasped his hands in front of himself.

“How close was I?”

Hermione couldn’t help the soft laugh that threatened to escape her throat. He was just as amiable and eccentric as she remembered him.

“Got it all but length sir. Ten and three quarters actually-”

Before she could finish her sentence the rattling sound that had previously been low in her ears all but took over the room. Both of their eyes went up in surprise as a small wooden box shot explosively from the back shelving and smashed bodily into the front windowpane. Though the glass remained unbroken it had landed with a tremendous bang that startled a few passersby on the street and left a ringing in Hermione’s ears.

Ollivander and Hermione both cautiously approached the box as it lay on the ground, still rattling and twitching somewhat as it lay. Ollivander reached it first and brought it up to view, ever so slowly sliding the protective lid off the box.

Hermione tried with all her might to hold onto the gasp of surprise that shot out of her throat. Ollivander still noticed regardless.

Laying safely in the box amid satin colored red, was her wand.

Ten and three quarters. Vinewood. A single dragon heartstring running through the center.

It was here .

She’d had no idea of how older her wand was or when exactly Ollivander had first created it. And now she was staring back at it while the exact duplicate was humming patiently while remaining in its holster, securely stuck against her forearm. It took all the willpower she could muster to pull her eyes away from the wand and stammer out an apology to Ollivander while she backed her way slowly to the door. When she felt her back press up against the handle she twisted and left before he could so much as ask her what had happened.


Bellatrix stumbled out into the light and bustle of the street with her mind wrapped up in turmoil. Her mind paid no attention to where her feet were leading her. The bright red imprint of a hand on her cheek was only just beginning to hurt and warm while the leftover dregs of adrenaline faded from her body.

Her day had started out amicably enough. Cygnus had been unusually quiet during breakfast and had no so much as looked at her or Andy while they were there. His only words to them after they had finished was a command to dress appropriately and meet him within the hour for their trip.

By the time the hour had been up they were all prepped and ready to take the Floo to Diagon. Andy was wearing a straight black dress with matching earrings and flats while Bella was in one of the monstrous corset and dress combinations that Druella had gotten her for Christmas last year.

Standing neatly at the front of the procession Bellatrix had gone first into the fire, followed closely by Andy and Cygnus. When her father had arrived beside her he’d promptly led them both out and through the twisting streets of Diagon until they reached the rather seedy area of Knockturn Alley, heading straight towards Borgin & Burkes. The shopkeeper paid them no mind as he escorted their father deeper into the recesses of the store and leaving them to manage themselves next to the entrance.

After only a few moments their father had returned with a second man in tow.

Bellatrix privately lauded herself on her innate ability to read someone before she ever spoke a word to them. The man following her father was gangly, thin and pale and taller than even her Uncle Alphard. His hair was slicked back and the color of shadows while beady bloodshot eyes peered out beneath a heavy brow. He radiated anger and animosity in equal measure through his aristocratic filter. Bellatrix’s immediate response to him was a feeling of disgust and fear. The man practically radiated dark magics and energy, almost as if it was a comfortable cloak that he wore. When he looked down into her eyes she felt a heavy pang in the center of her head before the feeling abruptly fled, leaving her hollowed out and confused.

Cygnus declined to introduce them as he pushed past his daughters and headed out into the alley before turning right. Bellatrix and Andy kept up the pace behind the two men as they came upon a tall and dusky building that reached up towards the sky.

‘Kramer’s Krafts & Oddities’ was painted on an old and peeling sign above the entrance that Cygnus ushered them all through. The group silently ascended an old and decrepit flight of stairs until they came upon an empty floor. Cygnus led them into a small moldy office room with a desk and four chairs that smelled suspiciously of cat piss and dragon blood.

Cygnus waited for the mysterious man to take his seat before sitting down to his right and looking pointedly at his daughters. Polite silence filled the room as Bellatrix and Andy pulled out their seats and joined the table.

“Girls,” Cygnus began after clearing his throat, “This is Lord Voldemort. He is a patron to pureblood High Society in Britain and abroad. He has been kind enough to ask for a meeting with you both regarding the possibility of tutoring you.”

Bellatrix let the thought roll around in her head.


She had excelled at her classes during the last year and was poised to do so again. She had no job prospects lined up and was already well aware that she was to be sold off to the Lestrange family. No matter how she looked at it she couldn’t discover a reason for her to be tutored.

“I can see you have questions,” the pale man suddenly spoke up. His voice scratched against Bellatrix’s ears in a quiet and haunting manner, extending the final ‘S’ in the manner of a snake hiss. It was reminiscent of parseltongue and the teacher she’d learned it from during her third year but in a far more menacing fashion.

“There is change coming to our world, a change that will roll over us all. Pureblood society is beset on all sides by those who would wish to tear us down. Mudbloods and half-breeds permeate and worm their way through our culture under the urging of our own Ministry. Our traditions, hallowed and reverent as they are, are being struck down as barbaric or archaic. A relic of a past time is what they call it. If our society does not push back against these invaders than I can see no way forward for us to survive. So. Here we are. I am seeking those with talent among the Sacred Twenty-Eight, to train and instruct in advanced magics and society. Only through working together will we forestall and turn aside these barbarous invaders.

Bellatrix physically blanched when he finished. What was he talking about? Mudbloods weren’t something to associate herself with, surely, but she’d never once felt threatened by them in any manner. The same applied with half-bloods and half-breeds. The warm voice of Andy beside her spoke up before she could question him.

“No.” Andy’s jaw was set and her eyes were filled with a fierce darkness that was every bit as intimidating and cold as their mother.

“Young lady, that is no-” Cygnus never go the chance to finish. Within half a second of hims speaking Andromeda had thrown back her seat in her haste to leave and began to bolt for the door. The resounding slam that echoed about the small room was deafening.

As Bellatrix pushed back on her own chair to leave and chase down Andy a violent BANG exploded onto the table. Cygnus was half standing and half sitting with his fist curled up and still vibrating against the table.

“SIT DOWN!” His face was red and livid, purple splotches taking over his cheeks as his pulse raced. Bellatrix swallowed tightly and sat back down upon her chair. No matter how the rest of the meeting went she knew Andromeda was in for something fierce when Cygnus returned home.

“You will listen to what Lord Voldemort has to say and you will leave this table only when we are finished. Do I make myself clear!?”

“Yes sir,” Bellatrix cast her eyes downwards and willed her heat to stop beating so fast. When she’d calmed down slightly she looked up into the eyes of the man who’d just ruined her day and prepared herself to listen.


The red and angry imprint on her cheek was her father’s method of reminder that she should keep her mouth shut when her betters were speaking. After Lord Voldemort had said his piece she had numbly agreed while her mind was a thousand miles away. When her stunned trance had ended she’d looked up into her father’s eyes and demanded that he call off her impending engagement.

Voldemort was already almost out of the room, but he turned back to eye them both. Bellatrix had tried to reason that if she was to fight in a war that she would have no time to raise children or be a complacent housewife. Cygnus had then decided that was an insult to his family name and was infuriated that a daughter would want anything other than to fulfill her duties. His slap was a painful reminder that she’d always be placed lower than any men in her life.

Voldemort’s eyes had turned up in barely hidden mirth and a sizeable smile had cracked his thin lips before he turned and left the room. Bellatrix herself had followed out shortly after while her mind was in a daze. The last words from her father had been to demand that she find her sister and return home immediately.

‘I hate this. I hate HIM.’

She could feel the warm haze of anger beginning to swirl around her and the darkness within her was begging for a release. She wanted something to force her aggression out onto. Something to control and punish and inflame. She was tired of being the lowest on the totem pole.

The moment she was looking for presented itself quite handily without her even looking for it. As she passed by Ollivanders shop a witch with short brunette hair had stumbled out into the street and directly into her path. Both witches had collided painfully and fallen down into a heap. Bellatrix had leapt up as fast as she could while drawing her wand at the same time.

“What where you’re walking you bloody idiot!” She leveled her wand at the stunned witch who still sat unmoving on the ground. Red sparks began to shower out from the tip of Bellatrix’s wand and the words for a strong hex formed on her lips.

Before she got the chance to fire it off a pair of warm hands wrapped around her wand hand and began to drag it downwards. She spared a moment to stare at whoever had interrupted her and found herself locking eyes with Andromeda.

“Don’t you dare,” Andy’s eyes were chips of black ice. Bellatrix took in a great heaving breath and stepped backwards as Andy continued to hold onto her hand. She took one last look at the witch sitting on the ground with brown eyes blown wide in shock.

“Stay out of my way.” Her words dripped malice at the poor witch in a heap at her feet and in one fluid movement she turned and disapparated from the scene. Andromeda followed on her heels shortly afterwards.

While Hermione caught her breath and reigned in her shock as best as she could her feet began to move and wander off in the direction of Gringotts. Her only running thought was a wish to safely return to the castle and her safe little room so she could hide away from the events of the day.

She could swear that in the back of her mind a voice was cackling madly with glee.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => ffb9f2a796ab46c072935a35b93e681118d5d4db ) [62] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 3. Book 1: What's In A Name? [timestamp] => 1556920800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 3: Book 1: What's In A Name?


Revised/Edited May 4th 2018

Chapter Text

The following two days of Hermione’s existence were dreadfully boring at best and massively frustrating at worst.

Madam Pomfrey had spent almost the entirety of two days performing as many final healing spells as she could, from scar softeners to teeth cleaning, She was subjected to nearly hundreds of textbooks worth of ‘checkups’. And in the end nothing could affect the scar now draped along her neck nor the one written in her arm. The faint markings still on her chest from Dolohov did manage to finally fade into the surrounding skin tone, though a cursory inspection with her fingers still revealed raised and textured skin.

By the time the sun began its descent behind the castle Hermione was sick from the numerous potions she’d been told to drink and had to pointedly refuse a secondary potion for the nausea.

House elves had been piling old tomes and fading manuscripts in sections along the floor as Pomfrey sped through them all and the air still rang with a near continuous Pop as they Apparated and Disapparated. Pomfrey only gave up on continuing to try when a house elf collapsed underneath a stack of books almost as tall as Hermione and the witch herself scuttled back on a bed to refuse any more treatment.

It took some time but eventually she approved Hermione’s release with the assurance that she’d stop by whenever any form of phantom twinges or pain reared their head.

A false smile graced Hermione’s face as she hurriedly made her exit from the room and out into the hallway beyond. The only things she gained from the two days were a healthy respect for the ingenuity of Pomfrey and an everlasting taste of mint in her mouth. And so she brusquely walked from the infirmary and off to the library, head filled with the knowledge that Pomfrey could heal her all she wanted and still not get to the root of her issues.

A parchment was clutched within her fingers outlining the subjects that Minerva had approved her for a standardized test in. The last thing on her mind was study but with nothing better to occupy her time she planned on acing every test. To that end she scoured the library itself and prepared in any manner that she could.

Finally entering the library had filled her with intense nostalgia when she realized the room itself had hardly changed in thirty years. Allowing herself to get lost in between pages and shelves was a reprieve she was looking forward to. The shelves were arranged as they were in her own time and it seemed most texts were the same, barring any new work that had yet to come out or revised copies. Her body automatically found its way to a shelf at waist height below a large open window that crisp air flowed through.

She deftly pulled a dog-eared copy of The Art of Transfiguration, Vol Iv, and opened to a chapter she’d left off on only a few weeks ago. Though it lacked the hand written notes and highlights that she’d left in her own copy it still brought a tender smile to her face and filled her with a sense of belonging.

The library was left free for her to wander in silence with minimal supervision by the few house elves that maintained the library being her only companions. Madam Pince had yet to grow up and become the Librarian and the area was instead lorded over by a sharply dressed woman with thin features and penetrating gaze that left Hermione feeling as if she’d scoured herself with a scrub pad. If the library was a kingdom, then this Librarian was the Queen, and she brokered no nonsense when it came to her charge. The name plate silently floating up above a desk identified her as Madam Mazur and though they’d yet to speak two words to one another Hermione was content to leave it that way. A single glare she’d received when she’d sneezed above the volume of a whisper had the woman staring daggers into her back. If the Librarian had stared any harder Hermione would’ve been afraid that she’d erupt in flames.

Between studying Hermione took time to wander about the grounds and hallways while avoiding any professors she’d not met yet. The trips back and forth were a chance to memorize the pathways leading to and from the Slytherin common-room and her newly acquired single dorm. Though normally preserved for the Slytherin Prefects, she’d been given leeway and been allowed to use it due to the only female Slytherin Prefect declining the offer. No one else had stepped in and Slughorn had offered her the room. The man was a near copy to his older self in most regards though he was slightly more outgoing in this time. She supposed that two wars and constantly being hounded by Voldemort to join him had worn down his amicable nature over thirty years. His only real eccentricity was walking around with an enchanted quill and parchment following behind him, constantly writing down potions notes that he thought of.

It was weird, and different, but for being thirty years off her time it was pleasant enough. Beggars couldn’t be choosers.


Both Dumbledore and Minerva had been an infrequent sight as the days passed by. She knew they were busy with both the start of term arriving soon and the new distractions caused by her arrival but it still left her feeling empty with their absence. Meals were small affairs that she managed to take with relative silence in the Great Hall. The long tables that separated the individual houses were empty of students but still filled in with food whenever she sat down. The few professors that kept off hours and meal times would generally give her a passing glance and then leave her alone as they sat at the staff table.

Hermione was ushered off to Minerva’s office after a similarly silent breakfast on a Tuesday morning by a small elf with a squeaky voice. Her day of testing had arrived and the meager breakfast of toast and fruit she’d stoically eaten wasn’t enough to settle the few last minute testing nerves that roiled her stomach.

“Hello Ms. Granger,” Minerva said as she smiled kindly from her desk when Hermione entered the room. “I have ten tests for you today. Please feel free to work through them at your pace, use as much time as you need.” She stood from her seat to lean over the desk and pass a rather thick packet of brown parchment over to Hermione. As Hermione grabbed the papers Minerva used her free hand to snap a simple onyx black quill and filled inkpot into existence on the small desk that Hermione was to use.

“As you’ve yet to decide upon an alias, please forgo filling in the header, just leave it blank for now. We’ll fill it in tomorrow before they’re reviewed. If you find yourself needing a break at any time, please let me know and I’ll escort you from the room until you’re ready to return.”

“Thank you Professor,” Hermione gratefully replied as she looked up to the younger version of her mentor. Minerva had greatly surprised her at how much she resembled, in looks and manner, her older self. If anything, she was her older Professor. Just more youthful and spritely.

Hermione allowed herself to be absorbed into the testing as candles marking the hours burned down. Minutes flew off into hours and by the time she’d finished all ten it had become quite apparent to her how much more prepared for these tests she was than someone from this actual timeline. Either Minerva was low-balling her with the tests, ‘As if,’ or the pureblood notion that Hogwarts standards had decreased over time was objectively wrong.

She was fairly sure it was the latter.

When five marks had passed on the candle marking the hour she stood wearily from the desk and stretched out her back and remaining muscles. Being in a hospital cot for an extended time had clearly been bad for her desk posture. When she was sure she wouldn’t fall to pieces she grabbed the stiff packet and dropped it off on Minerva’s desk. With that accomplished she turned quickly on her heel and left the classroom. Standing outside in the corridor she looked up and down its length before deciding to avoid returning to her new quarters or the Great Hall. Some free time spent alone and active was calling to her after five hours cooped up writing.

The natural beauty that surrounded the castle was as timeless as ever and the distinct lack of any students milling about was a welcome balm. She could wander aimlessly while anticipating that at any moment she’d come across Harry or Ron to whisk her off to another adventure.

Soft winds tousled her curls as she made her way from the castle walls to the edge of the Forbidden Forest in the thrall of her memories. After a few minutes spent peering into its depths her direction changed and she found herself headed towards the shore of the Black Lake. The air was still warm with the remnants of summer as wispy clouds moved by startlingly fast high up in the sky. Reaching the edge where water began to lap against the shores she removed her shoes and socks before tossing them behind her. Stepping forward she allowed her toes and heels to sink down into the warm sand as water gently lapped over her toes and against her ankles.

These rare moments truly felt like she was in her own world. In her own respective timeline. That there was a loving family waiting for her back home and a gaggle of acquired friends waiting to hang out with her. That war had never descended upon them to steal their innocence away and tear the scales off their eyes. That she was at peace, unmarred and unbroken. Only in the deepest recess of her mind did she dare dwell on how far from the truth that all was. None of her friends were here. None were even alive yet. Her family wouldn’t know she was their daughter and she wasn’t even sure if her parents knew each other yet. If anything she was just another kid like them, just barely of age, youthful and without a care in the world. Her scars would never fade.

No one was standing by her side in awe of the battle that had torn apart their lives and no one was waiting with a shoulder to lean on. To cry on. Much the same as it’d been after the actual battle. No one paid her much attention after their side had been declared victorious, only seeing in her an able body that could help rebuild.

She was just Hermione. The girl that tagged along. Not the prophetic Chosen One, and not even his Stalwart Best Friend.

‘You’re nothing. They weren’t with you then, they aren’t with you now. Nothing’s changed.’

Her body slowly collapsed downwards until she had her knees pressing into her chest with her arms wrapped tightly around them. Silent tears picked up a steady pace down her cheeks and her breathing became labored. Harry and Ronald had chosen to leave her without so much as a backwards glance or a ‘Thank you’.

She knew Auror training was hard and extensive and that they had their own demons to overcome but not even a single owl from them had arrived in all the time between the final battle and her misadventure with time. She was left with nothing but radio silence and memories she couldn’t share. She knew she wasn’t alone, Ginny and Luna had both stayed to take their seventh year and Neville had started apprenticing under Professor Sprout. But they weren’t part of the Trio. They hadn’t been on the hunt for Horcrux’s, they hadn’t been captured and broken down within Malfoy Manor.

Everyone was an arm's length away from the trials the Trio had endured. No one could concretely understand why she woke screaming almost every night and clutched her arm with a death grip and neither could they understand the ephemeral visage, that maniacal grin, that inspired it. Alone and deep within her thoughts the voice that sounded suspiciously like the dead was cackling in all its full glory.

‘You have nothing left to go back to Muddie, nothing and no one.’

A warm gust of wind traveled out and across the lake carrying the sound of her turmoil and sobs as she broke.


"Acid Pops."

The stone gargoyle sentinel guarding the spiraling staircase up to Dumbledore’s office slowly moved out of her way with a grinding sound of stone against stone. Hermione strode confidently up the steps while she ruffled the paperwork in her hands. When she reached the top she knocked against the door and walked inside at Albus’s warmly voiced welcome with Minerva following her closely behind.

“Ms. Granger, Minerva. How good to see you both,” Albus said. He looked up at them with a grandfatherly smile warming his face. “I believe we have some matters to settle now that you’ve finished the placement exams.”

Hermione walked forwards to take a seat in the plush chair to the left of Albus’s desk and wrapped her arms around herself.

“Yes sir. I’ve put some thought into an alias but I’m still rather stumped on a back story,” she worriedly glanced up at her two professors, “I think I’d like to go by Emelia. It was my grandmother’s name. However, I’ve not been able to decide on a surname.”

Albus gave her a pointed look before he steepled his fingers on the desk and turning to eye Fawkes.

“Grenier would suffice, should you like.” He spoke with a strong tone and glanced back and forth between Fawkes and Hermione. “The Grenier name is traced back to a now extinct pureblood lineage from Canada.” He stopped and appeared to wait for Hermione to interject. When she didn’t he continued again. “It will be easier to claim that you’ve come from abroad and lived elsewhere rather than having lived here your whole life. It will allow you an adequate with few questions.”

Hermione steadied herself before mulling it over and replying. Claiming that she was descended from a pureblood line would confer numerous advantages in traditionalist UK Wizarding society as well as fit her snugly in with Slytherin. The less her classmates questioned her about being there, the better. Unfortunately, it would be the antithesis to who she’d been back in her own timeline. Having to act the part of a haughty pureblood would be as much of her cover as the name itself. But if she mastered it, then no one would have cause to question her whatsoever.

“Emelia Grenier. I’ll take it,” she punctuated her acceptance with a slight smile.

“Well then, that settles that.” Albus leaned back and smiled to both Hermione and Minerva. “With that out of the way, Minerva here will escort you through Diagon Alley tomorrow to stock up on school supplies and other materials.”

Minerva visibly perked at the chance to get away from the castle, even if only for a little bit of time. The lead into the new school year was stressful and she relished the distraction.

“Sir,” Hermione interjected, “I didn’t exactly have any time to bring galleons with me. I can’t actually pay for anything.” She turned her head and eyes up in confusion.

“Not to worry dear. Are you aware of the special allowance to the school for Unique Needs and Circumstances?”

Hermione could only shake her head. She knew there was a stipend available for muggleborn students to take up when they first received their letters of admission, but reading beyond that and diving into the school charter and operation policies had been dry reading, even for her.

“Well,” he leaned forward with a glint in his eyes and conspiratorial whisper, “Each year the Ministry gives us an allowance based upon their tax revenue that we may spend on students with, shall we say, special needs. We are allowed to spend it as we see fit, within limits of course, and at the end of the year we keep half of what wasn’t spent while the remainder goes into paying for a part of the next year’s allowance. As of right now we’ve only had three students with which to spend this allowance on within the past six years. What we’ve saved over this time had risen to a not insubstantial amount. It will be donated to you and placed within a Gringotts account in your name. When we can get an approved inheritance test to pass you for a Grenier, you may merge the two accounts and keep the value.”

Hermione’s eyes widened considerably as she sat forward in alarm.

“Sir, I couldn’t possibly-”

“Ms. Grenier, quite frankly, you can and you will. It was through the actions of a Hogwarts employee that you’ve found yourself wounded both physically and chronologically. I cannot in good conscience find a better method of restitution than this. At least until such a time as we can return you to your own, well,” he chuckled, “Time.”

When he was finished speaking her leaned back fully into his chair as his lips turned up into a wide grin. Hermione couldn’t tell if the emotion behind it was sincere or if it was the grin of a cat that’d caught a particularly tasty canary.

“Sir, this is, well, this is a lot. To say the least. And thank you, truly. All you’ve already done for me and now this, I don’t know how to explain how thankful I am for your help in all this. But I feel that I have to ask, is there any, um,” she sat back and looked off into the fireplace while her face burned with sheepishness, “Is there any sort of catch to this?”

The old man chuckled airily before replying.

“No no, Merlin’s blue beard, no. No catch or anything else of the sort.” He spread his hands and fingers apart and looked down his glasses at her. “Well, there would be, if you were younger. I’d have liked to place the sum into a trust until you were of age, but from what you’ve told us and Pomfrey’s examination, you’re already of age. I trust you won’t spend it all at once, at least wait until you merge with the Grenier accounts. Gringotts will be your first stop tomorrow, and if you’ll both excuse me, I have some calls to make with the Ministry regarding you legally existing.”

He stood from his desk and spread an arm out towards the door as their obvious dismissal.

“Please enjoy the rest of the evening Ms. Grenier, Minerva.”

Hermione and Minerva descended from the office in silence and hashed a time to meet up in the morning when they reached the bottom. As they went their separate ways the voice in the back of her mind spoke up again, and for once she could agree with it.

‘Nothing in life is free. He wants something.’


Bellatrix’s heart and soul felt like they were being eaten up alive.

Cygnus had descended from his study and deigned to eat a dinner with them before announcing he would be taking Andromeda and herself back to Diagon tomorrow to meet with some business associate. Normally it wouldn’t have unnerved her in this manner, but the tone of his voice as he spoke of his associate was needling her beyond belief.

Cygnus met weekly with other purebloods or captains of Wizarding industry but rarely were any of his three daughters invited along. And she was quite sure that if Cygnus had his way she’d be permanently locked inside Black Manor until she was married and popping out little pureblood runts.

She’d already been informed earlier in the week of her impending engagement to Rodolphus Lestrange. The west wing was unrecognizable by the time her rage had dissipated to safe levels. Being used as a broodmare to garner status and a dowry infuriated her to no end. Seeing red was becoming a constant filter in her life. Ever since his announcement she’d been on the edge of falling into bouts of anger.

Meeting another so called man of importance was infuriating. She’d already had enough of them telling her how to act, how to talk, what to say and do when in the presence of her betters.

Subservience was unbecoming of her and the shackles that her sex expected her to wear burned on her skin. Alone in her room red sparks dripped hungrily from the tip of her wand.

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => 00cff5a68ca649992c4f125750d5ef63c943eaee ) [63] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => 2. Book 1: Planning For Your Future [timestamp] => 1556920800 [author] => [content] =>

Chapter 2: Book 1: Planning For Your Future


Revised/Edited May 4th, 2019

Chapter Text

Rays of warm light filtered in through the far window of the infirmary. Hermione, safely ensconced within layers of white blankets and soft feather pillows, slowly awoke. The first few seconds were the worst. Her mind threw her back to infirmary visits with Harry and Ron, and a window of time where she looked side to side for any signs of her friends left a deep pang of loss within her chest.

Madam Pomfrey was seated quietly behind her desk while a quill stood on its own, tall feather waving back and forth. Hermione seized control of her muscles from the grasp of sleep and sat up before stretching to release the kinks plaguing her body. Tension bled through her movements but no pain rose up to meet her. Once she’d satisfied herself that she wouldn’t fall apart at the barest movement she swung her body to the side and exited the bed. The cold from the tiles below her feet bled through the thin socks she was wearing and up her heels. The bright white hospital gown reached down to the floor and dragged slowly across the tiles as she tentatively approached Pomfrey’s large desk.

“Ma’am?” Her voice was still hoarse from the screams that had been wrenched from her during her impromptu time travel.

Pomfrey startled at her words, clearly surprised to see her out of the bed so soon, and nearly spilled ink all over her paperwork. The warm smile that the matronly woman shot her once her work was safe was filled with sincerity.

“Ah yes Ms. Granger! It’s so good to see you up and about.”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” Hermione looked down at the length of her body, “I was wondering if I could go clean up?”

A simple cleaning spell might have done the job just as well but Hermione was craving a moment of time to thoroughly scrub and inspect herself beyond the prying eyes of anyone else. She wanted to see herself with no filters and ensure it was still her that had gone back in time.

“Of course dearie, I’ll escort you to one of the Prefect’s bathrooms. I’m sure with the lack of students no one will mind.”

Pomfrey stood up from her desk and set the items on it to a proper order with a flick of her wand before walking around it and heading off towards the doors to the infirmary. Hermione wrapped her arms around herself and followed the medi-witch silently.

The walk was quiet and Hermione contented herself to try and catch as many differences between the castle she knew and this new-old version. The stone walls and floor looked the same, if a little less worn down, and most passageways they passed by were familiar to her. Some ghosts lingered about the hallways and were respectful enough to resist questioning her appearance or why she was there off term. Portraits and statues still lined the hallways and while they appeared to be in different locations she could mostly recognize them all. Beyond that, it was Hogwarts as she remembered it. Less lively without the telling voices of students and professors wandering the hallways but still comforting in its familiarity.

When they finally arrived at the infirmary Pomfrey opened the door for her and let her know she’d remain nearby until the witch was ready to return. Hermione thanked her for her help before entering and promptly leaning back against a wall in exhaustion. The walk had been short, no more than five minutes, but still her body was burned out from the exertion. Her trip had worn her far more than she’d realized. A full length mirror was inset against a far wall and Hermione disrobed before walking up to it and inspecting her reflection.

She’d been gifted with a new scar to add to her collection. Standing out in parallel line across her chest a bright red burn mark followed up to catch at her collarbone and continue in a loop around her neck. The flesh was a river of angry red and white blotches, raised from the skin, and interspersed evenly with indents where the chain of the Time Turner had set against her skin and melted. Both Pomfrey and Minerva, ‘And likely Albus too,’ she thought, had done the best they could to heal the mess but it seemed the magical nature of the injury had provided complications. She could hope that it would fade evenly with time but the magnitude of the injury cast doubts on that. It seemed high collared shirts tight necklines would be her best friend until she was comfortable revealing it.

Her eyes traveled down her chest to the faint remnants of the scar that Dolohov had inflicted on her during her fifth year. It was a faint thing, blotches of discolored skin that easily faded into her naturally tan skin color at the edges. Her eyes drifted to her left forearm and to the scar etched upon it that would never fade with time. The best healers they had been able to scrounge up after the Final Battle had all come to the same conclusion. The wound was cursed and would forever mar her skin. It no longer bled but the angry red lines in childish script looked as new as if she’d been carved into only yesterday. Pomfrey and the others had undoubtedly seen it while attempting to heal her but had refrained from bringing attention to it. For that she was grateful.

Turning away from the mirror to face the nearly swimming pool sized bath she snapped her fingers and directed a flow of magic to begin filling the tub with warm and scented water. Bubbles flowed out to film over the surface of the water until mountains of them coalesced around the tiled edges.

Gingerly she set a toe into the water to check the temperature and once it felt right she hurriedly entered. With each step warmth rolled about her skin to massage the muscles beneath. Stress and anxiety burned away as she made her way to a corner of the bath and sat down upon a submerged ledge. She let the events of the past week roll over her as she leaned backwards and sank until her chin was submerged in the water.

Thoughts of the friends she was leaving behind in the future passed quickly through her mindscape, and she hoped they’d attempt to collect her as soon as possible. The Final Battle had left Hogwarts woefully in need of repair and while many of the students and her friends left to begin their lives or reconnect with surviving family members, she had remained behind to help with reconstruction.

She’s had no family to return to and moving into the home they had once occupied felt empty in a way she couldn’t place. It might have been her home but it wasn’t truly hers with her parents still missing in Australia. She’d wanted to find them as soon as possible, return their memories as soon as possible. She hadn’t though. She’d focused on centering herself first while she placated the part of her that missed her mother and father by telling it they were safe and happy where they were. A few weeks of ‘me’ time wouldn’t hurt them. But weeks had turned into months, had turned into a full year. Before she knew it, Hogwarts was mostly reconstructed and she’d been thrown back in time. Any chance at resolving her familial issues had been ripped from her.

‘I’m sorry.’

As her breath hitched and tears burned her eyes she let the emotions run their course, staring down into the water as her tears dropped down to join it.


When her fingers and toes had shriveled and pruned, and tears had dried to salted red streaks down her cheeks, Hermione resigned herself to leaving the warmth and security of the water. Her body responded sluggishly as she pulled herself towards the lip of the bath, rinsing her hair and skin from the remaining soap and bubbles. Her feet were chilled instantly when she stepped up onto the cool tiles and a shiver ran down her spine.

She worked in silence after parking herself in front of the mirror again, brushing out curls and tangles while wandlessly drying her hair. Frizz was tamped down into smooth ringlets and tangled knots were pulled apart.

The long bulk of her hair had slowly been growing until it reached the small of her back only a few short weeks ago. Waves and curls of soft hazel brown bounced back against her skin as she twisted and turned to see her reflection. A red spot of irritation grew in her chest as she looked to her locks and filled her with something she couldn’t quite place.

During her time on the run and during the efforts of rebuilding the school she’d cared little for her personal appearance except keeping herself boringly clean and average. When Ron and Harry had run off to dive into Auror training she’d let herself fall back into the bushy hair first year she’d once been, hiding herself behind hair and remaining frustratingly, painfully, average. She’d neither sought attention nor given it unless driven to do so, usually at the firm end of Minerva’s patience whenever they’d needed to meet with persons of wealth or connection that’d stepped up to finance the reconstruction efforts.

At some point during her soak the house elves had removed the white gown she’d been wearing and replaced it with a fresh pair of clothing. A nondescript charcoal colored skit and white long sleeved blouse awaited her along with a pair of simple black flats. She noted absently that the blouse would cover all the scars littering her body when buttoned up. A small part of her spared a kind thought for whomever had picked it out for her. A school issued robe that lacked a house emblem was the last of the items.

After dressing she glanced at herself one last time in the mirror, again sparking that irritation that she couldn’t pinpoint, before leaving the room. Pomfrey appeared to have disappeared at some point and seemed to have been replaced by Albus. He stood slightly off to the side while engaged in a rather animated discussion with a large portrait of an individual that she didn’t recognize. Albus turned to face her when the individual in the portrait pointed a finger and focused his gaze towards her.

“Ah, Ms. Granger. How good to finally see you up and about. I’ll have to let Poppy know that once again, she’s performed a miracle.” He said, while striding over to her and clasping a hand about her shoulder. “I was wondering if you’d be so kind as to accompany me to my office, I believe there are some things we’ve to discuss.”

He peered down his half-moon glasses at Hermione and one corner of his mouth upturned in a small smile, almost as if he expected her to decline.

“That would be fine Headmaster. Please, lead the way.”

“Good, good.” He turned away from her and without removing his hand began to walk down the hallway, Hermione in tow. “I take it you haven’t eaten yet?”

The mention of eating brought a low growl to Hermione’s stomach as it awakened in irritation. Beyond a light meal yesterday she’d not eaten since and found herself famished.

“That’d be the correct assumption Headmaster.”

He tilted his head and smiled down at her as he guided them to a small staircase. A minute or two of climbing upwards led them to arrive upon a landing where a gargoyle sat vigilantly on a large stone pedestal across from them. Her mind momentarily retraced their steps when the short path they’d taken didn’t add up to what she’d remembered.

‘I guess some things are different after all…’

“Once we’ve settled in I’ll call the elves to bring up some brunch.”

Hermione only nodded silently as they ascended the winding staircases past the gargoyles that led to his office.


Minerva’s once bright and promising morning was decidedly turning out to be anything but that.

Between multiple Floo calls to as many Unspeakables at the Ministry as she could handle, and all the riddles that they spoke in, she was getting nowhere fast. A hard etched scowl and broken quills were fast becoming her new state of existence.

Her day had started before the sun rose to meet the castle and hours later she was still only halfway finished with the first half of the parchment Albus had handed her the prior night. Contact after contact had either been unavailable, obtuse, or simply unknowing enough to help her. A few elves had been brought in from the kitchen to assist her as much as possible, but they were all still working towards being threadbare at this rate. It wasn’t helpful that after they’d finally gotten some words out of Ms. Granger she’d become filled with guilt and shame at her future incarnation. At herself. It may not have been her specifically that had sent Ms. Granger tumbling backwards on her journey but it had been some version of her. To say she felt responsible for fixing it was an understatement.

And so her day had continued, call after call, frustrated non-answer after non-answer. It took the combined force of ten elves chattering nonstop and descending with shamed faces to get her to acquiesce to their commands and leave the rest of the contacts to them. Left with nothing to do when they took over she instead left the office and meandered herself aimlessly until she’d reached Albus’s office.

The gargoyle protecting the entrance was quickly moved out of her path with a hastily muttered ‘ Sherbert Lemon’, and all that was left was to climb. Only steps from the doors she could smell fresh scones and the tart hint of fruits. Knocking twice she opened the door without awaiting a response and strode up to his desk.

The usual detritus of knickknacks and inscrutable inventions had been cleared away. Instead, it was now piled high with as many samplings of varied food as the elves could fit. Fresh fruits, plates of light sandwiches and toast, links of sausage and bacon sat in repeating circles and enough variations that it looked like a miniaturized feast. Albus had transfigured the chairs that usually sat opposite to his own into an extension of the desk with mid height stools for seating at the edge. Albus’s warm eyes were hardened with a mysterious glint as they flickered up in greeting. Ms. Granger twisted around in her seat to see who had entered.

“Ah, thank you for joining us Minerva. I was just about to send an elf to fetch you. I hope the elves helping you didn’t have to prod too hard for you get moving,” his eyes suddenly switched and filled with some hidden joviality as he spoke.

“I should have assumed it was you pulling their strings. Though,” she smiled down at them both, “I will say I’m happy I took them up on the offer. This all smells delicious.”

“And it tastes even better dear Minerva.”

Leaning down she pulled the stool to Ms. Granger’s, Hermione’s, right side and began to pile fruits onto a plate while Albus maneuvered a pitcher into filling a goblet for her.

“I was just telling Ms. Granger here that you’d begun to search out a solution to her little problem this morning,” at this Hermione raised her head, smiled at Minerva, and quietly broke into the conversation to thoroughly thank her.

Conversation lulled and the trio ate their fill before Albus banished the remainder of the dishes back to the kitchens with a loud snap of his fingers. When they’d disappeared he waved his wand in a thoroughly overdone flourish and transfigured the desk and stools back to their proper form.

“Hermione and I were going to go over a plan for housing her here as a student while we work out a solution to her problem.”

Minerva turned and smiled warmly at Hermione as she began her side of the information.

“I’ve passed through six years when I’m from, and cleared O.W.L.’s in all but Divination and Muggle Studies. My seventh year was,” she tilted her head as she looked for the right words, “Interrupted before I could begin, to put it lightly.”

Minerva couldn’t help but notice the slight wince as she spoke, turning inwards on herself and physically closing up. She had a strong guess that whatever had interrupted her studies had been inconvenient at best, highly unpleasant at worst.

“I’d be willing to take exams to show competency in those subjects, if you’d prefer to have more than my word on it.” Hermione trailed off at the end as she waited for either of the professors to continue the conversation.


The afternoon slowly passed by as they worked towards stable plans to insert Hermione into her seventh year. A schedule was hashed out for her to take base competency tests for whichever subjects she requested in preparation for final courses and N.E.W.T.’s. Both Minerva and Albus were in agreement with the plan amidst the acceptance that Minerva, even a future version of herself, wouldn’t let just anyone take care of a highly dangerous and experimental magical artifact.

The final topic for the afternoon was one that weighed heavily on Hermione. Determining which of the four Houses she was going to join. A scroll had been provided by a harried house elf that listed each and every student that would be enrolled next year as well as the House affiliation for the second years and up. Hermione could mostly fill in the blanks for any first years with names that she recognized.

Line by line she’d read and notated next to names for over an hour before they were able to come to any form of agreement. In deference to protecting the future they set out to find her a house with as few people as she’d have direct contact with in her own timeline. Unfortunately, that led to a disquieting notion taking residence in her head. When they finally finished her soured musing was confirmed.

‘Slytherin. I’ll be a damned Slytherin!’

Not that that in and of itself was a bad thing, she knew the House’s traits and though not as virtuous or studious as Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, it was still enough to bring a heated flush to her skin. Moving into the House that considered itself the opposite to her original was somewhat unsettling. But there was nothing to be done.

Mapped out connections littered the parchment she grasped tightly and both Albus and Minerva had concurred with her findings. Gryffindor was automatically out, it held too many family members of those she knew intimately in her own time, followed closely by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Following her reasons for choosing a specific House, Slytherin was the only one left. A few of the names sparked her attention but none were specific cases where she thought it would impact the future. Three did stand out however and she merely resigned herself to focusing on classwork and ignoring them as much as possible.

“Slytherin has produced many notable and reputable Witches and Wizards, Hermione. I’m sure you’ll find a place to fit in alongside them.” Albus assured her and tried to lighten the mood, while the Sorting Hat sitting to their side on a bookshelf chuckled quietly to itself. When it settled down she threw it a look and pondered on exactly how much that Hat could know.

By the time she was finally ready to call it quits for the night she was set in her plan and ready to follow through. Taking tests, joining a new House, and being reassured by both Minerva and Albus that they were sparing no expense in searching for her way home had lifted her spirits somewhat over their dismal outlook that morning.

Dumbledore made it a point to note that next time they’d meet they would need to discuss possible back stories and aliases before they ran out of time and the school year began. As she nodded in agreement Fawkes hopped off his perch to allow her to scratch among the feathers under his neck. Bidding the large bird goodbye, as well as the professors, she left through the doorway and began the trek back towards the infirmary. The solitude and quietude was almost enough to convince her that things were back to normal. That tomorrow she’d work with Minerva on updating the school charter, review reconstruction efforts, maybe even send off an owl to Harry and Ron. That she hadn’t been flung off into another time all alone.

Tears hung vigil in the corner of her eyes as she returned to the infirmary and Madam Pomfrey’s insistence that she run through diagnostic spells to check for disturbances cause by her activity.

When it was finished she fell into a fitful and heavy sleep amidst nightmares of times long past but still yet to come.


A growl of frustration built up and rumbled low in Bellatrix’s throat as she attempted to corner Andy between shelves of books and old parchments. It had taken over an hour before Cygnus had released them to wander Knockturn and Diagon on their own before she’d finally found a moment to corner Andy and chastise her treatment of Narcissa the night before.

Her hand curled atop Andy’s shoulder and her nails lightly bit into the fabric of her robes while she turned her younger sister around to box her in against a shelving unit.

“Please for the love of Morrigan tell me Why you told Cissa that Mother deserved it?” Her voice was low and feral in an attempt to keep anyone from overhearing her. Andy shrank backwards under the intense gaze before she straightened herself and returned the glare directly.

“Because she did! And I know you’re both aware of it but neither one of you are willing to say it!”

Andy’s raised voice broke the level of an angry whisper and the head of the shopkeeper swiveled around to pin them with a suspicious stare. Bella nodded in the direction of the unwanted scrutiny before releasing Andy’s shoulder and backing away. She crossed her arms across her chest and puffed at a string of curls that threatened to hide her vision before speaking again with strength shoring up her voice.

“That doesn’t mean you need to be so callus to her about it, she’s only twelve! She doesn’t understand what happened yet.”

“But she should,” Andy countered, “And no amount of skirting the issue will fix it. What mother, Druella, did was wrong and I’ll be damned before I roll over and ignore it!”

Andy pushed herself past Bellatrix with a bout of strength that her sister hadn’t thought her capable of and left the store. Minutes passed as Bellatrix shifted side to side on her feet, curls waving back and forth as emotions ate her up inside. She could feel herself being torn between anger and sadness. She’d already lost her mother and the sinking feeling in her stomach warned her that she could lose her sister as well.

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Chapter 1: Book 1: Rough Landing


Revised/Edited Aug-30-2020

Hello, this is my first attempt at long-form fanfiction and not giving up on it early. The early bits are rough, I don't have a beta and did little revising. Later chapters do get better though, I promise. The remainder will be revised after I finish the story or when I have a buffer of chapters built up.

This is aiming at a time-travel Bellamione fic, with liberal use of AU. I read the books years ago and fell into this Ship only a few months ago, so details will be changed to fit the story and my recollection. If any chapter covers something in a problematic manner, I apologize! Please let me know via comments.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy reading this!

and fuck JKR & terfs

Chapter Text

The raucous sound - oddly tuned, a high-pitched keening whine - seemed to erupt forth from somewhere directly behind Hermione’s body.

It was the first clue that something had gone terribly wrong. 

The next in the long list of confirmations came as a sudden and eerily intense sensation of being pulled, not from behind where one might have expected during Portkey travel, or in front of herself as one might have anticipated during the jolt of Apparition. No, this force pulled through her body. There was merely one second of calm before Hermione felt the intensely curious sensation of a fishing line strung through her back, past her spine and inside of her ribcage as it latched deep into her navel.

In a way, it was Apparition. Normal except that this was on an entirely different order of magnitude.

The final and surely most damning confirmation that Hell had been unleashed, that things were going unstoppably wrong was the flood of tangy syrup that slid backwards down her nose and throat, its heady feel nearly choking Hermione as she stood there. The taste and smell were all too horrid - all too familiar - and yet still the flood increased. Warm liquid splashed through her sinuses and dribbled down her lips.

It choked her. Stole away her breath until a sharp cough rattled from her lungs with all the sound of wet that bleeding like this entailed. The Time-Turner was knocked loose from her grip by the sheer strength of her cough, a brilliant swirl of metal and glass that spun through the air before it arced down towards the ground on the chain that Hermione had wrapped tightly around her neck not half an hour before. Through the onset of initial pain she was able to observe - in a rather detached manner, almost as if she were watching some Muggle documentary and not her own reality - individual droplets of violently exhaled blood hanging still within the air, or not so much still as stationary, vibrating where they were in a fine mist of bright, red crystals.

‘Oh fucking Merlin,’ she thought, blinking her way through each oncoming second. ‘What in the hell have I done?’

The droplets of blood continued to hang in place, holding themselves up by the sheer force of magic. But then Hermione watched as each pulled apart, disintegrating until the whole lot of them had vanished from right before her very eyes, almost as if they’d not ever existed to begin with. The walls and scenery - once steady and comforting - began to blur, spinning and spinning with all the fervour of a fainting spell. That spin became a smear, a swatch of dark and swirling colour that ate at shadows, furniture, light itself. Soon there was nothing but a horrid kaleidoscope of blooming red all around her. 

A sound that started softly - gently, nothing but a whisper against her mind - was now edging closer to her active notice, piercing her ears and mind until she belatedly realized exactly what it was. Harsh echoes - terrified, lost and forlorn - of her own screaming, throat torn raw with the effort.

Her lungs burned with the exertion as every muscle - every little stretch of ligament and gristle - cramped and released in rolling waves of near-limitless pain. Her thoughts had sped forward until the pace of them was blinding, ideas and phrasing and information all passing before her without a second to latch onto meaning or comprehension. It ran and ran until finally, eventually, it slowed to a glacial crawl.

Tipped back, tipped again, fell between each extreme again and again and again-

Until it stopped.

The nauseating limbo ceased its momentum, silence reigning all around her.

Gone was the warmth of the room she’d been standing in. Gone was the softness of its colours or her comprehension. The office itself looked much the same as before but the decorations and accomplishments that she had come to know like the back of her hand had vanished. The portraits and their inhabitants were different, the edges of everything just a little bit newer. Gone was the smiling visage of her mentor, Minerva, the only constant presence in Hermione’s little farce of a life. She was the only thing that had remained stable since the War had ended and she was gone. Gone too was the warm scent of vanilla and cinnamon that the Headmistress had come to be fond of these past few months, and gone was the roaring fire that Hermione knew she had lit just a few minutes prior. She’d stoked that inferno with her magic and it was cold.




There was still a languid flow of blood streaming down her face but all the horrid nausea and pain that had accompanied it seemed to have abated for the moment. Hermione’s vision was fine, and she proved that to herself by focusing it down to a laser point.

Became confused, focused it again. She simply couldn’t trust what she was seeing.

Her mentor - for that was all she could reason the woman as, for who else could hold those piercing eyes and style of dress that had always defined Minerva - was still seated behind her deck. But her look was all wrong. She was twisted into some amalgamation of abject horror - which Hermione decidedly did not like - and abrupt surprise - which Hermione could rationalize as their little experiment working - that managed to bring forth a strained and unhappy giggle from somewhere in Hermione’s throat.

The laughter died out quite suddenly when she realized that Minerva looked younger.

The bright eyes that were normally hidden behind long lashes and crystal eyewear were opened now, the circles she’d remembered kept still behind a rectangle of metal and glass that looked so very different to what Hermione remembered from that morning. Laughlines were banished along with the crow’s feet that had defined her so much as she’d aged into regality. Every single hair on Minerva’s head was bright and unified in its colour, a brilliant and striking red that not even the Weasley’s were capable of. It was all just so horridly unexpected that Hermione found herself at a loss. 

Was Minerva even staring - with ever-widening eyes, unblinking and face a mask of terror - at her, or something like a Bogart? Was she staring at a Ghost?

Hermione giggled again, ‘Have I died? Am I dead?’

Madness ran as Hermione spun herself through the implication. Was that all this was? If she managed to look down at her body would she see only grey, an opaque silhouette of where a firm body had once stood? Would she forever be clad with these horridly itchy robes for the remainder of her afterlife?

Hermione Granger, the Brightest Witch of Her Age and one-third of the Golden Trio. Hermione Granger, brought low by a foul - and very unsanctioned - experiment. Hermione Granger, shorn apart and reduced to a floating book, interactive if not interesting.

When finally the need to determine the state of her mortality overrode the shock at Minerva’s appearance, Hermione glanced down quickly at her body and hands. Her breath hitched up in her throat at the relief that came when it appeared she was as alive and fleshed out as any appropriately living person should be.

Unfortunately the movement also managed to push to the fore a great deal of pain in her neck and shoulders, and the nausea that had retreated momentarily was suddenly roaring back to life deep within the pit of her stomach. All at once a litany of pains made themselves noticed, overstrung emotions snapping back into Hermione’s current reality. A single, pained squeak managed to escape from her throat as the shaky knees just barely holding her up managed to fail and buckle. The only saving grace to her fall was the rapid descent into unconsciousness, a mild and soothing relief that fell upon her before Hermione’s body could officially greet the floor.


Minerva stared, and stared, and continued to stare, long and without pause, while deep within the furthest recesses of her mind a thought came out, unbidden.

‘My tea’s gone cold by now.’

It was - rather oddly, but perhaps not unexpectedly - the only thing running through her mind as it raced back and forth in a persistent loop of remembrance.


She had only just sat down to once again begin the task of preparing the student syllabuses for her incoming First Year students. The Transfiguration lessons they were expected to cover were easy and she hadn’t made as many changes as she’d thought, not due to a lack of improvement in the craft but rather a lack of improvement in her methods. There was simply little more she could teach them when they arrived, not until they had enough of a solid base to work from. 

But her plans of going through it all were dashed. 

Stacks of neatly wrapped and bound parchment were sitting atop the left-hand side of her desk, while an ever-growing pile of finished work was rising off to her right. There were more students than expected this year, a population boom the likes of which they hadn’t seen in years. That alone would make the coming year a bit more of a challenge but it was one that Minerva felt she could handle. She wouldn’t exactly be the Transfiguration Head if she couldn’t, and Dumbledore knew that. It would have been a little easier to complete if she let the House Elves work alongside her, and they could do it all much more efficiently as well. 

But that felt wrong.

It was just better in her mind to do it all herself, add a little personal flair with each sheet. Not that most - or really any - of her students would notice that. They’d look at it once and then shove it somewhere in their trunks to be forgotten until they realized they missed a test or a term paper. Still, it was the thought that counted in instances like this and it was a welcome form of grounding that Minerva took to with relish. A little bit of repetitive stress relief as exercised through the precise and controlled movement of her quill.

A cup of tea - recently poured and still quite hot to the touch - sat off to her left, hovering right above a saucer as she intermittently sipped and placed it back. The stacks of parchments were moving along at a rather steady pace and she was humming - an old tune she’d learned as a young girl, now remembered and voiced by only her - with every motion. It was a steady rhythm, easygoing and secure.

But then an obnoxious ‘Crack!’ interrupted her momentum just as her mind had reached that wonderful little place where she could work or learn, or do close to anything at all while being so far detached she might as well have been asleep.

Minerva huffed and registered the sound as the telltale note of a wild - and quite restless, the air that had passed over her from that had nearly upset a stack of parchment - Apparition, likely just a House Elf attempting to bring her something after sampling the cooking sherry. It wasn’t too much of an unusual occasion during the summer months as they all had lives to lead and Minerva was well aware that the Elves wanted to spend their time having some fun when none of the students were around. 

Yet when she looked up from her desk to confirm the suspicion her eyes stilled and stretched open with shock. The laboured breathing coming from her chest wasn’t panicked yet, but it was close. The sudden sweat against her robes was cold despite the summer heat and the pit her heart fell into was deep.

A young girl - or a woman to be more precise, but Minerva had a hard time seeing anyone less than thirty as “Grown-up” - was standing in the centre of her office, stock-still and not a metre away. But what shocked Minerva more than her sudden appearance was the blood - bright and shining red from the light streaming in through the window - haemorrhaging down her face. The constant river fell down to the carpet with a dull, dripping sound. It dribbled down her robes, down into the carpet, exhales of red mist with every breath the stranger took. 

The stranger was shaking where she stood and Minerva noticed ruddy brown hair that had been pulled into a haphazard and frizzled ponytail, only a few free ringlets to frame her face. Scared eyes of umber and gold were shivering, the whites all reddened from either crying or trauma. Minerva glanced down at the woman’s chest, noticed a golden-red bauble hanging from her neck on a chain, and then she cried out with alarm.

That chain was red with heat, glowing fiercely against the girl’s chest even as steam and smoke wafted upwards from the metal links. Minerva could notice now the sickening scent of burned flesh, and bile rose up in her throat.

The stranger’s head dipped low, hands came up, and for a queer moment Minerva had the distinct feeling that the girl was checking on whether or not she was still alive. Red drops continued their cascading waterfall down to the floor, puddle growing further as she shook, shivered once before leaning drunkenly from side to side.

The stranger emitted a pained squeak, and then collapsed noisily into a heap atop the floor.

It took only a second or so to pass after the woman fell down onto the floor before Minerva’s training kicked in, whether she knew the girl or not she needed help. Tired muscles flaring, a checklist rolling through her head. Up she jumped from her seat, snapping fingers and leading House Elves to Apparate within. She was checking the woman’s pulse when Poppy arrived, Albus following closely on her heels and eyes a maddened fright when he saw the red all spread around her floor.


Now it was near an hour later and still she was with Albus and Poppy. Both of them held whispered discussions on what to do next, how to handle it and trading theories on just who the stranger was. Poppy had mercifully cordoned off an entire section of the infirmary to allow them some privacy from the other members of staff who were on campus and the elves had cleaned up every dot of blood from her floor. Albus poured himself into attending the stranger’s side, Poppy passing off information and spells to keep her from exsanguination once it became clear a simple Blood Replenishment wouldn’t be enough. 

Minerva could hardly keep any awareness of them in mind though. The frightening ordeal had left her drained, mentally exhausted with fright and adrenaline. Now there was nothing that she could do and all she could even think about was that poor cup of tea, surely gone cold by now.


Raucous thoughts and pain-addled confusion were all that met Hermione as she slowly, incrementally, began to stir within the confines of what appeared to be an infirmary bed. Whatever it was that assaulted her had left a far more lasting pain than even the harsh and stinging burn of Bellatrix Lestrange’s worst Cruciatus. The pain that she found herself lingering in, riding high and low in a way that felt timed to her breath, was proper Hell compared to the blissful emptiness that a proper Crucio would have left her in. At least that spell managed to be brief. This was everlasting. 

Skin and muscles on her neck were burning fiercely and locked tight, solidified into a single unmoving position by what felt - at the outset - like a veritable mountain of gauze and bandages. Whenever she attempted to arch her back and relieve the spike of pressure driving upwards between her shoulder blades there was only a sharpened groan of pain and realization that she could not move. The shortness of her range of motion reminded her that at least the rest of her body existed, even if it was also pulsing with a throb of pain.

Muscles were screaming in protest and bile was splashing against the back of her throat as nausea began to take hold.

‘Oh yes,’ Hermione mused, dark and hardly lucid. ‘I’ll take a Crucio over this, anytime, anywhere.’

She was stuck with the odd sensation of having been splinched far, far beyond the point of saving but stuck back together anyway as some terrible exercise in futility. Everything hurt, and that pulsing incongruity let her know it would hurt for some time still.

It seemed, however, that her groaning and moaning had attracted some form of attention. Elsewhere in the room she became aware of hushed voices muttering lowly beneath their breath. The sharpened tap of heels on marble let her know that someone was approaching, even though her eyes refused to open. A phial was pushed sharply against her lips and without a chance to ask any questions Hermione simply swallowed the liquid down.

Within a few scant seconds, the potion took effect, mind and body comfortably numbed back into a state of deep and dreamless sleep.


When the next instance of wakefulness met Hermione it was considerably less painful than before. 

The whole of her body was still angry and sore, muscles tense with pressure and neck quite hot beneath her skin but there was no immediate distress or pain that could nag and consume her attention. She spent a few minutes taking stock of her body as she attempted to shift forward and sit up, a tall figure rapidly approaching her side to wrap warm hands around Hermione’s shoulders. The person kept still, held her firmly in place while Hermione groaned in discomfort at their efforts.

“Miss, you’ve just been quite grievously injured.” the figure said, their voice a soothing Scottish lilt. “I’m afraid I’ve a need to ask you to remain still, don’t make any attempts to move just yet.”

Hermione - recognizing that voice anywhere, any time, any place - nodded as much as her sore neck would allow, “Yes, Headmistress.” 

She complied with Minerva’s request and relaxed, fell back into the softness of the mattress as the witch guided her back down. Fierce light, bright and sterile, met her eyes when she attempted to open them. She squinted, blinked, attempted to remove the grains of sand in the corner of her eye without moving a hand to do so. It took some moments but the discomfort eventually cleared, vision opening up to reveal - as she’d correctly guessed - the infirmary.

Minerva was sitting at her side and slowly retracted her grip when it became clear that Hermione was stable, “Miss, do you happen to know where you are?”

“Yes,” Hermione said, somewhat confused by Minerva’s formal tone. She turned and felt what blood there was in her face begin to drain at the sight of her Professor’s frightfully young face, “I’m- I’m at the Hogwarts Infirmary…”

‘Oh no.’

Minerva smiled, thin-lipped and haunted, “Yes dear, you are. Now, can you tell me what your name is?”

‘No, oh Gods no, no, no.’

Hermione’s heart leapt within her chest, each beat-beat-beat harsher than the previous. She could feel herself begin to hyperventilate, felt panic crash against the inside of her mind.

Minerva’s look turned frightful, “Miss…?”

Hermione blanched as her mind began to race, ‘Tell them who I am? How far back have I travelled!?’

She swallowed dryly, “My name is… I’m Hermione.” With effort Hermione pushed herself backwards until she could recline against the pillows, body protesting all the while. “I’m Hermione Granger. What, um, well… What year is it, Professor?”

That frightened look on Minerva’s face turned positively horrified, “Nineteen Sixty Eight. Ms. Granger,” she asked, eyes narrowing as she came to the realization herself. “Could you tell me why you needed to know that, Ms. Granger?”

What blood there was drained rapidly from Hermione’s face and the bile she’d bitten back was now coming to the fore. The realization was Hell. The realization was being Lost. The realization was being Alone.

“Sixty-eight? That’s…” 

The words never finished. Her body - heart and mind and soul aching - fell down into unconsciousness as the worried Professor looked on.


The next time that Hermione awoke there was a crowd around her bed, all of them quiet but each of them looking fierce, a serious intensity coming from every pair of eyes.

Minerva was still by her side but she had been joined by a distinctly younger-looking Albus Dumbledore - and if that didn’t have her heart racing in some form of joy she’d be lying - and Poppy Pomfrey rounding out the group. Seeing the old man’s face after so long felt akin to finding the ghost of a loved one; startling in the levity it brought her but melancholic nonetheless. The flowing beard that she remembered was cut short and followed the curving of his chin, a curious glint of light twinkling within his eyes. His skin was warm, alive and real in so many ways that the half-formed memories of her youth had failed to capture.

“Hello, Ms. Granger,” he began, voice tender and robust. “My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the Headmaster of this wonderful institution you’re now convalescing in.” He flashed her a warm smile, obviously waiting to see if she had any sort of reaction to that news.

She didn’t. Seeing him in the flesh was enough of a shock to her system that she could do no more than stare up at him and hope she wouldn’t cry.

He nodded to himself, “Now, Madam Pomfrey has assured me many times over that you are, as they say, out of the woods. That isn’t, however, to say that you’re fine. I would like to ask that you indulge me in answering a few questions. If you don’t feel up to it that’s fine, and we’ll reconvene tomorrow morning.”

Hermione froze. Every muscle stilled and breath caught in her throat, any reaction filtered through the knowledge that she was not supposed to be here. She really had managed to ride that blasted Time-Turner thirty-one years into the past. Gooseflesh prickled along her arms, discomfort fully settling in. Hermione tried to steel herself against it. She knew that it wouldn’t help her situation at all if she let fear rule her thoughts or decisions.

She was here, now, and there was no denying that simple fact.

“Of course, Headmaster.” A miniature smile pulled at the edges of her lips as she brought strength to her voice, the lack of pain from speaking a simple boon to her fragile mood. Pomfrey must have done an excellent job at attending to her, healing whatever she had been subjected to. She’d thank the Medi-Witch for that, she swore it.

Professor Dumbledore smiled at her in turn, “Good, good. Now then, Ms. Granger, it was Professor McGonagall here who found you. Five days ago, shortly before three in the afternoon, you Apparated into her office. She also says that beyond the obvious distress of your body you seemed generally confused. Do you recall how that came to be?”

Hermione recounted what she felt she could, propped herself up and gave them all the best idea of what had occurred. Neither Albus nor Minerva tried to pry at her explanation too hard, nor did they explicitly ask for details about their future. Mostly it seemed they wanted to know about the Time-Turner that she’d been wearing, now removed and its imprint evident upon her skin.

Albus reached behind himself and levitated the mangled ruins of the device while Hermione finished up her tale. The sight of the poor device - one of a kind, brand new and alone in the world - managed to wrench a tear from her, the inquisitorial little girl still hurting for its loss. It was practically unrecognizable; gold and glass had melted together into some horrid amalgam, twisted and vaguely oval-shaped. The chain that held it to her neck was no longer simple links, each band of metal having melted and hardened into a long thread of fused metal.

The device had been so unique, salvaged from somewhere and assembled via a joint venture between a group of Unspeakables and Hogwarts greatest Professors. Now it was simply a wreck, warped and destroyed beyond any sense of repair.

When she finished inspecting the ruined device Pomfy launched herself into an overly gentle description of the state that Hermione had been brought to her in. Whether she was being well-meaning or not, Hermione found herself perturbed by Pomfrey’s softening of the truth. She could feel the annoyance bubbling under her emotions as the seconds ticked by, face giving way to a rather rare occurrence.

Unabashed anger. Narrow eyes.

‘I’m not a child,’ she thought, breath coming harsh and deep. ‘I’ve lived through a war, I’ve dealt with more than this.’

It took her some prodding but eventually Hermione managed to get the Medi-Witch to admit her full report. 

She’d been convulsing upon arrival, haemorrhaging from a myriad of broken vessels in her nose and burned horribly along her neck, so much so that the combined efforts of Pomfrey and Dumbledore had been unable to heal it effectively. Broken muscles all along her shoulders, what looked disastrously like an aneurysm in her brain. Comatose and with a pulse so low they’d thought on multiple occasions that Hermione had simply died.

She hadn’t. Or hadn’t yet, she supposed.

Each of them had debated on the merits of sending her to St. Mungo’s and each had arrived at a similar conclusion; rather than take the chance in risking Apparition - which could have killed her - or flight - which could have also killed her - or Floo - which they decided would assuredly have killed her - it would be best instead that she be treated here, in the Infirmary, and any necessary physicians brought over to Hogwarts. They could keep her still and stable, watch her easily and ensure that any developments in her situation were monitored.

It made sense, even if Hermione found it disquieting that no one else from the Ministry or St. Mungo’s was in attendance.

The situation was eventually evened out. Explained as much as she could do so, passed onto her as much as they could manage. Pomfrey forced her guests to leave her once it became clear the inquisition had been draining and it was with complete exhaustion that Hermione leaned back into her bed and stared up at the white panelling of the ceiling.

Pomfrey was kind enough to call up a House Elf for some lunch, even with Hermione’s protestations that she wasn’t hungry. The woman had only scolded her though, before providing a light porridge and warm tea along with some slices of fruit all placed atop a floating tray for Hermione to consume at her leisure. The older - although younger, Hermione still couldn’t help but feel the woman was ageless - woman bid her well and left for her own food, a simple bell remaining behind for Hermione to ring whenever she needed something. Heels disappeared into the distance and Hermione stared, eyes forlorn, at the food by her side.

She could only recall one single instance of unexpected - and unauthorized, though that was only made apparent in later investigations - time travel that even remotely mirrored her own experience.

The curious case of one Eloise Mintumble.

The witch had - somehow - managed to find herself sent back almost five-hundred years into the past. The rescue attempt of said witch had relied on someone in the present being aware of where she’d gone to, someone who could reference the date itself. Her collection had been of utmost importance to the Unspeakables but upon her retrieval, the woman had aged from her mid-thirties to over five-hundred in the space of a single day.

It was a gruesome way to die and not one that Hermione felt particularly keen on trying out.

Instead of eating she stewed, her mind swirling with questions that her incapacitated state failed to answer. Would she rapidly age, die off as dust if she were brought back to the present? She didn’t think so. Thirty-one years was a lot but that would put her in middle age, not well past the point of life. But would the shock still kill her? If she came this close to death going backwards, then what would going forward do to her? And was she even in her own past, or had she been shunted off to some entirely new dimension?

All questions, no answers. The constant anxiety brought with it a fierce headache, and it was with reservations that Hermione resolved to quit the subject, for now at least. She could only rely upon the help of Albus and Minerva before trying to do anything else.

If she hadn’t already popped out of existence, erased from time itself, then another day wouldn’t hurt.


High up in the castle, well behind the closed doors of the Headmaster’s office, a harried conversation was taking place. 

Minerva and Albus both sat before a warm and crackling fire - despite the warmth of summer a chill had invaded the castle over the past few days, and Minerva found herself thankful for Albus’s predisposition to keep fires lit no matter the time of year - as the events of the past few days were discussed. Neither one had wanted to be the first to speak but eventually Minerva had gone first, every second since the girl had arrived was reviewed and dissected until there was only what they had just learned left to talk about.

“Do you believe her, Albus?” she asked, hand reaching out to grasp the handle on a cup of warm tea.

The old wizard declined to answer her straight away, instead flicking his wrist to send his own cup back towards his oversized desk. Finger steepled in his lap, face drawn down and a frown turning down his lips.

“I find myself pained to admit that I believe her story, regardless of how fantastical it sounds. I had no sense that she was attempting to play us for fools. That trip nearly destroyed her, it was only thanks to your quick action and Poppy’s skills that she’s alive. A deception worth that risk seems quite unlikely.”

Minerva sipped, and then asked, “Did you happen to get a look? Inside, I mean.”

Albus sighed, leaned back into his chair. A second passed before he spoke, tone low and soft despite the fact that they were alone. “No, regrettably I did not. She has walls up that I’ve never encountered before. It will take time to see inside, if I can even manage it. It would appear that either the art of Occlumency has been revolutionized in her future, or she is quite determined that no one should see inside of her. Ever. Whatever happened to her before this trip has left her on guard.”

“Interesting.” Minerva leaned back into her own chair and turned her gaze towards the bright-red Phoenix resting on its perch above the fireplace. “Do you think it wise that she remain here then? I’m sure the Ministry could hold her, if necessary.”

“Yes,” Albus replied, quick and rather biting. “Both you and I know that any chance of her being returned to the proper timeline is, well, quite unlikely. If we’re lucky and she adjusts, perhaps she’ll be willing to help us with issues here, instead. The future has already changed with her arrival. It might be possible that we can convince her to change it for the better. Nevertheless, we will look for a method of returning her back home.”


A soft but rapid knocking against the oaken door - old and taken from a prior Black Manor that had burned sometimes in the last two hundred or so years - was the only warning that Bellatrix. A hastily whispered ‘Nox’ snapped shut the light brimming from her wand as she closed the pitted leather-bound tome that she’d been obsessing over for the past few weeks of break. The doorknob to her room turned and pushed the gap wide just as she managed to levitate it back beneath her bed. She silenced herself, leaned back further into the mound of pillows resting against her headboard and turned - feigning sleep, feigning being so tired she could barely even see - as her youngest sister entered the room.

“Cissa,” Bellatrix hissed, her voice a hushed but worried whisper. “What’ve I told you about coming over here at night?”

Bellatrix had attempted to instil her voice with the steel of her father’s words but obviously it hadn’t worked. Narcissa was still padding over to her bedside, bare feet slapping against the hardwood. When she reached the side the younger girl hoisted herself up and onto the exceptionally high mattress, nudging Bellatrix over as she did so.

Cissa sighed, dramatic as ever, “I know, I know!” Her little form burrowed beneath the cover, small hands looping over to thread her arm around Bellatrix’s, “I had another nightmare about Mother.”

A second passed while Bellatrix collected herself, gazing towards the faintly burning embers of her fireplace. She sighed - just as dramatic and practised as Cissa’s - and gently held Narcissa’s hand, pulling her tight as wracking shivers overtook the small girl.

“Why didn’t you go to Andi?”

“Because Andi says it doesn’t matter! She says Mother deserved what she got.” Narcissa looked up at her from the darkness with her face in as much a mask of disgust as she could manage, “Hearing her say that doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“Andi doesn’t even know why Mother was sent away. No one does. Look,” Bellatrix ran her thumb against Narcissa’s palm, soothing and gentle as she could be. “I’ll talk to Andi about it, alright? You can stay here tonight if you want, but you’ll have to be quiet.”

Only a muffled confirmation floated from Narcissa, the fire stoked to warmth with just the littlest bit of magic. It was cold this far north no matter the time of year, and Bellatrix found herself settling back into a deep sleep, her dreams filled with memories of better times.

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