Array ( [name] => GOGBridge [uri] => [icon] => [donationUri] => [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Exophobia Soundtrack [timestamp] => 1722200400 [author] => Zarc Attack / Pedro J. Costa, PM Studios [content] => Genres: Shooter, Action, FPP
Supported Platforms: Windows
Official soundtrack for the videogame Exophobia by Zarc Attack.

Full release includes remastered and extended versions of all game tracks as well as 2 bonus alternate versions for "Research & Destroy" and "Engineering".

OST DJ Mix Preview:

All music composed, arranged and mixed by Pedro J. Costa Mastered by João Silva Pires (Ka§par)

TB303 on tracks 07, 08 and 16 by 2Jack4U

Cover art by José Castanheira

  1. [1:54] Exophobia
  2. [3:57] ISA
  3. [2:47] Threat Level
  4. [2:20] Zarkonians
  5. [3:13] The Mecha
  6. [3:33] Research & Destroy
  7. [3:52] Hive Mind
  8. [3:23] Infestation
  9. [1:41] Terminal
  10. [4:01] Engineering
  11. [3:43] Corrupted Machines
  12. [2:53] Heated Metal
  13. [5:15] The Core
  14. [7:49] Exploring Stars
  15. [6:20] Elite Zarkonians
  16. [3:57] The Worm
  17. [3:25] Vertigo
  18. [5:39] The Hunter
  19. [3:46] Endophobia
  20. [3:46] The King (by Miguel Cintra)
  21. [2:24] Engineering: Lights Off
  22. [3:07] Research & Destroy: Flooded
[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1183399876 ) [1] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => EVERSPACE™ 2 - Titans [timestamp] => [author] => ROCKFISH Games / ROCKFISH Games [content] => Genres: Role-playing, Action, Sci-fi
Supported Platforms: Windows Mac

EVERSPACE 2: Titans bringt gewaltige, wiederholbare Begegnungen in die Sternensysteme von Cluster 34, zusammen mit neuen Feinden und einem Haufen Beute zum Sammeln. Entdecke zwei aufregende Handlungsstränge mit frischen Gameplay-Mechaniken sowie eine Reihe neuer und wiederkehrender Charaktere!

Outlaws haben die Minokawa gekapert, eines der letzten Großkampfschiffe aus dem kolonialen Krieg. Dieses Waffensystem wurde für die Vernichtung ganzer Raumstationen konzipiert – wer es in seinen Besitz bringt, kann die Machtverhältnisse zu seinen Gunsten wenden. Schließe dich einer Gruppe Freelancer an, die angeheuert wurde, diese gigantische Bedrohung aufzuspüren und auszuschalten und mach dich gefasst auf die bisher größte Schlacht in der EVERSPACE-Serie!


Sichtungen der legendären Leviathane verbreiten sich unter den Abenteurern im Cluster 34. Wage dich tief in den Khaït-Nebel, um die Wahrheit zu erfahren über diese gewaltigen Kreaturen, die eigentlich als ausgestorben gelten! Nicht alles, was verschluckt wird, ist verloren – es heißt, dass tief in den Eingeweiden dieser Ungetüme wahre Schätze begraben liegen.


EVERSPACE 2: Titans umfasst:
- Erlebe zwei neue Handlungsstränge mit den bisher größten Begegnungen in der Serie
- Kämpfe an der Seite neuer Charaktere gegen einen riesigen Outlaw-Dreadnought
- Wage dich in prozedural generierte, lebende Leviathane, um verlorene Technologien zu bergen und einzigartige Gegenstände zu entdecken
- Bekämpfe neue Feinde und gefährliche Weltraumkreaturen
- Sammle neue Ausrüstung (Gegenstandssets, legendäre Ausrüstung, Katalysatoren, Gadgets)
- Entdecke neue Ressourcen und Baupläne

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1641000596 ) [2] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Hands of Necromancy II [timestamp] => 1726434000 [author] => HON Team / Fulqrum Publishing [content] => Genres: Shooter, Action, Fantasy
Supported Platforms: Windows Linux

Will you once again don the mantle of the original Necromancer and prove his supremacy, or will you play as the new female up and comer, to show the world the true meaning of the word “power”? Each character has their own distinct weapons, spells, transformation abilities, as well as personality! 

No matter your choice, the journey will be difficult and fraught with danger, taking you through stunning landscapes - an ancient castle, an arid desert wasteland, a picturesque village and a dreary cave, just to name a few - each brimming with untold threats! Wield enchanted weapons, cast powerful spells and destroy hordes of enemies, only to raise them as undead servants to aid you in battle, as any true Necromancer would! 

Fan-favourite spells from the original game return - the Tornado Spell that hurls enemies into the air, the Ring of Ice that will encase them in frost, and the Unholy Hand Grenade to blast them into oblivion; but the new character also brings her own unique arsenal - a life-draining Dagger, a fireball-spewing Bracelet of Fire, and a Hell Grenade that splits into smaller grenades, over a huge area of effect. 

As you grow stronger, you will gain the ability to transform into fearsome monsters with not just brutal attack abilities, but also special powers that help you to traverse and explore your surroundings – slithering through tight spots, breathing underwater, walking over lava or even flying! 


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1402793832 ) [3] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Chains of Fury [timestamp] => 1726434000 [author] => Cobble Games / Fulqrum Publishing [content] => Genres: Shooter, Action, Metroidvania
Supported Platforms: Windows

Erlebe das kranke Vergnügen, Räume mit abscheulichen Alien-Schleimkugeln zu bemalen. Spüre die Glückseligkeit der Nostalgie, die dich dabei durchströmt. Auf dich wartet eine höllische Fahrt, aber vergiss nie 

Werde zum fiesesten MotherF&@*#@ auf dem Planeten. Dein Testosteron wird nur an der Anzahl an Kugeln gemessen, mit der du all jene beschenkst, die es wagen, sich dir in den Weg zu stellen. Schießen, zerschlagen und zerstören ist Musik für deine Ohren. Lasse diese außerirdischen Bastarde für alles bezahlen, was sie dir angetan haben. 


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1786008709 ) [4] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Baby Blues Nightmares - Toddler Horror Game [timestamp] => [author] => Steelkrill Studio / Steelkrill Studio [content] => Genres: Action, Adventure, Horror
Supported Platforms: Windows

Baby Blues Nightmare is a survival horror game where you play as a toddler and have to do what it takes in order to survive your horror-ish nightmares of what's real and not. Fix, maintain and customize your Tricycle to roam around your little world with. Run, hide and survive but remember; try not to cry when you are scared.. or the monsters will hear you and get you.

Explore your little world with your very own Tricycle which you can use as a vehicle, where you can store your favorite toys, customize your wheels, paint and find collectables to place on your Tricycle. This will be your means of transport.

Embark on a spine-chilling journey into the unsettling realms of a child's nightmares as a brave toddler where you must navigate through the eerie corridors and dimly lit playrooms to recover your five beloved toys, all while trying to unravel the mysteries that shroud the facility. Immerse yourself in the innocence of childhood, where every shadow hides a potential nightmare. The world seen through the eyes of a toddler adds a unique layer of vulnerability, intensifying the fear factor.

Utilize the unique abilities of a toddler - crawl through hidden passages, hide in tiny spaces, and use your imagination to outsmart the lurking horrors. Your small size becomes both an advantage and a disadvantage in this heart-pounding adventure.


Fix, maintain and customize your Tricycle which you can use to drive around your world.



Solve puzzles that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills.



or use your time to play around a little with your favorite toys.



You can also store your favorite toys in your vehicle's cart for later use.



Find crayons which you can use to let out your creativity, on walls.



but not everything is sunshine and rainbows .. something deadly awaits.



Sometimes you have to navigate through very difficult and tense situations.



Something is lurking in the shadows and it wants to stop you from getting your dolls back.



You can always try to run and hide, however be sure to maintain your composure and not cry.



You have to do whatever it takes, to find all your beloved dolls.. as they are your friends.



Baby Blues Nightmares is a horror game made by one developer at Steelkrill Studio. This is a level-based game with puzzles to solve, and terrifying encounters, inventory system, stamina, Tricycle, customization and a lot more features. If you can, please submit your feedback and report any bugs and this will really help speed up the progress of the development! Thank you so much.


[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1185125677 ) [5] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Construction Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition [timestamp] => 1536786000 [author] => weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH / astragon Entertainment [content] => Genres: Simulation, Building, Open World
Supported Platforms: Windows

In Bau-Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition gründest Du Dein eigenes Bauunternehmen und begibst Dich hinter das Steuer von über 40 original lizenzierten Baufahrzeugen der Hersteller Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper und Kenworth. Baggere nach Herzenslust, steuer riesige Kräne, verlade Baumaterialien, gieße Beton oder asphaltiere die Straßen der Stadt Westside Plains. Bau-Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition bietet Dir ein US-amerikanisches Setting, Straßenbau und viele abwechslungsreiche Aufträge mit den dazu passenden Baufahrzeugen. Expandiere in neue Regionen, vergrößere Deine Fahrzeugflotte und meistere über 60 vielfältige und anspruchsvolle Bauaufträge. 

Original lizenzierte Fahrzeuge und Geräte von Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell Equipment, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper und Kenworth. Darunter der Kettendozer D8T, der Baggerlader 430F2 und der Muldenkipper 745C von Cat sowie der PK 27002 SH Ladekran von Palfinger, der 81K Turmdrehkran und der LTM 1300 Mobilkran von Liebherr, der Radlader L310 von ATLAS und der B45E Muldenkipper von Bell Equipment sowie den T880 von Kenworth. 

Erkunde Westside Plains und meistere über 60 vielfältige und anspruchsvolle Bauaufträge, darunter die Sanierung brüchiger Verkehrswege, den Wiederaufbau einer Eisenbahnbrücke, kleinere Gartenarbeiten, das Errichten neuer Wohnhäuser und Industriehallen sowie der Transport von Waren und Maschinen, die Konstruktion neuer Apartmentgebäude, die Ausbesserung von Kanälen und viele weitere Aufgaben. 

Nachdem Du Deine eigene Firma gegründet hast, kannst Du nun Schritt für Schritt neue Regionen von Westside Plains, der offenen Spielwelt von Bau-Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition, erkunden und immer größere und lukrativere Bauaufträge annehmen. 

Der Bau-Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition bietet Dir zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit, Straßenbau bzw. die Sanierung maroder Verkehrswege durchzuführen. Speziell dafür entwickelte Maschinen von Caterpillar ermöglichen Dir ein ganz neues Spielerlebnis und sorgen so für noch mehr Abwechslung im Baualltag. 

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1216237502 ) [6] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop [timestamp] => 1630962000 [author] => stillalive studios / astragon Entertainment [content] => Genres: Simulation, Real-time,
Supported Platforms: Windows

Nächste Haltestelle: Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop! Freu dich auf zahlreiche Spielverbesserungen und einen brandneuen Spielmodus in diesem umfangreichen Update mit Fehlerbehebungen und allgemeinen Verbesserungen für ein flüssigeres Spielen. 

Der Karriere-Modus vereint den Sandbox-Modus mit dem Wirtschaftssystem der Kampagne. So stehen dir von Beginn des Spiels an alle Bushaltestellen und Busmodelle zur Verfügung und müssen nicht mehr durch das Erfüllen der Missionen nach und nach freigeschaltet werden. 

Mit Fehlerbehebungen und Verbesserungen, die ein flüssigeres Spielen garantieren. 

Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop kommt mit einem kostenlosen Kartenerweiterungs-DLC.

Möchtest du lieber von deinem Schreibtisch aufstehen und die Lenkung deiner Busse in die eigenen Hände nehmen? Kein Problem! Die Automatismen von Bus Simulator 21 können reinen Busfahr-Enthusiasten die planerischen Aufgaben auf angenehme Weise abnehmen und ermöglichen es ihnen, ihre Zeit hinterm Steuer zu genießen. 

Außerdem sorgen die überholte Passanten- und Verkehrs-KI, eine verbesserte Grafik sowie ein dynamischer Tag-Nachtwechsel, der eng mit dem Stoßzeitensystem und verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen verwoben ist, für ein noch immersiveres Busfahr-Vergnügen. 

Befördere deine Passagiere zügig und wohlbehalten an ihr Ziel und profitiere am Ende des Tages von deiner pünktlichen und sicheren Fahrweise. 

Frei verwendbare Komfortfunktionen wie das schnelle Springen zur gewünschten Haltestelle auf der Karte (Schnellreise), das Vorspulen der Zeit und das direkte Übernehmen von Fahrten deiner NPC-Busse runden das Komplettpaket des virtuellen Busfahrens ab und sorgen für noch mehr Spaß am Steuer!  [enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1217471463 ) [7] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Construction Simulator 3 [timestamp] => [author] => weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH / astragon Entertainment [content] => Genres: Simulation, Building, Open World
Supported Platforms: Windows
Construction Simulator 3 returns to Europe! Discover an idyllic European town in the sequel to the popular Construction Simulator 2 and Construction Simulator 2014 with officially licensed vehicles by famous brands: Caterpillar, Liebherr, CASE, Bobcat, Palfinger, STILL, MAN, ATLAS, Bell, BOMAG, WIRTGEN GmbH, JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, HAMM AG and MEILLER Kipper. Take on diverse and challenging contracts. Build and repair roads and houses. Shape the skyline of your city and expand your vehicle fleet. Discover a completely new map and unlock new contracts and vehicles with your growing company.

Explore a 10km² map, lovingly designed to resemble the idyllic Alpine foothills and play in three different districts: The village where you establish your company, a spacious industrial area and a modern town. Use the time between jobs to explore the freely drivable open world.

Enjoy the Liebherr LB28 drilling rig for bridge construction for stable and deep foundations during bridge construction and other exciting missions! Another feature long-awaited by many fans is the cockpit view. Now you can enjoy Construction Simulator 3 from the inside of every vehicle and get a first hand feel of what it's like to take control of epic machines!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1881809099 ) [8] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Construction Simulator 2+3 Bundle [timestamp] => [author] => weltenbauer. Software Entwicklung GmbH / astragon Entertainment [content] => Genres: Simulation, Building, Open World
Supported Platforms: Windows

In Construction Simulator 2 US – Pocket Edition, you build your own construction company and take the wheel of 40 original, licensed construction vehicles from the manufacturers Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper, and Kenworth. Excavate to your heart's content, control giant cranes, load construction materials, pout concrete, or pave the roads of Westside Plains. [b]Construction Simulator 2 US – Pocket Edition[/b] takes you to the USA and offers up road construction and tons of jobs with construction vehicles to match. Expand into new regions, enlarge your fleet, and master more than 60 engaging and challenging construction jobs.



Original, licensed vehicles and machines from Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell Equipment, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, MEILLER Kipper, and Kenworth. Operate CAT's D8T crawler tractor, 430F2 backhoe or 745C dump truck, Palfinger's PK 27002 SH loading crane, Liebherr's 81K tower crane and LTM 1300 mobile crane, ATLAS' L310 wheel loader and Bell Equipment's B45E dump truck, as well as the T880 from Kenworth.



Explore Westside Plains and master more than 60 engaging and challenging construction jobs, including repairing crumbly roads, rebuilding a railroad bridge, minor gardening work, building new residences and industrial halls, as well as transporting goods and machines, constructing new apartment buildings, mending canals, and much more.



Once you have started your own company, you can start exploring new regions in Westside Plains bit by bit, and accept ever-larger and more lucrative construction jobs in the open world of Construction Simulator 2 US – Pocket Edition.



For the first time ever in Construction Simulator 2 US – Pocket Edition, you can carry out road construction and repair roads in poor condition. Experience the game from a new angle with purpose-built machines from Caterpillar and enjoy an even more varied day at work on the construction site.

Construction Simulator 3 returns to Europe! Discover an idyllic European town in the sequel to the popular Construction Simulator 2 and Construction Simulator 2014 with officially licensed vehicles by famous brands: Caterpillar, Liebherr, CASE, Bobcat, Palfinger, STILL, MAN, ATLAS, Bell, BOMAG, WIRTGEN GmbH, JOSEPH VÖGELE AG, HAMM AG and MEILLER Kipper. Take on diverse and challenging contracts. Build and repair roads and houses. Shape the skyline of your city and expand your vehicle fleet. Discover a completely new map and unlock new contracts and vehicles with your growing company.

Explore a 10km² map, lovingly designed to resemble the idyllic Alpine foothills and play in three different districts: The village where you establish your company, a spacious industrial area and a modern town. Use the time between jobs to explore the freely drivable open world.

Enjoy the Liebherr LB28 drilling rig for bridge construction for stable and deep foundations during bridge construction and other exciting missions! Another feature long-awaited by many fans is the cockpit view. Now you can enjoy Construction Simulator 3 from the inside of every vehicle and get a first hand feel of what it's like to take control of epic machines!

[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1954029163 ) [9] => Array ( [uri] => [title] => Exophobia [timestamp] => 1721768400 [author] => Zarc Attack / PM Studios [content] => Genres: Shooter, Action, FPP
Supported Platforms: Windows
Exophobia is a retro-inspired first person shooter with fast-paced combat. You wake up to find yourself alone in a human spaceship infested with hostile alien soldiers. Explore your surroundings while you uncover piece by piece the backstory and destiny of its human inhabitants. Shoot, dash, stun your enemies and more, in your path to escape!


FPS action where fast reflexes and clever positioning are vital. Learn enemy behavior and use all your movement options and your surroundings to eliminate diverse groups of alien armies as fast as possible or before they kill you.


Discover a labyrinthine spaceship with multiple floors and uncover the past events that led to this high-stakes moment. Get lost in hostile environments and traps while doing your best to survive. Be curious enough and you might find some secrets that will make you stronger.


If you find a specialized room, you can improve your weapon with a new ability. These drastically change your combat tactics and will be used to open up previously inaccessible areas in the spaceship required to progress.


Ruthless difficulty with diverse combat situations with different enemy types and attack patterns, including menacing bosses. When you die, you respawn in the last visited checkpoint in the spaceship, so beware what you might find in the next room.
[enclosures] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( ) [uid] => [id] => 1426562478 ) ) )